what is a key reason why criminal justice legislation has passed at both the state and national level in recent years? choose the best answer.


Answer 1

State and national partisans from varying sides of the political spectrum agreed reform is needed.

The Criminal Justice Act 2003 (c. 44) is a law enacted by the British Parliament. It is a comprehensive measure that was implemented to modernize many aspects of the criminal justice system in Scotland, Northern Ireland, and England and Wales, as well as, to a lesser extent, in England and Wales.

What does criminal justice research entail?

An undergraduate or graduate degree in criminal justice includes coursework on various aspects of the criminal justice system. Law enforcement, corrections, the court system, as well as criminal behavior and motivation, are among the topics covered in the courses you must complete to earn the degree.

Learn more about  Criminal Justice to visit this link



Related Questions

the descriptive details in this excerpt suggest that the story takes place somewhere that has


The descriptive detail in excerpt suggests that story takes place somewhere that has a rustic, rural setting.

What is a description?

A place, an object, a character, or a group is meant to be vividly described in a description, which is a pattern of narrative progression. Along with exposition, argumentation, and narration, description is one of the four rhetorical modes (sometimes referred to as discourse modes). In reality, it would be challenging to create fiction that only used one of the four fundamental modes. A purple patch is an overwritten passage when the author has overreached by the use of complex figures or other techniques to produce an impressive impact. The phrase was initially used by the Roman poet Horace in his Ars Poetica to describe a pointless and too elaborate section; it is mostly missing in modern usage, however such passages are typically out of place.

To learn more about description, visit:



Answer: A). rustic, rural setting.


Which group of people is the fastest growing demographic group in the United States ?


I think the response is Hispanic-American.In the United States, there were around 54 million Hispanic people as of 2014, and that number is likely to rise.

As a result, the Hispanic group overtook Asian ethnicity as the dominant subculture in northern America.By 2050, it is anticipated that 50 million people in industrialized countries would have reached their 100th birthday.The estimate is based on the expansion of medical knowledge and the availability of nutritional data for the foods in these

learn more about Hispanic-American here:



What obstacles faced supporters of desegregation?


Desegregation is difficult to achieve because children of different races live in different neighborhoods. But that's not all: When families are able to choose schools without regard to location—for example, in the case of charter schools—the resulting schools are often more segregated than neighborhood schools

fourteen-year-old melissa has intellectual development disorder. most people, however, don't notice it, although she walks, talks, and feeds herself more slowly than most children. she needs occasional guidance when under unusual social stress or when making a decision, but normally she can function on her own. she is capable of reading at a sixth-grade level. her intelligence quotient (iq) is 67. melissa has which level of intellectual development disorder?


Melissa has the initial stage of intellectual disorder i.e; mild IDD (intellectual development disorder).

What is intellectual development disorder?

Intellectual developmental disorders are neurodevelopmental disorders that cause problems with intellectual tasks. Children with intellectual disabilities have problems learning, communicating, reasoning, judging, and planning.

Any person who has IQ less than 70 will be considered a patient of intellectual development disorder.

Symptoms of intellectual development disorder:

Learning slowly as compared to the people of same ageDifficulty in socialization Less communicativeDifficulty in thinkingDifficulty in understandingLower than average scores in IQ testsCannot remember things for long

What are the some prime causes of Intellectual Development Disorder?

Genetic ConditioningBirth DefectsInfectionsDown SyndromeFragile X SyndromeFetal Alcohol Syndrome

Treatments of Intellectual Development Disorder:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)Speech TherapyAntipsychotic MedicationStimulant medicationAntidepressants

To learn more about intellectual development disorder visit the link below



The bureaucracy gains most of its influence over social policy from congress writing detailed laws, specifying how the laws are to be implemented.a. trueb. false


The Congress, which enacts bureaucracy that specify how the judgments are to be applied, is the body that has the most impact over social policy.

The statement is true.

Congress may control the bureaucracy by cutting or eliminating its funds. The courts can halt bureaucratic actions by invalidating them if they are determined to be illegal.

Legislative and investigative oversight roles, employment decisions, and the budget all contribute to congressional bureaucratic influence. The public has a significant impact on the Federal bureaucracy, particularly professional groups and individual policy experts.

The bureaucracy frequently makes broad policy judgments. It passes laws by creating rules, carries out the law by doing so, and decides cases by engaging in adversarial proceedings with the defence and the prosecution.

To learn more about bureaucracy, refer



does gergen maintain with respect to the masks that humans wear and our relationships to others and the self


Gergen doesn't maintain with respect to the masks that humans wear and our relationships to others and the self.

Kenneth Gergen claims in "In Defense of Mask" that people cannot develop a consistent sense of who they are without a solution. We behave in a certain way to fulfil the wishes of others under the theory of building a "coherent sense of identity." Gergen seeks to understand why a person chooses a mask, as well as how our inner selves and outside looks interact. By conducting experiments on individuals who experienced both a favourable and negative response from an interviewer, the author supports his claim. The distinction between a "coherent identity" and "many identities" is therefore harmful to many people who are attempting to perceive themselves as someone they would like to become.

A person can represent oneself to different kinds of individuals by wearing a mask. We are given many opportunities to act in particular ways on each occasion. According to Gergen, the reason people wear masks is because they "assume an entirely different mask or public identity when they seek approval from this varied variety of personalities." (197) Based on behaviours and responses, each person has a distinctive personality around particular others. For instance, when a visitor is coming over for the first time, we typically dress to impress and pick the friendliest approach. We frequently remove items that seem brand-new and conceal those that don't seem "proper."

To know more about Gergen:



identify whether these electoral rules increase or decrease voter turnout in states.


instantaneous registration, Early voting, permanent absentee votes.

What are the guidelines for choosing a president?

Since the year Jefferson was elected president, the legal prerequisites for candidates for president have remained the same. According to the Charter, a presidential nominee must be at least 35 years old, a natural-born u.s. citizen, and have lived in the country for at least 14 years.

What are the president's eight rules?

The following eight are among them: the Commander-in-Chief, the Chief Executive, the Chief Administrator, the Chief Diplomat, the Chief Legislator, the Chief of Party, and the Chief Citizen. As Commander-in-Chief, the Constitution expressly grants the president complete authority over the armed branches.

To know more about electoral rules visit:



you can display active and inactive memory using the vmstat command with the _________ parameter.


Using the vmstat command and the -a parameter, you can see how much memory is active and inactive.

What are the parameters and variables?

Variables are amounts that differ from person to person. Contrarily, parameters refer to variables establishing a theoretical model rather than actual measurements or characteristics.

How can I use the Unix vmstat command?

The vmstat command provides statistics regarding CPU activity, RAM, drives, paging, interrupts, system calls, context changes, and kernel processes in the run and wait for the queue. A breakdown of user mode, the system method, idling, and disk I/O waits are included in the reported CPU activity.

To know more about parameters visit:



question mode multiple choice question learned helplessness theory is an approach to depression that originated in the approach. multiple choice question. psychoanalytic cognitive behavioral biochemical


Martin Seligman's idea of learned helplessness serves as the cornerstone for the discipline of positive psychology.

learned helplessness It alluded to the ways in which both humans and animals act after being accustomed to discomfort, agony, or misery. The model provided significant depression implications. Due to repeated exposure to pain or suffering, participants in his experiment developed a habit of giving up or losing desire and began to believe that nothing they did would improve their position. learned helplessness Pessimistic thought patterns or explanatory styles may be connected to increased rates of learned helplessness, which is why they are associated to depression.  Martin Seligman conducted this study on both humans and animals in a variety of settings.

learn more about learned helplessness here:



Paul is always the first one to object to any group proposal. what role is paul most likely playing?


Paul is interacting with Representative Bias in this specific case.

The LAER method is comprised of the following four steps: Listen, Acknowledge, Explore, and Respond. Paying attention to an objection is the first step toward answering it. This demonstrates to your customer that you care about their issues and respect their viewpoints.

Representativeness Heuristic bias occurs when similarities to other objects or situations distort people's judgments of an outcome's likelihood. Bias refers to the act of unfairly favouring or opposing a certain person or item due to allowing your judgement to be influenced by your opinions:

It's a common fallacy that leads people to believe that two comparable things or occurrences are more closely related than they actually are.

To know more about Bias, refer to this link:



__________, which varies among languages, is the set of rules for arranging words into sentences.
a. semantics
b. phonology
c. syntax
d. phonetics please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d


Syntax, which varies among languages, refers to the set of rules for arranging words into sentences. Thus, c. 'syntax' is the correct answer.

The term syntax comes from the Ancient Greek for coordination or ordering together. In written and spoken language, syntax is described as the set of rules that defines the arrangement of words in a sentence. Along with diction, syntax presents one of the key methods writers convey meaning in a text.

In any language, syntax provides the basis for the formation of sentences and the associated grammatical rules. Syntax helps to understand how sentences work i.e. the meanings behind the order, structure, and punctuation of words.

You can learn more about syntax at



what other religion incorporates the teaching of jewish traditions found in the torah?


Both Christianity and Islam are other religion that incorporates the teaching of Jewish traditions found in the Torah.

What faith is Jewish?

The faith and way of living of a Jewish people are based on Judaism, the earliest and ancient of the three major monotheistic religions. Its Torah, the very first five books in the Bible, is the source of the fundamental rules and principles of Judaism. All branches of Judaism concur that a person can become Jewish by either birth or via conversion. A Jew through birth should be birth to a Jewish mother, according to halakha. According to Halakha, embracing Judaism's tenets and customs does not automatically qualify one as a Jew.

What values do Jews hold?

Jews believe that there is just one God and that He has established a special covenant or other agreement with them. Through prophets and other messengers, their God speaks to believers.

To learn more about Jewish visit:



The ______ approach to therapy involves treatments that address symptoms of psychological disorders by altering aspects of bodily functioning.


The biological approach to therapy involves treatments that address symptoms of psychological disorders by altering aspects of bodily functioning.

A treatment is something that health care providers do for their patients to control a health problem, lessen its symptoms, or clear it up. Treatments can include medicine, therapy, surgery, or other approaches. A cure is when a treatment makes a health problem go away for good. Some health problems have a cure.

Treatment is the provision, coordination, or management of health care and related services by one or more health care providers. This includes coordination or management of health care by a health care provider with a third party. Consultation between health care providers relating to a patient.

Learn more about treatment here:



Initially, it was believed that the domestication of dogs happened about _________ years ago. now, molecular evidence suggests it may have been _______ years ago.


Initially, it was thought that dogs were domesticated around 16,000 years ago. Molecular data now indicates that it could have happened 130,000 years ago.

Why were animals domesticated by humans?

Cattle and pigs were domesticated a little later, approximately 7000 B.C., although these remnants are typically associated with sedentary communities. Because food is consistently accessible, dependable, and steady, domesticating animals is one of the key goals.

Are people considered domesticated?

The idea that we are "domesticated" is much older than the idea that we have developed. Since greece, scholars have referred to people as domesticated (either in general terms or in terms of their own specific culture), which typically related to their "civility": their separation from a feral or savage condition.

To know more about domestication visit:



Chad has just been accepted into an organization that subjects its new members to embarrassing and potentially harmful hazing rituals. According to dissonance research, what is chad most likely to think to himself while going through these rituals?


A rite or ritual is a significant cultural artifact that can be described as a routine organized action that serves more symbolic purposes than practical ones. While it is simple for an organization's executives to declare their beliefs, rites, and rituals actively promote an organization's values.

Rituals build a sense of belonging and a shared identity by coordinating behavior and fostering shared experiences, which turn individuals into strong communities. Participating in group rituals fosters compassion and even synchronizes heart rates, as demonstrated by field research.

As a result, rigid cultures may impede creativity and adaptation. Sometimes, powerful cultures can rob people of their good judgment. In some instances, they may even encourage unethical action. If there is peer pressure to behave unethically, it becomes much simpler for someone to do so.

To know more about rituals:



the strength of the association between socioeconomic status and health is the same across racial/ethnic groups. true or false?


The statement is true: the strength of the association between socioeconomic status and health is the same across racial/ethnic groups.

There is a lot of evidence to analyse the significance of SES in racial health inequalities, and researchers have long assumed that these racial differences in SES significantly contribute to racial disparities in health. According to research, some of the reported racial health inequalities are a result of socioeconomic variations among population groups, although many of these discrepancies persist even when SES is taken into consideration. For instance, a study using data from the National Death Index and the Health Interview Survey indicated that the black-white mortality hazard ratios were high at the youngest age group (ages 18 to 25), and that they gradually decreased but remained high up to the over 75 age group.Importantly, the black-white mortality ratios remained higher than one through the oldest age groups even after SES (income and education) adjustments. A consistent pattern can be seen in a wide variety of results for many racial groups. For instance, studies on posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) show that despite SES and their history of mental problems, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, American Indians, and Native Hawaiians had greater incidence of PTSD than whites.

To know more about racial:



in what type of social environment did the the philosophes thrive and what role did women play in that environment?


They thrived in an area where they could work and women helped with that by hosting salons where philosophers could get together and share their ideas.

Women should be treated equally to males and given access to higher education, according to the philosophies' views on the subject. Many philosophers supported the equality of women, but some still thought that women should be under subordination to males.The Philosophes were a group of French Enlightenment thinkers who employed scientific methods to analyze and better society. They held that using reason might result in changes to society, law, and government.

To know more about Philosophers here



The perspective highlights the fact that people can have a rich, involved inner life and that prior experiences can have a profound effect on current psychological functioning.
a. True
b. False


The perspective highlights the fact that people can have a rich, involved inner life and that prior experiences can have a profound effect on current psychological functioning. So, the given statement is True.

The ability to accomplish one's objectives both within and outside of oneself is known as psychological functioning. Behavior, emotion, social skills, and general mental health are all included.

Functional psychology, often known as functionalism, is a psychological school of thought that emerged directly from Darwinian theory and places a strong emphasis on the utility and meaning of behaviour that has evolved over the course of human history.

The movement's unofficial leader was Edward L.Thorndike, who is most known for his studies on trial-and-error learning. This movement developed in the United States in the late 19th century in direct opposition to Edward Titchener's structuralism, which placed more emphasis on the contents of consciousness than the intentions and goals of individuals.

To know more about Psychological functioning visit:



(q022) when 3-year-old matthew does not get his way, he tends to launch right into a tantrum. he does not just get a little upset but experiences intense anger very quickly. which aspect of temperament does this refer to?


He does not just get a little upset but experiences intense anger very quickly. which aspect of temperament does this refer to emotionality.

Emotionality is the physiological and observable behavioural part of emotion. It gauges a person's emotional response to a stimulus. Other people can usually see most of these reactions, but some emotional reactions are only visible to the individual who is experiencing them. Smiling is one example of an observable response to emotion that has more than one meaning. A grin can convey happiness or worry, whereas a frown might convey despair or rage. Emotionality is the umbrella term for a wide range of subjective emotional states that predictably affect observable behaviour and physiological reactions for adaptive functions. Autonomic, hormonal, behavioural, and cognitive factors are only a few of the many components that emotions normally contain.

learn more about emotionality here



Does Swimming burns more calories than aerobics and cycling?


True, Swimming burns more calories than aerobics and cycling per hour.

Swimming burns approx 446 kcal in recreational whereas aerobics and cycling burn less per hour. Your body weight and exercise intensity will always determine how many calories you burn. But when swimming, you also need to think about your stroke technique. Backstroke and freestyle fall somewhere in between, with breaststroke often burning the fewest calories and butterfly typically burning the most.

You lose heat more quickly because water transfers heat better. Your body is compelled to produce greater heat as a result, of burning calories. However, swimming for 30 to 60 minutes straight can be quite a taxing exercise, but cycling can be done for several hours with no difficulty and helps you to burn more calories overall.

To learn more about burning calories, follow the below link:



Why is it important to Claudius that Hamlet's death appear accidental?


So that his wife doesn’t get upset

role _______ is experienced when individuals have inadequate information concerning their roles.


Role ambiguity is experienced when individuals have inadequate information concerning their roles.

The ceo of a successful computer technology company is being interviewed on national news. He seems so confident and friendly. Smiling openly, he makes jokes with the production crew as they are preparing him to go on air. When the interviewer begins, the ceo seems to take charge of the conversation, steering it in the direction he wants to go. Using the theories of hans eysenck, what personality type does this ceo display?.


The confidence displayed by the CEO indicates that he has an extraversion personality.

Hans Eysenck introduced three personality types which became widely known as extraversion, neuroticism, and psychoticism. In the above example about a confident CEO, it indicates that he has an extraversion type. This type is characterized by an expressive and sociable personality. People with this personality type are very easy to get along with others and easy to make friends. Another indication of this personality type is that he is energetic and others see him as a people's person.

Learn more about psychology https://brainly.com/question/2264149


Decide whether the sentence is correct or incorrect as written. hace cinco días que no dormimos bien. correct incorrect


The sentence "hace cinco días que no dormimos bien" is correct as written.

How to use hace to express time in Spanish?

Hаce is the third person form of the verb hаcer in the simple present tense, but hаce is аlso the impersonаl form of the verb. When we use hаce to express time or "аgo in Spаnish", we must include informаtion аbout the аmount of time we аre tаlking аbout (e.g. 1 dаy, 5 months, 10 yeаrs).

The sentence "hace cinco días que no dormimos bien" provided in the specific question is grаmmаticаlly correct becаuse аll the necessаry pаrts аnd structure of а complete sentence аre present. The phrаse in English simply meаns thаt "it’s been five days since we slept well". Thus, the phrаse is grаmmаticаlly correct.

For more information about Spanish grammar refer to the link:



What actions did Ford take in order to improve the efficiency of his business?


The success of Henry Ford is more than just a historical account. His actions were founded firmly on ethical business principles. The growth of Ford Motor Company was aided by everything

from his treatment of customers to his personnel administration. "I've seen that most people advance during the time that other people waste," Ford, Henry Ford and his business were captains of efficiency, from mass manufacturing via the assembly line to economical individual effort. The Ford Motor Company was able to create cars swiftly because to the assembly line. Ford's care of his employees helped the business retain staff and produce high-quality goods. Together, these two elements produced the highest level of efficiency.

learn more about Henry Ford  here:



sierra says she learns more from reading the textbook for class than from listening to lecture. she is most likely a(n):


Sierra says she learns more from studying the textbook for class than from taking notes of lectures she is a maximum possibly an auditory learner.

Auditory. if we are auditory learners, we learn via hearing and listening. we recognize and keep in mind matters we have heard. We keep information by the manner it sounds, and we got less difficult time information on spoken commands than written ones.

As an example, kids who are auditory novices love tunes and have a tendency to study the words of songs more quickly than other forms newcomers. They have no problem understanding spoken instructions with the aid of their teachers, but when requested to read something, they may rather choose to read aloud to have someone study it for them.

Learn more about auditory learners here



After the participants in the Milgram obedience studies were informed of the deception and the real intent of the study, virtually none of them regretted taking part in the study. The lack of regret was most likely because of their reduced: ________


The lack of regret was most likely because of their reduced: Cognitive dissonance.

When a person's action conflicts with their ideals or beliefs, they experience cognitive dissonance, which can be uncomfortable. It can also happen when a person simultaneously maintains two opposing views. It is not a disease or illness to have cognitive dissonance. Anyone can experience this psychological condition.According to the cognitive dissonance theory, when a person's action conflicts with his or her opinions and beliefs, an underlying psychological tension results. An individual is thus motivated to adjust their attitude in order to achieve consistency between their beliefs and behaviors as a result of this underlying tension.

To know more about Cognitive dissonance here



How much was spent by both candidates in the 2012 presidential election?


Between January 1, 2011, and December 31, 2012, presidential contenders reported raising and spending a combined $1.4 billion. As of December 31, 2012, the presidential candidate committees for 2012 had a combined debt of $13.8 million.

The total cash on hand for these candidates was $5.5 million. WASHINGTON– According to campaign finance reports submitted to the Federal Election Commission that cover activity from January 1, 2011, through December 31, 2012, presidential and congressional candidates running in the 2012 election cycle, political parties, and political action committees (PACs) received more than $7.1 billion and disbursed nearly $7 billion. In the two years covered by the filings, the Commission received over $1.3 billion in payments for independent expenditures and electioneering communications.

learn more about presidential election here:



Factors contributing to the rise in world hunger include all of the following except
a) unequal distribution of available food supplies
b) loss of or decline in arable land
c) increasing rate of population growth
d) increasing poverty in developing countries
e) increasing consumption of protien


[b] loss of or decline in arable land, is the correct answer.

Many human-made and natural reasons, such as deterioration, climate change, soil restrictions, urban encroachment, and unequal land distribution, contribute to the scarcity of arable land.

What is currently the primary cause of hunger in the world?

World Poverty, Children not attending school, fewer people having access to good drinking water, and dangerous housing is just a few of the issues that poverty may bring about. It is the primary reason for hunger in the world.

All of the following, with the exception of [b] loss or shrinkage of arable land, are factors that are causing an increase in world hunger. Along with lacking access to fertile land and tools for gathering, processing, and storing food.

Therefore, Global poverty is the primary contributor to hunger.

Learn more about Global poverty from the given link.



What is the purpose of a political ad?


The purpose of political ad is to influence more people and to get more votes.

Political advertising is defined as a communication that, in exchange for payment, is printed in a newspaper, magazine, or other periodical, broadcast on radio or television, or appears in a pamphlet, circular, flier, billboard or other sign, bumper sticker, or similar form of written communication.

It also includes communications supporting or opposing a candidate for nomination or election to a public office, office of a political party, a public officer, or a measure.

Contrast advertisements compare and contrast the candidate with the opposition, contrasting the positive aspects of the candidate with the disadvantages of the latter. Contrast advertisements are less harmful to the political process than attack advertisements because they are required to include positive information.

To know more about political ads:



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