What is a biological commodity


Answer 1


n the use of living organisms or their toxic products to induce death or incapacity in humans and animals and damage to plant crops, etc


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Which of the following is NOT the same type of power?
Answer: Concurrent


Concurrent not the same type or power

How much influence does the media have on your beliefs regarding controversial topics? Give an example.



Social media, in particular, is now a serious factor in political,  the leading ways that social media influences politics today. For example, if people think one candidate is far ahead in the race,  his is especially powerful when it comes to controversial topics, including politics.


I hope this helps

What had most northern states done by 1850


Open public elementary schools hope it helps

what happens if we throw and pile up garbage everywhere​



we would be causing  pollution


Which of the below is an example of homeostasis? *

Your heart rate and breathing rate increase after doing 50 jumping jacks.
Your hands get really cold after touching cold water.
Your body is not able to make insulin.



B. Your hands get really cold after touching cold water.


Homeostasis is a process in the human body that helps to maintain a stable environment internally. The word homeostasis is derived from the combination of two Greek words home meaning 'similar,' and stasis, which means 'stable.'

This process regulates body temperature, chemical levels in the body, and ratios of water and minerals.

An example of homeostatic, from the given options, would be, your hands getting cold after touching cold water. It is because there is a change in body temperature, internally due to an external change in temperature.

Therefore, option B is correct.

why would a slave need to protect their own spirit?



Salves were constantly beaten down, torn to nothing and treated as a tool..With any person this would lead to self harm, depression, feeling useless, feeling like you mean nothing and so forth. Or even PTSD.  With this said it is important to protect your mind and your spirit in order to say sane and healthy.


Coming from a future Therapist :)

In 2-3 sentences explain how a media watchdog can benefit a democracy.



Watchdog journalism can work effectively in well-established democratic countries. This is because in such countries, there is high level of the freedom of the press and journalistic autonomy and independence.

Hope it helps

Please mark me as the brainliest

Thank you

Continental drift occurs as a result of
A) hot, drifting material inside Earth
B) strong winds on the surface of Earth
C) shifting ocean tides





Tectonic Plates are the main reason, and A sounds the most similar. I hope I am correct.

B cannot be the cause, as the winds are too weak to move crusts.

C is not correct as tides are too weak

how can you describe a deposition beach​



Deposition along the shore is the result of the longshore drift, which is a process by which sand and sediment is transported along the coast. Deposition of sand and sediment create shoreline features, such as a spit, which is an elongated landform that extends from the coast into the mouth of an adjacent bay.

Rivers carry sediments from the land to the sea. If wave action is high, a delta will not form. Waves will spread the sediments along the coastline to create a beach. Waves also erode sediments from cliffs and shorelines and transport them onto beaches.


Hope this helps : )

Do you think that the Sons of Liberty were justified in
destroying the tea? Why or why not? You must give a
reason for your answer.
( need help asap i'll make you brainliest )



I believe they were justified in destroying the tea. The British killed many in the Boston Massacre and it was right that we respond with great resistance.


I believe they weren't justified in destroying the tea. It was not at all peaceful protesting, and they weren't truly accomplishing anything other than wasting tea.

Ask me good questions and i might give you brainliest




Well that is not how it works if you answer one of our question we give brainliest if we answer ur well then you proclaim Brainliet!


ight bet

r u tryna be my friend?

how old r ya?

do u got that cool kid vibe?


write a paragraph about a bookeeper ​


A bookkeeper is usually employed by a small to mid-size company or other organization  to process and record the large volume of transactions involving sales, purchases, payroll, collection of accounts receivable, payment of bills, and more. After the recording of the transactions, an accountant or the business owner will review the bookkeeper's work and make the required adjusting entries before the company's financial statements are distributed.How to Become a Bookkeeper

My suggestion is to first read our free 13-part Bookkeeping Explanation and take our Bookkeeping Practice Quiz. Next, you can start studying each of the bookkeeping-related topics found on our Bookkeeping training page.

hope this helped!! can i get marked brainliest pleases thank you :)

What is the name of Kenya’s legislative branch?


The Parliament of Kenya is the bicameral legislature of Kenya. It consists of two houses: Senate (upper house) The National Assembly (lower house)

If something is ratified it is?
O canceled
O let go
O approved
O removed


I think it's number 3 approved


To approve it


just did a quiz that asked this and i got it right

Experts estimate that most people spend what percentage of their income on food?
A. About 11 percent
B. About 2 percent
C. About 55 percent
D. About 72 percent



About 11 precent

Experts estimate that most people spend about 11 percent  of their income on food. Thus, the correct answer is option A.

What is income?

The money that a person or entity earns in exchange for their labor or products is referred to as income. Income can be defined differently depending on the situation, such as taxation, financial accounting, or economic research.

Most people define income as their total earnings from wages and salaries, investment returns, pension payouts, and other receipts. For businesses, income includes revenue from selling services and products, as well as any interest and dividends collected on cash accounts and reserves tied to the business.

According to the United States Department of Agriculture, Americans spend 11% of their take-home pay on food.

Therefore, about 11 percent of the total income is spent on food by most people.

To learn more on income, click here:



Who is president of Nepal​




Bidya Devi Bhandari is 2021's president of Nepal.


Bidhya Devi Bhandari.....

What are the different types of laws and how are they applied



The Constitution. supreme body of laws that govern our country.Statutory law. written or codified law such as legislative acts, declaring, commanding, or prohibiting something.Common or Case Law. Civil Law (Private law) .Criminal Law.Equity Law.Administrative Law.


-hope it helps♡


How did capitalism affect European economies?

People bought more goods, which created a supply.

People bought more goods, which created demand.

Fewer resources were available, which increased demand for goods.

Fewer resources were available, which decreased the supply of goods.






Its B lol


Good Luck

It’s 50 points it’s a lot so please make your answer worth it and not silly. Why is the warm climate of the Southeast a key feature of this region.



because that what helps farmers grow crops and that gives us food to be able to live


Convert 48 fluid ounces to cups.


the answer is 6! ywwww!


The answer is 6


I took the test and got it right

Since her childhood, Naomi's aspiration has been to become a professional ballet dancer. She attends daily dance classes, participates in competitions at music and dance festivals, and continues to strive to perfect her ballet moves. Naomi mirrors her behavior based on the careers of her favorite famous ballet dancers. Naomi is most likely driven by the need for:



the need to be perfect


she goes to class daily, has good role models and is probaly a perfectionist

why do temperature on the moon surface very much more than the temperature on earth


Answer: The moon does not have an atmosphere, whereas the earth does.

Explanation: The atmosphere of the earth, along with the presence of water, allows for the temperature to be much more stable (think of how greenhouse gases absorb lots of heat). The moon does not have that kind of atmospheric protection, so the temperature can increase and decrease much more drastically.

Answer:  The earth has the ozone layer while the moon does not that's why jokes like, "you hear about the restraunt on the moon?  I heard it has no atmosphere!  So the sun is not blocked by anything and nothings holding the heat in either so yeah


the field was an important basis for feudalism because it was what​


Feudalism, in its various forms, usually emerged as a result of the decentralization of an empire, especially in the Carolingian empires, which lacked the bureaucratic infrastructure necessary to support cavalry without the ability to allocate land to these mounted troops.

Why should you slow down below the speed limit and turn on hazard lights as you exit a highway to pull over?



If you need to warn other drivers of a real and unexpected emergency, emergency flashers can be used in most states. This applies when there is hazardous obstacle on the roadway, a sudden and serious problem with your vehicle, or any sudden health problem that affects your driving.

Be careful not to use emergency flashers if you must slow down and exit the highway because of an unexpected problem. It can be hard for others to understand your intentions, which could result in a crash.


If law enforcement signals you to pull over, turning on your hazard lights can show the officer that you acknowledge their signal and are following the request. Slow down, turn on your hazard lights, and stop your car in a safe location.

It is important to slow down below the speed limit and turn on hazard lights as they exit a highway to pull over to indicate to the others about the dangerous zone is over.

What is hazard lights?

Both of a couple of yellow flashing impressive lights on an automobile that crook on at the same time to indicate that the vehicles is stopped, slowing down, or reversing.

In most states, emergency flashers can be utilized to notify other drivers of a real and unforeseen emergency.

This is true if there is a dangerous obstruction on the road, if the driver's car has a sudden and major problem, or if he has a sudden health problem that impairs his driving.

If a driver have to slow down and exit the highway due to an unanticipated problem, be careful not to use emergency flashers.

Therefore, Others may not comprehend the driver's objectives, which could lead to a collision.

Learn more about the hazard lights, refer to:



what was the best reason for y.s political parties in the 1790s



Explanation: Political factions or parties began to form during the struggle over ratification of ... la Luzerne (1741–1791), George Washington reported that despite the “good ... of the Government of the United States,” was signed into law on July 16, 1790.

Can somebody help me ?


Answer: 10% of voters in the former confederate states had to pledge allegiance to the United States in order to be readmitted.


This also emancipated the slaves, if the south was going to be free then the slaves had to be free as well. Ten percent of their voters pledged allegiance to the United States.

Which statement is true about all of the objects shown in the diagram?
A. They produce their own Light
B. They belong to our Solar System
C. They Composed Mostly of Gases
D. They are the same distance from the sun
Pls helpppp


I suppose to say that it's letter D or B but i answer D If im wring then Im sorry for my mistake.

The following given passage contains covert assumptions, which are things that the author implicitly takes for granted but does not state explicitly. The passage also contains reasons and a conclusion that are expressed in overly emotive terminology, which is highly emotional language that can obscure the intended factual meaning. Consider the questions about how covert assumptions and emotive terminology could be disengaged from the cognitive content and value claims in the given passage. Select the best answer to each question.
Given Passage
Religion is the scourge of humanity. Just think of all the people who kill one another in the name of their own version of Almighty God. It is time for us finally to start acting rationally and kindly to one another! Never again will religion be allowed to pollute the minds of our children in an age of scientific objectivity. Religious people are just a bunch of wackos who force their own narrow-minded view of reality down innocent throats. Besides, don't all religions basically say the same thing about not killing?
Which of the following statements best expresses a rephrasing of an emotively expressed portion of the passage in emotively neutral terms?
A. The various world religions have similar ethical prohibitions on murder.
B. People who kill in the name of God will burn in eternal flame.
C. Religious people are just a bunch of wackos.
D. Religion pollutes the minds of children.
E. Religious people are ignorant throwbacks to an age of unenlightenment.
Which of the following statements best represents a plausible interpretation of an intended conclusion of the passage expressed in emotively neutral terms?
A. Religion is a plague upon the earth, devouring the peace of the world.
B. Maybe if the world's faiths just duke it out, they would finish each other off for good.
C. Religion should be abandoned as irrational and immoral.
D. Don't these believers realize that they are full of pitiful self-delusions and hypocrisy?
E. Religious adherents are a hypocritical bunch of loonies.
Which of the following statements best represents a covert assumption, which is not stated expressly and which is emotively neutral, from the passage?
A. Religion is incompatible with a modern scientific worldview.
B. It is time for us finally to start acting rationally and kindly to one another.
C. Religion is the scourge of humanity.
D. Don't all of these religions say the same thing about not killing?
E. Religion forces its narrow-minded worldview down innocent throats.


Answer :

1. Religious people are ignorant throwbacks to an age of unenlightenment.

2. Religion is a plague upon the earth, devouring the peace of the world.

3. Religion is incompatible with a modern scientific worldview.

Explanation :

1. Religious people are ignorant throwbacks to an age of unenlightenment.

This statement represents the rephrasing of the emotively expressed portion in the passage. The author believes that religious people are orthodox people. They are ignorant and they lived in the age of inlightenment.

2. Religion is a plague upon the earth, devouring the peace of the world.

  This sentence best represents the plausible interpretation of the intended conclusion of the passage which says that religion is used by many believers as a tool to provide punishment to others and disturbed the peace in this world.

3. Religion is incompatible with a modern scientific worldview.

This statement represents a covert assumption from the passage that is not stated expressly. The author speaks that in this age of modern scientific period, people should rise above the believers and should treat each other kindly and with love. People should not fill in their minds with hatred for each other in the name of one's God and should think critically and analytically in this modern scientific age.


Help me please.....................................


Railroads is the answer

Some Americans were against the involvement of the United States in World War I. Which best describes how the United States was able to crack down on possible outbursts against the government?


That in the ww1 our people had the best fight and didn’t give up
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