what does the phrase “Soon we must all choose between what is right and what is easy.” mean


Answer 1


What it is saying that we can either take the easy way(Not working for whats right, aka taking the easy way out, being lazy, ect) or do what is right. (fighting and working for our achievements and goals, not cheating or doing the minimal)

Hope this helps!


-Eijiro <3

Answer 2


In our lives, we will be placed in many situations where we will have to choose to do a hard right thing or an easy wrong thing. Let's say you're walking in public and you see that somebody has parked their car in the handicap parking spot. The easy thing to do would be to continue on your day and hope that the person moves their car before someone needs that parking spot. The action that actually takes courage and effort though, would be to call the police and report that someone parked there without signifying that they were disabled. This is an example of an easy wrong thing and a hard right thing. We should do our best to try to make the right choices on a daily basis.

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they are in some cases especially to little kids.  heres some ways theyre harmful to everybody :

physical health risks from electronic devices include pain and tingling from repetitive strain injuries to the hands and wrists; pain in the neck, shoulders and back; dry, burning, itchy eyes, blurred vision and headaches; altered sleep patterns and next-day fatigue from exposure to blue screen light; distracted



bc the arent


Help please this is the last day to turn it in



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I hope you like this. I write as a hobby so if you need anything like this to be done, then tell me if you want!

Which statement BEST explains why scientists want to study how microplastics affect zooplankton?

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Zooplankton are an important food source for humans, so it is important to find out how our diets might change.
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Education plays a significant role in the life of an individual, be it your personal or professional life, you will always be asked about your education. Education is a prerequisite for everything we wish to do in our life, therefore it is essential for every person to acquire education and accomplish his goals in life. If you need to get a good job or you want to set up your own business, you are supposed to have a great deal of knowledge in the particular domain. This is only possible if you have acquired education as it is the only means through which you can attain a vast amount of knowledge. To earn money and to become successful in life, you must be educated.

Education serves us in all aspects of life. Every human being needs to be aware of the things happening around whether good or bad so that he should come up with the appropriate decisions. This is possible if he is educated and has the power of problem-solving.

Educated people are more effective at using various technologies of the present era. Thus, education plays a great role in making us aware of numerous gadgets and technologies that can improve the quality of life. On the other hand, uneducated people find it quite difficult to withstand this modern era of technology.

Nowadays, there is a wide range of domains, which people can study to get into different professions such as doctors, computer engineers, software developers, fashion designers, astronauts, chartered accountants, and much more. However, there are some parents who forcibly place their children in the domain in which they are not interested in, which further destroys their career and actual talent. Therefore, it is important to identify the talent of your children and put them into the field of their interest so that they can excel in the same and become recognized.

An educated person leads a happy and prosperous life whereas an uneducated lives life full of misery and hardships as they do not get employed and lack the basic necessities of life such as food, shelter, and clothes. Hence, it is crucial to get educated to earn money and live a healthy and blissful life and also to take the nation to the next level of growth.

Hope i helped!

can i have brainliest


Zerble chews mint gum when they study. According to classical conditioning, what should Zerbie do
to perform well on the test?
O Chew mint gum
O Reward themselves for studying
O Study with a partner who has good habits
O Take control of their studying habits


chew mint gum; when you have a familiar taste in ur mouth you will remember something (same with smell)

Which option is an example of deductive reasoning?





becuase Deductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning is a basic form of valid reasoning. ...




im pretty sure its b. but if I'm wrong I'm sorry

In chapter 11, Mary and Dickon begin working together on the garden to bring it back to life and help it be more beautiful.

Question 3 options:
Question 4 (1 point)


False it is false very much false

Pls help me If your good at English ill mark brainliest <3



The correct answer is C. dangerous


Because I said so




hi Sisters!


Subscribe for a pinkty drinkty


How does the structure of paragraphs 6–7 of the article “Carnivorous plants say
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Question 3 options:

A. By explaining the difficulty bladderworts encounter finding enough food

B. By comparing and contrasting bladderworts with the insects that they eat

C. By describing the types of fish that are the primary food source for

D. By describing the step-by-step procedure that bladderworts use to trap
an insect
Please help. I am begging you! I will find out how to mark you brainliest. Below is the link to the passage. Thanks!∝








B. Discuss whether you agree or disagree with the following
"Qualitative approach can never be accurate and reliable. Hence, it is
less important than quantitative research and should only be used as a
supplement to the latter. It is also impossible for quantitative approach to
supplement qualitative approach."





This guide tells you everything you need to know about qualitative and ... Many incorrectly think the two terms can be used interchangeably. ... The very way in which they tell us about what they do, tells the ... Use quantitative research methods such as A/B testing for validating or choosing ... Previous Next » .


After reading this passage, which claim can Jasper correctly make about the role of Law of the Jungle keeping order in the novel?

Shere Khan makes life difficult and dangerous for the other animals when he breaks the Law of the Jungle.
Shere Khan has a weak foot, which is why it is not necessary for him to obey the Law of the Jungle.
Father Wolf does not think it is important to obey the Law of the Jungle because he has a family to feed.
Father Wolf is angry that Shere Khan is forcing him to keep the Law of the Jungle.



The answer is A on edge





i did edgenu

Max's father said he sent Max gifts and letters while he was in prison, but Grim and Gram never gave them to Max. Do you believe Max's father really sent letters and gifts?



Yes, Max's father had wrote letters and sent gifts to Max while he was in prison.


Max's father was in prison for last seven years. He had been serving his punishment due to a crime of murder. Max was really attached to his father and could not live without him so Max's father started to write letters to Max and often sent him gifts but Max did not received any gift because Grim and Gram never gave him the letters and gifts.

Part A
What lesson does Milo learn in the Doldrums during Act of The Phantom Tollbooth?
A Rules are meant to be broken
B. Laughter is not a useful human behavior
C Failing to think means that you get nowhere
D. If you lose your way. try to find someone else's
Part B
Which of these lines from the act best illustrates the answer to Part A?
A. People who don't pay attention often get stuck in the Doldrums
Well if you can't laugh or think what can you do?
From 4:00 to 5:00 we loaf and lounge until dinner
D He's always sniffing around to see that nobody wastes time




abc ab

What did other characters say about lady macbeth? Who was it?​



Macbeth is well respected in King Duncan's army for his military success. Macbeth has a kind and sympathetic personality, which Lady Macbeth fears will make him unable to achieve their ambitions through murder.Duncan


Read the dictionary entry for the word stagnation.

stagnation \ stag-ˈnā-shən \ noun: a state of inactivity or lack of growth

Based on this definition, which sentence best illustrates the use of the word stagnant?

After years of losing money, our business is finally strong and stagnant.

These exciting new classes should boost our stagnant enrollment.

Due to the heavy rain, there was no one on the stagnant beach this morning.

Bring us your stagnant clothes, and we will either donate or recycle them.


D. These exciting new classes should boost our stagnant enrollment


Yes it’s B “ These exciting new classes should boost our stagnant enrollment“


Took th test!

Which of the following is a synonym for "pale?"

(sorry for asking so many questions)

















washed out









Light is a synonym of Pale


Pale is defined as "Light in color, or having little to no color" Light means light in color",  so it works, Thus your answer is Light!

elicit means to:
O. disfigure
O. topple
O. espouse
О. raise


Answer: Raise

Explanation: Hope this helped!

Raise answer number 4

Need Help Pls Will Mark B if right





because he helped conquer europe and fight so you are correct

what is the meaning of bag in arabic​






A speech of a wide region of southwestern Asia and northern Africa.

Which of the following statements about learning is NOT true? *
a. Learning is relatively permanent
b. Reflex and voluntary behaviors can be learned.
c. Learning involves experiences.
d. Learning is another word for "maturation."



the answer is D hope it helps

what does a chosen family mean to you?



a family picked by a higher power

In this unit, we discussed how quality can be perceived differently by different consumers. That’s why it’s important that manufacturers know their target market. How do you define quality when shopping for new clothes? Explain.



A consumer's see of quality varies from a producer's point of view. Shoppers think around wellness for utilize, which suggests that a item ought to do what it is gathered to do. ... Makers accept that a quality product has quality of conformance, which implies that their items are outlined and delivered to determinations.


review bernards research plan. then choose the correct way to complete the sentences. Bernard's
a. summary
b. presentation plan
c. research question
d. research text list needs to be improved.
she can improve it by
a. preparing a more effective presentation
b. broadening his research question
c. finding more legitimate research texts
d. shortening his summary​



Bernard's research question needs to be improved. She can improve it by broadening his research question.


I just got it right

The correct way to complete the sentence is to add the sentences:

Research question Broadening his research question

What is a Research Question?

This refers to the use of questions to try to find out more about a particular phenomenon by asking precise questions.

Hence, we can see that from the complete text, it should be noted that the research question Bernard needs to improve and this can be done by broadening the questions.

Read more about research questions here:



Answer if you know the answers or some answers to "The Four Skillful Brothers" .
The pic is to show what im talking about


śò ñà gàtèq!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Which mood does the alliteration create?




danger is the right answer okkkkkk

In the given lines, the mood that is created by the way of alliteration as a figurative language, is of danger. Therefore, the option D holds true.

What is the significance of alliteration?

Alliteration is a part of figures of speech, which is often used to add an element of figurative language in the sentence. A sound of a letter is frequently repeated in a line, where alliteration is indicated. This creates a tone and gives a specific rhythm to the lines or verses of the poem.

In the given lines, the sound of 'b' is constantly repeated in the line. The use of words that begin with 'b' make the tone of the lines such that s mood of danger is being expressed in the lines of the poem.

Hence, option D holds true regarding the significance of the mood created by alliteration.

Learn more about alliteration here:



The missing part or the complete question is as mentioned below,

Read the passage from “Racing the Storm.”

Behind them, black clouds brewed, bearing down on them at a breakneck speed.

Which mood does the alliteration create?





i need a 50 word story opening please
ive already done a dramatic one
so positive opening plz x​



There He was the young handsom prince who fell into the hands of the young,kind pretty maiden......

what would he do will he marry her or will he pretend she dosen't even excist for the sake of his mother But the other question is what will she do as she is not allowed to be seen with the prince.


Part A What inference about the flag can be made based on a “A Flag with 50 Stars”? A. Few people understand the significance of the number of stars and stripes on the flag. B. Its past history is more well known by Americans than its more modern history. C. The decision to change the design of the flag has always cause controversy. D. The placement of stars on the flag has been a design challenge throughout history. Question 2 Part B Which evidence from the text best supports the answer in Part A? A. “Now that Alaska and Hawaii had been admitted as states, Congressman Moeller had succeeded in having Bob's design chosen as the new U.S. flag.” B. “Legend has it that a Philadelphia seamstress named Betsy Ross was hired by George Washington himself to create this flag.” C. “There is no evidence that this legend is true, and no one knows for certain who made the first flag, which had 13 stars and 13 stripes.” D. “The U.S. flag at the time had six neat rows of eight stars each. What would be the best way to add two more stars while keeping the arrangement neat and orderly?”



part a is a and part b is c


i took the test :)

Few people understand the significance of the number of stars and stripes on the flag is the inference about the flag can be made based on a “A Flag with 50 Stars”. There is no evidence that this legend is true, and no one knows for certain who made the first flag, which had 13 stars and 13 stripes.” is the evidence from the text best supports the answer in Part A. Hence, option A and C are correct.

Who designed the 50-star pattern of the flag?

The fifty-star United States flag is credited to Ohioan Robert G. Heft. Heft's teacher, Stanley Pratt, invited his pupils to create a flag to celebrate the admission of Hawaii and Alaska as states to the union.

Today, a 50-star banner is flown over President Truman's home. Since the United States' inclusion of Hawaii and Alaska on July 4, 1960, it has been flying over the country. This is the country's twenty-seventh official flag to fly. It has been in the air longer as of 2021 than the 48-star flag.

An all-black American flag does not appear to have any particular meaning as of late.

Thus, option A and C are correct.

For more information about designed the 50-star pattern of the flag, click here:



What is Samuel's point of view about Ann Burras?



feels bad for her


she is the center of attention because she was one of the first women english settlers in the new world, and she doesnt want to be the ceneter of attetion, as shes just an unmarried teenage girl.

This sentence contains a shift in person.
All of us wanted to follow his own instincts.
Which sentence corrects the shift?
O All of us wanted to follow our own instincts.
O All of us wanted to follow their own instincts.
O All of us wanted to follow her own instincts.
All of us wanted to follow his or her own instincts.




All of us wanted to follow our own instincts.


Answer: All of us wanted to follow our own instincts.

Explanation: k12 test :)

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