A revolution is where things stay the same and the government does not change.
O True
O False


Answer 1




because revolution the definition of revolution is a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favor of a new system

Related Questions

What did both Charlemagne and the Pope want to control?



he gave money and land to the christian and also protected the popes charlemagne reinforced his relationship with the church

Type the correct answer in the box. Spell all words correctly.
Property rights regimes are classified under what basis?
The classification of property rights regime based on the whether the resource is excludable and
in nature.



The answer is below


The classification of property rights regimes is based on the OWNERSHIP.

There are four different types of property-rights regimes based on ownership with each type having its owners' rights, duties, and access. This includes the following:

1. Private Property owned by an individual can be accessed by the permission of the owner only.

2. Common property (public closed access): owned by collective individuals and can be accessed by the permission of the members only.

3. State Property: owned by the government and can be accessed by everybody

4. Open Access Resources: owned by nobody, and can be accessed by everybody.

Answer: rival


I did edmentum and I put the answer that was before if after this and it was wrong ik ng and it gave me the right answer

elephants grows black climate
This country has a population of about
45 million. Of these, 76 per cent are
and 12 per cent white. It has a
warm Either it never rains, or it
rains a lot! It is the world's biggest
producer of gold, and it exports
diamonds, too. It a lot of fruit,
including oranges, pears, and grapes,
and it makes wine. In the game
reserves you can see a lot of wildlife,
including lions, zebras, and


Answer: South Africa


The descriptions in the question are not for the current South Africa but do describe South Africa at the turn of the century. Since then however, SA's population has grown to over 58 million and Black people now represent 80% of the population as opposed to 76%.

South Africa still produces a lot of fruit including grapes which allows for wine production as well. The country is blessed with rich wildlife and they try to protect them as much as possible with the many game reserves and national parks.

Jacob has to write an essay for his college writing class and decides to write about a boy who makes a boat from Popsicle sticks and sails it every day. When his teacher reads the essay, she realizes that Jacob got the idea from a popular book. Jacob denies knowing about the story from a book and honestly believes he thought of it himself. He is most likely suffering from



The correct answer is - cryptomnesia.


Cryptomnesia is more likely to takes place when an individual falsely claims that an idea, thought or source is their own and original thought but actually encountered or heard earlier and forgot about it.

On some level, every person has experienced cryptomnesia and believed any source we encountered or heard and forget about it and after some time believed that it is our own original concept or idea. Jacob is also suffering from cryptomnesia here.

True or False: There is no real long term impact on the untreated sewage enters rivers, lakes, and oceans.





Untreated sewage also destroys aquatic ecosystems, threatening human livelihoods, when the associated biological oxygen demand and nutrient loading deplete oxygen in the water to levels too low to sustain life.

Why was sharecropping a scam for African American farmers? *
10 points
the soil was not good for farming
nobody wanted to buy fruits or vegetables at that time
landowners charged interest and caused farmers to go into debt
farmers did not know how to farm effectively


The reason why sharecropping was a scam for African American farmers was because they the people that was supposed to be giving them money made it worse.By taking away money and there crops.

Using four or more complete sentences, analyze the achievements of Chief Justice John Marshall.


Answer: The origin of the case was somewhat trivial, but had great implications for the role of the Supreme Court in government. Marbury was appointed by John Adams, the president before Madison, as a district judge in Washington DC. When Madison became president, he didn't deliver the papers to finalize Marbury's appointment.

Marbury took him to Court, and although the Court initially sided with Marbury, the court, with John Marshall serving as Chief Justice, ultimately determined that the law that allowed Marbury to take the case to court was not constitutional. This meant that the law was struck down.

This was the first incidence of the Supreme Court exercising judicial review, the review of laws to determine constitutionality and their rejection if they are not, in the history of the United States. It was a landmark case not for the spat between Marbury and Madison over a district judgeship, but because it marked a huge expansion of the power of the Supreme Court (and thus the judicial branch).

We have seen the power of judicial review exercised in many cases since this one, such as Miranda vs Arizona (which established the law that police must read you your 'Miranda Rights' when they arrest you) and Plessy vs Ferguson, which determined that laws governing "seperate but equal" facilities for people of different races were in theory inherently unequal, and in practice clearly offered worse facilities to people of color.


easy he was cool. had a lot of fighting experience. fought in ww1. he was married had 4 kids. he was an awesome chief


What have been some of the important contributions that Muslims here
made to world civilization?



During the Islamic Golden Age, certain advances were made in scientific fields, notably in mathematics and astronomy (algebra, spherical trigonometry), and in chemistry, etc. which were later also transmitted to the West. Stefan of Pise translated into Latin around 1127 an Arab manual of medical theory.

Important of each element of culture



The major elements of culture are symbols, language, norms, values, and artifacts. Language makes effective social interaction possible and influences how people conceive of concepts and objects

The Caribbean island of Haiti became and independent country after what?



Haiti, whose population is almost exclusively inherited from African slaves, gained independence from France in 1804, becoming the second nation in the Americas to do so after the United States.

States are prohibited from ?
(4 Points)
A) borrowing money.
B) take land for public use.
C) making treaties with foreign governments.
D) establishing state police agencies without congressional approval.
E) creating units of local government.


Answer would be E) creating units of local government

The meaning of Indigenous religions?


The indigenous religion are the ancestral beliefs of people who are native to particular landscapes. The religion helps them achieve the goal of living successfully in those places. Therefore, indigenous religions varies just like the places their practitioners inhabit vary.

what is a colony ?????



well, it would depend on the scenario, but in a lot of cases I would describe it as a country or area under the political control of another country, and occupied by settlers from that country, or a place where a group of people with similar interests live together

Answer:  country or area under the full or partial political control of another country, typically a distant one, and occupied by settlers from that country.

The role of a head of __________ is to represent a country’s beliefs and natural spirit.





The role of a Head of State is to represent a country’s beliefs and natural spirit.




took the test

Why did the US government pass the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882?
to ban Chinese workers from working at lower wages
to ban Chinese workers from settling in the United States
to prevent Chinese immigrants from working in factories
to prevent Chinese immigrants from starting large businesses



i believe its B


. How do you respect the people and the organizations working for the
protection of human right in Nepal? Write.
List out the name of human right​



The current activities undertaken by


• Life Line Initiative and Legal Support for conflict victims and family.

• Human Rights (HR) observation (Based on every day HR situation of the country) • Human Rights Monitor (Quarterly


Based on economic theory, if a person wants to purchase a large stereo system, what must necessary occur?
Creation of resources
analysis of resources
Location of resources
production of resources


Location of resources

The first Web Browser is?
A. Netscape
B. Internet explorer
C. Collabra
D. Mosaic


I believe it’s Netscape, but I could be wrong

Which of the following resources might you find at your library?
1. DVDs
II. periodicals
III. microfiche
O A. II and III only
B. I only
C. I, II, and III
O D. I, II, III, and IV


Answer: D. I, II, III, and IV


The resources that you can find at the library include DVDs, periodicals, microfiche and CD-ROMs.

Periodicals are simply serial publications such as magazines. A microfiche is a flat piece of film which is made up of microphotographs gotten from the newspaper pages or from the pages of other documents.

Also, DVDs and CD-ROMs can also be found in the library. Therefore, the correct answer is option D.

A monopoly is complete control of a product or service in a certain area by a single person or group.
O True





What does an antiseptic do? Why would an antiseptic be dangerous to humans if it killed all bacteria?



Normally, antiseptics weaken and slow the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms, which in turn helps to prevent the bacteria from causing further infection. Antibiotics, are responsible for killing bacteria as well as some types of fungi and parasites.


What aspect of the Magna Carta did the founding fathers wish to incorporate into the Constitution?
A. limiting governmental powers over individuals
and states and ensuring some individual rights
B. maximizing central authority
C. decentralizing individual rights and creating a




The Magna Carta, meaning “Great Charter,” is one of the most influential political documents ever written: it is seen by many modern political scientists as the fundamental document for many of the governing laws of the west, including the United States. Originally issued in 1215 by King John of England as a way of dealing with his own political crisis, the Magna Carta was the first governmental decree establishing the principle that all people—including the king—were equally subject to the law.

Key Document in U.S. Political Foundations

In particular, the Magna Carta had a significant impact on the American Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and the constitutions of various U.S. states. Its influence is also reflected in the beliefs held by eighteenth-century Americans that the Magna Carta affirmed their rights against oppressive rulers. In keeping with colonial Americans' general distrust of sovereign authority, most early state constitutions included declarations of rights retained by individual citizens and lists of protections of those citizens from the powers of the state government. Due in part to this conviction to individual liberty first embodied in the Magna Carta, the newly-formed United States also adopted the Bill of Rights.

The American Bill of Rights

Several of the natural rights and legal protections enumerated in both the state declarations of rights and the United States Bill of Rights descend from rights protected by Magna Carta. A few of these include:

Freedom from unlawful searches and seizures

The right to a speedy trial

A right to a jury trial in both criminal and civil cases

Protection from loss of life, liberty, or property without due process of law

The exact phrase from the 1215 Magna Carta referring to “due process of law” is in Latin, but there are various translations. The British Library translation reads: “No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any other way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgement of his equals or by the law of the land.”

In addition, many broader constitutional principles and doctrines have their roots in America’s eighteenth-century interpretation of the Magna Carta, such as the theory of representative government, the idea of a supreme law, a government based on a clear separation of powers, and the doctrine of judicial review of legislative and executive acts.

Journal of the Continental Congress

Evidence of the influence of the Magna Carta on the American system of government can be found in several key documents, including the Journal of the Continental Congress, which is the official record kept of the Congress's deliberations between May 10, 1775, and March 2, 1789. In September and October 1774, the delegates to the first Continental Congress drafted a Declaration of Rights and Grievances, in which the colonists demanded the same liberties guaranteed to them under “the principles of the English constitution, and the several charters or compacts.”

They demanded self-government, freedom from taxation without representation, the right to a trial by a jury of their own countrymen, and their enjoyment of “life, liberty, and property” free from interference from the English crown.

The Federalist Papers

Written by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay, and published anonymously between October 1787 and May 1788, the Federalist Papers were a series of eighty-five articles intended to build support for the adoption of the U.S. Constitution. Despite the widespread adoption of declarations of individual rights in state constitutions, several members of the Constitutional Convention generally opposed adding a bill of rights to the federal Constitution.

In Federalist No. 84, published during the summer of 1788, Hamilton argued against the inclusion of a bill of rights, stating: “Here, in strictness, the people surrender nothing; and as they retain everything they have no need of particular reservations.” In the end, however, the Anti-Federalists prevailed and the Bill of Rights—based largely on the Magna Carta—was appended to the Constitution in order to secure its final ratification by the states.

The Bill of Rights as Proposed

As originally proposed to Congress in 1791, there were twelve amendments to the constitution. These were strongly influenced by the state of Virginia’s Declaration of Rights of 1776, which in turn incorporated a number of the protections of the Magna Carta.

As a ratified document, the Bill of Rights included five articles directly reflecting these protections: Protection from unreasonable searches and seizures (4th),

Protection of rights to life, liberty, and property (5th),

Rights of accused persons in criminal cases (6th),

Rights in civil cases (7th), and

Other rights kept by the people (8th).

Answer: The Magna Carta, meaning “Great Charter,” is one of the most influential political documents ever written: it is seen by many modern political scientists as the fundamental document for many of the governing laws of the west, including the United States. Originally issued in 1215 by King John of England as a way of dealing with his own political crisis, the Magna Carta was the first governmental decree establishing the principle that all people—including the king—were equally subject to the law.

Key Document in U.S. Political Foundations

In particular, the Magna Carta had a significant impact on the American Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and the constitutions of various U.S. states. Its influence is also reflected in the beliefs held by eighteenth-century Americans that the Magna Carta affirmed their rights against oppressive rulers. In keeping with colonial Americans' general distrust of sovereign authority, most early state constitutions included declarations of rights retained by individual citizens and lists of protections of those citizens from the powers of the state government. Due in part to this conviction to individual liberty first embodied in the Magna Carta, the newly-formed United States also adopted the Bill of Rights.

The American Bill of Rights

Several of the natural rights and legal protections enumerated in both the state declarations of rights and the United States Bill of Rights descend from rights protected by Magna Carta. A few of these include:

Freedom from unlawful searches and seizures

The right to a speedy trial

A right to a jury trial in both criminal and civil cases

Protection from loss of life, liberty, or property without due process of law

The exact phrase from the 1215 Magna Carta referring to “due process of law” is in Latin, but there are various translations. The British Library translation reads: “No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any other way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgement of his equals or by the law of the land.”

In addition, many broader constitutional principles and doctrines have their roots in America’s eighteenth-century interpretation of the Magna Carta, such as the theory of representative government, the idea of a supreme law, a government based on a clear separation of powers, and the doctrine of judicial review of legislative and executive acts.

Journal of the Continental Congress

Evidence of the influence of the Magna Carta on the American system of government can be found in several key documents, including the Journal of the Continental Congress, which is the official record kept of the Congress's deliberations between May 10, 1775, and March 2, 1789. In September and October 1774, the delegates to the first Continental Congress drafted a Declaration of Rights and Grievances, in which the colonists demanded the same liberties guaranteed to them under “the principles of the English constitution, and the several charters or compacts.”

They demanded self-government, freedom from taxation without representation, the right to a trial by a jury of their own countrymen, and their enjoyment of “life, liberty, and property” free from interference from the English crown.

The Federalist Papers

Written by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay, and published anonymously between October 1787 and May 1788, the Federalist Papers were a series of eighty-five articles intended to build support for the adoption of the U.S. Constitution. Despite the widespread adoption of declarations of individual rights in state constitutions, several members of the Constitutional Convention generally opposed adding a bill of rights to the federal Constitution.

In Federalist No. 84, published during the summer of 1788, Hamilton argued against the inclusion of a bill of rights, stating: “Here, in strictness, the people surrender nothing; and as they retain everything they have no need of particular reservations.” In the end, however, the Anti-Federalists prevailed and the Bill of Rights—based largely on the Magna Carta—was appended to the Constitution in order to secure its final ratification by the states.

The Bill of Rights as Proposed

As originally proposed to Congress in 1791, there were twelve amendments to the constitution. These were strongly influenced by the state of Virginia’s Declaration of Rights of 1776, which in turn incorporated a number of the protections of the Magna Carta.

As a ratified document, the Bill of Rights included five articles directly reflecting these protections: Protection from unreasonable searches and seizures (4th),

Protection of rights to life, liberty, and property (5th),

Rights of accused persons in criminal cases (6th),

Rights in civil cases (7th), and

Other rights kept by the people (8th).

why should we protect our school​



Keeping schools safe allows children to look forward to being in an encouraging environment that promotes social and creative learning. When their basic safety needs aren't met, children are at risk for not feeling comfortable at school and may stop showing up, or they may remain on edge throughout the day.

Why did Italy fight against Germany when the two countries had signed an alliance

a. Italy was mad that Germany had a stronger navy.

b. Germany invaded Italy, ignoring their alliance.

c. Italy signed a secret alliance with France, promising not to help Germany.

d.Germany had a larger empire than Italy.



aly joined the allies because of the treaty of London and it wanted territory on the order of Austria-Hungary. Italy was forced to attack Austria-Hungary. But Italy refused to attack Germany because Germany is a major power and Italy was losing soldiers. ... Germany and Austria-Hungary's Secret formed in Italy.


aly joined the allies because of the treaty of london

Which court would review a decision made by a lower court?
the probate court
the magistrate court
the court of appeals


Wait I know the answer but let me just make sure it is the right answer

Who won the Chinese Civil War?

The Buddhists

The Communist Party

The Gang of Four

The Nationalist Party



B. The Communist Party




The Communist Party


A country or state is said to be " __" if none of it's borders has access to the sea.
Hint: Kanas, Colorado, and Switzerland.



landlocked state or country

Which gave settlers 160 acres of land, provided they live and farm the land for 5 years
a)The Oregan Act
b)Manifest Destiny
c)The Westward Expansion Act
d)The Homestead Act





if wrong sorry -_- (-_-)


It’s actually d lol


Which of these is a requirement for a fair trial in a criminal case?
A. The judge must know the lawyers and the defendants.
B The defendant must know the charges.
C The lawyers must now each other.
D The jury must recognize the lawyers involved in the case.



the defendant must know the charges

Which statement best compares Nixon's and Kennedy's positions on U.S. economic growth?

Kennedy argues that economic growth in the United States is sluggish; Nixon argues that the U.S. economy is growing robustly.

Kennedy wants to slow economic growth to halt inflation; Nixon wants to encourage economic growth to make the United States more powerful.

Kennedy believes that economic growth in the United States will decline without immediate government action; Nixon strongly disagrees.

Kennedy argues that the U.S. government needs to prop up the steel industry; Nixon opposes intrusive government interference.



sorry this is late but i chose answer A, Kennedy argues that economic growth in the United States is sluggish, blah blah blah


Kennedy argues that economic growth in the United States is sluggish; Nixon argues that the U.S. economy is growing robustly is the statement best compares Nixon's and Kennedy's positions on U.S. economic growth. Hence, option A is correct.

What is U.S. economic growth?

Real GDP is a significant indication of economic growth since it is corrected for price changes. The United States' real gross domestic product increased by almost 5.67 percent in 2021 compared to the previous year. For further information, see US GDP and US GDP per capita.

In Q4 2022, the US economy grew by an annualized 2.7% on quarter, which was somewhat less than the advance projection of 2.9%. The increase in consumer expenditure was 1.4%, below the advance expectation of 2.1% and the lowest increase since Q1 2022.

GDP for the fourth quarter and the entire year 2022 After growing by 3.2 percent in the third quarter, real gross domestic product expanded at an annual pace of 2.7 percent in the fourth quarter of 2022.

Thus, option A is correct.

For more information about U.S. economic growth, click here:



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