What does communism mean? Please use your own words


Answer 1

Communism is a political and economic system known as communism that advocates for a classless society in which the means of production are owned collectively. Private property is nonexistent or severely restricted. Communism puts itself in opposition to liberal democracy and capitalism.

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels created the communist doctrine, which is the antithesis of capitalism, which depends on democracy and the development of capital to create a society.

China and the Soviet Union were two prominent examples of communism. The former's economic system collapsed in 1991, whilst the latter significantly altered it to incorporate features of capitalism.

The Book of Acts describes first-century Christian communities holding property in common under a system known as koinonia, which encouraged later religious groups like the 17th-century English "diggers" to reject private ownership. The concept, however, was hardly novel even at that time.

To know more about Communist refer to:


Related Questions

what is the primary binding mechanism of a band level society? in other words, what usually is most effective in keeping these societies from disintegrating?


Kinship is the key integrating mechanism in these civilizations. Bands are extremely egalitarian, with all families being treated equally. There isn't any economic class division. However, there are frequently significant status inequalities based on gender and age.

Bands have been discovered mostly in foragers, particularly self-sufficient walking foragers. The overall population of these civilizations is rarely more than a few dozen persons. Bands are generally groups of families who live together. Marriage, descent, friendship, and a common interest bind them together.

In bands, all adults of the same gender had a horizontal status & power connection. In terms of communal decision-making, they are roughly equal. However, some members of a band stand out and for their abilities and understanding.

To learn more about Kinship, use the link below.



Block's purpose is economic empowerment. Briefly tell us about what that purpose means to you.


Block's motive is monetary empowerment, financial empowerment involves offering human beings, commonly deprived women, the schooling, schooling, and capabilities that they need.

Economic empowerment is the capacity of males and females to participate in, make a contribution to and gain from increased approaches in approaches that recognize the fee of their contributions, recognize their dignity and give the opportunity to barter a fairer distribution of the blessings of the boom.

For example, it enables households to make their own selections around making investments in fitness and training and taking dangers to be able to boom their profits. To have the electricity and employer to gain from monetary activities, ladies need to have the potential to make and act on choices and manipulate assets and income. As figure 1 illustrates, economic empowerment is comprised of two interrelated components: 1) financial advancement and 2) electricity and agency.

Learn more about Economic empowerment here:



a small religious group that has broken away from a more established organization, often in protest press space to open a religious group that lacks structure and rejects the values of outside society press space to open a branch of a larger religious organization that has established stability, organization, and a strong following press space to open a large, established religious organization press space to open


A sect is small religious group that has broken away from more established organization.

What is a sect?

A sect is a subgroup of a religion, a political party, or a school of thought, and is typically an outgrowth of a larger group. The expression once referred to groups that were religiously distinct, but it is now used to refer to any group that breaks away from a larger one in order to follow a different set of principles and values. The perception of heresy by the subgroup and/or the wider group typically leads to the formation of sects. They were initially defined by Max Weber and Ernst Troeltsch (1912). According to the church-sect typology, sects are defined as voluntary associations of religiously qualified individuals; membership is not conferred at birth but rather results from the adherent's voluntary acceptance of the sect's beliefs and practices as well as the sect's ongoing acceptance of the adherent.

To learn more about religion. visit



In 1-3 sentences, describe the location of the Byzantine Empire relative to four different locations or geographic features


In 1-3 sentences, describe the location of the Byzantine Empire ​relative to four​ different locations or geographic features. The Byzantine Empire is southeast of the Atlantic Ocean, west of the Middle East, northeast of Africa, and south west of Asia.

In 1-3 sentences, describe the location of the Byzantine Empire: The Byzantine Empire is southeast of the Atlantic Ocean, west of the Middle East, northeast of Africa, and south west of Asia.

What is a sentence?

A sentence is a set of words that are put together and which has meaning or makes complete sense of something. A sentence is the basic unit of language which expresses or makes a complete thought.

A sentence is formed by following the grammatical basic rules of syntax. For example:" John is running". A complete sentence has at least a subject and a main verb to state (declare) a complete thought. For example: Kate walks.

The first letter of the first word in a sentence will always be capital. At the end of the sentence there is a punctuation mark depending on whether it is a statement, a question, a command, a request or an exclamation.

Learn more about sentence here:



What is the relationship between Esau Damoense and De Beers?

Group of answer choices

Damoense left De Beers’ land to start the New Rush settlement.

Damoense discovered a valuable diamond on De Beers’ land.

Damoense fought for workers’ rights in De Beers’ mines.

Damoense was in charge of the De Beers diamond mine.



The Local Government Handbook: South Africa provides a comprehensive overview and directory of all 278 municipalities in South africa

annie, cierra, and deidre memorize facts about historical figures in psychology as part of an introductory psychology course. on the day of the exam, the professor informs the three students that they can either take the exam individually or submit one exam from the group. based on research on collaborative memory, the students should:


Annie, Cierra, and Deidre are informed by the professor that they can either take the exam individually or submit one from the group. Based on research on collaborative memory, the students should first do individual work, then compile results and submit them as a group submission.

Collaborative memory refers to recalling facts and information by individuals while working in groups. It helps in spotting error in the memory recall and rectify by discussing it.

Collaborative memory remains highly debated due to its negative aspects such as an error in memory if discussed in the group. It could also lead to disruption in recalling memories by an individual when he/she is discussing in a group.

Annie, Cierra, and Deidre have to first remember the facts about historical figures and then do their work. After that, they have to discuss in a collaborative effort to compile their memory of facts. This is an experiment of collaborative memory.

Learn more about collaborative memory here https://brainly.com/question/29313745


Which of the following was NOT a reason for tensions between the North and the South?

Most immigrants in the US settled in the North.

The high value of cotton made the emancipation of enslaved people undesirable in the South.

The South did not have a need to industrialize.

The “know-it-all” political party was very strong.


Most immigrants in the US settled in the North was NOT a reason for tensions between the North and the South.

The Confederate States of America, a grouping of eleven southern states that seceded from the Union in 1860 and 1861, and the United States of America fought each other in the American Civil War. The long-standing dispute about the legitimacy of slavery is largely responsible for how the conflict got started. The delegates of the Confederate constitutional convention chose Jefferson Davis, a former U.S. senator and secretary of war, as president of the Confederate States of America on February 9, 1861. The Confederate States was vanquished by the United States after a violent four-year war.

Slavery was eventually abolished throughout the country, and the rebellious states were re-admitted into the union. 384 battles that significantly impacted the greater conflict have been identified by the US government. Many of these battlegrounds have undergone development—becoming commercial centers, pizzerias, housing developments, etc.—and many more are in danger.

Learn more about US Constitution here: https://brainly.com/question/453546


Our form of government does not enter into rivalry with the institutions of others. We do not copy our neighbors, but instead, we serve as an example to them. It is true that we are called a democracy, for the administration is in the hands of the many and not of the few. According to pericles, what differentiates athens from its neighbors? check all that apply. Athenians are more ready for war. Athenians have braver ancestors. Athens has a government where power is shared by many. Athens serves as an example to other cities.


Athens has a government where power is shared by many.

What is Athens?

Greece's capital is Athens. It was also the centre of the mighty civilisation and empire known as Ancient Greece. The Acropolis, a hilltop citadel topped with historic structures like the colonnaded Parthenon temple, is one of the city's most iconic landmarks that dates back to the fifth century BC. Ancient Greek sculptures, vases, jewellery, and other artefacts are preserved in the National Archaeological Museum and the Acropolis Museum, respectively.

Hence, The administration of Athens does not compete with the institutions of other countries. Instead of imitating our neighbours' governments, ours serves as a model for them. It is accurate to say that we are a democracy since the power to run the country rests with the many, not the few.

To learn more about Athens click,



Currently, what ideology do you think poses the greatest threat regarding terrorism and targeted violence in the usa?.


Islamic extremism poses the greatest threat regarding terrorism and targeted violence in the USA.

The terms "Islamic extremism," is used to describe extreme attitudes and actions connected to the Islamic faith. One political definition of Islamic extremism is that it is any type of Islam that is opposed to "democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of diverse religions and views." This definition is one that is used by the government of the United Kingdom.

An important report on extremism in fragile nations was published by the U.S. Institute for Peace in 2019. The research's suggestions centred on developing a common understanding, operationalizing a preventative framework, and galvanising the international community.

Targeted violence is defined as violence that is planned out and intended towards a particular person, group, or site. Targets are chosen by perpetrators with specific goals in mind, such as resolving a grievance or making a political or ideological statement.

To learn more about terrorism, refer



the goal of ultimate liberation from egotism and from rebirth is called select one: a. moksha. b. samsara. c. bhakti. d. jnana.


Moksha is the goal of ultimate liberation from egotism and from rebirth. In Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism, moksha refers to various forms of emancipation, awakening, freedom, and release.

It refers to freedom from world, the cycle of death and rebirth, in both its soteriological and eschatological senses. Moksha is attained through meditation, the fulfillment of one's dharma, the separation from the material world, and the attainment of divine understanding. Moksha liberates the soul from the material world's struggles and pain, as well as from the never-ending cycle of life, death, and rebirth.

Learn  more on Moksha -



Which trainings would you like to have beforehand in order to be able to work successfully with a robotic team assistant in the office?.


Bachelor training would i like to have beforehand in order to be able to work successfully with a robotic team assistant in the office.

What is Robotic Engineering?

The robotics engineering field falls undergoing in the class of electrical, mechanical, and computer engineering. It requires building, designing, and engineering robots. It’s also a practical design character in the research field.

Robotics engineers makes robots for different purposes, from travel over other planets to working in factories. As a robotics engineer, you can create a remarkable difference in the world.

Robots are used in different fields, creating many chances for robotics engineers. You may work in:

A manufacturing plant maintaining robots, building robots, and fixing robotsA technology company works to design the domestic robots and the personal robots.

Learn more about the Robots here: https://brainly.com/question/13605240


if christina feels good about the her capacity to influence and shape outcomes in her life, then she has a high level of


If Christina feels good about the her capacity to influence and shape outcomes in her life, then, she has a high level of perceived control.

What is an individual's perceived control?

In psychology, a perceived control means the degree to which an individual believe that they have control over themselves and the place, people, things, feelings and activities surrounding them. In other words, a perceived control is also seen as the belief that one can determine one's own internal states and behavior, influence one's environment as well as bring about desired outcomes.

Read more about perceived control



Discuss the Patriot's point of view of the Boston Massacre in a paragraph
Thank you


Patriots claimed that the British Army massacred civilians, while loyalists claimed that it was an unfortunate accident caused by British soldiers' self-defense against a threatening and dangerous mob.

The Boston Massacre occurred on March 5, 1770, in Boston, when a group of nine British soldiers shot five people from a crowd of three or four hundred who were verbally abusing them and throwing various missiles.

On March 5, 1770, in Boston, a group of nine British soldiers opened fire on a crowd of three or four hundred people who were verbally abusing them and throwing various missiles.

To know more about The Boston Massacre here




“I'm a major landform, seen around the earth.
When plates collide and wrinkle, I am given birth.
I'm folded, and I am the highest peak.
My pinnacle is the goal many humans seek.
I'm located in Asia - a natural barrier.
I've made many thrill seekers feel a little bit "warier"!”

Social studies



I think the answer is Convergent plates move toward each other and collide; divergent plates move away from each other, separate and create new crust; and transform plates slide past each other horizontally.


I hope this helps and if you need more help on explaining for each part of the riddle I can help you with that.

which environmental lapse rate stability is conditional dependent on the amount of moisture in the atmosphere?


The atmosphere is always unstable when the environmental lapse rate is less than the moist adiabatic rate.

What is Atmospheric instability?

The Earth's atmosphere is widely thought to be unstable under the term "atmospheric instability," and as a result, the weather is very variable across long distances and over short periods of time. Vertical motion is directly tied to various types of weather systems and their severity, and atmospheric stability is a measure of the atmosphere's capacity to discourage or prevent it. A lifted object, such as a parcel of air, will be warmer at altitude than the surrounding air in unstable conditions. Warmer temperatures cause it to be less dense and more prone to further ascent.

To know more about atmosphere refer:



which alternative best expresses the relationship between persistent depressive disorder and major depressive disorder?


The  alternative that best expresses the relationship between persistent depressive disorder and major depressive disorder is that Persistent depressive disorder is less severe than major depressive.

What is persistent depressive disorder ?

The Persistent depressive disorder can be described as the dysthymia,  and it can be explained as the disorder that can be experienced for  long-term which is usually in form of a depression.

In a case whereby someone is having this disorder, one may lose interest in  the activities that he use to enjoy before and this disorder can make someone to be not active in his daily business and when one is been affected by the disorder in the business, then the business will not be running well again  which can bring about financial depression.

In conclusion, the major depressive disorder is more severe when compare with the persistent depressive disorder because the major depressive disorder was referred to as the burden of disease.

Learn more about disorder at:



who was involved in the Cherokee Uprising?


Answer: Cherokee Indian Chiefs and Leaders 1 Yonaguska. The adopted father of Col. 2 John Ross. Chief of the Cherokee; Born in Rossville, Ga., Oct. 3 Sequoya. Inventor of the Cherokee alphabet, born in the Cherokee town of Taskigi, Tenn., about 1760; died near San Fernando, Tamaulipas, Mexico, in Aug. 4 Lowrey, George. 5 Lowrey, John.

Explanation: Outside sources.

According to freud, when martin accidentally said, "nice to beat you" while being introduced to his friend’s acquaintance on the opposing soccer team instead of "nice to meet you," martin’s unconscious desires were revealed. This is called a/an.


According to Freud, when Martin accidentally said, "nice to beat you" while being introduced to his friend’s acquaintance on the opposing soccer team instead of "nice to meet you," Martin’s unconscious desires were revealed. This is called a Freudian slip.

The Freudian slip is named after Sigmund Freud, who in his 1901 book The Psychopathology of Everyday Life detailed and examined several apparent inconsistencies and slips, including the Signorelli Parapraxis, that appeared to be unimportant, odd, or illogical.

These slips are said to disclose people's innermost sentiments and thoughts. A typical example would be someone referring to their spouse by the name of an ex, using the incorrect term, or even misinterpreting a written or spoken phrase.

To know more about Freudian slip here



in a study designed to assess the effectiveness of a new therapeutic technique to help patients stop smoking, research participants are asked to record in a diary each time they smoke a cigarette. at the beginning of the two week experiment participants are very careful about noting every time they smoke a cigarette. however by the end of the two weeks they often forget to record each cigarette they smoke making it appear that they smoked less at the end of the experimental treatment. the results in this study are confounded by


The correct answer instrumentation.

A collection of instruments used to measure, monitor, and control a process is referred to as an instrumentation system. A mechanical thermostat, used to manage a domestic heater and consequently room temperature, is a simple example of an instrumentation system. A bimetallic strip is used in most units to detect temperature. Temperature is displayed via a needle at the free end of the strip.

What is bimetallic strip ?

Temperature changes are converted into mechanical displacement using a bimetallic strip. The strip is made up of two strips of different metals that expand at different rates when heated, commonly steel and copper, but also steel and brass in some situations.

Learn more about   instrumentation system to visit this link



Education is a system that is not equal, and people of lower social class are not awarded the same opportunities as those whom are of higher economic classes. The system is not made evenly and provide separation towards achievement and hard work. A view like this towards education would come from what frame of thinking within sociology?.


A view like this towards education would come from what frame of thinking within sociology. Conflict theory.

The required details about Conflict theory is mentioned in below paragraph.

Conflict theory, first evolved via way of means of Karl Marx, is a concept that society is in a nation of perpetual struggle due to the fact of opposition for restricted resources.

Conflict theory holds that social order is maintained via way of means of domination and power, in preference to via way of means of consensus and conformity. According to struggle concept, the ones with wealth and power attempt to preserve directly to it via way of means of any way possible, mainly via way of means of suppressing the negative and powerless. A primary premise of struggle concept is that people and corporations inside society will paintings to attempt to maximize their very own wealth and power.

Conflict theory specializes in the opposition amongst corporations inside society over restricted resources.

Conflict theory perspectives social and financial establishments as gear of the battle amongst corporations or classes, used to preserve inequality and the dominance of the ruling class.

To learn about Conflict theory visit here.



in ir, groups of people who share the same culture, language, religion or other commonalities are called a


Groups of people who share the same culture, language, religion or other commonalities are called a Ethnic group.

A group of individuals who are related through language, religion, ancestry, culture (beliefs, values, and behaviors), or some other trait that is frequently passed down from one generation to the next. They can be neighbors or be from the same nation, depending on where they reside. Han Chinese and Hispanics are two examples of racial or ethnic groups. There may be some ethnic groups where specific diseases or genetic disorders are more prevalent than others. Individuals or groups may transition over time from one ethnic group to another through linguistic change, adoption, and religious conversion.

To know more about Ethnic group refer:



you have access to an fmri facility and plan to study brain regions associated with drug addiction. you advise your team that it would be wise to focus on the group of answer choices a. cerebellum. b. hippocampus. c. ventral tegmental area d. substantia nigra.


I would advise my team that it would be wise to focus on the ventral tegmental area of the brain which is associated with drug addiction. So, the correct option is c.

The addiction pathway is the brain system that governs motivated behavior. When the pathway was first discovered, people called it the pleasure center. Scientists now call it the brain reward region and have confirmed its role as the addiction pathway.

The pathway is hidden deep within the brain. It begins at the ventral tegmental area in the midbrain, which sits on top of the brainstem. In evolutionary terms, this region is very old; it began with vertebrates, which appeared 500 million years or so ago. This pathway extends to the nucleus accumbens, toward the front of the brain. This area is a traffic hub for signals to and from the addiction pathway and other parts of the brain.

Learn more about brain regions associated with drug addiction here:



Which type of interface was originally developed for high-definition televisions and is also popular to use with computers to connect audio and video devices?.


HDMI was originally developed for high-definition televisions and is also popular to use with computers to connect audio and video devices.

What is HDMI?

High Definition Multimedia Interface, or HDMI, is an abbreviation. The most typical HD signal for sending high-definition audio and video via a single cable from one device to another.

With the help of set-top boxes, digital versatile disc (DVD) players, digital television (DTV) players, and other audiovisual equipment, HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) merges video and audio into a single digital interface.

One cable can transmit both video and audio from a home entertainment system to a TV according to the accepted standard known as HDMI. The best way to connect streaming media devices, video gaming consoles, and Blu-ray, Blu-ray Disc, and Ultra HD Blu-ray players is over HDMI.

To learn more about HDMI visit:



lack and hispanic populations have higher rates of mortality, unemployment, and levels of poverty. even so, hispanics have better than expected health, and blacks have lower than expected rates of depression.which psychosocial factors are explanations for these paradoxes?


These contradictions can be explained by psychosocial variables that promote social cohesion.

Why does social disparity exist?

The adoption of roles by society, stereotyping, the division of society into classes (or class systems), economic disparity, legislation, and political inequality are some of the reasons of social inequality.

What role does race play in the distribution of wealth in the US?

Even after several generations, unfair banking and housing practices have contributed to income inequality.

How do social distinctions between human differences arise?

Social difference is based on various characteristics, including physical characteristics like skin color, outward appearance, age, and sex. social and cultural characteristics include variations in morals, manners, and etiquette.

To know more about psychosocial factors visit:-



identify the city and lies closest to each pair of coordinates 60n 30e'


Leningrad is the the city that lies closest to each pair of coordinates 60°N, 30°E.

Coordinates are the measurements used to pinpoint a specific location on a map. Latitude is a measure of how far north or south of the equator a location is, while longitude is a measure of how far east or west of the prime meridian a location is.

They are usually given as a pair of numbers, which represent the east-west and north-south position of the location on the map. Coordinates can be used to find city, plot routes, and even calculate distances.

To know more about coordinates, click here.



complete and substantial performance are indistinguishable concepts. complete and substantial performance are indistinguishable concepts. true false


Complete and substantial performances are not indistinguishable concepts.

Thus, the correct answer is false.

What are the differences between complete and substantial performances?

There аre three levels of performаnce: Complete Performаnce, Substаntiаl Performаnce, аnd Breаch.

Complete performаnce by а pаrty meаns thаt the contrаcting pаrty hаs fulfilled every duty required by the contrаct. А completely performing pаrty is entitled to а complete performаnce by the other pаrty. Substаntiаl performаnce of а contrаct meаns less thаn complete performаnce; but, the level of performаnce is sufficient to аvoid а clаim of breаch of contrаct. More specificаlly, it meаns thаt а pаrty hаs performed аll mаteriаl elements of the contrаct, but there аre non-mаteriаl аspects left uncompleted.

For more information about complete and substantial performances refer to the link:



Correct answer gets brainlest
Why did the Maya use slash-and-burn farming techniques?

to prevent soil erosion and water loss
to take advantage of the rich volcanic soil
to clear away the dense natural vegetation
to make use of the large sources of fresh water



It's to clear away the dense natural vegetation

alicia needed to make a lasagna for a work dinner party she was hosting. she has never cooked a lasagna before. alicia found a recipe in one of her cookbooks. she gathered all the ingredients and followed each step exactly as described to produce the lasagna from the picture. what problem solving strategy did alicia follow?


Option A. The algorithm is the problem solving strategy that Alicia has follwed as she made the Lasagna.

What is the problem solving strategy?

In order to find the best solution to your problem, you might look beyond the obvious solutions by using problem-solving tactics.

It is possible for professionals to come up with effective answers to problems they face at work and in their daily lives by practicing various problem-solving techniques.

Employees may use many ways to address the issues that are specific to their sector, business, or career. Understanding how to use a few popular problem-solving techniques may help you if you're looking to improve your problem-solving skills. In this article, we define problem-solving strategies, explain their significance, and provide some instances of effective problem-solving techniques.

Read more on problem solving skills here: https://brainly.com/question/26992972


Alicia needed to make a lasagna for a work dinner party she was hosting. She has never cooked a lasagna before. Alicia found a recipe in one of her cookbooks. She gathered all the ingredients and followed each step exactly as described to produce the lasagna from the picture. What problem solving strategy did Alicia follow?


Functional fixedness

Hindsight bias



In most cases if a candidate wins the popular vote in a state during the general election they win


Answer: False

Explanation: Most states require that the candidate with the most votes in that state receive all electoral votes. Following the certification of each state's popular vote by state election officials, the winning slate of electors meets in the state capital and casts two ballots—one for Vice President and one for President.

briefly describe the three main sociological perspectives. to what extent are these perspectives mutually complementary and contradictory? which, in your view, provides the most compelling perspective on society?


The symbolic interactionist viewpoint, the functionalist perspective, and the conflict perspective are the three main theoretical stances used by sociologists today.

These viewpoints give sociologists theoretical frameworks to describe how people impact society and vice versa.

These discussions bring attention to people who work in the subject, although sociologists typically claim that their field is primarily concerned with three theoretical angles. These three theoretical stances are conflict perspective, symbolic interactionism, and structural functionalism.

Human conduct is molded by these groups and the social interactions that take place inside them, according to a fundamental sociological view. The sociological point of view places a strong emphasis on how our social backgrounds affect our attitudes, actions, and opportunities in life.

To learn more about sociologists



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