What do we call a product that is brought into one country and bring inside of our country?


Answer 1

An import is a good or service that is produced overseas and bought in your home nation. When domestic industries are unable to offer comparable goods and services effectively or competitively, consumers are drawn to goods and services.

What distinguishes effectively from efficiently?

Effectiveness and efficiency are two different ideas. The ability to complete a task with the least amount of lost time, effort, and resources is known as efficiency or performance competency. The level to which that is successful in yielding the anticipated outcome is referred to as its effectiveness.

What does "working more effectively" mean?

The ability to produce the most with the least effort is known as work efficiency. It entails boosting efficiency. working smarter rather than harder As you advance

To know more about effectively visit:



Related Questions

What are the effects of government expenditures?


There could be a multiplier effect as a result of the increased government spending. The unemployed will have more money to spend if government expenditure results in employment growth, which will further boost aggregate demand.

Public consumption, public investment, and transfer payments made up of income and capital transfers are all considered to be a part of government expenditures. Government final consumption expenditure refers to government spending on products and services for immediate consumption to directly meet individual or communal needs of community members (GFCE.) It is an expenditure from the national accounts' "use of income account" for products and services that directly meet community members' individual or collective needs.

Learn more about government expenditure here:



when an agent breaches an agency agreement, the right to avoid the contract can be exercised at the election of



when an agent breaches an agency agreement, the right to avoid the contract can be exercised at the election of The Principal

Which government agency, established during the Great Depression, still protects consumer savings today?A. Social Security AgencyB. National Resources CommitteeC. Federal Emergency Relief AgencyD. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation


This same Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC) is an independent organization established by Congress to maintain financial stability and public trust in the United States.

What do users mean of health coverage?

Insurance is a risk management tool. When you purchase insurance, you are purchasing protection against unforeseen financial losses. If it bad happens to you, the insurance company will pay you or anyone you choose. Health insurance is widely regarded as the most important form of insurance.

What are the seven primary types of insurance?

Health insurance, auto insurance, medical insurance, two - wheelers insurance, home insurance, house insurance, insurances, and travel insurance are all examples of insurance.

To know more about Insurance visit:



in , it was found that a criminal defendant's sixth amendment right to a fair trial is violated when prejudicial pretrial publicity unfairly taints the trial process.


The Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution sets forth rights related to criminal prosecutions.

In what ways is the 6th Amendment broken?

The introduction of a witness's prior testimony is unconstitutional under the Sixth Amendment if the witness' absence is not attributable to death and is not in any way the defendants' fault.Publicity seemingly has little compromising effect on a defendant's right to a fair trial, and jury pools tend to maintain their impartiality even in the face of conclusory, incendiary coverage of defendants.A criminal defendant may voluntarily give up (waive) his or her right to a public proceeding or the judge may limit public access in certain circumstances. For example, a judge might order a closed hearing to prevent intimidation of a witness or to keep order in the courtroom.

To know more about Amendment here



An agent must keep confidential any information acquired through an agency during the term of the relationship, but can disclose it after the agency ends.T/F


The provided statement is False, according to the question. Agents are not permitted to disclose or use confidential information obtained during their agency for their own benefit.

What exactly do users mean by "confidential"?

secret or private, usually in a formal, company, or military context: All data will be kept strictly private. Confidentiality refers to the state of maintaining information secret or not revealing it. It is derived from the word confide, which means to trust a person or to reveal secrets to them.

What is an instance of a confidential statement?

A person's phone number as well as address, health records, and social security number are all examples of confidential information. Bank documents, trade secrets, customer data, and marketing strategies are all examples of confidential information held by businesses.

To know more about Confidential visit:



What does the government own in a mixed economy?


While a command economy is heavily regulated and controlled by the government, a mixed economy has little to no regulation from it. In a mixed economy, governments let corporations to make a profit, but the amount of that profit may be constrained by taxes or tariffs.

For instance, the United States has a mixed economy, which maintains the majority of the ownership of the means of production in private hands while also including elements like agricultural subsidies, manufacturing regulations, and partial or total public ownership of some industries like postal service and national defense.

The goals are to: 1. Increase economic system efficiency; 2. Manage externalities and public goods 3. Giving accurate information. In a command economy, the government owns and manages all resources. Private persons are permitted to own and control part (if not all) of the production components in a mixed system. An economy with a mixed economic structure permits private property ownership but also includes some government intervention. Governments have the power to regulate in a mixed economy if they believe it will benefit everyone.

Learn more about mixed economy visit: brainly.com/question/10639562


The U.S. Supreme Court enabled which government practices to continue in its ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson?


Plessy v. Ferguson, a legal case in which the United States Supreme Court, by a seven-to-one majority advanced the contentious "separate but equal" theory for determining the constitutionality of racial segregation statutes on May 18, 1896.

Plessy v. Ferguson was the first important case to consider the interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment's (1868) equal-protection provision, which prevents states from refusing "equal protection of the laws" to anybody within their borders.

The majority ruling, which did not use the slogan "separate but equal," gave constitutional approval to statutes that segregated the public services and facilities available to African Americans and Whites on the basis of race.

To know more about U.S supreme court, you can visit the link below :



the telephone consumer protection act allows consumers to obtain a private right to legal action. t or f


According to question, the telephone consumer protection act allows consumers to obtain a private right to legal action is False .

The TCPA limits the use of automated calling systems, fake or prerecorded audio messages, and telemarketing calls. Both common carriers and other marketers must abide with the guidelines.

It tries to safeguard customers against subpar goods and dishonest company practices or contractual clauses pertaining to transactions, repairs, refunds, and delivery. An individual acting for purposes that are entirely or primarily unrelated to their trade, business, craft, or profession is referred to as a consumer.

To know more about TCPA visit :



Anything that an agent obtains by virtue of an agency relationship is his or hers to keep. T/F


It is erroneous to say that an agent owns whatever they get through an agency arrangement.

What are the 4 types of relationships?

There are numerous varieties of relationships. Four sorts of relationships are the main topics of this section: Relationships with family, friends, acquaintances, and romantic partners.

What is the perfect meaning of relationship?

When if live and let live, know one and other deeply, and appreciate one other's individuality," then are in a great relationship. Rules for Having a Great Relationship, Not a Perfect One. Feel free to express your emotions because everyone is accepted for who they are, flaws and all. feel secure physically around them. feel they agree with your decisions.

To know more about relationship visit:



Why was Justice Black so concerned about the court's decision in the Tinker case?


Justice Black disagreed with the Court's decision in the Tinker case to award free speech protection to three students who donned black armbands to oppose American participation in Vietnam.

Because he thought that only pure speech was deserving of this level of protection, thatswhy Justice Black was so concerned about the Tinker case. Students in Des Moines, Iowa, held a silent protest against the Vietnam War at a public school. Students intended to wear black armbands to school to show their opposition to the fighting, but when the principal learned of their plans, he threatened to suspend them.

Mary Beth Tinker, then 13 years old, had no idea that sporting a black armband to school would 'open the schoolhouse gate' to concerns about student free expression for the following 50 years. The historic ruling in Tinker v. Des Moines is frequently cited as the turning point in school students' freedom of speech.

To know more about the 'Tinker case' related questions

visit- https://brainly.com/question/20844205


according to the current law, legislative districts must be approximately equal in population and should also allow for ______.



according to the current law, legislative districts must be approximately equal in population and should also allow for minority representation

when an agent breaches an agency agreement, the right to avoid the contract can be exercised at the election of



when an agent breaches an agency agreement, the right to avoid the contract can be exercised at the election of principal

selling of all illicit drugs remains a criminal offense under decriminalization laws in the united states. t or f



selling of all illicit drugs remains a criminal offense under decriminalization laws in the united states. t or f


What is the structural climax of Hamlet?


Climax Hamlet engages in overtly aggressive behavior and inevitably engages in conflict with the king when he stabs Polonius through into the ostia in Act III, scene iv.

What, for instance, does conflict mean?

A passionate debate between people who have very different principles or viewpoints: He and my father would fight all the time. It was a contentious policy that gave rise to various conflicts inside the party. He and the president frequently disagree due to his strong ideas.

What causes conflict?

The five primary sources of conflict are information conflict, value conflicts, financial conflicts, disagreement, and structural conflicts. When people differ on the applicability of news or have conflicting, insufficient information, conflict over information arise.

To know more about conflict visit:



In marbury v. madison, the supreme court established a principle that would eventually be used by all courts to


The supreme court case of Marbury V.

Madison contributed to the establishment the principle of judicial review.

According to the judicial review doctrine,

the courts have the power to judge

whether the legislative and executive

branches of the government have the right to their respective actions. The Federal Constitution’s guiding principles must be followed by both state and federal courts when making decisions.

Judicial review gives courts a voice on

par with the other branches, but not as

the final authority. Courts are merely the

ultimate arbiters of the Constitution to

the extent that they declare a legislation

to be unconstitutional, and even then,

only because they act last in time and not

because their will is superior.

To know more about Judicial review visit:



What did the Declaration of Sentiments ask for be specific?


All men and women are treated equally in the Declaration of Sentiments, which also affirms that both sexes are endowed with inalienable right to life, liberty, as well as the pursuit of joy.

Does freedom imply liberty?

The Oxford Dictionary defines freedom as "the ability or right to act, talk, or think as one likes," while liberty is defined as "the state of becoming free within community from onerous constraints imposed through authority on one's manner of life, behavior, or political ideas."

What is a liberty example?

Civil liberties Illustrations. The First Amendment guarantees the right to free speech, the rights to the press, the freedom of religion, as well as the right to assemble and petition, which are four of the most significant civil liberties.

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What is the real meaning of diction?


Diction  referred to the way we talk because  the way we pronounce our words and the words and phrases we choose to use. It refers to the choice of words their arrangement and the force accuracy and distinction.

It is the linguistic choices a writer makes to effectively convey an idea, a point of view, or tell a story. The art of speaking so that each word is clearly heard and understood to its fullest complexity and extremity and concerns pronunciation and tone rather than word choice and style.

In speech refers to pronounciation or how well a speaker pronounces their words. A person who speaks clearly has good diction, a person who mumbles or mispronounces their words has poor diction.

Learn more about Diction click the link here:



What percentage of voters are Democrats?


46% of voters are Democrats.

One of the two main modern political parties in the United States is the Democratic Party. It was primarily created by Martin Van Buren and was established in 1828 with the support of war hero Andrew Jackson. As a result, it is the oldest continuously operating political party in the world. Since the 1850s, the Republican Party has been its primary political adversary.

Due to the larger number of distinct voting blocs that make up the party, it is more ideologically diverse than the Republican Party (with important individuals typically expressing sharply divergent political views), even though modern liberalism is the party's dominant ideology.

Learn more about democrats here: https://brainly.com/question/5532807


Can the UN impose sanctions on countries?


Sanctions are a popular tactic for attempting to influence foreign governments and citizens to change their behaviour. In reaction to a threat to world peace and security, the UN Security Council (UNSC) may impose sanctions.

What happens when you get sanctions?

You will face consequences for not abiding by all of the workplace regulations. Your benefits being discontinued constitutes a punishment. Sanctions may also be imposed for factors unrelated to your employment. Sanctions are frequently referred to the HRA as "failure to report" (FTR) or "failure to comply" (FTC). Sanction can mean either allowing or approving something, which are almost opposites, or it can mean punishing or reprimanding someone or something. Sanction can be a noun or a verb that denotes authorization or punishment (meaning approval or penalty). It is most frequently used in formal settings.

What is the benefit of sanction?

The DWP refers to the reduction or suspension of your benefit payment for a specified length of time if you don't comply with certain requirements as a benefit penalty. This tutorial will describe what occurs if you receive a sanction for your Universal Credit account, an ESA sanction, or a JSA sanction. Currently, sanctions are imposed primarily by the European Union, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, and the United Nations (OSCE).

To know more about Sanctions visit:



What war was the basis for the Tinker decision ?


The Vietnam war was the basis for the Tinker decision.

An important Supreme Court decision from 1969 called Tinker v. Des Moines established students' freedom of speech rights in public schools. When she and a few other students made the decision to wear black armbands to school in December 1965 as a form of protest against the war in Vietnam, Mary Beth Tinker was a 13-year-old junior high school student. According to the Supreme Court, the armbands reflected pure speech that was wholly distinct from the behavior of people wearing them.

The court ruled that entering school grounds did not violate the student's First Amendment freedom of speech rights.

Learn more about Vietnam War here: https://brainly.com/question/12918391


the goal of criminal prfilling is to decelop an offender description which includes all of the folloiwng except


A method that is used to predict a person's personality, behavior, and demographic characteristics based on their past criminal activity.

What is profiling used for?

The FBI defines the criminal profiling process as a method for identifying the violent crime perpetrator based on an analysis of the crime. This is done by identifying the offender's personality and behavior.

What kinds of profiling are there?

Four were identified by Ainsworth: geographical profiling, typological profiling (synonymous with crime scene analysis), investigative psychology, and clinical profiling (synonymous with diagnostic evaluation). The five steps of profiling are: One is evaluating the crime and contrasting it with previous offenses of a similar nature.

To learn more about criminal profiling here



Water Power Corporation wants to begin operations that include the discharge of waste into navigable waters. Under the Clean Water Act, the company must install certain equipment a. with all deliberate speed after beginning operations. b. before beginning operations. c. only on a voluntary basis. d. only if a regulatory agency challenges the discharge.


Option B is correct, Under the Clean Water Act, Water Power Corporation must install certain equipment before beginning operations.

The Clean Water Act (CWA) establishes the fundamental framework for controlling pollution discharges into American waters and setting quality criteria for surface waters. The Federal Water Pollution Control Act, which served as the foundation for the CWA, was passed in 1948; nevertheless, the Act underwent a considerable expansion and reorganization in 1972. With modifications in 1972, "Clean Water Act" acquired the Act's common name.

Under the CWA, the EPA has put in place pollution management plans including regulating industrial effluent. The EPA has also created guidelines for national water quality criteria for contaminants in surface waters.

To learn more about Clean Water Act, follow the below link:



What were the biggest issues facing England during Queen Elizabeth I’s reign?


Elizabeth had to deal with the obligations that her sister Mary left behind, which totaled $250,000. Some people believed that England would continue to be viewed as a weak nation under a female monarch. The two most powerful countries at the time were king-ruled France and Spain.

Several problems, notably an unpopular war with France and the theological tensions left behind by Mary I's battle against Protestantism, were handed down to Queen Elizabeth I throughout her reign. With the start of the War of Religion in France in 1562, the threat posed by the former diminished, and Elizabeth responded to the latter by converting England back to Protestantism and having Parliament clarify some of the Church of England's teaching. Her absence of a husband and heir, which she and others understood may possibly cause a succession crisis upon her death, was a problem that plagued her reign throughout. She never wed, though, probably because she desired to maintain her independence. When Spain attempted to attack England in 1588, it presented one of her greatest challenges—at least in terms of foreign policy. The Spanish Armada, which had been considered unbeatable up until that point, was defeated by England in the ensuing naval combat, which would go down as one of the most renowned naval battles in history. Several problems, notably an unpopular war with France and the theological tensions left behind by Mary I's battle against Protestantism, were handed down to Queen Elizabeth I throughout her reign. With the start of the War of Religion in France in 1562, the threat posed by the former diminished, and Elizabeth responded to the latter by converting England back to Protestantism and having Parliament clarify some of the Church of England's teaching. Her absence of a husband and heir, which she and others understood may possibly cause a succession crisis upon her death, was a problem that plagued her reign throughout. She never wed, though, probably because she desired to maintain her independence. Mary, Elizabeth's sister, left behind debts totaling $250,000. Some people believed that England would continue to be viewed as a weak nation under a female monarch. The most powerful countries of the time were France and Spain, which were both ruled by kings.

Learn more about Elizabeth here



Why are Third World countries dependent?


According to dependency theory, the periphery of impacted nations in the global economy is a major contributor to underdevelopment. Usually, in the global market, developing nations provide cheap labor and raw commodities.

What does the third world mean by dependency?

Economic direction and control in the Third World are dependent on laws and foreign institutions, which either directly or indirectly influence its growth or expansion. Third-world economic reliance has historically been linked to Western European imperialism and capitalist expansion.

What is the third world's issue?

Third World nations lag behind because they may not have enough money set aside for literary development or these monies may be misapplied. Due to poor planning, a significant portion of the population is illiterate. The enormous population and population growth rate are all Third World countries' greatest issues.

To know more about Third World nations, visit:



What was the main idea of the Supreme Court decision in Plessy vs Ferguson?


Ferguson, 163 U.S. 537 (1896), a significant decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, established the "separate but equal" principle by holding that racial segregation laws were constitutional as long as they provided equal access to facilities.

A significant 1896 ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court known as Plessy v. Ferguson established racial segregation as constitutional under the "separate but equal" principle. The incident that gave rise to the case occurred in 1892 when Homer Plessy, an African American train passenger, refused to sit in a car designated for Black people. The Supreme Court found that legislation that "implies only a juridical distinction" between white people and Black people was not unconstitutional, rejecting Plessy's claim that his constitutional rights were violated.

As a result, racial segregation in public spaces and stringent Jim Crow laws spread widely.

Learn more about Plessy vs Ferguson case here: https://brainly.com/question/24766692


Which of the following types of riders would require signed acceptance by the insured if it was added after the base policy is issued?
A.A rider needed to avoid duplication of Medicare benefits
B.A rider designed to exercise a specific, reserved right
C.A rider requested in writing by the insured
D.A rider to reduce coverage under the policy


D. A rider to reduce coverage under the policy would require signed acceptance by the insured if it was added after the base policy is issued.

What is the base policy?

The Vitality Integrated Policy, which is the underlying life insurance policy that is linked to the Vitality Active Program, is referred to as the Base Policy. Example 1. Base Policy refers to this policy's comprehensive coverage, excluding any potential additions. A basic or primary health insurance policy protects you against all medical unforeseen circumstances. When purchasing a health insurance policy, you must choose a sum insured amount. Up to the amount of coverage you choose for your sum insured, the policy pays for hospitalization and medical treatment costs incurred. A base premium is the portion of an insurance policy's premium that is used to calculate the amount of reinsurance premium that will apply to the coverage. It is also referred to as a subject premium or an underlying premium.

To learn more about the health insurance policy click on the given link:



according to the current law, legislative districts must be approximately equal in population and should also allow for ______.



according to the current law, legislative districts must be approximately equal in population and should also allow for minority representation

In her will, Ida left to Emily — $50,000, to Mark — a boat, and to Kate — $20,000 which must be paid from the proceeds after the sale of Ida's General Motors stock. Ida gave Emily $20,000 with the intent that such payment is in lieu of the legacy. Ida's boat has been destroyed in a storm, and Ida sold her General Motors stock. Discuss what legacy Ida left to Emily, Mark, and Kate, and what they received after Ida's death.


Ida left $50,000 to Emily, a boat for Mark and $20,000 for Kate which must be paid from the proceeds after the sale of Ida's General Motors stock. After Ida's death the legacy that were left was $20,000 for Emily,  Ida's boat has been destroyed in a storm, and Ida sold her General Motors stock.

What is legacy?

“Legacy” is something that is passed on. Leaving a legacy means giving something that will be valued and treasured by those who survive after  death.

Though Ida left $50,000 to Emily, a boat for Mark and $20,000 for Kate but  Ida gave Emily $20,000 with the intent that such payment is in lieu of the legacy. But, . Ida's boat has been destroyed in a storm, and Ida sold her General Motors stock.

Therefore, only Emily got $20,000 as legacy from Ida, but nothing was left for Kate and Mark.

To learn more about legacy, click here:



an injury that occurs while an employee is commuting to or from work is usually not considered to have occurred on the job or in the course of employment and hence is not covered by workers’ compensation law. t or f


True, an injury sustained by an employee while they are traveling to or from work is sometimes not seen as having happened on the job or during the course of their employment and is therefore not covered under workers' compensation law.

The "coming and going rule" usually applies if you are hurt while traveling to and from work. This regulation states that getting to and from your fixed work place is not regarded as part of your employment.

Typically, accidents that occur during a worker's lunch break are not regarded as work-related. For instance, you most likely cannot file a workers' compensation claim if you sprain your ankle while going to a deli to get your lunch (or lunch for your coworkers).

To know more about workers’ compensation law: https://brainly.com/question/17371520


What are three 3 government policies that affect the market?


There are three government policies that affect the market Regulations, subsidies, and taxes.

Governments can create subsidies to fund industries by taxing their citizens, or create tariffs by taxing foreign products to raise prices and make domestic products more attractive. Higher taxes, fees, and stricter regulations can hamper businesses or entire industries.

Governments influence the economy by changing the level and type of taxes, the size and composition of spending, and the size and form of borrowing. Governments, directly and indirectly, influence how resources are used in the economy. That said, part of the US government's role in a market economy is to enforce policies and laws that protect property rights.

Learn more about Governments policies here:- https://brainly.com/question/25242169


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