dr. gavin has a patient who has just had a near-death experience. while his patient views this as a religious affirmation, dr. gavin is likely to:


Answer 1

According to question, Dr. Gavin not view this as evidence of life after death.

When you debate the potential that humans may continue to exist in some way after they pass away, you are talking about life after death. I think there is an afterlife. Check out the life entry in the dictionary.

The study of death and the losses it causes is known as thanatology, which is the study of the afterlife. It looks into the underlying causes of death, the forensic aspects of death, such as the physical changes that occur after death and throughout the postmortem period, as well as more general psychological and social issues surrounding death.

To know more about  thanatology visit :



Related Questions

the nurse receives a telephone call from a neighbor who states that her child was found sitting on the floor near the kitchen sink playing with several bottles of cleaning fluids. the bottles of cleaning fluid were opened and spilled on the child and the floor, and the mother suspects that the child may have consumed some of the cleaning fluid. which action should the nurse tell the mother to do immediately?


The nurse should advise the mother to contact the local Poison control center right away.

What is in a cleaning fluids?

In addition to sodium hypochlorite, bleach may additionally contain stabilizers, surfactants, and fragrances. Different bleach product brands could have varying amounts of sodium hypochlorite in them. When stored at higher temperatures or exposed to sunshine, sodium hypochlorite degrades over time. Because of this, it's crucial to store bleach according to the instructions on the packaging.

What happens if you drink cleaning fluids?

Ingestion of home bleach at lower concentrations might irritate the mouth, throat, and digestive system. Abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting may arise from this. Consuming powerful bleach products can cause fatal stomach damage and lifelong gastrointestinal harm. Get assistance if someone ingests bleach by using its website or calling Poison control center at once at 1-800-222-1222.

To learn more about Poison control center visit:



prevention efforts that are aimed at a specific subgroup of the population considered at-risk for developing mental health problems are called __________ interventions.


Prevention efforts that are aimed at a specific subgroup of the population considered at risk for developing mental health problems are called selective interventions.

Selective treatments concentrate on biological, psychological, or social risk factors that are more common in high-risk groups than in the overall population. Examples include preemptive education for immigrant families with small children or peer support groups for people with a family history of substance use issues. Not every person or population is equally susceptible to behavioral health problems.

The most effective prevention programs are those that are tailored to the level of risk that their target population faces. Preventive interventions can be grouped into three main types.

1. Universal preventive interventions,

2. Selective interventions,

3. Indicated preventive interventions

Want to know more about interventions visit the link given below;



a qualified ehr is an electronic record of healthcare-related information on a patient that includes all pertinent components of a medical record, such as:


A qualified EHR is an electronic record of healthcare-related information on a patient that includes all pertinent components of a medical record, such as laboratories, specialists, medical imaging facilities, pharmacies, emergency facilities, and school and workplace clinics – so they contain information from all clinicians involved in a patient’s care.

An electronic health record is a systematized collection of patient and population health information that is electronically stored in digital format. These records can be shared among various health-care settings. EHRs are an important component of health information technology because they can store a patient's medical history, diagnoses, medications, treatment plans, immunization dates, allergies, radiology images, and laboratory and test results. Allow providers to use evidence-based tools to make decisions about a patient's care.

Making prescribing safer and more reliable. Assisting in the promotion of legible, complete documentation as well as accurate, streamlined coding and billing. Improving patient data privacy and security. Assisting providers in improving their productivity and work-life balance.

To learn more about Electronic Health Records, here



a 26-year-old woman presents to the ed after finding a tick attached to her right flank. she believes it has been there since she went hiking four days prior. on exam, you notice a red annular rash on her right flank with mild central clearing. a urine beta-hcg test is positive. her last menstrual period was six weeks prior to this visit. what antibiotic prescription should this patient receive?


This patient receive should receive Amoxicillin antibiotic, 14 days should be prescribed for the patient.

What are antibiotics?

An antibiotic is a type of antimicrobial substance active against bacteria. It is the most important type of antibacterial agent for fighting bacterial infections, and antibiotic medications are widely used in the treatment and prevention of such infections. They may either kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria.

This patient has a history and physical exam consistent with Lyme disease. Her rash is classic for erythema migrants, seen in 60%-80% of those with Lyme disease, usually in the first several days after a tick bite.

This first stage of Lyme disease needs to be treated before it progresses to more serious symptoms affecting the neurological and cardiovascular systems. The presence of erythema migrans requires she be treated with a 14-day course of amoxicillin.

To learn more about Antibiotics click the link below:



everal day-shift nurses complain that the night-shift nurses aren't performing the daily calibration of the capillary glucose monitoring apparatus, which is their responsibility. it would be most prudent for a nurse-manager to


The nurse manager should review the calibration documentation, then address the findings.

Every time management responds to a complaint, they should first gather information. The nursing manager should therefore check the calibration documentation before discussing the results. Before looking into the complaint and gathering information, the nurse manager shouldn't remind the staff of a duty they could already be carrying out, call a meeting that might get tense, or offer advice to the charge nurse.

In order to ensure that the employee in issue understands protocols and procedures, the nurse manager should speak with the employee. If the employee still doesn't, the manager should consider requiring the person to go through another cycle of training.

The complete question is:

Several day-shift nurses complain that the night-shift nurses aren't performing the daily calibration of the capillary glucose monitoring apparatus, which is their responsibility. It would be most prudent for a nurse manager to ____________.

To learn more about nurse managers please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/29697880


which program pays medicare part a and b or medicare part c premiums, deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments?


Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) program pays medicare part a and b or medicare part c premiums, deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments.

Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) program helps obtain half A and/or half B premiums, deductibles, insurance, and copayments. Helps obtain half B premiums. Helps obtain half B premiums. Pays the half A premium sure those that have disabilities and square measure operating.

The standard monthly premium for health care half B enrollees are $164.90 for 2023, a decrease of $5.20 from $170.10 in 2022. The annual deductible for all health care half B beneficiaries is $226 in 2023, a decrease of $7 from the annual deductible of $233 in 2022.

To learn more about Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB)  here



what developmental findings does the nurse expect to observe in a 5-year-old child? select all that apply.


Enjoys imitative play.Makes up rules for a new game.

Imitating adults by playing adult roles in society peaks in children under the age of five; activities strongly identify with same-sex parent. A 5-year-old can negotiate and play with make-believe. These kids can follow some rules but may cheat to win.

Developmental and behavioral screening tests examine a child's growth and development. Checklists and questionnaires for parents are used in the screenings. They cover topics such as their child's language, movement, thinking, behavior, and emotions. Many of the questions are developmental in nature.

Assessment is an essential component of the teaching-learning process, facilitating student learning and improving instruction in a variety of ways. There are three types of classroom assessments: assessment for learning, assessment of learning, and assessment as learning.

To learn more about developmental findings, here



adverse behaviors that particularly affect the african american community are: group of answer choices c. poor nutritional habits b. smoking e. all of these a. drug and alcohol use d. limited physical activity


These are all negative practises that are especially detrimental to the African American population. The first two are smoking and poor eating habits. Alcohol and drug abuse are also prevalent.

Nootropics, frequently referred to as "smart medications," are substances that promote cognitive function in humans. Nootropics are substances that help with memory, focus, cognition, mood, and learning. Pain Management, often known as Ritalin and used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy, is a nootropic that is becoming more and more popular among students and is also referred to as a study medication. Inadequate nutrition "may" increase the likelihood of contracting certain diseases and other health issues over time, as well as stress, exhaustion, and our ability to work.

Learn more about Pain Management here



which characteristic about confusion would the nurse keep in mind when an older client with alzeihmer's disease is admitted to a long term care facility


The nurse should keep in mind that confusion would develop in the mind of the older patient with Alzheimer's disease when admitted to long term care facility due to transfer into a new surrounding.

Confusion is defined as the state of mind where a person is unable to think or understand things properly. It can be a short term condition where a person is confused due to some small reason or it can be persistent where the sufferer remains confused even for slightest things.

Alzheimer's disease is a neurological disease that occurs as a person ages. This happens because the nerve cells begin to die and as a result the patient loses memory progressively.

To know more about Alzheimer's disease, here



the nurse is assessing the jugular venous pressure (jvp) of a 72-year-old client with recent complaints of fatigue, shortness of breath, and swollen ankles. what cardiac phenomena are represented by the oscillations that the nurse observes in the client's internal jugular veins?


The stresses RESIDING WITHIN the right atrium of the cardiac customer. Blood from the skull, brain, surface areas of the face, and most of the neck are collected by the internal jugular vein.

The inferior petrosal sinus, facial, lingual, pharyngeal, superior, and middle thyroids, as well as, sporadically, the occipital vein, are among the internal jugular's tributaries. The right side of the patient's neck is often examined to determine the jugular venous pressure. The vertical distance above the middle of the right atrium, which is used to calculate the normal mean jugular venous pressure, ranges from 6 to 8 cm. The next step is to calculate the height of the mean jugular venous pressure above the midway of the right atrium of cardiac, expressed in centimeters of water.

Learn more about Cardiac



which meal, if eaten by a client recently prescribed orlistat, would be most likely to exacerbate the adverse effects of the medication?


A salami, sausage, and pepperoni pizza topped with mozzarella and parmesan if eaten by a client recently prescribed orlistat, would be most likely to exacerbate the adverse effects of the medication.

Orlistat, also known by the brand name Xenical, is a medication used to treat obesity. Its primary function is to prevent fat absorption from the human diet by acting as a lipase inhibitor, thereby lowering caloric intake.

Orlistat helps you lose weight by reducing the amount of dietary fat absorbed in your intestines. Lipase, a digestive enzyme, aids in the breakdown of dietary fat into smaller pieces so that it can be used or stored for energy.

This medication may increase your chances of developing kidney stones. If you or your child has blood in the urine, nausea and vomiting, pain in the groin or genitals, or sharp back pain just below the ribs, see your doctor right away. Weight loss with this medication may increase your chances of developing gallstones.

To learn more about orlistat, here



which type of psychotropic drug works by increasing the availability of neurotransmitters by inhibiting enzymes that break down the drug in the synapse?


Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) work by increasing the availability of neurotransmitters by inhibiting enzymes that break down the drug in the synapse.

The Effects of Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors on Neurotransmitter Availability

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) are a type of psychotropic drug that work by increasing the availability of neurotransmitters in the brain. Neurotransmitters are important chemical messengers that help regulate mood, emotion, and behavior. MAOIs work by inhibiting enzymes known as monoamine oxidases, which are responsible for breaking down neurotransmitters in the synapse.

By blocking these enzymes, MAOIs keep neurotransmitters active for longer periods of time, resulting in increased availability of the neurotransmitters in the brain. This can have a beneficial effect on mood and behavior, as it allows the neurotransmitters to have more of an impact on the brain. MAOIs are typically used to treat depression and anxiety disorders, although they may be used to treat other mental health conditions as well.

Learn more about Psychotropic drug: https://brainly.com/question/8354517


the nurse is caring for a client who is taking an antiviral medication. which assessment might alert the nurse to possible bone marrow suppression? (select all that apply.)


Breaking of bone might alert the nurse to possible bone marrow suppression who is taking an antiviral medication.

In the middle of each bone sits a spongy material called bone marrow. It produces materials like bone marrow stem cells, which go on to make other things, like blood cells. The bone marrow creates various blood cell types, and each type serves a vital purpose. The body's tissues are supplied with oxygen via red blood cells. The elements of blood necessary for survival are produced by bone marrow. White blood cells, which fight infection, platelets, and red blood cells all of which carry oxygen are all made in the bone marrow. Because it is a vital component of your body, bone marrow deficiency can be lethal. Blood-forming stem cells in the bone marrow can become cancer. The leukemias and multiple myeloma that affect the bone marrow are cancers.

learn more about myeloma here



the nurse is obtaining a health history on a woman of childbearing age who wants to become pregnant. what information in her health history places her at high risk for having a child with a myelomeningocele?


Information in her health history places her at greatest risk because having a child with myelomeningocele is a history of seizure disorder; taking phenobarbital.

Technically, women can get pregnant and bear children from puberty when they start getting menopause to when they stop getting menopause. The average female reproductive age is between the ages of 12 and 51. Myelomeningoceles are when the spinal cord and spinal cord do not form properly during early development, a condition known as spina bifida. Myelomeningoceles is the most severe form of spina bifida. It happens when parts of the spinal cord and the nerve come out through the open part of the spine. This leads to damage to the spinal cord and spinal nerves and other disabilities.

To know more about Myelomeningoceles  please click on the link brainly.com/question/28284191


. a client has labor induced with oxytocin. the client's cervix is 7 cm dilated. which assessment causes the nurse to stop the oxytocin infusion?


According to question, Contraction duration of 95 seconds [60%] causes the nurse to stop the oxytocin infusion .

Oxytocin is a hormone that is released by the infant that works to relax the uterine muscle and widen the cervix. In order to give the body a respite in between contractions, the mother's oxytocin is pulsed into the body and released intermittently.

Uterine hyperstimulation, often known as excessive uterine contractions, is the primary cause of oxytocin's negative side effects. Intense contractions, uterine rupture, and bleeding could happen as a result. Contractions increase in frequency and are spread out more closely as labor progresses. (Contraction times range from 30 to 70 seconds.)

To know more about oxytocin visit :



which condition is associated with intermittent uterine contractions 24 hours after delivery in a multiparous postpartum patient?


Afterpains condition is associated with intermittent uterine contractions 24 hours after delivery in a multiparous postpartum patient.

The postpartum period, also known as the puerperium and the "fourth trimester," is the time after birth when the physiologic changes associated with pregnancy are reversed.

The postpartum period is divided into three distinct stages: the acute phase (8-19 hours after childbirth), the subacute postpartum period (two to six weeks), and the delayed postpartum period (up to eight months).

Uterine contractions are uterine smooth muscle contractions that occur during the menstrual cycle and labor. Uterine contractions occur throughout the menstrual cycle in the non-pregnant state as well as during pregnancy.

When the pituitary gland releases the hormone oxytocin, contractions begin. This causes the uterine muscles to begin tightening and relaxing. Contraction causes the top of the uterus to tighten in order to push the baby down.

To learn more about multiparous postpartum, here



an adult client is receiving hepatitis b (engerix-b) injections. the nurse anticipates that the client will receive these injections on which schedule?


An adult client is receiving hepatitis b (Engerix-b) injections. the nurse anticipates that the client will receive these injections in Three doses, with the second dose 30 days after the first and the final dose 6 months after the first.

The hepatitis B virus, which may be prevented by vaccination, causes hepatitis B, a liver illness (HBV). When blood, semen, or other bodily fluids from a person infected with the virus enter the body of a person who is not affected, hepatitis B can be transmitted.

A severe hepatitis B viral infection of the liver that is easily avoidable with a vaccination. Most frequently, exposure to body fluids that are contaminated spreads this illness. The symptoms might vary and include eye yellowing, stomach ache, and black urine. Some people don't show any symptoms, especially young children.

To know more about Hepatitis B here



kris has recently been diagnosed with adhd. based on current treatment practices, which two treatment modalities are most likely to be applied? group of answer choices


Kris has recently been diagnosed with ADHD. Based on current treatment practices, drug therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy treatment modalities are most likely to be applied.

In order to give a "whole-patient" approach to the treatment of drug use disorders, medication-assisted therapy (MAT) uses pharmaceuticals in conjunction with counselling and behavioral treatments. Drugs are used to cure infections, soothe symptoms, lessen the likelihood of developing new illnesses, and even kill certain cells, as in chemotherapy for cancer.

Research has demonstrated that drug abuse treatment programmes are successful and that recovery is a realistic goal, despite the fact that effectiveness rates might vary. There is evidence that treatment can enhance social and physical well-being while reducing drug usage.

The above question is incorrect, the correct question is :

Kris has recently been diagnosed with ADHD. Based on current treatment practices which two treatment modalities are MOST likely to be applied?

To know more about Drug Therapy here



an infant is seen in the emergency department with several raised red welts over the abdomen and lower extremities. the parent states that the symptoms developed suddenly over the past few hours. the infant is fussy and has a low grade temperature. what assessment is most important for the nurse to perform?


Observe the infant's respiratory effort assessment is most important for the nurse to perform.

Which part of the body is the abdomen?

The body's biggest cavity, or space, is the abdomen. Many of the vital cells are housed in it, which is located between both the heart and the pelvis. The liver, stomach, the intestines are a few of them. The region of the organism where the lower portion of the abdomen and the lower thighs meet is called the groin. Anywhere on your body between your chest and groin might experience abdominal discomfort. The discomfort might be broad, regional, or even like stomach pains.

What organ is the source of stomach pain?

If the discomfort worsens, an obstruction in the intestines can be to blame. Localized discomfort Only one part of your tummy is experiencing this ache. The likelihood that it signals a problem is higher.

To know more about Abdomen visit:



a physician prepares to deliver medication via epidural injection. what structures/spaces does the needle pass in order to enter the epidural space? select all that apply.


The lumbar puncture needle penetrates the skin, subcutaneous tissue, supraspinous ligament, interspinous ligament, ligamentum flavum, epidural space with internal vertebral venous plexus, dura mater, arachnoid, and finally subarachnoid space.

A lumbar puncture also referred to as a spinal tap, is a diagnostic procedure used to pinpoint particular illnesses.

It takes place in the lumbar region of the lower back. In a spinal tap, a needle is inserted between two hip bones to obtain a sample of cerebrospinal fluid (vertebrae).

The brain and spinal cord are protected from damage by the material that surrounds them.

The identification of serious disorders like meningitis can be aided by a spinal tap. hemorrhage, tumors of the brain or spinal cord, multiple sclerosis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and other conditions affecting the central nervous system.

Using a spinal tap, anesthetics or chemotherapy drugs can be delivered into the cerebrospinal fluid.

The complete question is:

A physician prepares to deliver medication via epidural injection. what structures/spaces does the needle pass in order to enter the epidural space? select all that apply.

Options are: skin, subcutaneous tissue, supraspinous ligament, interspinous ligament, ligamentum flavum, epidural space with internal vertebral venous plexus, dura mater, arachnoid, and subarachnoid space.

To learn more about medical technology please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/27709980


a client tells the nurse that he has no one he trusts to make health care decisions for him should he become incapacitated. what should the nurse suggest he prepare?


The living will is a document whose precise purpose is to allow individuals to record specific instructions about the type of healthcare they would like to receive in particular end-of-life situations.
An advance directive, commonly referred to as a living will, is a legal instrument that describes the kind of medical care a person wants or does not want in the event that they are unable to express their preferences verbally. Doctors and hospitals refer to the living will when a patient is asleep and has a terminal illness or a life-threatening accident to determine whether the patient wants life-sustaining treatment, such as aided breathing or tube feeding. In the absence of a living will, the spouse, family members, or other third parties are in charge of making decisions on medical treatment.

To know more about  medical care :


which safety precaution would the nurse discuss with a patient who has tactile alterations and is being discharged home


Checking water heaters avoids unintentional scalding, as patients with tactile deficits may not be able to tell when the water is hot.

Scalding is a type of thermal burn caused by heated fluids like boiling water or steam. The majority of scalds are classified as first- or second-degree burns, but third-degree burns can occur, particularly with prolonged contact. The term comes from the Latin word calidus, which means "hot." The majority of scalds are caused by contact with hot water, such as tap water in baths and showers, water heaters, or cooking water, or by spilled hot drinks, such as coffee.

Because steam can reach higher temperatures than water and transfers latent heat through condensation, scalds can be more severe when it comes into contact with skin.

Heat transfer is often slower when clothes are soaked in hot water because the body part cannot be removed from the heat source as quickly.

To learn more about scalding, here



Benjamin is in a drug treatment facility. part of his treatment involves receiving the substance he abuses followed immediately by another drug that causes unpleasant physiological reactions such as vomiting and nausea. which type of therapy is benjamin receiving?


Another drug causes unpleasant physiological reactions such as vomiting and nausea so the type of therapy which Benjamin is receiving is aversion therapy.

Aversion therapy, generally referred to as dislike medical care or conditioning, is employed to assist someone surrender a behavior or habit by having them associate it with one thing unpleasant. This therapy is most notable for treating individuals with addictive behaviors, like those found in alcohol use disorder.

Nausea and vomiting aren't diseases, however rather ar symptoms of the many totally different conditions, like infection ("stomach flu"), gastrointestinal disorder, kinetosis, overeating, blocked internal organ, illness, concussion or brain injury, rubor and migraines.

To learn more about aversion therapy here



a nurse is preparing an in-service presentation for a group of staff members on diabetes. which would the nurse include as the primary delivery system for insulin?


A nurse is preparing an in-service presentation for a group of staff members on diabetes. The nurse include as the primary delivery system for insulin is subcutaneous injection.

Subcutaneous is the latin word for skin. The tissue layer between the skin and the muscle is the target of this kind of injection, which uses a small needle. When administered in this method, medication is often absorbed over a longer length of time than when it is injected into a vein, sometimes up to 24 hours.

Between your thumb and index finger, pinch a 2-inch-long flap of skin. Similar to how you would hold a pencil or dart, hold the syringe. To the skin that has been squeezed up, insert the needle at a 45- to 90-degree angle. The skin should fully enclose the needle.

To know more about Subcutaneous Injection here



a home health nurse is caring for a mexican-american client who has been discharged from the hospital post myocardial infarction. while the nurse is at the house, a curandero is also at the home at the request of family members. what is the best action of the nurse?


The best action for the nurse when caring for a client who has been discharged from the hospital after a myocardial infarction is to check health regularly, help the client to have a healthy diet with balanced calories, and ask the family not to smoke around the client.

What is myocardial infarction?

A myocardial infarction is a heart attack in which the blood supply to the heart is obstructed due to blood clots or a buildup of fat, cholesterol, and other elements.

The symptoms you will experience are:

Typical chest pain occurs continuously as if a heavy object is pressing down on it and does not improve for 30-60 minutes, located below the sternum with radiating to the left arm, upper back, neck, the lower jaw.Nausea and vomiting.Hard to breathe.Hizzy.Tired.A cold sweat.A feeling of pounding in the chest

Learn more about factors that cause heart attacks here :



some people have an inherent resistance to hiv because they are deficient in the viral co-receptor ccr5 (aka chemokine receptor type 5) on cd4 cells


Some people have an inherent resistance to HIV because they are deficient in the viral co-receptor CCR5, or chemokine receptor type 5, on CD4 cells. The statement is true.

The small number of people who possess natural resistance to HIV, the immunodeficiency virus, either completely or partially. A mutation in the gene that codes for CCR5, a co-receptor for HIV, is the key mechanism. According to estimates, less than 10% of people have some sort of HIV resistance. 

How can CCR5 reduction contribute to HIV resistance? 

The chemokine receptor on the outside of white blood cells is disabled by the CCR5 delta 32 mutation, which was found more than a decade ago. HIV hooks onto this receptor, similar to a key, in order to enter the cell. HIV is pretty much locked out of a person's immune system if CCR5 isn't operational.

Learn more about HIV/AIDS here: brainly.com/question/21480319


Common side effects of inhaled medications used for acute shortness of breath include all of the following, except: A. muscle tremors. B. nervousness. C sedation. D. tachycardia.


The one that is not a common side effect of inhaled medication used for acute shortness of breath is sedation. Therefore, the correct answer is option C.

Some inhaled medications are used to treat and prevent shortness of breath caused by lung diseases, such as COPD and asthma. One of them is albuterol. Albuterol is used by inhalation by mouth using a specialized nebulizer or inhaler.

Some side effects of Albuterol are:

NervousnessHeadacheUncontrollable shaking of a body part (muscle tremor)Fast, pounding heartbeat or tachycardiaItchingNausea

While there are many side effects that can be caused by Albuterol, sedation is NOT one of them.

Learn more about Albuterol at https://brainly.com/question/13039766


called by family for mother. 68 mother. confused. headache for 2 days. right side of forehead bruise. fell a week ago in church. which type of injury?


The signs of a concussion may be diffused and might not show up right away. signs can be remaining for days, weeks, or maybe longer. common signs after a concussive stressful brain-type of injury are headache, loss of reminiscence (amnesia), and confusion. Intracranial hematomas (brain bruising and bleeding)

Confusion Unequal scholar length. Slurred speech. lack of movement (paralysis) on the opposite side of the body from the head harm persistent post-concussive signs and symptoms — also known as a publish-concussion syndrome — occur whilst signs of mild annoying mind harm remain longer than anticipated after damage. these signs and symptoms may additionally encompass headaches, dizziness, and issues with awareness and reminiscence. they can be closing weeks to months.

Intracranial hematomas (brain bruising and bleeding) may also arise after hitting your head. The force of the effect often ruptures the brain’s delicate blood vessels, causing blood to fill the intracranial area. without anywhere else to move, the blood compresses the mind, killing mind cells by way of reducing their blood-oxygen delivery. sufferers may additionally be afflicted by inner mind bleeding without any external accidents, lost focus, or skull damage. spotting the signs and symptoms of brain bleeding after hitting your head should keep your existence.

Learn more about Intracranial hematomas here:



xplain why one of the most effective strategies for resisting drug use is to simply avoid situations where drugs and drug users will be present.


It is correct that one of the most effective strategies for resisting drug use is to simply avoid situations where drugs and drug users will be present.

Although many teenagers fully think that doing drugs is bad, they yet find themselves drawn to the temptation to do so. When kids are exposed to circumstances where drugs are being used, the desire increases. They might feel excluded. Another possibility is that they might think everyone else is having a lot more fun than they are. It is therefore best to stay away from any situations where drugs might be present. By doing this, these conflicting emotions won't surface, and they won't be tempted to compromise their moral principles.

Hence, staying away from drug circle protect you up to certain extent

To know more about  Addiction.



if you have moved to a new town and want to find a provider you can see for annual wellness exams and the treatment of routine ailments, you are seeking a(n)


If you have relocated to a new location and want to discover a physician you can see for annual wellness examinations and the treatment of typical diseases, you are seeking a primary care practitioner.

A primary care practitioner is a specialist in family medicine, general internal medicine, or general pediatrics who provides comprehensive care to the unexamined patient at the time of initial contact and constantly takes charge of the patient's total care.

A nurse practitioner is typically only described as an expert in advanced practice. A registered nurse with a license to practice without a physician is known as a nurse.

Health experts and various related health areas provide healthcare. The discipline of health care encompasses all occupations related to medicine, such as dentistry, pharmacy, maternity, nursing, optometry, audiology, psychology, occupational therapists, physical therapy, and athletic training.

To learn more about primary care practitioners, refer:-



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