the fact that sunspots near the equator take about 25 days to rotate and those nearer the poles can take up to 28 days indicates that


Answer 1

Sunspots near the poles rotate more slowly than those near the equator because the rotational speed of the sun decreases with distance from the equator. This is because the sun's equator is rotating faster than its poles due to the greater angular momentum of the sun at its equator.

What does Sunspots mean?

Sunspots are dark areas on the sun's surface that resemble spots and are caused by intense magnetic activity. These spots are cooler than the rest of the sun's surface, and they rotate with it. Sunspots can last from a few hours to several months and range in size from tiny spots to giant spots several times the size of Earth.

What does Equator mean?

The equator is an imaginary line that circles the globe at an equal distance from both the North and South Poles. It separates the Earth's Northern and Southern Hemispheres. It is the world's largest circle of latitude, with a length of approximately 24,901 miles (40,075 km).

To know more about Equator,


Related Questions

Indian National Congress always claimed to be representative of all the segments of Indian society”; Keeping in view of this statement, critically evaluate the emergence of All India Muslim League as a counterforce. Justify your answer with five valid points.



Point 1: India Muslim League, was founded on December 30, 1906

Point 2: It was created so that it can  protect and advance the political right.

Point 3: Muslims of India had serval challenges to come but the extra-territorial issues were the main of them.

Point 4: India, did not support this. thus this created an issue in the india subcontinent.

Point 5: India, did not escape its attention even though it tried.

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Both The United States And Canada Have A Vast What?
A. Highway Systems To Trade Products.
B. Budgeting Systems To Stay Under Budget .
C. Aqueduct Systems To Move Salt Water Around.


Answer: Highway Systems To Trade Products

Note: The US & CANADA, Both have one of the biggest trading ports via highway system.

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What 2 resources are important in Brazil



Brazil is rich in a variety of natural resources and is the world's leading producer of tin, iron ore and phosphate. It has large deposits of diamonds, manganese, chromium, copper, bauxite and many other minerals. However, the country has no significant oil reserves.



tin, iron ore and phosphate.


t has large deposits of diamonds, manganese, chromium, copper, bauxite and many other minerals. However, the country has no significant oil reserves.

hope this helped:)

brainliest for the brains:)

according to the map in the textbook, the southernmost extent of contemporary glaciers in the united states is in california and .


The southernmost extent of the contemporary glaciers in the United States is in California and Colorado.

Glaciers are masses of ice that are heavy enough to flow like a really thick fluid. It forms in areas where a lot of snow accumulates with more accumulation than loss.

Contemporary glaciers are glaciers that currently exist. In the United States, most of the glaciers are located in Alaska state. Others are found in the higher ranges in Oregon, Washington, and as far south as California and Colorado. The ones that are not in Alaska are mostly small cirque glaciers or larger valley glaciers.

Learn more about glacier at


Which of the following elements would be best to use when attempting to
describe regions in Europe and Southwest Asia?
O A. Common religions and languages
OB. Human rights records
C. Membership in the United Nations
D. Conquest by foreign powers


The elements that would be best to use when attempting to describe regions in Europe and Southwest Asia is A.

Common religions and languages.

What is language?

People communicate using gestures, speech, and a set of words and sounds that are used in a structured manner to form a language. It facilitates the sharing of thoughts and feelings with others.

Anthropologically speaking, native language is important.

One can interact with a wider range of people and gain insight into their cultures by learning another language. Religious studies scholars cannot agree on a single definition of religion, making it a contentious and difficult topic. The belief in and/or worship of a superhuman controlling power, particularly a personal God or gods, is what Oxford Dictionaries defines as religion.

In this situation, the correct option is A.

Learn more about languages on:


which of the following is true about climate in eastern europe?
A. Eastern Europe has a harsh artic climate
B. Eastern Europe has a mild climate
C. Eastern Europe has a humid climate


Answer: Which of the following is true about climate in Eastern Europe?

B. Eastern Europe has a mild climate

Explanation:  Eastern Europe generally experiences a continental climate. This means that it has distinct seasons with warm summers and cold winters. The region is influenced by both maritime and continental air masses, resulting in a wide range of temperatures throughout the year.

During the summer, temperatures in Eastern Europe can reach as high as 30°C (86°F) or more. However, winters can be quite cold, with temperatures often dropping below freezing. Snowfall is also common during the winter months.

It is important to note that Eastern Europe is a large region and climate conditions can vary within it. For example, countries closer to the Baltic Sea, such as Poland, may have a more humid climate compared to countries further inland, like Ukraine.

Complete the table. In your REPORT document, complete the table illustrated below. For each fruit of the Holy Spirit, think of someone you know or have read about who shows that fruit in a clear way. Write their name next to the fruit. Use at least five different people. Then write the reason that person shows that fruit of the Spirit to you. In other words, what it is about the person, or what is it that he or she does, to show that fruit of the Spirit so clearly to you? Write that in the "Reason" column.


Answer:The fruit of the sprit is love joy peace and the sound of mine


because its in the bible

Models used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change show that by the year 2100, the average annual temperature will have increased in some parts of the world by as much as ________.


In accordance with the Global Commission on Climate Change's models, certain areas of the globe would have seen a 4°C increase in average annual temperature by the year 2100.

Why is climate important?

The average weather conditions over a longer length of time in a particular place. A description of such a climate contains details such as typical seasonal temperatures and rainfall.

Why is the weather significant?

Nearly every element of our life is impacted by the climate, including our foodstuffs, transportation infrastructure, clothing choices, and vacation destinations. It significantly affects our future, our health, or our means of subsistence. The protracted trend of the weather in any given location is called the climate.

To know more about Climate visit:


Sediment is an important component of?


Sediment is an important component of soil.  Because it frequently nourishes the soil with nutrients, sediment is significant.

What is Sediment ?

Sediment is a naturally occurring substance that is broken down by weathering and erosion processes and then moved by the force of gravity acting on the particles or by the action of wind, water, or ice.

Sediment-rich regions are frequently also biodiverse. For farming, sedimentary soil is often preferable. The most productive agricultural regions in a region are frequently the deltas & river banks, where abundant silt is deposited.

In addition to providing substrates for aquatic organisms and animals, it is crucial in the construction of beaches, spits, sand bars, and estuaries. Additionally, sediment supplies nutrients and minerals essential to the health of ecosystems downstream.

To learn more about Sediment


explain a limitation of using the images to understand how colonialism spread cultural patterns and practices from the location shown in lmage 2 to the location shown in image 1


As a result of colonisation, indigenous peoples are not favoured by the laws, religions, or cultural norms that are imposed on them.

What impact does colonialism have on art?

Traces of colonisation can be seen in how society, art, and popular culture create images of what the "usual" human looks like, acts like, moves like, etc. and contrasts this with the "unusual" human, even though we are all capable of being both incredibly ordinary and incredibly extraordinary at the same time.

The amount of European-born colonists, the level of labour migration caused by colonialism, and the amount of colonial investment made in the health and education sectors all had an impact on society. Different forms of privileges or discrimination based on race and/or religion were connected to that.

To learn more about colonialism ,from the given link


The point (-2, 5) is located in quadrant II III IV I



q II

Q II is (-x,y), top left Q

Answer: Quadrant II


lowest to highest landforms










•U-shaped valley

What is an equation of the line that passes through the points (3, 3) and (3, -3)?



y= 2/3x - 1


to find y intercept substitute x=0

y= 2/3x0-1

y= -1

y =mx + b

y=2/3x + -1


x = 3


It's actually pretty simple. Since both of the points, (3, 3) and (3, -3) have the same x values, they are on the line of that x value because no matter what the y value is, the x value stays the same. Meaning, it's on the line x = 3.

Please hurry!!!

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file(s) and are ready to upload your assignment, click the Add Files button below and select each file from your desktop or network
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please provide the question

8. An angle with a measure of 180° is called a(n)_
a, acute
b. right
C. straight


the answer is a straight angle

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