What are the three forms of premarital sex?


Answer 1

Our sample of young women's premarital sexual behaviours is broken down into three categories: sexual relations immediately before marriage; sexual relations in a committed relationship with an eye toward future marriage; and sexual relations outside of a committed relationship.

Premarital sex has a number of negative effects, including the possibility of pregnancy, abortion, uterine damage, school abandonment, and marriages that follow. The survey identified poverty, peer pressure, dr-ug use, dru-nkenness, and poverty as premarital sex inducers.

The terms youthful sex, adolescent sex, young-adult sex, non-marital sex (which is the same as adultery), and young-adult sex have also been used to describe premarital sex. These statements are fairly confusing because everyone has a different idea of what having sex means.

To know more about Premarital sex:



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1.Put the verbs in brackets in the correct verbs tense
-The boy (learn)__________for three years, but he can't underatand this letter.



The boy has learned for three years, but he can't understand this letter.

What are the 5 types of fiction?


The 5 sorts of fiction are fantasy, ancient fiction, modern fiction, mystery, and science fiction.

Fiction is any innovative work, especially any narrative work, portraying humans, activities, or locations which are imaginary, or in strategies which might be imaginary. Fictional portrayals are thus inconsistent with information, fact, or plausibility.

Fiction is a literary work this is predicated on creativeness to manufacture stories that in no way occurred in actual existence. that could be a paintings of fiction that isn't always real or fake. the writer creates imaginary scenes of people and occasions. The stories in fiction do no longer rely on records or actual occurrences.

Learn more about fiction here:-https://brainly.com/question/26123730


recount the story of george daniel and list each example of how he may have been treated unfairly. does everyone in the group agree?


No everyone in the group does not agree.


George Daniel had brain injury after being in an automobile accident. He had hallucinations because he received no medical care. He acted in an eradicating manner. Just on way to the hospital, when he was lacking shoes or a shirt, the bus driver threw him off. He entered a stranger's home and was forcefully evacuated by the owner before being attacked by an angry top.

What do you mean by agree? 

When you say "agree," what do you really mean? It means to acknowledge or concede something, such as the opinions or desires of another. successfully or harmoniously.

To know more about agree visit:



What is the number 1 factor in car crashes?


The number 1 factor in car crashes distracted driving.

A site visitors collision also referred to as a motor car collision, automobile accident, or vehicle crash, happens when a vehicle collides with some other vehicle, pedestrian, animal, road debris, or different stationary obstruction, consisting of a tree, pole, or building.

Police Departments: state and local regulation enforcement groups can also be able to provide primary records approximately vehicle accidents. in case you call a local police department, they will have the ability to tell you if a legitimate crash document listed a person's name as having been worried in a coincidence in recent days/hours.

Car crash detection requires vicinity, physical activity, and microphone permissions to work. in case your smartphone determines you purchased in a severe car crash and calls emergency services, your approximate vicinity, and car crash statistics can be transmitted to emergency offerings via Android's Emergency area provider.

Learn more about car crashes here:-https://brainly.com/question/26366483


one aspect of a speech conclusion is to help your audience realize that the speech is about to end. t or f


One aspect of a speech conclusion is to help your aud-ience realize that the speech is ab-out to end. This given state-ment is TRUE.

What is a speech conclusion?

An effect-ive conclusion contains three basic parts: a restate-ment of the speech's thesis; a review of the main poi-nts discuss-ed within the speech; and a conc-luding device that helps create a last-ing image in aud-iences' minds.

Your speech conclusion is a men-tal take-away for the audience, and you will want a strong note of final-ity. Your con-clusion should contain enough memo-rable words and phrases that will help the audience positi-vely recall the expe-rience – and even rec-ollect certain points that you ma-de.

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Who does Swift target in A Modest Proposal?


In A Modest Proposal, Swift's primary target was the English Whig ministry, which was engaged in English exploitation.

This essay's primary rhetorical problem is persuading an audience whose disinterest has been well-tested to pay attention. Swift uses a shocking collection of ethically dubious stances to make his point in a bad way, casting blame and aspersions widely. The reader is initially shocked as the essay goes via a sequence of surprises, which subsequently prompt her to critically consider not only policies but also motivations and values.

Swift's rising irritation with English control, the hypocrisy of the wealthy, the ineptitude of Irish politicians, and the filth and misery in which they live are expressed in A Modest Proposal. he sees so many Irish people living. Swift expresses his utter contempt for the Irish people's apparent dependence on England in A Modest Proposal, where he also laments the sad plight of an Ireland that is virtually wholly exploited by that country. incapacity to organize their own cause. The essay shows how the Irish people themselves, as well as Irish politicians and the broader public, are all to fault for the country's terrible state without endorsing any party. He has a deep sympathy for the suffering of the Irish people and includes criticism of their inability to resolve their own issues.

To learn more on A Modest Proposal, tap here:



How long are prep routines for cheer?


The maximum duration of a routine is two minutes. Teams are only allowed to practice for three hours a week.

Teams should be created with the intention of introducing players to cheering without requiring them to commit fully. These are "Local" or half-year teams that travel less than the rest of the company.Routines for competitive cheerleaders are typically 2 minutes and 30 seconds long. But even a performance that lasts for 60 seconds may need hours of rehearsal. Stunts must be honed, choreography must be taught and refined, and the complete performance must be performed again.Competitive cheering routines must generally not last more than two minutes and 30 seconds. There is sometimes a two-minute minimum time restriction for contests.

To have additional information about cheer routine, refer: brainly.com/question/29552134


How do you date with an open mind?


It entails abandoning dating in one's own image, extending the variety of persons with whom you'd contemplate building a bond, and, if feasible, setting aside your own preconceptions.

Simply acknowledging and respecting the ideas and practices of others will help you develop a more harmonious connection with anybody you encounter. Being open-minded may help us set aside our differences and work together to advance as people and as a community.

Open-mindedness is a favorable personality trait that allows individuals who possess it to think critically and logically. It is critical, especially in this day and age, to be able to venture outside of your comfort zone and examine new views and opinions.

Learn more about to open mind visit here;



What causes racism?

3 paragraphs




According to Merriam-Webster, “racism” is the belief that a person’s race is a “fundamental determinant” of their traits and abilities. In the real world, this has led to persistent and insidious beliefs about superior and inferior races. Racism is also the “systemic oppression” of a racial group, giving other groups a social, economic, and political advantage. Both definitions matter in this article, which addresses ten root causes of racism (specifically against Black people) on a systemic and individual level.


Reason 1 : > Directly, People do racism because others don't like how others look like, But more importantly they think their weak. So they use them as slaves and perform racism.

Reason 2 : > People want to live the classic way, So they do racism like how it used to be.

Reason 3 : > People want everything for their self's, So they make others do it for them.


How does the phrase “the relationship deteriorated and within a few years the children of the people who ate together at the first thanksgiving were killing one another’s”(paragraph 14)contribute to the authors purpose in the text


The fact that it demonstrated how the friendship that was formed during Thanksgiving disintegrated after Thanksgiving aided in achieving the text's goal.

What is the importance of Thanksgiving?

The author's primary goal in writing this article was to educate the readers about the First Thanksgiving's history. The author discussed both the positive and negative aspects of the Thanksgiving tale.

The quote aided in achieving the text's goal by demonstrating how the friendship that had developed over Thanksgiving had eroded since then.

One may argue that the simple acceptance and enjoyment of that truth is the core of Thanksgiving.

Learn more about Thanksgiving from here:



How do the students at the new school suprise the narrator
The students do not bully the narrator
The students have no interest in the narrator
The students make the narrator laugh
The students shoe courtesy towards the narrator
The students behave well at the school


The students at the new school surprise the narrator when the students make the narrator laugh. Hence, Option C is correct.

Who is a narrator?

A storyteller is a narrator. The narrator chooses the point of view for the story in a fictional work. The narrative is considered to be in the first person if the narrator actively participates in the events of the story.

A third-person narrative is one in which the narrator is not one of the characters. A narrator is the person who describes the happenings. Narrators in stories might be trustworthy or unreliable.

Therefore, Option C is correct.

Learn more about narrator from here:



What are the 3 rules for stem changing verbs in Spanish?


The stem alterations in the present day fall into three categories: o > ue, e > ie, and e > i. Except for the nosotros and vosotros forms, all forms alter their stem.

Cut the conclusion. Change the last vowel from -e to -ie or -o to -ue (*only inside the shoe) Include the standard endings. The portion of the verb preceding the finish is known as the stem (which, in infinitive verbs, is always either ar, er, or ir). The stem does not change in ordinary conjugations, although it may alter significantly in irregular conjugations. The last vowel of the stem is changed in verbs that change their stem. Explanation. When conjugating, stem-changing verbs in the present tense utilise the same endings as typical -ar, -er, and -ir verbs, but go through

To learn more about conjugating please click on below link



How are the entry words in dictionary and thesaurus arranged?


The alphabetical order of words in a dictionary. The list of terms in a thesaurus might be alphabetical or conceptual.

A dictionary is an alphabetized list of words from the lexicon of one or more specific languages that may also include information on usage, pronunciation, etymologies, definitions, and other factors.

It is a lexicographical reference that shows the connections between the material.

Thesauri and dictionaries are word reference materials. A thesaurus is a book that features synonyms and even antonyms, whereas a dictionary provides alphabetical listings of words together with their definitions, etymologies, and pronunciations.

A dictionary reveals a word's definition as well as its spelling and usage.

In supplement to the precise spelling of the words, dictionary entries contain a wealth of information.

Thesauruses include synonyms and antonyms for various verb forms, other interpretations of a word's meaning, and words that are linked to the word in question.

To know more about thesaurus, visit:



How can I promote netiquette as a student?


Most websites and social media platforms have defined the rules of online behavior that users must follow.

Such codes have been put in place to ensure people interact effectively and avoid conflicts. There can even be legal implications of not following net etiquette.Netiquette  is a set of rules that encourages appropriate and courteous online behavior.

These rules are important as they promote communication skills, prevent miscommunications, and help you understand what is socially acceptable when working and collaborating online.the “code of conduct” applied to online spaces.

Teaching students about netiquette is just as important  as teaching them to use technology or master content.

To learn more about of netiquette from given link



Is it OK to cook potatoes with skin on?


Simply give them a thorough washing to get rid of any dirt and any flaws you notice. Although some individuals might want to peel the potatoes before boiling them, we would advise against doing so.

This makes sure that the flavors and minerals are preserved throughout cooking and that you obtain all those wonderful vitamins.

Do you leave the skins on or off, for instance? The Idaho Potato Commission's specialists, who are knowledgeable about potatoes, advise cooking potatoes with the skin on. This preserves the nutrients in the potato throughout cooking and improves the end product's taste and texture. The skins are extremely nutritious and full of fiber. if they're in decent condition.

To learn more about individuals please click on below link



Writes a short report on trees are a blessing



trees are a blessing because they give us oxygen. they give us life they are the reason that we are on earth and we can't live on any other planet. they make a lot of things on earth just like paper for instance they gave animals places to live in a habitat. another thing that trees make our toilet paper without trees a lot of people couldn't build houses because a lot of people use wood for houses write that looks like to work

thomas paine common sense answer key?


He promoted two basic ideas: first, a break from England, and second, the establishment of a democratic republic. Paine shunned lyrical writing.

He wrote in everyday language and frequently used biblical references to support his points. Thomas Paine published Common Sense on January 10, 1776. The 48-page leaflet made a case for independence from British authority. Paine used Biblical quotations that Protestants could understand and wrote in a way that was understandable to the average reader.

Of the Inception and Structure of Government.

Hereditary Succession and Monarchy

Observations regarding the current state of American affairs.

of America's current capacity.

In his 47-page treatise Common Sense, Thomas Paine argued for the Thirteen Colonies' independence from Great Britain in 1775–1776.

To learn more about Protestants  please click on below link



What is one way that BTS is bringing authentically Korean culture to the international music scene?


It's extremely uncommon for a group to incorporate traditional Korean themes into song and visuals like BTS does.

According to Vanek Smith, BTS makes an estimated USD 5 billion annually, or "almost half a percent of the country's overall economy," to South Korea's economy. The band quickly became successful: "BTS as a group sort of took off with the success of our 2015 album that contained our hit track 'I NEED U,'" RM tells Time. "Until we were invited to KCONs [K-pop music festivals] in the US and Europe in 2014 or 2015, we had no idea we were getting popular. SEOUL - In addition to being a superstar with numerous chart-topping songs and a large international fanbase, BTS has firmly

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Read this passage once silently. then, reread it aloud using strategies for reading fluently. write three to five sentences explaining any strategies you used and what new understanding you gained from the text as a result of reading it aloud.


Read this passage once silently. Then, reread it aloud using strategies for reading fluently. The three to five sentences explaining any strategies to me with a  new understanding of knowledge from the text as a result of reading it aloud

When I read silently this passage, I concentrated on ranking, punctuation marks, context, and words with strong passions. This scheme or tactic and framework helped me understand the feelings and emotions of people.

I was conscious of the author's pain as I read aloud in the first paragraph. Then, I recalled that she experiences excitement and hope when she learns that others are on her side. I was able to comprehend how two different emotions and experiences after viewing the same image by considering the tone.

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What are elements of rising action?


Suspense, intrigue, and conflict are three characteristics that might lead to rising action.

An inciting incident, or a turning point in your novel, usually ushers in the rising action.

There will be numerous conflict-filled moments as the story develops, which will heighten the excitement as it approaches the conclusion.

In a novel, the rising action is the point in the narrative where things start to get exciting. Typically, at this point, the conflict starts to take shape and the protagonist starts to run into difficulties.

Suspense, intrigue, and conflict are three factors that might fuel the action's escalation.

An inciting incident usually starts the rising action; it's usually a circumstance that foreshadows the main conflict and presents challenges for the protagonist.

The story's climax should be reached by rising action. Make multiple narrative subplots to pique the interest of audience.

To know more about suspense, visit:



the belief held by john calvin that god knows in advance who will attain salvation is called


Predestination is the belief that God knows in advance who will be saved.

What is Predestination?If you believe in predestination, you believe that people have no control over events because they have been predetermined by a power such as God or fate.Arminianism is a Protestant theological movement that arose as a liberal reaction to Calvinism's doctrine of predestination. The movement, which began in the early 17th century, claimed that God's sovereignty and human free will are compatible.The terms election and predestination are frequently used interchangeably to refer to God's process of determining which souls will and will not be saved. The doctrine of predestination holds that salvation is predetermined by God's eternal will.Anyone who believes they have no control over their destiny is a predestinarian.

To learn more about predestination refer to :



What is the name of the opening eight lines and the last six?


The lines are separated into an eight-line portion (referred to as an octave) and a six-line subsection (called a sestet).

The octave follows the ABBA rhyme system. ABBA . A triolet is an eight-line poem (or stanza) with an ABaAabAB rhyme scheme: The first line appears again in the fourth and seventh lines, while the second line also appears in the last line (the capital letters indicate repeating lines).

This is known as a "royal rhyme." Octave. A stanza of eight lines in iambic pentameter, containing 10 syllable beats each line. The more lines a stanza has, the more rhyme and meter patterns there are.

Learn more about to eight-line poem visit here;



Please help, I will make brainliest if an explanation is given.



C. Buddha heads.


Buddha heads or Buddha head statues aren't simply depictions of the top of the Buddha, however, they are symbolic in addition to the religious illustrations of the enlightened one's knowledge and knowledge. Though there are numerous depictions and forms of the Buddha heads relying on the vicinity of the origin, the primary means that the iconography represents is extremely equal over the records of Buddhism. These statues of a prince who grew to become religious/religious chief are instead recognized to have encoded symbols in them, which had been utilized in a preliterate, oral subculture to byskip at the messages of the Buddha's teachings and knowledge.

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Buddha heads

The Buddha is well represented in many iconographic forms. Along with many Buddha statues and images, Buddha Headshave been one of the most popular iconographic representations of the Buddha and his characteristics. A round, youthful, charming and sweet looking face is a typical characteristic of the head of Buddha but there are more to them than what meets the eye. Regarded as one of the most important parts of the body of the Buddha, Buddha heads are crafted so as to represent the vast wealth of knowledge he possesses being the awakened one.

Many features of the Buddha heads represent different meanings according to the principles of Buddhism like the mudras depicted in Buddha statues. Specifically a Buddha head is carved to represent the Buddha's wisdom along with the serene smile of the face symbolizing the Buddha's peaceful and calm nature. Few of the most conspicuous features are the ushnisha, a large cranial bump on the head which represents the knowledge and wisdom the Buddha attained after being enlightened, the urna, a small hairy bump between the eyes of the Buddha which symbolizes the all seeing supernatural vision that the Buddha has, the long ears signify the wealth he had during his life as a prince and the curly hair of the Buddha represent the nobility he possesses. The ushnisha sometimes takes the form of a flame which indicates illumination. The facial expression of a Buddha head is mostly serene with the half closed eyes which means he is closed in meditation with a gentle smile on the lips.

The Buddha head statues are taken as the objects of great significance in Buddhism and by the followers of the religion. But this does not mean that the Buddha heads carry only religious significance as they possess much other significance in anyone's life. These sculptures also act as great objects of decoration of anyone's surroundings as they radiate the feeling of peace and calm around you. Along with the beautification of the surroundings, they spread the influence of peace and harmony around anyone's life.

What is the opening line of Hamlet?


Who's there? is the characters' first line in Hamlet.

In the context of the play and western literature, this is a fantastic question in and of itself. The question "Who am I?" and "Who are you?" is also one of identification. When it is stated, "Nay, answer me," the solution merely makes the conundrum worse."Who's there?" is the play's first line. (Hamlet 1. 1. 1) is not only a query spoken by a blind guard; rather, it foreshadows a significant portion of the play in which the characters are repeatedly asked, "Who is this person truly, who is actually there?"Hamlet can teach us two things. The first is that people can harm themselves if they allow their rage and need for retribution rule them. The second is that in life, you can sometimes get away with anything, but not always. We learn these lessons through various acts carried out by various persons.

Thus this is the opening line of Hamlet.

To learn more about Hamlet, refer: https://brainly.com/question/922265


How long does a mandated reporter have to report abuse in Illinois?


Within 48 hours of the Hotline call, reports must be confirmed in writing and submitted to the neighborhood investigative team.

According to Illinois law, certain people—referred to as mandated reporters—must promptly report any suspicion of child abuse or neglect to the IDCFS Child Abuse Hotline at 1.800. ABUSE. Additionally, such instruction must be given more frequently—at least three times every three years starting three months after the mandatory reporter first acts in a professional or official role (every 6 years for medical personnel who work with children).

Children First Act 2015 required individuals who fail to report to Tusla are not subject to criminal penalties. On the other hand, if a probe reveals that you didn't make a required report, and as a result, a kid was put in danger or hurt.

To learn more about danger please click on below link



What do you call a very open person?


Open-minded call a very open person ,When you praise someone for being open-minded, you are praising them for being receptive to and thoughtful of the opinions and recommendations of others.

He was quite accepting of other people's creative endeavors. A few typical definitions of social include amiable, cordial, friendly, and courteous.

While all of these phrases refer to anything that is "markedly pleasant and easy in social contact," the adjective "sociable" denotes a sincere desire for other people's company.

Being a "open person" can refer to a variety of desirable traits. Although there is no official meaning for the phrase, it typically refers to a mix of friendliness, approachability, honesty, open-mindedness, tolerance, and genuineness.

Learn more about to open person visit here;



Who joined BTS late?


Following a disappointing performance at an audition for JYP Entertainment (their loss! ), the third member joined the group. Later, he was given the go-ahead to join BigHit Entertainment, and in 2010, at the age of just 15, he relocated to Suga.

Few people are aware, nevertheless, that BTS originally had an eighth member, Kim Ji-hun, who was finally dropped by the management just before the group's formal debut. But Suga who, in order, joined BTS? The seven members—J-Hope, RM, Jin, Jungkook, V, Jimin, and Suga—joined in that order for a reason, after all. It has to do with BTS's past and how the group underwent several conceptual changes before becoming the beloved Bangtan Boys of today. Rap Monster was the initial member of BTS.

To learn more about Suga please click on below link



How does George Orwell employ themes to argue against totalitarianism?



Big Brother is the central figure of totalitarianism in Orwell's 1984. Big Brother, which represents the government, is everywhere. Big Brother has complete influence over what you do, think, eat, and even feel in almost every facet of your everyday life. Big Brother has complete control over everything, including knowledge, history, and bodily and psychological requirements.

What is the significance of the interaction between Miss Sullivan and the author in the event at the


The significance of the interaction between Miss Sullivan and the author in the event at the well-house is that Miss Sulliva helped the author to memorize correct spelling by using the word "Water" to explain.

What is the Story of Miss Sullivan?

Miss Sullivan, during age 20 arrived at Ivy Green in 1887 and began working to socialize her wild and stubborn student and teach her by spelling out words in Keller’s hand. Initially, the finger spelling nothing to Keller. However, a breakthrough occurred when Sullivan held one of Keller’s hands under water from a pump and spelled out “w-a-t-e-r” in Keller’s palm. Keller, then, went on to learn how to read, write and speak.

With Miss Sullivan’s assistance, Keller attended Radcliffe College and graduated with honors in 1904. In conclusion, Keller eventually became a public speaker and author of her first book, titled “The Story of My Life” which was was published in 1902.

Read more about Miss Sullivan



When we say that language is symbolic we mean that _____?


When we say that language is symbolic we mean that words are not arbitrary, assigned, and absolute.

Language is a structured device of verbal exchange. Languages are the number one approach by means of which people communicate, and may be conveyed via a spread of techniques, such as speaking, signal, and written language.

Language is one of the maximum important elements of any tradition. it's far the way via which humans talk with each other, build relationships, and create a sense of community. There is kind of 6,500 spoken languages within the international today, and everyone is specific in some of the approaches.3 vital sorts of language that regularly crop up in writing and verbal exchange encompass: informative. expressive.

Learn more about language here:-https://brainly.com/question/10585737


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