you are asked to spike a new l bag of lrs with 20mls kcl (2meq/ml). what is the total kcl concentration of the liter bag of lrs?


Answer 1

The total volume of KCl needed is 7 ml.

The strength of KCl solution is 20 meq/10mL.

The amount of KCl is 14 meq.

The volume of a bag of fluids is 1L.

The volume of potassium chloride

= Amount of KCl/Strength of KCl


Volume of KCL =7 ml

What is volume?

Mass is a measure of the occupied three-dimensional space. It is usually quantified using SI-derived units (such as cubic meters and liters) or by various Imperial or US conventional units (such as gallons, quarts, and quarts). , cubic inches). The definition of length (cube) is closely related to volume. The volume of the container is generally understood as the container's capacity; means the amount of liquid (gas or liquid) the  container can hold, not the amount of space the container takes up on its own.

To know more about volume of different objects, click the link given below:


Related Questions

Draw a structural formula for the major organic product of the following SN1 reaction.


tert−Butyl iodide or tert−Butyl chloride, tert−Butyl iodide reacts at the faster rate.

What is an example of an SN1 reaction?

Unimolecular nucleophilic substitution process is equivalent to the SN1 reaction.Reactions occur in a single order.An illustration of an SN1 reaction is the hydrolysis or tert-butyl bromide in an aqueous NaOH solution.

What is the reaction process for SN1 and SN2?

Two of the most frequent chemical reactions in organic chemistry are SN1 and SN2.SN1 is a substitution-nucleophilic addition reaction that frequently involves both benzene and carbonyl compounds.Another kind of nucleophilic substitution known as an SN2 is more frequently seen with alkyl halides and benzoins.

To know more about major organic product visit:


Stable isotopes, with low atomic numbers, have a N/Z ratio of 1. What does that imply?

A) The number of neutrons equals the number of protons.
B) The number of neutrons equals the number of electrons plus protons.
C) The number of electrons equals the number of protons.
D) The atomic number equals one-fifth the atomic mass.


According to the statement, this implies that the number of neutrons is equal to the number of protons. Correct answer: letter A.

This is because the N/Z ratio (Neutron/Proton ratio) is equal to 1.

Stable Isotopes and Their Low Atomic Numbers

Stable isotopes are atoms that have the same number of protons and neutrons in their nucleus. This means that the N/Z ratio of these atoms is 1, which implies that the number of neutrons is equal to the number of protons. Stable isotopes are essential for many scientific and technological applications such as research in:

Nuclear physicsMedical imagingRadiochemistry

Stable isotopes are typically found in elements with low atomic numbers. This is due to the fact that low atomic numbers indicate a low number of protons, which in turn implies fewer neutrons are needed to achieve the N/Z ratio of 1. This is why elements such as hydrogen, helium, and lithium are typically found to have more stable isotopes than other elements.

Learn more about Stable Isotopes:


A solute is dissolved in a liquid. how does the osmotic pressure of the solution compare to the osmotic pressure of the pure liquid?


As increasingly solute is dissolved withinside the solvent, the concentration of the solution is going on increasing.

The osmotic pressure can be expressed as follows:


With the growth in concentration of the solution, the osmotic stress of the answer increases. Thus, the osmotic stress of answer is extra than the natural solvent. As the concentration of solute is extra in an answer than in natural water, water from natural water attempts to diffuse or go through osmosis to the solution. Hence, the strain required to save you water access to the solution, i.e. osmotic strain of an answer is usually better than that of natural water or solvent.

To learn more about osmotic pressure check the link below:


the ionization energy for the hydrogen atom is 13.6 ev. what is the energy of a photon that is emitted as a hydrogen atom makes a transition between the n


the energy of a photon that is emitted as a hydrogen atom makes a transition between the n is 13.6(n^2 - 1)/n^2 eV

From the hydrogen atom's first excited state to its ground state, an electron transitions.

the given part is

   n1 = 1  and   n2 = n

The energy of photon released,

E=13.6(1/n1^2 – 1/n2^2) eV

= 13.6(1/1^2 – 1/n^2) eV

= 13.6(n^2 - 1)/n^2 eV

The following hypotheses form the foundation of Bohr's model:

• He hypothesized that an atom's electron can move within a specified stable, circular orbits around the nucleus without producing radiation.

• Bohr discovered that the electron's angular momentum is quantized in size.

To know more about the hydrogen atom's first excited state, click the below link


Regina has avoided working on her term paper all semester, and now she has only one week to write it. She identifies her goal and hastily writes it down: I will make an A on my English literature term paper that is due next week. Then, she starts breaking her goal into specific daily tasks. Where is the flaw in Regina’s plan?
She hasn’t broken her big goal into small enough pieces.
Her time frame is not realistic.
Her goal is not specific enough.
She has not written her goal enough times.


The flaw in Regina’s plan is that the time frame is unrealistic (option B).

What is goal setting?

Goal setting involves the development of an action plan designed in order to motivate and guide a person or group toward a goal, which is a result that one is attempting to achieve.

Effective goal setting lets you measure progress, overcome procrastination and visualize your dreams. However, setting goals is said to be effective when it is done in an adequate time frame.

According to this question, Regina identifies her goal and hastily writes it down as follows: I will make an A on my English literature term paper that is due next week.

This goal, although is great, is unlikely to be met because of the time frame. One cannot get an excellent result in something that lacks adequate preparation, which includes adequate time.

Learn more about goal setting at:


how long will it take to deposit 0.00235 moles of gold by the electrolysis of kaucl4(aq) using a current of 0.214 amperes?


Time taken to deposit 0.00235 moles of gold by the electrolysis of kaucl4(aq) using a current of 0.214 amperes is  53.0 min

Note that the oxidation number of gold is +3 in the aqueous solution given. We can then determine how many moles of e- are needed.

The most common oxidation states of gold are +1 and +3. This implies it gives either 1 or 3 electrons to form stable mixtures. For instance, in AuCl3 , chloride particles have a - 1 oxidation state so gold will have Au + 3(- 1) = 0, so gold will have a +3 oxidation state.

The oxidation number or oxidation state of any atom is the capacity of that atom to gain or lose electrons. The oxidation state is the charge on an atom when it is in its ionic form, or when in a molecule. The charge is negative when an atom tends to take electrons or the atom is more electronegative, while the charge is positive when an atom has a capacity to give electrons.

As the oxidation state is determined as particles, so the oxidation state of any neutral molecule is zero. So any molecule without a charge has a 0 oxidation number. Then by adding the individual oxidation numbers we can take out the oxidation number of any component to be positive or negative.

To know more about electrons click here:


What functional groups react with bromine?


Bromine reacts with 2-butene to form 2,3-dibromobutane. It also reacts with 3-methyl-2-pentene to form 2,3-dibromopentane.

We can build a general rule that bromine reacts with compounds that contain a C=C double bond to give the product expected from addition across the double bond. This approach to understanding the chemistry of organic compounds presumes that certain atoms or groups of atoms known as functional groups give these compounds their characteristic properties.

Functional groups focus attention on the important aspects of the structure of a molecule. We don't have to worry about the differences between the structures of 1-butene and 2-methyl-2-hexene, for example, when these compounds react with hydrogen bromide. We can focus on the fact that both compounds are alkenes that add HBr across the C=C double bond in the direction predicted by Markovnikov's rule.

Bromine, is a chemical element in the periodic table that has the symbol Br and atomic number 35. A halogen element, bromine is a red volatile liquid at standard room temperature which has a reactivity between chlorine and iodine. This element is corrosive to human tissue in a liquid state and its vapors irritate eyes and throat. Bromine vapors are very toxic upon inhalation.

A halogen, bromine resembles chlorine chemically but is less active. It is more active than iodine, however. Bromine is slightly soluble in water, and highly soluble in carbon disulfide, aliphatic alcohols (such as methanol), and acetic acid. It bonds easily with many elements and has a strong bleaching action.

Bromine is highly reactive and is a powerful oxidizing agent in the presence of water. It reacts vigorously with amines, alkenes and phenols as well as aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, ketones and acids (these are brominated by either addition or substitution reactions). With many of the metals and elements, anhydrous bromine is less reactive than wet bromine; however, dry bromine reacts vigorously with aluminium, titanium, mercury as well as alkaline earth metals and alkaline metals.

To learn more about bromine visit:


write a net ionic equation to show that sulfurous acid, h2so3, behaves as an acid in water. consider only its first ionization.


It is diprotic because it contains two ionizing H atoms. The balanced equation is HSO3- ==> H + SO3-,


However, I believe the question is only requesting the first one to demonstrate that it produces H3O+. H2SO3 plus H2O equals H3O+ plus HSO4 in the net ionic equation. -

Diprotic acids include two acidic hydrogen atoms and include sulfuric acid (H2SO4), carbonic acid (H2CO3), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), chromic acid (H2CrO4), and oxalic acid (H2C2O4).

In an aqueous solution, a diprotic acid is an acid that has the capacity to contribute two hydrogen ions (H+) or protons per molecule. A dibasic acid is another term for a diprotic acid. A polyprotic acid, or an acid with the capacity to contribute more than one proton per molecule, is a form of diprotic acid.

For more information on diprotic acid kindly visit to


How much calcium chloride should I add to concrete?


The calcium chloride concentration to be thrown on the concrete should not exceed 2%.

Calcium chloride solution is a compound that is used to remove the eyes from the dry base during the winter season in the cold are region of the world.

Calcium chloride releases heat when spread over the ice. This released heat melts the ice.

Calcium chloride has a much lower melting point than that of the ice, it release 3 ions when it dissociates on the surface of the ice. This allows the eyes to melt.

But the concentration of the calcium chloride solution that has to be added to the concrete should not exceed 2% because further concentration may harm the quality of the concrete which is not a good thing.

To know more about calcium chloride, visit,


Elements in the same BLANK are more chemically similar





calculate the volume of a rectangular box with length of 25.0 cm width of 7.0 cm and height of 3.5 cm. Draw a diagram of the box.​


The volume of a rectangular box with length of 25.0 cm width of 7.0 cm and height of 3.5 cm is 612.5 cm³

What is volume?

Volume is a measure of the occupied three-dimensional by its  space. It is often used to quantified numerically me know using SI derived from the center units or by the way various imperial or US customary units. The speed of definition of length is interrelated with the volume.

The volume of cuboid can be calculated by multiplying the width and length and height all together


Length = 25 cm

Width = 7 cm

height = 3.5 cm

So volume of the box is:

= 25×7×3.5

= 612.5 cm³

To know more about volume click-


What type of bond will form when an element from group 2 (iia) bonds with an element from group 17 (viia)?.


When an element from group 2 bonds with an element from group 17 an ionic bond is formed, due to electronegativity difference.

Chemical Bonding generally refers to the formation of a chemical bond between two or more atoms, molecules, or ions to give rise to a chemical compound. These chemical bonds are what keep the atoms together in the resulting compound.

Ionic bond, also called as the electrovalent bond, type of linkage formed from the electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions in a chemical compound. Such a bond forms when the valence that is  the outermost electrons of one atom are transferred permanently to another atom.

In the above given case when element from group 2 reacts with the element of group 17, it will form a ionic bond due to the huge electronegativity difference.

To know more about ionic bond


Please someone figure these out for me


A replacement reaction is one wherein a set of atoms is replaced by another atom in a molecule. In the given reactions is 2Na + Cl₂ → 2NaCl is not a replacement reaction.

What is displacement reaction?

A displacement reaction also known as a replacement reaction can be defined as one wherein an atom is displaced by another atom in a molecule. For example, when iron (Fe) is added to a solution of copper sulfate (CuSO₄), it displaces the copper (Cu) metal.

A single replacement reaction can be described as a kind of redox reaction when an element moves out of a compound, one element is replaced by the other in its own compound.

[tex]A +BC\longrightarrow AB +C[/tex]

Double replacement reactions take place mostly in aqueous solutions wherein the ions precipitate and the exchange of ions occurs. The double replacement reaction can be represented as:

[tex]AB +CD\longrightarrow AC +BD[/tex]

Therefore, option (D) is correct.

Learn more about displacement reaction, here:


imagine you have a 500g bar of choclate that you chop to make chocolate chip cookies. after chopping the bar into small pieces you put all the peices on a scale. the scale measures



Explanation: 500g

Explination: no chocolete was lost in the chopping of chocolate so it remains 500g

It’s 500g I think because when you melt a substance it’s mass does not change

If the bond angle between two adjacent hybrid orbitals is 109.5°, which is the hybridization?
a. Sp2
b. Sp3d
c. Sp3
d. Sp


If the bond angle between two adjacent hybrid orbitals is 109.5° , the hybridization is sp³ .

When s orbitals combines with three p orbitals (px, py and pz)  four sp³ hybrid orbitals with similar characteristics are formed. These hybrid orbitals have a bond angle of 109.5° between them, which causes the minimum electronic repulsion between them.

An atom in which all the atoms that are bonded to it contains single bonds is an  sp³ hybridized atom. For example-alkanes.

For, sp³ hybridized central atoms, the molecular geometry is a tetrahedron. But, if the geometry is distorted due to lone pairs then trigonal pyramidal or bent geometry is formed.

Thus, option "c" is correct.

To know more about hybridization here


Winston prepared two pies and put them next to each other in the oven. The pies were identical, but one was in a glass pie pan and one was in a ceramic pie pan. This table shows how the temperature of each pie changed over 20minutes.
Pie Initial temperature (°C) Final temperature (°C)
Pie in the glass pan 23 52
Pie in the ceramic pan 25 54
The next time Winston puts a pie in the oven, he wants the pie to warm up quickly. What should he do to maximize the rate of thermal energy transfer into the pie?


Thickening the material involved is a way in which the rate of thermal energy transfer into the pie can be maximized.

What is Temperature?

This is referred to as the degree of hotness or coldness of a substance and it is influenced by thermal energy. It is usually measured with the use of a thermometer and the S.I unit of this type of measurement is Kelvin.

The way in which the rate of thermal energy transfer can be maximized is by thickening the material as it will ensure that the atoms are tightly packed together which permits the flow of electrons or heat between them in this scenario.

The arrangement of the atoms ensures that the thermal energy is easily absorbed and also has a relative high specific heat capacity thereby making it the correct choice.

Read more about Heat transfer here


does the effect of intermolecular attraction on the properties of a gas become more significant or less significant if


The effect of intermolecular attraction on the properties of gas becomes more significant.

A gas is a substance that has no constant size or form. Whilst inside a closed container, gasoline will amplify to fill the field. An instance of gas is the air you breathe. The gas interior of your digestive tract is fabricated from the air and different gases.

Traits of Gases :

* Gases have neither definite shape nor particular volume. They expand to the dimensions of their container.

* Gases are fluid and go with the flow effortlessly.

* Gases have low density, except compressed.

* Gases diffuse (mix and unfold out) and effuse (tour thru small holes).

Learn more about Gases


What products produce formaldehyde?


Wooden products like plywood and table boards contain formaldehyde.

Formaldehyde is the first member of the aldehyde family of alkane.

It contains a double bond between the carbon and the oxygen atom and forming one single bond with each of the two hydrogen atoms.

Formaldehyde is a naturally occurring chemical which can be found in the wooden products like plywood and table boards that are used on the daily basis in our homes.

Apart from this, the Paints, cosmetics and some synthetic fibers also contains formaldehyde.

Formaldehyde is also a very crucial part of the formation of many polyesters.

So, it can also be found in polyester based products.

To know more about formaldehyde visit


what is the concentration of a solution formed by diluting 25.0 ml of a 3.2 m nacl solution to 135.0 ml?


The concentration of a solution formed by diluting 25.0 ml of a 3.2 m nacl solution to 135.0 ml is 0.60 mol



M2= 3.2×25.0 ÷ 135.0

M2=0.60 mol.

The term "concentration" in chemistry refers to the elements that make up a mixture or solution. Here's how concentration is defined and how it can be calculated using various techniques. Concentration in chemistry refers to the quantity of a substance in a given area. The ratio of the solute in a solution to the solvent or total solution is another way to define concentration. In order to express concentration, mass per unit volume is typically used. The solute concentration can, however, also be expressed in moles or volumetric units. Concentration may be expressed as per unit mass rather than volume. Although concentration is typically used to describe chemical solutions, it can be calculated for any mixture. Concentration Examples in Units: g/cm3, kg/l, M, m, N, and kg/L

To know more about concentration visit :


Hydrogen, when combined with oxygen in a chemical reaction, forms water. this is an example of which type of chemical reaction?


The reaction is exothermic in this Hydrogen, when combined with oxygen in a chemical reaction, forms water.

The response among hydrogen and oxygen is exothermic- it releases power to the surroundings: hydrogen + oxygen → water 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O Fuel cells use the response among a gasoline and oxygen to provide electric energy. Hydrogen is flamable and it burns with a popping sound in oxygen with an nearly colourless flame to shape water molecules and launch heat.

This response is noticeably exothermic. Formation of water from hydrogen and oxygen is a aggregate response due to the fact hydrogen and oxygen are combining to shape unmarried product. The response takes place as follows: 2H2(g)+O2(g)→2H2O(l). The response of hydrogen with oxygen to shape water is an exothermic response.

Read more about sodium;


How do you calculate the potential of a cell?


The potential of a cell Eocell = Eored − Eooxid

Any electrochemical cell must have two half-cells in order to be functional. Without actually building the cell, the processes that will take place and the standard potential of a cell for any pair of two half-cells can be predicted using the table below. According to the table, reduction will take place inside the cell on the half-cell with the highest reduction potential. The cell will oxidise the half-cell with the smaller reduction potential. The entire cell potential will be a positive value if those conditions are met. For a cell to spontaneously undergo a redox reaction in the opposite direction, the cell potential must be positive.

Learn more about potential of a cell here:


in the lewis resonance structure for ammonium ion (nh4 ) in which the central n atom is singly bonded to each of the four h atoms, what is the formal charge on the central n atom?


in the lewis resonance structure for ammonium ion (nh4 ) in which the central n atom is singly bonded to each of the four h atoms on the n atom positive charge is present.

Ammonia is a colorless, intensely unpleasant gas with a pungent, choke-inducing smell. It readily dissolves in water to produce an ammonium hydroxide solution that can irritate the skin and burn. Ammonia gas is easily compressed and, when put under pressure, turns into a clear, colorless liquid.

The ammonia has normally three hydrogen attached to central nitrogen atom carrying lone pair. When fourth hydrogen attaches to the central atom positive charge appear on the central atom.

To know more about ammonia, click here,


How do I find how many atoms of an element are in a sample?
Question 4 in picture





The answer to question 4) is 5.79×10^22

Listed in the Item Bank are key terms and expressions, each of which is associated with one of the columns. Some terms may display
x additional information when you click on them. Drag and drop each item into the correct column. Order does not matter.
Choose if the statement strengthens or weakens the argument for solar energy.
Strengthens The argument
Weakens the argument
::The cost of solar energy will continue to decline as production is increased.
:: Solar panels take up a lot of space compared to other energy sources. :: Solar energy is an abundant renewable resource.
:: Solar energy can be produced locally in remote areas.
:: Solar energy has a high energy yield can be used almost anywhere including rooftops.
::The initial cost of solar collectors is still relatively high


The statement strengthens the argument for solar energy :

- The cost of solar energy continues to decline as production increases.

- Solar energy is abundant renewable resource and can be produced locally in remote areas.

- Solar energy has a high energy yield and can be used almost anywhere including rooftops.

What is solar energy?

Solar energy can be described as radiant light and heat from the Sun that is used by technologies such as solar power to generate electricity, solar thermal energy, and solar architecture. Solar energy is an essential source of renewable energy, and its technologies can be characterized as passive or active depending on how they capture and distribute solar energy.

In the given question the statement weakens the argument for solar energy Solar panels takes up a lot of space compared to other energy sources. The initial cost of the solar system is still relatively high.

Learn more about solar energy, here:


three test tubes, labeled a, b, and c, contain substances with approximately the same melting points. how could you prove the test tubes contain three different chemical compounds?


Two of the samples could be combined and their melting points compared to demonstrate the presence of distinct materials in the test tubes. The two substances are distinct if the melting point is lower than the theoretical melting point. They are the same substance if the melting point of the sample doesn't change.

Can you distinguish between different substances based on their melting points?

The melting point is a solid's physical characteristic that can be used to identify a substance. In reality, a solid typically melts over a wide temperature range rather than at a single, set temperature. Because of this, speaking of a melting point range is more useful.

To know more about melting point visit:


How long would it take to count 6.02 × 10^23 raisins, if you counted at a rate of one raisin per second?

(Please I need it quick)


It would take 6.97 × 1018 days, or 1.9 × 1016 years, to count 6.02 × 1023 raisins.

Classifying amino acids
Classify these amino acids as acidic, basic, neutral polar, or neutral nonpolar.
Drag each item to the appropriate bin.
• Alanine
• Arginine
• Glutamine


Basic amino acids are Arginine, Polar amino acids are Glutamine and non polar amino acids are Alanine.

Arginine is an essential amino acid that has a positively charged guanidine group. Arginine is well designed to bind the phosphate anion, and is often found in the active centers of proteins that bind phosphorylated substrates.  Glutamine is a polar amino acid. It thus most prefers to substitute for other polar residues, in particular Glutamate, which differs only in that it contains an oxygen in place of the amino group in Glutamine. It can also substitute with other polar amino acids. Alanine is an neutral non polar amino acid that is used to make proteins. It is used to break down tryptophan and vitamin B-6. It is a source of energy for muscles and the central nervous system. It strengthens the immune system and helps the body use sugars.

To learn more about Amino acid please visit:


When 50 grams of potassium chloride is dissolved in 100 grams of water at 50 ºC we can correctly described the solution as?


When 100 grams of water and 50 grammes of potassium chloride are dissolved at 50 C, the solution can be appropriately referred to as supersaturated. If more solute is added, supersaturated solutions result.

The saturated solution To put it another way, it is the situation in a saturated solution when you add some extra solute to the solution. The prepared solution will reach saturation when it crosses the line of saturation if it is cooled. It will be supersaturated if it is previously cooled, along the saturation line to point B. This solution is oversaturated, but that does not mean it will immediately crystallize. The term "metastable" refers to supersaturated solutions.

Learn more about supersaturated here


Is lactose intolerance a serious condition?





It is not a serious condition because people who have it don't face any life threatening, or even health threatening symptoms. The only bad symptoms that a person can have are diarrhea, gas, or bloating, which are all pretty uncomfortable, but aren't serious things.

-Hope this helped & Happy Holidays!

no of course not, many people are lactose intolerant but it doesn’t mean it’s a serious condition.But if you are still very concerned it it’s a serious condition or not then maybe ask your docter.

Classifying amino acids
Classify these amino acids as acidic, basic, neutral polar, or neutral nonpolar.
Drag each item to the appropriate bin.
• Alanine
• Arginine
• Glutamine


Alanine, arginine, glutamine, and histidine are all amino acids, but they are classified differently based on their side chains.

Acidic: HistidineBasic: ArginineNeutral Polar: GlutamineNeutral Nonpolar: Alanine

Classification of Amino Acids Based on Their Side Chains

Alanine is classified as a neutral nonpolar amino acid because it has a nonpolar side chain. Arginine is classified as basic because it has a positively charged side chain. Glutamine is classified as a neutral polar amino acid because it has an amide side chain.Histidine is classified as acidic because it has an acidic side chain that can be protonated.

Thus, alanine is neutral nonpolar, arginine is basic, glutamine is neutral polar, and histidine is acidic.

Since the task isn't complete, here's the full question:

Classify these amino acids as acidic, basic, neutral polar, or neutral nonpolar.

Drag each item to the appropriate bin.


Learn more about acids:


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What additional information could you use to show that stu vtu using sas? check all that apply. uv = 14 ft and mtuv = 45 tu = 26 ft mstu = 37 and mvtu = 37 st = 20 ft, uv = 14 ft, and must = 98 must = 98 and m tuv = 45 How do you find the number of combinations with 3 numbers? How many covalent bonds are predicted for an atom of chlorine? at a certain temperature the rate of this reaction is first order in with a rate constant of suppose a vessel contains at a concentration of . calculate how long it takes for the concentration of to decrease by . you may assume no other reaction is important. round your answer to significant digits. A 45M had coronary artery stents placed 2 days ago. Today he is in severe distress and reporting "crushing" chest discomfort. He is pale, diphoretic, and cool to the touch. His radial pulse is very weak, blood pressure is 64/40, respiratory is 28 bpm/min and O2 set is 89% on room air. 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