What is the primary message of this political cartoon? americans should buy war bonds to ensure that troops have what they need to win the war. Americans should become radio operators to help with the war effort. Americans should join the navy to help with the war effort. Americans should work in factories to help with the war effort.


Answer 1

The primary message of that political cartoon is "Americans should buy war bonds to ensure that troops have what they need to win this war".

What does Uncle Sam represent in political cartoons?Uncle Sam is a cartoon symbol for the United States, the U.S. government, or the American people.Propaganda examples include the Uncle Sam army recruitment posters from World War I and the Rosie the Riveter poster from World War II, both of which use symbols to represent strength and a sense of urgency as they encourage United States citizens to join the war effort.Uncle Sam is a cartoon that traces its history to the War of 1812, and has become a well-known representation of patriotism. “Uncle Sam” was a nickname given to Samuel Wilson, a New York-based meatpacker who supplied beef to the United States army during the war, according to history.com.

Learn more about Uncle Sam cartoon here: brainly.com/question/12859392


What Is The Primary Message Of This Political Cartoon? Americans Should Buy War Bonds To Ensure That
Answer 2

The correct answer is : A.  Americans should buy war bonds

Explanation: The answer is correct on Edge.  :)

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which decision of jefferson is often viewed as his greatest foreign policy success?


The decision of Jefferson is often viewed as his greatest foreign policy success is The Louisiana Purchase.

Thomas Jefferson was an American statesman, lawyer, diplomat, and a Founding Father. H served as the third president of the United States from 1801 to 1809. The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the United States and is considered Jefferson's greatest diplomatic and foreign policy achievement. The Louisiana Purchase was the acquisition of the territory of Louisiana by the United States from the French First Republic in 1803. At the cost of fifteen million dollars, or approximately eighteen dollars per square mile, the United States nominally acquired a total of 828,000 sq mi in Middle America. It was significant as it greatly strengthened the country materially and strategically and provided a powerful impetus to westward expansion. It also confirmed the doctrine of implied powers of the federal Constitution.

Learn more about The Louisiana Purchase:



The first combat in WWI occurred in what country and what happened there



First Battle of the Marne


The First Battle of the Marne was a battle of the First World War fought from 5 to 12 September 1914. It was fought in a collection of skirmishes around the Marne River Valley.

Date: 5–12 September 1914


Marne River near Brasles, east of Paris, France

(49°1′N 3°23′E)


-Allied victory

-Failure of the Schlieffen Plan

-Beginning of trench warfare

HELP!!!!! In the lesson, you read about the global changes taking place during the late 1800s and early 1900s. You also learned about how the Spanish-American War and the construction of the Panama Canal helped make the United States a world power. Both events played pivotal roles in how the U.S. developed and grew after that point in history.

Imagine you are a historian reflecting on this period in history. You've been asked to create a product that describes the Spanish American War or the building of the Panama Canal to today's population. For this assessment, you will writ a newspaper article about the causes, motivations, and effects of the Spanish-American War or the building of the Panama Canal.


The Spanish-American War and the development of the Panama Canal took place in the late 1800s and early 1900s. The Spanish-American War arose from humanitarian concerns over Cuba. Another factor was American business interests in Cuba, as well as their desire to expel Spain from the Western World.

What is Panama Canal?

The Panama Canal is a man-made waterway that spans the Isthmus of Panama and connects the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The Panama Canal is an 82-kilometer-long man made waterway in Panama that connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and separates North and South America.

The impetus for war was America's backing for the battle of Cubans and Filipinos against Spanish control, as well as the explosions of the battleship Maine in Harbor. The war's consequences were imperialism, the loss of many lives, and the loss of manpower. This war was known to have divided public opinion in favor of or opposed to empire.

As a result, the Spanish-American War arose from humanitarian concerns over Cuba.

Learn more about on the Panama Canal, here:



When was the Chicago Defender founded?


On May 5, 1905, Robert Sengstacke Abbott founded Chicago Defender in a small kitchen in his landlord's apartment, with an initial investment of 25 cents and a press run of 300 copies.

The Chicago Defender was a Chicago-based online African-American newspaper. It was the first black newspaper to have a circulation over 100000  the first to have a health column, and the first to have a full page of comic strips.

The Chicago Defender waged its most aggressive and successful campaign in support of The Great Migration movement. This newspaper helped draw tens of thousands of African Americans to Chicago and make the city their home. It was shaped and gave voice to the Great Migration of black Southerners to the urban North.

Learn more about chicago defender founder click the link here:



which definition apply to the word " amendment "


What is an "amendment"?

An amendment is a formal or official change made to a law, contract, constitution, or another legal document. It is based on the verb to amend, which means to change for the better. Amendments can add, remove, or update parts of these agreements.


first amendment: something which is added to soil in order to improve its texture or fertility.


Describe, in your own words, what Descartes meant by his statement, "I think, therefore I am.


Answer: “I think; therefore I am” was the end of Descartes's search for a statement that could not be doubted.

What message is brought home through the story the Old Man at the Bridge?


'The Old Man at the Bridge' is a short story by Earnest Hemingway. It's moral tells the readers about war and how it can be destructive for all of mankind.

One of Ernest Hemingway's smallest pieces, "Old Man at the Bridge," is so brief that it might be better categorized as a "vignette" rather than a "story" per se. The story takes place in the 1930s Spanish Civil War and tells the tale of the narrator's encounter with a 70-year-old man who was the last person to leave his village during the war.

The moral of the text is that war is destructive to everyone, not just those directly participating in the conflict. Through the representation of the old man in the short story, the author demonstrates the hardships of the average person. In order to save his life, the elderly man had to leave his family behind and seek solace in an unfamiliar region. All victims of war experience trauma—both physically and psychologically.

To read more about Earnest Hemingway refer:



The birth and growth of the church in acts reveals god’s plan to take the gospel to the world as an extension of the jewish messianic hope from its beginning in jewish jerusalem to the heart of the gentile world in rome.a. Trueb. False


It is true that birth and growth of Church in Acts, from its Jewish beginnings in Jerusalem to the center of Gentile world in Rome, is an extension of Jewish Messianic hope, reflecting God's plan to bring  gospel to the world.

Why did the Jews reject the Messiah?

Jesus was rejected in Judaism by most Jewish denominations as a failed Jewish Messiah candidate and false prophet. Judaism also views the worship of humans as a form of idolatry and rejects the claim that Jesus is God.

What is the Messiah's expectation?

He gathers a holy people who lead to righteousness. And he will judge the tribes of the people who have been sanctified by the Lord their God. He will not tolerate iniquity even among them, and those who know evil will not live with them.

What Do Jews Believe About the Messiah?

In Jewish eschatology, the Messiah is the future Jewish king of the line of David, anointed with holy spirit, and expected to rule over the Jews in the Messianic Age and the world to come.

To learn more about messianic hope visit:



6. Why did European ship design change in the 15th and 16th centuries?
A. Because raids by pirates were becoming more commonplace in the 15th century.
B. Because advances in navigation made longer voyages possible and longer voyages required new ship designs.
C. Europeans copied the new ship designs from Chinese merchant vessels. D. The increased invasion threats from the Islamic world pushed the creation of ships to better protect the European coastline.​


B I hope this helps!

to what extent did the atlantic revolutions reflect the influence of early modern historical developments?


The rerouting of trade routes as a result of significant geographical discoveries. But rather of completely replacing the existing trade routes from the Middle Ages, the Atlantic revolution strengthened them.

Venetian and Genoese ports in particular dominated trade with the Middle East during the Middle Ages, bringing goods and spices from the East to Europe. Baltic trade was similarly dominated in the north by German cities affiliated with the loose federation known as the Hanseatic League. When the Portuguese established direct sea routes to India in 1498, Venice was up against the Atlantic revolution of first Antwerp and Lisbon. However, Venice successfully reacted to the new rivalry and reached its zenith of commercial prominence in the 16th century; the majority of this lovely city's still-standing structures still represent its 16th-century affluence. Although Genoa was not ideally situated to benefit from the Atlantic discoveries, Genoese bankers were crucial to the financial management of Spain's overseas empire.

To learn more about Atlantic revolution please click on below link



Charles fusco was an italian immigrant living in new england. read what he said about the great depression. what does mr. fusco say about the great depression?


Mr. Fusco's said about the great depression are 3 point:

There is less socializing and having fun. The great depression is like a sickness that won't go away. If the government wanted to stop it, they could.

What caused of the Great Depression?

Mr. Fusco and Mr. Butler are two people who are mistrust the government's ability to fix the depression that occurs because of economy on world war. They have different view's about it, Mr. Fusco sees the situation as a hopeless situation, while Mr. Butler see it otherwise.

On Mr. Fusco view's also, government was controlled by rich business man, and according to him this depression could be away if the rich business behind government wanted to did it.

Among the suggested causes of the Great Depression are:

The stock market crash of 1929.The collapse of world trade due to the Smoot-Hawley Tariff. government policiesBank failures and panics;.The collapse of the money supply.

Learn more about great depression here: brainly.com/question/17642418


What is the boundary between Queens and Brooklyn?


The boundary between Queens and Brooklyn is Eldert Lane in Jamaica.

The border problem recently came up when Ridgewood artists, who believe themselves to be in Bushwick, were denied entry to the Brooklyn Museum's GO community-curated open studio project because they possessed Queens zip codes.

The border between Brooklyn and Queens goes down Eldert Lane in Jamaica, as described by Brownstoner in 2005. Turns out the border's been marked since 1709 by a huge rock at the Onderdonk House in Ridgewood.

Arbitration Rock, which was covered in 1930 when the house was graded, is located on the 1769 Survey Line. According to Gothamist, the rock was relocated to its original location in 2001. The rock is still unclaimed by any one borough, similar to the extraterritoriality status of the UN building.

To know more about Queens:



Region how many major culture regions are found within the colony of nigeria? what sort of problems might result from combining or splitting groups of people?.


There are three major cultural regions in the colony of Nigeria. These include the following:

the Igbothe Hausa-Fulanithe Yoruba

At the time of colonization in Nigeria, the British divided the region into four major cultural regions with the above three occupying the east, the north, and the west respectively.

 The fourth cultural region is composed of the Edo people, a minor community that occupy the southwestern area between the Yoruba and Igbo land.

The main problem that might arise from splitting or combining groups of people is wars that are mainly caused by differences in cultures.

Many people aren't tolerant of new cultures and beliefs, which is a great ingredient for hatred and disagreements.

Learn more about the cultural regions of Nigeria at; https://brainly.com/question/3675283?referrer=searchResults


Place the following events in the life of Osama bin Laden into chronological order.
fights against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan
declares "war" on the United States
terrorists associated with Al Qaeda commit attacks on U.S. embassies in Africa
terrorists associated with Al Qaeda commit the attacks of September 11, 2001


Al Qaeda-affiliated terrorists assault American embassies throughout Africa.

Is it always best to start with the most recent?

The same is true for dates when arranging items in chronological order; they are listed from the most current and newest to the oldest. Consider it like descending (or walking down) a flight of steps; when you do so, you begin from a high point and arrive at a low one.

the utilization of chronological order?

The reader can better follow the action of a tale by writing in chronological sequence. For instance, if a character in a tale wishes to study for just an exam, she would first attend class before studying and then taking the test.

To know more about chronological visit:



Where are the formal powers of the president listed legal powers of the president listed?



veto bills and sign bills. represent our nation in talks with foreign countries. enforce the laws that Congress passes. act as Commander-in-Chief during a war.


All the following factors contributed to the victory of the north accept that…



The South failed to meet production needs


How did Woodrow Wilson's views on economic policy differ from those of Theodore Roosevelt ?


Wilson later supported many of his beliefs, but at first he disagreed with the direction of progressivism. Roosevelt was a conservative who supported intervention, but Wilson was a liberal who opposed it.

Wilson, like Roosevelt before him, saw himself as the individual voice of the people. No one but the President "seems to be expected" to protect the nation's overall interests, he claimed. In order to create a new global order, he created a program of progressive change and claimed international leadership. He declared the American entry into World War I to be a fight to "make the world safe for democracy" in 1917.

Wilson had witnessed the terrifying nature of war. He was born in Virginia in 1856, the son of a Presbyterian preacher who served as a pastor in Augusta, Georgia, during the Civil War and as a professor in Columbia, South Carolina, during Reconstruction.

learn more about Roosevelt here



Which would be the least useful for making an interpretation of events leading to the american revolution?


The most unhelpful for translating occasions prompting the American upheaval is The journals of Ulysses S. Award.

The Journals of Award is the previous American president's diaries.

Since Gordon Wood was an American specialist, a portion of his investigations on the American Transformation can be utilized to assess the conditions paving the way to the upheaval.

The scholarly concentrate on ladies nationalists who fought imported tea can be utilized to assess the conditions paving the way to the unrest.

The Ulysses S. Award journals are the most un-accommodating things that can support the translation of the occasions that prompted the American Upset.

Hence The right response is B.

Learn more about american revolution:



This question is not complete , here i am attaching the complete question:

Which would be the least useful for making an interpretation of events leading to the American Revolution?

A. Gordon Wood, The American Revolution

B. The memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant

C. A scholarly article on women patriots who boycotted imported tea

D. Letters between Committees of Correspondence.

1. The USA Patriot Act:
A. gave federal officials more authority to track and intercept
B. gave federal officials more authority to gather foreign intelligence
C. gave federal officials more authority to enforce laws
D. all of the above


Answer: B. gave federal officials more authority to gather foreign intelligence

Explanation: sorry if I'm wrong

What was the prohibition movement ?


Between 1920 and 1933, the Eighteenth Amendment's prohibition provisions prevented the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcoholic drinks in the United States.

Millions of Americans were willing to consume alcohol (distilled spirits) illegally, which led to bootlegging (the illegal production and sale of alcohol) and speakeasies (illegal, secretive drinking establishments), both of which were monetized by organised crime.

Despite the temperance movement's widespread support, which had been successful in bringing about this legislation. Due to competitiveness and brutal turf wars between criminal gangs, the Prohibition era is also known as a time of gangsterism.

To learn more about prohibition movement, refer: https://brainly.com/question/1212032


How does the structure of the Declaration of Independence reflect its reasoning?




The structure of the Declaration of Independence reflects its reasoning in several ways. First, the declaration is divided into two main parts: the preamble and the body. The preamble is a general statement of the document's purpose, while the body presents the specific grievances that the colonists had against the British government. This structure helps to clearly present the reasons for the declaration and the colonists' case for independence.

In the preamble, the document states that all men are created equal and have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This statement sets the tone for the rest of the document and establishes the principle that the colonists believed was being violated by the British government.

In the body of the declaration, the document lists specific grievances against the British government. These grievances are organized into a series of numbered paragraphs, each of which presents a separate complaint. This organization makes it clear that the colonists had multiple reasons for declaring their independence, and it helps to support their case by providing concrete examples of the ways in which the British government had violated their rights.

Overall, the structure of the Declaration of Independence reflects its reasoning by clearly presenting the document's purpose, establishing its principles, and providing a detailed list of grievances against the British government. This structure helps to make the document's argument compelling and convincing, and it has helped to make the Declaration of Independence one of the most important and influential documents in American history.

Why was the big stick policy important?


Roosevelt created a diplomatic strategy where the "big stick" represents his might and willingness to utilize military action if necessary.

A plan put up by the US in 1899 that would have given ALL nations an equal chance to trade with China.President Theodore Roosevelt introduced the Roosevelt Corollary in 1904. (in his State of the Union Address that year). It involved modifying the Monroe Doctrine. The Monroe Doctrine outlined US disapproval of European meddling in the Americas. The United States would intervene in disputes between European and Latin American nations rather than letting the Europeans directly assert their claims. This was Roosevelt's corollary to that theory. Roosevelt utilized the strategy to impose what became known as the "Big Stick" policy.Roosevelt adopted the "Big Stick" policy to place the United States as the dominant power broker in the Western Hemisphere and give it the upper hand in Latin American issues, earning it the nickname.

To learn more on big stick policy:



HELP ASAP Describe the impact that the baby boom generation has had on the United States. (Site 1)



The baby boom generation has had a significant impact on the United States in several ways. For one, the sheer size of the baby boom generation has been one of the primary drivers of economic growth and job creation in the US since the 1950s. As the baby boomers have aged, they have created an increased demand for housing, health care, and other services, leading to a boom in the construction, health care, and service industries. Baby boomers have also had a major impact on the political realm, as their sheer numbers have allowed them to sway elections and shape policy decisions. Additionally, the baby boom generation has had a lasting impact on American culture, leading to the emergence of new trends and fashions, and making a lasting impression on music, art, and literature.


what does stephens suggest that science and experience have revealed about the declaration of independence?


The thing that Stephens suggest that science and experience have revealed about the declaration of independence is that the independence was based on experience and led to new invention.

What does stephens suggest that science and experience?

Alexander H. Stephens, vice president of the Confederacy, outlines what he thinks are the causes of what he called a "revolution." The American Civil War was the outcome of this revolution. Many people recall Stephens' speech for its defense of slavery, its articulation of the alleged differences between the North and the South, and the racial rhetoric it employed to portray African Americans as inferior.

The Second Continental Congress, which met at Pennsylvania State University, adopted the United States Declaration of Independence, which is officially known as The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America. It should be noted that Stephens illustrated in his speech that the independence was vital to new invention.

Learn more about independence on:



What are the two forces that every bridge knows well?


The two forces that every bridge knows very well are Tension and compression.

Tension basically happens when there are forces acting against each other on both sides of the bridge. On the other hand, compression is the result of forces acting vertically on the bridge.

The two forces are present in every bridge framework or structure and they are always designed to handle the forces. This is why it is said that every bridge knows the two forces very well.

When the forces exceed the capacity of the bridge to handle them, the bridge might collapse or snap due to tensional or compressional stress.

Natural disasters such as floods and hurricanes can increase the tensional and compressional stress leading to collapsing of bridges.

learn more about the forces here; https://brainly.com/question/28953508?referrer=searchResults


why did king george iii try to limit contact between the citizens of the british colonies and native americans?


Answer: to keep peace on the frontier


hmh american history module 13 colonies 3 assessment answers 'what problems did the settlers of virginia face?'


Colonial Communities Three ships sailed from England on December 6, 1606 in order to settle in Virginia. Disease and Illness The pioneers had never before experienced the germs, bacteria, and illnesses that lived in this new continent.

Lack of food was the biggest issue that colonists in Virginia faced when they first arrived because the soil was difficult to produce and the Native Americans might be hostile. Nevertheless, they were able to trade effectively once they had enough tobacco growing. The London-based Virginia Company sent ships out to sea in 1606 in pursuit of gold. In their founding of Jamestown, the English immigrants did not discover gold; instead, they suffered from famine, illness, and excruciating agony. Of the 144 colonists who arrived in Jamestown, only 38 made it through the first year. In the years that followed, pilgrims and puritans arrived, and they too encountered many challenges. Poor nutrition and starvation The immigrants spent more time searching for gold after they arrived at Jamestown than they did farming.

To learn more about Virginia please click on below link



how did reagan use the monroe doctrine in his presidency



he disallowed sponsorship of military activity in the present hemisphere by countries of other hemispheres


The samurai and daimyo of medieval Japan correspond to what two groups in medieval Europe?

AWNSER..... Knights and lords


The samurai and daimyo of medieval Japan correspond to Knights and lords.

What is the relationship between samurai and daimyo?

When the first military dictatorship in Japan's history, known as the shogunate, was established in the 12th century, the samurai, members of a formidable military caste, rose to power. The samurai supported the shogun's rule and provided him control over the mikado as servants of the daimyos, or great lords.

Until the feudal system was abolished by the Meiji Restoration in 1868, the samurai would dominate Japanese politics and society. Despite being stripped of their ancient advantages, many samurai would rise to the top of contemporary Japan's political and industrial echelons. The bushido, or traditional samurai code of honor, discipline, and morality.

to learn more about Samurai click:



what did white supremacist groups hope to accomplish by violating african-american rights?


White supremacist groups violated African American rights in order to codify inequality and make them believe confirmed that whites are superior to black due to their race.

After the Civil War, African Americans benefited from a time when they were permitted to vote, actively participate in politics, and purchase the land of previous owners thanks to the protection of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution and the Civil Rights Act of 1866.

Black people should not have these rights, according to white racists. White supremacists created political and social organizations during Reconstruction in order to advance white supremacy, mistreat blacks, and pass laws that formalized inequalities.

To learn more about African American rights, follow the below link:



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