this is the question i was trying to ask

This Is The Question I Was Trying To Ask


Answer 1


the preamble


Related Questions

An election held to resolve an earlier election in which there was no clear winner is known as what type of election?






An election held to resolve an earlier election in which there was no clear winner is known as a special election. Hence, option A is appropriate.

What is an Election?

A formal process of communal decision-making, an election is how a population chooses a person or people to hold a public office.

Elections are the process through which citizens can choose national representatives regularly and replace them whenever they so want. Who will enact laws on their behalf is up to them. They have the power to decide who will lead the country and make important choices.

Representatives are chosen democratically through elections. They make sure that representatives follow the will of the people while making decisions. Voters can choose representatives in elections who will represent them in making laws, forming the government, and making important decisions.

Elections are a political procedure that allows voters to select their representatives. The fundamental tenet of democracy is that people elect their representatives. Elections can be held to accomplish this.

Hence, option A is correct.

Learn more about the Elections here:


BRAINLIST I WILL GIVE BRAINLIST TO WHOEVER ANSWERS THIS THE BEST. Please watch the video "The Cold War Explained in 15 minutes"

6 Things you learned in this video.
4 things you found interesting.
2 questions you have about this video.​



By which channel? Comment and I'll edit the answer and put the answers, is it the life guide?


Things you learned:

1. The USA and the Soviet union never directly fought

2. The CIA was made to stop the spread of communism

3. The Soviet union collapsed in 1991

4. At the time the Soviet union was the world's leading communist power

5. The soviet union split into 15 independent states

6. The Truman doctrine was a policy aimed at the soviet union

Things you found interesting:

1. Nikita  Khrushchev became the leader after Stalin's death

2. The Korean war showed that  communism could be contained

3. Nikita Khrushchev was an unpredictable leader

4. Nikita Khrushchev was replaced by Leonid Brezhnev in 1964


1. Why did Nikita Khrushchev take over after Stalin?

2. Why was the Soviet union lagging behind in computer technology?

Can I have brainliest? Also I hoped this helped and have a nice day!!!

Why does the "encounter" depicted in this cartoon seem so "unnatural"?


because it shows Stalin and Hitler married, they are supposed to represent communism and fascism, political concepts that strongly oppose and contradict one another

Which of the statements below best describes the age of Pericles



It was a golden age when the city became wealthier and more Democratic


The Age of Pericles was also known as the Golden age for the people of Athens in the city of Greece as there were a lot of developments taking place at that period in time.

There was a great economic boom in the region with lots of structural buildings and designs too and was a solid example to other regions and countries.

How did humanists contribute to the Renaissance?

They preserved ancient Greek and Roman texts for future scholars.
They helped establish early democracies by electing representatives.
They questioned the authority of religious institutions and church leaders.
They believed that life can be improved through education and study.







D.They believed that life can be improved through education and study.


Got it right on Edge Foo

Which region was most affected by President Theodore Roosevelt’s Big Stick policy?


Latin America was most affected by this policy
Much Teddy Roosevelt's "Big Stick" policy was exercised within Latin America and has its manifestations in the Roosevelt Corollary.

Which country does not border lake tanganyika?





Malawi is the answer

One fundamental way in which the Anti-Federalists and Federalists were similar is that they __________.
both spoke out for state sovereignty
both supported a republican form of government
both maintained that a republic could succeed in a large country
both found support among both city dwellers and small farmers

Please select the best answer from the choices provided




the answer is option (A) both spoke out for state sovereignty

Based on this map, what conclusion can you make about Britain's colonization of Australia in the 1700s?
It was a colony for prisoners.
Colonization hurt the natives there.
Britain had easier access to Asian ports.
It was colonized after the American Revolution



Colonization hurt the natives there. Britain had easier access to Asian ports.

in the region with all the tiny islands there were lots of natives that were taken over like the island vanuatu was colonized by both french and British extremly hurting the native, now both Britain and france feel bad and so provide support to the vanuatu government. and due to the open ports it was easy access to places like Honk Kong where the british also took over.

hope this helps :)

Which of these describes the United States’ position on the Syrian Civil War?

A. pro-Assad, pro-ISIS

B. pro-Assad, anti-ISIS

C. anti-Assad, pro-ISIS

D. anti-Assad, anti-ISIS


Answer: D


cuz it is


anti-Assad, anti-ISIS


The answer is D

In Italian renaissance design, which of the following would be a typical setting for a sabastiano serlio design for a pastoral
A: a church
B: a great inn or bawdy house
C: the house of a lord or duke
D: woodland area


I think that it’s C


i need an answer asap!!!
Which of the following statements are accurate regarding Henry Ford?

Question 4 options:

encouraged each worker to assemble a complete car

crafted car parts that could only be used in one car

invented the internal combustion engine used in cars

developed an automobile that common people could own


Answer: I would say D


Developed an automobile that common people could own ( he was an industrialist)

True or False
The bombing of Pearl Harbor got the U.S. involved in WWII?





265. How did Turkey change its government from parliamentary democracy to
presidential republic?
A. The prime minister made an executive ruling.
B. Citizens rioted to get the prime minister's attention.
C. After a civil war, the constitution was changed.
D. Citizens voted to change the constitution.


Turkey's political system is based on a separation of powers. ... The reforms, among other measures, abolished the position of Prime Minister and designated the President as both head of state and government, effectively transforming Turkey from a parliamentary regime into a presidential one.


What did Hitler have to obtain before he could run for president?

a) German citizenship
b) a law degree
c) membership in another political party
d) a high school diploma​



c) membership in another political party


C, I believe he had all of those so

Which person is performing a civic duty?

a person who declines to serve on a jury because he is too busy
a person who regularly attends classes at a community college
a person who decides to run for office to fix problems in the town
a person who refuses to vote because the ballot is too confusing



a person who decides to run for office to fix problems in the town

i think it would be answer c

Will give brainly + extra points for correct

How did Hitler influence or use the military and the youth to gain power and control?


Hitler influenced both the military and the youth by manipulating his beliefs upon them. He gained political power by killing many of the people who had a high standpoint in Germany who said he did not belong in power which gained him control over the country. The youth were impressionable and outraged that they had lost world war 1 and Hitler manipulated them to believe that he could gain back Germany's pride by making Germany superior to every other country.

I hope this helped ^^

What is the song Strange Fruit about?



i d k


Question: Explain how events such as the Vietnam War and Watergate affected the American public’s opinion of the U.S government.
Read the question above and write down what you think the question is asking in your own words.
Part 2:
Use an Internet search engine to find sources that would help you answer the question. Try to use the advanced search option to limit the number of results.
You must choose four sources to complete this portion of the assignment.
Two on Watergate
Two on the Vietnam War
You must have at least two different types of sources. Your sources could include a news or magazine article, a topic website, an online encyclopedia, or video.
Submit the following information:
What search engine did you use?
What words did you type into the search engine to get your results?
What sources did you choose? Provide the web address and title of each source.
Example: Title: Richard Nixon Biography
Part 3:
Choose one Vietnam War and one Watergate source from Part 2 and complete the following:
Write two or three sentences to summarize each source.
Write what you think the purpose of the source is and who the original audience would have been.
Write at least one sentence explaining how the source helps you explain the way the event affected the American public’s opinion of the government.
Choose a quote from the source that you would use as evidence to support your answer to the question.


message me please. brainly does not approve my answer. brainly said my answer is rude or something

If nonrenewable energy resources are used to power a light, then the wind energy will be the most efficient. A student created the hypothesis for his experiment. Identify the independent variable.



HIS HYPothesis would be wind is the better choes

which idea specifically favors native-born americans over recent immigrants?



Nativism refers to a political sentiment that favors greater rights and privileges for white, native-born Americans.


hope it help

What benefits did the reparation give the allies


Reparations, a levy on a defeated country forcing it to pay some of the war costs of the winning countries. Reparations were levied on the Central Powers after World War I to compensate the Allies for some of their war costs. They were meant to replace war indemnities which had been levied after earlier wars as a punitive measure as well as to compensate for economic losses. After World War II the Allies levied reparations principally on Germany, Italy, Japan, and Finland.

Will an equal rights amendment ever be added to the constitution?



The Equal Rights Amendment was first proposed nearly a century ago and has still not been added to the U.S. Constitution. ... Men and women shall have equal rights throughout the United States and every place subject to its jurisdiction. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation

Best moments A PERSON had or did In 1494-1754


The American Revolutionary War, the Declaration of Independence, and the birth of the two-party system — this is a pivotal period in American history.

When he rose from the grave, Jesus became the source and pattern of the believer's _.
A. Faith
B. Trials
C. Resurrection



C: Resurrection


A. Faith

Deductive reasoning, neither trials nor resurrection makes sense when placed in the underlined portion of the sentence, therefore the answer will be faith.

Which of the following is not a contributing factor to environmental policy decisions? a. human health b. availability of natural resources c. environmental health d. none of the above Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D





Environmental policy decisions are influenced by a variety of factors, including human health, the availability of environmental assets, and environmental health. As a result, choice (D) is the appropriate one.

What is environment conservation?

Environmental conservation is a practice that sets the way for environmental and natural resource protection on a personal, organizational, and governmental level.

Human lives are being severely impacted by a number of fundamental environmental challenges. All of these problems, including overcrowding, hydrological problems, ozone depletion, and global warming, as well as deforestation, desertification, and pollution, constitute a serious threat to the survival of humankind.

It is pointless to anticipate positive progress until environmental conservation turns into a powerful mass movement, especially in the era of digital media, which has the power to spark a revolution and prevent the destruction of our world. Working for environmental protection has become increasingly vital in the modern day.

Learn more about environment conservation, from:


What are the 5 civilized trips of the Mississippian culture?

Question 1 options:

Choctaw, Inca, Mayan, Aztec, Chickasaw

Seminole, Aztec, Mayan, Sumerian, American

Greek, Jewish, Creek, Mayan, Seminole

Chickasaw, Choctaw, Seminole, Cherokee, Creek



Chickasaw, Choctaw, Seminole, Cherokee, Creek

The 5 civilized tribes of the Mississippian culture are the Chickasaw, Choctaw, Seminole, Cherokee, and Creek.

All of the other answers have tribes or cultures that aren’t from the Mississippi area

The Treaty of Yakama forced the Indian tribe to cede

A;a vast majority of land to the US government.
B;a small minority of land to the US government.
C;its rights to all ancestral lands in central Washington.
D;its rights to gold on the reservation in central Washington.


A. a vast majority of land to the US government.


hope this helps :)

What does the glossary entry help the reader understand about Copernicus?
1. the importance of his scientific theory
2. the country in which he studied and worked
3. the approximate time period in which he lived
the ancient Greek and Roman works that influenced him



4) The ancient Greek and Roman works that influenced him


Greek and Roman works influenced in NIcolaus Copernicus

Out of the choices provided above, it can be concluded to state that the glossary entry help the reader understand about Copernicus, as it tells about the ancient Greek and Roman works that influenced him. Therefore, the option D holds true.

What is the significance of a glossary?

A glossary can be referred to or considered as a textual content that describes about the reference of the words or phrases used in a literary composition, which may be difficult to understand by the common readers.

When a glossary of a text refers about Copernicus, a mathematician, it may be used to describe about the contributions that he gave to the field of mathematics by getting influences  by the Greek and Roman architecture around him.

Therefore, the option D holds true and states regarding the significance of a glossary.

Learn more about a glossary here:


8. Compare the physical set-up of factory and plantation using the following documents: How are they
set up similarly?





where are the documents

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