Global economic development has led to an increase in the use of fossil fuels
worldwide. Which of the following would be the best solution to this global
economic problem?
A. Encouraging developing countries to participate in global trade
B. Establishing international agreements to prevent overfishing
C. Forming strict regulations on greenhouse gas emissions
D. Creating an international seed bank to protect biodiversity


Answer 1

Answer: C

Explanation: I think it’s C because there were like strict regulations on greenhpuse gas emissions.

Related Questions

What is the percentage of the offspring?!



50% AO, 50% BO


there are 2/4 that are of AO blood, and 2/4 are of BO blood.

2/4 is equivalent to 50%

How does the intensity of the sun's rays change as you move away from the equator?​



As incoming rays move further away from the equator, solar intensity decreases. This is due to decreasing incoming sunlight angles that result in the Sun's rays being spread out over a greater surface area of the Earth. ... The tilt of the Earth influences the amount of sunlight that a particular location receives.

As incoming rays move further away from the equator, solar intensity decreases. This is due to decreasing incoming sunlight angles that result in the Sun's rays being spread out over a greater surface area of the Earth. ... The tilt of the Earth influences the amount of sunlight that a particular location receives. hi

how can Keeping track of what food you have and when it will go bad help prevent habitat destruction?



It helps in the survival of organism which leads to prevent destruction of their habitat.


The available food and its shelf life are the information that helps the organisms to prevent destruction of their habitats because it provides information about in how many days the food can be eaten by the organisms which helps in surviving the organisms in the environment in which the food is limited. The wise use of available resources for the survival can help organism to survive in that environment and prevent to stop the destruction of their habitat completely.

If the average high temperature in GR is 30 degrees in January and the average temperature in Miami is 74 degrees, what is the difference between high temperatures?


Answer:the equator


Is neocortex an active brain?​ and why?



Yes, The neocortex is the center for higher brain functions, such as perception, decision-making and language. Our group focuses on the mechanisms governing neocortex development, with a strong interest on the role and regulation of the neural stem cells.


science god dang it sucks



station 10


Answer is station 10

5 examples are of renewable resources if conserved properly



Renewable resources include biomass energy (such as ethanol), hydropower, geothermal power, wind energy, and solar energy. Biomass refers to organic material from plants or animals. This includes wood, sewage, and ethanol (which comes from corn or other plants)


Write with examples three adaptations each of plants and animals in
estuarine habitat​



Two key adaptations they have are the ability to survive in waterlogged and anoxic (no oxygen) soil, and the ability to tolerate brackish waters. Some mangroves remove salt from brackish estuarine waters through ultra-filtration in their roots.


Sorry I couldn’t do three only to but I hope this still helps you.

Organisms in an estuary  have a wide tolerance for sudden changes in salinity.

What is an estuary?

An estuary is a habitat that is marked by fluctuating tides and salinity. It usually contains organisms that have a wide tolerance for sudden changes in salinity.

Hence, the adaptation of organisms in an estuary are;

Ability to survive in anoxic environmentAbility to live in a  waterlogged areaAbility  to tolerate fluctuating salinity

Learn more about estuary:


help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee



Nuclear Fusion

Uranium rods


Select all that apply.

Three diseases discussed in this lesson that can cause diarrhea are:

amoebic dysentery
bacillary dysentery
food poisoning


Answer: The three are food poisoning and bacillary dysentery and the last one is amoebic dysentery


what is the genetic of finger?​



this is the answer hope it works

Brachydactyly is an inherited condition, which makes genetics the main cause. If you have shortened fingers or toes, other members of your family most likely also have the condition. It is an autosomal dominant condition, which means you only need one parent with the gene to inherit the condition.

2 Why does Sean Brady feel optimistic about the discovery of this new antibiotic?
(A) because it has already been approved to treat illnesses in humans
(B) because it helped him launch his company, Lodo Therapeutics
(C) because it proved that lab studies are not necessary to develop new antibiotics
(D) because it suggests that more antibiotics are waiting to be discovered

Article : Scientists are studying new ways of finding antibiotics — in dirt



D. Because it suggests that more antibiotics are waiting to be discovered

What is a negative aspect of liming?
A. It can lower the porosity, creating drier soil.
B. All of these
C. It releases carbon dioxide, which can contribute to global warming.
D. It increases the acidity of the soil.


I think it’s B. All of these

Wasp larvae can grow inside a type of caterpillar known as the Tomato Hornworm. The caterpillars
are eventually killed when the larvae eat through and rupture its organs and skin as they exit its
body. What type of relationship is this?


Answer:  It is a parasitic relation ship


Until the 1950's, plants and fungi were generally classified together in Kingdom Plantae. Now, they are classified in separate kingdoms.

Which of the following is a characteristic they share?



it is D. both are eukaryotic.


I just answered and got it correct. hope it helps!

The common characteristic that a plant and fungi share is that they both are eukaryotic.

What do you mean by Kingdom?

Kingdom may be defined as a taxonomic classification of the second-highest level, just below the domain.

Plants are autotrophic in nature, while fungi are heterotrophic in nature. Plants possess cell walls made up of cellulose, while fungi possess cell walls made up of chitin.

Therefore, the common characteristic that a plant and fungi share is that they both are eukaryotic.

To learn more about Kingdom Plantae, refer to the link:


How does a balanced chemical equation satisfy the Law of
Conservation of Mass?

A. During a chemical reaction, the total amount of
matter stays the same.
B. During a chemical reaction, matter is destroyed.
C. During a chemical reaction, one or more new
substances are formed.
D. During a chemical reaction, the total number of
atoms increases.


A - the law of conservation of matter states that matter can be neither be created or destroyed and it must start and end with the same amount
Given this, this eliminates B, and D.
And if we reread the question C doesn’t apply to what it’s asking, as it’s specifically asking about the Law of Conservation of Mass (even though yes this statement may be true in most circumstances when in comes to chemical reactions) Hope this helps.

True or False: Muscle memory occurs when you practice a movement a lot and the body remembers it.








What produces toxic chemicals in the body?



Chemicals can be toxic because they can harm us when they enter or contact the body. Exposure to a toxic substance such as gasoline can affect your health. Since drinking gasoline can cause burns, vomiting, diarrhea and, in very large amounts, drowsiness or death, it is toxic.

Which one of the following is an example of parasitism?
a. Flower and bee
b. An orchid growing on a tree
c. Clownfish and sea anemone
d. Tapeworm and dog


D! I hope this helpssss

Which of the following is a common use of Gamma Rays? *
O Heat-seeking missiles
O Airport Security
O Cell Phone Communication
O Cancer Treatment


The answer is the last one Cancer treatment

Help me please finish the hypothesis! Only have 2 minutes No websites
HYPOTHESIS: If 2 chambers of water are poured side-by-side, the warmer water will mix the cooler layer because it ___________



Heat Transfer


If Two chambers of water are poured side-by-side, the warmer water will mix the cooler layer because the water molcules in a jar of hot water are more spread out and the two jars seek a balance of tempature.

Can someone please help!! Will mark brainlist!!!



All answers are in the image

Using Figure 10-4 above, list the correct order for the diagrams.



The answer is C:DACB

In a paternity case, a woman (blood type O) claims a man (type A) whose mother is O to be the father of her

child. Is there any possibility the woman is correct? If so, show the genotypes of the people involved and a likely cross to produce a child with blood type O.



Yes, the mother's claim might be correct.

Please find the genotype of the parents and the cross below


Blood group in humans is controlled by three alleles namely; iA, iB, and i. Alleles iA and iB are dominant over allele i but co-dominant when together i.e. iAiB

Based on this, below are the blood types of an individual with the possible genotype;

Blood type A - iAiA or iAi

Blood type B - iBiB or iBi

Blood type AB - iAiB

Blood type O - ii

According to this question involving a paternity case, a woman with blood type O claims a man with blood type A whose mother is type O to be the father of her child. The woman has a genotype 'ii' while the man has a heterozygous genotype 'iAi' because his mother will contribute the 'i' allele.

Hence, using the genotype of the woman (ii) and man (iAi) in a cross as follows; ii × iAi (see attached image for punnet square), the following proportion of offsprings will likely be produced:

(2) iAi - blood type A

(2) ii - blood type O

Therefore, the woman's claim that the man is the father of her child with blood type O (ii) is most likely correct.

Summarize: How are the processes of natural selection and artificial selection similar? How are they


They both result in a particular allele rising in frequency in the population over time. They are different in that natural selection will only cause an allele to rise in frequency if that allele provides individuals with an increased relative fitness. Artificial selection can be used to cause a rise in frequency of alleles which do not provide individuals with increased relative fitness.

Scientists believe that the polar bear in Alaska and the brown bear in Russia evolved from a common ancestor which would be responsible for this evolutionary change


Answer: don’t know really how to explain it but it’s geographic isolation

The process which is responsible for the evolutionary change among polar bears in Alaska and the brown bear in Russia is geographical isolation.

What do you mean by Evolutionary change?

Evolutionary change may be defined as the heritable change which is seen in populations and species over a long period of time, due to several mechanisms such as natural selection, random genetic drift, erotic selection, and mutation.

The mechanism of geographical isolation is considered one of the important factors in causing speciation.

This happens when the individuals of the species may be isolated due to any physical means such as mountains, rivers, etc for a long period of time.

Therefore, the process which is responsible for the evolutionary change among polar bears in Alaska and the brown bear in Russia is geographical isolation.

To learn more about Speciation, refer to the link:


Explain the difference between species richness and species evenness.


Species richness measures the number of different species while species evenness tells whether the ecosystem has a dominant species or has similar abundances of all species. Both measures is needed to evaluate the biodiversity of an ecosystem. Biodiversity is defined and measured as an attribute that has two components — richness and evenness. Richness = The number of groups of genetically or functionally related individuals. ... Evenness = Proportions of species or functional groups present on a site. Abstract. Evidence about the health of ecosystems is often thought to be related to biodiversity. Traditional attempts to define biodiversity consider two components: richness—the number of species in the ecosystem—and evenness—the extent to which species are evenly distributed. More information was provided from me in this answer. Hope this helps!

Can y’all answer quick and correctly I’m ina bad mood rn


Answer: capillaries




Explanation: Fluid is forced out of capillaries (filtration) by blood pressure (hydrostatic pressure). As plasma is filtered, globular proteins are concentrated in the blood passing through the glomerulus, as globular proteins are too large to be filtered.

The amount of water vapor present in the air is

A water vapor

B humidity

C anemometer

D air pressure





The amount of water vapor in the air is called absolute humidity. The amount of water vapor in the air as compared with the amount of water that the air could hold is called relative humidity. This amount of space in air that can hold water changes depending on the temperature and pressure.

This food chain shows the interactions between organisms found in a pond ecosystem.
Algae -Water Boatman - Diving Beetle - Frog - Heron
Which organism would be affected first if algae was removed from the ecosystem?
diving beetle
water boatman


Frog hehehe hash hsndndkjfnd
Water boatmanidjdfofmf dndnsnssn sndsjsjsos
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