There are 130 people at a meeting. Theyeach give a Valentine's Day card toeveryone else. How many cards weregiven?


Answer 1


Suppose there are only two people in the meeting. Person A gives a card to person B and vice-versa. Two cards were given.

Now we have 3 people. Person A gives two cards. Person B gives two cards. Person C gives two cards. Total = 6 cards given.

Each people gives a card to everyone else (except themselves, of course) and it's done by everyone in the meeting, thus for 130 people:

130 x 129 = 16,770 cards were given

Related Questions

the top of a rectangular box has an area of 42cm^2. The sides of the box have areas of 30cm^2 and 35cm^2. what are the dimensions of the box?


We have a rectangular box where we know the area of the faces and we have to find the width w, length l and height h.

The area of the top of the box is equal to the length times the width (l*w) and we also know that it is 42 cm², so we can write:

[tex]l\cdot w=42[/tex]

With the same logic, we can write the equations for the other two areas:

[tex]\begin{gathered} l\cdot h=30 \\ w\cdot h=35 \end{gathered}[/tex]

NOTE: the area we choose for l or w is indistinct,so we can relate it as we like.

Then, we can solve this system of equations substituting variables as:

[tex]\begin{gathered} l\cdot h=30\longrightarrow l=\frac{30}{h} \\ w\cdot h=35\longrightarrow w=\frac{35}{h} \\ l\cdot w=(\frac{30}{h})(\frac{35}{h})=\frac{1050}{h^2}=42 \\ h^2=\frac{1050}{42} \\ h^2=25 \\ h=\sqrt[]{25} \\ h=5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

With the value of h, we can calculate l and w:

[tex]\begin{gathered} l=\frac{30}{h}=\frac{30}{5}=6 \\ w=\frac{35}{h}=\frac{35}{5}=7 \end{gathered}[/tex]


The dimensions of the box are: length = 6 cm, width = 7 cm and height = 5 cm.

The monthly cost (in dollars) of a long-distance phone plan is a linear function of the total calling time (in minutes). The monthly cost for 37 minutes of calls is$13.21 and the monthly cost for 70 minutes is $17.50. What is the monthly cost for 45 minutes of calls?



The monthly cost is 37 min is $13.21

70 min cost is $17.50


The monthly cost for 45 minutes of calls


The linear equation is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=mx+c \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} m=\text{ Slope} \\ \\ c=Y-\text{ Intercept} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The formula of the slope is:


The point is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (x_1,y_1)=(37,13.21) \\ \\ (x_2,y_2)=(70,17.50) \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, the slope is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} m=\frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1} \\ \\ m=\frac{17.50-13.21}{70-37} \\ \\ m=\frac{4.29}{33} \\ \\ m=0.13 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Slope is:

The general equation of a line:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=mx+c \\ \\ y=0.13x+c \end{gathered}[/tex]

The value of "c" is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=0.13x+c \\ \\ (x,y)=(37,13.21) \\ \\ 13.21=0.13(37)+c \\ \\ c=13.21-4.81 \\ \\ c=8.4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The equation is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=mx+c \\ \\ y=0.13x+8.4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Cost at 45 min. is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=45 \\ \\ y=0.13x+8.4 \\ \\ y=0.13(45)+8.4 \\ \\ y=5.85+8.4 \\ \\ y=14.25 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The 45 min cost is $14.25

Give two examples that illustrate the difference between a compound interest problem involving future value and a compound interest problem involving presentvalue.Choose the correct answer below.A. In a compound interest problem involving present value the goal is to find how much money has to be invested initially in order to have a certain amount inthe future. In a problem involving future value the goal is to find how much money there will be after a certain amount of time has passed given an initialamount to invest.B. In a compound interest problem involving present value the goal is to find how much money there will be after a certain amount of time has passed given aneffective annual yield. In a problem involving future value the goal is to find how much money has to be invested initially in order to have a certain effectiveannual yield in the future.OC. In a compound interest problem involving present value the goal is to find how much money there will be after a certain amount of time has passed given aninitial amount to invest. In a problem involving future value the goal is to find how much money has to be invested initially in order to have a certain amountin the future.


From the list of statements, let's select the examples that illustrate the difference between a compound interest problem involving future value and a compound interest problem involving present value.

Apply the compound interest formula:



A represents the future value which is the final amount after a given period of time.

P represents the present value which is the initial amount invested.

When you are required to find the present value, the goal is to find how much money has to be invested initially in order to have a certain amount in the future. Here, the future value is always given.

When you are required to find the future value, the goal is to find how much money there will be after a certain amount of time has passed given an initial amount to invest. Here, the present value is always given.

Therefore, the correct examples are:

In a compound interest problem involving present value the goal is to find how much money has to be invested initially in order to have a certain amount in

the future. In a problem involving future value the goal is to find how much money there will be after a certain amount of time has passed given an initial

amount to invest.


In a compound interest problem involving present value the goal is to find how much money has to be invested initially in order to have a certain amount in

the future. In a problem involving future value the goal is to find how much money there will be after a certain amount of time has passed given an initial

amount to invest.

I need help with this please. I have tried multiple times but still could not get the correct answers


Recall that the diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular bisectors of each other, therefore all the right triangles formed by the diagonals as shown in the given diagram are congruent, therefore:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \measuredangle1=\measuredangle4=\measuredangle2, \\ \measuredangle3=39^{\circ}, \\ \measuredangle1+39^{\circ}=90^{\circ}. \end{gathered}[/tex]

Solving the last equation for angle 1 we get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \measuredangle1=90^{\circ}-39^{\circ}, \\ \measuredangle1=51^{\circ}. \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} m\angle1=51^{\circ}, \\ m\angle2=51^{\circ}, \\ m\angle3=39^{\circ}, \\ m\angle4=51^{\circ}. \end{gathered}[/tex]

GRE verbal reasoning scores has an unknowndistribution with a mean of 150.1 and astandard deviation of 9.4. Using the empirical rule,what do we know about thepercentage of GRE verbal reasoning scoresbetween 131.3 and 168.9?


Empirically we can see the σ ranges of a Gaussian distribution in the following figure

From exercise we know that:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \bar{x}\bar{}=150.1 \\ \sigma=9.4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

We will calculate how many sigmas the given range is to know what the percentage of scores :

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=\bar{x}-A\sigma \\ x=131.3 \\ 131.3=150.1-A(9.4) \\ 150.1-131.3=9.4A \\ A=\frac{18.8}{9.4} \\ A=2 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

The score 131.3 is 2 sigmas from the mean

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=\bar{x}+A\sigma \\ x=168.9 \\ 168.9=150.1-A(9.4) \\ 168.9-150.1=9.4A \\ A=\frac{18.8}{9.4} \\ A=2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The score 168.9 is 2 sigmas from the mean

The range of reasoning scores between 131.3 and 168.9 is ±2σ which corresponds to 95.5% (see initial graph)

(50k³ + 10k² − 35k – 7) ÷ (5k − 4)How do I simplify this problem





From the problem, we have an expression :


The divisor is (5k - 4)

Step 1 :

Divide the 1st term by the first term of the divisor.


The result is 10k^2

Step 2 :

Multiply the result to the divisor :


Step 3 :

Subtract the result from the polynomial :


Now we have the polynomial :


Repeat Step 1 :


The result is 10k

Repeat Step 2 :


Repeat Step 3 :


Now we have the polynomial :


Repeat Step 1 :


The result is 1

Repeat Step 2 :


Repeat Step 3 :


Since -3 is a number, this will be the remainder.

Collect the bold results we had from above :

(10k^2 + 10k + 1) remainder -3

Note that the remainder can be expressed as remainder over divisor.

That will be :

[tex]\begin{gathered} 10k^2+10k+1+\frac{-3}{5k-4} \\ or \\ 10k^2+10k+1-\frac{3}{5k-4} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The number of accidents that occureach day at a certain intersection alongwith the corresponding probabilities areshown.Accidents01234Probability.935. the expected number of accidentseach day.





The expected value of a probability distribution can be obtained using the formula:

[tex]\sum ^n_{i\mathop=1}x_i\cdot P(x_i)[/tex]

Therefore, the expected number of accidents will be:

[tex]\begin{gathered} E(X)=(0\times0.935)+(1\times0.03)+(2\times0.02)+(3\times0.01)+(4\times0.005) \\ =0+0.03+0.04+0.03+0.02 \\ =0.12 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The expected number of accidents each day is 0.12.

in triangle XYZ, point M is the centroid. If XM=8, find the length of MA


Centroid theorem: the centroid is 2/3 of the distance from each vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side.

For the given triangle:


XA is the sum of XM and MA:


Use the two equations above to find MA:

[tex]\begin{gathered} XM=8 \\ \\ 8=\frac{2}{3}XA \\ \\ XA=\frac{3}{2}(8) \\ \\ XA=12 \\ \\ \\ 12=8+MA \\ MA=12-8 \\ \\ MA=4 \end{gathered}[/tex]Then, MA is equal to 4

write the ratio as a fraction in lowest terms. compare in hours.22 hours to 5 days


We know 1 day = 24 hours

Let's convert 5 days to hours:


Now, we have the ratio:

22 hours to 120 hours

We can write it as a fraction:


This is not in its lowest terms. We can divide numerator and denominator by "2", to get:


Thus, final answer is:




State with the equation has one solution, new solution, or infinitely many solutions.



The equation is;

[tex]\begin{gathered} -2g+10=8g \\ 10=10g \\ g=1 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

The equation has one solution

If the lateral areas of two similar prisms are in a ratio of 8 to 18, what is the ratio of the volumes? Enter answers in the same format and order as the original ratio. Round any decimals to the nearest 10th.


The ration of the lateral areas of the smaller prism to the larger prism is 8 to 18

The first step is t find the scale factor. Recall,

area = square of scale factor

Thus, scale factor = square root of area


[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{scale factor = }\sqrt[]{\frac{8}{18}} \\ \text{Dividing the numerator and denominator by 2, we have} \\ \text{scale factor = }\sqrt[]{\frac{4}{9}} \\ scale\text{ factor = 2/3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Volume = cube of scale factor. Thus,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{volume = (}\frac{2}{3})^3 \\ \text{Volume = }\frac{8}{27} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

4y-3x=-16 I need help with this problem and the problem in the picture please help me this work is already late I need to turn it in



x = 1.6

y = -2.8


The question wants us to solve the simultaneous equation

4y - 3x = -16

8x - 4y = 24

Adding the two equations, we have,

4y - 3x + 8x - 4y = -16 + 24

5x = 8

Divide both sides by 5

(5x/5) = (8/5)

x = 1.6

If x = 1.6,

8 (1.6) - 4y = 24

12.8 - 4y = 24

-4y = 24 - 12.8

-4y = 11.2

y = -2.8

Hope this Helps!!!

What are the next 4 terms of the sequence 1, 6, 11...?


The formula to find the sequence is given by:


Where a1 is the first term of the sequence, n is the number of terms and d is the common difference. We can find the common difference by the following formula:


With the given terms of the sequence we can find d:

[tex]\begin{gathered} d=11-6=5 \\ or \\ d=6-1=5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The common difference is d=5.

Now, apply the formual to find the next 4 terms of the sequence:

[tex]\begin{gathered} a_4=1+(4-1)\cdot5=1+3\cdot5=1+15=16 \\ a_5=1+(5-1)\cdot5=1+4\cdot5=1+20=21 \\ a_6=1+(6-1)\cdot5=1+5\cdot5=1+25=26 \\ a_7=1+(7-1)\cdot5=1+6\cdot5=1+30=31 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The next 4 terms are: A. 16,21,26,31

Find the square root. Assume that the variable is unrestricted, and use absolute value symbols when necessary. (Simplify your answer completely)


We are given the following expression:


To simplify this expression we will use the following property of radicals:


Applying the property we get:


Now, the first radical is equal to 9 since 9 x 9 = 81, therefore, we get:


For the second radical we will use the following property of absolute values:

[tex]\lvert x\rvert=\sqrt[]{x^2}[/tex]

Replacing we get:

[tex]\sqrt[]{81x^2}=\sqrt[]{81}\sqrt[]{x^2}=9\sqrt[]{x^2}=9\lvert x\rvert[/tex]

Therefore, the expression reduces to the product of 9 and the absolute value of "x".

Which of the following methods of timekeeping is the least precise?A. Using a stopwatchB. Using a wrist watchC. Counting your heartbeatsO D. Using a calendar


It’s c counting your heartbeats

My reasoning is that a wrist watch, a calendar and a stop watch all function on metered, constant intervals of time. A heart beat doesn't. It changes from person to person, from moment to moment. It isn't regular enough to be a precise unit of measure.

A probability experiment consist of rolling a 15-sided die. Find the probability of the event below. rolling a number divisible by 6



A 15-sided die has 15 faces numbered 1 to 15.

So the total possible outcome is 15.

Of all the numbers from 1 to 15, only 6 and 12 are divisible by 6. Therefore the numbers divisible by 6 is 2.

So the required outcome = 2

Probability =

[tex]\text{Probability = }\frac{required\text{ outcome}}{\text{total possible outcome}}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Probability = }\frac{required\text{ outcome}}{\text{total possible outcome}} \\ \\ \text{Probability = }\frac{2}{\text{1}5} \end{gathered}[/tex]

solve for 2 cos x+sqrt2 =0 for o




it's 3pi/ 4 and 5pi/4



[tex]\frac{3\pi }{4} \ and \ \frac{5\pi }{4} .[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]1. \ cosx=-\frac{\sqrt{2} }{2};\\x=^+_-\frac{3 \pi}{4}+2 \pi n, \ where \ n=Z.[/tex]

2. finally, the answer is

[tex]\frac{3\pi }{4} \&\frac{5\pi }{4} .[/tex]

The sum of six consecutive integers is -9. What are the integers?


Therefore the six consecutive integers are -4,-3,-2,-1,0,1 .

What is consecutive integer ?

   Integers that follow one another are referred to as consecutive integers. They proceed in a certain order or sequence. For instance, a sequence of natural numbers are all integers. In mathematics, the term "consecutive" refers to an uninterrupted chain of events or a continuous progression, such as when integers follow one another in a sequence where each succeeding number is one more than the one before it. The mean and median are both identical in a collection of successive integers (or in numbers). x + 1 and x + 2 are two consecutive integers if x is an integer.

Here sum of six consecutive integer is -9.

Let us take the 6 consecutive numbers are,

=> x,x+1, x+2, x+3,x+4, x+5

Now sum is -9. Then ,

=> x+x+1+x+2+x+3+x+4+x+5 =-9

=> 6x + 15 = -9

=> 6x = -9-15

=> 6x = -24

=> x = -24/6

=> x= -4

Then 6 integers are ,

=> -4,-3,-2,-1,0,1

Therefore the six consecutive integers are -4,-3,-2,-1,0,1 .

To learn more about consecutive integer


i forgot how i solved this and i need help understanding the second step done by lorne, thank u!




The second step is writing the terms individually and the addition sign between them, so, we will use the property of the opposite addition

For example, instead of writing: (1 - a), we can write it as 1 + (-a)

So, the expression will be:


the next model of a sports car will cost 14.4% more than the current model the current model cost $41,000 how much would a price increase in dollars what would the price of the next model?


Given that the current model of the car cost;

[tex]\text{ \$41,000}[/tex]

We are informed that the next model of a sports car will cost 14.4% more than the current model.

The price increase in dollars will then be given as;

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{14.4}{100}\times41000 \\ =\text{ \$}5904 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer 1: Price increase in dollars is $5904

The cost of the next model will then be the sum of the current model and the price increase in dollars.

This would give;

[tex]\text{ \$41000+\$5904=\$46904}[/tex]

Answer 2: The cost of the next price model is $46904

let f(x)=2x+1. write a function g(x) whose grass is a rotation of f (x) about (0,1) by a factor of 3 , followed buy a vertical translation 6 units down


1) Considering f(x)= 2x+1, And g(x) be f(x) rotated about y=1, with a factor of 3 this

A vertical translation 6 units down= g(x) = 2x -5

A factor of 3: g(x)= 3(2x)-5

use the given graph to find the mean, median and mode of the following distribution: the mean is _______the median is _______the mode(s) is/are: __________Note: when the data is presented in a frequency table, the formula to find the mean is:




From the graph above, a frequency table can be made as shown below;

To calculate the mean;

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Mean}=\frac{\Sigma fx}{\Sigma f} \\ \text{Mean}=\frac{189}{20} \\ \text{Mean}=9.45 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the mean is 9.45

To calculate the median;

Median is the middle term when the data is arranged in rank order.

Since we have 20 terms, then the middle terms will be the 10th and 11th terms.

The median will be the mean of these two numbers.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 10th\text{ term=9} \\ 11th\text{ term=10} \\ \text{Median}=\frac{9+10}{2} \\ \text{Median}=\frac{19}{2} \\ \text{Median}=9.5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the median is 9.5

To calculate the mode;

The mode is the data that appears most in the set. It is the data with the highest frequency.

From the graph

From the graph

Answer the following questions.(a) 12 is 15% of what?.(b) 45% of 60 is what number?.



(a) 80

(b) 27



We must calculate what number 15% is equal to 12, therefore, we do the following operation:



In this case we must calculate 45% of 60, therefore:


1. Find the slope 2.what is wrong with the following slopes ?


Given two points (x₁, y₁) and (x₂, y₂), the slope (m) is:


So, to solve this question. Follow the steps.

Step 01: Substitute the points in the equation and solve part 1.

(x₁, y₁) = (-3, -1)

(x₂, y₂) = (-2, 6)

[tex]\begin{gathered} m=\frac{6-(-1)}{-2-(-3)} \\ m=\frac{6+1}{-2+3} \\ m=\frac{7}{1} \\ m=7 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The slope is 7.

Step 02: Find what is wrong.

The points are:

(x₁, y₁) = (3, 5)

(x₂, y₂) = (-2, 6)

So, substituting in the equation:


What is wrong is that the numerator was substituted by (y₁ - y₂), while the denominator was substituted by (x₂ -x₁).

Use the regression calculator to compare the teams’ number of runs with their number of wins.

A 2-column table with 9 rows. Column 1 is labeled R with entries 808, 768, 655, 684, 637, 619, 613, 609, 563. Column 2 is labeled W with entries 93, 94, 66, 81, 86, 75, 61, 69, 55.

What is the y-intercept of the trend line, to the nearest hundredth?


The y-intercept of the trend line is equal to -23.08.

How to determine the y-intercept of the trend line?

In order to determine a linear equation of the trend line that models the data points contained in the table, we would have to use an Excel regression calculator (scatter plot).

In this scenario, the teams’ number of runs would be plotted on the x-axis of the scatter plot while the teams’ number of wins would be plotted on the y-axis of the scatter plot.

On the Excel worksheet, you should right click on any data point on the scatter plot, select format trend line, and then tick the box to display an equation for the trend line on the scatter plot.

From the scatter plot (see attachment) which models the relationship between data points in the table, a linear equation of the trend line is given by:

y = 0.15x - 23.08

In conclusion, a standard linear equation is given by:

y = mx + c


m represents the slope i.e 0.15.x and y are the points.c represents the y-intercept i.e -23.08.

Read more on scatter plot here:


A city has a population of 300,000 people. Suppose that each year the population grows by 4.5%. What will the population be after 14 years?Use the calculator provided and round your answer to the nearest whole number.



Population =300000

Growth rate = 4.5 %.

time = 14 years.

consider the exponential growth equation.


where a is the initial value and r=growth rate.

Let y be the number of population after t years.

Substitute a=300000, r=4.5/100. t-14 in exponential growth equation, we get





Hence the population after 14 years is 555584 people.

Find the measure of angle R, given that the largest triangle is a right triangle.A)27B)18C)72D)45


we know that

The central angle is 90 degrees


18+R=45 degrees


R=27 degrees

Which method do you prefer over the others describe the method in your own words and give an example of a quadratic equation that can be solved with the method Please help thanks thanks


The Solution:

We are required to give an example of a quadratic equation.

Describe a chosen method for solving the quadratic equation.

Solve it using the method you described.

A quadratic equation is an equation in the form:


So, an example of a quadratic equation is:


My chosen method of solving the quadratic equation is the Formula Method.

The quadratic formula (also known as Formula Method) is given as


[tex]\begin{gathered} a=\text{ coefficient of x}^2 \\ b=\text{ coefficient of x} \\ c=\text{ constant term} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Solving the above quadratic equation using the formula method.

[tex]\begin{gathered} x^2+x-6=0 \\ In\text{ this case} \\ a=1 \\ b=1 \\ c=-6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substituting these values in the formula, we get

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=\frac{-1\pm\sqrt{1^2-4(1)(-6)}}{2(1)} \\ \\ x=\frac{-1\pm\sqrt{1+24}}{2} \\ \\ x=\frac{-1\pm\sqrt{25}}{2} \\ \\ x=\frac{-1\pm5}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} x=\frac{-1+5}{2}\text{ or }x=\frac{-1-5}{2} \\ \\ x=\frac{4}{2}\text{ or }x=\frac{-6}{2} \\ \\ x=2\text{ or }x=-3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the correct answer is x = 2 or -3

Which equation represents a line which is perpendicular to the line y - 6x = -3? Submit Answer Oy= 6x +3 Oy= 1/6x +4 O y= - 1/6x + 8 O y = -6x + 2


When we have two perpendicular lines their slopes are opposite and inverse.

In this case, we have the equation of the line:

y-6x= -3

Let's solve for y and arrange this equation to make it look like the general form of a linear equation: y=mx+b, where m is the slope of the line.

y-6x= -3

y-6x+6x= -3+6x

y= 6x-3

As we can see, the number that is multiplying the x variable in our equation is 6, the slope of this line is 6.

As mentioned, a perpendicular line to the line y= 6x-3 would have a slope opposite and inverse, then the slope of the line perpendicular to the first line (m2) would be:


from the options that we have, we can see that the only line that has a slope of -1/6 is the line y= -1/6+8, so that is the right option.

Solve the equation: 3(2y-5)=9 for y



Applying the distributive property in this case:


Adding 15 at both sides of the equation:




Dividing both sides by 6, we finally have:

[tex]\frac{6}{6}y=\frac{24}{6}\rightarrow y=4[/tex]

Therefore, the value for y = 4.

Other Questions
Directions: Add in commas to them when needed.If the sentence does not need a comma, please write "(no comma)" at the end of the sentence.1.When life gives you lemons make lemonade. 2.During the tornado the family hid in the bunker.3.Once upon a time there was a lovely princess.4. By the water the frogs sit and wait.5. The frogs sit by the water and wait.6.Around midnight every night I transform into a terrible monster that terrorizes the town.7.Around midnight I transform into a terrible monster that terrorizes the town.8. In the early evening there's a beautiful sound that can be heard from the deck of a ship.9.Down by the sea in the early morning after breakfast is a good time to find beached jellyfish.10.Without hesitation she waited patiently. how did slavery affect music in the caribbean 4 out of every 6 tudent have brown eye if there are 150 tudent what b the number of tudent who have brown eye Helaine graphed the equation 12x-4y=3 . what was the slope of Helaines line Find the subordinate clause in the following sentence:Because she was confident of her win, she overestimatedher power over him.A. She overestimatedB. Because she was confident of her winC. HimD. Her power (3m + n )(3m n )solve by using foil If the m angle3 is 112 then find the value of the missing angle measure Review the map showing the population density of medieval Europe around 1300.An untitled map of Europe. A key shows populations of 1,000 to 70,000 and 70,000 to 210,000.Review the map showing the population density of Europe today.An untitled map of Europe. A key shows populations of 500,000 to 1,000,000, 1,000,001 to 5,000,000, and More than 5,000,000.According to the maps, what happened to the population density of Europe from medieval times to today? It stayed the same.It decreased.It increased.It disappeared.pPPPPPLEASEEE HELP AND HURRY IM TIMEDDD the product of a number of -9 2. Use the distributive property to expand 0.05(50 + 40). (2 POINTS100 BRAINLY POINTS FOR WHOEVER ANSWERS a que subgenero del genero dramatico pertenece edipo rey to construct linkage maps, scientists estimate the distance between genes on the same chromosome based on the ______, as indicated by the percentage of recombinant offspring. 12. Which of the following is a function?(A)(B)(C)(D) {(-5,9), (-2,-5),(1,-5),(5,-2)} (E){(-5,9),(-2,-5),(1,-5).(-5,-2)} A $10 T-shirt is on sale for $4. What is the percent of the discount? Which statement is an example of onomatopoeia?O The cooking instructor screeched at the students to get their souffls right.O Unfortunately, Desiree's souffl collapsed like a deflated balloon.The misshapen souffl sat on its tray, mocking her, laughing at her.O Desiree was still determined to prove her superb souffl-making skills. The frequency of a sound wave changes if the source of the sound is moving relative to the listener. What is this called? Determine the volume of the rectangular prism.3 cm3 cm5 1/4cm There are 12 inches in 1 foot How many inches are in 2 feet? Enter your answer in the box There are inches in 2 feet. paper: 100 sheets for $.99, 500 sheets for $4.29. Which is a better buy? What is 57.629 in expanded form?