The storage area in an art room has 24 separate bins. Each bin can hold 8 packs of markers, crayons, or colored pencils. Each pack holds 8 items. The art teacher has 240 markers, 320 crayons, and 336 colored pencils. How many empty bins will the art teacher have once all of the markers, crayons, and pencils are put away?


Answer 1

In order to find the number of empty bins, let's calculate how many packs will be made with the given material.

240 markers can be organized in 240/8 = 30 packs

320 crayons can be organized in 320/8 = 40 packs

336 colored pencils can be organized in 336/8 = 42 packs

In total we have 30 + 40 + 42 = 112 packs

Each bin can hold 8 packs, to in order to hold 112 packs, we need 112/8 = 14 bins.

We have 24 bins. Since 14 will be used, we will have 24 - 14 = 10 empty bins.

Related Questions

What is a Unit Circle?


The "Unit Circle" is a circle with a radius of 1.

The center is put on a graph where the x axis and y axis cross, so we get this neat arrangement here.

The graph is given by:


A unit circle is a circle of unit radius, i.e., of radius 1. The unit circle plays a significant role in a number of different areas of mathematics. For example, the functions of trigonometry are most simply defined using the unit circle.

Step-by-step explanation:

Kim places $1,250 into a bank account that pays 4.25% simple interest. if she does not add or remove any money from the account, how much interest will she earn after 60 months (anwers must be written as money-rounded to the hundred to the place)


The rule of the simple interest is

[tex]I=P\times R\times T[/tex]

P is the initial amount

R is the rate in decimal

T is the time in years

Since Kim places $1250, then

P = 1250

Since the rate is 4.25%, then


Since the time is 60 months, divide it by 12 to change it to years

[tex]\begin{gathered} T=\frac{60}{12} \\ T=5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substitute them in the rule above

[tex]\begin{gathered} I=1250\times0.0425\times5 \\ I=265.625 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Round it to the nearest hundredth

I = $265.63

Reduce the algebraic fraction. y^3-3y^2+y-3/y^2-9


The reduce algebraic fraction is [tex]\frac{y^2 + 1}{y + 3}[/tex]

What is algebraic fraction?

Algebraic fraction are simply fractions with algebraic expressions on the top and/or bottom

We follow the step to reduce to algebraic fraction

[tex]\frac{y^3 - 3y^2 -3 }{y^2 - 9}[/tex]

Simplify the numerator

[tex]\frac{ (y - 3) )(y^2 + 1 )}{y^2 -9}[/tex]

Factor out the greatest common factor from each group

[tex]\frac{(y^3 -3y^2 ) = y -3}{y^2 - 9}[/tex]

Find out greatest common factor (GCF) from each group

[tex]\frac{y^2 (y + 3) + 1 (y - 3)}{y^2 - 9}[/tex]

Simplify the denominator and rewrite 9 as [tex]3^{2}[/tex]

[tex]\frac{( y - 3 ) (y^2 + 1 ) }{y^2 - 3^2}[/tex]

Since both terms are perfect squares, factor using the difference of squares formula

[tex]a^{2}- b^2 = (a +b ) (a -b)[/tex] where a = y and b = 3

[tex]\frac{( y - 3) (y^2 + 1 )}{(y + 3 ) (y -3)}[/tex]

Evaluate the equation and rewrite the expression

[tex]\frac{y^2 + 1}{y + 3}[/tex]

Therefore, the reduce algebraic fraction is [tex]\frac{y^2 + 1}{y + 3}[/tex]

Learn more about algebraic fractions here:


Arsenia has 80 movie posters and 40 band posters. She plans to sell 24 movie posters. She says that if she
also sells 24 band posters, the ratio of movie posters to band posters stays the same. Is that true? Why or
why not? Complete the explanation.


No. Arsenia's statement is not true because if it was true then before and after selling the posters, the ratio have to be same which is 2:1.


Arsenia has 80 movie posters and 40 band posters

She plans to sell 24 movie posters and 24 band posters.

Number of remaining movie posters =80-24=56

Number of remaining band posters=40-24=16

Ratio of movie posters and band posters before selling,


Ratio of movie posters and band posters after selling,


Thus, Arsenia's statement is not true because if it was true then before and after selling the posters, the ratio have to be same which is 2:1

To learn more about ratio refer here


Help my daughter needs to know how to do this she’s asking me I’m lost



[tex]\begin{gathered} V=L\times W\times H \\ V=64 \\ L=8 \\ H=4 \end{gathered}[/tex]


Put the all value then:

[tex]\begin{gathered} V=L\times W\times H \\ 64=8\times W\times4 \\ 64=32\times W \\ W=\frac{64}{32} \\ W=2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So the value of W is 2.

Some of the children at a nursery arrive by car.
. 40% of the children at the nursery are boys.
70% of the boys at the nursery arrive by car.
• 60% of the girls at the nursery arrive by car.
What is the probability that a child chosen at random from the nursery arrives by car?



Will assume that there are 100 kids.

100 x 40% =40 of them are boys

40 x 70% =  28 boys arrive by car.

100 - 40 = 60 - Number of girls in Nursery.

60 x 60% = 36 of them arrive by car.

28 boys + 36 girls = 64 - kids that arrive by car.

64 / 100 = 64% - probability of a randomly picked kid that he/she arrived by car.

Tutorial ExerciseSimplify.✓98 + 8Step 1Simplify each term.V 98 + V8 = 172.2 + 237X V2 + V222= 7✓ 2 + 2V 2Submit Skip (you cannot come back)Need Help?Watch it


[tex]\sqrt[]{98\text{ }}+\sqrt[]{8}[/tex]

Expanding the expressions,

[tex]\sqrt[]{49\cdot2}\text{ +}\sqrt[]{2\cdot2\cdot2}[/tex][tex]\sqrt[]{7^2\cdot2}\text{ + }\sqrt[]{2^3}[/tex][tex]\sqrt[]{7^2}\text{ }\times\sqrt[]{2}\text{ +}\sqrt[]{2^2}\text{ }\times\sqrt[]{2}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} 7\times\sqrt[]{2}\text{ +2}\times\sqrt[]{2} \\ 7\sqrt[]{2}\text{ + 2}\sqrt[]{2} \\ =9\sqrt[]{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, in the boxes where you have the term missed, the correct answer to put there is:

[tex]\sqrt[]{7^2\text{ }}\text{not }\sqrt[]{7}[/tex]


Which of the following values are solutions to the inequality




Step-by-step explanation:


Mr.Wells drew a plan for a rectangular dog run. The vertices are (2 1/3, 7 1/2), (12, 7 1/2),(12, 1) and (2 1/3, 1). What is the perimeter of the dog run?


Perimeter of rectangular dog run is 32.34 units.


Vertices  of rectangular dog run are  [tex](2\frac{1}{3},7\frac{1}{2} ), (12,7\frac{1}{2}), (12,1), (2\frac{1}{3},1 )[/tex]


[tex]A=(2\frac{1}{3},7\frac{1}{2} )=(\frac{7}{3} , \frac{15}{2} } )\\ \\B=(12,7\frac{1}{2})=(12,\frac{15}{2} )\\\\ C=(12,1)\\ \\D=(2\frac{1}{3},1 )=(\frac{7}{3},1)[/tex]

A, B,C and D be the vertices of the rectangular dog run as shown in figure.

In rectangle opposite sides are equal. thus, AB=CD and BC=AD

In this rectangle, AB is length and BC is width.

To find distance of  AB and BC use formula,


[tex]AB=\sqrt{(12-\frac{7}{3} )^2+(\frac{15}{2}-\frac{15}{2} )^2} = \sqrt{(\frac{36-7}{3} )^2} =\frac{29}{3}= 9.67[/tex][tex]Bc=\sqrt{(12-12 )^2+(1-\frac{15}{2} )^2} = \sqrt{(\frac{2-15}{2} )^2} =\sqrt{(\frac{-13}{2})^2} = 6.5[/tex]

To find perimeter of rectangular dog run use formula,

[tex]Perimeter =2(Length + Width)\\\\Perimeter =2(AB+BC)\\\\Perimeter =2(9.67+6.5)\\\\Perimeter=2(16.17)\\\\Perimeter=32.34[/tex]

Hence, perimeter of rectangular dog run is 32.34 units.

To learn more about perimeter of rectangle refer here


A recording company obtains the blank cds used to produce its labels from three compact disk manufacturers: i, ii, and iii. The quality control department of the company has determined that 3% of the compact disks produced by manufacturer i are defective, 4% of those produced by manufacturer ii are defective, and 2% of those produced by manufacturer iii are defective. Manufacturers i, ii, and iii supply 36%, 52%, and 12%, respectively, of the compact disks used by the company. What is the probability that a randomly selected label produced by the company will contain a defective compact disk?.


The probability that a randomly selected label produced by the company will contain a defective compact disk is 0.034.

How to calculate the probability?

In this, it should be noted that there are 3 possible cases in the chosen disc can be from any of the manufacturing companies, so the total probability will be the sum of probabilities of getting a faulty disc from companies 1-3.

The probability from company 1 will be;

= 0.03*0.36

The probability from company 2 will be:

= 0.04*0.52

The probability from company 3 will be:

= 0.02*0.12

The total probability will now be:= (0.36*0.03)+(0.04*0.52)+(0.02*0.12)

= 0.0108 + 0.0208 + 0.0024

= 0.034

Learn more about probability on:


I need the correct answer i have 1 more chance at the question and i must complete 100% mastery to get credit for my homework



The equation is



Find the non-zero solution to the equation.


The given equation is


Rewrite the equation as:


Divide both sides by 2.


Take cube on both sides.

[tex]\begin{gathered} (x^{\frac{5}{3}})^3=(9x)^3 \\ x^5=729x^3 \\ x^5-729x^3=0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Take out common x


Find the factor by using the formula

[tex]a^2-b^2=(a-b)(a+b)[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} x^3(x-27)(x+27)=0 \\ x=0,27,-27 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Final Answer:

Thus the non-zero solutions to the given equation are x =27, -27.

If UV = 2x, VW = x + 4, and UW = 10, what is UV?





From a graph we can establish the following equation:

[tex]\begin{gathered} UV+VW=UW \\ \\ \text{ We replacing} \\ \\ 2x+x+4=10 \end{gathered}[/tex]

We solve for x:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3x+4=10 \\ \\ 3x=10-4 \\ \\ x=\frac{6}{3} \\ \\ x=2 \\ \\ \text{ Now, for UV} \\ \\ UV=2\cdot2 \\ \\ UV=4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The value of UV is equal to 4

Which quadrant includes every points with a positive x-coordinate and a negative y-coordinateA) Quadrant IB) Quadrant IIC) Quadrant IIID) Quadrant IV



Let's write some information about each quadrant:

Quadrant I:

x > 0 and y > 0

Quadrant II:

x < 0 and y > 0

Quadrant III:

x < 0 and y < 0

Quadrant IV:

x > 0 and y < 0


Alternative D) Quadrant IV

If 1/3 pound of pecans cost $2.25 what is the cost per pound for pecans​



$6.75 Per pound

Step-by-step explanation:

2.25 = 1/3

2.25 + 2.25 = 2/3

2.25 + 2.25 + 2.25 = 6.75 / 3/3

11. a $58 video game is on sale for a 14% discount. what is the price with the discount


As given by the question

There are given that the price of the video games is $58.


According to the question, there are given that 14% discount on their game price


The price with discount is:




Hence, the price with the discount is $49.88

Question 13A neighborhood association surveyed its residents regarding marital status and living situation. The results are in the table. What is the probabilitythat a resident is married given that the person owns their home?TotalOwns a Home150Rents a Home17032080250330173SingleMarriedDivorcedWidowedTotal53373201205059087910O050을拉茲结印0


This question is a conditional probability question

P(B|A) means Event B given Event A

In other words, event A has already happened, now what is the chance of event B?

From the given question


B = the event that a resident is married.

A = the event that the person owns their home.




help meeeeeeeeee pleasee


Answer: 19.6 feet

Step-by-step explanation:

Using the Pythagorean theorem,

[tex]x^2 +(x+6)^2 =48^2\\\\x^2 +x^2 +12x+36=2304\\\\2x^2 +12x-2268=0\\\\x^2 +6x-1134=0\\\\x=\frac{-6 \pm \sqrt{6^2 -4(1)(-1134)}}{2(1)}\\\\x \approx 30.8 \text{ } (x > 0)\\\\\implies x+(x+6) \approx 67.6\\\\\therefore (x+(x+6))-48 \approx 19.6[/tex]

Riddle this: i am a four digit number my thousands digit is 1 more than 0. my hundreds digit is odd, but less than tens digit is even, but more than 7. my ones digit is 5. who am i? am i an even or odd number?



Step-by-step explanation:

you are 1185 and you are an odd number.

Find the mean, variance, and standard deviation for the data set. 19,11,21,9,15



The dataset : 19, 11, 21, 9, 15


The sum of the values divided by the number of values.

[tex]\begin{gathered} mean\text{ = }\frac{\sum_^x}{n} \\ =\text{ }\frac{19\text{ + 11 + 21 +}9\text{ + 15}}{5} \\ =\text{ }\frac{75}{5} \\ =\text{ 15} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The mean is 15


Variance is a measure of dispersion, meaning it is a measure of how far a set of numbers is spread out from their average value.

[tex]\begin{gathered} variance\text{ = }\frac{\sum^(x-x*)^2}{n-1} \\ =\text{ }\frac{(19-15)^2\text{ + \lparen11-15\rparen}^2+(21-15)^2\text{ +}(9-15)^2\text{ + \lparen15-15\rparen}^2\text{ }}{5-1} \\ =\text{ 26} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The variance is 26

Standard deviation

The standard deviation is square root of the variance

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sigma\text{ = }\sqrt{26} \\ =\text{ 5.099} \\ \approx\text{ 5.10} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The standard deviation is 5.10

Solve by using Substitution: 3x-y=13 2x +2y = -10


[tex]\begin{gathered} 3x-y=13 \\ 2x+2y=-10 \\ y=3x-13 \\ \\ 2x+2(3x-13)=-10 \\ 2x+6x-26=-10 \\ 8x-26=-10 \\ 8x=-10+26 \\ 8x=16 \\ x=\frac{16}{8} \\ x=2 \\ \\ 3x-y=13 \\ 3(2)-y=13 \\ 6-y=13 \\ -y=13-6 \\ -y=7 \\ y=-7 \end{gathered}[/tex]

4 1/2 > 1.2x
X >3 3/4
X<3 3/34
X>5 2/5
X<5 2/5



x>3 3/4

Step-by-step explanation:

you need to swap the sides and divide by 1.2

a movie theater is having a special. if a group of four pays $7.25 each for the tickets, each person can get popcorn and a drink for $5.75. use the expression 4(5.75 + 7.25) to find the total cost for 4 friends.


The total cost for the 4 friends will be $52.

What is an expression?

Mathematical expression is defined as the collection of the numbers variables and functions by using operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Given that;

A group of four pays $7.25 each for the tickets, each person can get popcorn and a drink for $5.75.


Since, a group of four pays $7.25 each for the tickets, each person can get popcorn and a drink for $5.75.

Hence, We can formulate;

The total cost = 4 (5.75 + 7.25)

                     = 23 + 29

                     = 52

Thus, The total cost for the 4 friends will be $52.

Learn more about the mathematical expression visit:


Simplify the expression by combining like terms
36a + 42b - 18a + 6


The simplified expression, 36a + 42b - 18a + 6 by combining the like terms is 18a + 42b + 6

How to simplify expression?

In maths, an expression is a combination of numbers, variables, functions (such as addition, subtraction, multiplication or division etc.).

To simplify an expression means to write an equivalent expression which contains no similar terms.

Therefore, let's simplify the expression by combining the like terms.

36a + 42b - 18a + 6

Like terms can be defined as terms that contain the same variables raised to the same power.

36a + 42b - 18a + 6

combining the like terms

36a - 18a + 42b + 6

Therefore, the simplified expression is 18a + 42b + 6

learn more on expression here:


I need help please hellp asap now pleas


Refer to the photo taken.

The Matthews’ family paid $265,000 when they bought their house in 2005. It is now worth $319,000. What is the percent increase on the price of the home?


The percent increase on the price of the home is 20.37%.

What is percent increase?

A percent increase refers to how much a percentage has gone up over time. In order to reach this number, you would need to find the difference between the original value and the final value, subtracting to find the exact total of the decrease.

Formula is given by

New number (value) – original number (value) = increase

Increase / original number (value) x 100 = percent increase

Given ,

initial value of home = $265,000

After few years, the value = $319,000

Increase = $319,000 - 265,000


Percent increase = 54000/265000× 100

= 20.37%

To know more about percent increase, visit:


If BD=3, then CD= [blank] −−−−−−.Enter your answer as the number that correctly fills in the blank.


From the information given,

BA is congruent to AC

AD is common to triangle ABD and ACD

Since the two sides of triangle ABC are congruent, it means that the triangle is an isosceles triangle. Thus,

angle ABD = angle ACD

Triangle ABD and ACD are congruent. Thus, the corresponding sides are congruent

If BD = 3, then

CD = 3

Use the diagram below in the following given information to prove the opposite size of a parallelogram are congruent



ABCD is a parallelogram.

To prove:

[tex]AD\cong BC\text{ and AB}\cong CD[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ABCD is a parallelogram}\ldots\ldots\text{ given.} \\ DC\parallel AB\text{ and AD}\parallel BC\ldots\\text{ definition of parallelogram} \\ \angle\text{DCA congruent to }\angle\text{BAC; }\angle BCA\text{ congruent to }\angle DAC\ldots\ldots\text{.}AI\text{ angles theorem} \\ AC\cong AC\ldots.\text{ reflexive property} \\ \Delta ADC\cong\Delta CBA\\text{ ASA} \\ AD\cong BC\text{ and AB}\cong CD\ldots\ldots by\text{ CPCTC} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence proved.

2. Booker's father sells computer software and earns a 4.25% commission on every software package he sells. How much commission would he earn on a software package that sold for $15,725? Round to the nearest cent. (Example 1)


To solve the exercise you can use a rule of three, like this:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{\$}15,725\rightarrow100\text{\%} \\ \text{\$}x\rightarrow4.25\text{\%} \\ x=\frac{4.25\text{\%}\cdot\text{ \$15,725}}{100\text{\%}} \\ x=\text{ \$}\frac{4.25\cdot\text{15,725}}{100} \\ x=\text{ \$}\frac{68831.25}{100} \\ x=\text{ \$668.31} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the commission earned will be $668.31.

(e) Cards are 65p each and gift wrap
sheets are 45p each at a gift shop. Owen
buys 21 items from the shop and spends
£11.85. How many cards and how many
gift wrap sheets did Owen buy?


Owen bought 9 gift wrap sheets.

Given, Cards are 65p each and gift wrap sheets are 45p each at a gift shop.

Owen buys 21 items from the shop and spends £11.85.

Let the number of cards be x,

the number of gift wrap sheets be y

Now, according to question

x + y = 21

0.65x + 0.45y = 11.85

On multiplying the first equation by 0.45, we get

0.45x + 0.45y = 9.45

0.65x + 0.45y = 11.85

On subtracting, we get

0.2x = 2.4

x = 12

On solving, we get

12 + y = 21

y = 9

Hence, Owen bought 9 gift wrap sheets.

Learn more about Linear Equations here


Solve for X: 3. (7x - 1) 125 Submit Question



From the given figure;


Reason: Alternate angle.

Solving for x;

[tex]\begin{gathered} 7x-1=125 \\ 7x=125+1 \\ 7x=126 \\ x=\frac{126}{7} \\ x=18 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the value of x is;


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Im not quite sure on why Im not getting the correct solution. Please help!The questions are A) what is the initial value of Q, when t = 0? What is the continuous decay rate? B) Use the graph to estimate the value of t when Q = 2 C) Use logs to find the exact value of t when Q = 2 Lisa is saving $50 that she received from her grandmother. She earns $6 each time she walks her neighbor's dog, which she also saves. Which function can be used to find f, the amount of money Lisa will have saved after walking the neighbor's dog d times? Can someone pleaseeee help me with this pleasee! I appreciate if u do!! thank you!!The and following system was solved by substitution, but there is a mistake in theprocess. Identify which step contains the mistake, and explain how to fix it.28) -5x-y=23 3x-y=-17 Use subtractionStep 1: 2x + 5(x + 7) = 21Step 2: 2x + 5x + 7 = 21Step 3: 7x + 7 = 21Step 4: 7x = 14Step 5: x =2Step 6: y=2+7 Express the following quotient in simplest form without the use of negative exponents Help Please, I dont understand and its really confusing me (0,4) and (x,7); m=3/2 Im just starting writing these and I dont understand it much Please see attached photo for question Um Im in fith grade and i need help with some of my math questions if your able to help me with five or 10 questions that will be great Rational Expression and EquationsClassify each equation as direct inverse or joint variation then state the constant of variation A line passes through points at (9,5) and (4,3). What is the slope of the line perpendicular to this line? The graph of a function g is shown below.Find g (0) and find one value of x for which g(x) = 4, Directions: Drag each tile to the correct box.Put the recursive formulas below in order from least to greatest according to the value of their 10th terms.For all of the formulas, let n be equal to the whole numbers greater than or equal to one. If ABCD is dilated by a factor of 3, thecoordinate of D' would be:4C3B21-5 -4 -3-2 -1 012345DA-1-2D-3D' = ([?],[ ] Enter your searchrmFind the compound interest and future value. Do not round intermediate steps. Round your answers to the nearest cent.Principal Rate Compounded Time$895Annually11 years2%The future value is $, and the compound interest is $S (I need this as an actual equation and solution not just which one it is.. also any people just trying to get credits will result in a report.) The temperature of a cooling liquid is given by the function T(m) = 38 (0.82)" +21, where T represents the temperature in degrees Celsius and m represents the number of minutes, m0, that the liquid has been cooling. Which of the following represents a temperature that the liquid does not reach as it cools down? (1) 53 (2) 16 (3) 41 (4) 28 John wishes to build a square fence with an area of 121 square yards. What is the perimeter of the fence in yards. explain how reducing the debt of the country shown in figure 1 might help to reduce deforestation there. 1. An input-output table has constant differences. When the input is 3, the output is 10. When the input is 7, the output is 24. a. Find the constant difference. b. Find the output when the input is 0. C. Find the linear function that fits the table. A gas occupies 3.8 L at -18 C and 975. torr. What volume would this gas occupy at STP?