the software configuration management (scm) repository is the set of mechanisms and data structures that allow a software team to manage change in an effective manner. what functions does the scm repository assists in? (check all that apply ) question 7 options: information sharing auto-code generation capacity planning methodology enforcement data integrity


Answer 1

The functions of SCM repository assists are information sharing, methodology enforcement, data integrity.

One of the biggest issues during system deployment and upkeep is software configuration management. The good news is that there are many tools at our disposal, starting with systems like Revision Control System (RCS) and Concurrent Versions System (CVS), which were followed by more recent tools like Subversion (SVN), Mercurial (Hg), and Git.

A working copy of the software should be kept on your local hard drive after creating a software repository, which is typically on a network drive or online. Working copy software modifications are made, and the repository is then updated. Alternatively, software can be downloaded to the working copy by checking it out from the repository.

To learn more about SCM  click here:


Related Questions

as a digital marketer managing a website, you would like to prevent a webpage on your site from appearing in search. what search console tool could provide a temporary fix?


URL Inspection tool is the search console tool that could provide a temporary fix to prevent a webpage on your site from appearing in search. This tool allows you to test live URLs and identify SEO issues on your site by showing you what data search engine has on file regarding your URL's accessibility and indexability.

Instead of other file formats like PDFs, pictures, and videos, this application is specifically made to analyze web pages.

The most beneficial tools in Search Console for identifying and resolving SEO issues are the URL Inspection Tool and the Index Coverage report. It has developed into a crucial tool for individuals looking to boost the SEO of their websites. This tool enables you to better comprehend how search engine views your website. As a result, website owners have the option to reorganize their sites using the information that this tool offers.

To learn more about search console click here:


corrective maintenance makes system changes to repair design flaws, coding errors, or implementation issues. group of answer choices true false


Corrective maintenance describes adjustments made to fix flaws in the system's design, coding, or implementation.

Corrective maintenance identifies and fixes problems in a system that is in use. The process of managing changes to the business requirements during the project is known as requirements management. Projects are often dynamic in nature, hence change should be anticipated and expected for a project to be completed successfully. After equipment malfunctions, corrective maintenance (CM) entails replacing or repairing it. When equipment malfunctions, CM tasks determine the malfunction (which could be an item or component of the equipment) and fix it so that the facility's production can be resumed and the equipment can be reinstated.

Learn more about system here-


You can display active and inactive memory using the vmstat command with the _________ parameter.


You can display active and inactive memory using the vmstat command with the -a parameter.

What is vmstat?

Vmstat is abbreviation for virtual memory statistics. Vmstat used in as a tool for computer system to monitoring information about system memory, interrupts, processes, paging and block I/O. Vmstat is mostly available in Unix based operating system such as Linux.

Vmstat use parameter command to display information, like -s to display memory statistics and -a to display active and inactive memory.

Attached image for example how to read information display, Inact in vmstat display is for inactive memory that is not being used and active in vmstat display is for active memory that is currently use.

Learn more about vmstat here:


the process of creating simple data structures from more complex ones, which yields a data model that is very stable and useful across many different requirements, is called:


The process of creating simple data structures from more complex ones, which yields a data model that is very stable many different requirements is called: normalization.

Database normalization :

Database normalization or database normalisation is the technique of structuring a relational database according with a sequence of so-referred to as everyday bureaucracy so that you can lessen records redundancy and enhance records integrity.Normalization or normalisation refers to a technique that makes some thing extra everyday or regular.

Most usually it refers to: Normalization (sociology) or social normalization, the technique thru which thoughts and behaviors which can fall outdoor of social norms grow to be seemed as "everyday". Normalization is the technique of organizing records right into a associated table; it additionally removes redundancy and will increase the integrity which improves overall performance of the query. To normalize a database, we divide the database into tables and set up relationships among the tables.

Learn more about database normalisation :


when using the function btreeremovekey(node, keyindex) to remove a key from a 2-3-4 tree node, which is not a valid value for keyindex? group of answer choices 1 2 3 0


When using the function b tree remove key(node, keyindex) to remove a key from a 2-3-4 tree node, 0 is not valid value for key index.

What is key index?

An index key is an expression that defines a column, an ordered collection of columns, or an index. DB2 uses the index key to determine the order of index entries. Good candidates for index keys are columns or expressions that are commonly used in data selection, join, grouping, and ordering operations.

What is the primary key index?

Automatically creates a primary index for the primary key to ensure that the primary key is unique. Objects can be retrieved and accessed from the database using the primary index. A unique index is a column or ordered collection of columns where each value identifies a unique row.

Learn more about key index:


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition. The gap between those with access to new technologies and those without.
a. the great divide
c. the knowledge-gap hypothesis
b. the digital divide
d. the spiral of silence


The gap between those with access to new technologies and those without is referred to as B: 'the digital divided'.

The gap between those people in a society who are computer literate and have access to information technology resources such as the Internet and those who do not are referred to as the 'digital divided'. In the term, 'digital divided' the word digital means information technology and the word divide means gap, differences, or disparity. Therefore, it is fine to state that the 'digital divided' refers to the socioeconomic differences between individuals in their access to technological resources.

You can learn more about digital divided at


33. which of the following statements about binary trees is not true? a) every binary tree has at least one node. b) every non-empty tree has exactly one root node. c) every node has at most two children. d) every non-root node has exactly one parent.


The statement about binary trees not true is that every binary tree has at least one node. A non-linear data structure called a binary tree has up to two children for each parent and is shaped like a tree.

Each node in a binary tree additionally holds a left and right reference in addition to the data element. The node at the top of the hierarchy is known as the root node of a tree. The nodes that host the sub-nodes are known as parent nodes.

The two child nodes of a parent node are the left child and the right child. Hashing, data compression, data routing for network traffic, building binary heaps, and binary search trees are a few uses for a binary tree. A binary tree is said to be one where every node has either 0 or 2 children. fully developed. With the exclusion of leaf nodes, a full binary tree is a binary tree in which every node has two offspring.

A full binary tree is a special kind of binary tree that has either two children for each parent node and internal node, or none at all.

To learn more about binary trees click here:


Is Linux a proprietary operating system?


Under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Linux is a free and open source operating system (GPL). The source code may be used, examined, altered, and distributed by anybody.

For desktops, servers, mainframes, mobile devices, and embedded devices, Linux is an open-source, community-developed operating system (OS) with Unix-like features.One of the most widely used operating systems, it works with almost all common computer architectures, including x86, ARM, and SPARC. These are Linux-based operating systems, sometimes referred to as "distros," and one of the most well-known of them is Ubuntu. Both servers and desktop PCs can have it installed. Ubuntu is open-source, as opposed to proprietary programs. An open system, which has publicly accessible source code and allows for updates at any level, is the antithesis of a proprietary system. Due to the fact that Linux and Android are not proprietary, there are several variations of both operating systems.

Learn more about Linux here:


a user issues a ping 2001:db8:face:39::10 command and receives a response that includes a code of 2 . what does this code represent?


A response to a ping command with the code 2 often means that the packet was sent but no response was received. This code is often used to indicate that a network connection issue exists between the source and destination hosts or that the destination host cannot be reached.

By sending a sequence of Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo request packets to the destination host and waiting for a response, the ping command is used to check the connectivity between two network devices. The source host will get an ICMP echo reply packet from the destination host if it is reachable and able to respond.

The ping command produces a code to show the request's status. Typically, a code of 0 means that the request was successful and that a response was obtained. A request that received a code of 1 had a problem transmitting it or had run out of time. The request was sent, but no response was received, according to a code of 2.

To know more about Code 2 kindly visit


for this assignment, you will design and implement the class month that implements the month of the year in a program. the class month should store the month, such as jan for january. the program should be able to perform the following operations on an object of type month: a. set the month. b. print the month. c. return the month. d. return the next month. e. return the previous month. f. calculate and return the month by adding certain months to the current month. for example, if the current month is march and we add four months, the month to be returned is july. similarly, if today is the month of january and we add 13 month, the month to be returned is february. g. add the appropriate constructors. h. write the definitions of the methods to implement the operations for the class month, as defined earlier. i. write a program to test various operations on the class month.


Using knowledge in computational language in C++ it is possible to write a code that implement the class month that implements the month of the year in a program.

Writting the code:

#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip>

#include <string>

#include <cstring>

using namespace std;

class Date



int d = 0;

int m = 0;

int y = 0;

char format = 'D';

const int MonthDays[12] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};

const string MonthToString[12] = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "June", "July",

       "Aug", "Sept", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"};

string GetDate(int m, int d, int y){

 return to_string(m) + "/" + to_string(d) + "/" + to_string(y);


int CountLeapDays(){

 int cnt = this->m > 2 ? this->y : this->y-1;

 return cnt/4 - cnt/100 + cnt/400;


int CountDays(){

 int numDays = this->y * 365 + this->d + this->CountLeapDays();

 for(int i = 0;i<this->m-1;i++){

  numDays += MonthDays[i];

  if(i == 1 && this->IsLeapYear(this->y))

   numDays += 1;


 return numDays;


int NumDaysYear(){

 int numDays = this->d;

 for(int i = 0;i<this->m-1;i++){

  numDays += MonthDays[i];

  if(i == 1 && this->IsLeapYear(this->y))

   numDays += 1;


 return numDays;


int GetMonthDays(){

 if(this->m==2 && this->IsLeapYear(this->y))

  return this->MonthDays[this->m-1] + 1;

 return this->MonthDays[this->m-1];


bool IsLeapYear(int y){

 if(y%400 == 0)

  return true;

 else if(y%100 == 0)

  return false;

 else if(y%4 == 0)

  return true;

 return false;


void GetDateFromString(string dateString, int& m, int& d, int& y) {

 int n = dateString.length();

 char date[n + 1], *token = NULL;

 strcpy(date, dateString.c_str());

    const char s[2] = "/";


    token = strtok(date, s);


 if(token != NULL){

  sscanf(token, "%d", &m);

  token = strtok(NULL, s);


 if(token != NULL){

  sscanf(token, "%d", &d);

  token = strtok(NULL, s);


 if(token != NULL){

  sscanf(token, "%d", &y);

  token = strtok(NULL, s);



bool IsValidDate(string dateString){


 int d=-1, y=-1, m=-1;



 if(m<=0 || d<=0 || y<=0) return false;

 if(m>=1 && m<=12){

           if((d>=1 && d<=31) && (m==1 || m==3 || m==5 || m==7 || m==8 || m==10 || m==12))

               return true;


           else if((d>=1 && d<=30) && (m==4 || m==6 || m==9 || m==11))

               return true;

           else if(d==29 && m==2 && (y%400==0 ||(y%4==0 && y%100!=0)))

               return true;

           else if((d>=1 && d<=28) && (m==2))

               return true;


       return false;




 this->m = 1;

 this->d = 1;

 this->y = 2000;


Date(int m, int d, int y){


  this->m = m;

  this->d = d;

  this->y = y;



  this->m = 1;

  this->d = 1;

  this->y = 2000;  



int GetCountDays(){

 return this->CountDays();


void Input(){

 string s = "";


  cout<<" Please enter date in format m/d/yy:\n";



   int d=-1, y=-1, m=-1;


   this->m = m;

   this->d = d;

   this->y = y;




   cout<<"Invalid date. Try again:\n";



See more about C++ at


With respect to expanding opportunities for ICT environmental contributions, what term is associated with the issues such as LEED Certified Buildings, Smart Motors, and Industrial Robots?


With respect to expanding opportunities for ICT environmental contributions, automation is associated with the issues such as LEED certified buildings, smart motors, and industrial robots.

What is automation?

Automation describes a range of technologies that reduce human intervention in processes, including predefined decision criteria, relationships between sub-processes and related actions, and time to express these predeterminations in machines. Automation has been achieved by a variety of means, including mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical, electronic and computer equipment, often in combination. Complex systems, such as modern factories, aircraft, and ships often use a combination of all of these techniques. The benefits of automation include labor savings, waste reduction, electricity cost savings, material cost savings, and improved quality, precision, and accuracy.

Read more on automation


Imagine you work in data entry and, after taking a course in touch-typing, have been steadily improving your productivity over the past three months (your work tracks exactly how many cells of data you enter per 10 minutes, and you can see it’s been going up steadily for a while). Assuming you have access to anonymized results for all your data-entry peers, explain how you could take the data for your performance and create an illustration to argue to your boss that they should offer the course for all data entry workers and/or give you a raise.


To argue to your boss that they should offer the touch-typing course to all data entry workers, or give you a raise, you could use the data on your performance to create a visual representation, such as a line graph, that shows the improvement in your productivity over time. This would help to clearly demonstrate the positive effect that the touch-typing course has had on your work.

How would you create a graph?

To create the graph, you would first need to gather data on your performance over the past three months. This could include the number of cells of data you entered per 10 minutes at regular intervals (e.g. weekly or monthly). You would then need to plot this data on the y-axis of the graph, with the x-axis representing the time period (e.g. weeks or months).

Once you have plotted the data, you could add a line to the graph to show the overall trend of your productivity over time. This would help to clearly demonstrate the improvement in your productivity since taking the touch-typing course.

In addition to the line graph, you could also include data on the performance of your peers who have not taken the course. This could be presented in a table or as a separate line on the graph and could help to show the relative improvement in your performance compared to your peers.

Overall, using data and a visual representation can be a powerful way to argue your case to your boss and make a compelling argument for offering the touch-typing course to all data entry workers, or giving you a raise.

Learn more about data entry:

1. a(n) programming practice is centered on creating modules and functions that are separate from the data that they work on. a. modular b. procedural c. functional d. object-oriented


A procedural programming practice is centered on creating modules and functions that are separate from the data that they work on. It relies on specified and well-planned processes, functions, or sub-routines in the program's architecture.

For this, it outlines every action that the computer must perform in order to achieve the intended state or result.

A program is divided into variables, functions, statements, and conditional operators using procedural language. To carry out a task, procedures or functions are applied to the data and variables. These procedures can be called or initiated by other procedures as well as from anywhere in the software hierarchy. One or more processes can be found in a program written in a procedural language.

One of the most popular categories of programming languages is a procedural language, which includes well-known languages like C/C++, Java, ColdFusion, and PASCAL.

To learn more about procedural programming click here:


illustrate the first three levels of the apriori algorithm (set sizes 1, 2 and 3) for support threshold of 3 transactions, by identifying candidate sets and calculating their support. what are the maximal frequent sets discovered in the first 3 levels?


Look closely at the frequent item sets that are present on the dividing line between the frequent and infrequent item sets.

All of its immediate supersets should be listed. The itemset is maximally common if none of the immediate supersets are. This is comparable to using minsup 2 to find all frequent itemsets. What are closed and most frequent item sets then. An itemset is maximally common by definition if none of its immediate supersets are often occurring. If none of the itemset's immediate supersets share the same support, the itemset is said to be closed. Any frequent itemset for which none of its immediate supersets are frequent is said to be maximally frequent.

Learn more about Support here-


according to the e-waste in south africa video case, what has resulted in a business opportunity for bolunga electronic waste company to provide recycling e-waste services?


According to the e-waste in south africa video case, the result in a business opportunity for bolunga electronic waste company to provide recycling e-waste services is that:

E-waste can be harmful, is not biodegradable, and builds up in the land, air, water, and other living things in the environment. Toxic substances are released into the environment when methods like open-air burning and acid baths are employed to recover valuable elements from electronic components.

What effects does recycling e-waste have?

Recycling e-waste allows for the recovery and reuse of important materials in the creation of new products, saving energy, lowering carbon emissions, and protecting Earth's limited natural resources.

Therefore,  fact that it prevents those dangerous chemical-filled equipment from ending up in landfills is one of the main advantages of e-waste recycling for your company.

Learn more about e-waste from

why when i go to install windows i can't get past the partition and it wont allow me to format the drive


There are a few potential reasons for not able to format your drive:

Mass storage drivers and controllers are incompatible with Windows.It is no longer necessary to use a mass storage controller or driver.A dynamic disk is the hard drive that you want to use to install Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows Server 2008 R2.The PC has a loose data cord or there is a hardware problem.Damage to the Windows file system or the hard drive.You attempted to choose a partition type that is incompatible with Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows Server 2008 R2, such as the FAT32 format.

In order to fix this issue, do any one of these:

Resolution 1: Ensure that the partition is Windows compatible.

Resolution 2: Update the hard disk controller's drivers

Resolution 3: Provide the proper hard disk controller's drivers

Resolution 4: Examine the Setupact.log file to confirm that the partition is active

Resolution 5: Check for system BIOS and firmware updates

Resolution 6: Confirm that the system BIOS correctly detects hard disks

Using Chkdsk.exe to look for issues is Resolution 7

Resolution 8: Run Windows Setup again after cleaning the disk with Diskpart.exe.

To learn more about Windows click here


Question 2 0 / 1 pts What is output by the following code? Select all that apply. c = 2 while (c < 12): print (c) c = c + 3



c = 2

while (c < 12):

 print (c)

 c = c + 3

The output of the following code will be:






The code uses a while loop to print the value of the c variable, starting from 2, and then incrementing c by 3 on each iteration. The loop continues until c is greater than or equal to 12, at which point the loop stops and the program ends.

Therefore, the output will be the values of c on each iteration of the loop: 2, 5, 8, and 11. These values will be printed on separate lines.

what process, available on most routers, will help improve security by replacing the internal ip address of the transmitting device with a public ip address?


NAT is the process which is available on most routers, that will help improve security by replacing the internal Ip address of the transmitting device with a public Ip address.

What is Ip address?

In order for the internet to send your emails, data, and lethal "monkey in a tutu" memes, your computer's IP address (Internet Protocol address) serves as its network address. Grandma Betty would never read your kind words if you wrote a heartfelt letter to her without including an address back when letters were still sent via snail mail and stamped and placed in the mailbox.

Similar principles govern how the Internet operates: without a place to land, the data sent there will just float aimlessly through the Internet.

You are already ahead of the majority of Internet users if you know the fundamentals of what an IP address is and what it stands for.

Learn more about IP address


which method of the class is automatically called when you pass an object as an argument to the print function?


The str() method of the class is automatically called when you pass an object as an argument to the print function. The object's string representation is what this method returns.

When the print() or str() functions are used on an object, this method is called. The String objects must be returned by this procedure. The class must implement the str()  magic method in order to alter how a class instance's string representation is displayed.

When an instance invokes the str() method, Python internally calls the str() method automatically. It should be noted that before displaying the string values, the print() function turns all non-keyword parameters into strings by giving them to the str() function.

The str() function is designed to return data in a human-readable format, which is suitable for logging or displaying object-related information. In contrast, the repr() function's intended return value is a string representation of the object that can be used to recreate it.

To learn more about print function click here:


write a multi-function program that displays the status of an order for a company that sells spools of copper wire. the spools sell for $157.55 each. the normal shipping and handling charge per spool is $20.95. some customers are charged a different rate for shipping and handling for assorted reasons.


The following code uses function prototypes and displays the status of an order for a company that sells spools of copper wire.

#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

void getData(int &, int &, double &);

void orderStatus(int, int , double);

void numInputError(string, int);

int main()


int  Ordered,


double SpecShipg;

getData(Ordered, InStock, SpecShipg);

orderStatus(Ordered, InStock, SpecShipg);

return 0;


void getData(int &Ordered, int &InStock, double &SpecShipg)


cout << "\n Copper Wire Order Status Query Form\n"

  << "------------------------------------------------------------\n";



 cout << "Enter the number of spools ordered: ";

 cin  >> Ordered;

 if(Ordered < 1)


  numInputError("Spools ordered", 1);


} while (Ordered < 1);



 cout << "Enter the number of spools in stock: ";

 cin  >> InStock;

 if (InStock < 0)


  numInputError("Spools in stock", 0);


} while (InStock < 0);



 cout << "Enter the amount of normal shipping and handling charges: ";

 cin  >> SpecShipg;

 if(SpecShipg < 0)


  numInputError("Special Shiping", 0);


} while (SpecShipg < 0);


void orderStatus(int Ordered, int InStock, double SpecShipg)


int  Ready,


double Shipg = 157.55,




cout << "\n\n  Copper Wire Order Status\n"

     << "-------------------------------------------------------\n";

cout << "Number of ordered spools ready to ship from current stock : ";

if (Ordered > InStock)


 Backorder = Ordered - InStock;

 Ready = InStock;

    cout << setw(11) << Ready << endl;

 cout << "Number of ordered spools on backorder                     : "

   << setw(11) << Backorder << endl;




 Ready = Ordered;

 cout << setw(11) << Ready << endl;


TotSellPrice = Ready * 100;

TotShipg = Shipg + SpecShipg;

TotOrder = TotSellPrice + TotShipg;

cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);

cout << "Total selling price of the portion ready to ship          : $"

     << setw(10) << TotSellPrice << endl;

cout << "Total shipping and handling on the portion ready to ship  : $"

        << setw(10) << TotShipg << endl;

   cout << "Total of the order ready to ship                          : $"

        << setw(10) << TotOrder << endl;


void numInputError(string Item, int Limit)


cout << "Error! Invalid number\n";

cout << Item << " must be greater than " << Limit << ".\n";



To learn more about Function Prototype click here:


whether dsscs can be used in interior equipment and still produce significant energy. ?


In low light, the dye sensitized solar cell can still generate power. The cell has color and transparency because of the structural layout and various color dyes.

What is electrical gadgets?

Consequently, DSSCs can be employed for portable power systems, electrical gadgets, interior applications, and architecture. The usage of the liquid electrolyte, which has issues with temperature stability, is the design's main drawback. The electrolyte can freeze at low temperatures, stopping power generation and perhaps causing physical harm.

In order to solve this problem, we show here mesoscopic long persistence phosphor-based all-weather dye-sensitized solar cells that can produce power both during the day and at night. Energy for solar cells can only be produced during the day, when the sun is shining. Therefore, no solar cells are used.

To learn more about electrical gadgets from given link


which type of software license allows a predetermined number of people to use the account at the same time?


The software license type that allows a predetermined number of people to use the account at the same time is concurrent user license.

What is software license?

Software license is a legal document that allows a user to use and/or distribute one or more copies of the software without violating the copyrights held by the software vendors, software company, etc.

Software license have many type depend software vendor want to distribute them. Generally all software licenses belong to one of these three types public domain, open source, proprietary.

Proprietary software license is part of the company's intellectual property, the company own all right and user only can use and/or distribute with company permissions. One of these types of licenses is a concurrent user license.

Concurrent user license allow group of users to access at the same time with limit that has been set before.

Learn more about software license here:


what is the problem in car mechanic dreams up a tool to erase birth


The problem in car mechanic dreams up a tool to erase birth realizing that the same gimmick could save a child who was blocked in the birth canal after removing a lost cork from a wine bottle.

What is the car mechanic issues about?

Jorge Odón had the thought as he slept. He claimed that someway, while watching a You Tube video on removing a lost cork from a wine bottle, his unconscious made the connection between the parlor trick and the possibility of saving a baby who was trapped in the delivery canal.

Using a glass jar for a womb, his daughter's doll for the trapped baby, and a cloth bag and sleeve stitched by his wife as his rescuing device, Mr. Odón, a 59-year-old Argentine auto mechanic, created his first prototype in his kitchen.

Therefore, With the aid of the Odón Device, a caregiver places a plastic bag inside a greased plastic sleeve, wraps it around the baby's head, inflates it to secure it, then pulls the bag until the child is born.

Learn more about car mechanic from

you are the administrator for the westsim domain. organizational units (ous) have been created for each company department. user and computer accounts for each department have been moved into their respective department ous. computers in the accounting department use a custom application. during installation, the application creates a local group named acctmagic. this group is used to control access to the program. by default, the account used to install the application is made a member of the group. you install the application on each computer in the accounting department. all accounting users must be able to run the application on any computer in the department. you need to add each user as a member of the acctmagic group. you create a domain group named accounting and make each user a member of this group. you then create a gpo named acct software linked to the accounting ou. you need to define the restricted group settings. what should you do?


Make the AcctMagic restricted group. Add the Accounting domain group as a member.

Any current member of a restricted group who isn't on the Members list is deleted when a restricted group policy is applied, with the exception of the administrator in the Administrators group. Any user who isn't already a part of the restricted group and is on the Members list is added.

This part of a restricted group policy only enforces inclusion. Other groups continue to include the limited group. It confirms that the limited group belongs to the organizations represented in the Member Of dialog box.

Microsoft opposes the use of limited groups in this instance. Using Restricted Groups with domain groups is not possible because it is a client configuration tool. With local groups in mind, Restricted Groups were created. Traditional AD tools must be used to handle domain objects. We do not currently have any plans to add or enable the use of restricted groups to administer domain groups.

For updation, Right-click Users in the Active Directory Users and Computers program, select New, and then select User. Fill up the new user's description in the New Object - User dialog box, then click Next. Click Next after entering your password in the password dialog box. Click Finish after you have verified the updated user description.

To learn more about domain group click here:


solomon arrives at his first day of work at a nuclear power plant. when putting on safety gear for the first time, he notices that everyone else is tucking their gloves into their sleeves, and he decides to do the same because he assumes this is part of the safety protocol. what kind of influence is solomon experiencing in this scenario?


In this situation, Solomon is under the grip of informational social influence.

By procedure, what do you mean?

A policy is a collection of instructions for exchanging data. Each step and channel of communication with two or more devices has a set of rules that apply to it. For networks to transport data successfully, they must abide by certain guidelines.

The protocol is used where?

A protocol is a collection of instructions for structuring and processing data in networking. Computers get a common language known as network protocols. Even if the software and hardware employed by the computers that comprise a network may be very dissimilar, the usage of protocols allows them to interact with one another.

To know more about Protocol visit:


An extra piece of information passed to a function to customize it for a specific need
a. Library
b. Parameter
c. For Loop
d. Loop


An additional piece of data that is provided to a program to tailor it to a specific requirement.

By "Loop," what do you mean?

When anything repeats the same actions again, it is said to be running in a loop or to be on a loop: The same songs were played repeatedly on the cassette while it played in a continuous loop.

Why do earplugs loop?

As we only get a pair of ears and because the world is loud, it is essential to safeguard our hearing. Because of this, we developed Loop Earplugs, which offer both comfort and protection. By minimizing intrusive or loud noises, they reduce vibration and are fashionable and recyclable.

To know more about Loop visit:


we are sending a 30 mbit mp3 file from a source host to a destination host. all links in the path between source and destination have a transmission rate of 10 mbps. assume that the propagation speed is 2 * 108 meters/sec, and the distance between source and destination is 10,000 km. now suppose there are two links between source and destination, with one router connecting the two links. each link is 5,000 km long. again suppose the mp3 file is sent as one packet. suppose there is no congestion, so that the packet is transmitted onto the second link as soon as the router receives the entire packet. the end-to-end delay is?


The transmission delay  =30 Mbit/10 Mbps transmission latency equals three seconds.

The length of the packet will determine how long the transmission delay is, whereas the propagation delay is the amount of time required for a bit to travel to the other end of the network.

If only one bit can be transferred in a second. It would take 20 seconds to transfer 20 bits. These elements affect how long this delay will take: The delay will increase if there are more active sessions.

If the data size is L bits and the bandwidth is B bps, then the transmission delay is Tt = L/B.

These elements affect how long this delay will take:

• The latency will increase if there are several active sessions.

Transmission delay is reduced as bandwidth is increased.

If the link is shared by several devices, the MAC protocol has a significant impact on the delay.

• Operating system context switches, which take a limited amount of time, are required for packet sending and receiving.

To learn more about transmission delay click here:


your php installation appears to be missing the mysql extension which is required by wordpress.


In PHP, initializing an object is as simple as taking its name and using "->" before the property name.

How do I install PHP?For information regarding the MySQL extension, open the same phpinfo.php file in your browser.There is a field called "Client API Library Version" that you can find.You'll see something that resembles MySQL 5.0 if the MySQL extension is installed.To install PHP on Windows, adhere to the methods listed below:Step 1: Open any web browser and go to  Click on Downloads.Step 2: Select the "Downloads" button on Windows.Step 3: Select the Thread Safe version from the list of options on the new website, then click the zip button to download it. Verify the version of PHP you're using.Refresh WordPress.Refresh your plugins.Make sure the MySQL extension is set up.Make sure the PHP extension is set up properly.

To learn more about php installation refer


Which of the following are provided by most
professional organizations? Check all of the boxes
that apply.
a code of conduct
Olegal representation
a network of professionals
skills validation


a code of conduct

a network of professionals

skills validations

you're the network administrator for a consulting firm. your network consists of the following: 30 laptops in the sales department 10 computers for hr 5 laptops for management 20 computers in marketing 15 computers in it you're using microsoft intune to manage the company's devices. you've created a new update ring called testing and need to choose the appropriate servicing channel. this ring will be used by testing computers that are set up by it. you want to receive early builds of feature updates so you can begin testing them for any bugs. which servicing channel should you select?


Give John's account a new name. Microsoft Intune is what you're utilizing to control company devices. You've set up the Management update ring and added it to the Semi-Annual Servicing Channel.

Can devices be tracked by Intune?

When you enroll a device in Microsoft Intune, your company cannot see any of your private information. When you enroll your device, IT administrators and support staff with administrator access can see details like the device model and serial number.

What does Microsoft Intune serve?

While adjusting device settings to fulfill compliance requirements, Microsoft Intune assists enterprises in allowing their employees to use the devices and applications they enjoy. You may control your devices with Microsoft Intune while connecting to an existing System Center Configuration Manager infrastructure or via the cloud.

to know more about Microsoft Intune here:


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