The process of meiosis is essential in the sexual reproduction and life cycle of many organisms. The outcome of meiosis is haploid gametes. Which statements correctly describe the importance of meiosis to the life cycle or these organisms?
A) Increasing genetic diversity ensures that no two haploid gametes are exactly the same.
B) Taking a diploid cell to its haploid state occurs during the first cell division of meiosis.
C) Checkpoints during meiosis ensures that chromosome separation occurs accurately, avoiding non-disjunction.
D) DNA synthesis occurs before each cell division in meiosis ensures that the integrity of the chromosomes is maintained.
E) Reducing the number of chromosomes by half during meiosis ensures the chromosome number is maintained during fertilization.


Answer 1


E) Reducing the number of chromosomes by half during meiosis ensures the chromosome number is maintained during fertilization.

A) Increasing genetic diversity ensures that no two haploid gametes are exactly the same.


Meiosis is a kind of cell division that strictly occurs in sexually-reproducing organisms. It is the process whereby four daughter cells that are genetically different from their parents are produced. In meiosis, the chromosome number of each daughter cell (gamete) is reduced by half. As highlighted in this question, the meiotic process is essential in the sexual reproduction and life cycle of many organisms.

This importance is attributed to the fact that:

- Reducing the number of chromosomes by half during meiosis ensures the chromosome number is maintained during fertilization. That is, a diploid organism (2n) produces a haploid gamete (n), which becomes diploid again when fertilized by another gamete.

- Increasing genetic diversity ensures that no two haploid gametes are exactly the same. This occurs because of a process called CROSSING OVER, which enables that the alleles of each gamete is recombined to be different from one another in order to promote genetic diversity.

Answer 2


A, B, C, E


i just did it

Related Questions

Show a competition between organisms in this food chain below



8tvitcrixuzu3duecitvurvih igb

You are part of a small group of humans rocketed at “warp speed” to Planet X, without any books, weapons, or technology. Planet X has no ozone layer to protect its surface from cancer-causing ultraviolet radiation, but native plants and animals have evolved to live safely there. Below the surface, the planet has a network of underground tunnels, just a meter high, which are inhabited by carnivorous predators.

Write 3 paragraphs using the vocabulary words we discussed today in class about how descendants of the group of humans would look and act after evolving for 100,000 years on Planet X.


Is there optional cause it just so many words like a story?

A group of students used this diagram to classify three organisms into different kingdoms which table identifies the three kingdoms



Answer is c. fungi, protista and plantea

QUICK HELP! A team of scientists found an organism in the tropical rainforest hidden in a cave. They have learned that this organism is multicellular, appears to reproduce both asexually and sexually, is eukaryotic, and is a decomposer. What kingdom(s) could this organism belong to? Choose all that apply.



I think kingdom protista, plantae, or animalia

Answer: Plantae, animalia, protista

Explanation: I got right on test.

that you
Simplify the product of (3+ J7/3-17)
found in the previous step.
(3 + 7)(3-7)=


well if ur asking for (3+7)(3-7)

Science question-
What are the two types of igneous?

A.Away from each other

B.Toward each other

C.They don’t move

Please help!!Have a good day!


Igneous rocks are divided into two groups, intrusive or extrusive, depending upon where the molten rock solidifies. Intrusive Igneous Rocks: Intrusive, or plutonic, igneous rock forms when magma is trapped deep inside the Earth.

Key Concept Name the
main events of the cell cycle.


Interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase.

Which of the following scientists discoverell that in DNA there is the same amount of 1 point
adenine as thymine and the same amount of guanine as cytosine?


Answer:Erwin Chargaff


The first stage of the cell cycle during which the cell matures and prepares to divide and copies
its DNA; The stage the cell stays in the most?


The first stage and the stage the cell stays in most is Interphase

The cell multiplies and creates a copy of its DNA during interphase. In the mitotic (M) phase, the cell divides into two new cells by dividing its cytoplasm and DNA into two sets.

What is the main role of interphase stage of cell cycle?

A cell consumes the bulk of its time in what is known as interphase, where it creates, duplicates its chromosomes, and acquires available to split. The cell then moves interphase, goes direct mitosis, and completes dividing.

The cell multiplies and the nuclear DNA is duplicated during interphase. The mitotic phase immediately follows interphase.

Chromosomes that have been duplicated are separated and distributed across daughter nuclei during the mitotic phase. Usually, the cytoplasm is divided as well, producing two daughter cells.

Therefore, The first stage and the stage the cell stays in most is Interphase.

Learn more about interphase stage here:


Im thinking the answer is bacteria but I'm not sure



Yes you are right


I did it in test

Exam Guidelines
Exam Instructions
Question 13 of 20 :
Select the best answer for the question
13. What molecular cloning tool do bacteria naturally produce to defend against viral infections?
O A. DNA ligase
O B. Restriction enzymes
O C. Antibiotics
Mark for review (Will be highlighted on the review page)
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O B. Restriction enzymes


Restriction enzymes has the ability to recognize specific DNA sequences and cut them in a specific manner in order to produced by the bacteria as a defense mechanism against foreign DNA containing substance such as viruses etc. This restriction enzyme is also called restriction endonucleases. This is a cloning tool that bacteria produced naturally in order to defend itself from the infection of virus.

Fill in the blanks to complete these sentences about rock characteristics.
A rock is an
of minerals.
of a rock is a result of its mineral composition.
Most rocks contain more than one type of


Answer and Explanation:

A rock is an made of minerals??

The forming of a rock is a result of its mineral composition??

Most rocks contain more than one type of mineral??

Answer:A rock is an made of minerals??

The forming of a rock is a result of its mineral composition



Describe 3 pieces of evidence that you could use to support the theory of evolution.



Darwin used multiple lines of evidence to support his theory of evolution by natural selection -- fossil evidence, biogeographical evidence, and anatomical evidence.


In what form is energy that is NOT used for life processes released from
living things?

A) Light energy
B) Sound energy
C) Thermal energy
D) Chemical energy



a concave lens is exactly the opppostie with outer surfaces  curving inward, so it makes parallel light rays curve outward or diverge. That's why concave lenses are sometimes called diverging lenses. ... The distance from the center of the lens to the focal point is, again, the focal length of the lens.


Which is NOT a function of the stem in plants?



abortion of water from the soil



Absorption of water from soil


That's what the roots do :)

Which kind of molecule provides building blocks for tissues, transports
other molecules, and helps regulate certain reactions in the human body?
A. carbohydrates
C. proteins
D. nucleic acids



C : Proteins


(Can I get brainlest?)

Proteins are the molecules that provide building blocks for tissues, transports other molecules, and helps regulate certain reactions in the human body. The correct option is C.

What are proteins?

A protein is a found naturally, extremely complex substance composed of amino acid residues linked together by peptide bonds.

Proteins are found in all living life forms and contain a variety of important biological compounds such as enzymes, hormones, and antibodies.

Proteins are massive complex molecules that perform numerous important functions in the body.

They are essential for the structure, function, and regulation of the body's tissues and organs and do the majority of the work in cells.

Proteins are molecules that serve as foundation for tissues, transport other molecules, and aid in the regulation of certain bodily reactions.

Thus, the correct option is C.

For more details regarding proteins, visit:


Giving a lot of point and brainiest!!

How does cooling of magma affect crystal size?

A) Slow cooling creates small crystals

B) Fast cooling creates both large and small crystals.

C) Slow cooling creates large crystals

D) Fast cooling create large crystals



When magma cools, crystals form because the solution is super-saturated with respect to some minerals. If the magma cools quickly, the crystals do not have much time to form, so they are very small. If the magma cools slowly, then the crystals have enough time to grow and become large.


I learned about this, Uhm...

C is the right answer bc igneous rocks cool and form crystals.

Lava, since it comes out of a volcano, cools faster and has smaller crystals since they could not be developed enough.

Magma, still underground, cools slower than lava because of all the density and heat, which causes bigger crystals.

Hope this helps :)

I will mark brainlyest

A group is a collection of same kind of organisms that travel together, live, and perform daily tasks together.
Scientists claim that group behavior can increase the chances for an individual and a species to survive and reproduce.
What are the pro's of group behavior? Choose ALL that could apply.
Reduced chance of predation.
Better chance at finding a mate.
Improved foraging, locating food sources.
Increased competition for food or a mate.
No struggle for authority; shared leadership roles.



a b e


these are all pros of living in groups

Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is incorrect on the blank
1. Conifers produce seeds in flowers.
2. A conifer's seeds are made inside a cone.
3. Cone-bearing plants are called angiosperms.
4. Cone-bearing plants make male and female cones
5. With conifers, pollen grains are transfered by the wind from the male come to the female




1. Conifers produce seeds in flowers.(FALSE)

2. A conifer's seeds are made inside a cone.(TRUE)

3. Cone-bearing plants are called angiosperms.(FALSE, flowering plants are angiosperms)

4. Cone-bearing plants make male and female cones (TRUE! There are both male and female cones)

5. With conifers, pollen grains are transfered by the wind from the male come to the female cone.​ (TRUE! the male cones are located at the top of the tree and the wind carries the sperm to the female cones)

6. In corn plants, normal height (H) is dominant over short height (h). Complete a
hybrid (heterozygous) cross.
н һ
Phenotype Probability (%)
Normal Height:
Short Height: 0%



See the answer below


Normal height - H

Short height - h

Heterozygous - Hh

A cross involving heterozygotes would be Hh x Hh

         Hh    x    Hh

      HH   Hh   Hh   hh

Since H is dominant over h;

HH and Hh would produce normal height phenotypes.

hh will produce a short height phenotype.


Probability of normal height phenotype resulting from the cross = 3/4 or 75%

Probability of short height phenotype resulting from the cross = 1/4 or 25%

Which word describes the process by which a human transmits a disease to an animal?


Answer: reverse zoonosis or anthroponosis.



a zoonosis


is an infectious disease caused by a pathogen (an infectious agent, such as a bacterium, virus, parasite or prion) that has jumped from an animal (usually a vertebrate) to a human. Typically, the first infected human transmits the infectious agent to at least one other human, who, in turn, infects others

In ancient times, people believed Earth was the center of the Solar System. Which of the following makes the geocentric model impossible?
O The moon revolves around Earth.
O Earth's gravitational force is much less than the Sun's.
o Orbits are elliptical, not circular
There are other planets that are closer to the Sun.


I believe that the answers is “Earth’s gravitational force is much less than the Sun’s”

I hope I was helpful! Have a nice day! ~(^v^)~

Burning fossil fuels for energy releases harmful emissions into the air. Which health concern is most likely related to these emissions?
A) Increases in blood cancers such as leukemia
B) Increases in skin disorders from absorption
C) Increases in respiratory illnesses such as asthma
D) Increases in digestive disorders from contaminated food




its either c or b sorry if it is wrong




If the harmful emissions are being released into the air, then the most logical answer would be an increase in respiratory illnesses auch as asthma.

It cannot be B or C because they specify that the disordera come from absorption and contaminated food, respectively.

It is most likely not A either.

Pairs of chromosomes contain (the same/different) types of genes.



The 22 pairs of homologous chromosomes contain the same genes but code for different traits in their allelic forms since one was inherited from the mother and one from the father. So humans have two homologous chromosome sets in each cell, meaning humans are diploid organisms.


Why are renewable sources of energy better than nonrenewable sources? A. Because they release carbon dioxide B. Because they can be used again C. Because they contain more energy D. Because they are less expensive



Explanation:because it needs carbon dioxide and it can be used again

6. Make connections: Why is it necessary for traits to be inherited for evolution to
take place?



A condition necessary for evolution to occur is that a parent plant produces more offspring than can normally survive. ... A condition necessary for evolution to occur is that the traits of the "fittest" phenotypes that survive are inherited by the successful progeny. The offspring must tend to resemble their parents.


Perhaps no one cares more about being able to see in the ocean than do divers. The Cayman Islands, Bonaire and the Bahamas are all popular dive destinations due to both submarine features, such as coral reefs, and water clarity. Under the best of circumstances, visibility in these locations is between 50 ft (15 m) to 150 ft (45 m). Based on this, and what you have learned about sound, write a paragraph describing those ways in which humans and marine organisms use sound for some underwater tasks and light for others.



Humans and marine organisms use sound finding depth of the ocean and objects.


Humans and marine organisms use sound for some underwater tasks such as finding depth of the ocean and objects. Human use sonar which is a device used to explore the ocean and animals use echolocation to find food and identify objects that comes in their way. Sonar is present in submarine uses sound waves to detect objects that comes in their way so both humans and marine organisms use sounds.

plesss help I'm in die mode pless help​



The fiberglass is the most affective at keeping the ice cream from melting.


The bolder dots are the fiber glass, and the line is not going up (melting), so it's the least melted.

How do trees help reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?



Trees, like all plants, use the energy of sunlight to take carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air and water from the ground through the mechanism of photosynthesis. They release oxygen into the air during the process of turning it to wood.

and no- this is not copied :)

What are Purkinje fibers?
special valves that relay electrical impulses to
the ventricles, which cause contraction
special fibers that relay electrical impulses to
the atriums, which cause emptying
special valves that relay blood to the
ventricles, which cause contraction
special fibers that relay electrical impulses to
the ventricles, which cause contraction


Answer: It's D aka Special fibers that relay electrical impulses to the ventricles, which cause contraction.


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