What was life like for child factory workers?


Answer 1



They had long and inflexible work hours. According to many studies, these hours ranged from 14 hours a day or 70 hours per week. The child laborers worked in environments that were unhealthy and dangerous to their physical well being. Many lost limbs, were killed in gas explosions; crushed under machines; and burned.

Related Questions

what are important things to know about Krakatoa?




1.This 1883 eruption generated the loudest sound ever reported in history. ...

2.When the volcano erupted, the explosion fired up hot ash 50 miles into the air. ...

3.Official records held that 165 villages and towns surrounding Krakatoa were destroyed and 132 more were seriously damaged.


Hope this is helpful! have an amazing night or day ! God bless you :)

Which of the following examples of technical writing includes a simile?
0 The sun arose like a multicolored bottle rocket.
The sun is an island within the deep darkness of space.
The sun slowly circles around the center of the Milky Way.
The sun is a medium-sized star located within the Milky Way.


Answer: The first example

Explanation: Similes use “like” or “as” to compare, and the first sentence example uses “like”, which makes it a simile.

The overall literacy rate in India is 55 percent.





no false


it is 77.7 International Literacy Day 2020: The literacy rate of India is 77.7% while Kerala has emerged as the most literate state in the country, followed by Delhi while Andhra Pradesh has recorded the lowest literacy rate

Sam Houston put measures in place that helped reduce Native American raids by the end his first presidency.
True or false


Answer: True

Explanation: Hope this helps :)

true true true true

Do you think that King George was the only target of this letter? Explain your answer. (The question is referring to The Olive Branch Petition)​


When George III refused to read the petition, many Americans realized that Parliament was acting with royal knowledge and support.

Explanation: because they he realized that they were acting with the parliament

Do you think the United States was justified in dropping
atomic bombs on civilians, not soldiers? Why or why not?


Answer and Explanation:

I don't think it was justified for the US to drop atomic bombs on civilians.

Their thought process was that if they were attack the innocent, then Japan would stop their aggression and call off the war. Only after the second atomic bomb occur did the Japanese surrender.

The civilians, whether they supported the war or not, shouldn't be killed, as they didn't do anything, are possibly manipulated, and are not the ones fighting. They were probably encouraged to support the war, and they also had forcibly given up their food to the soldiers to fight in the war. The Japanese kept on fighting because they didn't care how much of their people died as long as they will win the war.

#teamtrees #PAW (Plant And Water)

How is The Dominican Republic independence significant to history?


Dominican Republic declares independence as a sovereign state. ... Though Haiti had been only the second European colony in the Americas to achieve independence, and its revolution constituted one of the largest and most important slave revolts in all of history, Dominica suffered under Haitian rule.

Which of the following did NOT contribute to the growth of American suburbia?


the availability of inexpensive land in major cities

Why did Los Angeles city leaders need to seek water sources outside the city? What do you think were the risks of bringing in water from beyond the city limits?


Los Angeles probably needed water from different cities because they are in a major drought due too the shortage of rain. The risks of bringing water is that the water can contain bacteria and it could also cost a lot of money to bring it and also clean the water.

Explain what happened in Marbury v. Madison.


The U.S. Supreme Court case Marbury v. Madison (1803) established the principle of judicial review—the power of the federal courts to declare legislative and executive acts unconstitutional. ... Marbury sued the new secretary of state, James Madison, in order to obtain his commission.

Do you think the United States should take control of the rest of North America? explain why or why not.



I think the united states should take control of North America because one we would have more land and spread out the population and two because we could possibly have more army soldiers incase of a war


Answer: No

Explanation: No, it would give us too much power and essentially cause a war

What was the main motivation for US imperialism during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?
A territorial competition
B. treaty requirements
C economic expansion
D. military aggression














Economic expansions because that’s what we’ve always wanted. We basically wanted all the US’s soils to ourselves in the sake of money.

How did socialism originate?



By observing the success  of capitalism (which is an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. )


Socialism literally sprang from observing the success of capitalism, while believing that conditions for workers could be improved if the control of production were moved from capitalists to the state.

Describe the course of the early years of World War II in Europe.



The early years of WW2 did not look good for the Allied powers. Hitler and his army conquered many countries with their incredible blitzkrieg tactics.




1) Renaissance is a time period where people started taking an interest in art,architecture,politics,science and literature form Ancient Greece (something like that)

2) The Church began losing power because the new ideals of Humanism(i dont know if its correct)

of the following are true about the Populist Party EXCEPT:
It was the only third party ever to have a presidential candidate elected.
It influenced state politics in Texas.
It eventually faded from the national scene.
It supported a popular candidate for president in the 1896 elections.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided




a. It was the only third party ever to have a presidential candidate elected.


The populist party which emerged and lasted between 1891 to 1896 had various goals and objectives. The party also won various posts and elections across Congress, Governors, and some other legislative positions.

However, the Populist party did not win the presidential position. The closest they got was in 1892 when they gathered 22 electoral votes and over a million popular votes for James B. Weaver, their presidential candidate.

Answer: A

Explanation: the dude above is right and I took the test

Which phrase best describes the Ottoman Empire?
please help​






B) A Turkish Islamic kingdom that defeated the Byzantine Empire


I just did it on a quiz. Good luck!

What is another name for Hungary?

A Turkey
B Hapsburg
C Teutonic
D Magyar

What made Germany bitter after World War I?

A. Division of Germany
B. depression
C. trade disputes
D. Treaty of Versailles


Answer:And indeed, now the official name of Hungary, on the official language Magyar, is Magyarország, the mirror translation of Macaristan.


Answer: for the fisrt one is is D. Magyar and I think the other one is also D.Treaty of Versailles


1. Describe the causes of the Progressive Era.​



The main objectives of the Progressive movement were addressing problems caused by industrialization, urbanization, immigration, and political corruption. Social reformers were primarily middle-class citizens who targeted political machines and their bosses.


Hope this helped you :D

Question 6 of 20 To determine how to divide the time you have to finish a project, what should you do? A. Don't worry about the time; just hurry up and finish B. Just jump in and start completing tasks C. Ask for help immediately D. Divide the number of days you have by the number of tasks you have to do
plz help​





You won’t have much work and after a few days you will stars to feel proud and do more work

George Washington was chosen to
become which of the following at
the creation of the Constitution?
A. President
B. Speaker of the House
C. Majority Leader



A. President


George Washington was the first president of the United States

The answer is A president

Why didn't China become industrialized during the Ming dynasty?



China’s isolation policy in the Ming Dynasty ended the voyages of Zeng He and the potential for Chinese colonization. As a result, China did not have direct foreign influence and power over foreign land and its source of profit.



1)China isolated themselves

2)China's government controled contact wth ousiders


Ex1: China could not trade goods with other nations for a production.

Ex2: The goverment controled china; therefore, outsiders and western ideas could not influence in merchants and agriculture.

How did life change in Florida throughout the 1800s?



During the first half of the 1800s, U.S. troops waged war with the region's Native American population. During the Civil War, Florida was the third state to secede from the Union. Beginning in the late 19th century, residents of Northern states flocked to Florida to escape harsh winters.


Many Germans accepted Hitler's anti-Semitism and his claims that Germans were a
"master race" because they felt humiliated by the Treaty of Versailles and wanted a
convenient scapegoat for Germany's problems.



The answer should be yes.

After World War I, Germany was destroyed by the Treaty of Versailles. When Hitler comes and says he has a scapegoat, it is easy for the German people to agree. At the same time, they were very angry about the treaty.

What did policies like the Hawley-Smoot Tariff discourage?

A. international trade

B. buying American goods

C. purchasing imports and exports

D. discrimination against immigrants


It’s D or B
Gehfgifruc. Funrufbfhf urged fur hrhifbfbf



!00 points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Were Hitler's and Mussolini's governments mostly similar or mostly different? Support your answer with evidence from the lesson.

Plz answer quick and right!!!!!!! THANK U SO MUCHHHHHHHHHHHHH



Thanks for letting me get some points


The Soviet Union took control of several countries in eastern Europe and installed communist leaders loyal to Stalin. American and other European democracies began calling this area the ________________________.

Group of answer choices


Iron Curtain

West Berlin


The Iron Curtain


Answer:The Iron Curtain


Which best describes historical fiction


fictional writing that includes real events that happened in the past with a twist of fiction added into it.


Historical fiction is a literary genre where the story takes place in the past.

It can be a mix of actual events and ones from the author's imagination. Characters can be pure fiction or based on real people.


The Three MuskateersWolf HallThe Nightingale


(Mark me brainliest, if you're satisfied with my answer :))

[tex]\large\sf\green{thank \: you}[/tex]

Examine imperialism in Africa. What were the major goals of the Europeans? Why was Africa treated differently than other colonies? How did the
carving up of Africa lead to tension among the Euranean nations?


The correct answers to these open questions are the following.

Imperialism in Africa.

What were the major goals of the Europeans?

The major goals of European superpowers were to colonize the African territories to exploit the many raw materials and natural resources to make big profits.

Why was Africa treated differently than other colonies?

European people believed that Africans were primitive people, ignorant people that needed to be educated and evangelized. They had no real value for Europeans. The real interest was in their raw materials and territories.

How did the carving up of Africa lead to tension among the European nations?

These European countries were greedy and wanted more and more from the African territories and that created conflicts between them. That is why they called for a meeting: the Berlin Conference. The purpose of the country was to regulate the colonization of African nations.

After the Berlin Conference of 1844-1845, European superpowers agreed on regulating the split of the African Continent. These European superpowers such as France, Germany, Great Britain, Spain, and Portugal split the African territory, displaced people, and created new borders in order to colonize the territories.

What Europeans really wanted was to exploit the many raw materials and natural resources that were abundant in Africa, in order to make big profits.

Which of the following statements is true?

Most governments oppose tariffs on imported goods.

Most governments approve tariff rate quotas on exported goods.

Most governments approve of tariffs on imported goods.

Most governments oppose tariff rate quotas on imported goods.



the first one is true is the correct answer

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