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Answer 1
1. Hijo
2.mamá (madre)
3. Abuelo

Related Questions


Read, look at the picture and choose the option with the correct phrase. Read, look at the image, and choose the option with the correct sentence.

People at a table with some food on plates, a fork, a knife, a napkin

I have the salads and the bread, and I want the juice. What do you need to order for the table?

"Waitress, I need the fork, please."
"I need the knife, please."
"I need the napkin, please."
"Waitress, I need the glass, please."

Read and match the phrase with the correct sentence. Read and match each phrase with the correct sentence.

Match Term Definition
Elisa has a big ________ in the bathroom. A) the shower
The lady cleans ________ red in the room. B) the lamp
I like ________ pretty in the kitchen. C) a bathtub
I sing at ________ in the mornings. D) the furniture

Look at the image and choose the option with the correct dish and country that correspond to the image. Look at the image and choose the option with the correct dish and country that match the image.

Typical dish from the country east of Colombia and north of Brazil with Caracas as its capital

Ceviche from Panama
Cachapas from Venezuela
Paisa tray from Colombia
Tortilla from Spain
Question 21 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)
(03.02 MC)

Read the question and the sentences and choose the option with the correct sentence. Read the question and the sentences, and choose the option with the correct sentence.

Which of the following has the pronoun correctly used?

You prefer the paisa tray.
You prefer the paisa tray.
You prefer the paisa tray.
You prefer the paisa tray.
Question 22 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)
(03.03 MC)

Look at the picture, read and choose the option with the correct conjugated verb that is missing in the blank space. Look at the image, read, and select the option with the correct conjugated verb for the blank.

A cartoon family eating at 9 pm with a cartoon female cat holding a cake

At nine at night I ________ the cake.

I learn
Question 23 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)
(03.01 LC)

Read, look at the image and select the phrase that corresponds to the image. Read, look at the image, and select the sentence that matches the image.

A table with different types of cheese on it

You don't love potatoes.
Prefer carrots.
You like beans.
I don't like cheeses.
Question 24 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)
(03.02 LC)

Listen, look and select the image that corresponds to the audio. Listen, look, and select the image that matches the audio.

A man cutting an onion and crying
Kid and father talking over two bowls of cereal
Person biting lettuce
Boy making a disgusting face while eating corn
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¿cual es la cantidad de mol de Na sumasa es de 1.5 gramos?​



What is the amount of mole of Na sumasa is 1.5 grams?


D. Completa con la letra grande. WRITE THE CAPITAL BLOCK LETTER ON THE LINE.
1¡Tenemos que estudiar para un examen! ¿______ tú a la biblioteca para estudiar?
(A) Van(B) Voy(C) Vamos(D) Vas
2Me llamo Alejandro. Mis amigos y yo______ al Colegio Pedro Jiménez.
(A) van(B) vamos(C) voy(D) vas
3—¿Dónde está la calculadora?
—Está en mi______ .
(A) puerta(B) pluma(C) mochila(D) tiza
4—¿Hay un examen de historia? Estoy muy______ porque la clase es muy difícil.
(A) tranquilo(B) ocupado(C) contento(D) nervioso
—¿ vas?
5— Voy a la oficina del director.
(A) Dónde(B) Qué(C) Cómo(D) Adónde
—¿Qué hora es?
6—No sé. No hay______ en la clase.
(A) pizarrón(B) reloj(C) silla(D) borrador
7Me gustan las clases fáciles, pero en las clases muy fáciles estoy .
(A) nerviosa(B) ocupada(C) aburrida(D) lejos de
8Las chicas están ______ porque sacan buenas notas.
(A) contento(B) contentas(C) contenta(D) contentos
9Los estudiantes ______ emocionados porque hay pizza en la cafetería.
(A) estamos(B) estás(C) estoy(D) están
10Después de las clases siempre vamos ______ para practicar deportes con amigos.
(A) al pasillo(B) a la oficina del director(C) a la biblioteca(D) al gimnasio



1) Vas-----D









10)Al gimnasio----D


PLease gimme brainliest :(

ang kasunod
Ibigay ang hinihingi sa talahanayan.
pamantayan sa pagsagot sa talahanayan.
Ang alam ko na...
Ang natuklasan kong
kaalaman tungkol sa
binasang teksto...
Ang nabago sa dati
kong alam batay sa
natuklasan ko...
Isulat dito ang alam mo na
tungkol sa binasa
Itala naman dito ang mga
natuklasan mong bagong
kaalaman matapos basahin ang
Nabago ba ang dati mo ng alam
dahil sa iyong natuklasan sa
binasa? Isulat dito ang nabago
sa dati mong kaalaman batay
sa iyong natuklasan sa mula


how is this spanish related??




1. Ese restaurante en San juan cuenta con un menú muy variado.

2. Andrés tiene en su casa un sótano donde solemos ir a jugar.

3. A Belen le gusta tomar el té con poco azúcar.

4. Todo el pueblo esperaba un número importante de personas para asistir al evento de aquella noche tan especial.

5. Solamente los sábados y los domingos tengo tiempo para estudiar.

Fill in the blank with the Spanish equivalent of the word in parentheses.

Voy a la (toystore) a comprar algo para mi hermanita.

A. farmacia
B. juguetería
C. florería
D. joyería​


the answer is gonna be B. juguetería
The answers is
B. Juguetería

Para formar el mandato formal, quita la -o. En el caso del verbo correr", ya que termina en -er, cambia el
verbo a la terminación opuesta. Es decir, la conjugación del mandato formal para correr es.





Answer: Corra

Explanation: because tacos

The Prado National Museum
Write the script for an audio tour in Spanish for a specific section or exhibition at the Prado Museum.



please mark brainlist

Visual Guide to the Prado Museum

This Visual Guide is an educational resource intended to facilitate the preparation of the museum visit to people who understand better through images.

It has been compiled and illustrated with the participation of people with autism spectrum disorders, and it addresses different issues related to the museum: its history, its rules, its location, its buildings, its staff, the access points, and a series of formal and personal explanations of the museum artworks.

This autonomous material is intended to be a reference and support resource for educative environments and for relatives too.

which one is correct


It’s the third one, it’s the answer

Read and choose the option with the correct question to complete the dialogue.

Robert: Hola. El año pasado estuve en Nicaragua.
Pepa: _________
Robert: En la Isla de Ometepe. (1 point)
¿A quién viste?
¿Cuánto compraste?
¿Dónde estuviste?
¿Qué hiciste?



¿donde estuviste?.........

¿Donde estuviste?

Hope it helps

(07.08 LC)
Mira la imagen, lee y escoge la opción con la expresión opuesta a la imagen. Look at
the images, read, and select the option with the opposite expression to the image. (1
1) Estoy orgulloso.
2) Estoy contento.
3) Estoy enojado
4) Estoy enfermo


la respuesta es cuatro

La correcta sería que dos pasaran un día genial

use the correct forms of -at verbs. Pay attention of the endings. I don’t know if the answers I did is right so please help me



all right but for 9 it is Unos cursos son faciles y otros son difficiles.










18- contesto

19- estudio

20- saco

help me please i haven’t been focusing and my grade is going down



1. Hermano

2. Madre

3. Abuelo

4. hija/Hijo (it matters if they are a girl or boy)








The website is basically asking how each character is related. In the tree, we can see that Victor is from the same parents that Pablo is. This means tehy are brothers, or Hermano. Ofelia and Roberta are mother and daughter because one is above the other on the tree. In this case, Ofelia is the mother, or madre. Marcos is Lucinda's Grandfather, which is abuelo in spanish. And finally, lucinda is Pablo's daughter or hija in spanish.

spanish people help please



A. CaminAR

Yo: camino

Tu: caminas

El/Elle/Eso: camina

Nosotros (a): caminamos

Ustedes: caminan

Ellos (a): caminan

B. CorrER

Yo: corro

Tu: corres

El/Elle/Eso: corre

Nosotros (a): corremos

Ustedes: corren

Ellos (a): corren

A Juanita
(importar) sus estudios.


A Juanita le importa sus estudios
A Juanita (le importan) sus estudios

Descripciones What verb should you use?
each answer can be SER or TENER
will mark BRAINLYIST ​



1: ser

2 tener

3 ser

4 tener

5 ser

6 ser

7 tener

8 tener

9 tener

10 tener

11 ser

Qué cosas puedes comprar en un almacén?
solamente libros, hojas de papel, bolígrafos, lápices
solamente chamarras y abrigos
ropa, perfume, guantes, carteras, zapatos
solamente zapatos



Solamente libros, hojas de papel, bolígrafos, lápices


Fill in with the correct form of the adjective.
Hola, me llamo Miguel. Yo tengo dieciséis anos. Yo soy_______(alto) y__________
(atlético). No soy ___________(bajo). Tengo los ojos _________(azul). Tengo dos
hermanas_________(menor). Mi hermana Jessica es __________(bajo) y________(bonito). Ella también es _______(atlético). Mi hermana Carolina es__________(artístico)
Ella siempre pinta y dibuja. Mis dos hermanas son_______(simpático). Ellas tienen los ojos_________(verde) y tienen el pelo________
(rublo), Mi familia y yo somos_________(generoso). Tenemos dos gatos___________ (gordo) y un perro________(tonto).


Alto, atlético, bajo, azules, menores, baja, bonita, atlética, artística, simpáticos, verdes, rubio, generosos, gordos, tonto

Guys pls help me!!!!!! pls be correct not wrong and don’t make me loose my points



im pretty sure it is beben

1. ¿Cuáles son los programas, secciones o sitios en los medios masivos de comunicación, como el internet, la
televisión, la radio o las revistas, que acostumbras ver o leer?​




Fix the mistakes in each sentence and rewrite it in spanish.

Me encanta las galletas. -

Helen y yo corren en el parque. -

Yo mucho como pizza. -

José y tú leemos para español. -

Nosotros vivemos en New Hampshire. -



Me encantan las galletas.

- Helen y yo corremos en el parque.

- Yo mucho como pizza.

- José y tú lean para español.

- Nosotros vivemos en New Hampshire. -


Use Spanish adjecives for female.



buenos dias

soy,emily,me llamo emily

tengo:13 años

soy de :mexico



Hola, Buenos Dias, Soy Emilie (example), tengo 15 años (example). Soy de EEUU.

2. Soy Buena y educada. También soy un buen ejemplo. No soy ni mala , ni malvada. No soy nada malvada.

3. Después de la escuela me gusta Dormir Y Comer.

   Me gusta mucho pintar. Me gusta mas Nadar. No me gusta escribir. No me gusta nada mas. No me gusta ni Leer ni Correr.

4. En los fines de semana yo juego y nado. También salgo a pasear a mi perro. No cocino.


Enseguidal Your teachers constantly tell you what to do. What do
they tell you?

1-escribir / composición

2- poner / atención

3.-no comer / en clase

4.-llegar / a tiempo

5.- escuchar / bien

6.-usar / boligrafo

7.- sacar / buenas notas

8.- no hablar / tanto

9.- recordar / fecha

10.- no salir / temprano


I don’t understand what you’re asking

Pleaaaaaaaase help me. This is a math question but in spanish.
Mike tiene $136 para gastar en el parque de diversiones. Gasta el 25% del dinero en el boleto de entrada al parque. ¿Cuánto le queda para gastar?


To find 25% of $136 - you need to calculate the following:

25 • 136 / 100 = 3,400 / 100 = $34

$136 - $34 = $102

Mike has $102 left to use.

enumere seis pasos que siguen el proceso de la producción de la panela de la caña de azúcar​



El proceso de fabricación consta de los siguientes pasos:

Entrada o transporte de la caña de azúcares.





Separación o centrifugación.




Decide if the clue word is used for the preterit or imperfect. Write I for the imperfect and P for the preterit.

anoche -

generalmente -

nunca -

luego -

mientras -

empezar -

tres veces -

cada -

hoy -

a veces -

siempre -

ayer -

pasasdo -

anteayer -

un día -

de vez en cuando -

muchas veces -

todos/todas -

a menudo -

de repente -

entonces -

por un rato -





! will give brainliest answer ! the questions come from the video Festival de merengue en la República Dominicana.



hmm seems im even trying to see the answer and other ppl re tryin g figger it out allso


how to write a pizza recipe in spanish?​



receta de pizza


Una receta de pizza...hope this helps

The doctor is in. You're a doctor, and your patients are struggling to tell you their symptoms. They aren't feeling well and need you to write their thoughts in complete sentences. Rewrite each word grouping in complete sentences in Spanish by conjugating the verbs and using the correct definite articles (el, los, la, las) before nouns.
11. dolerme / cabeza
12. nosotros / tener / escalofrios
13. tú / tener / que / descansar
14. ella / tener / fiebre
15. vosotros / ponerse / inyección​



11. Los pacientes le duele la cabeza

12. Nosotros tenemos escalofríos

13. Tu tienes que descansar

14. Ella tiene fiebre

Costa Rica demuestra su desarrollo tecnológico al
a exportar su tecnología.
b. tener a varios astronautas en el Salón de la Fama de la NASA.
c. convertirse en el primer país sin ejército de Centroamérica,
d. utilizar las técnicas de la cerámica nicoyana en piezas modernas.


I think that’s the answer
Other Questions
What is an vpn, and how can you use a vpn? Explain. Question 16How does the skeletal system interact with the nervous system?A the nervous system supplies the blood and oxygen to developing bonesBthe nervous system supplies nutrients and minerals to developing bonesthe skeletal system controls the messages sent to the brain and spinal cordDthe skeletal system provides protection for the brain and spinal cord please help me i need it Which aspect of the March on Washington sent a powerful statement to the United States and the world?the lack of famous celebritiesthe location at the Jefferson Memorialthe presence of foreign leadersthe size of the crowd that attended Before beginning to cook, you should perform which of the followingtasks?AWash, chop, cut, and measure all ingredients,Delegate jobsBAll of these answer choices are correct,Read the recipeD Why was the Civil War considered to be the first modern war?military blockadesdiseasecannonsironclad vessels Is this correct? Not sure. Why did the geography of the Americas and Eurasia produce such different results? Evaluate the expression for the given value of x.4x + 7 for x = 7 Read the text then use the drop-down menus to complete the statements about savannas port brainly please help thank youuu The following chemical equation shows the combustion of ethane. Balance the equation by filling in the coefficients. Which of the two parts of the light microscope magnify image of an object? Please helpA 136 B 208 C 352 D 576 Keeping it simple by asking for more help. Question 10. Help me with this im too s t u p i d lol Q. How foolish of you to behave like this! Change into Affirmative Karim Corp. requires a minimum $8,100 cash balance. If necessary, loans are taken to meet this requirement at a cost of 2% interest per month (paid monthly). Any excess cash is used to repay loans at month-end. The cash balance on July 1 is $8,500 and the company has no outstanding loans. Forecasted cash receipts (other than for loans received) and forecasted cash payments (other than for loan or interest payments) follow. July August September Cash receipts $ 24,100 $ 32,100 $ 40,100 Cash payments 28,150 30,100 32,100 Prepare a cash budget for July, August, and September. (Negative balances and Loan repayment amounts (if any) should be indicated with minus sign. Round your final answers to the nearest whole dollar.)KARIM CORP.Cash BudgetFor July, August, and SeptemberJuly August SeptemberBeginning cash balance $8,500 Cash receipts 24,100 Total cash available 32,600 Cash payments Interest revenue Preliminary cash balance Additional loan (loan repayment) Ending cash balance Loan balanceLoan balance - Beginning of month $0 Additional loan (loan repayment) Loan balance - End of month Read the summary of the conclusion of The World on Turtles Back.[1] When the twins grew up, they continued to fight. [2] One day they decided to hold a contest to determine who was stronger. [3] Though they tried to defeat each other in many different ways, neither one could win. [4] On the last day, they fought with weapons. [5] Using a deer antler, the right-handed twin overpowered his brother, and he threw him off the edge of the Earth. [6] Today, the right-handed twin lives in the Sky-World, and the left-handed twin lives in the dark underworld. [7] They rule the earthly world of men together.Which best describes sentence 1?A. It is a complex sentence.B. It is a compound-complex sentence.C. It only has one clause.D. It has three separate clauses. One number is nine more than another number. If the sum of the number is 65, find both numbers