the menstrual cycle starts on the 1st of a woman's period what hormone is produced during the first half of the month?


Answer 1

The hormone produced during the first half of the month is the estradiol.

The Menstrual Cycle Starts On The 1st Of A Woman's Period What Hormone Is Produced During The First Half

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Do you think you would like to do arson or explosion investigation for evidence testing? Why or why not?



Yes, I would take place in arson and explosion testing for safety reasons. I would see what substances can cause reactions to fire and see what is safe around fire. Always keep sand by your side, sand puts fire out faster than water.

hershey and chase used bacteriophage (bacteria viruses) infection to identify the genetic material. what was their key finding?


The fundamental discovery made by Hershey and Chase is that DNA is the hereditary material. They did this by using bacteriophage (bacteria viruses) infections to identify the genetic material.

What do you understand by the term viruses?

A virus is a microscopic, contagious organism that can only grow inside of living cells. Virus infections are possible in all living organisms, include plants, animals, and microorganisms like bacteria and archaea. A virus is an infectious microorganism made up of a protein-coated segment containing nucleic acid (either DNA or RNA). A virus can't multiply by itself; it has to infect cells in order to utilise the host cell's components to produce copies of itself.

Who first discovered virus and who is the father of virus?

In 1898, Beijerinck was the first person to refer to the cause of a tobacco mosaic as a "virus." He demonstrated that the instigator could travel within an agar gel, indicating it was a infectious soluble agent, called "contagium vivum fluidum," and categorically not a "contagium fixum," as would be the case with bacteria. As the father of virology, Martinus Beijerinck is frequently referred to. The laboratory of Beijerinck became a significant microbiology hub.

To know more about Virus visit:


What would be the matching strand for this single strand of DNA? Type your answer in all caps. ATTGCCATTA​


The matching strands will be TAACGGTAAT.

In DNA base pairs of one strand in DNA bind with the base pairs of the other strand. A always pairs with T with two hydrogen bonds and G always pairs with C with three hydrogen bonds. So if one strand is ATTGCCATTA​then the complementary strand will be TAACGGTAAT.

Rules of base pairing are pairing will always be A with T the purine adenine (A) always pairs with the pyrimidine thymine (T) ,C with G the pyrimidine cytosine (C) always pairs with the purine guanine (G). In DNA two strands are always held together by hydrogen bonds between pairs of two bases adenine pairs with thymine, and cytosine pairs with guanine.

To learn more about DNA base pairs  , here


Which person has potential and kinetic energy?



A person who is climbing up a slide


8) in peas, yellow seed (e) is dominant over green seed (e), and round seed (r) is dominant over wrinkled seed (r). if a pure-breeding round yellow seed producing plant is crossed with a pure-breeding wrinkled green seed producing plant, what genotype(s) and phenotype(s) would you expect in the f1 generation? if you cross the f1 plants, what phenotype(s) would you expect in the f2 generations? use a punnett square to illustrate your answers.


While the other parent has the homozygous recessive genotype, one parent has the homozygous dominant genotype. All of the offspring in the F1 generation share the same heterozygous genotype and dominant phenotype.

What phenotypes could you expect in the f2 generation if you crossed the f1 plants?

F1 generation plants are let to freely breed with one another to produce F2. The plants from the F2 generation will grow tall and slender in a 3:1 ratio. However, not all tall plants share the same genotype. There will be a 2:1 ratio between tall homozygotes and tall heterozygotes.

Which phenotype will the F1 generation exhibit?

What are the F1 generation's genotype and phenotype? Round and yellow seeds are the F1 generation's trait and the genotype is RrYy.

To know more about Genotype and Phenotype visit:-


Since dna is __ charged, samples should be loaded at the __ end of the gel electrophoresis chamber.


Answer: Negatively; Positive.

Which of the following does NOT slow down or stop an enzyme's rate of
Ohigh heat
O a lot of enzymes breaking down substrates
Odrastic change in pH
incorrect linking of amino acids (which changes the shape of the enzyme)


A lot of enzymes breaking down substrates does NOT slow down or stop an enzyme's rate of reaction.

By lowering the activation energy and consequently raising the rate of reaction, enzymes (and other catalysts) work. Since both directions must travel through the same transition state, the increased rate is the same in both the forward and reverse directions.An enzyme is a specific type of protein found inside of cells that catalyses chemical reactions necessary for maintaining life within the body. The important functions that enzymes perform are their purpose. These entail the development of muscles, the elimination of toxins, and the breakdown of food molecules during digestion.The biochemical modification of the enzyme—phosphorylation—or the use of positive modulators with low molecular weight can both speed up the activation of the enzyme. It is theoretically possible to bind molecules to enzymes to increase catalysis, just like with receptor agonists.

To know more about enzymes check the below link:


hemostasis has three major steps. the first is vasoconstriction and the final step is coagulation. what occurs between these two steps?


The physiological mechanism by which bleeding stops is known as hemostasis. Vasoconstriction, platelet plug development, and coagulation, in which clotting factors encourage the creation of a fibrin clot, are the three fundamental phases in hemostasis.

The process by which a clot is broken down in a healed vessel is known as fibrinolysis. Inhibitors of coagulation are known as anticoagulants. They have a critical role in reducing the intensity and duration of clotting.

Too few platelets or insufficient generation of clotting factors, such as in the genetic condition hemophilia, can both contribute to poor clotting. Excessive platelet production can result in thrombosis or excessive clotting. An embolus is a thrombus that has broken free from the vessel wall and is moving through the bloodstream, whereas a thrombus is an accumulation of fibrin, platelets, and erythrocytes that has accumulated along the lining of a blood vessel.

Know more Vasoconstriction at:


Which observation could lead to the conclusion that an object is nonliving?
A It passes on hereditary information only through asexual reproduction.
B It carries out synthesis.
C It cannot perform metabolic processes.
D It is composed of a cell, but does not have tissues.


The observation that will lead to the conclusion that an object is non-living is: (C) It cannot perform metabolic processes.

Non-living objects are those that do not follow the cell theory. These objects cannot perform the basic life processes like: respiration, digestion, breathing, growth, reproduction, etc. Non-living cannot show any movement on their own.

Metabolic processes are the various processes that are conducted inside the living body. These are of two types: anabolic processes and catabolic processes. Anabolic processes are those where larger molecules are formed from the smaller ones. While the catabolic processes are those where larger molecules are broken down to form smaller ones.

To know more about metabolic processes, here


Question 9 of 10

What happens when an atom loses an electron?

A. It has an increase in the number of protons.

B. It has a decrease in the number of neutrons.

C. It becomes a negative ion.

D. It becomes a positive ion.



D. It becamea positive ion ( I guess )


cause an atom would lose an electrons only to survive or to became positive . if it would be

negative or something It wouldn't lose his electrons

foods that are rich with protien


cottage cheese
chicken breasts
greek yogurt
lean beef
protein powders
pumpkin seeds

i searched it up lol

I’ve missed a bunch of days due to covid so I don’t understand any of this I really just need the answers lol


Generally, for fast-dividing mammalian cells, the length of the cycle is approximately 24 hours. G1 is typically the longest phase of the cell cycle. Cells usually remain in G1 for about 1o hours of the 24 hours of the cell cycle. Usually, cells will take between 5 to 6 hours to complete S phase. G2 is shorter, lasting only 3 to 4 hours in most cells. In sum, then, interphase generally takes between 18 to 20 hours. Mitosis, during which the cell makes preparations for and completes cell division only takes about 2 hours.

From the given figure, mitosis takes 15 % of the 24 hours cell cycle. Plese see solution below:

24 hours x 15 / 100 = 3.6 hours

normal microbiota provide protection from infection in each of the following ways except a. they produce antibacterial chemicals. b. they compete with pathogens for nutrients. c. they make the chemical environment unsuitable for nonresident bacteria. d. they can change the ph of the environment. e. there are no exceptions, all the above are true.


For the above question, option E is the correct answer: there are no exceptions, all the above are true.

Protection against infection is provided by proper microbiome. They create compounds that are antimicrobial. They compete for nutrients with pathogens. By altering the chemical environment, they render nonresident bacteria unsuitable. They have the ability to alter the environment's ph. Thus all the statements are true.

By activating immune responses, metabolically keeping pathogens out of their favoured habitats, and directly combating microbes, the microbiota defends against infection. A significant risk factor for bacterial pathogen colonisation is the disruption of the microbiota, particularly by antibiotics.

To know more about microbiota, refer to the following link:


A virus that infects bacteria is called a __________, which is made up of the macromolecules __________ and __________.


A virus that infects bacteria is called a bacteriophage which is made up of the macromolecules DNA and Protein.

How do you explain bacteriophage ?A bacteriophage, or phage in colloquial use, is a duplodnaviria virus that infects and replicates inside bacteria and archaea (/bktrio/). The word "bacteria" was taken from the Greek verb "phagein," which means "to consume." Bacteriophages are made of proteins that enclose a DNA or RNA genome and can have either straightforward or complex structural designs. Their genomes might contain as little as four genes (MS2, for example) or as many as hundreds. The insertion of the phage genome into the cytoplasm of the bacterium initiates phage replication within the bacterium.One of the most prevalent and varied organisms in the biosphere is the bacteriophage. Bacteriophages are pervasive viruses that may be found anywhere there are bacteria.

Learn more about bacteriophage refer to :





C. Different


Turtles and Tortoises have very similar features such as a shell and other things. But Tortoises live on land, and are not made to go in the water like turtles. They don't have webbed feet, or flippers, and turtles do which makes them such good swimmers. Turtles are made to live in water, so they have special features that help them adapt to a different environment too. So that is why the answer is C. Different.

-Hope this helped




all the other choices have the same meanings

Rhinos - have 2 specific traits that will help them be more successful in the wild. Rhinos who have an extra long prehensile lip (ll) are able to get food easier while those with extra long ears (ee) are able to hear predators better. Both of these traits are considered recessive traits. The dominant traits are regular lip length and normal sized ears. (Intro to Genetics)



what does the question require us to find? is this the entire thing?

i need help on the biology lab lab project: building proteins from RNA from egenuity can anybody give me one of their old ones


Proteins are built from the RNA as the ribosome reads the instructions found in messenger RNA.

How are proteins constructed from RNA?

Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is a nucleic acid found in all living cells that is structurally similar to DNA. RNA, unlike DNA, is typically single-stranded. Instead of the deoxyribose found in DNA, the backbone of an RNA molecule is made of alternating phosphate groups and the sugar ribose.

Ribonucleic acid is a polymeric molecule that plays important roles in gene coding, decoding, regulation, and expression. Nucleic acids include RNA and deoxyribonucleic acid. Transfer RNA (tRNA) is a type of RNA that assembles the protein one amino acid at a time.

Ribosomes synthesize proteins from ribosomal RNA (rRNA).

The ribosome reads the instructions found in messenger RNA molecules in a cell and builds proteins from these mRNAs by chemically linking amino acids (protein building blocks) in the order defined by the mRNA.

Learn more about proteins on:



Did you ever get the lab report?


The calvin cycle can best be described as the ______________________ reactions of photosynthesis.


The Calvin cycle can be best described as a non light-dependent (since they do not directly require light) reaction of photosynthesis

The Calvin cycle, also known as the dark reactions, bio synthetic phase, light-independent reactions, or photosynthetic carbon reduction (PCR) cycle, is a chain of chemical processes that produces glucose from carbon dioxide and hydrogen-carrier molecules. All photosynthetic eukaryotes as well as many photosynthetic bacteria contain the Calvin cycle. These reactions take place in the stroma, the fluid-filled area of a chloroplast that is not covered by the thylakoid membranes, in plants .

The Calvin cycle generates sugars for usage by the plant using the chemical energy of ATP and the reducing power of NADPH from light-dependent processes.

For more information on Calvin cycle kindly visit to


What is the role of an enzyme in the body



Enzymes are proteins that help speed up metabolism, or the chemical reactions in our bodies. They build some substances and break others down. All living things have enzymes. Our bodies naturally produce enzymes.


Based on your knowledge of the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis, what do you think it means to “fix” carbon? You can use information from earlier in the lesson and the diagram on the right as resources.


Photosynthetic organisms (like plants) convert inorganic carbon into organic compounds through a process known as carbon fixation (carbohydrates). For instance, CO2 fixation, a kind of carbon fixation, involves converting atmospheric carbon dioxide into carbohydrates.

What is light independant reaction?

The photochemical process of photosynthesis involves a number of light-independent biochemical events that result in the formation of organic compounds from carbon dioxide. This metabolic pathway is propelled by the energy released from the ATP created during the light reactions

Hence, the answer is the conversion of organic compounds to carbon dioxide.

To learn more about light-independent reactions, follow the link:


The figure below displays the Baltimore system of virus classification. All viruses have nucleic acid based genomes, but not all viruses store their genes as DNA. How does this challenge our conventional understanding of how genes are expressed? Use the figure to provide an example of a virus class that expresses its genes in a unique way


Every virus depends on the host's translational machinery since viruses lack a complete system for protein translation.

What is Baltimore system?

The Baltimore system is based on the way that equipment is used by viruses. The central component of this classification scheme is messenger RNA (mRNA), and the various routes from DNA or RNA genomes to mRNA represent the many classes.

Six classes of viruses were initially included in the Baltimore Classification System. However, to accommodate the gapped DNA genome of Hepadnaviridae, a seventh class was added.

Before it starts to multiply, a double-stranded DNA virus reaches the host cell's nucleus. It relies heavily on the host cell cycle because it uses the host polymerases to reproduce its genome.

Therefore, Every virus depends on the host's translational machinery since viruses lack a complete system for protein translation.

To learn more about virus, refer to the link:


Match the causes with their effects.
injecting fracking fluids
into the ground
oil spills during transport
on a ship
destroys animal habitats and
causes topsoil to erode
pollutes groundwater with
dangerous chemicals
harms aquatic creatures
and vegetation


Deforestation destroys animal habitats and causes erosion of the topsoil. 2) releases hazardous chemicals into the groundwater—fracking fluid injections; 3) endangers marine life and vegetation—oil spills on ships.

During fracking, what is injected?

Propargyl alcohol, ethylene glycol, and methanol are typical components. These substances are regarded as harmful to human health, along with many others found in fracking fluid.

What is the animal population's habitat?

A habitat is a place where a living thing spends the entire year or only temporarily while searching for a partner. The habitat provides all the necessities for an animal to survive, including food and shelter.

To know more about animal population's habitat visit:-


match each molecule with the description



Nucleic acid – Monomer: Nucleotide with 1 of 4 nitrogenous bases ( Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, Thiamine or Uracil)

Protein – Monomer: Amino Acids, Polymer: Polypeptide used as building blocks for living tissue.

Lipid: Used for long term energy storage saturated and unsaturated fatty acid tails.

Carbohydrate: Monomer: monosaccharide, Polymer: Polysaccharide, Main source of energy and used for some structures.

Which stage of cellular respiration produces the most energy for the cells



the electron transport system - 3


Answer: The stage that produces most of the ATP during cellular respiration is the electron transport system (ETS).

Explanation: The inner mitochondrial membrane holds the ATPase enzyme and the complexes for ETS. In mitochondria, an electrochemical gradient is produced by the function of ETS, between the matrix and inner mitochondrial space(High at internal mitochondrial space and low at matrix). ETS gets electrons from the oxidation of NADH and FADH2. The ATPase enzyme situated in the inner mitochondrial membrane allows protons to flow down their electrochemical gradient. This proton motive force is utilized for the phosphorylation of ADP into ATP. Thus, the production of ATP through ETS is called oxidative phosphorylation as oxidation and phosphorylation occur.

how does knowing about earth's interior help scientist prepare for natural disasters??


Scientists are able to comprehend the interior of the Earth by studying seismic waves. These waves, which are made up of energy, behave like other types of waves including sound, light, and water waves as they travel through the Earth's atmosphere.

We now recognize the locations and causes of the majority of natural disasters thanks to the scientific approach. For instance, we now know why over 90% of all earthquakes and volcanoes occur in the Pacific Ocean's outer borders, known as the Ring of Fire, thanks to the idea of plate tectonics. The explanation for why certain volcanoes are more explosive and active than others has also been aided by the notion of plate tectonics. We also know that various tectonic plate borders result in various fault lines, and consequently, various kinds of earthquakes.

To know more about Scientists, visit:

what does aluminum need to do in order to become stable?


It needs to lose 3 electrons in an ionic bond forming the ion Al ^3+

A metal with three valence electrons and weak electron attraction is aluminum. It needs to lose these valence electrons in order to reach a stable octet (previous energy level has 8 electrons).

What is valency?

The number of atoms of one element coupled with one atom of another to create a molecule is known as the valency.

Valency and molecular weight are two related terms. A measure of an atom's combining capability is its valency. The quantity of electrons in an element's outermost shell determines its valency.

Valency is simply the amount of electrons that an element's atom gains, loses, or shares to obtain the closest configuration to that of a noble gas.

With an electronegativity of 1.61, aluminum is a very reactive element and will rapidly lose 3 electrons to change its electron configuration to the stable Ne octet, forming the stable Al(III) cation.

Thus, this way, aluminum do in order to become stable.

For more details regarding valency, visit:


Cancer results from damage to


Cancer results from damage to changes from DNA

Explain why, in terms of photons, ultraviolet light can damage cells in your skin but visible light cannot.


Because UV waves are shorter than visible light waves, UV has more energy than regular light.

More importantly, UV photons have enough energy to damage or destroy DNA, whereas visible and infrared photons do not. When we absorb visible or infrared photons, the energy carried by the photon heats us up, but unlike ultraviolet photons, it does not permanently damage our cells.

The UV camera simply shows more melanin accumulation than we could see on our own, and the damage appears as a dark spot on the skin. Dry skin, which appears as a greenish glow or as bright green spots where the dry skin has flaked off, is also revealed by UV cameras.

Because UV waves are shorter than visible light waves, UV has more energy than regular light. UV photons have the necessary energies to cause chemical reactions.

To learn more about affects of UV light, here


Consider models of cell reproduction. Evaluate the statements and select ALL that are NOT supported by the models.


The cell division cycle is responsible for increasing and maintaining cell number and size. This cycle is an essential feature of living organisms. These are model of cell reproduction:

The mitotic phase (M phase), growth phase 1 (G1), growth phase 2 (G2), and synthesis phase are the four stages of cell division (S). Phase transitions are unidirectional changes in the cell cycle phases when one phase of the cycle finishes and the next begins. Cells expand and divide throughout the G1, G2, and S phases of the cell cycle. The clock model and the domino model are the two cell reproduction models. According to the domino model, the various stages of cell division must take place in a specific sequence and at a specific time. The clock model demonstrates that the efficiency of mitotic entrance was not persuaded by other acts, contrary to the domino model's recommendation that the cell cycle events are independent.

To know more about cell reproduction visit:


one sperm fertilized one egg, and the resulting child had blond hair and brown eyes. How is this possible given the parents genotypes?



We will represent the alleles with letters:

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