Explain how ancient glacial deposits in Africa, India, Australia, and South America support the idea of continental drift .


Answer 1

The simple hypothesis and the findings also of the most important type of understanding is therefore by means the only thing which has been better to the core. There are examples of glacial tills and also stratification, which tend to prove that these land masses or the continents were once connected and later all of these just fell off leading to continental drift.

What is the Continental Drift?

Continental Drift is a very relative term that has helped to understand from time immemorial the presence of all the Continents together on one land mass.

Continental Drift in very simple terms is the breaking up of whole continents over a geological period and also tends to understand the various ways of the movement of the tectonic plates which has caused these land masses to break away and also move away from the land surfaces. All these lead to the result of the formation of land masses.

The Continental Drift also has been caused by the repeated upwards and downward movement of the same tectonic plates. Continental Drift can also happen due to an Earthquake from under the surface, which also results in the Continental Drift.

Learn more about the Continental Drift here:



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The hydrologic cycle is an open system in which water is moved from one _________ to another through __________.


The hydrologic cycle is an open gadget/system wherein water is moved from one reservoir to some another pathways.

This herbal cycle of water thru a lot of unique places at the Earth manner that through the records of the Earth, the quantity of water has been noticeably constant. Little has been brought or misplaced over the years, and this water has been constantly in motion. Water movements from reservoir to reservoir thru a lot of unique transportation mechanisms, however this water can live in garage for various lengths of time.

The motion of water from vicinity to vicinity may be pretty erratic, however there are tendencies for a way lengthy positive kinds of reservoirs hold their water for. The common period of time that water remains in any reservoir withinside the hydrologic cycle is referred to as the house time. Water the water withinside the surroundings is renewed each 15 days, even as soil moisture lasts more than one months. Lakes refill their water each 50 to a hundred years, even as groundwater can closing everywhere from a hundred to ten 000 years.

Learn more about hydrologic cycle visit : brainly.com/question/5187046


Question 1
Use the chart to answer the following question:
In which of the following countries are falling water tables causing a scarcity of fresh water?





It says "falling ground water tables."

how a country produces and exchanges goods and service is considered as economic?


Products and services are created by combining resources. The necessary raw materials are provided by the land and natural resources. Raw resources are turned into finished commodities and services by labor. The production process requires capital (equipment, buildings, vehicles, cash, and so forth).

An economic system known as a command economy is one in which the government, or the central planner, decides what should be produced in terms of goods and services, how much should be produced, and how much they should cost.

A society or specific geographic area's system of production, resource allocation, exchange, and distribution of goods and services is known as an economic system.

Any increase in output results in economic expansion as indicated by the GDP.

Although businesses also consume goods and services in the process of producing other goods and services, economic theory assumes that the consumption of goods and services results in utility (satisfaction) for the consumer or end-user.

Learn more about economics here:



The concept of quality of life is linked to standard of living but refers to more ________ qualities.

A. economic

B. objective

C. educational

D. subjective


The concept of quality of life is linked to standard of living but refers to more subjective qualities.

Wealth, comfort, material goods, and necessities of certain classes in certain areas are examples of standard of living, whereas quality of life is more subjective and intangible, such as personal liberty or environmental quality.

An Overview of Life Quality The level of wealth, comfort, material goods, and necessities available to a specific socioeconomic class or geographic area is referred to as the standard of living. Quality of life, on the other hand, is a subjective concept that can be used to quantify happiness.

To know more about subjective qualities here



the 1960s, the space industry developed in ___.



In the 1960s, the space industry developed in Florida, Alabama, and Texas for the United States

For USSR the cosmodrome was located in Kazakhstan




Who makes up most of the population of Antarctica?


D. Scientists

hope this helps! have a great day, love ! :)

Why do you think there are not any older fossils in these tar pits?


Natural tar pits are sticky and thick and are formed when tar and other oil-like stuff oozes out from source sedimentary rocks. These tar pits are recorded to be mere 100,000 years ago. Thus, in contrast, the presence of older fossils isn't possible due to their pre-existence.

Fossils are often found in tar pits, since being Sticky and thick small animals grind to a halt and larger animals might also follow them for predatory, thus they die and obtain preservation since oxygen is absent, hence they get oxidized.

Species like dinosaurs were present roughly 65 million years ago, hence presence or preservence of such older species in tar pits isn't been found.

Learn more about tar pits at :


in what ways are the united states and mexico are similar


Here are a few ways the countries resemble each other: Geography: Both countries cover vast areas and have long coastlines, situated on two oceans. Both of their populations are large and ethnically diverse. The climates are equally varied, ranging from scorching desert heat to snow-covered mountain peaks.

Which are examples of economic interdependence?
Select all that apply.

A business uses another business to maintain its machinery.

A company purchases parts for its goods from another business.

A farmer grows her own food.

A business builds all the parts needed for a product

An individual buys food from the local grocery store.

A company maintains its own computer systems.


Examples of economic interdependence include A company purchases parts for its goods from another business.

What is a good illustration of economic dependence?

Examples of Economic Interdependence

Because of this, each sector is dependent on other industries to produce its components. For instance, the manufacturing of many of the components used in automobiles is dependent upon the steel and computer industries. Wal-Mart, the biggest chain retailer in the world, is another illustration.

How are the economy and business interdependent?

The primary elements of economic interdependence include countries' reliance on other nations for the production of specific goods as well as businesses' reliance on external suppliers for their goods and services

To know more about economic interdependence visit:-



What is the name of the thriving trading city where mansa musa built his mosque?.


Timbuktu is the thriving trading city where Mansa Musa built his mosque.

Timbuktu was an important trade center from the 13th-15th century. It is a city in present-day Mali in West Africa. Timbuktu became a crucial center of wealth during the 14th century by transporting slaves, ivory, salt, and gold from interior Africa to outer parts of the continent.

Timbuktu was situated in the center of the trade routes connecting the Niger river to the North African and Saharan regions. The city was under the rule of Mansa Musa who built mosques and established universities for Islamic learning in his empire. Timbuktu in the present day is a UNESCO world heritage site.

Learn more about Timbuktu here https://brainly.com/question/238023


if a layer was deposited but does not appear in the rock record, what has occurred? responses eruption eruption erosion erosion faulting faulting folding


Erosion has taken place if a layer was deposited but does not show up in the rock record.

The movement of materials, such as rock pieces, soil particles, and other substances, from one location to another is referred to as erosion. After rocks have weathered or broken down owing to various physical and chemical processes, erosion takes place, which indicates that the rock fragments have already weathered or broken down.

With the aid of forces like wind, water, and ice, sediments are eroded, deposited in new locations, and over time, form sedimentary rocks. As a result, if a layer was once deposited but is missing from the rock record, it has been eroded.

learn more about Erosion here:



Where do subduction zones often occur? question 6 options: where a continental plate is being split into two parts where an oceanic plate is moving toward a continental plate where two oceanic plates are moving away from each other where two continental plates are colliding.


The subduction zone occurs in a horseshoe shape along the plates of the Pacific Ocean, extending off the coast of Washington State, Canada, Alaska, Russia, Japan, Indonesia, and further north to New Zealand and the southern tip of South America.

What is subduction zone?A subduction zone is a plate tectonic boundary where two plates converge and one plate is pushed under the other. This process leads to geohazards such as earthquakes and volcanoes.These plates collide, slip past each other, and move away from each other. The most powerful earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and landslides occur where they collide and push one plate beneath the other. Subduction zone occurs when two plates collide at a convergent boundary, pushing one plate under the other and back into the Earth's interior. Continental rocks are too buoyant to push down. When continents collide, they crumble but stay on the surface. A subduction zone forms where a thinner plate of oceanic crust sinks beneath a thicker plate of continental crust.

To learn more about subduction zone from the given link :



The spatial pattern shown in the following image best describes

Question 3 options:

a shatterbelt region in sub-Saharan Africa between a poor rural area and a wealthy urban area.

a choke point along the Suez Canal in Egypt.

the breakup of the elite estates into small farms by the government in postcolonial Paraguay

the open border between the U.S. and Mexico along the Rio Grande River during the 1950s.

a series of small farmer-owned cocoa plantations in West Africa separated by a canal from larger European-owned plantations.


Based on the available options, and the geographical concept, the spatial pattern shown in the following image best describes the shelter belt region in sub-Saharan Africa between a poor rural area and a wealthy urban area.

What is a Shelter Belt region?

A shelter belt region is a term that is used to describe the geographical characteristics of a place, particularly in terms of the presence of vegetation.

There are various types of shelter belt regions which includes the followingDense Shelter Belt regionModerate Shelter Belt regionOpen Shelter Belt region.

As is in the picture above the question, this is an example of an Open Shelter Belt region which is more common in some parts of the sub-Saharan African region such as Niger, Mali, Libya, etc.

Also, some part of the picture has a poor neighborhood, while the other part looks wealthier in terms of African society.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is option A "a shelter belt region in sub-Saharan Africa between a poor rural area and a wealthy urban area."

Learn more about the Shelter Belt region here: https://brainly.in/question/28329034


assume that the people of the united states consumed chocolate only in the form of chocolate bars. approximate how many chocolate bars would be consumed per capita in the united states per year?


The approximate number of chocolate bars consumed per capita in the United States per year is 96 chocolate bars

How to find the number of chocolate bars?

The graph on the consumption of chocolate around the world showed that the per capita consumption of chocolate in the United States was 9.5 pounds per year.

Each chocolate bar is about 45 grams in size.

This means that the number of chocolate bars consumed per capita in the United States is:

= (9.5 pounds x 453.592 grams per pound ) / 45 grams

= 96 chocolate bars

Find out more on consumption per capita at https://brainly.com/question/23801178


what four things influence the way a member of congress votes?




1- Voice note

2- Division note

3- Yea and Nay Vote

4- Record vote

Hope it helps :)

Compare ways that different groups in Canada depend on the physical environment,including the influences of culture


Generally, the Canada's physical environment influenced the nature of its political, social and economic change because it encourages population density in small areas and creates a locally geared and provincial governing policies.

What are the physical features of Canada?

The country has 6 major land forms regions which are as follows:

St. Lawrence lowlands:Its border the Shield on the southeast, extending from the west end of Lake Huron and the head of Lake Erie northeasterly to the Strait of Belle IsleCanadian Shield:It is a large area of exposed Precambrian igneous and high-grade metamorphic rocks which forms the North American Craton, which is considered as the ancient geologic core of the North American continent.Appalachians Uplands:This region extends from southern Quebec and Gaspésie to encompass New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and the island of Newfoundland.Innuition mountains:This mountainous region is characterized by two zones of mountains that are separatEd by extensive and discontinuous terrain of more subdued topography formed by plateaus, uplands and lowlands.Interior plains:Its occupies the region between the Canadian Shield on the east and the mountains of the Cordillera on the west. These regions join with the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Lowlands of eastern Canada through the United States and are separated from the Arctic Lowlands by the Amundsen GulfThe CordilleraThis region is divided into three large linear zones called the Eastern System, the Interior System and the Western System in which each system is further divided into areas and subdivided into mountains, ranges, plateaus, hills, valleys, trenches, basins and plains.

Read more about Canada landforms



explain how reducing the debt of the country shown in figure 1 might help to reduce deforestation there.



With less debt in the country the deforestation would increase because they would need that land for different uses for profit. Like a shopping mall or even a group of town homes. With less debt the country can use its land and forested areas for tree mining too. When they cut the trees and sell them they make money off of that and it looks like the country has a big source of forests.


im smart :)

Based on your knowledge of Latin America, which conclusion regarding human interaction with
the environment is accurate?
A Most urban centers are located in the interior.
B Ranching and herding is the chief industry of Peru.
C Commercial farming occurs mostly along the coasts.
D Much of the Brazillian forestry industry uses the Amazon River.




Brazilian forest uses the amazon river

humans interaction with environment

The conclusion regarding human interaction with the environment that is accurate is "much of the Brazillian forestry industry uses the Amazon River".

The Amazon rainforest is the largest intact forest on the planet. In Brazil alone, it is home to more than 24 million people, including hundreds of thousands of Indigenous Peoples from 180 different groups.

In addition to its unparalleled diversity of life, the Amazon plays an important role in environment control. The rainforest contributes approximately $8.2 billion to the Brazilian economy each year through products such as rubber and timber.

The correct answer is option D.

Know more about  Amazon River here



The Ural Mountains stretch for over 1,000 miles, in many different climate regions.
A. True
B. False



The answer is true hope this helps

What is the relationship between where people live and economic activities?


Any action that contributes to the economy is considered economic activity. Because economies are made up of many various types of activity, each country's economy develops in a unique way.  

A increasing population implies more workers or employees are available, resulting in a larger workforce. One disadvantage of having a big population is that it may result in excessive unemployment. An economic activity occurs when resources such as capital goods, labor, manufacturing processes, or intermediary items are combined to generate specified commodities or services. A resource input, a manufacturing process, and a product output are therefore the characteristics of an economic activity (goods or services).

The goal of economic activity is to supply citizens' needs. This includes generating food for a people to consume, manufacturing, acquiring, or selling automobiles so inhabitants can get around, and ensuring citizens have access to services that improve their quality of life. All of these are impacted by economic activity and, in turn, can influence it.

Learn more about Unemployment here:



what is the correct sequence of mountain building events that occurred in the western united states over the last 100 million years (from oldest to most recent)


The correct sequence of mountain building events that occurred in the continents western united states over the last 100 million years is Fold & Thrust Belt; Uplift of Rocky Mountains; Continental Rift.

What is Continental Rift?Continental rifts are traditionally described as the thinning  of the lithosphere, the eventual breakup of continents, and the formation of mid-ocean ridges. Rifting is the first fundamental process by which  two continents separate into her two tectonic plates.Continental rift zones occur at weak points in  continental lithospheric plates. Mid-ocean ridges typically form in  continental plates as  rift zones that extend to the point where the plate divides, with water filling  the gap.As the crust thins, the hot, buoyant upper mantle rises. Eventually, the asthenosphere rises close to the surface and magma  erupts to the surface. Continental rift processes are demonstrated in the steep fault slopes and active volcanoes that characterize the western United States.

To learn more about Continental Rift from the given link :



Fold & Thrust Belt; Uplift of Rocky Mountains; Continental Rifting is the correct sequence of mountain building events.

What is a mountain building event called?

When two landmasses collide, orogeny, or mountain building, occurs. The continental crust may collide with another continent (a collision between continents), or the continental crust may crash with the oceanic crust (ocean-continent collision). Mountains are created by tectonic processes that cause the Earth's crust to rise in some places. These processes, which are powered by the heat that escapes from the Earth's interior and results in crustal uplift due to volcanic activity and movement along faults, are what ultimately lead to the construction of mountains.

To know more about mountain building events click on the link below:



What is the name of a supercontinent that was once made up of all of earths current continent



The name of the super continent that was once made up of all current continents was Pangea.

What is similar about how the central American and the Caribbean land masses were created?


Land masses were created in Central America and the Caribbean by volcanoes that formed islands and mountains and coral reefs that were uplifted by tectonic collisions.

Central America and the Caribbean Islands' largest group was formed by volcanoes erupting from the ocean floor, while many other islands broke off from the North American continent millions of years ago. Several of the smaller land masses were formed as a result of coral growth visible through the ocean's surface.

Volcanic islands, also known as "oceanic islands," form when an oceanic volcanic erupts and deposits lava and ash. In most cases, this occurs after the volcano has erupted numerous times.

Know more about Caribbean here



The population of china was about 1. 39 billion in the year 2013, with an annual growth rate of about 0. 6%. Find an equation p(t) that represents the growth function for china. Write your answer in the form a(b)t, in billions.


The equation P(t) that represents the boom function for China is P(t) = 1.39 * ( 1.006)ⁿ.

The required details about function is mentioned in below paragraph.

A statement that relates unknown parameters such that one is depending on the alternative is referred to as a function.

It is given that

Initial population = 1.39 billion in 2013

Growth Rate = 0.6%

Let a constitute the initial population

b is the boom rate

and a couple of be the elapsed 12 months from 2013

and allow the population at any given 12 months is P(t)

Then the equation shaped is

P(t) = a * bⁿ

P(t) = 1.39 * ( 1.006)ⁿ

Therefore the equation P(t) that represents the boom function for China is P(t) = 1.39 * ( 1.006)ⁿ.

To learn about function visit here.



what happens when the sun dies and there's no light just night



slowly the Earth would just start to freeze over and everyone would slowly start to die


If the sun disappears suddenly, there would be total darkness but will be observed on Earth after 8 minutes – the time it take for its light to reach us. If darkness was the only factor, it would take a while for most life to vanish from Earth.


Hope this helps

What is the average farm size in Georgia?




235 acres is the average farm size

Answer: 235 acres


A sedimentary rock containing a fern fossil was found.

What does this tell about the area at the time the rock was formed?



A sedimentary rock containing a fern fossil tells us the rock was on land at the time it was formed.


Vascular plants like ferns can be found growing on land. The country's mountainous, wet, and shaded regions are where you can find them most frequently.

One thing that can be inferred from the discovery of fern fossils beneath sedimentary rocks is that the location was formerly on land and not under water.

The shift in the area's location and topography may have been caused by geological processes that occur over time.

Hope this helps! :)

**which two landforms are caused by convergent plate boundaries? question 10 options: a ridge and a rift valley a trench and a mid-ocean ridge a rift valley and an ocean trench an ocean trench and a mountain range.


Answer: an ocean trench and a mountain range.

Explanation: Took the test.

At point r, rocks melt underground to form magma. Which is another process that contributes to the formation of rock at point r?.


As a result, the cooling of the lava as the melted magma flows down the mountain is another process that significantly contributes to the development of rock at point R.

R is literally located close to the Earth's surface. We now know that beneath rock melting creates magma. This is the method by which igneous rocks are formed. Therefore, cooling is a further igneous rock formation step that will help in the creation of the rocks at point R.

A process known as cooling occurs when a mountain's larva descends, hardening the magma and turning it into igneous rock.

learn more about magma here:



Enslavement of Africans was introduced to the Americas because?

The Spanish conquered Africa and enslaved millions of Africans.

The Spanish needed a large army to defeat the Native Americans.

A potato famine in Africa forced millions of starving Africans into enslavement.

To increase their profits, the Spanish used enslaved labor in sugar production.



To increase their profits, the Spanish used enslaved labor in sugar production.

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