A. a gaseous structure
C. a liquid structure
A mineral, such as
the quartz shown
here, has which of
the following mineral
B. a crystalline structure
D. a plasma structure


Answer 1

A mineral, such as the quartz shown here, has a crystalline structure mineral characteristics.

When in contact with the majority of chemicals, quartz is chemically inert. It is useful in electronic equipment because of its electrical characteristics and heat resistance. Due to its shine, color, and diaphaneity, it can be used to create glass in addition to serving as a gemstone.

Trigonal-trapezohedral crystal class 32 includes quartz. Silica makes up the hard, crystalline mineral known as quartz (silicon dioxide). With each oxygen being shared between two tetrahedra, the atoms are connected in a continuous framework of SiO4 silicon-oxygen tetrahedra, giving the material its overall chemical formula of SiO2.

To learn more about Quartz visit: https://brainly.com/question/14797104


Related Questions

most of the energy created from Photosynthesis is stored in the roots for the plant to use in the Spring
O True
O False


False is correct answer, most of the energy created from Photosynthesis is stored in the roots for the plant to use in the Spring

What is  Photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is defined as the processes that bring about the manufacturing of food by green plants.

Food is complex energy-rich organic matter which living organisms feed on to obtain nutrients, substances necessary for life. Green plants which are known as autotrophs has the ability to produce their own food through the process of photosynthesis.

The main features of photosynthesis include:

It takes place in the chloroplasts of plants, in the presence of sunlight.

The energy needed for the process is gotten from sunlight which is absorbed by chlorophyll found in the chloroplasts.

The raw materials used are low-energy containing inorganic compounds, example: carbon dioxide and water.

The final products are high-energy containing sugars. oxygen is given off as a waste product.

Plants produce food by turning light energy into chemical energy through a process known as photosynthesis. They store their food as starch. The food is produced in the plant's leaves and must be delivered to other areas of the plant for growth. Phloem, a conducting tissue, aids in the delivery of food to different plant sections. Plants store food for future use.

Learn more about Photosynthesis from given link



What factor determines when an animal species will enter an ecosystem insuccession?A. Food availabilityB. PioneersC. CompetitionD. Minerals


Ecology: Ecological succession

Ecological succession is the process of change in the species present in an ecosystem over time.

There are two types of succession:

• Primary succession,, where an area that hasn't had any life before begins to be colonized, such as a new island.


• Secondary succession,, where there is a disturbance, such as a fire, that removes the organisms living in that area.

The changes in plants depend on changes in the soil and interactions with other organisms, such as competition for light with other plants and feeding from herbivores.

On the other hand, the changes in animals depend on sources of food and predation interactions.

This means the correct answer would be A. Food availability.

25. Which of the following correctly describes the sequence of events used to help humans remember
a. encoding- storage- retrieval
b. storage- encoding -retrieval
c. encoding- retrieval -storage
d. retrieval- storage- encoding



encoding storage and retrieval


Encoding is defined as the initial learning of information; storage refers to maintaining information over time; retrieval is the ability to access information when you need it.





Arctic foxes have a central nervous system which consists of the brain and spinal cord only. This is where the sensory information is sent and also where actions and reflexes are coordinated.

Neurons are an important part of the nervous system. There are three types of neurons which are the sensory neurons, relay neurons, and the motor neurons. The sensory neurons control all of the body’s stimuli. The relay neuron helps the brain and spinal cord function and the motor neuron helps both glands and muscles function.

the type of tissue that fills internal spaces and provides structural support and a framework for communication within the body is:


Internal gaps are filled by connective tissue, which also provide structural support and a framework for communication inside the body.

Where is connective tissue located?

All of the body's tissues, including the neurological system, are connected by connective tissue. The three meninges—membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord—are made of connective tissue.

Why is connective tissue called bone?

A connective tissue called bone contains cells, fibers, and ground material. The bone has various purposes in the body, including the storage of minerals, internal support, defense of essential organs, facilitation of movement, and provision of attachment points for muscles and tendons. Blood, lymphatic, fat, and cartilage are all examples of connective tissue.

To know more about Connective Tissue visit:



Asbestos fibers cause a cancer called mesothelioma in humans. The fibers kill cells that line lung tissue by causing programmed-cell death. When cells die this way, they release a chemical, HMG1, which causes an inflammatory response in other cells. During this inflammatory response, cells release chemicals that promote tumor growth. What conclusion can you draw about the chemicals released in the inflammatory response? A. They decrease the amount of HMG1 in a feedback loop. B. They increase the amount of HMG1 in a feedback loop. C. They disrupt the normal circadian rhythms. D. They disrupt the normal cell cycle.


The conclusion that we can draw about the chemicals released in the inflammatory response is that HMG1 acts as a mediator of acute lung inflammation might leads to lung cancer, such as mesothelioma. The presence of HMG1 causes cells to release certain chemicals that promote tumor growth.

What is Asbestos Fibers and Mesothelioma?

Asbestos has a crystalline category of naturally occurring silicate fibers. These fibers are only visible under a microscope. Asbestos harms lung tissue cells by inducing programmed cell death.

When cells die in this way, they produce HMG1 (high mobility group proteins that promotes an  in other cells. The presence of HMG1 causes cells to release certain chemicals that inflammatory reactionpromote tumor growth.

Therefore, The presence of HMG1 causes cells to release certain chemicals that promote tumor growth.

Learn more about tumor on:



Which image shows labeled organisms that are presented only in plant cells



image containing cell wall,chloroplast,plastid or large vacuole


Which b. f. skinner invention allowed him to train subjects through operant conditioning? a. cumulative recorder b. operant chamber c. pigeon box d. cat puzzle box please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d


The operant conditioning chamber, sometimes known as the "Skinner Box," was created by Skinner to carry out his empirical methodology.

What is the skinner box?

In the Skinner Box, where isolated subjects like rats and pigeons may be exposed to carefully controlled stimuli. An instrument used in laboratories to examine animal behavior is called an operant conditioning chamber. While a graduate student at Harvard University, B. F. Skinner developed the operant conditioning chamber. Both classical and operant conditioning can be studied in the chamber.

Hence, the answer is b. operant chamber

To learn more about skinner box, follow the link: https://brainly.com/question/29461281


Food must be broken down into________
before it can pass into the bloodstream.
O A. Molecules
O B. Proteins
O C. Atoms
O D. Liquids


Atoms becuase when u eat it it becomes smaller.
Food must be broken down into molecules before it can enter the bloodstream.

As good passes through the GI tract, it mixes with digestive juices, causing large molecules of food to break down into smaller molecules. The body then absorbs these smaller molecules through the walls of the small intestine into the bloodstream,, which delivers them to the rest of the body.

what are the characteristic features of the arthropods? what are the advantages and disadvantages of these features


Main characteristic features of the arthropods is that their exoskeleton is made of chitin and circulatory system is open.


The body is trigerminated, segmented, and bilaterally symmetrical.They show the tissue level of the organ system.The body is divided into head, thorax and abdomen.Their bodies have articulated appendages that help them move.The body cavity is filled with blood.Terrestrial arthropods secrete from the malpighian tubules, whereas aquatic arthropods secrete from green or coaxial glands.They are unisexual and fertilization is either external or internal.They have a well-developed digestive system.Breathe through the general body surface or trachea.


Arthropods are layers of wax that prevent dehydration and prevent the body from drying out


The exoskeleton cannot grow. As the animal grows, it must molt or molt the exoskeleton and wait for the underlying new exoskeleton to harden.

Learn more about arthropods from:



What is the name of the protein ""strings"" that come out of these structures that help move the sister chromatid?.


Dna is duplicated. currently, the chromosome consists of 2 sister chromatids that are joined together by cohesin proteins.

How does cohesin mitosis work?

In mitosis and meiosis, cohesin is a protein that is involved in the majority of chromosomal events. although it is yet unknown if mitotic chromosomes include meiosis-specific cohesin complexes that are functionally active.

What role does a cohesin serve?

For chromosome segregation to occur in dividing cells, cohesin, which mediates cohesion of replicated sister chromatids, is required. In addition to playing a critical regulatory role in cells that are proliferating and in cells that have completed the mitotic cycle, cohesin is necessary for the effective repair of dna damage.

To know more about cohesins visit:



Explain how used the fossil, rock and glacier evidence to help you form Pangaea



Glacial deposits are glacial landforms developed by big rocks collected in the landscape region due to the withdrawal of glaciers.


In humans, a slightly elevated temperature can be beneficial. Why? What happens if the fever is too high?


A slightly elevated temperature in our bodies can be beneficial when we got sick because this is how our bodies try to get rid of the pathogens or antigens that generate the infection. By doing this, microorganisms like bacteria face high temperatures in which they do not develop well their necessary metabolic processes to keep using our tissues to replicate themselves.

a particular small noncoding rna that is linked to spermatogenesis is most likely classified as what kind of noncoding rna?


The correct option is D : piwi-interacting RNAs . Animal gametogenesis and fertility are greatly influenced by PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs), which also suppress transposons, fight viruses, and regulate endogenous genes1.

Animals' PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs), which range in length from 21 to 35 nucleotides, suppress transposable elements, control gene expression, and thwart viral infection. PiRNAs direct the PIWI proteins to cleave the target RNA, encourage the construction of heterochromatin, and methylate DNA. The piRNA pathway's architecture enables it to control conserved host genes in addition to providing adaptive, sequence-based immunity to transposons and viruses that are continually developing. While somatic piRNA activities have been lost, gained, and lost again during evolution, piRNAs silence transposons in the germ lines of the majority of mammals.

Learn more about to noncoding rna visit here:



Full Question ;

A particular small noncoding RNA that is linked to spermatogenesis is most likely classified as what kind of

noncoding RNA?

A) short interfering RNAs

B) bidirectional lncRNAs

C) microRNAs

D) piwi-interacting RNAs

select the features that would be compared. select all that apply. select the features that would be compared.select all that apply. photosynthetic pigments cytological features aspects of physiology type of motion type of nutrition morphological traits


Cytological features can be compared. Cytological analysis focused on both cytomorphological architecture and individual nuclear functions.

What is the cytological method?

Cytological techniques are methods used to study or manipulate cells. It includes methods used in cell biology to culture, track, phenotype, sort, and screen cells within populations or tissues, and molecular methods for understanding cell function. increase.

What is cell biology and why is it called cytology? A branch of biology concerned with structure, function, proliferation, pathology, and life history of cell is called cell biology or cytology.The field cytology was founded in 1928 by George Nicholas Papanicolaou. Cytopathology is generally applied to samples of free cells or tissue fragments, in contrast to histopathology, which examines whole tissue. Cytopathology is often called, less precisely, "cytology," which means "study of cells."

To learn more about cytology visit:



What are some possible components of the pus found in the middle ear? how does this produce the redness of the eardrum? how does this relate to fever?.


Fluid buildup in the middle ear can be caused by swollen eustachian tubes.

Pus is an indication of infection. Pus after surgery indicates a post-operative complication in the form of an infection. People who notice a pus discharge after surgery should contact their doctor right away.

Depending on the cause of your infection, antibiotics or antifungal medication may be required. For temporary relief, your doctor may also prescribe pain medication. It is not recommended that you soak your ear, swim, or use ear plugs or earbud headphones while treating this infection.

Abscesses, if left untreated, can cause an infection that spreads throughout your body and can be fatal.

To learn more about ear infections, here



Why is the era of nucleosynthesis so important in determining the chemical composition of the universe?.


The nucleosynthesis era is significant because it is when the nuclear fusion process produced all of the primordial hydrogen and helium.

Why is the nucleosynthesis era crucial for understanding the universe's chemical makeup?

The chemical makeup of the universe is the same today as it was at the end of the nucleosynthesis epoch, with the exception of a minuscule quantity of matter created subsequently by stars.

Why is nucleosynthesis important? What is it?

The process of creating new atomic nuclei—the protons and neutrons that make up an atom's center—is known as nucleosynthesis. Within a few minutes after the Big Bang, the process of nucleosynthesis began. At that time, a soup of quarks and gluons known as a quark-gluon plasma condensed into neutron and proton.

To know more about nucleosynthesis visit:-



Which is a characteristic of the part of the atom marked "A”?





Its where the neutrons and Protons are located which is called the Nucleus. Hope this helps. :)))

Which force binds the nucleus together despite the fact there are protons in close proximity to each other?.


Nuclear power's potent force. Protons can stick together in a nucleus even if their charges repel one another because it is stronger than electrostatic repulsion at very close ranges.

What is the mechanism that holds the nucleus collectively?

The nuclear force, an inter-nucleon short-range force, is what binds a nucleus together. Protons and neutrons are prevented from colliding by the nuclear force's repulsive nature, which acts at very tiny distances.

What force holds the protons and neutrons in a nucleus together?

Along with gravity, electromagnetism, and the weak nuclear force, the strong force is one of the four fundamental forces of nature. The atom's nucleus is one of the densest structures because the strong interaction connects protons and neutrons there.

To know more about nucleus visit:-



Yeast is a unicellular organism that undergoes fermentation, a type of anaerobic respiration, to convert sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide. In an experiment testing yeast activity, Sakurapoured equal amounts of warm water into two bowls. She added 1 teaspoon of sugar to only one bowl. Next, she added 1 teaspoon of yeast to each bowl. Within a few minutes, bubblesstarted to rise to the top of both bowls. Which of the following best explains why Sakura observed more bubbles produced in the bowl with sugar than in the bowl without sugar?A.Sugar provided the chemical energy for driving photosynthesis, resulting in greater production of oxygen bubbles.B.Sugar provided the light energy for driving cellular respiration, resulting in greater production of oxygen bubbles.C.Sugar provided the light energy for driving photosynthesis, resulting in greater production of carbon diaxide bubbles.D.Sugar provided the chemical energy for driving cellular respiration, resulting in greater production of carbon dioxide bubbles.


The correct answer is D. Sugar provided the chemical energy for driving cellular respiration, resulting in greater production of carbon dioxide bubbles. Sugar is a chemical used by heterotrophic organisms to perform cellular respiration, which ultimate product is carbon dioxide (CO2).

Provide examples of other organisms if possible that belong to the same kingdom?

the organism is a dog



All Animals are part of this kingdom













Polar bear

















Flying squirrel









Arctic fox








need help fast!!!
Which is a characteristic of the part of the atom marked "B”?



Its either electron cloud or empty space.


I hope this helps. if it's one of the two please tell me. :))

why are some mutations more harmful then others



depending on their context or location


what does atg in the liam/elijah coding sequence of dna correspond to in the mrna and resulting amino acid chain? what does tac in the leah/jenny template sequence of dna correspond to in the mrna and resulting amino acid chain?


The atg in the liam/elijah coding sequence of DNA correspond to in the mrna and results into Elijah: UAU, UCU, CAA, CCC, GAU and liam: UGU,UCA, UAA, CCU, GAG.

What is coding sequence and amino acid chain and what does tac in the template sequence correspond to?Coding sequence is a sequence of DNA which codes for a particular character and even this is sequence which proceed further in the generation.There are non coding sequences also which are excised later in the process by removal enzymes and the coding sequences are proceeded further for the process.Here the question is asked of the atg in the liam/elijah who are brothers and the coding sequence of DNA correspond to in mRNA and resulting amino acid chain too and the tac in the DNA template too.Well the resulting amino acid chain in would be Elijah: UAU-UCU-CAA-CCC-GAU and the amino acid sequence in Liam would be UGU-UCA-UAA-CCU-GAG.Hence the amino acid sequence in the two brothers are so as mentioned in the point above and the amino acid sequence is initial progenitor for the mRNA processing.

To know more about mRNA visit:



b1.2 what do you think will happen if we test the shell of the modern edible oyster crassostrea virginica with acid?. what do your results imply about the magnitude of evolutionary change in shell mineral composition in oysters?


Since carbon dioxide is being produced as a byproduct of the reaction, the substance will fizz or bubble. Calcium carbonate is present because of this bubbling or effervescence.

How does oyster recruitment work?

The process of adding new oysters to a population is called recruitment. Millions of tiny larvae are produced by adult oysters during the summer. Young oysters permanently cement to hard surfaces, preferably other oyster shell, after a two- to three-week period of free swimming.

How many clients has Oyster HR served?

The Oyster platform is used by almost 1,000 small and medium-sized businesses, most of which are located in the United States and Europe (about 90%). Quora, Lokalise, and Jobbatical are a few of the clients.

To know more about oyster crassostrea visit:-



What are the 2 types of cells????



The two types of cells are prokaryotic and eukaryotic.


Prokaryote and Eukaryote Cells


What is a Prokaryote Cell?

A prokaryote cell is a cell which has no nucleus or membrane-bound organelles.

What is an Eukaryote Cell?

A Eukaryote cell is a cell which has a nucleus and membrane-bound nucleus.

What's a chart to help you identity cells.

Scientist use a dichotomous key to determine scientific names of things and it helps determine which cell is which.

To learn more about Prokaryote and Eukaryote Cells visit


To learn more about dichotomous keys visit


39. Mice only store a small amount of energy from the the plants they eat. State what might happen to some ofthe remaining energy they obtain from their food.


The mice stores part of the energy from food and utilize the rest in their daily life activities. Some of the energy is stored in the form of fat for the mice have a better control of the exchanges of temperature with the environment, other part of this energy is used to make the systems in the mice body work (cells, tissues, and all the structures of the mice body). The energy from food is in the form of macromolecules that are cleaved in smaller molecules and nutrients that will be used for the process of making all components of the body works. Even the small amount of energy that is stored needs to be comcompartimentalized, and for that the mice use the energy "to spend". To the living organisms food energy is a essential need, because without disponible energy the organism can not work properly.

May I please get help with question one. I also need to provide an example and understandable response in my explanation. The specialized cells in this lab are… abseission layer, sperm, corn root, cerebral cortex, vein/valve, kidney, bone marrow, muscle, sweat gland,


Multicellular organisms are made up of more thaan one cell, with groups of cells differentiating to take on specialilzes functions. Unicellular organisms are made up of only one cell that perform all of the functions needed by the organism.

Multicellular organisms gave set if cells that specialize in reproduction which is usually sexual. During fertilization, when an egg and spoerm fuse, the resultant zygote is considered to be unicellular.

There is no excretory organs in a unicellular organisms. They remove their waste by simple diffusion from the body surface to the surrounding water. In multicellular organisms, excretion occurs by specialised organs called kidney.

3. What is the purpose of having so many different kinds of proteins on the
surface of cells? How does the cell know how to make those proteins (where is
the "recipe") and how are those proteins made?


Answer: See Below


The proteins on the cells surface are vital for numerous cellular processes. They can be used to intake or export nutrients and waste. They can also be use for ligand-receptor binding for cell to cell signaling. Proteins on the surface also act to regulate gene expression based on all kinds of different environmental stimuli.

The recipe for these proteins are in the DNA of the cell. All of the cells in our body contain essentially the exact same DNA. Cells differentiate by various gene regulation mechanisms. Cells in our body will have different types of proteins depending on the type of cell that they are. Gene expression for these surface proteins is highly specific and is governed by various regulatory mechanisms such as activators and repressors.

If a surface protein is needed then it will be transcribed into mRNA and then translated into a protein and transported to its proper location within the cell membrane.

What type of mutation has occurred in the following example?
A.) deletion mutation
B.) insertion mutation
C.) point mutation

Which answer choice is correct? Use the pic to answer the question. Thxx





First what is a point mutation?

A point mutation is a mutation that changes the sequence (simplified)

like you see in the image, the G changed to a C

A deletion mutation is a mutation that gets deleted from the sequence and that's it

A insertion mutation is a mutation that gets added into the sequence and that's it

Since nothing was added nor deleted, it is not A or B

therefore, we have C

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