The graph shows the distance ofa remote control drone above theground as it flies west to east. Thex-axis represents the distance from acentral point and the y-axis representsthe distance above the ground, in m.411-21021. What is the range of the functionand what does it represent?


Answer 1

Part 1

For this question we need to remember that the range is defined as:


And if we look at the function we see that Min =0 and Max= 5 so then we have:


And the range represent the lenght of the codomain of a function

Part 2

The domain for this case is given by:

[tex]\text{Domain}=\left\lbrack -4,4\rbrack\right?[/tex]

And it represent all te possible values of x that the function can assume

Part 3

For this case we identify two intervals where the height is increasing:

[-4,-2] and [0,4]

But the longest interval is :[0,4]

Part 4

The x intercept represent the values when the function satisfy that y=0 and we have:

x intercepts: x=-4, x=0

Part 5

The average rate of change between [-4,4] is given by:


And then the answer for this case would be 3/8

The Graph Shows The Distance Ofa Remote Control Drone Above Theground As It Flies West To East. Thex-axis

Related Questions

which of the following number lines represents the inequality x> 1.5?​



The answer would be D

Step-by-step explanation:

The inequality x>1.5, or x is greater than 1.5, has to have a line going to the right because x has to be greater than 1.5, so answers B and C can't be it. Because the symbol is greater than instead of greater than or equal to, the circle will be open, and the circle for option A is closed, so the answer is D

What is the explicit function for the data in the table ?


Let's look at the info we have for each term:

term 1 = 4

term 2 = 12

term 3 = 36

term 4 = 108

term 5 = ?

Notice that term 2 (12) is obtained from the previous term 1 (4) by multiplying it by the number 3:

12 = 4 * 3

Now, term number 3 is obtained from term 2 (the previous) also by multiplying it by 3:

36 = 12 * 3

term number 4 is obtained from multiplying the previous term (term 3) by the number 3 again:

108 = 36 * 3

Now, we can conclude that if the strategy carries on, term number 5 will be the product of the pervious term (108) times 3. That is:

term 5 = 108 * 3 = 324

Now, we need to decide on which formula better describes our function:

We find that the function is better described by the formula:


since we can verify:

term 1 =


term 2 =


term 3 =


term 4 =


So the correct answer is the second option they give you in the list.

In the function y=-3x^2+1, what effect does the negative sign have on the graph, as compared to the graph of y=x^2. A.It shrinks the graph horizontally by a factor of 3 B. It reflects the graph across the x-axis C. It stretches the graph horizontally by a factor of 3 D. It shrinks the graph vertically by a factor of 3


The negative sign reflects the graph across the x axis

Then, the answer is number B. It reflects the graph across the x-axis.

Mr.Cumme has 5 bags of jelly beans for his classroom. Each bag is 7/8 full. Which expression can be used to represent the total amount of full bags of jelly beans?- A. 7 divided by (8x5)- B. (5X7) divided by 8- C. 8 divided by (7X5)- D. 6x ( 7 divided by 5)


Consider that the coefficient for the number of full bags is 7/8 and the number of bags is 5. By divinding these numbers you get the total amount of full bags:


when we have used division between fractions (Notice what we added a 1 denominator to 5).

Hence, the answer:

A. 7 divided by (8 x 5)

QUESTION Bgraph the line with the given slope and point 2 stepsthere are two steps with in 1 question


By definition, the slope of a line is:


You can observe that it is the change in "y" divided by the change in "x".

In this case, you have the following slope:


Then the change in "y" in 2 and the change is "x" is 3.

Given the point (-4,1), you can follow these steps to graph the line:

1. Plot the given point on the coordinate plane.

2. Knowing that the slope is


You must move 3 units to the right and then 2 units up. This will give you a new point.

3. Graph the line. It must pass through those points.

The graph is:

5. The locations of Andy's housc, school and local park form a triangle, as shown. School 4 miles House ? 12 miles Park Which is a possible distance from the local park to Andy's school? A. 4 miles B. 8 miles C. 10 miles D. 16 miles


[tex]\begin{gathered} As\text{ we know,} \\ \text{The sum of the length of any two sides must be,} \\ \text{greater than the third side.} \\ So,\text{ Here is only two option which can be true} \\ 1st\text{ is }10miles\text{ and another is 16 miles} \\ \text{But the 10 miles can not be true,because school }is\text{ far away from home} \\ \text{Thus, the 16 miles will be correct.} \\ \text{Option D is correct.} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Find limit as x approaches three from the right of f of x. .



The expression means that we need to compute the limit as the function f(x) approaches 3 from the right.

We need to use the lines that comes from the right of 3 and gets as close as we want to x=3.

That is the line that has the open circle around y=3

Therefore, the limit is equal to 3

Donovan wants to earn a 70% in Mr. Mottola's class. He knowshe currently has an 68% in the class after 7 grades. What is theminimum grade Donovan would need to earn in order to have a70%.


Let's check the information given so far to answer the question correctly:

Donovan target = 70%

Donovan currently average with 7 grades = 68%

1. (08.01 LC)Describe the process for calculating the volume of a cone. Use complete sentences.


The volume of cone is calculated using this formula:

[tex]\begin{gathered} V=\frac{1}{3}\pi r^2h \\ r\colon\text{radius} \\ h\colon\text{height} \\ \pi\colon\text{ a constant with a value of }\frac{22}{7} \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, to obtain the volume of a cone, the radius and the height must be known.

We then multiply the value of the constant pi by the square of the radius and the height, and then divide the final result by 3.

The unit is cubic unit.

Please assist me in knowing how to figure these out.


we have the equation


A) since H is an exponential function 180 represents the maximum posible value of H or the maximum temperature that the center of the cake can reach


we have

H(t)= 22° C

when placed in the oven or t=0


the value of a is 158



we already know a=158

let's solve for t


now this is the time 29 minutes before taking the cake out of the oven

so the total time is 29+21.587

then the total time the baking thin was in the oven

is 50.587 minutes



In any right triangle with acute angles x and y, then

The sum of x and y is 90 degrees

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sin x=\cos y \\ \cos x=\sin y \\ x+y=90^{\circ} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then for part (1)

Since triangle XYZ is a right angle at Z



Then X and Y are complementary angles

Part (2)

sin X = opposite/hypotenuse

[tex]\sin X=\frac{x}{z}[/tex]

sin Y = opposite/hypotenuse

[tex]\sin Y=\frac{y}{z}[/tex]

cos X = adjacent/hypotenuse

[tex]\cos X=\frac{y}{z}[/tex]

cos Y = adjacent/hypotenuse

[tex]\cos Y=\frac{x}{z}[/tex]

Part (3)

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sin X=\cos Y \\ \cos X=\sin Y \end{gathered}[/tex]

Part (4)

Since sin = cos, then

The sum of the 2 angles must be 90

One of them is 23 degrees, then the other must be


The answer is

[tex]\cos (23)=\sin (67)[/tex]

GHA PBDCIdentify the apothem (a), the radius (r), and the perimeter (p) of the regular figure.A. a=OB,r=OP.P = (8)ABB. a= OP,r=OA.P = ABC. a=OP,r=OBP = PBD. a=OP,r=OA. P = (8)AB


Step 1


Step 2

The apothem is a perpendicular line from the center of a regular polygon to one of the sides. O is the center of the regular polygon.

The radius of a regular polygon is a segment with one endpoint at the center and the other endpoint at one of the vertices. Thus, there are n radii in an n-sided regular polygon. The center and radius of a regular polygon are the same as the center and radius of a circle circumscribed about that regular polygon.

The perimeter of a regular polygon is a sum of the length of all the sides of the polygon.

Thus, the required parts are;

[tex]a=OP,\text{ r=OA, p=8AB}[/tex]

Answer; Option D

Find an equation for the line below.A(5,1) B(-4,5)


The equation of a line has always the form

[tex]y=m\cdot x+b[/tex]

where "m" is called its slope, and "b" is called its y-intercept. It's a well-known fact that m can be calculated using two points of the line. Let's use A and B:


Then, our equation becomes


Replacing A there, we get

[tex]\begin{gathered} 1=\frac{2}{3}(5)+b\Rightarrow1=\frac{10}{3}+b\Rightarrow\ldots \\ \ldots b=1-\frac{10}{3}=-\frac{7}{3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Having found m and b, the final answer is


Hi! May you please help me complete question 4. I'm kinda confused



The coordinates of the figure ABC are,




To find the correct statement:

Let us find the coordinates after rotating the figure 90 degree clockwise direction.

As we know,

In a rotation of 90 degrees clockwise, every point (x,y) will be changed to (y, -x).

So, we get,


E(-4, 3)


It perfectly matches with given graph.

So, Betty's statement is correct.

If we translate the figure two units up and two units right, the given point B (-3,-4) will be changed to (-1,-2) and its reflected point over the y-axis will be (1,-2).

But, this does not match with E(-4,3).

So, Veronica's statement is wrong.

Hence, Betty's statement alone is the correct one.

What are the possible values for p in the equation below? Check all that apply. Ipl = 12 -12 -6 0 1 6 12 24



The absolute value of any number is always positive it doesn't matter if the number is positive or negative.

In this case we have that the absolute value of p is 12, therefore p could be 12 or -12


• -12


• 12


Step-by-step explanation:

12 and -12 is the answer

A and F

This recipe serves 4 people. Apple Cider-4 cups Caramel Syrup-¼ cup Pumpkin Spice-1 tsp. Make the above recipe as is above. Taste the punch. If you want to make more punch for more people and have it taste the same, how would you increase the amounts of each ingredient? For 8 people? For 12 people? If you wanted to taste more caramel syrup, how would you adjust the ratio of ingredients? If you wanted to taste more pumpkin spice, how would you adjust the ratio of ingredients? Make the punch with either more caramel syrup or more pumpkin spice and ask those you share it with to write a review of the new punch. Activity 2: Thanksgiving Painting Create a painting for Thanksgiving. In your painting be sure to include the following: 2 different shades of Orange Write the ratio of red to yellow that you used for each shade of orange. How did you know what to change in the ratio in order to create a different shade of the color? 2 different shades of Green Write the ratio of yellow to blue that you used for each shade of green What did you change about your first green to create the second color? A geometric shape Identify the shape and describe its properties. HELP PLEASE mark as brainlyest


Here, we have a recipe that serves 4 people in the given ratio below;

Cider to Caramel syrup to Pumpskin spice = 4:1/4:1

Now to make for 8 people, we simply will multiply what we had in the original recipe by 2 since it was for 4 people initially

So the punch ratio for 8 people will be;

8 cups of Apple Cider

1/2 cups Caramel syrup

2 teaspoons of Pumpskin spice

For 12 people, we simply multiply what we had initially for 4 people by 3. This will be;

12 cups of Apple Cider

3/4 cups of Caramel syrup

3 teaspoons of Pumpskin spice

Solve the quadratic equation using the quadratic formula or by completing the square. Show exact answers in simplified radical form; no rounded decimals. x^2-6x+1=0


By using Quadratic formula, the solutions are

[tex]x = {3 + 2\sqrt{2}}[/tex] or [tex]x = {3 - 2\sqrt{2}}[/tex]

What is Quadratic equation?

At first it is important to know about equation

Equation shows the equality between two algebraic expressions by connecting the two algebraic expressions by an equal to sign.

A two degree equation is known as Quadratic equation.

If [tex]ax^2+bx + c = 0 (a\neq 0)[/tex] be a quadratic equation,

[tex]x = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 -4ac}}{2a}[/tex]

This is the quadratic formula


The given quadratic equation is

[tex]3x^2 = 7x - 3\\3x^2 - 7x + 3 = 0\\[/tex]

a = 1, b = -6, c = 1

x =

[tex]\frac{-(-6)\pm\sqrt{(-6)^2 - 4\times 1 \times 1}}{2\times 1}\\\frac{6 \pm \sqrt{36 - 4}}{2}\\\frac{6 \pm \sqrt{32}}{2}\\\frac{6 \pm 4\sqrt{2}}{2}\\\frac{2(3 \pm 2\sqrt{2})}{2}\\{3 \pm 2\sqrt{2}}[/tex]

[tex]x = {3 + 2\sqrt{2}}[/tex] or [tex]x = {3 - 2\sqrt{2}}[/tex]

To learn more about quadratic equation, refer to the link -


a factory makes 4.8 kilograms of pumpkin pie filling per minute. how many kilograms of pie filling will the factory make in 10 minutes?





In 1 minute, the factory makes 4.8kg of pumpkin pie filling, so in 10 minutes it will make,

[tex]10\min \cdot\frac{4.8\operatorname{kg}}{1\min}=48\operatorname{kg}[/tex]

In 10 minutes, the factory makes 48 kilograms of pumpkin pie filling.

A sine function has an amplitude of 3, a period of π, and a phase shift of pi over 2 period What is the y-intercept of the function?


The sine fuction we have is

[tex]f(x)=3\sin \mleft(2x+\frac{\pi}{2}\mright)[/tex]

If we want the y-intercept, we must put x = 0, then

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(x)=3\sin (2x+\frac{\pi}{2}) \\ \\ f(0)=3\sin (\frac{\pi}{2}) \\ \\ f(0)=3\cdot1 \\ \\ f(0)=3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore the y-intercept is 3.

Answer: 0

Step-by-step explanation: trust me

I do not understand how to do these two questions below.


Question 5:

Step 1

From the figure, we can say that vertically opposite angles are equal.

Step 2:

From the diagram,

Estimate the solution to the system of equations-3x+3y=92x-7y=-14X=Y=


[tex]\begin{gathered} -3x+3y=9,2x-7y=-14 \\ \text{ Now, for the first equation} \\ 3y=9+3x \\ y=3+x \\ \text{ Replacing that in the second equation} \\ 2x-7(3+x)=-14 \\ 2x-21-7x=-14 \\ -5x-21=-14 \\ -5x=-14+21 \\ -5x=7 \\ x=-\frac{7}{5} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ Now, since }y=3+x \\ y=3-\frac{7}{5} \\ y=\frac{15-7}{5} \\ y=\frac{8}{5} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus x= -1.4 and y=1.6

Identify the the coefficients of variable terms of the expression -2x^2+8x


Cofficient of variable terms is :

[tex]-2x^2+8x[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} -2x^2+8x \\ x(-2x+8) \end{gathered}[/tex]

So the first variable


so the cofficent is -2

and the cofficent of second variable is:


So the cofficent of second term is 8.

The following is the graph of the function f. Determine the domain and range of f. Assume the entire function is shown.Domain:Range:




We need to find the domain and range of the given function.


Recall that the domain of a graph consists of all the input values shown on the x-axis.

[tex]Domain\text{ =\lbrack-5,5\rbrack}[/tex]

Recall that the range is the set of possible output values, which are shown on the y-axis.


Final answer:

[tex]Domain\text{ =\lbrack-5,5\rbrack}[/tex][tex]Range=[-25,25][/tex]

72 less than the quotient of a number and -2 is -88Select all the statements that are true about the sentence shown.A.) The equation representing this sentence is 72 - x/-2 = -88 because x/-2 is subtracted from 72.B.) The solution to the equation -40 + x = -8 is equal to the unknown number in the sentenceC.) The solution is 32 because -88 + 72 = -16 and -16 times -2 = 32.D.) The solution to the equation -56 + 8x = 200 is equal to the unknown number in the sentence.



C.) The solution is 32 because -88 + 72 = -16 and -16 times -2 = 32.


We have that 72 less than the quotient of a number and -2 is 88.

First, let us write the equation from the sentence above.

Let the number be x.

The quotient of x and -2 means x/-2

If we subtract 72 from that quotient, the answer is -88.

Therefore, the sentence is:

[tex]\frac{x}{-2}\text{ - 72 = -88}[/tex]

A cannot be correct because the equation is wrong.

B cannot be correct because the equation does not relate to the sentence given.

C is correct because if we solve for x from the equation, we get 32.

That is:

x/-2 = -88 + 72

x/-2 = -16

Multiply through by -2:

x = -16 * -2

x = 32

D cannot be correct because the equation does not relate to the sentence given.

The only correct option is C.

Is 3.0 equal to 3.0000000





Yes, 3.0 is equal to 3.0000 because in Mathematics, once we have only zeros after the decimal point, we can discard them and write only the whole number part. So 3.0 and 3.0000 can both be written as 3.

If angle YWV is 48 degrees, what is the measure of angle Y?Required to answer. Single choice. 52429048


According to the image given there is a right triangle formed in which we are missing one of the angles, for that we know that the sum of thr interior angles of every triangle has to be equal to 180°.

Using this information


we clear the equation for Y

[tex]\begin{gathered} Y=180-90-48 \\ Y=42 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The measure of angle Y is 42°.

numbers 14. and 15. pls really need it



Step-by-step explanation:

for 15 115 hours befor

Solve 2(x+7)-34=4x-11x+4(x-1)



There are given the equation:



To solve the above equation, we need to use the above equation:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2(x+7)-34=4x-11x+4(x-1) \\ 2(x+7)-34=4x-11x+4x-4 \\ 2(x+7)-34=-3x-4 \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} 2(x+7)-34=-3x-4 \\ 2(x+7)-34+3x+4=0 \\ 2x+14-34+3x+4=0 \\ 2x+18-34+3x=0 \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} 2x+18-34+3x=0 \\ 5x-16=0 \\ 5x=16 \\ x=\frac{16}{5} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Final answer:

Hence, the value of x is shown below:


Calculate the volume of a triangular pyramid 12cm tall and with a base 12cm long and 10cm wide


Remember that the volume of a triangular pyramid can be calculated using the formula:

[tex]V=\frac{A_{base}\cdot height}{3}[/tex]

So first, let's calculate the area of the base:


Using this in the formula,


Thereby, the volume of the pyramid is 240 cubic centimiters

5x + 9y = 31 and - 2x - y = 11


5x + 9y = 31 -------------(1)

-2x - y = 11 ---------------(2)

Multiply through equation (2) by 9

-18x - 9y = -99---------------(3)

Add equation(1) and (2)

-13x = -68

Divide both-side by -13

x = 5.23

Substitute x in equation(1) and solve for y

-2(5.23) - y = 11

-10.46 - y = 11

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