5. Which sentence is simple?
A. She loves ice cream, but she hates sherbet.
B She went to the grocery store and the mall.
C. Since I did my chores, I got my allowance money.
D. He went to the mall, but he did not buy anything.


Answer 1

She went to the grocery store and the mall is the simple sentence among the others.

What is the difference between a simple sentence and a compound sentence?

A simple sentence is made up of only a single clause. A complex sentence is made up of one independent clause and one or even more dependent clauses. A compound sentence is composed of two or more work cooperatively (independent) clauses.

A simple sentence is a brief sentence that contains a subject and a predicate. In other words, a simple sentence consists of one main clause. It can also be a phrase and a clause combined. A compound sentence is one that contains more than one main clause.

Therefore, A simple sentence is "she went to the grocery store and the mall."

Learn more about the simple sentences from the given link.



Related Questions

Darren spends 39 minutes studying for his science test. He thendoes 6 chores. Each chore takes him 3 minutes. How many minutes does Darren studying and doing chores


57 minutes is my answer

In paragraph 7, Don Quixote refers to a giant out of Greek mythology. How does this detail help develop the theme?

by linking Greek and medieval cultures
by adding another dimension of fantasy
by linking Don Quixote's own defeat to the defeat of gods
by emphasizing the dangers involved in fighting giants


This detail helps develop the theme by adding another dimension to the Don Quixote fantasy, as option B shows.

Why does this add another dimension to the fantasy?Because it shows that Don Quixote is involved with other sources of literature.Because it shows that not only chivalry inspired Don Quixote's fantasy.

Don Quixote completely lost his sanity by getting too involved with chivalric novels. This made him abandon everything around him and live in a complete fantasy environment where he was a knight.

When he cites Greek gods and supernatural elements influenced by Greek culture he extends this fantasy world and reinforces that he had many literary influences.

Learn more about Don Quixote:



What do you find most interesting about the objects Macgregor discusses?


According to Neil MacGregor, "Other things might have generated other stories and carried us along different pathways," he confesses himself at the very end of this amazing and captivating book.

He even asserts that "the possibilities are endless." Before reading this book, if you had asked me if I agreed with it, I might not have been so certain. Right now, I would definitely answer "yes." In order to tell a story of daily life and the significant changes that have taken place since humans first used tools, Neil MacGregor uses various items.Neil MacGregor is able to draw insights about the world at the time they were built, as well as the human condition itself, from the items in its pages in addition to praising them in itself as wonderful works of art, craftsmanship, or technology.

Thus this is the most interesting about the objects Macgregor discusses.

Refer here to learn more about Macgregor: https://brainly.com/question/10254744


How does "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?” relate to the Declaration of Independence?
Douglass’s speech objects to several points made within the Declaration of Independence.
Douglass’s speech quotes the Declaration of Independence liberally and uses it to support every claim.
Douglass’s speech proclaims that the treatment of African Americans directly contradicts the Declaration of Independence.
Douglass’s speech served as the basis for the Declaration of Independence, which was written soon after his speech was given.


We can see here that  "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?” relates to the Declaration of Independence in the following way: C. Douglass’s speech proclaims that the treatment of African Americans directly contradicts the Declaration of Independence.

What is Declaration of Independence?

The United States Declaration of Independence is the document that officially announced the freedom of the United States from the rule of Britain. It was a pronouncement and founding document that was adopted at Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on July 4, 1776.

When Douglass gave his "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?” speech, he declared that enslavement of millions of people is contradicting the Declaration of Independence.

Learn more about Declaration of Independence on https://brainly.com/question/1685775


Answer: C



White is to black as new is to ____


White is to black as new is to old


The word pairs are opposites.

what is the difference between Past simple and Past Continues ​




We use the past simple to talk about events, states or habits at definite times in the past. At 4 pm last Tuesday, I was working in the office. The past continuous emphasises the action or event in progress around a time in the past. The event (working) was in progress at 4 pm.

In Texas v. Johnson Majority Opinion, Justice Brennan cites the Constitution as evidence to validate his argument.
How will Brennan's document most likely be viewed in the future?
A. It will also set a precedent for future legal matters.
B. It will also be revised and updated by future historians.
C. It will also be examined closely by future politicians.
D. It will also address critical future events in history.


Brennan's document will also address critical future events in history.

The majority pointed out that free speech protects activities that society may find extremely offensive, but that society's wrath alone does not justify limiting free expression.Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397 (1989), the Supreme Court overturned a Texas flag burning ban on First Amendment grounds. The 5-4 judgment has served as the focal point of a continuous argument over the importance of free speech as exercised via political protests such as the burning of the American flag.Texas v. Johnson, legal case in which the United States Supreme Court held (5-4) on June 21, 1989, that burning the United States flag is a protected form of communication in accordance with the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

Thus the correct option is D.

Refer here to learn more about Texas v. Johnson: https://brainly.com/question/240143


SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE I NEED THIS IN AN HOUR !!! JUST MERCY!!!! "What does the word “peers” mean to you? Who are your peers? Who are not your peers? More specifically, why is the Sixth Amendment important as it relates to justice and mercy?"



A peer is someone at your own level. If you are a 6th grader, other high school students are your peers.

People who are not my age are not my peers and people who are my age are my peers it includes coworkers, friends and someone whom you interact with occasionally

The Sixth Amendment guarantees the rights of criminal defendants, including the right to a public trial without unnecessary delay, the right to a lawyer, the right to an impartial jury, and the right to know who your accusers are and the nature of the charges and evidence against you.

I am moving with my application


I am moving on with my application, the sentence now is grammatically correct due to the add of preposition.

What are Prepositions?

Prepositions and postpositions, collectively known as adpositions, are a type of word used to express spatial or temporal relationships or to denote various semantic roles. A preposition or postposition is usually combined with a noun phrase, which is known as its complement or, in some cases, object. A preposition is a word or phrase that appears before a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to indicate direction, time, place, location, spatial relationships, or to introduce an item. Prepositions are typically used before a noun or pronoun to establish a connection between nouns, pronouns, and other parts of the sentence. Often short words that denote direction or place, prepositions must be learned in order to be recognised.

To know more about Prepositions



Summarize, in a few sentences, the facts or gossip about Boo.


Nobody knew Boo Radley, who almost ever left his home. They consequently spread tales about him eating raw rats and squirrels. Additionally, they claimed that the pecans in his home were lethal. No one knew him, as I previously stated, therefore this was simply rumors.

Write a summary of the novel To Kill a Mockingbird

The main theme of To Kill a Mockingbird is growing up under unusual circumstances in the 1930s in the South of the United States. Three years are covered by the story, and a lot happens to the major characters throughout that time. In the made-up Alabama town of Maycomb, Scout Finch resides with her brother Jem, their father Atticus, and their mother Scout. Every family has a social station in the small, tightly-knit town of Maycomb based on where they reside, who their parents are, and how long their ancestors have lived in Maycomb.

Atticus, a widower, raises his children alone with the aid of sympathetic neighbors and Calpurnia, a black housekeeper.

To learn more about 'Boo Radley' refer to



which of the following demonstrates a critical thinker?

A. Hillary argues with colleagues about the accuracy of data she collected.

B. Mary is unwilling to try a recommended data analysis technique.

C. Bryce adjusts a sampling method based on feedback from a lead scientist.

D. David uses only research that supports his scientific program.​


A. Hillary argues with colleagues about the accuracy of data she collected.

Critical thinking is the disciplined analysis of available facts, observations, and arguments to form a judgement. It is the ability to think clearly clearly and rationally, understanding the logical connections between ideas. It basically refers to putting your perspective before others.

Having a critical thinking fosters independence, encourages curiosity, enhance creativity, reinforce problem solving ability and creates a skill for life.

To be a critical thinker, a person should observe, analyze, interpret, evaluate, be open minded and skeptical.

To know more about Critical thinking



Pls answer quick you will get brainliest!!! And 100 points!
Lillian's company has distributed a guidebook on using inclusive language that does not discriminate. This information will help her and her coworkers follow what kind of guidelines?

Question 4 options:

group dynamics

conflict resolution

business hierarchy

business etiquette





I took the test

What is one way that "The Maori: Genealogies and Origins in New Zealand” contrasts with "The Raven and the First Men: The Beginnings of the Haida”?


The Maori myth mentions courage, whereas the Haida story does not.

In "The Maori: Genealogies and Origins in New Zealand," it is said that a myth exists that the Maori people are in control of their land and are aware of their potential. The legend that "Tû opened his lips and ate his siblings to punish them for their cowardice" suggests that the Maori ancestors were fearless and strong warriors." The narrator adds that "Tû's descendants became the Mâori, the humans who can master whatever that they wish to conquer: the forest, the sea, the food, and the soil."

The book "The Raven and the First Men: The Beginnings of the Haida," on the other hand, does not always contain sections that appear to demonstrate the bravery or valor of the Haida people. Instead, it shows Raven tricking the Sky-Chief and claims that there is plenty of food and drink for the populace. Therefore, it's possible that they don't need such bravery to defend or fight for their needs.

As a result, one difference between the two texts is that, in contrast to the Haida narrative, the Maori myth does not include bravery.

To learn more about  Maori myth here:



When Papa, Mr. Morrison, and Stacey do not return from Vicksburg on time, everyone in the Logan home suspects the worst. What effect is this scene supposed to have on readers?


Suspense was seen when Papa, Mr. Morison and Stacey do not return from Vicksburg on time.

Cassie sneaks out of bed that evening to listen in on Mama and Papa conversing on the veranda. Papa wants to take Stacey to Vicksburg with him so that, unlike TJ, who's parents can no longer spank him, he'll know how to manage himself. Papa, Stacey, and Mr. Morrison leave on Wednesday before dawn to complete the shopping because seven families have made the decision to continue shopping in Vicksburg.

When they are meant to return on Thursday, it starts to rain. Mama is so concerned that she contemplates riding out to seek for them, but the waggon shows up. With his bleeding head wrapped in a towel and his leg bandaged with a shotgun, Mr. Morrison takes Papa inside. Mama puts the rebellious kids to bed as she gets ready to fix Papa's broken leg.

Learn more about Roll of thunder, hear my cry here



To maraud means to ... *
pave a way
survive the heat


Answer: steal


What is the meaning of the word Maraud?

intransitive verb. : to roam about and raid in search of plunder. a marauding gang of thieves. transitive verb. : raid, pillage.

In "The Rose That Grew From Concrete", the poet uses an extended metaphor with his image of the rose and concrete. What is the metaphor meant to represent?

Write a response that is 3-4 sentences in length, at minimum, and use evidence from the text to support your answer.


The extended metaphor used by the poet is meant to represent a person who has overcome obstacles and adversity to accomplish his or her dreams.

What is an extended metaphor?

An extended metaphor is a comparison that extends itself over several lines in a poem or even over the entire poem. There is an extended metaphor in "The Rose that Grew from Concrete," by Tupac Shakur.

The metaphor is the rose that was able to grow from a crack in the concrete. That rose represents a person who was able to thrive. The concrete represents the obstacles and adversities that person had to overcome.

Evidence that supports such an interpretation is the following:

"Funny it seems, but by keeping its dreams, / it learned to breathe fresh air." --> A rose does not have dreams, which proves the speaker is really talking about a person.

Learn more about extended metaphors here:



Writing II Write the story from C above. Use these points to help you. Use past tense. ledaya ered from and suffered Old crane can no longer catch fish ....... starving... finds an idea....... tells fish that the fisherman would come and catch them ....... fish asks crane to help them takes them to another pond. eat them .... one day crab asks the crane to take him to the other pond ....... crane agrees ........ along the way crab notices fish bones... asks the crane about the fish ........ crane said that he ate them all ........... crab kills the crane with his pincers.​


Iedaya ered from loneliness. A suffering old crane who would certainly die if she couldn't catch fish. She starved for days, but her stomach remained empty. Finally, she comes up with an idea. Brilliant, in her eyes. She swoops down to the still waters of her pond, a familiar motion that would now take on a new meaning. When she finally got an audience, she told them that a fisherman had discovered their paradise. She made them believe that they weren't safe there anymore. Of course, it took time for any of the fish to trust her; they hadn't forgotten who or what she was. She told them that it was alright, she'd have to take them slowly over a length of time, or the fisherman would become suspicious of the mass desertion. So, over the next few days, she only took around three or four a day. It was working well, this new system, her foolproof plan. Until it didn't. A crab, the old 'local' of the pond would have been one of the last to go. He asked Iedaya to fly him to this new pond. And as they soared above a vast green field, he saw the fishbones. He wondered aloud where they had come from and Iedaya obliged his curiosity with an answer. "The fish from the lake, I ate them, of course." She was proud of herself, of her genius, and her ability to pull it off. But the crab was certainly not. He used his pincers and killed Iedaya.

What theme appears time and again in the epic, from the men opening the bag of win

forgetting to sacrifice to the gods, to the suitors an

d the killing in the banquet hall, anc

and his cattle?


The theme that appears repeatedly in an epic is greed.

What is greed?

Greed is a term that refers to the unbridled desire to possess wealth, goods, possessions, or objects of abstract value with the intention of hoarding them for oneself, well beyond the amounts required for basic survival and personal comfort.

What relationship does greed have with epic tales?

Epic tales are a narrative genre that is characterized by presenting legendary or fictional events related to the exploits of one or more fictional heroes and their real or imagined struggles. In this case, there is talk of men who forgot to make their offerings to the gods for their own benefit, they refer to greed.

In this case, these men demonstrate an attitude of greed because after achieving victory they do not offer gratitude to the gods to hoard wealth for their benefit.

Learn more about epic tales in: https://brainly.com/question/13687363


In 5–7 complete sentences, summarize your Module One short story. Give specific details about the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. Your response should address each element of plot.

My story is Hamadi! Please help ASAP!


We can summarize "Hamadi" and give specific details about the plot elements after reading the story and taking notes on what is most important.

(1) In the exposition, we get to know that Susan is friends with and old man, Hamadi, whom she regards as a substitute for her grandmother. (2) In the rising action, we also learn that Susan's friend Tracy is in love with a boy. (3) Susan invites Hamadi to sing Christmas carols with them. (4) In the climax, the boy Tracy likes arrives and we learn that he is dating someone else. (5) In the falling action, Tracy begins to cry and Hamadi is the one she hugs while doing so. (6) In the resolution, Hamadi comforts Tracy by saying that, no matter what happens, we go on, life goes on.

What are plot elements?

Plot elements are the different parts of a story, They take as from an introduction of the characters, setting and conflict to the conclusion, to the ending. They are the following:

Exposition - introduction.Rising action - things begin to happen.Climax - the most important moment.Falling Action - things begin to slow down.Resolution - the end.

We have summarize the short story "Hamadi" above by dividing it according to the plot elements. The story revolves around Susan and her friendship with old man Hamadi.

Learn more about plot elements here:



the main character in a novel, play, movie, etc. ; an important person who is involved in a competition, conflict, or cause *





the protagonist is the subject of the story, aka the main character

Answer: Protagonist


Select the correct answer.
Read this procedure for receiving and organizing packaged food in a warehouse.
When the warehouse staff receives an order, it should check the packages for damaged or expired products. Staff should separate the
damaged or expired items from the usable ones. If staff discovers damaged or expired products when the delivery truck is still at the site, then
staff should decline to accept the order and note the incident. If the delivery truck has left, then staff should follow the warehouse's procedures
for handling damaged or expired products.
In which scenario would a warehouse worker need to refer to this policy?
A. Jenny discovered that out of the 100 packets of rice delivered, 20 packets contained one kind of rice, while the remaining packets
contained a different kind of rice.
B. Nico received an incomplete order of fruit. The order was for bananas and pineapples, but only the bananas were delivered.
C. Rafael received 50 containers of ready-made pasta sauce. He found that 10 of the containers were past the use-by date
D. Isaac discovered that the warehouse lacked space to store the 70 packets of grain that his supervisor had ordered.


Answer: C

(I think. I'm sorry if this is wrong)

Explanation: Since the answer for number C is "Rafael received 50 containers of ready-made pasta sauce. He found that 10 of the containers were past the use-by date," and the first part of the policy is "When the warehouse staff receives an order, it should check the packages for damaged or expired products." That means that question C is the answer

Write a summary at least 200 words long
A theme is the main idea or message of a text.A theme must be a complete sentence.
Bad Examples: Courage; Loyalty; Integrity; Nature Good Example: Forces of nature are stronger than man.
Themes must apply outside of the story.
Bad Example: Cory's loyalty caused him to make noble sacrifices.
Good Example: Loyalty causes people to make noble sacrifices.Texts can have more than one theme.
Example: A text where two friends encounter dangerous forces of nature and are loyal to each other could have a theme about loyalty as well as a theme about the strength of nature.Themes must be supported with evidence.
Many different themes can be developed from a text as long as there is evidence in the text that supports each theme.


A recurring theme in Sherlock Holmes' adventures is the flow of foreigners and money into and out of London, as well as the peculiar and sometimes terrible encounters these travellers have. The usage of opium is another pattern and topic in the Sherlock Holmes tales.

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a compilation of twelve short stories about Sherlock Holmes, published on October 31, 1892 and written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The character Sherlock Holmes was previously introduced to the world in the Christmas-themed Almanac novel titled A Study in Scarlet.

Sherlock Holmes is probably the best known and most popular fictional detective in literature. Interestingly, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle actually used his famous detective name as his colleague's Dr. Joseph Bell. Dr. Bell had a long, thin nose and was very observant, much like you would imagine Sherlock Holmes. He also used strong deductive skills. This leads to the character personality of Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock Holmes is an observant private detective. He lives at 221b Baker Street in London. He notices things others don't, and he draws precise conclusions from what he sees. In Doyle's first Holmes story, A Study in Scarlet, Holmes describes himself as someone who occasionally enters a dumpster and "opens his mouth for days." He experiences severe mood swings. He also plays the violin. Above all, he is a master of deductive reasoning.

Hence, the answer is a recurring theme in Sherlock Holmes' adventures is the flow of foreigners and money into and out of London, as well as the peculiar and sometimes terrible encounters these travellers have. The usage of opium is another pattern and topic in the Sherlock Holmes tales.

To learn more about Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, click https://brainly.com/question/26922739


Choose the right interjections and write in the blank spaces.
a............ ! The poor man has died. (Alas, Pooh) !
b............. I have passed (Oh, Hurrah)
c...............! He is so cruel. (Alas, Pooh)
d. ............ ! Well played. (Oh, Bravo)
e............ ! Don't make a noise. (Oh, Hush) ! f.................How are you? (Hello, Oh)
g. ..............! You live in a lovely place. (Aha, Alas) ​









g. Aha!


In a comparison and contrast essay appointed by point organization allows you to discuss number one one aspect of both subjects for the entire essay number two one subject for the entire essay number three one subject fully and then move onto the next subject number for one aspect of two subjects before moving onto another aspect


Two topics are compared, contrasted, or both to analyze them in a comparison and contrast essay. Instead of stating the obvious, the purpose of a comparison or contrast essay is to draw attention to minor differences or unexpected similarities between two topics.

An introduction, body, and conclusion make up a comparison-contrast paragraph. The topic phrase introduces and talks about two subjects. Details about the similarities and distinctions between the two subjects are given in the body sentences. The concluding clause highlights how similar or unlike the subjects are.

Selecting two or more themes that are tangibly related is the key to creating an effective comparison and contrast essay. Instead of stating the obvious, comparison and contrast are used to draw attention to subtle differences or unexpected similarities.

Make all the remarks you want to establish about the first topic you are talking first, then move on to the second topic and finish what you have to say about it.

To know more about comparison and contrast essay , click on the link below:



Purple hibiscus

Chapter 16

What is the tradition when someone dies, and how does Mama defy it?


The tradition when someone dies is to mourn with others who come to wish you well. Mama defies that tradition by turning away all those who came to mourn with her.

What did Mama do when Papa died?

In Purple Hibiscus, when Papa died, Mama made a call to her children, Jaja and Kambili, to inform them that he has died. They then came back home to be with her. It was tradition that when someone died, well - wishers and loved ones would come to mourn with the family of the person that was left behind.

Mama defied this tradition however and turned away every single person who came to mourn with her. Readers wondered why this was the case until Mama revealed that it was she who killed papa. Perhaps she was feeling guilty about mourning a man she killed, or she did not want to mourn the memory of a toxic and cruel person like papa.

Find out more on Purple Hibiscus at https://brainly.com/question/29184139


Read the excerpt from Utopia by Sir Thomas More.
How does the use of logos help develop the argument?
The same trade generally passes down from father to
son, inclinations often following descent: but if any man's
by explaining why a person should pursue a specific
genius lies another way he is, by adoption, translated
into family that deals in the trade to which he is
• by exposing faults in the traditional method of job
inclined; and when that is to be done, care is taken, not
only by his father, but by the magistrate, that he may be
by showing what happens if someone is unsuited for
put to a discreet and good man: and if, after a persoi
has learned one trade, he desires to acquire another, that
is also allowed, and is managed in the same manner as
O by describing why a society needs people to do
the former. When he has learned both, he follows that
certain jobs
which he likes best, unless
the public has more
occasion for the other.
How does the use of logos help develop the argument


In the portion from Utopia by Sir Thomas More, the use of logos that helped progress the argument is by explaining why a person should pursue a special career.

What is an argument?

An argument is a category of statements that try to prove a point. The statement that the arguer tries to reassert is called the conclusion. It’s the main point the arguer is trying to reassert. The statements that try to reassert the conclusion are called premises.

In the portion from Utopia by Sir Thomas More, the use of logos that helped progress the argument is by explaining why a person should pursue a special career.

To know more about Argument, refer the link below:-



1 Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu. Look at the dictionary entry for the word wigwam. Based on the dictionary definition, what does the word wigwam mean as used in paragraph 12? wigwam noun an American Indian hut with an arched frame consisting of poles that are covered with hides, bark, or mats In paragraph 12, a wigwam is a kind of​


The meaning of Wigwam is:

A wigwam is a structure used by American Indians in the Great Lakes area and eastward that has an arching framework of poles coated with bark, mats, or skins.

What are other definitions of Wigwam?

It can also be characterized as a semi-permanent domed home utilized for ceremonial purposes by certain Native American tribes and First Nations people. Wickiup, wetu, and wiigiwaam are additional names for it.

Wigwams are built of timber frames that are covered with woven mats and birch bark sheets. The frame might be in the shape of a dome, a cone, or a rectangle with an arched roof. Once the birch bark is in place, ropes or wood strips are wrapped around the wigwam to keep it in place.

Wigwams were primarily built of wood and had a cone form (or a dome shape among some Subarctic Indigenous peoples). Animal skins were sometimes used to cover the structure's outside walls.

It is to be noted that the referenced paragraph is unavailable hence the general answer.

Learn more about Wigwam:



on my test

Conduct some research on possible employers in that field and the basic responsibilities of that job (that is, the daily tasks that a person in that job performs and the skills the person needs to perform them). Create a list of 7–10 questions for an informational interview. Fill out the table below with the information you gather for your chosen career and your list of interview questions.


Answer: Career: Mechanic.
Employers: ?
Key job responsibilities/tasks: The Nine Most Common Car Repairs

Spark Plug replacement.

Fuel Cap tightening.

Oxygen Sensor replacement.

Brake work.

Oil changes.

Tire repairs and changes.

The Ignition System.

The Electrical System.
Required skills: good practical skills.

an interest in understanding how machines work.

to understand technical information and diagrams.

to be able to write reports, describing the repairs and services you have carried out.

to understand and follow health and safety regulations.
7-10 questions for informational interview: Why did you become a mechanic?

Why do you want to work here?

What is your previous experience?

What are your qualifications and training?

Describe your idea of the main duties of an auto mechanic.

What is your customer service experience?

Ever have a dissatisfied customer? How did you handle it?

What did you like about your last job?

What do you consider to be your strengths and weaknesses?

Tell me about a typical day


FIRST ONE RIGHT GETS BRANLIEST Use the drop-down menus to complete the sentences about Buddhist teachings.

The good and bad deeds that people do determine their

The rebirth of a person after death is called

A person is reborn over and over until reaching


Completing the sentences about Buddhist teachings as

The good and bad deeds that people do determine their dharmaThe rebirth of a person after death is called as reincarnationA person is reborn over and over until reaching Nirvana.What is a sentence?

A sentence is referring a collection of words consisting of a subject and predicate defining the complete thought and clear meaning to the Raeder with the help of proper use of English Grammar structure.

The art of knowledge, kindness, patience, compassion, and empathy was among the virtues that the Buddha instilled in his followers as part of the Buddhist doctrine known as dharma.

Learn more about Sentence, here:



write a sentence that illustrates
mixed economy


A mixed economy is an economic system that combines aspects of the market, command, and conventional economic systems. A mixed economy is the most widespread economic structure in existence.

What is an economic system?

A country's or a region's social structures can organize and distribute the resources, services, and goods that are accessible through the use of an economic system. Land, capital, labor, and physical resources are all governed by economic systems.

A society's or a specific geographic area's system for producing products and services, allocating resources, and distributing them is known as an economic system or economic order.

Learn more about economic system from here:



Other Questions
Using a standard 52-card deck, Michelle will draw 6 cards with replacement. If Event A = drawing all hearts and Event B =drawing no face cards, which of the following best describes events A and B? Consider the line . 7x-8y=-1Find the equation of the line that is parallel to this line and passes through the point . (-3,-6)Find the equation of the line that is perpendicular to this line and passes through the point . (-3.-6) The diameter of a bicycle wheel is 28 inches. A cyclist is pedaling at a rate of 2 revolutions per second. Find the linear speed of the wheel in feet per minute. MUST round answer to nearest tenth. please help! so confused and every tutor keeps dropping my question Given the graph given I need help with questions A - D Is the ordered pair (2, 7) a solution of the function f(x) = x + 5? * A triangle has two sides of length 3 and 3. What value could the length of thethird side be? Check all that apply.A. 6B. 12C. 5D. 8E4F. 2 Whats the vaule of W? Angles. I got x > 12 for my answer, but when I checked it, it didn't work. Please help me solve and check! Task: Respond to the following writing prompt in TWO PARAGRAPHS: Compare and Contrast: What life was like for Native Americans before and after European colonization? How was it similar? How was it different? What specifically changed? Explain how you came to those conclusions. Use evidence from the text to support your claims. Write an explicit formula for An, the n' term of the sequence 14, 10, 6,.. I will show the answer options later because I cant add two pictures The boy in the story moved to a new home and had to learn how to speak a new language. This experience was a turning point in his life. Write a story explaining what happened when you moved to a new place and had to learn how to speak a new language. What was a turning point that made things better for you? In the first paragraph, talk about where you lived before. Tell who your friends were and things you did. Describe some of the emotions you felt when you had to leave. In a second paragraph, describe your new school. Talk about some of the people you met and the new things you did. Be sure to combine ideas in your sentences to make your writing interesting. having clients argue for a position will change their attitudes about the position, especially if they are ambivalent. group of answer choices true false Find the surface area and volume of the sphere. Round your answers to the nearest whole number.C = 4 in.The surface area is aboutsquare inchesThe volume is aboutcubic inches Hello can you please tell me if this is right please Simplify expressions by distributing Using copyrighted material without permission from the owner for educational purposes is an example aA. fair use.B. copyright infringement.C. plagiarism.OD. ownership. Twelve students in mrs.taylors class want to start band. Seven students each made a drum.The rest of the students made 2 shakers each. How many shakers were made? Use the bar model. Need help have to show work on this whole page. Factorise the following quadratic:e - 17e + 70 how can I find which statements can be deducted from the picture