The city with the largest population is
✓ Tokyo-Yokohama
The city with a population of about twenty-seven million
people is v Jakarta
Which city is the most crowded? | Delhi


The City With The Largest Population Is Tokyo-YokohamaThe City With A Population Of About Twenty-seven


Answer 1


The answer is below


From the question and available options, it can be concluded that

1. The city with the largest population is "Tokyo-Yokohama" with a population of 37,239,000 people.

2. The city with a population of about twenty-seven million people is "Jakarta" with an actual population of 26,746,000 people.

3. The city that is the most crowded is "Delhi" with a population density (people per square mile) of 29,700 people/square mile.

Answer 2

From the dialogue, the city with the largest population is Tokyo Yokohama, Jakarta has about twenty-seven million people while Delhi is crowded.

What is Population Density?

Population Density can be defined as the amount of people occupying a unit area of a place.

From the dialogue, Delhi is said to be crowed because it has more people occupying a smaller area.

Learn more about population density here:


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can someone help me with question 19



The last one


4th one is the correct answer

The right to levy taxes is an example of which power? A.federal power
B.state power
C.concurrent power
D.legislative power



legislative power, they authoritate the annual budget and levy taxes and tarrifs to provide funding for essential government services.

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Slaves were bound to their master's lands, until one's debt was paid to his master. Barring being a captive, being punished for committing a crime, or failing to pay an outstanding gambling debt, slavery was an institution one could enter into freely.

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the demonstrators postponed the Birmingham protests because  some people wanted it to coincide with Christmas, not Easter. their self-purification took longer than expected as more people got involved.

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The Colosseum, built at Rome in the 1st century ad, has four stories: on the ground level the order is Doric; on the next level it is Ionic; on the third, Corinthian; and the top story has pilasters (attached rectangular columns), also of the Corinthian order.


Which statement BEST explains why the percentage of union membership in nonagricultural jobs today is lower than it was in the mid-1940s?
Waves of recent strikes and economic hardships have caused growing anti-union feelings.
Mediation and arbitration have reduced the need for picket lines and active striking by union members, resulting in decreased interest and awareness of unions.
The risk of losing one’s job due to union membership is too great of a risk in unstable economic times.
The vast improvements already made have reduced the incentive to push for change.








what is used as currency today that is not related to our money system


Answer: Ok lets just say Cattle, which throughout history and across the globe have included not only cows but also sheep, camels, and other livestock, are the first and oldest form of money. With the advent of agriculture also came the use of grain and other vegetable or plant products as a standard form of barter in many cultures. British pound

The British pound is the world's oldest currency still in use – it's 1,200 years old. Dating back to Anglo-Saxon times, the pound has gone through many changes before evolving into the currency we recognise today.

Hope this helps have a awesome night/day❤️✨


How was the Byzantine empire similar to that of the Roman Empire



While the Roman Empire rose from the Roman Republic, the Byzantine Empire was established because of the fall of the Roman Empire. Despite these differences, the two cultures had similar aspects in culture, geography, science and technology. Some of these included government, religion, and location.


The Byzantine empire extended the influence of the Roman empire after the fall of the Roman empire by incorporating similar themes of leadership, prioritization in building, and focus on trade in their structure, but altered the cultural sentiments of the Roman empire through its own religions

What was the most significant impact of World War I? Explain.

Please answer in a 6-8 sentence response.



The war changed the economical balance of the world, leaving European countries deep in debt and making the U.S. the leading industrial power and creditor in the world. Inflation shot up in most countries and the German economy was highly affected by having to pay for reparations.

The First World War destroyed empires, created numerous new nation-states, encouraged independence movements in Europe's colonies, forced the United States to become a world power and led directly to Soviet communism and the rise of Hitler.Jul 8, 2014

World War I was one of the great watersheds of 20th-century geopolitical history. It led to the fall of four great imperial dynasties (in Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey), resulted in the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, and, in its destabilization of European society, laid the groundwork for World War II.


In what ways does Joan's behavior highlight larger trends in late medieval spirituality and popular piety?


Answer and Explanation:

Joana D'ark had a strong belief in her visions, which gave her little psychological stability, but which made her see them as something divine, religious and the fruit of her devotion. This matches the concepts of popular piety established in medieval society. Late medieval spirituality, on the other hand, refers to Joana's position and the ridicule that she went through because of her masculine clothes and her little feminine behaviors.

4. Which specific actions did Woodrow Wilson suggest to bring peace? an end to secret treaties and a reduction of armaments an increase in armaments and an end to secret treaties freedom of the seas and a renewed interest in colonialism​



reduction of armaments


an end to secret treaties and a reduction of armaments



What were the differences between Democratic-Republicans and National Republicans?


National Republican Party, U.S. political party formed after what had been the Republican (or Jeffersonian Republican) party split in 1825. The Jeffersonian Republicans had been the only national political party following the demise of the Federalists during the War of 1812. During the contested election of 1824, followers of Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams began calling themselves National Republicans, while backers of Andrew Jackson emerged as Democratic Republicans. By the election of 1828, the Jacksonians were simply called Democrats, though the name was not formalized until later. Opponents of Jackson joined the National Republican coalition and nominated Adams for a second term. Adams lost, but the National Republicans grew stronger. In 1831 they nominated Henry Clay to run on a platform endorsing the tariff, internal improvements, and the Bank of the United States.

Jackson and the Democrats won an overwhelming victory in the election of 1832, and the National Republicans never nominated another presidential candidate. During Jackson’s second administration, the National Republicans joined with northern and southern conservatives, supporters of the Bank of the United States, and other anti-Jackson groups to form a new coalition. Claiming Jackson governed as “King Andrew I,” the new party called itself the Whigs—after the British party that had opposed the power of the monarchy. By about 1834, there was little trace of the National Republican Party.

I hope this helped. If it did I suggest going onto a site called This particular site will take what I just wrote and paraphrase it, so it will look and sound like your work all along. Have a good day!!

Answer quickly please





The answer is true indeed

Which two candidates tied in the election of 1800?​



Thomas Jefferson and John Adam


Summarize the events that led up to the second world war.3 to 5 sentences please.​



hilters invasion of Poland in 1939 drove great Britain and France to declare war on Germany starting the beginning of ww2

What happened to the Sudetenland as a result of the Munich Agreement? Czechoslovakia agreed to split the land with Germany. Allied countries claimed the territory as a buffer zone. Czechoslovakia retained control of the territory. Germany took control of the territory from Czechoslovakia.


Germany took control of the territory from Cczechoslovakia.

As a result of Munich Agreement, Germany took control of the territory of Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia.

What was Munich Agreement?

The Munich Agreement was a treaty signed on September 30, 1938, in Munich by Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and Italy. Despite a 1924 alliance agreement and a 1925 military pact between France and the Czechoslovak Republic, it is also known as the Munich Betrayal.

The Munich agreement, which was presented as a way to avoid a major war on the continent, was widely celebrated throughout Europe. The four powers agreed to German annexation of Czechoslovak borderland areas known as the Sudetenland, which housed over three million people, mostly ethnic Germans. Adolf Hitler declared it to be his final territorial claim in Northern Europe.

Therefore, Germany took control of the territory from Czechoslovakia.

To learn more about Munich Agreement, click here:


how is it possible that lead poisoning affects future generations?


It can affect their own children, and hence travel down through future generations.

How Did you feel the Compromise of 1850 was effective and appropriate? Explain why you feel that way.



Most Americans breathed a sigh of relief over the deal brokered in 1850, choosing to believe it had saved the Union. However, the compromise stood as a temporary truce in an otherwise white-hot sectional conflict. Popular sovereignty paved the way for unprecedented violence in the West over the question of slavery.


What four programs were included in
Johnson's Great Society



Aid to education, attack on disease, Medicare, urban renewal, beautification, conservation, development of depressed regions, a wide-scale fight against poverty, control and prevention of crime and delinquency, and the removal of obstacles


I am pretty sure this is right sorry if i'm wrong ...2021

what are the 4 main writing systems?




2.Syllabic Abugidas.

3.Undeciphered writing systems.

4.Abjads / Consonant Alphabets.


Which of the following changes from the civil rights
movement had the LEAST impact on Georgia?
A. The number of African-Americans in public office

B.The states educational system

C. Economic opportunities
for the states Citizens

D. Voting opportunities for African-Americans



The answer is most likely C


Voting opportunities for African-Americans was one of the areas which experienced the least impact during the fight for civil rights in Georgia.

The Civil rights movement in Georgia

The civil rights movement in Georgia was one of the most significant and successful social movements in the modern world.

Black Georgians organized and became part of the southern movement for full civil rights while also fighting for wider national integration and racial equality.

This movement which started from Atlanta reached the most rural counties in Georgia’s southwest Cotton Belt, Black activists organized and protested over white supremacy in many ways.

Learn more about the Civil rights at

can someone who is good do bad thing explain your answer.



Explanation: yep good people can do bad thing just like bad people can do good thing as u grow older u t to make bad choices in life sooo yea

Describe THREE WAYS that Hitler was able to maintain complete control over the German people.​



Fear, I don't know what its called but he glorified Germany and got others to agree as well. And he tried to portray himself as someone who's fighting for the right thing.


I hope this helps.

Because of the Hawley Smoot Tariff,
all trade decreased, which in turn worsened _______.

O Prohibition
O World War I
O World War II
O the Great Depression



The Great Depression


The Hawley Smoot Tariff was passed on June 17, 1930. It was also known as  United States Tariff Act of 1930. It was passed to shield American businesses and producers, having a detrimental effect on the global economic situation during the Great Depression.

This act increased the Tariff rates in the United states which were already very high in the first place. This increased in tariffs worsened the effects of the Great depression.

Can Someone please help me with these questions I can’t fine the answers I’ll give the person that helps me brainliest and 50 points!!!!!! URGENT

Why is Nicaragua considered a "Hot Spot" of the Cold War?

What impact did Nicaragua have on the Cold War?

How did Nicaragua Cold War affect future policies?



rquuu 3qjhrr87r 7qrweri87 r8e6we ueruruah w84rn.



can u find the words

The MAIN reason the United States entered Word War II was
the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor.
the German attack on the Soviet Union.
Adolph Hitler becoming leader of Germany.
Benito Mussolini's take over of Ethiopia.



the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor

A) the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor.

One of the grievances against King George III listed in the Declaration of Independence states, "He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures." This grievance ultimately led to the creation of the



the answer is Second Amendment.

I experience no difficulty in deciding a proper policy to be pitched against the Indians it is to push a virgorous war against them without mercy (who said this?)


Answer: i heard of it, but don’t know who said it





Who was the Italian explorer who suggested that Columbus had found a "new world"?
a. Ferdinand Magellan
C. Bartholomeu Dias
b. Jacques Cartier
d. Amerigo Vespucci





And that was the realization that what he was looking at was not India at all, but an entirely new continent. He verified the fact by following the coast of South America down to within 400 miles of Tierra del Fuego. Columbus found the new world, but Vespucci was the man who recognized that it was a new world.





The Code of Hammurabi (1772 BC) includes laws focusing on contracts. What type of U.S. law is based on the Code of Hammurabi?

A. Civil

B. Criminal

C. Constitutional

D. Military



The code of Hammurabi states an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.


So based on this we could say that the type of law this inspired is civil law

I think the answer is A. Civil.
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