A falling ball looses its shape and bounces off the ground because it has...Immersive Reader

Kinetic energy

Potential energy

Elastic energy

Thermal energy


Answer 1
Potential energy or Kinetic energy

Related Questions

An aqueous solution contains
32.7% KCI (weight weight %)
How many grams of KCl are
contained in 100 g of this solution
Molar Mass
KCE: 74.55 g/mol
H20 18.016 g/mol





I just did it and got it right

What is the mass of 0.063x10^-4 moles of aluminum sulphate ?



The mass of 0.063*10⁻⁴ moles of aluminum sulphate  is 2.15*10⁻³ grams.


Aluminum sulfate Al₂(SO₄)₃ has a molar mass of 342.15 g/mol.

Molar mass is the amount of mass that a substance contains in one mole of a substance, which can be an element or a compound.

So in this case you can apply the following rule of three: if 342.15 grams are present in 1 mole of aluminum sulfate, how much mass is present in 0.063*10⁻⁴ moles of the compound?

[tex]mass of aluminum sulphate=\frac{0.063*10^{-4}moles*342.15 grams }{1 mole}[/tex]

mass of aluminum sulphate= 2.15*10⁻³ grams

The mass of 0.063*10⁻⁴ moles of aluminum sulphate  is 2.15*10⁻³ grams.

Which type of rock does Florian predict these pieces will change into when subjected to heat and pressure?



The Florian predict the metamorphic rocks because it changes when subjected to heat and pressure.


i hope this helps

The smallest arteries in your body are called _____. arterioles capillaries veins bronchioles


Answer: arterioles


Help help help !!!!!!



3. 116.5 V

4. 119.6 V


3. Determination of the voltage.

Resistance (R) = 25 Ω

Current (I) = 4.66 A

Voltage (V) =?

V = IR

V = 4.66 × 25

V = 116.5 V

Thus, the voltage is 116.5 V

4. Determination of the voltage.

Current (I) = 9.80 A

Resistance (R) = 12.2 Ω

Voltage (V) =?

V = IR

V = 9.80 × 12.2

V = 119.6 V

Thus, the voltage is 119.6 V

Laura can use a toy car to demonstrate the force of gravity by doing which of these?
Letting the toy car roll down a ramp
Placing the toy car on the floor
Lifting the toy car onto a shelf
Pushing the toy car across a table



letting the car fall down the ramp i got that right.


What is produced when concentrated aqueous sodium chloride is electrolysed?


When an electric current is passed through concentrated sodium chloride solution, hydrogen gas forms at the negative electrode , chlorine gas forms at the positive electrode, and a solution of sodium hydroxide also forms. You might have expected sodium metal to be deposited at the negative electrode.

You’re welcome!! Have a good day/night :)

What is the molar mass of V(CO3)2?


Pretty sure 60.009 g/mol
60.009 g/mol :)

Just like the other person said ^, hope its right

Which part of a calcium atom in the ground state is represented by the dots in its Lewis electron-dot diagram?​



There are two dots are present on the left side of calcium atom which represents the unpaired electrons present in the outermost shell. This structure is presented by Lewis in order to show the number of unpaired electrons in the atom.




There you go :)))))))))

Answer all the following questions by putting a circle around a letter A.B.C or D
1. Air contains about
A. 3% carbon (IV) oxide.
B. 4%noble gases.
C. 21%oxygen
D. 69% nitrogen​



C. 21%oxygen


Dry air contains 78.09% nitrogen, 20.95%oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.04% carbon dioxide, and small amounts of other gases.

How many particles are in 9.58 x 1023 of potassium sulfate (K2SO4)? (5.77 x 1047 particles)






In this case, since we are given 9.58x10²³ moles of potassium sulfate, it is possible to compute the particles according to the Avogadro's number:


As shown below:


Best regards!

I have a balloon that can hold 100. liters
of air. If I blow up this balloon with 3.0
moles of oxygen gas at a pressure of 1.0
atmosphere, what is the temperature of
the balloon?



T = 4.062V


from PV = nRT => T = PV/RT

P = 1 atm

V = Final Volume

n = 3 moles

R = 0.08206 L·atm/mol·K

T = ?

T = 1 atm · V(Liters)/(3 moles)(0.08206L·atm/mol·K) = 4.062·V(final) Kelvin

The temperature of the balloon is 406 K

We'll begin by listing out what was given from the question. This is shown below:

Volume (V) = 100 L

Mole of oxygen (n) = 3 moles

Pressure (P) = 1 atm

Temperature (T) =?

We can obtain the temperature of the balloon by using the ideal gas equation as shown below:


P is the pressure.

V is the volume.

n is the number of mole

R is the gas constant (0.0821 atm.L/Kmol)

T is the temperature.

Applying the ideal gas equation, we have:

PV = nRT

1 × 100 = 3 × 0.0821 × T

100 = 0.2463 × T

Divide both side by 0.2463

T = 100 / 0.2463

T = 406 K

Therefore, the temperature of the balloon is 406 K

Learn more: https://brainly.com/question/17046345

How many sulfur atoms are in 3.7 mol of SO2?

× 10 S atoms


Answer: 22.3 *10^23 S atoms


A chemist needs to know the mass of a sample of to significant digits. He puts the sample on a digital scale. This is what the scale shows:
If this measurement is precise enough for the chemist, round it to significant digits.
Otherwise, press the "No solution" button.


76.3 g aka 76 g
In type of scientific measurement, the precision of the measurement is expressed in the significant digits of that measurement. It also used to express measurement to the required degree of accuracy.
Significant digits include every digit except the leading zero(s).
And if the number after the required significant digits is not up to 5, it is rounded down and the required significant digits is written as is. If the number after the required significant digits is at least 5, it is rounded up, and the last number on the significant digits requirement is increased by a factor of 1.

2 CH3OH + 3 02 2 CO2 + 4H2O
What is the mass of oxygen (O2) that is required to produce 579 g of carbon dioxide (CO2)?
. Your answer should have three significant figures.



632 g


2CH₃OH + 3O₂ → 2CO₂ + 4H₂O

First we convert 579 g of CO₂ into moles, using its molar mass:

579 g CO₂ ÷ 44 g/mol = 13.16 mol CO₂

Then we convert CO₂ moles into O₂ moles, using the stoichiometric coefficients:

13.16 mol CO₂ * [tex]\frac{3molO_2}{2molCO_2}[/tex] = 19.74 mol O₂

Finally we convert O₂ moles into grams, using its molar mass:

19.74 mol O₂ * 32 g/mol = 632 g

The particle on a ring is a useful model for the motion of electrons around the porphine ring, the conjugated macrocycle that forms the structural basis of the heme group and the chlorophylls. We may treat the group as a circular ring of radius 440 pm, with 22 electrons in the conjugation system moving along the perimeter of the ring. In the ground state of the molecules each state is occupied by two electrons.
A) Calculate the energy and angular momentum of an electron in the highest occupied level.
B) Calculate the frequency of radiation that can induce a transition between the highest occupied and lowest unoccupied levels.




The formula for determining the energy of state [tex]m_l[/tex] can be computed by using the formula:

[tex]Em_i = \dfrac{m_1^2h^2}{2I}[/tex]

Also, the momentum is:

[tex]l_2 = m_i h[/tex]

There are 22 electrons with two electrons in each of the lowest II energy levels so that the highest occupied states are [tex]m_1 = \pm 5[/tex]

The moment of inertia of an electron on a ring of radius 440 ppm is:

[tex]I = mR^2 \\ \\ = 9.109 \times 10^{31} \ kg (440 \times 10^{-12}) ^2 \\ \\ = 1.76 \times 10^{-49} \ kgm^2[/tex]

[tex]E_{\pm 5 } = \dfrac{25h^2}{2I} \\ \\ = \mathbf{7.89 \times 10^{-19} \ J}[/tex]

The angular  momentum is:

[tex]l_2 = \pm 5h \\ \\ = \pm 5 \tiems ( 1.05457 \times 10^{-34} \ Js)[/tex]

[tex]= \mathbf{5.275 \times 10^{-34} \ Js}[/tex]

B) Let's recall that:

The lowest occupied energy level is [tex]m_1 = \pm 6[/tex] which implies that the energy  [tex]E_{\pm 6}= 1.14 \times 10^{-18} \ J[/tex]


[tex]\Delta E = E_{\pm 6} - E_{\pm 5} \\ \\ = 1.14 \times 10^{-18 \ J} - 0.79 \times 10^{-18} \ J \\ \\ = 0.35 \times 10^{-18} \ J \\ \\ 0.35 \times 10^{-18} \ J = hv \\ \\ 0.35 \times 10^{-18} \ J = h \dfrac{c}{\lambda}[/tex]

Hence, the radiation which would induce a transition that relates to the wavelength of about 570nm, a wavelength of visible light.

Sulfur dioxide and oxygen react to form sulfur trioxide during one of the key steps in sulfuric acid synthesis. An industrial chemist studying this reaction fills a flask with of sulfur dioxide gas and of oxygen gas, and when the mixture has come to equilibrium measures the partial pressure of sulfur trioxide gas to be . Calculate the pressure equilibrium constant for the reaction of sulfur dioxide and oxygen at the final temperature of the mixture. Round your answer to significant digits.



The answer is "[tex]\bold{4.97 \times 10^{-2}}[/tex]"


Please find the complete question in the attached file.


[tex]2SO_2+O_2 \leftrightharpoons 2SO_3[/tex]

at [tex]t=0 3.3 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0.79[/tex]

at equilibrium [tex]3.3-p \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0.79 - \frac{P}{2} \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ P[/tex]

[tex]p= 0.47 \ \ atm\\\\SO_2=3.3-0.47 = 2.83 \ \ atm\\\\O_2= 0.74 -\frac{0.47}{2}=0.74-0.235=0.555 \ atm\\\\K_P=\frac{[PSO_3]^2}{[PSO_2]^2[PO_2]}\\\\[/tex]

     [tex]=\frac{0.47^2}{2.83^2\times 0.555}\\\\=4.97 \times 10^{-2}[/tex]

which statement explains this observation?



should be D. Hope this helpsss!

which property is a property of water


Answer: Polarity, Boiling and Freezing Points, Specific Heat Capacity, Density, Surface Tension, Heat of Vaporization and Vapor Pressure, Capillary Action, Solid State (Ice), Liquid State (Liquid Water), Gas State (Steam),  

Explanation:  Water molecules are polar, so they form hydrogen bonds. This gives water unique properties, such as a relatively high boiling point, high specific heat, cohesion, adhesion, and density.

We obviously cannot wait for million years to determine the half-life of technetium, or even years to determine the half-life of plutonium. The half-life of a substance is determined using a Geiger counter, which is essentially a tube filled with an inert gas. When a particle decays and produces radiation, it briefly ionizes the gas and produces a detectable electric pulse, which is amplified and counted by a detector (before digital displays were available, you would hear clicks and see a needle register on a dial). Determine the formula for the half-life of a substance with an initial count of pulses and a count of pulses minutes later.


The question is incomplete, the complete question is;

We obviously cannot wait for 4 million years to determine the half-life of technetium, or even 87.7 years to determine the half-life of plutonium. The half-life of a substance is determined using a Geiger counter, which is essentially a tube filled with an inert gas. When a particle decays and produces radiation, it briefly ionizes the gas and produces a detectable electric pulse, which is amplified and counted by a detector (before digital displays were available, you would hear clicks and see a needle register on a dial). Determine the formula for the half-life of a substance with an initial count of No pulses and a count of N1 pulses M minutes later.


M1/2 = 0.693/k


Given that the initial count rate is No pulses

The count rate after M minutes is N1

Then from;

A = Aoe^-kt

A= N1


I can now write;

N1 = Noe^-kM

The half life is the time taken for the activity of the radioactive nuclide to reach half its initial value. Hence;

N1/No =e^-kM = 1/2

Taking natural logarithm of both sides as shown below;

-kM1/2 = ln(1/2)

M1/2 = -  (ln(1/2)/k)

M1/2 = 0.693/k

I have an unknown initial volume of gas
held at a temperature of 115 K in a
container with a pressure of 6 atm. I
increase the temperature to 225 K and
decrease the pressure to 2,800 mmHg
and it causes the final volume of the gas
to be 29 L. What was the initial



V₁ = 0.025 Liters = 25 ml


P₁ = 6 Atm      P₂ = 7800mm/760mm/Atm = 0.01 Atm

V₁ = ?              V₂ = 29 Liters

T₁ = 115 K        T₂ = 225 K

P₁V₁/T₁ = P₂V₂/T₂ => V₁ = P₂V₂T₁/P₁T₂

V₁ = (0.01 Atm)(29L)(115K)/(6 Atm)(225K) = 0.025 Liters = 25ml

What is the molar mass of H2CO3?
(Molar mass of H = 1.0079 g/mol; C = 12.010 g/mol; O = 15.999 g/mol)



molar mass of H2CO3 = 72.0228


62.02 g/mol


Took the test and got it right. if you have enough faith in brainly youll choose the right answer

If 4 moles of sulfur reacts with 9.5 moles of oxygen, how many moles of oxygen would remain after the reaction ?


4 Na + O₂ = 2 Na₂O

4* 23 g Na --------> 16 g O₂
9.5 g Na ------------> ?

Mass of O₂ = 9.5 * 16 / 4 * 23

Mass = 152 / 92

Mass = 1.6521 g of O₂

Molar mass O₂ = 16.0 g/mol

1 mole O₂ ------------ 16.0 g
? mole O₂ ------------ 1.6521 g

mole O₂ = 1.6521 * 1 / 16.0

≈ 0.10325 moles of O₂

hope that helped!

How many grams of AlCl3 will be produced if 3.85 moles of Al react? Al + ___Cl2 → ___AlCl3





I'm assuming that the question has Aluminium and Chlorine as the question is not clear.

1. Balance the equation

  2 Al + 3 Cl2  → 2AlCl3

2. Use the mole = mass/mr equation and molar ratio to find the mass of AlCl3

   133.5 x 3.85 = 513.975g

Calculate the percent composition (out of 100) by weight of potassium in potassium carbonate decahydrate.





MM K = 39.1 g/mol

MM K2CO3 . 10H2O = 2x39.1 + 12.01 + 3 x 15.99 + 10 x 18.02= 318.38 g/mol

% by weight = (MM K/MM K2CO3.10H2O ) x 100= (39.1/318.8)  x 100=12.26 %

The percent composition by weight of potassium in potassium carbonate decahydrate is 13.98%

Let's represent the chemical formula of the compound as follows;

potassium carbonate decahydrate = CH₂0KO₁₃

The molecular mass of the compound can be calculated as follows:

Molecular mass of  CH₂₀KO₁₃molecular mass = 12 + 20 + 39 + (16×13) = 279 g/mol

mass of potassium = 39 g


% mass of potassium = 39 / 279 × 100

% mass of potassium = 3900 / 279

% mass of potassium = 13.9784946237

% mass of potassium = 13.98 %

learn more on percentage composition here: https://brainly.com/question/3905173

Balance the chemical equation
C2H6+O2 = CO2 +H2O



Which statement below best describes a volatile liquid?

Question 17 options:

1.A liquid that doesn't evaporate under atmospheric pressure

2.A liquid that evaporates slowly at low temperatures

3.A liquid that evaporates rapidly at low temperatures

4.A liquid that requires a large amount of energy to evaporate



A liquid that evaporates rapidly at low temperatures



A liquid that evaporates rapidly at low temperatures.


A volatile liquid such as gasoline evaporates easily. Its chemicals aren't held together as strongly, and room temperature is often enough to break intermolecular bonds and evaporate them. 


Hydrofluoric acid and Water react to form fluoride anion and hydronium cation, like this HF(aq) + H_2O(l) rightarrow F(aq) + H_3O^+ (aq) At a certain temperature, a chemist finds that a 5.6 L reaction vessel containing an aqueous solution of hydrofluoric acid, water, fluoride anion, and hydronium cation at equilibrium has the following composition: Calculate the value of the equilibrium constant K_C for this reaction. Round your answer to 2 significant digits. K_C =



Kc = 1.09x10⁻⁴


HF = 1.62g

H₂O = 516g

F⁻ = 0.163g

H₃O⁺ = 0.110g

To solve this question we need to find the moles of each reactant in order to solve the molar concentration of each reactan and replacing in the Kc expression. For the reaction, the Kc is:

Kc = [H₃O⁺] [F⁻] / [HF]

Because Kc is defined as the ratio between concentrations of products over reactants powered to its reaction coefficient. Pure liquids as water are not taken into account in Kc expression:

[H₃O⁺] = 0.110g * (1mol /19.01g) = 0.00579moles / 5.6L = 1.03x10⁻³M

[F⁻] = 0.163g * (1mol /19.0g) = 0.00858moles / 5.6L = 1.53x10⁻³M

[HF] = 1.62g * (1mol /20g) = 0.081moles / 5.6L = 0.0145M

Kc = [1.03x10⁻³M] [1.53x10⁻³M] / [0.0145M]

Kc = 1.09x10⁻⁴

number of molecules in lithium oxide




Lithium is in group 1 so there's 1 outermost shell electron.

Oxygen is in group 6 so there's 6 outermost shell electron.

To react lithium with oxygen, we need 2 lithium and 1 oxygen

Each lithium transfer 1 electron to the oxygen and oxygen gain 2 electrons.

[tex]Li_{2}O\\[/tex] formed.

If there's 4 lithium oxide, 4 molecules will be there.

If you mean how many ATOMS are there, there will be 3×4=12 atoms.

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