the cell bodies of sensory neurons are found in an enlarged area of the dorsal root called the gray commissure.a. trueb. false


Answer 1

The statement that the cell bodies of sensory neurons are found in an enlarged area of the dorsal root called the gray commissure is false because the cell body is called a DORSAL ROOT GANGLION.

From the peripheral nervous system, dorsal nerve roots provide sensory neural signals to the central nervous system. Anatomically, the dorsal root of the spinal nerves gives rise to a dorsal root ganglion. They transport sensory information from numerous peripheral receptors in order for the central nervous system to respond. The function of DRG in chronic pain is well known. Anesthesia infiltration of the DRG was first described in 1949. The dorsal root entry zone (DREZ), a nearby related neural target, dorsal rhizotomy or gangliectomy, conventional radiofrequency denervation, pulsed radiofrequency, and steroid injection have all been used to target the DRG.

Want to know more about neurons visit the link given below;


Related Questions

Who has the right of way at an uncontrolled intersection in California?


When two vehicles reach an uncontrolled intersection at the same time, the vehicle on the right has the right of way in California.

Give way to cars and pedestrians on the through route at "T" crossings without "STOP" or "YIELD" signs. The path should be taken by them.

All approaching cars that are near enough to be dangerous must yield the right-of-way when you make a left. Search for motorcycles, bicycles, and pedestrians as well.

Keep your wheels pointed straight ahead as you wait to make a left turn until it is safe to begin the turn. You can be forced into oncoming traffic if you have your wheels oriented to the left and a car hits you from behind.

Learn more yielding the right of way here:


What are the similarities and differences between DNA and RNA virus replication?


Both DNA replication and RNA replication are similar in their purposes. But they vary because of their location, the components, and the steps involved.

DNA replication is the process by which multiple copies of DNA are synthesized. RNA replication is the process by which genome-length RNA is synthesized.

The main aim of these two replications is to produce multiple copies of the genetic material. DNA replication takes place in the nucleus of the host cell. And RNA replication takes place in the cytoplasm of the host cell.

During DNA replication, the DNA virus uses host cell polymerase to produce multiple copies from the single strand of DNA. During RNA replication, the RNA undergoes transcription and replicates viral proteins. This mode is called RNA-dependent RNA synthesis.

RNA viruses also use reverse transcriptase enzymes to produce DNA from RNA. This mode is called RNA-dependent DNA synthesis.

The DNA copies synthesized are mostly stable and double-stranded, and the RNA copies are mostly unstable and single-stranded.

To know more about RNA virus:


true or false: the portion of the diencephalon, immediately inferior to the thalamus which contains ascending and descending tracts and the subthalamic nuclei is the hypothalamus.true false question.truefalse


False; the region of the diencephalon that is directly underneath the thalamus and comprises the subthalamic nuclei, ascending and descending pathways, is the hypothalamus.

The diencephalon's most inferior section is the hypothalamus. Subthalamic nuclei are absent from it. The central thalamus and epithalamus are formed by the lateral diencephalon walls in a superior fashion. The subthalamus and hypothalamus are formed beneath them. The components on each side of the third ventricle make up the thalamus, which serves as an anatomical marker. The diencephalon's subthalamic nucleus is a tiny lens-shaped structure situated close to the diencephalon's midbrain junction.

learn more about diencephalon here:


What kinds of cells engulf whatever foreign cells and molecules they encounter and recognize? Select one: a. phagocytic cells b. interferons c. platelets d. natural killer cells


Phagocytic cells engulf whatever foreign cells and molecules they encounter and recognize.

Phagocyte, type of cell that has the ability to ingest, and sometimes digest, foreign particles, such as bacteria, carbon, dust, or dye. By creating a vacuole around the foreign particle and expanding its cytoplasm into pseudopods (cytoplasmic appendages that resemble feet), it engulfs foreign objects. Because phagocytes send enzymes into the vacuole where digesting occurs, the ingested bacteria's poisons cannot harm the phagocyte as long as they are there. Neutrophilic leukocytes (microphages) and monocytes (macrophages), two categories of white blood cells, are phagocytic in the blood. Small, granular leukocytes called neutrophils quickly emerge at the site of an injury and devour germs.

Around three days after infection, monocytes, which are bigger and have a large, kidney-shaped nucleus, start to appear. They scavenge for bacteria, foreign objects, dead cells, and protozoa. The majority of phagocytic activity occurs among the cells, away from the circulatory system. For instance, fixed cells in the lymph nodes phagocytose foreign material in the lymphatic system; similarly, fixed cells in the spleen, liver, and bone marrow cleanse the vascular system by engulfing old red blood cells and foreign objects.

To know more about Foreign cell visit:


How many mph is 45km/s 1mile= 1.609 Kilometers




dichotomous keys consist of a series of paired choices, called couplets, that reflect physical characteristics of the organism.
a. true
b. false


Couplets, or pairs of choices, are what make up dichotomous keys and they reflect the physical traits of the organism. So, it's true.

The couplets that make up traditional dichotomous keys are a collection of paired options. Each couplet gives the reader a choice between two distinct character sets that set one group of organisms apart from the other. Couplets, or pairs of choices, are what make up dichotomous keys and they reflect the physical traits of the organism. If Mean scratchy domestic us were the species name for a housecat.

Using a dichotomous key, one can identify things found in the natural world such trees, wildflowers, mammals, reptiles, rocks, and fish. Keys are made up of a succession of options that guide the user to the right name for a certain item. Dichotomous is a noun that implies "split into two sections." An instrument that aids in identifying an unidentified organism is a dichotomous key. A dichotomous key is a set of statements with two possible answers that list traits of the unknown entity.

Learn more about dichotomous keys visit:


Which two forms of energy does the burning fire release?


The forms of energy does the burning fire release are radiant and chemical energy.

Oxygen helps the chemical approaches that arise at some point of hearthplace. When gasoline burns, it reacts with oxygen from the encompassing air, freeing warmness and producing combustion products (gases, smoke, embers, etc.). The real flames of the hearthplace are the discharge of a number of the warmth strength as light.

These additives have brought about the improvement of the 'hearthplace triangle' of gasoline, oxygen and warmness. Remove anybody of those and hearthplace can not preserve itself.

Chemical energy is transformed to thermal strength whilst human beings burn timber in a fire or burn fuel in a car's engine.For example, if you have a hearthplace burning to your fireplace, the chemical energy withinside the timber modifications into thermal (warmness) strength and radiant (light) strength.

Read more about fire;


how did the experiment with prostigmine performed by fatt and katz (see diagram below) support the hypothesis that acetylcholine molecules were released from the presynaptic (and not the postsynaptic) side of the neuromuscular junction (nmj)?


In neuromuscular junctions, acetylcholine (ACh) produced from motor neuron axonal terminals controls the efficiency of neurotransmission by activating presynaptic nicotinic and muscarinic autoreceptors.

At neuromuscular junctions, synapses in the ganglia of the visceral motor system, and several other locations throughout the central nervous system, acetylcholine functions as a neurotransmitter. The terminal terminals of a motor nerve and a muscle (skeletal, smooth, or cardiac) meet to form the neuromuscular junction (NMJ), a synaptic connection. It is the location from which the nerve sends the muscle's action potential. It serves as both a location for many diseases and a site of action for a range of medications.

To learn more about neuromuscular junctions click on the given link:


the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, located in the synaptic cleft and on the postsynaptic membrane, breaks ach down into acetate and choline, thereby stopping the stimulation of a postsynaptic cell. t or f


The enzyme acetylcholinesterase, located in the synaptic cleft and on the postsynaptic membrane, breaks ach down into acetate and choline, thereby stopping the stimulation of a postsynaptic cell. This statement is True.

By quickly hydrolyzing the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in a variety of cholinergic routes in the central and peripheral nervous systems, acetylcholinesterase participates in the termination of impulse transmission. The buildup of acetylcholine, hyperstimulation of nicotinic and muscarinic receptors, and disruption of neurotransmission are caused by the enzyme inactivation, which is triggered by a variety of inhibitors. As a result, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors are used as appropriate medications and poisons, with the enzyme functioning as their principal target. An overview of the toxicity and pharmacology of substances that inactivate acetylcholinesterase both temporarily and permanently.Additionally, the pharmacological management of organophosphate poisoning is discussed, with a focus on the administration of oxime reactivators of suppressed enzyme activity as causative medications after the poisoning. In addition, before reaching their targets in the nervous system, organophosphorus and carbamate pesticides can be detoxified in mammals through enzymatic hydrolysis. While carbamates are most efficiently broken down by carboxylesterases, organophosphates are most successfully detoxified by being broken down by the matching phosphodiesterase's.

To know more about postsynaptic visit:

At which point is swampland located?



1 that’s what is seems

Of these influences, which appears to be the initial source of gender segregation? A) establishment of gender constancy. B) peer pressure


Differences in behavioral styles and interests appear to be the initial source of gender segregation.

The precept of Segregation describes about how pairs of gene variants are separated into reproductive cells. The segregation of gene versions referred to as alleles, and their corresponding trends changed first determined by using Gregor Mendel in 1865.

The law of segregation states that every person that could be a diploid has a pair of alleles (replica) for a specific trait. Each discerns passes an allele at random to their offspring resulting in a diploid organism.

Chromosome segregation—the partitioning of genetic material into two daughter cells—is one of the most critical techniques in cellular division.

Learn more about Segregation here:-


the parasympathetic nervous system is characterized by peripheral ganglia near the


The parasympathetic nervous system is characterized by peripheral ganglia near the Organs and short post ganglionic fibers.

What is parasympathetic nervous system?

Your autonomic nervous system includes your parasympathetic nervous system. It might be referred to as your "automatic" nervous system because it controls many processes that you don't need to think about. Among other things, this can include managing your heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, urination, and perspiration.

Your sympathetic nervous system is balanced by the parasympathetic portion of your autonomic nervous system. Your body's "fight or flight" response is regulated by your sympathetic nervous system, while the "rest and digest" response is regulated by your parasympathetic nervous system.

Read more about parasympathetic nervous system:


Why would similarities in protein structure be a good indicator for relatedness between species?


The molecular comparisons between species genomes as well as the molecular comparison among single gene sequences are generally effective for determining relatedness between species.

To ascertain the link between the species and forecast the evolutionary evidence, these molecular correlations are usually utilized. The amino acid sequences of a representative protein found in the organisms may also be utilized to determine the relationship between the species in addition to the two methods mentioned above.

Living things are the essential biotic elements of an ecosystem, managing their functioning and regulating the ecological balance. They have more environmental significance on Earth since they are a crucial link in the food chain.

Learn more about protein structure at


in diploid organisms, a pair of chromosomes that are the same size and shape and contain the same genes in the same positions.


Homologous chromosomes are pairs of chromosomes that are the same size and shape and contain the same genes in the same positions. They are found in diploid organisms and are derived from each parent.

Identical Chromosomes: A Mirror Image of Genes

Homologous chromosomes.

Homologous chromosomes are essential components of genetic inheritance. They are found in diploid organisms and contain a complete set of genes that are necessary for the organism's development. Each homologous chromosome is inherited from one parent, with the two chromosomes making up a chromosome pair.

Learn more about Chromosomes:


classify each of the characteristics as pertaining to gene regulation in either prokaryotes or eukaryotes.
a. DNA does not contain introns.
b. Some genes are organized into operons, and mRNA transcripts often specify more than one protein.
c. Transcription occurs in the nucleus, whereas translation occurs in the cytoplasm mRNA splicing must occur to remove introns.
d. Genes are located on different chromosomes
e. Transcription and translation occur in the cytoplasm
1. Prokaryotic gene regulation 2. Eukaryotic gene regulation


Prokaryotic gene regulation: Genes are located on one chromosome, Some genes are organized into operons, and mRNA transcripts often specify more than one protein, Transcription and translation occur in the cytoplasm.

Eukaryotic gene regulation: Genes are located on different chromosomes, mRNA splicing must occur to remove introns, Transcription occurs in the nucleus, whereas translation occurs in the cytoplasm.

What is gene regulation?

The mechanism by which genes are regulated affects when, where, and how much they are expressed. Regulation of proteins and chemical modifications to DNA are only two of the many methods that may be used to carry out the process, which can be intricate. The ability of an organism to react to environmental changes depends on gene control.

One of the key functions that a cell does and one to which a significant portion of its energy is allocated is gene regulation. Gene regulation is one of the fundamental processes that a cell carries out in order to create the transcripts that will result in the proteins. To regulate, so that you can precisely control how a cell will behave in the context of stress, the growth of the organism, or repair, is also something to which a significant portion of the genome of the cell is presumably committed.

Hence all about gene regulation

To learn more about gene regulation click on the link


comparisons of bone size and osteoarthritis between agriculturalists and their hunting and gathering ancestors indicate that agricultural populations generally engaged in more strenuous activities.
a. true
b. false


Bone size and osteoarthritis comparisons between agriculturalists and their hunting and gathering ancestors show that agricultural populations engaged in more strenuous activities. This statement is False.

The most common type of arthritis, affecting millions of people worldwide, is osteoarthritis. It happens over time as the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of the bones wears down. Although osteoarthritis can affect any joint, it most commonly affects the hands, knees, hips, and spine.

Previous joint injury, abnormal joint or limb development, and inherited factors are all potential causes. Overweight people, people with different leg lengths, and people who work in jobs that cause a lot of joint stress are at a higher risk. In contrast to rheumatoid arthritis, the joints in osteoarthritis do not become hot or red.

Treatment includes exercise, decreasing joint stress such as by rest or use of a cane, support groups, and pain medications. Another treatment option for osteoarthritis is stem cell transplantation, which involves injecting patients with allogenic mesenchymal stem cells or autologous chondrocytes.

To learn more about osteoarthritis, here


Both Gymnosperms and Angiosperms bear seeds, then why are they classified separately?


In gymnosperms the seeds are not produced inside the fruit but in angiosperms the seeds are enclosed inside the fruit so they are classified separately.

In general ,Gymnosperms are considered as flowerless plants and are not enclosed inside seeds whereas angiosperms are plants that have flowers. Adding to this, the difference or the basis of classification is on the presence of an ovary.

Hence, gymnosperms and angiosperms both bears seeds, and they are also classified differently . The reason behind this is in case of gymnosperms the seeds are not produced inside the fruit but in case of angiosperms the seeds are enclosed inside the fruit.

To learn more about Gymnosperms , here


a researcher placed a culture of cyanobacteria under green lights. within a few weeks, the appearance of the cyanobacteria changed from green to red. the researcher claimed the color change in the culture was the result of an adaptation allowing greater photosynthesis.


The best reason to support this claim is that with green light, more phycoerythrin pigment molecules are produced and it enables more green light to be absorbed, thereby increasing the photosynthesis rate.

What is the photosynthesis rate?

The photosynthesis rate is an expression that makes reference to the amount of photosynthetic products i.e. oxygen and simple carbs (glucose molecules) produced by a unit of time, which depends on the efficiency of the pigments that absorb sunlight during this process.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that the photosynthesis rate in a given environmental condition is highly variable but it depended on the amount of photons absorbed from the solar radiation, which depends on the amount of sunlight and also the classes or types of pigments that are present in the photosynthetic cells either plan cell or also the algae cells.

Complete question:

Cyanobacteria contain a variety of pigment molecules, as shown in Table 1. As a result, the color of cyanobacteria cultures can vary significantly based on the relative amount of each pigment produced.

A researcher placed a culture of cyanobacteria under green lights. Within a few weeks, the appearance of the cyanobacteria changed from green to red. The researcher claimed the color change in the culture was the result of an adaptation allowing greater photosynthesis.

Which of the following provides the best reasoning to justify the researcher's claim?

Learn more about  the photosynthesis rate here:


some mites are thought to be a normal inhabitant on the skin of many animals, like dogs and cats. question 1 options: true false


True, On the skin of many animals, including dogs and cats, certain mites (parasites) are known to be a common resident.

Either endoparasites mites , which can either be intracellular or intercellular (inhabiting cells in the host's body), or skin ectoparasites, which reside on the surface of the skin host's body and do not often cause disease in the host, include animals ticks, fleas, leeches, mites and lice. A tight association between species is called parasitism of mites , in which one creature, the parasite, inhabits or lives on another skin , the host, harming it in some manner and becoming structurally adapted to this mode of life.

learn more about mites here:


Water and dissolved minerals are conducted from the roots to the stems and leaves via ___________, whereas sugar is conducted through specialized cells known as _____________


Water and dissolved minerals are conducted from the roots to the stems and leaves via xylem whereas sugar is conducted through specialized cells known as sieve cell.

The term “sieve” refers back to the cease partitions which can be pierced via way of means of clusters of pores via which the protoplasts of adjoining sieve tube contributors are interconnected. Xylem tissue transports water and vitamins from the roots to distinctive elements of the plant, and consists of vessel factors and tracheids, each of that are tubular, elongated cells that behavior water.

Xylem tissue conducts water and mineral vitamins from the soil upward in plant roots and stems. It consists of elongate cells with pointed ends referred to as tracheids, and shorter, wider cells referred to as vessel factors. The partitions of those cells are closely lignified, with openings withinside the partitions referred to as pits.

Read more about minerals;


which u.s. regulatory agency oversees guidelines and laws that govern environmental applications of biotechnology and other sciences?


Environmental Protection Agency of the United States This covers the control of pesticides produced by an environmental applications using contemporary biotechnology methods.

Under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act and the biotechnology Toxic Substances Control Act, the EPA regulates pesticides, including genetically modified pesticides environmental applications. The legislative specifications for the EPA's registration procedure for all pesticides are provided by this legislation. biotechnology mandates that EPA thoroughly assess a pesticide's proposed use to guarantee that it won't pose unreasonably high risks of harm to human health or the environment before it releases. Plants that have undergone biotechnology genetic modification

learn more about biotechnology here:


on isle royale, if the moose population is very high, what would you expect to see with regard to other populations?


An ongoing observation of the wolf-moose relationship has confirmed that the 2 massive animals are uniquely interdependent. Wolves are the only herbal predator for the moose, and moose make up a few ninety percent of the wolves' diets (the relaxation is beavers and snowshoe hares).

The moose populace of Isle Royale has fluctuated over the years. for the reason that 1980, the population has been as low as 500 animals and as excessive as 2, four hundred. The fluctuation of the population is at once linked to the vegetation and predators of the island.

The Isle Royale wolf populace has changed over the years considering that their first immigration was in the past due 1940s. The wolf population declined extensively in 1980 and once more in 2012 because of a mixture of activities together with ailment, weather trade, random activities, and loss of genetic range.

Learn more about  isle royale here:


How does the final paragraph relate to the main idea of the article?


Other sentences within a paragraph relate to the main idea. The final “wrap-up” sentence within a paragraph often reinforces the main idea. The main idea of a passage is important


The final paragraph of an article, story, or essay is normally the restatement of the thesis or main idea. I hope this helped! Brainliest is much appreciated!

A student makes a Venn diagram to compare the functions of carbohydrates and lipids.
Which cellular function of carbohydrates and lipids should be placed in the shared section of
the Venn diagram?
A Hormone prodation
B Structural support of cell walls
C Energy storage
D Catalyst for chemical reactions


Lipids may both store and release energy. Lipids simply expel more quickly. There are numerous systems covered by energy storage technologies, which can be divided into five basic categories:

what are The significance of energy storage

In its most basic form, energy storage enables the saving of electricity at a later time when and place. As a result, the electric grid becomes more efficient and capable, and it can also lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

What type of energy storage is predominant?

The majority of utility-scale power storage in the United States (95%) is provided by pumped-storage hydropower (PSH), making it the most widely used type of energy storage. Pumped-storage hydropower has grown by 2 gigawatts (GW) over the previous ten years, claims the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

To know more about  Energy storage visit:


most common compounds in all organisms?​


Answer: oxygen and hydrogen

Explanation: oxygen is present about 62.8% in all living organisms and the main source is water and atmosphere while hydrogen comprises 9.3% and the main source is water

which statement is correct? which statement is correct? the greater the available surface area the lower the amount of gas exchange during internal respiration. during internal respiration, carbon dioxide is unloaded from the blood. during external respiration, oxygen is unloaded from the blood. during external respiration, equilibrium is reached for o2 when the partial pressure for o2 in the pulmonary capillaries and the alveoli are the same.


When the partial pressure for O2 in the pulmonary capillaries and the alveoli are equal, equilibrium for O2 is established during external breathing.

What role does blood play?

Blood is essential to human life. Without blood, our bodies wouldn't be able to maintain our body temperature, fight infections, or eliminate waste products on our own. They also wouldn't be able to acquire the oxygen and nutrition they require to function.

What is blood composed of?

Plasma and blood cells are the components of your blood. Your body functions normally thanks to the cooperation of its four primary constituents, platelets, red blood cells, white blood cells, and plasma. For your general health, each component is crucial and performs a key function. About 90% of human blood's liquid component, plasma, is water.

To know more about Blood visit:


Are all the molecules in the reactants of photosynthesis converted to products, or are some lost?


Yes all reactants are converted

HELP ASAP. Which description is true regarding fossils and phylogenetic trees of species that have lived on Earth?
O No species are extinct. Therefore, fossils are not needed to create phylogenetic trees.
O A few species are extinct. The fossils of these extinct species can be used to create phylogenetic trees.
Most species are extinct. To classify an extinct organism on a phylogenetic tree, the study of fossils is often required to determine the traits of extinct species.
Some species are extinct. Phylogenetic trees occasionally involve traits of extinct species whose traits require the study of fossils.


Answer: Most species are extinct. To classify an extinct organism on a phylogenetic tree, the study of fossils is often required to determine the traits of extinct species. is the right answer


The growth hormone axis contains at least one example of a negative feedback loop.
True or False


It is true that the growth hormone axis contains at least one example of a negative feedback loop.

Two different kinds of negative feedback loops are involved in controlling the hypothalamus-pituitary axis. Long-loop feedback and short-loop feedback are the two types.

The growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) synthesis and secretion from the hypothalamus are blocked by pituitary hormones in short-loop feedback. This will result in the inhibition of GH secretion.

In long-loop feedback, the release of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) from the endocrine part of the liver blocks the GHRH secretion and synthesis by the anterior pituitary and the hypothalamus. This also thus results in the inhibition of GH secretion.

Therefore, the statement is true.

To know more about the hypothalamus-pituitary axis:


dentify the cranial nerve, which innervates intrinsic and extrinsic tongue muscles. Vagus Facial Glossopharyngeal Hypoglossal Trigeminal


The nerve that provides innervation to the intrinsic and extrinsic tongue muscles is the hypoglossal nerve.

Cranial nerves are nerves that support the function of the five senses and muscle movement by receiving stimuli and conveying information from the brain to be sent to other members of the body to respond. In the cranial nerves there is a type of XII nerve, namely the hypoglossal nerve which is responsible for the muscles in the tongue.

The hypoglossal nerve is located near the meridian line, cranial from the caudal border of the medulla oblongata until it almost reaches the border of the medulla oblongata and the pons. The hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) provides motor innervation to all the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the tongue. There are three extrinsic muscles in the tongue, namely the genloglossus, hypoglossus, and stylogossus which are also intervened by the hypoglossal nerve. The hypoglossal nerve will move the tongue muscles to start moving, swallowing and speaking.

Learn more about hypoglossal nerve at:


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