In Atlantic History, the period 1776-1848 is identified as one in which ideas of a new, liberal order founded on republican principles replaced an older social order organized around the monarchy, the Church, and corporate social structures that categorized people into classes. Examine the “The Age of Andean Insurrection” and the age of Latin American Independence comparatively, explaining how ideals of political change and the replacement of European authorities with native-born authorities changed between the middle of the eighteenth century and the early nineteenth century. What were some common economic and social complaints in the earlier period? How did rebels express their desire for political change during those years? In the later years, how were calls for change different? Which political concepts were most important to those later political actors?


Answer 1


The period 1776-1848 was one of significant political and social change in the Americas. In this period, many parts of the Americas saw a shift from older, monarchical and corporatist systems of governance towards more liberal and republican ideals. This shift was particularly pronounced in the Andean region, where a series of insurrections and independence movements sought to overthrow Spanish colonial rule and establish new, native-born authorities.

During the earlier period of the Age of Andean Insurrection, which roughly corresponds to the middle of the eighteenth century, economic and social complaints were common among the indigenous and mestizo populations of the Andes. These included complaints about the high taxes and forced labor imposed by the Spanish colonial authorities, as well as the lack of political representation and the exclusion of indigenous and mestizo groups from positions of power and influence.

In response to these complaints, rebels in the Andean region often expressed their desire for political change through the use of violence and armed rebellion. For example, the Túpac Amaru II rebellion of 1780-1783 saw indigenous and mestizo rebels take up arms against the Spanish colonial authorities in an attempt to overthrow their rule and establish a more just and equitable society.

During the later period of the age of Latin American Independence, which roughly corresponds to the early nineteenth century, calls for political change continued to be common. However, these calls were often more focused on establishing new, independent nation-states in place of the Spanish colonial authorities. This shift in focus was due in part to the successful independence movements in the United States and Haiti, which served as models for Latin American rebels seeking to break free from European rule.

Political concepts such as popular sovereignty, republicanism, and the natural rights of individuals were important to many of the political actors of the later period. These concepts were often invoked in calls for independence and in the drafting of new, liberal constitutions for the newly independent nations of Latin America.

Overall, the period 1776-1848 was one of significant political and social change in the Americas. In this period, ideas of a new, liberal order based on republican principles replaced older, monarchical and corporatist systems of governance. This shift was particularly pronounced in the Andean region, where a series of insurrections and independence movements sought to overthrow European rule and establish new, native-born authorities.

Answer 2


the period 1776-1848 was one of significant political and social change in the Americas. In this period, ideas of a new, liberal order based on republican principles replaced older, monarchical and corporatist systems of governance. This shift was particularly pronounced in the Andean region, where a series of insurrections and independence movements sought to overthrow European rule and establish new, native-born authorities.


the answer is there in the pic also

In Atlantic History, The Period 1776-1848 Is Identified As One In Which Ideas Of A New, Liberal Order

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Why is this type of storytelling important?

Because he is reactionary.Because it leaves the story unpredictable.Because it stimulates the public.Because it opens up the creativity of writers.

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Which term best completes the title of the diagram?
________ Colonization in the Americas

Sent small numbers of settlers
Were mostly interested in trading with indigenous peoples
Had few major conflicts with native civilizations
A. French
B. Spanish
C. Dutch
D. English ​





they had the least amount of conflict


B. French


I just took the test

Use the excerpt from James Madison's speech to answer the question.

What benefit does Madison propose will be achieved if the Bill of Rights is passed?


Madison had grown to understand the value that citizens placed on these safeguards, the potential educational benefits of enshrining them in the Constitution, and the possibility that doing so may deter the Constitution's opponents from making more significant changes to it.

Why the James Madison was famous?

The Federalist Papers, co-written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison, who served as America's fourth president from 1809 to 1817, significantly aided in the passage of the Constitution. He earned the moniker “Father of the Constitution” in subsequent years.

Therefore, The importance of these protections to citizens, the potential educational advantages of including them in the Constitution.

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you cant have slaves



1: The 15th Amendment, which sought to protect the voting rights of Black men after the Civil War, was adopted into the U.S. Constitution.

2: It prohibits federal and state governments from denying a citizen the right to vote based on race.


Why did Spain not give cuba independence when Spain had control over cuba?



Philippine Islands revolted against Spain. The Cubans gained independence, but the Filipinos did not. In both instances the intervention of the United States was the culminating event.

In 1895 the Cuban patriot and revolutionary, José Martí, resumed the Cuban struggle for freedom that had failed during the Ten Years' War (1868-1878). Cuban juntas provided leadership and funds for the military operations conducted in Cuba. Spain possessed superior numbers of troops, forcing the Cuban generals Máximo Gómez and Antonio Maceo, to wage guerrilla warfare in the hope of exhausting the enemy. Operations began in southeastern Cuba but soon spread westward. The Spanish Conservative Party, led by Antonio Cánovas y Castillo, vowed to suppress the insurrectos, but failed to do so.

The Cuban cause gained increasing support in the United States, leading President Grover Cleveland to press for a settlement, but instead Spain sent General Valeriano Weyler to pacify Cuba. His stern methods, including reconcentration of the civilian population to deny the guerrillas support in the countryside, strengthened U.S. sympathy for the Cubans. President William McKinley then increased pressure on Spain to end the affair, dispatching a new minister to Spain for this purpose. At this juncture an anarchist assassinated Cánovas, and his successor, the leader of the Liberal Party Práxedes Mateo Sagasta, decided to make a grant of autonomy to Cuba and Puerto Rico. The Cuban leadership resisted this measure, convinced that continued armed resistance would lead to independence.

please mark as brainliest

Put the following events in order:

Stamp Act,
Boston Massacre,
Treaty of Paris,
Boston Tea Party,
Townshend Acts,
Declaration of Independence,
Pontiac's Rebellion,
Lexington and Concord,
Proclamation Line of 1763,
Navigation Acts


navigation acts
pontiac’s rebellion
treaty of paris
proclamation of 1763
stamp act
townshend acts
boston massacre
boston tea party
lexington and concord
declaration of independence

Read the excerpt from Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead by Tom Stoppard.

ROS () Eighty-five in a row. Tails?

GUIL Yes! What would you think?

ROS (doubtfully) Well. . . . (Jocularly.) Well, I’d have a good look at your coins for a start!

GUIL (retiring) I’m relieved. At least we can still count on self-interest as a predictable factor. . . . I suppose it’s the last to go. Your capacity for trust made me wonder if perhaps . . . you, alone . . . (He turns on him suddenly, reaches out a hand.) Touch.

Ros clasps his hand. Guil pulls him up to him.

GUIL (more intensely) We have been spinning coins together since—(He releases him almost as violently.) This is not the first time we have spun coins!

Which statement best describes how Guildenstern’s perspective about Rosencrantz develops?

He begins to question Rosencrantz’s character.
He becomes more patient with Rosencrantz.
He becomes more hurt by how Rosencrantz treats him.
He begins to see things from Rosencrantz’s point of view.


The statement which best describes how Guildenstern’s perspective about Rosencrantz develops is A. He begins to question Rosencrantz’s character.

What happens in Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead ?

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are seen spinning coins at the beginning of the play in an unclear setting. The winner puts the coin in his sack because it is called "heads" or "tails" on the coin. Over seventy-six times in a row, the coin has come up heads, and Rosencrantz has won each time.

The more reflective and inquisitive of the two, Guildenstern, is not upset by his defeat but rather tries to mask his dismay at how unlikely the circumstances are. Rosencrantz merely thinks he has broken a record and is not alarmed by the happenings.

From the excerpt, we see that Guildenstern begins to question the character of Rosencrantz such as his self - interest and his trusting nature.

Find out more on  Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead at


art is carved in stone, including giant stone heads



beautifully carved stone heads around the world are geographic and historical landmarks any traveler must see on their itinerary.


or  if thats what your looking for:)

What was the Treaty of Paris 1763 and 1783?


Answer: ended conflict between France and Great Britain for power over north america


studying history check ur understanding




historiography- the writing of history and how it changes over time.dendrochronology- the use of tree rings to establish an absolute date of an object.geography- The scientific study of the features and processes of the Earth.Archaeologist- the study of human history bias- the tendency to do something another way.

Please HELP Me !! History




-Ratification of the Violence Against Women Act

-The introduction of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act

-The passage of the Family and Medical Leave Act

-The introduction of the Equal Rights Amendment

-The repeal of the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy


-The passing of the UN Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women

-The passing of the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

-The passing of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act

-The introduction of the Gender Identity Non-Discrimination Act


-The introduction of the Equality Act

-The introduction of the Paycheck Fairness Act

-The passing of the Affordable Care Act

-The introduction of the Equality Act of 2020

Activists called for:

-Equal pay for equal work

-An end to gender-based discrimination

-Protection against sexual harassment and violence

-Access to reproductive healthcare

-Access to affordable childcare

-Equal rights for LGBTQ+ individuals

-An end to gender stereotypes and gender roles

where does the government get its power



The Constitution, the fundamental legal authority for government in the United States, gives the federal government the power to undertake certain tasks - and assigns all other powers to the state governments.

Why did boethius write the consolation of philosophy


Boethius was at the very heights of power in Rome and was brought down by treachery. It was from this experience he was inspired to write a philosophical book from prison reflecting on how a lord's favour could change so quickly and why friends would turn against him.

the 1974 juvenile justice and delinquency prevention act requires that any state who accepts federal funds through the act must .


The 1974 juvenile justice and delinquency prevention act requires that any state who accepts federal funds through the act for their juvenile justice systems must agree to separate juvenile prisoners from adult prisoners by​ "sight and​ sound" and to​ deinstitutionalize status offenders.

What is a juvenile justice system?

The juvenile justice system means the primary system used to handle minors who are convicted of criminal offenses. It is composed of a federal and separate state, territorial, and local jurisdictions, with states and the federal government sharing sovereign police power under the common authority of the United States Constitution.

This justice system intervenes in delinquent behavior through the police, court, and correctional involvement with the goal of rehabilitation. In conclusion, the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Act of 1974 prohibits the placement of status offenders in secure detention facilities and required that states removed all juveniles from adult jails and lockups, because they can be victimized by other inmates and staff, and subject to abuse.

Read more about juvenile justice


Hudson River School painters saw the untouched, wild American interior as the source of inspiration for a movement of in the American people.

OA. exploration
OB. discovery
O C. settlement
OD. spirituality


Answer: a


they had to find places

Hudson River School painters saw the untouched, wild American interior as the source of inspiration for a movement of in the American people is A. exploration.

What was the Exploration?

Exploration can be described as the historical practice which involves the discovering remote lands this is  studied by geographers and historians.

However the major eras of exploration occurred in human history which is the convergence, and one of divergence, hence with respoect to the Hudson River School painters they were able to see the  untouched, wild American interior as the source of inspiration for a movement which was an exploration.

0Therefore, option A is correct.

Learn more about exploration. at:


what changes occurred on the home front in the united states during world war i?


The availability of wartime factory jobs led half a million African Americans to leave the South and move to northern and western cities for work changes occurred on the home front in the united states during world war I.

What is world war?Faced with the world war empires of England and France, the Germans felt from the beginning that the world was against them. From their point of view, the world war was of such magnitude that it created a sense that the whole world was crumbling - the term World War represented the level of terror unleashed by the conflict.Archduke Franz of Austria His assassination of  Ferdinand (June 28, 1914) was the main trigger for the start of World War I. After the assassination, the following sequence of events occurred.• July 28 – Austria declares war on Serbia.World War I was the first truly global war and had a major impact on the 20th century.Today we remember the horrors of world war, the casualties of millions of soldiers, and the impact it had on the rest of the 20th century. When the war began in 1914, millions of young people were excited to go  to war.

To learn more about world war from the given link :


the british were unlawfully taxing the colonists. the stamp act, tea act and other acts was only the top of the dung heap. the colonists didn't even have representation in the


The settlers were not even represented in the British government. In other words, the settlers have no say in the government. No taxation without representation.

Why was the Stamp Act so important?

The British Parliament passed the Stamp Act to replenish finances after the Seven Years' War with France. A portion of the Stamp Act proceeds are used to maintain several regiments of British soldiers in North America and to maintain peace between Native Americans and settlers.

How did the Stamp Act lead to the American Revolution?

The settlers protested against the Stamp Act and the Residence Act for the same reasons. Both violated the principle of taxation without representation because they withdrew money from Americans without their consent. The settlers rioted against the Stamp Act, forcing nearly all the men sent to enforce it to resign.

Learn more about tea act:


Explain how the Court distinguished different legal standards throughout a woman's pregnancy





i dont want to

Think about what you have learned about the events and people that shaped the Civil Rights Movement. Drag the tiles to the correct locations on the diagram to indicate whether each case expanded or limited rights for African Americans.
Loving v. Virginia
Brown v. Board of Education
Plessy v. Ferguson
Dred Scott v. Sanford


The largest civil rights demonstration in US history, the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, helped the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 come into effect.

Why is it important to learn about the civil rights movement?

Lessons on the civil rights movement can help students develop their critical and civic literacy, understand American history, and connect the past with the present in the fight against racism, segregation, and discrimination.

The Civil Rights Movement had concrete goals and objectives, and it worked to establish civil rights, such as the right to vote, the desegregation of public facilities like schools and transportation, and equal access to other public services. This was one of the movement's major strengths.

Learn more about the Civil Rights Movement here:



Limited Rights: Plessy v Ferguson & Dred Scott v Sandford

Expanded Rights: Loving v Virginia & Brown v BOE


Got 5/5 on the test for edmentum/PLATO

Ancient Egyptian stone funerary figures, such as King Menkaure, were carved to bear the spirit of the deceased into the eternity of the afterlife, known as theSelect one:a. kourosb. ka c. santerosd. Osiris.


The statue of Menkaura and Queen, one of humankind's artistic masterpieces, was being seen for the first time by the modern era. The two characters are side by side and are looking into the abyss. He stands for the pinnacle of royalty and the ideal of the male.

What did the Egyptians of antiquity think happens after death?

The ancient Egyptians had the idea that once they passed away, their spiritual bodies would live on in an afterlife that was quite similar to the physical one. But admission to this afterlife was not assured. Before being allowed entry, the deceased had to navigate a perilous voyage through the underworld and stand before the last judgement.

To know more about Ancient Egyptian stone  click on the link below:


Which of the following is not a belief of John Locke


Answer:. People have the right to get rid of a government when it invades the rights of the


i looked in the book

What was Isaac Newton famous for​



being a inventor hope this is right

He is famous for inventing calculus in the 1660s

Though the penalty for being caught resisting slavery was harsh and violent,
many enslaved people continued to resist by:

A. working with abolitionists.

B. filing court cases.

C. creating secret resistance groups.

D. trying to escape.


Though the penalty for being caught resisting slavery was harsh and violent, many enslaved people continued to resist by: trying to escape. Option D.

What is slavery?

Both the state and the situation of being a slave, who is prohibited from leaving their employer and is viewed as the enslaver's property, are referred to as slavery and enslavement, respectively.

One person was owned by another in the practice of slavery. The majority of the rights typically enjoyed by free people were denied to slaves, who were regarded by law as chattel, or property.

In the 1500s, European settlers introduced a system of slavery to the western hemisphere.

Read more on slavery here:


What did the Proposition 187, approved by Californian voters in 1994, intend?

to deny access to welfare and education to undocumented immigrants

to give illegal immigrants the possibility to become U.S. citizens

to build a wall in hopes of preventing illegal immigration

to organize raids and other activities aimed at deporting all illegals

to give undocumented immigrants a chance to vote



denied illegal immigrants and their children access to welfare and education.


Proposition 187, was approved by Californian voters on November 9, 1994. This anti-immigrant ballot measure barred unauthorized immigrants from using state services like public healthcare and education. The proposition also instructed medical and educational personnel to notify the Immigration or the Attorney General about any individuals suspected of being undocumented. Many claimed that Proposition 187 would single out and profile people who had certain physical characteristics considered to be foreign due to the lack of guidelines on how to recognize if someone was undocumented.

Proposition 187, which encouraged many Californians to see undocumented immigrants as the problem, was adopted during a volatile time of economic hardship.

Cases that can only be tried in federal courts have..
Concurrent Jurisdiction
Original Jurisdiction
Apellate Jurisdiction
Exclusive Jurisdiction


Answer:Courts that try cases are called courts of original jurisdiction. The original jurisdiction courts are the ones that have the ultimate power to hear and try cases that are brought before them, especially first time cases. The courts set the trial hearings for case reviews and pass the judgments that pertain to the complaints.


UCMJ is a set of criminal laws that apply only to


The UCMJ law apply to all active duty people, national guard, and military academic students

How did imperialism lead to WWI? (5-7 sentences).


Imperialism lead to WWI as countries like Britain and France expanded their empires, it resulted in increased tensions among European countries.

How imperialism caused WWWI?

Not only did countries fight each other in World War I, but also empires. While eastern empires like Austria-Hungary and Russia reigned over regions connected by land in Europe and North Asia, western European empires like Great Britain and France possessed colonies elsewhere.

The First World War in turn had a significant impact on the balance of imperial power because it helped set the stage for the rivalries that played out throughout the conflict in Europe for imperial territory. The war ended with a treaty that gave the victorious side the right to Germany's foreign territories, and during or shortly after, the Russian, German, Austrian-Hungarian, and Ottoman empires all fell.

To learn more about WWWI click:


What is one example of a cyberattack within the United States?


The one example of cyberattack was a shortage of gasoline after an energy company.

What do you mean by Cyberattack?

Any action against computer information systems, computer networks, infrastructures, or personal computing devices is referred to as a cyberattack.The goal of a cyber attack is to disable, disrupt, destroy, or take control of a computer system, as well as to change, block, delete, modify, the data stored on it. A cyber attack can be launched by any person or group from any location using one or more different attack tactics.Given their struggles with not knowing what they are doing, most businesses fall in the two to four week range.

To know more about Cyberattack here


What country did the U.S. want to take


Ngl like all of them
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