aita for telling my sister i will no longer be spending time at her house while her friend is around


Answer 1

Aita for telling my sister I will no longer be spending time at her house while her friend is around. I don't think so. NTA.

You're not a bad person if you don't want to hangout around somebody that clearly makes you uncomfortable. Even if it is your sister's friend. You should talk it out with your sister and tell her the whole story about why you don't want to spend time at her house while her friend is around.

You should always take a step for yourself and not let anybody make you feel bad about it. So you are NTA.

To know more about sister click below:


Related Questions

What are the important things needed during Cheerdance competition?


Prepare for competition day by bringing a bag, uniform, makeup, spare clothing, snacks, water, toiletries, and medical supplies. You should also bring money, a phone charger, and games.

Our packing list is a crucial component of competition preparation that shouldn't be disregarded. To ensure that we are fully equipped for a successful day, we must pack for cheer dance day.

We need a backpack that makes our lives a little bit easier, whether our opponent is nearby or thousands of miles away from our home gym.

Double check our bag to make sure we have all the components of our uniform before leaving the house.

Both our hair accessories and makeup are necessary. Keep in mind anything that will help us prepare for the competition day.

Some teams choose to compete in their warm-ups, but it's also a good idea to pack an extra set of clothes.

Keeping fueled and hydrated throughout the day is essential for sustaining energy. Pack plenty of healthy snacks that we can quickly grab along with a water bottle or two.

It's a good idea to pack some toiletries. We can immediately freshen up after a long day of performing.

Bring a first aid kit, or gather some bandages, sports tape, or braces, among other medical materials.

To know more about warm-ups, visit:


What happens when you open your heart to someone?


Answer: You will be heart broken

Explanation: They rip your heart out of your chest and eat it


: to talk in a very open and honest way about one's feelings. He opened his heart (to her) and told her how he really felt. : to begin to be generous and kind.


Is there jealousy in open relationships?


You might think that non-monogamous people don't get jealous, but this isn't true. People in open relationships can (and do) get jealous, too.

It might be challenging to deal with a jealous partner, but compassion and tolerance are crucial. Seek for a method to affirm, listen to, and sympathize with their feelings. Be truthful about your actions and how you could have incited their worries.

What's the point of an open relationship?

Open relationships allow partners to put all their cards on the table. Open relationships also allow non-monogamous people to express their needs and identity without fear. They don't need to hide their crushes or extra-marital relationships, at least to their partner, and this leads to a lot less emotional distress.

Learn more about open relationship to visit this link


Three of the following statements are comma splices. Choose the one correctly punctuated statement that is not a comma splice

a) Coconut water is full of sugar and salt, so it is rumored to have been used during World War as a substitute for blood plasma.

b) Coconut water is full of sugar and salt, as a result, it is rumored to have been used during World War as a substitute for blood plasma .

c.) Coconut water is full of sugar and salt, it is rumored to have been used during World War as a substitute for blood plasma.

d ) Coconut water is full of sugar and salt, therefore, it is rumored to have been used during World War as a substitute for blood plasma.


The one correctly punctuated statement that is not a comma splice is Coconut water is full of sugar and salt, so it is rumored to have been used during World War as a substitute for blood plasma.

What is a sentence?

A sentence can be defined as the part where the phrase and the words are. This often contains a subject and a predicate. For a sentence, it needs to be grammatically correct. Also, there should be proper punctuation marks that are needed in a sentence.

In this sentence, the comma place is correctly used. Sugar and salt will be used together but after that, there will be a comma will be used. This would be the correct punctuation mark that is being used

Learn more about sentence, here:


Which is a universal symbol of love?


The heart is known as the pure symbol of love.

Love is an intense, deep affection for another man or woman. Love is also a manner to sense this intense affection for someone. Love can also discuss with a robust like for something or to love something lots.

Our golden rule for love is: “Do unto others as they might have you do unto them.” rather than treating our partner as we would really like to be dealt with, we want to deal with them as they want to be dealt with.

In that spirit, we have one more wrong gender assumption you can throw out. Contrary to popular perception, girls don't fall in love quickly.

Learn more about Love


Read the excerpt of the following poem.

"Reflections on the State of Mind" By Olaudah Equiano

Well may I say my life has been
One scene of sorrow and of pain;
From early days I griefs have known,
And as I grew my griefs have grown:

Dangers were always in my path;
And fear of wrath, and sometimes death;
While pale dejection in me reign'd
I often wept, by grief constrain'd.

When taken from my native land,
By an unjust and cruel band,
How did uncommon dread prevail!
My sighs no more I could conceal.

'To ease my mind I often strove,
And tried my trouble to remove:
I sung, and utter'd sighs between—
Assay'd to stifle guilt with sin.

In the line And as I grew my griefs have grown, this is an example of what device?

A. Rhyme
B. Imagery
C. Alliteration
D. Consonance


In the line "And as I grew my griefs have grown", this is an example of C) Alliteration.

What is alliteration?

Consonant sounds in two or more nearby words or syllables are repeated in alliteration. Usually, the first or initial sounds are repeated—as in "seven sisters"—but it's also typical for non-initial stressed or accented syllables to repeat certain sounds, as in "appear and report." Although it is frequently used in poetry, alliteration can also be found in songs, raps, speeches, and other types of literature.

In the line "And as I grew my griefs have grown", this is an example of C) Alliteration.

To find out more about alliteration, check out:


Read the subject of the sentence, and then choose the best way to end the sentence using correct subject/verb agreement.

The daughters of Mr. Lowrey
is saving money for new rackets.
enjoys the British Open.
was excited by the crowed.
love to play tennis.



D. love to play tennis.


Daughters is the subject, which is plural

is, enjoys, and was are all singular verbs

love is a plural verb

which ages are the most critical for speech development during the preschool years? select all that apply


Answer: 3 and 4


What are the 7 types of text features?


All parts of narrative or article that aren't the primary text body are referred to as text features. Table of contents, index, glossary, headers, bolded words, sidebars, photos and captions, and labelled diagrams are a few examples of these.

About text features

Text Features are portions of a text that don't always exist in the text's main body. Text features, which make it simpler for readers to discover specific information inside the text, are frequently employed in nonfiction works like those that deal with science or social sciences.

The index, table of contents, captions beneath images or diagrams, glossary terms, labels or characteristics of graphs and charts, and bolded phrases are the nonfiction text aspects that are most frequently used.

To know more about text features:


Is it better to leave skin on potatoes?


Yes. To get all the nutrients from russet potatoes, eat the skin. In comparison to the potato's inside, the skin contains more nutrients. It has a lot of fiber, with the skin accounting for nearly half of the fiber in a medium potato.

While the bulk (> 50%) of the nutrients are located within the potato itself, the skin does include around half of the entire amount of dietary fiber. When the skin is removed, fiber is the only nutrient that is considerably diminished. The flesh of the potato is where you'll find the majority of the potassium and vitamin C.

The same is true with your potatoes: According to Brown, potato skins have far higher levels of calcium and iron than the starchy vegetable itself yet just half as much fiber, an important component that keeps you feeling full. Simply give them.

To learn more about skin please click on below link


Discuss the emotions created by the imagery in this poem. Choose at least two different images and discuss the emotions they create and how you believe they do so.

The Poem:
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: “Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear—
‘My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!’
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”


Ozymandias” is a sonnet written with the aid of using the English Romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley. Shelley wrote “Ozymandias” in 1817 as a part of a poetry contest with a pal and had it posted in The Examiner in 1818 beneath the pen call Glirastes.

The required details for Ozymandias in given paragraph

The title “Ozymandias” refers to an exchange call of the historical Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II. In the poem, Shelley describes a crumbling statue of Ozymandias as a manner to painting the transience of political electricity and to reward art’s capacity to hold the past. Although the poem is a 14-line sonnet, it breaks from the standard sonnet culture in each its shape and rhyme scheme, a tactic that displays Shelley’s hobby in hard conventions, each political and poetic. "Ozymandias" is a sonnet written with the aid of using the English Romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792–1822). It changed into first posted within side the eleven January 1818 trouble of The Examiner of London. The poem changed into blanketed the subsequent 12 months in Shelley's collection Rosalind and Helen, A Modern Eclogue; with Other Poems, and in a posthumous compilation of his poems posted in 1826.

Shelley wrote the poem in pleasant opposition together along with his buddy and fellow poet Horace Smith (1779–1849), who additionally wrote a sonnet at the equal subject matter with the equal title.

To know about Ozymandias click here


What is the impact of massive online?


On the other hand, MOOC courses let us learn and study at our own speed. Some trainings can be started at any time, while others do have a start date. This kind of education aims to provide us the flexibility to manage our time, allowing us to study whenever suits us best, day or night.

What effects do massive open online courses have on society?

A suitable MOOC integration in higher education can help make better use of instructional time. On the other hand, they can also provide conventional students and lifelong learners with flexible learning opportunities. Repurposing MOOCs offered by other schools can make the educational offer more affordable.

Learn more about massive online to visit this link


Which New Deal program was most effective and why?


Administration for Work Progress (1935) The Emergency Relief Appropriations Act gave birth to the WPA, which was the biggest of all the New Deal organizations.

Millions of jobless people were hired back by the government to work mostly on building and road construction projects.

In many respects, the Social Security Act of the same year, which provided security for people who are approaching old age with a self-supporting plan for retirement pensions, was one of the most significant New Deal initiatives. But there were also other reform initiatives.

When Roosevelt was elected president in 1932, there were 15 million jobless people; by 1939, there were still around 10 million.

This, in the opinion of many historians, proves that the New Deal did not end the Great Depression. However, it instilled courage in individuals.

Learn more about to New Deal program visit here;


What is their Roman name in The Odyssey Greek God


Their Roman name in The Odyssey Greek God Ulysses, the Roman Name for Odysseus.

What is Roman known for?

Roman-related image The ancient Romans were a people renowned for their military, political, and social institutions who also built highways, and aqueducts, and spread Latin, their language, throughout much of Europe and northern Africa.

In Greek mythology, Odysseus, the King of Ithaca and head of the Kephallenians, was the son of Laertes and Antikleia (or Anticlea). He was married to Penelope and had a son named Telemachos (or Telemachus). The hero also had the good fortune to routinely benefit from the goddess Athena's unique assistance and protection.

Therefore, The Roman name in The Odyssey Greek God Ulysses,

Learn more about Roman here:


Do mandated reporters have the right to know the outcome in PA?


The mandated reporter will be required to provide the county's children's and the Information is available from youth agencies.

A mandated reporter is required to call the Police department in the city where the incident passed off immediately or as soon as is attainable. Flip in a written file inside 48 hours to the Police department in the city where the incident took place.

Beneath what conditions as mandated reporter ought to report. Country law offers one among three solutions: suspicion of abuse and overlook, affordable motive to believe, and affordable cause to suspect.

Illinois regulation protects the identification of all mandated newshounds and offers them immunity from liability as a result of right faith reports. however, any mandated reporter who fails to document an example of toddler abuse or overlook commits a crime and may be prosecuted.

Learn more about mandated reporter here:-


What are common verbs followed by gerunds give 5 examples?


Describe a gerund. The noun form of a verb with the ending -ing is known as a gerund. Taking play, dancing, and eating as examples.

Since they are accustomed to seeing that form as the continuous/progressive form of the verb (e.g., "she is eating," "they were dancing," etc.), pupils immediately find this puzzling.

A gerund can be the subject of the sentence (for example, "Running is his favorite activity. "), the direct object (for example, "He enjoys running. "), the indirect object (for example, "He made running a priority. "), or the object of a preposition (for example, "Besides running, he likes camping. In a sentence, a gerund can be employed as the subject, the direct object, or the indirect object. It serves as a noun in this situation. It may also be used.

To learn more about gerund please click on below link


What are the three forms of premarital sex?


Our sample of young women's premarital sexual behaviours is broken down into three categories: sexual relations immediately before marriage; sexual relations in a committed relationship with an eye toward future marriage; and sexual relations outside of a committed relationship.

Premarital sex has a number of negative effects, including the possibility of pregnancy, abortion, uterine damage, school abandonment, and marriages that follow. The survey identified poverty, peer pressure, dr-ug use, dru-nkenness, and poverty as premarital sex inducers.

The terms youthful sex, adolescent sex, young-adult sex, non-marital sex (which is the same as adultery), and young-adult sex have also been used to describe premarital sex. These statements are fairly confusing because everyone has a different idea of what having sex means.

To know more about Premarital sex:


What text feature does the passage include?
a. This biographical egg hunt now becomes a more
extensive exercise in digging up details. b. Formulating factual questions is one step: c. knowing just how much information you need is another critical aspect of successful research.


The section uses a text feature called callout. The phrase that best describes the purpose of this text element is that it emphasizes significant information.

This refers to the use of words—such as call out, repeat, etc.—to draw attention to anything in a literary work. As a result, it is clear from the paragraph that the narrative describes how the biographical exercise develops into a lengthy task and makes use of a text feature called a callout to highlight key points. Understanding the visual narrative's norm helped me better understand the importance of ceremony (and its unfortunate side) for the characters. A vision quest can be an entry-level ritual for the native peoples of North and South America. It´s implied to realize a state that delivers particular information from their spirits.

Learn more about Callout here:


match each verb mood to its correct definition. match term definition conditional mood a) explains why something happens, will happen, might happen, or would have happened imperative mood b) issues a command, demand, or strong suggestion indicative mood c) presents facts or actions that are happening subjunctive mood d) reflects things that haven't yet happened, are doubtful, or are based on imagination


Conditional moods explain why something occurs, will occur, might occur, or would have occurred.

Describe a verb?

Imperative moods give orders or make strong suggestions. Indicative moods show facts or actions that are happening. Subjunctive moods reflect events that haven't yet occurred, are speculative, or are based on imagination.

A) Indicative Mood: Indicative mood expresses facts or actions that are happening. It is used to make declarative or indicative statements, which are not a direct command, demand or suggestion. For example, "I am going to the store."

B) Imperative Mood: Imperative mood is used to issue a command, demand, or strong suggestion. It is used to make requests or give instructions. For example, "Please bring me a soda."

C) Conditional Mood: Conditional mood is used to explain why something happens, will happen, might happen, or would have happened. It is used to express conditions that are uncertain or hypothetical. For example, "If I had the money, I would buy a new car."

D) Subjunctive Mood: Subjunctive mood reflects things that haven't yet happened, are doubtful, or are based on imagination. It is used to express wishes, hopes, or possibilities. For example, "I wish I had more time."

To learn more about verb refer to:


Answer: C, A, B, D


What does God say about kissing before marriage?


The Bible does not expressly forbid petting between 2 unwed individuals. A Christian couple that's geological dating with the thought of a wedding or is engaged does not essentially sin because they share a kiss in a manner that retains their purity.

Ultimately, deciding to kiss before the wedding could be a personal call between you, God, and the person you're geological dating. If there are doubts, convictions, or temptations to try and do a lot of, it is best to follow wherever God guides you and wait to kiss till you're married.

Kissing and romancing during a relationship isn't a sin; it's simply great and welcomes quiet communication. It's as we tend to specific love. Sex and once depends on culture and customs, and morals. However, it belongs to life and zip dangerously once it's not abused as in sex.

To learn more about quiet communication, visit here


In Act III, which is MOST CLEARLY a reason Macbeth fears Banquo?a. Banquo wants to steal the crown away from him.b. Banquo want to kill him.c. Banquo has stayed loyal to the true king.d. Banquo has virtues that make him a fearsome rival.


Banquo has virtues that make him a fearsome rival is most clearly a reason Macbeth fears Banquo. Therefore option D is correct.

What is an Act?A play's act is made up of components like increasing action, climax, and resolution. A curtain, a blackout, or a brief stage emptying separates one scene from the next and often symbolizes events occurring in one location at one time.To be more precise, the exposition, which provides information and sets up the remainder of the tale, is one of the aspects that gives a play its storyline and divides it into acts. The inciting occurrence, which kicks off all the subsequent actions, is another component. Along with the triggering event, the play's central dramatic question develops and serves as the play's anchor. Complications dominate the play and alter the action for the most part.Modern plays frequently just feature one level of structure, which the author may refer to as scenes or acts at their discretion. Some authors even do away with clear boundaries completely. The separation between acts has more to do with the piece's overall dramatic structure than with the fact that successive scenes are often isolated from one another in time or space.

To learn more about Act refer to:


What part of Luke 10:25–37 from the Bible represents allegory?

25 And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?

26 He said unto him, What is written in the law? how readest thou?

27 And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.

28 And he said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live.

29 But he, willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbour?

30 And Jesus answering said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead.

31 And by chance there came down a certain priest that way: and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side.

32 And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side.

33 But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him,

34 And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.

35 And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee.

36 Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?

37 And he said, He that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.

Use textual evidence to explain your reasoning.


The part of Luke 10:25–37 rom the Bible that represents allegory is option Chapter 25b, and verse 30-  35. The eternal life in the verse is Jesus Christ.  And In verse 30-  35, you see the way a neighbor is been described.

What is a simple definition of allegory?

The term allegory is seen as a form of  a fictional story that uses symbolic imagery to convey a message that is not always clear from the text. Fable, parable, and apologue are all examples of kinds of allegory. Allegory may have significance on two or more levels that the reader may only comprehend through an interpretative process.

Note that by looking at the scripture above, it tells about loving your neighbor as yourself: The Work of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) In the Parable of the Good Samaritan, the idea of God's supply through human work is prolonged.

Therefore, the story used to demonstrate how we should "love our neighbors as ourselves" is the parable of the Good Samaritan. Our ability to sincerely love our neighbors is put to the test when they most need it, like the man on the street.

Learn more about allegory from

What are the 3 core capabilities that span all mission areas?


Observe that three capabilities—planning, public information & warning, and operational coordination—cross all five of the mission areas when we start to examine the fundamental competencies that make up the five mission areas.

About planning

Thinking about the steps necessary to accomplish a goal is the process of planning. Foresight, the fundamental ability for mental time travel, is the foundation of planning. The ability to plan ahead and exhibit foresight is assumed to have evolved early in the course of human evolution. An essential characteristic of intelligent conduct is planning. It entails applying logic and creativity to visualise both the desired outcome and the processes required to get there. Planning's link to forecasting is a crucial factor. Planning envisions what the future may look like while forecasting attempts to anticipate what it will look like.

To know more about planning:


Select all of the correct answers.
How does the dialogue between Tom and Ben impact the passage as a whole?
The dialogue reveals Tom's plan to get others to do his work.
The dialogue reveals that Tom really does prefer whitewashing to going swimming.
It foreshadows that Aunt Polly will find out about Tom's plan and discipline him.
It creates tension between Tom and Ben that will only be resolved when Tom hands Ben his brush.
It sets up a flashback to an earlier time when Tom was content.


Considering the entire text, how the conversation between Tom and Ben affects the paragraph as It causes friction between Tom and Ben, which won't be eased until Tom gives Ben his brush. Hence,  option D is correct.

What is the meaning of conversation?

Conversation is two or more persons engaging in interactive communication. Socialization is crucial for the growth of communication abilities and manners.

Language learning and teaching frequently centre on the improvement of conversational abilities in a second language.

Therefore, option D is correct.

Learn more about conversation from here:


The Westing Game
What lessons were learned? What evidence supports your conclusion?

Answer Plan: What to do:

1. Identify at least three lessons learned by the heirs.
2. State at least one example to support your conclusion for each lesson learned.
3. Write a concluding sentence.
pls actually help


The three lesson and conclusion is given below:

Lesson One: Perseverance is key to success. Evidence: The heirs were determined to solve the Westing game even when all the clues seemed to be pointing nowhere. They kept working together and eventually figured out the mystery.

Lesson Two: Teamwork is essential. Evidence: The heirs were only able to solve the Westing game because they worked together. Even when they argued, they still relied on one another to help piece together the clues.

Lesson Three: Everyone has a role to play. Evidence: Even though some of the heirs didn't have as much knowledge as others, they still found ways to contribute to the investigation. For example, Turtle was the one who finally solved the clue from the newspaper.

In conclusion, the Westing game taught the heirs valuable lessons about perseverance, teamwork, and the importance of everyone playing a role.

What is lesson?
A lesson is a unit of instruction, typically consisting of a presentation by a teacher, followed by student practice and feedback. Lessons can be used to teach a variety of subjects and skills, from language and literature to mathematics and science. Lessons are typically planned in advance and can include activities such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking. They often involve the use of visual media, such as charts, graphs, and images. Lessons can be adapted to different student needs and interests, and should be designed to ensure that students are engaged and challenged.

To learn more about lesson





it’s a Religious holiday

What are you saying change the voice?


The change in the voice would be "What was being said by you?"

The subject affects the verb when a statement is in the active voice. Certain modifications occur when an active voice statement is changed to a passive voice sentence. When speaking in the passive voice, the verb's action is taken by the subject. The aforementioned modifications occur when the supplied sentence is converted.To emphasize the action and downplay the significance of the topic, the passive voice is utilized. a target for the action. The inquiring action in the previous line is, "What are you talking about?" The passive voice is written as though someone is challenging the other person's activity. The passive voice foretells the action.

Hence the correct answer is "What was being said by you?"

Refer here to learn more about voice:


Write a letter report on a naming ceremony that look place in your family a few weeks ago


Note that this is an informal letter. The sample requested is given below.

Dear Family,

I am writing to you all to share details of the wonderful naming ceremony that took place in our family a few weeks ago.

This ceremony was full of joy and happiness. We were all so excited to welcome our newest family member, and the event was a great success.

The ceremony began with a prayer of thanksgiving, followed by a reading of the baby’s name. The baby was then placed in the arms of a family member, where a blessing was said over him. We also held a small celebration, with food and drinks for everyone.

It was a beautiful and meaningful event that we will all remember for years to come. Our new family member is certainly a blessing to us all, and we are so thankful for this special occasion.


[Your Name]

What is an informal letter?

Informal letters are intimate messages you send to friends and relatives to share news about your life and to express your sympathies.

An informal letter is typically addressed to a member of the family, a close friend, or a close acquaintance. In an informal letter, the wording is informal and private.

Learn more about informal letters:

Why did the poet use alliteration in the poem?


Alliteration is frequently used in poetry because it has a pleasant tone. It's a technique for grabbing readers' or listeners' attention. Additionally, it's an obvious method to indicate that perhaps the alliterative words are connected thematically and it highlights the theme of the passage.

In order to make "The Legend of the Northland" poetic, the poet uses alliteration. Alliteration is the practise of starting successive words with the same sound in order to create an auditory pulse that will give a piece of writing a lulling, poetic, and/or emotive effect. Additionally, it may be utilised to emphasise points and provide rhythm, which improves context recall.

To know more about Alliteration:


Type of question is worded in a way that sways the respondent toward one side of an argument is called?


Type of question is worded in a way that sways the respondent toward one side of an argument is called leading.

A respondent is someone who is asked to respond to the communication of another person. Law, survey methodology, and psychological conditioning are all examples of where the term is used. A researcher or research team will conduct respondent interviews by asking individuals questions about their opinions or experiences with a specific activity or event.

Panel respondents have the advantage of being chosen from a pool of people who have agreed to participate in market research surveys, which means they typically have higher engagement and a good response rate because respondents choose to participate in the research.

To know more about the respondent, click here.


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