How do you predict a number?


Answer 1

Without letting me know, choose a number and then indicate the card or cards that it appears on.

I'll tell you the number you're thinking of!

Simply look at the top left corner of the cards and add the numbers (4 + 1), for instance, if someone chooses the number 5 and points to the two cards it appears on.

Any math lesson can benefit from the energy and amazement that math magic tricks bring to the subject. You can present them to kids as problem-solving exercises and give them the task of demystifying them so they become useful exercises for fostering critical thinking abilities. THOANs are perhaps the easiest to start with (Think Of A Number).


"How can I predict the next number in a non-obvious sequence?"

To know more about chemistry, visit;


Related Questions

What is the appropriate order of steps when responding to a hazardous material release?


Rescue, Confine, Report, Secure, Cleaning  is the appropriate order of steps when responding to a hazardous material release

The basic processes for responding to hazardous material spills include:

RESCUE - Evacuate the vicinity of the spill. Include the usage of safety showers and eyewashes in your aid. Once thoroughly decontaminated, seek immediate medical attention.

CONFINE - Confine the spill area by shutting the doors closest to it. Isolate infected individuals and forbid them from leaving or spreading the infection. Cover drains to avoid environmental contamination.

REPORT - Report the spill immediately to the relevant emergency response office, as detailed below in the material-specific spill cleaning protocols. Provide details on wounded personnel, the sort of hazardous substance spilled, the approximate amount, and the location.

SECURE - Ensure no one approaches the spill location until emergency response workers arrive by securing the area until their arrival. If the location has many entries, make careful to station someone at each one to prevent admission.

Cleaning - Only trained individuals with the proper training, protective equipment, and cleanup supplies may do cleanup. Depending on the form and extent of the spill, skilled department or laboratory personnel may be able to clean it up as described below. Otherwise, emergency response personnel are accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

To know more about protocols click on the below link:


How many DNA molecules would there be after four rounds of PCR if the initial reaction mixture contained two molecules?


There would be 16 DNA molecules after four rounds of PCR if the initial reaction mixture contained two molecules.

An Analysis of Four Rounds of PCR with an Initial Mixture of Two DNA Molecules

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a powerful technique used to amplify a specific region of DNA. It is a technique that involves the repeated cycles of denaturing, annealing, and extending DNA strands. The initial reaction mixture contains two DNA molecules.

During each cycle of PCR, the DNA molecules are replicated, resulting in a doubling of the amount of DNA. Therefore, after four rounds of PCR, the initial two molecules would be multiplied by two four times, resulting in a total of 16 DNA molecules.

Learn more about DNA:


using postulates of kinetic molecular theory, select the statement(s) that correctly describe(s) the assumptions used to define an ideal gas as distinct from a real gas. multiple select question. the actual volume of the gas particles is negligible compared to the container volume. gas particles are separated by relatively large distances. gas particles do not exert attractive or repulsive forces on one another.


Following are the KMT's five central tenets: The particles in a gas are constantly moving at random speeds, their total volume is tiny, they do not interact with one another physically, and their collisions are entirely elastic.

The kinetic molecular theory has how many postulates?

Gases will depart from the ideal gas law when the Kinetic Molecular Theory's five postulates fail, and there are five postulates in total.

What are the eight tenets of the gas kinetic theory?

The relationship between a gas particle's average kinetic energy and temperature is direct. The speed at which the gas molecules move rises with temperature.

To know more about kinetic theory visit:-


You are given a compound with the formula mcl2, in which m is a metal. You are told that the metal ion has 27 electrons. What is the identity of the metal?.


The metallic ion that has 27 electrons and that when united with chlorine forms CoCl2 is cobalt.

The number of electrons is equal to the number of protons

In a neutral atom, the number of electrons will be equal to the number of protons, so the number of electrons can be easily determined from the atomic number.

In this case, the metal ion has 27 electrons.

And since electrons = protons (P+)

And since Z (atomic number) is equal to P+



And in the periodic table the element with Z equal to 27 is cobalt

And the compound that would be forming would be CoCl2

Learn more about metal compounds at


What type of bond is CH2O polar or nonpolar?



a polar compound.


This is because of the unbalanced electron density.

how are molecules, compounds, and pure substances related?




The reason they are all related is because the ionic bond between them is very strong.

A compound is formed when at least two different elements combine to form a pure substance.

What is the bonding activity between phosphorus and chlorine?


The bond formed between phosphorus and chlorine will be Covalent Bond.

Both phosphorous and chlorine are located on the right side of the periodic table where nonmetals are located.

This means both elements are nonmetals with lower electronegativity gap,

So will form a covalent bond.

Covalent Bond: A covalent bond consists of the mutual sharing of one or more pairs of electrons between two atoms.

A covalent bond is formed when the electronegativity difference of two atoms is too small for an electron transfer to occur to form ions.

The electronegativity difference between two atoms determines how polar a bond will be.

In a diatomic molecule with two identical atoms, there is no difference in electronegativity, so the bond is nonpolar or pure covalent.

In this case, chlorine is more electronegative than that of Phosphorous, making it polar covalent bond.

To know more about Chemical Bonds:







When light rays parallel to the principal axis are incident on the convex lens, they are converged at the focus. This can be demonstrated using the following figure. Since the rays converge, the image formed is point-size, which is highly diminished.

what is the naming rule for PtS2?


Platinum sulfide.............

a reaction vessel contains equal masses of solid magnesium metal and oxygen gas. the mixture is ignited and burns with a burst of light and heat, producing solid mgo. the mass of the mgo is less than the initial mass of the magnesium and oxygen. what is your explanation for this apparent loss of mass?


Because not all of the oxygen was reacted, there appears to be a mass loss.

Solid MgO is produced from the simultaneous combustion of solid magnesium metal and oxygen gas, which burns with a flash of light and heat. The initial masses of magnesium and oxygen added together are less than MgO.

Magnesium oxide is created when oxygen and magnesium interact. After burning, it transforms into a white magnesium oxide powder. Magnesium and oxygen react to produce a light powerful enough to momentarily impair your vision. Magnesium burns so brilliantly because it produces a lot of heat while doing so. This powder is produced by magnesium transferring two electrons to oxygen atoms. It is an exothermic process.

2Mg + O2 → 2MgO is a prime illustration of an oxidation and combination process.

To learn more about magnesium click here


The Dutch scientist Johannes van der Waals developed a useful equation to predict the behavior of real gases. In the van der Waals equation, what are the constants a and b, respectively?
a. a is a measure of how strongly the gas molecules attract one another, and b is a measure of the finite volume occupied by the molecules.
b. a is a measure of the random motion of gas molecules, and b is a measure of the volume of the container.
c. a is a measure of the finite volume occupied by the molecules, and b is a measure of how strongly the gas molecules attract one another.
d. a is a measure of the molecular mass of the gas molecules, and b is a measure of the finite volume occupied by the molecules.




The higher the value of a, the greater the attraction between molecules and the more easily the gas will compress.

The b term represents the excluded volume of the gas or the volume occupied by the gas particles.

when a narrow diameter glass tube is inserted into a body of water, water rises in the tube and its surface inside is concave upwards. which statement, concerning the strength of the intermolecular forces between glass and water molecules compared to those between water molecules, is accurate?


The statement that is true is 4 which says, the forces of attraction between the glass and water are stronger than those in water.

Statement 4) is accurate as the force of attraction between the water and walls of glass vessel i.e. adhesion of water to the walls of the glass Vessel causes an upward force on water at the edges and results in meniscus

( Concave shaped ) which turns upward and this adhesive force dominates the cohesive  forces within the water. Surface tension is the phenomenon behind this shape.

Therefore, statement 4 is the correct choice.

To learn more about force check the link below:


which is the smallest of the subatomic particles? group of answer choices isotope neutron electron proton


The electrons are both smaller and lighter than protons and neutrons.

What is sub atomic particles ?

Anything that is smaller than an atom is referred to as a subatomic particle. Typically, protons, electrons, and neutrons can be used to break down an atom into its three subatomic components.

What is electron?

It is possible for an electron to be free or bound to an atom,There are three main types of particles in an atom: protons, neutrons, and an electron that is bonded to an atom. The nucleus of an atom is composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons.

One electron, proton, and neutron are each made of several quarks. However, when it comes to chemistry, electrons are both smaller and lighter than protons and neutrons.

Therefore, the electrons are both smaller and lighter than protons and neutrons.

Learn more about sub atomic particles from the given link.


draw the sulfur‑containing product of the oxidation reaction between two 2‑methyl‑1‑propanethiol molecules.


The sulfur‑containing product of the oxidation reaction between two 2‑methyl‑1‑propanethiol2‑methyl‑1‑propanethiol molecules is as follows :

H- C(CH₃)₂ - CH₂ - S - S - CH₂ - C(CH₃)₂ - H

The thiols are one of the important functional groups. The sulfur‑containing product of the oxidation reaction between two 2‑methyl‑1‑propanethiol molecules, the reaction is given is as follows :

2 H - C(CH₃)₂ - CH₂ - SH  --> H- C(CH₃)₂ - CH₂ - S - S - CH₂ - C(CH₃)₂ - H

2‑methyl‑1‑propanethiol                 di-isobutyl disulfide

The 2 molecules of the 2‑methyl‑1‑propanethiol will undergo the oxidation reaction and for the product named as  di-isobutyl disulfide.

To learn more about oxidation here


two reactions and their equilibrium constants are given. calculate the value of the equilibrium constant for the reaction


The value of the equilibrium constant for the reaction is 12.0.

Reaction 1: A + B ⇌ C + D

Equilibrium Constant (K1): 4.0

Reaction 2: C + D ⇌ E + F

Equilibrium Constant (K2): 3.0

Equilibrium Constant for the overall reaction (A + B ⇌ E + F): K1 x K2 = 4.0 x 3.0 = 12.0

The equilibrium constant is a measure of the strength of an equilibrium reaction. It is a ratio of the concentrations of the products to the concentrations of the reactants at equilibrium. The value of the equilibrium constant can be used to determine the direction of the reaction and the magnitude of the shift in equilibrium. Additionally, the equilibrium constant can be used to calculate the equilibrium concentrations of the reactants and products.


Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and oxygen (O2) gas reacting to form nitrogen monoxide (NO) and oxygen (O2)

The reaction for this is 2NO2 + O2 → 2NO + O2 and the equilibrium constant for this reaction is Kc = [NO]2[O2]/[NO2]2. This reaction is an example of a redox reaction, where the oxidation state of nitrogen is reduced from +4 to +2 by the oxygen molecules. The equilibrium constant indicates the amount of product (NO) that will be formed at equilibrium. If the concentration of NO2 is increased, then more NO will be formed until the equilibrium is reached.

To know more about  equilibrium constant:


An organic compound that is distilled from wood has a molar mass of 32.04 g/mol. its composition by mass is 37.5% carbon, 12.6% hydrogen, and 49.9% oxygen. Draw the Lewis structure of this compound.


The compound has SP3 hybridization and total of 14 valence electrons in its shell. we found this from the Lewis structure.

Distilled from wood Molar mass of organic compound is 32.04g/mole.

molar mass of carbon is 12 g/mole.

molar mass of hydrogen is 1g/mole.

molar mass of oxygen is 16g/mole.

The composition of organic compound by its mass is  37.5% carbon, 12.6% hydrogen, and 49.9% oxygen.

so, we can calculate the number of mole.

so, number of moles of C is, 37.5/ 12 = 3.13

     number of moles of H is 12.6 / 1 = 12.6

     number of moles of O is 49.9/ 16= 3.12

The molar ratio of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen is ,

C : H : O = 3.13 : 12.6 : 3.12

                =1 : 4 : 1

So from this we found the empirical formula. The empirical formula of compound is CH4O.

valence electron of c is, 4.

valence electron of H is 4

valence electron of O is 6.

so the total valence electron is 14.

Form this we can draw the Lewis structure. A Lewis Structure is a very simplified representation of the valence shell electrons in a molecule. It is used to show how the electrons are arranged around individual atoms in a molecule. Electrons are shown as "dots" or for bonding electrons as a line between the two atoms. This have SP3 hybridization.

To learn more about Lewis structure please visit:


What is the amount of charge on a calcium ion if its neutral atom has lost two valence electrons?


2+ charge is the amount of charge on a calcium ion if its neutral atom has lost two valence electrons.

What is Charge?

Wave energy that travels longitudinally is charge. The relationship between mass and charge may be reduced to a single energy equation, which is shown on this page in classical form. Coulombs may be explained as wave amplitude, which is measured as a distance, to connect mass and charge (meters).

The physical characteristic of matter that allows it to feel a force when exposed to an electromagnetic field is called electric charge.

The two types of electric charges that protons and electrons most frequently carry are positive and negative charges.

Charge movement is what produces energy.

The energy generated by the charge might be thermal, chemical, or electrical energy, depending on the environment or atmosphere in which it is put.

Learn more about Charge from given link


Which molecular orbital has zero nodes, contributes to bonding, and has nonzero electron density directly along the internuclear axis?


A π orbital has zero nodes contributed to bonding and it has non zero electron density localized on both sides of plane.

A completely antibonding molecular orbital has at least one node perpendicular to the internuclear axis while a completely bonding molecular orbital has no nodes (regions of zero electron probability) perpendicular to the internuclear axis. The internuclear axis is the center of symmetry for a sigma orbital (bonding) or a sigma star (*) orbital (antibonding). All cross-sections that are perpendicular to that axis are therefore circular.

A nodal plane that houses the nuclei is present in both a pi orbital (bonding) and a pi star (*) orbital (antibonding), and electron density is localized on both sides of the plane.

To know more about molecular orbital theory, please refer:


complete the overall reaction catalyzed by the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. move the compounds and cofactors to the correct answer blanks. two terms will not be used.___ + ____ + ____ arrow _____ + _____ H+ + CO3a. CoAb. acetylcoAc. NADHd. NAD+e. ADPf. ATPg. Pyruvate


The pyruvate dehydrogenase complex catalyzes the overall process of pyruvate + CoA + NAD+ ---> acetyl CoA + NADH.

Dehydrogenase is utilized where?

Dehydrogenases are a class of enzymes that operate as biological catalysts in oxido-reduction reactions by eliminating hydrogen atoms (H) rather than oxygen (O). It is a flexible enzyme in the electron transfer chain or the respiratory chain route.

The function of glucose dehydrogenase:

In the presence of cofactors such nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), FAD, or pyrroloquinoline quinone, GDH catalyzes the oxidation of glucose (PQQ). NADH is a product of GDH that can be detected by chromogenic, coulometric, or amperometric techniques.

Therefore, the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex catalyzes the overall process of pyruvate + CoA + NAD+ ---> acetyl CoA + NADH.

To know more about dehydrogenase, refer:


Does phosphorus or chlorine have a higher electronegativity?


According to a periodic table with electronegativity values, phosphorus (P) and chlorine (Cl) have electronegativity values of 2.2 and 3.2, respectively. As a result, the electrons with negative charges will be drawn toward the Cl atom.

Electronegativity is a measure of an atom's ability to attract shared electrons to itself. Electronegativity on the periodic table typically rises from left to right across a period and falls as you move down a group. As a result, on the periodic table, the most electronegative elements are located on the top right and the least electronegative ones are located on the bottom left.

To know more about Electronegativity, visit;


What does a half-life of 30 minutes mean?


A half-life of 30 minutes after the drug administration, 25 mg of the drug remains in the body.

In radioactivity, the half-life is the period of time needed for half of a radioactive sample's atomic nuclei to spontaneously decay (convert into different nuclear species by emitting particles and energy) or, more precisely, the period of time needed for a radioactive material's rate of disintegrations per second to decrease by half. An example of a radioactive isotope with a long half-life is cobalt-60, which is utilised in radiotherapy. A sample that contained 8 g of cobalt-60 when it was first prepared would now only contain 4 g of the metal after that time period, and it would produce half as much radiation. The sample would only contain 2 g of cobalt-60 after an additional 5.26-year delay

Learn more about  half-life here:


What is the STP in 1 mole of a gas in the volume of the container?



STP stands for Standard Temperature Pressure.  1 mole of any gas at STP is 22.4 liters.


The phrasing of the question makes it difficult to understand what is being sought.  Given no additional information, the important concept in the gas laws is the fact that 1 mole of any gas occupies the same volume:  22.4 liters (L).  This makes a very usefil conversion factor of 22.4L/mole.  The gas laws allow the calculation of moles even at non-standard pressure and temperature conditions.  The combined gas law will produce a revised volume at STP from conditions other than STP.  Then the moles of gas can be found with this conversion factor.

If a number in scientific notation has a POSITIVE exponent, the number in standard form will have


Positive exponent means bigger number

Negative exponent is smaller -  means that its in the denominator.

[tex]2^{2} = 4[/tex]

[tex]2^{-2} =\frac{1}{2^2} = \frac{1}{4}[/tex]

suppose that daniel has a 3.00 l bottle that contains a mixture of o2 , n2 , and co2 under a total pressure of 4.90 atm. he knows that the mixture contains 0.250 mol n2 and that the partial pressure of co2 is 0.250 atm. if the temperature is 273 k, what is the partial pressure of o2 ?


The partial pressure of O2 in bottle with 3L that contains mixture of O2 , N2 and CO2 under a total pressure of 4.9 atm is 2.53 atm.

The total moles of gas present can be calculated using the ideal gas law as follows:

PV = nRT

PV/RT is equal to n = (4.90 atm)(3.00 L)/(0.0821 Latm/Kmol) (273K)

gas at n = 0.656 moles

Find the N2 pressure:

Mole fraction of N2 is equal to 0.270 mol/0.656 mol, or 0.412.

N2 pressure is equal to 0.412 x 4.90 x the mole fraction of total pressure, or 2.02 atm.

We can now get the partial pressure O2 since total pressure = pressure O2 + pressure N2 + pressure CO2.

4.90 atm minus 2.02 atm minus 0.350 atm equals 2.53 atm.

For more information on ideal gas kindly visit to


(the following problems involve using the gas laws.) 1. a 7.89 liter sample of gas has a pressure of 850 torr. what volume will it occupy if the pressure is changed to 457 torr? (760 torr


The changed pressure according to Charles law is 14.723l.

What is Charles law ?

Charles' law asserts that a gas's volume is equal to a constant number times the temperature of that gas, as determined by the Kelvin scale (zero Kelvin corresponds to -273.15 degrees Celsius).

What is pressure ?

The SI unit for pressure, the pascal (Pa), which equals one newton per square metre (N/m2) of surface area, is the measure of pressure. An object's pressure is inversely proportional to its area under which it is being forced and is directly proportional to the force it generates.

PV= nrT


so, P1 V1/ T1 = P2 V2/T2

=P1 V1 = P2V2 (Boyles law)

data given,

V1= 7.89l

P1= 850 for r

P2= 457 for r

V2 = ?


V2=850*7.89/457= 14.6750l

According to the charles law

V propotional to T

V1/T1 = V2/T2

=6.50/298= V2/675


Therefore, the changed pressure according to Charles law is 14.723l.

Learn more about Charles law from the given link.


Does bromine react with calcium?


Yes, Bromine reacts with Calcium to form Calcium dibromide. Calcium dibromide is a calcium salt.

Calcium Bromide formula, is also known as Calcium Dibromide formula or Calcium Bromatum formula. Calcium Bromide is formed by one calcium atom and two bromine atoms. The molecular or chemical formula of Calcium Bromide is CaBr2.

In its anhydrous form, it anhydrous is hygro-scopic colorless crystals sharp saline taste. It is soluble in water and alco-hol. It is produced by reacting calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and calcium oxide with hydrobromic acid (HBr).

Or it is made by reacting calcium metal with elemental bromine. It is widely used as a dense aqueous solution for dr-illing fluids. Also, it has a wide application in as neurose-s medication, food preservatives, freezing mixtures, fire reta-rdants, and in photography.

To learn more about Calcium dibromide visit:


List the cell organelles and describe their functions



Nucleus - Stores the DNA of the cell, and is the main control center of the cell.Ribosomes - Performs protein synthesis.Endoplasmic Reticulum - Stores calcium and performs protein synthesis.Mitochondria - Converts energy from food into energy the cell can use.Golgi Apparatus - Transports proteins around the body.Chloroplast - Only found in plant cells - Produce energy through photosynthesis.Cytoplasm - Keeps other organelles secure and helps to transport things around the cell.

(Everything except the chloroplast is found in both plant and animal cells.)

please help i do not know how to do ​





The correct option is 4) Zero

The correct answer is Zero :)

The physical state of a reactant or product will affect the enthalpy of reaction in a thermochemical equation.a. Trueb. False


The physical state of a reactant or product will affect the enthalpy of reaction in a thermochemical equation. a) True

The enthalpy of the reaction can be defined as the for the chemical reaction the enthalpy is the difference in between the total molar enthalpies of the reactant and the total molar enthalpies of the product. the enthalpy is the state function. the enthalpy of the reaction is depends on the following factor :

masses of the reacting substancephysical states of the reactant and the product.

Thus, the enthalpy of the reaction is depends on the physical state of the reactant or the product of the reaction.

To learn more about enthalpy here


Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions estion 2 of 3 1 2 3 Summary A student observed that when sodium hydroxide was dissolved in water, the temperature of the water increased. What should the student conclude about the dissolving of sodium hydroxide? a. It is exothermic b. It produces a salt solution c. It is endothermic d. It produces an acid solution


According to the student's conclusion, sodium hydroxide dissolves exothermically. An inorganic substance having the formula NaOH is sodium hydroxide, sometimes referred to as lye and caustic soda.

sodium hydroxide  and hydroxide anions make up this white solid ionic combination. An extremely caustic base and alkali is sodium hydroxide. Chemical reactions that release energy in the form of heat or light are known as exothermic reactions. The distinction between endothermic and exothermic reactions. Simply put, endothermic reactions take up heat-based energy from their surroundings. While the exothermic process releases energy from the system into the environment. In a system that is adiabatic (i.e. a system that does not exchange heat with the surroundings).

Learn more about sodium hydroxide here


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