the birth and growth of the church in acts reveals god’s plan to take the gospel to the world as an extension of the jewish messianic hope from its beginning in jewish jerusalem to the heart of the gentile world in rome. t or f


Answer 1

The birth and growth of the church in acts reveals god’s plan to take the gospel to the world as an extension of the Jewish messianic hope from its beginning in Jewish Jerusalem to the heart of the gentile world in rome. This statement is true.

What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the birth of the church?

In the Christian church, the day came to be known as Pentecost and was commemorated as the "birthday of the Church." The "Acts of the Apostles," a book in the New Testament that recounts the history of the early church and begins with this incident, was written at the end of the first century by the author of the Gospel of Luke.

To know more about birth and growth of the church, refer:


Related Questions

How did religious beliefs and divine beings guide the behavior of people in this civilization?


The use of religious beliefs and divine people guided the behavior of people in a civilization by saying that they were the ones appointed by god. So by the ruler saying that it means that if people upset the king/emperor they're basically upsetting god. This made people weary of what they did or said about the ruler.

true or false: individuals who sustain a disability as a result of violence or illegal activity often experience social isolation and/or limited opportunities.


Individuals who maintain a disability due to violence or illegal activity regularly experience social isolation and/or constrained possibilities for employment discrimination.

A disability refers to non-public obstacles which are of good-sized drawback to the man or woman whilst trying to function in society. A disability needs to be taken into consideration in the context of the man or woman's environmental and personal factors, and the want for individualized support.

An character with a disability is defined by using the ADA as a person who has a physical or intellectual impairment that drastically limits one or extra main life sports, a person who has a history or document of such an impairment, or someone who is perceived by others as having such an impairment.

Learn more about disability here


A specific territory or zone that has laws and regulations different from the rest of the country is called a(n) ?
A. work zone
B. border zone
C. tax-free zone
D. economic zone


A specific territory or zone that has laws and regulations different from the rest of the country is called an economic zone.

What are the benefits of economic zones?

A special economic zone is a region with separate business and trade laws from the rest of the nation. SEZs are located inside a nation's boundaries, and their objectives include improving the trade balance, employment, increased investment, job creation, and efficient administration.

A coastal nation has control over both living and nonliving resources inside its "exclusive economic zone," or "EEZ," which is a portion of the ocean that typically extends 200 nautical miles beyond its territorial sea. Benefits that can trickle down to states that host prosperous SEZs include: A high-performing zone with significant foreign investment can generate thousands of jobs while enhancing the skills of the local workforce as international investors share their knowledge and resources.

To learn more about special economic zone, visit:


according to dr. sandra collins, what are the three major types of factors which cause conflicts?


Relationship conflict. A relationship conflict is a struggle, disagreement, argument or debate that takes place between two people within a relationship. ...
Task conflict. Task conflict concerns disagreements about the nature of work to be done. ...
Process conflict.

Do get out the vote calls reduce turnout?


voter turnout The proportion of the population that is of voting age "voting age population turnout", the percentage of those who are eligible to vote "voting eligible population turnout", and the percentage of registered voters.

registered voter turnout are all ways to estimate voter turnout. voter turnout It is simple to mix together these many voter participation metrics and draw false conclusions about the general state of our democracy. This is particularly true when contrasting turnout between and other vote or the population of voting age which tend to measure voter turnout in terms of registered voters). Read Fair Vote's Voter turnout.

learn more about voter turnout  here:


according to experimental research on the immediate effects of media violence on aggression, what is not true?


A violent film is more likely to lead to aggression when the viewer does not identify as strongly with the perpetrator of violence in the film.

Before proceeding, it is important to define two terms clearly: media violence and violent behavior. Different people have used different definitions of these terms at different times. For this review, we define media violence as visual portrayals of acts of physical aggression by one human against another. This definition of media violence does not include off-screen poisonings that might be implied, but rather it refers to visually portrayed physically aggressive acts by one person against another. This definition has evolved as theories about the effects of media violence have evolved and represents an attempt to describe the kind of violent media presentation that is most likely to teach the viewer to be more violent.

To know more about Violence visit


the fundamental attribution error is a default attribution that all people make.


True, The fundamental attribution error is indeed a default attribution that all people make.

What is the short definition of a fundamental attribution error?

The fundamental attribution fallacy describes a person's propensity to attribute another person's behavior to their personality or character while attributing their own behavior to outside, uncontrollable situational conditions. This fundamental attribution error is indeed the propensity for people to prioritize personal traits over contextual ones when evaluating the actions of others. We frequently assume that other people's actions are terrible because they are bad individuals, which is a fundamental attribution fallacy.

Which could be a case of the basic attribution mistake?

Participants may be making a fundamental attribution error if they attribute personality qualities to a person's actions (for instance, "that individual is clumsy") despite the presence of obvious environmental causes that could account for the behavior.

To learn more about fundamental attribution error visit:


which action would best create social conditions that lead people to preserve the environment without thinking much about it?


Building a more convenient and affordable form of public transportation.

A good transportation system is fast and frequent. One way to achieve this is to create dedicated bus lanes to avoid congestion. Bus-only lanes can double or even triple the speed of buses, with more than four times the number of passengers per hour than regular lanes.

To know more about transportation , visit:-


what is an example of a corporation responding to activism and the movement for ethical consumption?


Nike's 2018 Just Do It campaign featured American civil rights activist and former football quarterback Colin Kapaernick, who had previously faced criticism for kneeling during the playing of the national anthem at the start of NFL games in protest of police brutality and racial inequality. T

his was one of the most well-known (and contentious) political and social stances in recent years. While Nike's stock price originally dropped 3%, it immediately recovered to outperform the S&P 500, and the sportswear company's online sales increased 31% in the four days after the campaign's premiere. The company then announced an anti-racism campaign in May 2020 and committed a sizable sum of money to support Black community initiatives.

Learn more about Nike here


major depressive disorder is often ________, meaning its symptoms are typically present at their full magnitude for a certain period of time and then gradually abate.


Major depressive disorder is often episodic, meaning its symptoms are typically present at their full magnitude for a certain period of time and then gradually abate.

What is a Depressive Disorder?

Feeling sad or melancholy for weeks or months at a period (feeling sad, empty, hopeless, or seeming crying to others) is one of the distinguishing signs of major depressive illness, as is loss of interest and pleasure in typical activities.

In addition to feeling unbearably miserable for most of the day, persons suffering from depression will lose interest or enjoyment in formerly pleasurable activities such as pastimes, sports, sex, social events, time spent with their family, and so on.

Friends and family members may note that the individual has entirely abandoned formerly cherished interests; for example, a tennis enthusiast who gets severe depressive illness may stop playing tennis.

Learn more about Depressive Disorders:

Question 5: What caused the tragic conditions at Andersonville prisoner
of war camp during the Civil War?
Write your answer here:



the answered is starvation and disease


the didn't have enough food for prisoners

shortly after learning that he did not make it onto his high school football team, alex vandalized the team's locker room and broke several of the school's windows. his behavior is best explained in terms of:


A type of school where individuals go to develop practical life skills is a high school. Children attend high school after middle school in a three-tiered structure like the one used in the United States ("junior high").

At age 11, students in a two-party system, like that of the United Kingdom, transition from primary to secondary education. [1]In the United States, a high school is a school that students typically attend from the ages of approximately 14–15 to approximately 17–18 for grades 9–12. Additionally, it is the final institution that the law requires the student to attend. However, pupils that exhibit excessively problematic behavior

learn more about   high school   here:


what might be required of a job candidate today that would not have been necessary 20 years ago?


Today, a job applicant may be forced to complete a self-guided video interview, which was not necessary 20 years ago.

How would you define an interview?

In colloquial terms, a "interview" is a one-on-one conversation between an interviewer and then an interviewee. When the employer asks questions, the client frequently responds with facts. That information might be used or communicated to other audiences immediately or later.

What makes the interview important?

The interview provides the employer with the opportunity to determine how an applicant's skills, experience, and character match the needs of the position. A candidate's likelihood of fitting into the workplace culture is also determined, which helps the business.

To know more about interview visit:


according to section 6 of the act, who besides the legal enslaver of a fugitive from slavery had the authority to apprehend a person escaping enslavement?


Passed on the New Style calendar month 18, 1850, by Congress, The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 was a district of the Compromise of 1850. The act required that slaves return to their owners, tho' they were in a {very} every free state.

The Fugitive Slave Act or Fugitive Slave Law was elapsed in the u. s. Congress on Sept 18, 1850, as a part of the Compromise of 1850 between Southern interests in slavery and Northern Free-Soilers. The Act was one of the foremost debatable elements of the 1850 compromise and heightened Northern fears of a slave power conspiracy. It needed that each loose slave, upon capture, comes back to the slaver that officers and voters of free states had to cooperate.

Abolitionists nicknamed it the "Bloodhound Bill", once the dogs that were accustomed hunt people fleeing from slavery page required. The Act contributed to the growing polarization of the country over the matter of slavery and was one of the factors that LED to the Civil War.

Learn more about Fugitive Slave Act here:


Which of these resulted from the exonerations of the separate wrongful 1986 convictions of timothy cole and michael morton?
a. A state-level advisory panel recommended reforms.
b. Compensation was increased for wrongfully convicted and imprisoned individuals.
c. Information collected by prosecutors in discovery must be made available to the defense.
d. A prosecuting attorney was criminally convicted for actions leading to wrongful conviction.
e. Eyewitness testimony and lie detector tests were banned as evidence in serious criminal trials.


Option C. Information collected by prosecutors in discovery must be made available to the defense.

The exoneration of Timothy Cole and Michael Morton resulted in the recommendation that information collected by prosecutors in discovery must be made available to the defense.

What resulted from the exoneration of Timothy Cole and Michael Morton in 1986?

The exoneration of Timothy Cole and Michael Morton brought to light the need for criminal justice reform. These cases highlighted the importance of ensuring that information collected by prosecutors in discovery is made available to the defense. This recommendation was made by a state-level advisory panel in order to prevent wrongful convictions and to ensure that justice is served.

The panel also recommended increased compensation for wrongfully convicted and imprisoned individuals, but did not recommend banning eyewitness testimony or lie detector tests as evidence in serious criminal trials. Lastly, a prosecuting attorney was not criminally convicted for actions leading to wrongful conviction in either of these cases.

Learn more about criminal justice:


liam is relaxed and laid back. he does not stress over things. liam manifests a_____personality.


Liam is relaxed and laid back. he does not stress over things. liam manifests a type B personality.

What is a type B personality?

There are a number of qualities that define the Type B personality. This personality type is typically more relaxed and adaptable.

Generally speaking, type B personalities are laid-back, easygoing, and extremely adaptable. Generally speaking, as compared to Type A personalities, they have a far more carefree approach and larger philosophical picture of themselves, prioritize work/life balance, and possess other attributes that make them less stressed and more admired. People of type B typically adopt a considerably more relaxed attitude.

Read more on personality here:


5. Gabrielle, the owner of an apartment building, claimed that Antonio, one of her tenant, did not pay rent for ix month. She aid Antonio owed her $4,800. The cae wa heard before a court in Georgia. After both ide preented their argument, the judge rendered a verdict in favor of Antonio becaue Gabrielle could not produce a contract tating the amount owed. Gabrielle filed an appeal of the deciion becaue he believed the judge ruled incorrectly


It's possible that Gabrielle's appeal may be denied.

What will happen if Gabrielle's appeal is rejected?

Whether you get money, a physical item, services, or a rental property, signed documentation is necessary. Furthermore, billing statements are evidence that you owe money. These documents are recognised by courts as evidence of transactional activity. Rental businesses must abide by this as well. As evidence that Antonio owed money for his rent, Gabrielle ought to have handed him a signed billing statement. In addition, the billing statement should be signed by Antonio to show that he received it and is aware of his responsibilities. These, together with receipts, might be shown in court and would considerably strengthen Gabrielle's argument that Antonio is not making payments.

What is meant by a final appeal?

Most appeals are dismissed. Unless the court of appeals sends the case back to the trial court for additional procedures or the parties seek the U.S. Supreme Court to consider the case, the court of appeals' ruling normally represents the last word in the matter.

To know more about Gabrielle's appeal visit:


paul is always the first one to object to any group proposal. what role is paul most likely playing?


Paul is always the first one to object to any group proposal. Deviates, the role is Paul most likely playing.

What is group?

The term group refers to the two or more people are the involved on the particular activity. A group is an involved of the person are the based on the informal group. It was the people are to enjoy the person to the another person company.

A person deviates if he or prefers an activity that is not socially received or that a majority does not promote. The deviates mean the opposite of the group unity.

Learn more about on group, here:


on which solution do u.s. policymakers typically focus when trying to address the challenges faced by single parents?


The correct answer to this question is Option D. United States policymakers typically focus promoting marriage when trying to address the challenges faced by single parents.

The state has engaged in a variety of activities to support marriage, including toughening divorce rules and providing free community marital education seminars. States are currently acting as testing grounds for marriage-supportive policies.

The various ways in which they do is by donating or developing public awareness campaigns emphasizing the importance of marriage to children and society, as well as paying for or offering tax incentives for groups that offer marital counseling.

Their challenge is to strike a balance between promoting marriage for children's welfare and the right of people to raise their children anyway they see fit.

The question is incomplete. The complete question is:

On which solution do United States policymakers typically focus when trying to address the challenges faced by single parents?

A. universal health care

B. school-based social programs

C. affordable housing

D. promoting marriage

To know more about promoting marriages, click here:


Each of the following events result in a tax payment. which is an example of an indirect tax?
a. Jimmy buys his fiancé an engagement ring at a local jewelry store.
b. Sara inherits her grandfather's home and property upon his death.
c. Mr. Smith's hardware store earned its biggest profit this year to date.
d. Mrs. Jones saves each year for the property taxes owed on her horse farm.


The following situations all involve paying taxes. This serves as an illustration of an indirect tax. In a nearby jewelry shop, Jimmy purchases an engagement ring for his fiancée.

What are the three different events?

What categories do events fall under? Corporate, private, and charitable events can all be categorised separately. While private gatherings are more leisurely and fundraising events are for altruism, corporate events emphasize businesses and clients.

What constitutes simple events?

Simple occurrences are those in which a single experiment is conducted at a period and results in a single conclusion. P(E), when E is the event, stands for the likelihood of simple events. The range of the probability is 0 to 1. For instance, throwing a coin

To know more about events visit:


which factor is directly correlated to a positive emotional bond between an infant/child and their caregiver? which factor is directly correlated to a positive emotional bond between an infant/child and their caregiver? conservation familiarity imprinting egocentrism stranger anxiety


The element closely linked to a strong emotional connection between a baby or young child and their caregiver is conservation familiarity. Option (a) is correct.

Babies that have stable attachments to their caregivers tend to be those whose caregivers are continuously present, attentive to their infant's signs, and open and accepting of their pain. An infant or young child and their primary caregiver form a close, enduring emotional tie known as attachment. In response to stress, newborns intuitively look for proximity to and comfort from a preferred or primary caregiver, according to the attachment theory developed by John Bowlby.

Baby's emotional connection to a parent or other caregiver is known as attachment. In situations where newborns exhibit a need for attention, comfort, support, or security, it is defined as a pattern of emotional and behavioral interaction that develops over time. In order for the system to develop without sacrificing its quality, the team working on it must keep the same level of expertise with it. Maintaining a thorough grasp of the system is essential if we are to be able to adapt to any forces of change that may be present and make changes effectively.

Learn more about caregiver visit:


Correct Question:

which factor is directly correlated to a positive emotional bond between an infant/child and their caregiver?


1. conservation familiarity

2. imprinting

3. egocentrism stranger

4. anxiety

In general, _____ tends to give rise to a strong sense of purpose, values, morals, and ethics.


In general, Spirituality typically fosters a strong sense of mission, values, morality, and ethics.

Spirituality is the acceptance of a sensation, sense, or conviction that transcends oneself, that there is more to being human than what is perceived with the senses, and that the larger total of which we are a part is cosmic or divine in nature. In their timeless wisdom, the shamans, healers, sages, and wisdom keepers of all eras, all continents, and all peoples assert that there are three components to human spirituality: relationships, values, and life purpose.

The word "ethics" comes from the Greek word "ethos," which means "usual" or "conventional." Good work habits and doing what is right are the foundation of ethics. It offers broad principles for appropriate conduct for everyone—individuals, groups, and organizations as a whole. Ethics establishes what is right or wrong and helps people make moral decisions. It sets rules on how people behave and conduct themselves at work. It is one of the characteristics of a well-run business.

Learn more about ethics visit:


in the stanford prison study, male college students agreed to participate in a two-week experiment to discover what would happen when they took on the roles of prisoners and guards. the researchers found that


A psychological test known as the Stanford prison experiment (SPE) was carried out in the summer of 1971. A two-week simulation of a jail setting was used to study how situational factors affected participants'

responses and actions. Philip Zimbardo, a psychology professor at Stanford University, oversaw the research group that carried out the investigation. [1]An advertisement in the local media offering $15 per day to male students who were interested in taking part in a "psychological study of jail life" was used to enlist participants from the neighborhood. Following evaluations of their psychological stability, volunteers were selected, and either prisoners or prison guards were assigned to them at random. [2] The efficacy of these techniques has been criticized.

learn more about Stanford prison  here:


Does self-esteem predict academic success? are conservatives more authoritarian than progressives? do agreeable people have healthier relationships? these kinds of questions are of most interest to?


According to research on self-esteem, shown that self-esteem can affect many areas of life, including academic and professional success. Yes, conservatives desire security, predictability and authority more than progressives do.Yes, because agreeable people was kind of people who will avoid conflict and easy to satisfies in their relationship.These kinds of questions are of most interest to dimensions of personality.

What are the 5 dimensions of personality?In some research, they classified traits into five dimensions are, openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.Self-esteem is how we value and perceive ourselves, it has three dimensions: self-worth, self-efficacy, and authenticity. Also, self-esteem is strongly rooted in basic dimensions of personality.Conservatives and progressives brain might be so difference. On conservatives people they desire security, predictability and authority more than progressives do, and they more comfortable with novelty, nuance and complexity.

Learn more about dimensions of personality here:


the average member of congress is a 60-year-old, white male of christian background with a college education and better than average personal wealth. a. trueb. false


Answer: True


which of the following is the best method for examining the mentalis muscle? group of answer choices a. circular compression b. digital palpation c. indirect vision d. auscultation


Indirect vision is the best method for examining the mentalis muscle. So, the correct answer is option c.

At the end of the chin, there is a pair of muscles called the mentalis. It serves as the lower lip's main muscle. The mentalis extends vertically from the lower lip to the bottom portion of the chin and arises from the mandible (lower jaw). For the lower lip to pout, this muscle gives it stability.

Together, these muscles shape face emotions involving the lips, chin, and cheeks. The mentalis muscle lifts, everts, and protrudes the lower lip while wrinkling the chin's skin to convey uncertainty and contempt. Patients with upper incisor protrusion or incompetent lips are more likely to have the mentalis muscle present. This muscle hyperfunction results from it.

To know more about Mentalis muscle visit:


Pls help me this is due to today in my next band i am shivering I need to get this done the last part at the bottom cause and effect



I'm sorry I can't see it enlarge the pic please if you resend it I can solve your question


according to the elaboration likelihood model, the two main determinants of a listener’s willingness to engage in elaborating on the message are __________and _________.


According to the elaboration likelihood model, the two main determinants of a listener’s willingness to engage in elaborating on the message are motivation and ability.

What is motivation, in your opinion?

The word "motive"—which refers to a person's needs, wants, or urges—is the source of the concept of motivation. Getting others to behave in order to accomplish a goal is the process of inspiring them. Money desires may be among the psychological factors influencing people's behavior in relation to career objectives.

What drives motivation, exactly?

Clearly state this: Motivation is fueled by happy feelings. You are responsible for making that decision. Nothing, absolutely nothing, hinders people's motivation and ability to achieve their goals more than their ability to hold onto unfavorable feelings or a negative outlook while doing so.

To know more about Motivation visit:


which of the following is true of the freudian theory of personality? group of answer choices it is universally accepted by contemporary psychologists. it states that personality is largely set by the time one reaches adolescence. it is based almost entirely on lower-class austrian men. it helps predict how an adult will display certain developmental difficulties.


The true statement about the Freudian theory of personality is that it states that personality is largely set by the time one reaches adolescence. The Option B is correct.

What is the Freudian theory of personality?

According to Sigmund Freud, the human personality is complex and has more than a single component. In his psychoanalytic theory, he states that personality is composed of three elements known as the id, the ego, and the superego. All these elements work together to create complex human behaviors.1

Each component of personality adds its own unique contribution to personality and the three interact in ways that have a powerful influence on an individual. Each element of personality emerges at different points in life.

His theory states that certain aspects of personality are more primal and might pressure you to act upon your most basic urges. Other parts of personality work to counteract these urges and strive to make you conform to the demands of reality.

Read more about Freudian theory of personality


organizations created to collect and distribute contributions to political campaigns are referred to as


organizations created to collect and distribute contributions to political campaigns are referred to as Federal Election Commission (FEC),

The independent regulatory organisation in charge of executing and administering the federal campaign finance legislation is known as the Federal Election Commission (FEC). The FEC is in charge of overseeing campaign financing for the U.S. House, Senate, Presidency, and Vice Presidency.

Providing openness and equitably enforcing and administering federal campaign finance laws are the primary goals of the FEC, which was established with the intention of safeguarding the integrity of the federal campaign finance system.

To know more about Federal Election Commission


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