somatic symptom disorder is characterized by physical symptoms a. that are based on false perceptions of hallucinations. b. that are intermittent but progressive in nature. c. that do not have an underlying medical cause. d. that are induced in order to obtain sympathy and concern.


Answer 1

Physical symptoms associated with somatic symptom disorder are sporadic but progress in nature. The right response is (b).

When a person concentrates heavily on physical symptoms, such as pain, weakness, or shortness of breath, to the point where it causes considerable distress and/or functional difficulties, it is determined that the person has somatic symptom disorder. In relation to the physical symptoms, the person exhibits excessive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Somatic symptom disorder symptoms might include either more specific ones, such pain or shortness of breath, or more general ones, like weakness or exhaustion. Somatization disorder, undifferentiated somatoform disorder, hypochondriasis, conversion disorder, pain disorder, body dysmorphic disorder, and unspecified somatoform disorder are among them. Family doctors face difficulties treating these diseases because they frequently put patients through severe emotional distress.

Learn more about somatic symptom visit:


Related Questions

if a patient is having trouble with periods of mania followed by depression, what medication might a psychiatrist prescribe?


This is an example of nutritional psychology: a psychiatrist provides medication for depression while also advising the patient to exercise and consume fewer processed foods.

Is it feeding or nutritious?

Although the terms nutritious and nutritive have the same meaning, they have different applications. Both comments mean "nourishing" or "providing healthy nourishment," but as you'll notice from the instances below, nutritional is generally used in a more particular or scientific way while nutritious is more commonly used in a more general sense.

Why is nutrition so crucial?

A nutritious diet supports normal growth, development, and aging, helps people maintain a healthy body mass, and lowers their chance of developing chronic diseases, all of which contribute to overall health and wellbeing.

To know more about nutritious visit:


As the complexity of a network increases, the possibility of security breaches decreases.a. Trueb. False


As the complexity of a network increases, the possibility of security breaches decreases is a false statement.

Network complexity is known to be a term that connote the series of nodes and alternative paths that is said to often exist inside of a computer network.

A network is seen to be complex due to the nature of its functions as it is known to be often multipurpose in nature.

It is one that is seen as the different kinds  of communication media, communications equipment, as well as the protocols, hardware and software applications that can be located in the network.

Therefore, As the complexity of a network increases, the possibility of security breaches decreases is a false statement.

Learn more about security breaches from


What led Henry Ford's success as an entrepreneur Brainly?


Henry Ford, an American businessman and business tycoon who founded the Ford Motor Company and was a key proponent of the assembly line method of mass manufacturing,

Henry Ford lived from July 30, 1863, to April 7, 1947. He transformed the vehicle from a costly luxury into an affordable mode of transportation, which had a significant impact on the 20th century's landscape, by developing the first car that middle-class Americans could purchase.His invention of the Ford Model T vehicle transformed both American manufacturing and transportation. He rose to become one of the richest and most well-known people in the world as the owner of Ford Motor Company. "Fordism" is credited to him.

learn more about Henry Ford   here:


Answer: uh B i think


why do humans tend to mate in long-term, committed relationships? human infants do not need much care, leaving time for the parents to reproduce more often. human infants are born helpless and need years of nurturing and protection. humans are genetically predisposed to experience love only once. psychological feelings of love remain stable over one's lifetime.


humans tend to long-term mating , committed relationship because human infants are born helpless and need years of nurturing and protection.

Long-term mating is a key adaptation strategy that addresses the issue of investing in children (Quinlan & Quinlan, 2007). Human infants need more care from their parents than do other great apes (Kaplan, Hill, Lancaster, & Hurtado, 2000). In contrast to chimpanzees who become net producers as early as age 5, children in all societies do not become net producers until they are at least 15 years old. Additionally, parental investment continues through support like grandparental investment long after children start their reproductive lives (Hrdy, 1999). Finally, humans frequently rear multiple children at once, multiplying the investment required at any one time. These excessive demands appear difficult to meet alone. In fact, a child whose father dies places such a drain on a group's resources that occasionally a decision is made to kill a child whose only support comes from the mother (Hill & Hurtado, 1996). According to certain theories, bonded long-term partners acting as parents were the answer to addressing the high resource demands of human children.

Given the high needs of human parental investment, the significance of parental support is obvious. Close relatives, older children, or other working partners can also invest in youngsters (Sear & Coall, 2011). Long-term partners must have been able to offer unique advantages in child rearing for parental investment to have driven the development of long-term mating rather than other cooperative relationships.

Long-Term Mating Using the Public Goods Model 9 ARTICLE IN PROCESS

Reduced conflicts of interest, mutual facilitation of investment, and complementarity of investments are the three main variables that enable partners to be particularly good sources of parental investment, according to a public goods analysis of long-term mating.

To know more about Long-Term Mating:


according to personality researchers, the predictive power of traits will reveal itself when we...


According to personality researchers, the predictive power of traits will reveal itself when individuals are in specific situations or contexts.

This means that individual traits, such as introversion or extroversion, can help predict how a person may behave or respond in certain situations. For example, an individual who is highly extroverted may be more likely to enjoy and seek out social situations, while an individual who is highly introverted may prefer more solitary activities. However, it is important to note that individual traits do not determine behavior in all situations, and other factors, such as a person's environment and experiences, can also play a role in how they behave.

Learn more about Personality here:


the americans with disabilities act formally recognized substance abuse and dependence as a disability. true false


The statement is true. The Americans with Disabilities Act formally recognized substance abuse and dependence as a disability.

A civil rights statute known as the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) forbids discrimination based on a person's handicap. It gives Americans with disabilities the same protections from discrimination as the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which outlawed discrimination based on race, religion, gender, national origin, and other factors. Later, it outlawed discrimination based on sensual orientation and gender identity as well. The ADA also imposes accessibility requirements on public accommodations, unlike the Civil Rights Act, and mandates that covered firms make reasonable accommodations to employees with disabilities.

Learn more about Americans with Disabilities Act here:


Which areas of the world are least impacted by popular culture? list out three different regions and explain your reasoning and explain two factors that might have led to that.


The least varied nations in the world include Argentina, the Comoros, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Rwanda, and Uruguay.

With so many Germans and Italians moving to Argentina after one world war or another, it could come as a surprise. But in Argentina, where 97% of the population is white and more than 90% of people identify as Roman Catholic, Spanish is almost commonly spoken. The idea of cultural diversity is distinct from the idea of ethnic diversity. Because Goren's cultural diversity metric incorporates language and ethnicity profiles of a country, the globe map based on ethnic diversity differs slightly from the one based on cultural diversity.

To know more about cultural diversity:


edward bernays, a pioneer in the field of public relations, used the theories of his uncle, sigmund freud, to conclude that:


edward bernays, a pioneer in the field of public relations, used the theories of his uncle, sigmund freud, to conclude that: bacon and eggs was the true all-American breakfast.

That was changed by Edward Bernays, a pioneer in public relations. Bernays used the ideas of his Uncle Sigmund Freud to help the public understand that the true all-American breakfast was bacon and eggs.

To know more about Edward Bernays visit


moana is attending a yoga class for the first time. after noticing that everyone is seated on their yoga mats with their socks and shoes removed, she takes off her socks and shoes and sits down on her yoga mat. moana's behavior is being guided by:


Moana's behavior is guided by normative influence.

It's also essential for non-public and social selection-making and the capacity to learn from our errors. Our ability to make judgments and allow our emotions to help in choice-making is mediated with the aid of this place of the brain.

Trademarks, or the attraction to good judgment, manner to appeal to the audiences' sense of cause or good judgment. to apply logos, the writer makes transparent, logical connections among ideas, and consists of the use of statistics and records. Using ancient and literal analogies to make a logical argument is another approach.

Learn more about normative influence here:


grant is planning a study for his second-year project in college. he plans to collect data on dreams, asking college students to write down as much as they can remember about a recent dream they had. as he designs the study, grant needs to consider that the ability to remember dreams is dependent on:


As he designs the study, grant needs to consider that the ability to remember dreams is dependent on the length of time since the dream.

Approaches used to learn are called study skills or study methods. A variety of abilities known as "study skills" deal with organising and assimilating new material, remembering information, or handling evaluations. They are distinct methods that can be mastered quickly and used in all or the majority of academic subjects. More broadly, any ability that improves a person's capacity to learn, memorise, and recall knowledge that helps them pass exams can be referred to as a study skill. Examples include time management and motivating strategies. Mnemonics, which help people remember lists of information, efficient note-taking, effective reading, and concentration skills are a few examples.

learn more about study here


which theory prosits that we are all a blank slate and that criminal behvior arises through social interactio


Social process theory prosits that we are all a blank slate and that criminal behvior arises through social interactio.

According to the social process theory, criminal behavior results from people's interactions with various institutions, organizations, and social processes. People from all walks of life have the ability to become into criminals if they uphold harmful social ties.

The three main branches of social process theory are: (1) social learning theory, which emphasizes that criminal behavior is learned; (2) social control theory, which examines how society fails to control criminal tendencies; and (3) labeling theory, which holds that criminal careers are produced by negative labels. According to the social learning subfield of social process theory, people pick up criminal behavior much like they pick up socially acceptable behavior.

Know more about criminal:


Suppose a married couple openly engages in consensual extramarital sexual activity. According to thomas mappes's kantian view of sexuality, the sexual behavior of this couple would be.


Based on Thomas Mapper's Kantian view of sexuality, the sexual behavior of the couple would be 'permissible'.

Thomas Mapper created his theory of sexuality through a Kantian sexual ethic by following the logic that an individual should never treat someone else as a way to their own ends. According to Thomas Mapper's Kantian view of sexuality, it is permissible to have consensual extramarital sexual activity openly. Thus, as per the case given here where a married couple engages openly in consensual extramarital sexual activity.  Based on Thomas Mapper's Kantian view of sexuality, the sexual behavior of this couple would be 'permissible'.

You can learn more about  Kantian sexual ethic at


Who can go into the ""forbidden zone"" in the game of tchoukball while holding a ball?


A player is not allowed to be in the restricted area unless he has just passed or shot the ball. In either scenario, if the player still has the ball in his hands, his feet cannot be in the restricted area.

After a maximum of three passes, the team in possession of the ball must toss the ball off the rebounding surface. fundamental guidelines. A D-shaped semi-circle with a 3 m radius must be drawn in front of each frame to indicate the boundaries of the "forbidden zone."

When a defender is closely pursuing them, players are only permitted to hold the ball for five seconds before moving defender must be counting. Players may catch, push, or hit the ball with their hands .

To learn more about forbidden zone from given link


four-year-old linda squeezes between her mommy and daddy as they sit together on the couch. she cuddles her daddy but refuses to kiss her mommy. which freudian concept does this scenario illustrate?


Four-year-old Linda squeezes between her mommy and daddy as they sit together on the couch. she cuddles her daddy but refuses to kiss her mommy. The Oedipus complex Freudian concept does this scenario illustrate.

The Oedipus Complex is a concept in psychoanalytic theory. The complex is a glimpse into the life of a boy who unconsciously desires sex with his mother in order to quickly satisfy his basic needs, and despises his father for having sex and being satisfied in front of him.

A child's attachment to a parent of the opposite sex accompanied by feelings of envy and aggression toward the parent of the same sex. These feelings are largely repressed (unconscious) for fear of harassment or punishment by same-sex parents.

Learn more about Oedipus Complex


rory knows that borderline personality disorder is primarily associated with group of answer choices a lack of empathy. reduced physical response to anxiety. a genetic predisposition. a history of trauma.


Rory knows that borderline personality disorder is primarily associated with a history of trauma.

Hence, Option D is correct.

A mental health condition called borderline personality disorder affects how you think and feel about yourself and other people, making it difficult to function in daily life. Issues with one's self-image, trouble controlling one's emotions and conduct, and a history of rocky relationships are all included.

People who have borderline personality disorder may go through severe mood swings and struggle with their self-image. They have the ability to abruptly go from intense closeness to intense hate of others. Instable relationships and emotional suffering can result from these shifting emotions.

To know more about Borderline personality here


______ theory states that the more participatory and involved older adults are, the more likely they are to be satisfied with their lives.


Quite sure it's Activity theory

molly has times when she begins to sweat, her pulse races, she experiences shortness of breath, and she feels like she going to die every time she attempts to leave the house. there is nothing physically wrong with her. her symptoms indicate she may have:


There is nothing physically wrong with her. Her symptoms indicate she may have panic disorder.

Panic disease is a tension ailment in which you frequently have sudden assaults of panic or fear. Everybody studies emotions of hysteria and panic in specific instances. It is a herbal response to worrying or dangerous conditions.

Elements that can boom the chance of growing panic attacks or panic disorder encompass a circle of relatives' history of panic attacks or panic disease. Principal lifestyles stress, together with the dying or severe contamination of a loved one—a stressful occasion, inclusive of a sexual attack or an extreme twist of fate.

Learn more about panic disorder here:


joshua, a member of your dorm council, has been a very disruptive group member— speaking out of turn, dominating discussions, making inappropriate remarks, and quarreling with other council members. what steps should be taken to deal effectively with joshua?


reasoning power. independent thinking and behavior. leadership capabilities. talents in communication.

What is the council called?

A council is a gathering of people who discuss issues, deliberate, or reach conclusions. Although most parliamentary bodies at the state, provincial, and federal levels are not considered council, a council may serve as a legislature, particularly at the town, city, or county/shire level.

What is a council example?

A forum is a place where people come together to offer counsel or make decisions. For instance, if you are the student council's president council, you might rally support to have your school's halls painted purple.

To know more about council visit:


Why was the Espionage Act created?


The federal government's attempts to control espionage and public criticism of its military operations during World War I led to the creation of the Espionage Act of 1917. The Sedition Act was the name given to amendments made to it in May 1918.

The government eventually chose to utilize the Espionage Act, a provision from World War I that was formerly used to quell dissent, as its primary legal weapon against spies and unreported leakers. However, current President Donald J.

The Sedition Act of 1918 (1918) limited American citizens' freedom of speech during a time of war. The Espionage Act of 1917's Title I was amended on May 16, 1918, by a law that broadened and included new restrictions on speech.

To know more about The Espionage Act:


What was the purpose of the Emergency Quota Act of 1921 ?


The purpose of the Emergency Quota Act of 1921 was to inhibit the immigration rate that increased during that period.

After the end of world war I in 1918, people started migrating to different places due to lack of resources and employment opportunities. This increased the rate of migration into the United States. The government within the United States feared that these immigrants would come into the United States and would increase the population of the state which may lead to the decline of resources and may cause instability in the state. The government then launched the Emergency Quota Act in the year in 1921 to inhibit the coming of these immigrants within the United States by allowing only a certain number of them within a particular period of time.

Learn more about Emergency Quota Act at:


8. what type of intelligence involves information processing abilities such as short-term memory, ability to discern relations between visual stimuli, and speed of synthesizing new information? a.verbal intelligence b.performance intelligence c.fluid intelligence d.crystallized intelligence


Short-term memory, the capacity to recognize relationships between visual inputs, and the ability to quickly synthesize new knowledge are all examples of information processing skills that fall under the umbrella of fluid intelligence.

How does fluid intelligence work?

Intellectual development (Gf) is the capacity to reason as well as create, restructure, and manipulate various sorts of unique data in real time.

What is meant by high fluid intelligence?

Flexibility in thought and an understanding of complex relationships are traits of fluid intelligence. Increasing liquid intelligence (hi-fluIQ) individuals outperform typical fluid intelligence individuals in tasks requiring analogical reasoning (ave-fluIQ).

to know more about fluid intelligence visit:


In what year did napoleon seize control of the government and assume dictatorial powers?


The 1799 year Napoleon seize control of the government and assume dictatorial powers.

The same battalion promotes Napoleon Bonaparte to second lieutenant-colonel. - From April 8–11, 1792, active involvement in fighting in Ajaccio. Napoleon travels to Paris on May 28 to defend himself against the charge that he was one of those who instigated unrest at Ajaccio. Napoleon led the French army into Egypt in 1798, quickly capturing Cairo and Alexandria. As First Consul from 1799 to 1804, then as Emperor of the French from 1804 to 1814 and once more in 1815, he served as the de facto president of the French Republic.

Napoleon Bonaparte executed a coup d'état on November 9, 1799, destroying the Directory and declaring himself France's "first consul," as discontent with their rule reached a fever pitch.

Learn more about Napolean Bonaparte here:


the group of career civil servants who staff government executive offices are collectively known as?


The term "civil service" refers to a sector of government made up primarily of career civil servants who are hired on the basis of their professional ability rather than being appointed or elected, and whose institutional tenure typically endures changes in political power.

trisha knew that the past few times she had to speak in front of the class, she had actually felt less nervous than she had in the beginning of the year. this is a demonstration of which concept?


Trisha knew that in the past few instances she had to talk in front of the elegance, she had surely felt less nervous than she had at the beginning of the year. that is an indication of the habituation concept.

Visualize ourselves giving a strong speech, awareness of speaking in preference of being nervous, and being thoroughly prepared.

Habituation is a shape of non-associative getting to know wherein an innate reaction to a stimulus decreases after repeated or extended displays of that stimulus. Responses that habituate include those that involve the intact organism or people who contain only components of the organism.

Learn more about nervous here


jojo has been diagnosed with depression, borderline personality disorder, and a phobia of social interactions. since jojo has multiple mental disorders at once, we would say that a high _______________ exists in his case.


Jojo has been diagnosed with depression, borderline personality disorder, and a phobia of social interactions. since Jojo has multiple mental disorders at once, we would say that a high comorbidity exists in his case.

A collection of illnesses including depression or bipolar disorder that are connected to mood elevation or depression.

Depression is a prevalent mental illness. According to estimates, the condition affects 5% of adults worldwide. Consistent sorrow and a lack of interest in formerly fulfilling or joyful activities are its defining traits. Additionally, it may impair appetite and sleep. Concentration problems and fatigue are frequent.

Cortisol levels in the hippocampus rise as a result of depression, which inhibits neural growth in the brain. The decline in function of the damaged part is closely correlated with the atrophy of brain circuits. The amygdala grows as a result of elevated cortisol levels, while other cerebral regions shrink.

To know more about Depression here


good peer relations are most likely to develop in classrooms that use a(n) style of classroom management.


Good peer relations are most likely to develop in classrooms that use an Authoritative style of classroom management.

In essence, the authoritarian classroom management approach involves the teacher having total authority over the class. Students are not participating or responding in class. It is very likely that a student who disobeys the rules will face punishment in this toughest kind of class management. In this extremely regimented manner, there is no room for cordial student-teacher connections. There is no student autonomy in this method of classroom management when it comes to choosing how they will study, work with their peers, or participate in class. However, it has been found that most kids perform better if they work collaboratively with their classmates and are actively involved in the classroom.

To know more about classroom management:


attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (adhd) is sometimes diagnosed in conjunction with substance use disorder in the same individual. this is an example of:


According to research, teens with ADHD are more prone to abuse substances such as drugs and alcohol. Children with ADHD may be lured to drugs that calm them down.

Furthermore, their brains may be more vulnerable to medications. This can cause individuals to feel the effects more profoundly and, in some cases, get hooked help them feel calm. Furthermore, their brains may be more vulnerable to medications.

This can cause individuals to feel the effects more profoundly and, in some cases, get hooked faster.

Learning deficits, anxiety, depression, sensory processing disorder, and oppositional defiant disorder are the most prevalent ADHD comorbidities.

Impulsiveness and hyperactivity;

inability to stay still, particularly in peaceful or quiet situationsfidgeting all the timebeing unable to focus on tasksexcessive physical activityexcessive talking.being unable to wait their turn.acting without thinking.interrupting conversations.

Learn more about to ADHD  visit here;


Which of thee argument might be ued by omeone who upport trict campaign finance law?


Someone who endorses strict campaign finance laws may use the argument that corporations and labor unions wield too much power.

A 1971 law that restricts campaign financing for federal elections The law requires candidates and their political committees to disclose who gives them money and how they spend it. The law also governs public financing of presidential elections. Companies or corporations, as well as labor unions, support strict campaign finance laws because they wield too much power in the finance laws.

Learn more on finance laws -


Ramone draws pictures of workers on construction sites, highlighting the danger of the work and the invisibility of these workers after the nice buildings are finished. What activity is Ramone engaging in?
A. conscious consumerism
B. satirizing business
C. socially conscious artmaking
D. business practices



The Answer is C: socially conscious artmaking


I just took the test

evaluation of the effectiveness of an emergency plan: a. is best done by an external evaluator comparing the plan to a set of national standards. b. should be done by a task force once every five years to ensure compliance with the law. c. typically is only needed when performance problems become evident among response personnel. d. involves a combination of training events, exercises, and real-world incidents.


A combination of training sessions, drills, and actual incidents are used to assess an emergency plan's success.

Procedures for handling urgent or unforeseen events are laid forth in an emergency plan. It is important to be ready to:

Avoid deaths and injuries.Reduce the amount of stock, equipment, and building damage.safeguard the neighborhood and the environment.Increase the speed at which business as usual resumes.

An emergency plan also raises awareness of safety issues and demonstrates the company's dedication to employee safety. Lack of an emergency plan could result in serious harm, including several fatalities and potential organizational financial collapse. Planning in advance is essential since emergencies will happen.

To know more about emergency plan click here,


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