slavery allowed the south to enter into the new industrialized economies of the nineteenth century. true false


Answer 1

slavery allowed the south to enter into the new industrialized economies of the nineteenth century. FALSE

The majority of enslaved men and women in the early 19th century labored as house servants or farm laborers on sizable agricultural plantations. Slaves' lives were brutal; they were subjected to oppression, severe penalties, and rigid racial policing.

In 1840, the South produced 60% of the cotton grown worldwide and contributed 70% of the cotton used by the British textile industry. As a result, a sizable portion of the capital, iron, and manufactured commodities that served as the foundation for American economic expansion were funded by slavery.

For more info about 'slavery' click on below link -


Related Questions

Prior to WWI, most US imperialism was concentrated in Pacific Ocean

True or False


The correcto anwser is True, it's true because the Pacific Ocean is closet to where they were located.


False. Prior to World War I, most US imperialism was concentrated in the Western Hemisphere, particularly in the Caribbean and Central America. The United States also had a small number of territories in the Pacific, including Guam and Samoa, but these were not the focus of US imperialism at the time.


Which theme is best reinforced by the excerpt?
A. women could not generally count upon one another for support, advice, or company.
B. women were overwhelmed by the roles they had to play and usually needed extra help.
C. women generally felt detached from each other because of the societal roles thrust upon them. D. women were too busy caring for the men in their lives to spend time with other women.


The theme which is best reinforced by the excerpt is "Women generally felt detached from each other because of the societal roles thrust upon them" or C. This question refer to Trifles: the rise of modern feminism text.

Who does the bird symbolize trifles the rise of modern feminism on the stage part 2?From the excerpt part two of Trifles, the bird symbolizes loneliness, which Mrs. Wright endured throughout her marriage to Mr. Wright. The theme in literary works is the idea, the message behind the work itself. The theme is not always obvious. We can understand it by observing the character's actions and decisions.Mrs. Hale's words in the excerpt from "Trifles" that we are analyzing here imply that women generally felt disconnected from each other as a result of the societal roles that were thrust upon them. In general, the play deals with feminism and societal oppression.

Learn about feminist here:


What was one impact of Prohibition in the US economy?


Beginning of Prohibition, which affected more than just the alcohol industry. On the American economy, it had a considerably more significant impact.

Following the Volstead Act's adoption and the ratification of the 18th Amendment, the United States accidentally entered a dry era on January 17, 1920. Americans waited 13 years for the "noble experiment" to have a positive impact on their quality of life, during which time the federal government spent millions trying to make it happen." About a quarter of a million people lost their jobs when Prohibition became law. As we were emerging from World War I and reintegrating the thousands of returning soldiers from Europe into the economy, we were already in a moderate recession "Garrett Peck, a historian, said CNBC.

The Great Depression in the 1930s made this issue much more significant, according to Peck, the author of "The Great War in America: World War I and Its Aftermath."

With over half of the nation's banks collapsing and roughly 15 million Americans out of work, the stock market crash of 1929, which precipitated the nation's worst economic downturn, proved to be another Prohibition-testing event.

To know more about Prohibition, refer:


"I believe that the time ha come for u to declare war on Britain. The Britih Royal Navy ha been impreing our ailor on the high ea. Moreover, they have no right to be in North America. Canada i our for the taking!"


“I believe that the time has come for us to declare war on Britain. The British Royal Navy has been impressing our sailors on the high seas. Moreover, they have no right to be in North America. Canada is ours for the taking!” The point of view is most likely expressed in this speech is A war hawk in the senate before the war of 1812 is the most likely person.

What does war hawk mean?

In the world of politics, someone is generally referred to as a war hawk, or just a hawk, if they are in favor of starting a war or escalating an ongoing battle rather than coming up with other alternatives. Doves are thought to be the polar opposite of war hawks.

They were referred to as "War Hawks" and were primarily younger politicians from the West and the South. These politicians were natives of the areas in which they served. Henry Clay, the freshly elected Speaker of the House, led this small group of Jeffersonian Republicans who supported a military conflict to address American issues.

The british Royal Navy is the name of the naval battle force of the United Kingdom ( britain ). though it's early

Your question is incomplete but most probably the full question was

“I believe that the time has come for us to declare war on Britain. The British Royal Navy has been impressing our sailors on the high seas. Moreover, they have no right to be in North America. Canada is ours for the taking!”

Whose point of view is most likely expressed in this speech?

Read more about  war hawk at


Explain the connection between the Industrial Revolution and the Age of Imperialism. Would imperialism have happened without the Industrial Revolution?

2 page essay
ill give 100 to anyone who answers with 2 pages


The industrial revolution was the driving factor behind this New Imperialism since it not only produced the necessity for Europe to expand but also the capacity to effectively capture and financially sustain so many colonies elsewhere. The industrial revolution made it necessary for Europe to take over colonies all over the world.

Imperialistic nations would not have been able to penetrate deeply into colonial territories without the advances of the Industrial Revolution. Their access would be restricted to the ports alone.

What started imperialism?

The Age of Imperialism, which began about 1760, saw European nations industrializing and colonizing, influencing, and annexing other portions of the world. The "Scramble for Africa" was a 19th-century incident.

To learn more about the industrial revolution, click


Agreement that admitted california as a free state, allowed popular soveriegnty to decide the slave issue in western territories, and issued a strong fugitive slave law are called?


Compromise of 1850 was the agreement that admitted California as free state, allowed popular sovereignty to decide slave issue in the western territories.

What was the compromise of 1850?

Five different bills that made up the Compromise of 1850 were approved by the US Congress in September 1850 and served to end a political standoff between slave and free states over the status of territory won in the Mexican-American War. Additionally, it established Texas' western and northern boundaries and contained clauses handling runaway slaves and the slave trade. Henry Clay, a Whig senator, and Stephen A. Douglas, a Democrat, came up with the agreement with the help of President Millard Fillmore. During the Mexican-American War, a discussion about the spread of slavery into new territories had begun as many Southerners wished to do so and many Northerners opposed such an expansion. The enactment of organic laws to establish organised territorial governments for land obtained during the Mexican-American War was hampered by these problems.

To learn more about compromise of 1850, visit:


The main reasons both citizens and presidents wanted to refrain from getting involved with the second World War was because they wanted to prevent more American loss after the first war, and because they wanted to stay out of foreign affairs to minimize further conflict. The US wanted to maintain isolationism after World War I to ke

Is this plagiarized?


Answer: No, Indeed both citizens and presidents wanted to refrain from participating in an european war
There is not even a decade when Europe never had any wars or revolts
But when japanese attacked US territories

USA was Done with it
As Yamamoto once said
"In United States, There is Rifle behind every grass"

What actions characterize authoritarian governments? select three answers.
a. leaders often seize power by illegitimate means.
b. all citizens prosper under the government. c. citizens support the government’s official ideology. d. a single leader or a very powerful group rules.
e. leaders refuse to tolerate dissenting views.


The actions characterize authoritarian governments are:

• leaders often seize power by illegitimate means.

• a single leader or a very powerful group rules.

• leaders refuse to tolerate dissenting views

A democratic system of government

contributes to the development of a more

just and equal society. Because sovereignty

emanates from the people, who have

an active voice that directly or indirectly

contributes to national decision-making.

Authoritarianism is therefore a more rigid

and closed regime that can lead to internal

and external conflicts within the country.

In such governments, leaders are supreme

and act in such a way that they must remain

in power by not tolerating dissent.

This is because they often have obtained

leadership through illicit means, with a

single leader or powerful group at the helm,

and fear being overthrown.

To know more about Authoritarian governments visit:


How might the history of georgia have been different if it were always considered an ideal home for its diverse population?.


Answer: The history of Georgia could have been different if it were always considered an ideal home for its diverse population. That's because if the population was high Georgia will grow exponentially.


The map shows the latitudes and longitudes of Africa.

A map titled Political map of Africa. Longitude lines from 20 degrees west to 60 degrees east are labeled. Latitude lines from 30 degrees north to 30 degrees south are labeled. South Africa is near 30 degrees south. Madagascar is near 20 degrees south. Republic of Congo is near 0 degrees. Ethiopia is near 10 degrees north. Egypt and Algeria are near 30 degrees north.

Which country is located at 9° N, 40° E?



The country that is located at 9° N, 40° E , based on the description of the map given, is C. Ethiopia.

How to use lines of latitude and longitude ?

Using latitude lines, one may calculate how far north or south of the equator a location is. Since the equator serves as the baseline for determining latitude, it is designated as 0 degrees latitude. Up to 90 degrees latitude at the poles, the number of latitude degrees will increase the farther a location is from the equator. Locations are identified by their latitude in terms of either north or south.

A location's distance to the east or west of the Prime Meridian, a universal vertical line, can be expressed numerically using longitude lines. From the North Pole to the South Pole, this Prime Meridian line extends vertically, north and south, directly above the British Royal Observatory at Greenwich, England.

Ethiopia is located near 10 degrees north which means that it most likely has the location of 9° N so the country located at 9° N, 40° E must be Ethiopia.

Find out more on longitude lines at


What were some disadvantages of being a medieval king?


A disadvantage was that the king made many enemies through conquering, the laws that he made, or maybe just because he became king. Numerous people will try and kill him, kill his family, or take over his sovereignty. This is a dreadful disadvantage to have, as it can cost you your life

what percentage of women in the united states work and have a child under 6 years of age?


Answer:65.6 percent


Hope this helps!!

I have a 87% (B+) as my history grade right now and I just took a test thats 30&
I need someone to calculate 18-20 and 25 if my grade will go up or down or stay the same





Haymarket riot how are the laborers described in the media.


The Chicago Haymarket riot caused widespread devastation, and in the aftermath, anarchists were accused, leading to a bad public perception of labor unions and the labor movement in America.

What was the Haymarket Riot's impact on the labor movement?

On May 4, 1886, a labor protest demonstration near Chicago's Haymarket Square devolved into a brawl when a bomb was thrown at police. The violence that day claimed the lives of at least eight people. The episode was embarrassing for the Knights of Labor and Governor John Altgeld, who had pardoned several of the anarchist charges. It was viewed as a setback for improved salaries, hours, benefits, and working conditions, as well as a political crackdown.

To learn more about Haymarket Riots, click


briefly describe one major difference between sinn’s and pfaelzer’s historical interpretations of immigration to the pacific coast of the united states during the 1850s and 1860s.


According to the text, we can affirm that Sinn argued that Chinese immigrants did not need to pay the miner's tax, because most of the Chinese immigrant population was engaged in other types of jobs.

Pfaelzer disagrees, saying that immigrants from Latin America and the Chinese had to pay the miner's tax, as a large part of the population worked in this sector.

Between 1850-1860, the western US received a large number of Chinese immigrants.

This region also received a considerable amount of immigrants from other regions of Asia, but the Chinese formed a more prominent group.

During that same time, the other US regions received a large number of European immigrants. Although these regions also had large numbers of Latin Americans.

Immigration to the Pacific coast caused an increase in the population of that region. This created the need to organize the place and create states that could involve all these people.

With this, we can see how the USA was a country composed of immigrants, throughout its creation.

Learn more about to immigrants visit here;


andrew johnson's restoration plan did not require southern states to . multiple choice question. grant black people the right to vote revoke secession ordinances abolish slavery repudiate war debts


As part of President Andrew Johnson's plan to reunify the country, Southern states would be readmitted after revising their state constitutions, reorganizing their state governments, repealing secession, paying off their war bills, and ratifying the 13th amendment.

In reaction to the southern opposition, he did nothing. Although Johnson's rehabilitation promises had been incredibly generous, the South refused to comply with even his moderate demands. The 13th Amendment, which outlawed slavery, would have to be upheld by the Confederate states, along with a pledge of allegiance to the Union and the repayment of their war debt. They could then hold elections, rewrite their state constitutions, and start sending members to Washington. The pre-Civil War aristocracy and prominent ex-Confederates took control. Why was Andrew Johnson cleared of the impeachment charges? Several moderate Republicans decided to vote to acquit Johnson after Johnson's attorneys gave them assurances that he would act properly for the remainder of his tenure.

To learn more about Andrew Johnson's click the link below:


Was Thomas Jefferson a good president 





Why is the Byzantine Emperor called "Second Rome"?

Please helpppp it’s urgent!!!!



In 330, Constantine moved the seat of the empire to Constantinople, which he founded as a second Rome on the site of Byzantium, a city located on the trade routes between Europe and Asia and between the Mediterranean and the Black Sea.


EVIDENCE In forming their
new government under the
Articles of Confederation,
most Americans did not
want to place too much
power in the hands of one
person or one group. On this
page and the next, underline
the actions that people
took to prevent this from


The Articles deliberately rendered the national Congress weak. Many Americans were concerned that establishing a powerful central government with excessive control over the states would be dangerous.

What is the Articles of Confederation?

The first constitution of the United States, which ran from 1776 to 1789, was made up of the Articles of Confederation. The Articles established a feeble central government and gave the states the majority of the power. The US economy suffered under the Articles because the federal government lacked the authority to enact or enforce tax laws or control commerce. A lack of unified military force made it difficult for the state and federal governments to quell Shays's Rebellion, a Massachusetts-based rebellion of Revolutionary War veterans, which served as an example of the necessity for a more robust political system.

To know more about Articles of Confederation visit:                           


world war 11 was caused, in part, by which of these factors



The major causes of World War II were numerous. They include the impact of the Treaty of Versailles following WWI, the worldwide economic depression, failure of appeasement, the rise of militarism in Germany and Japan, and the failure of the League of Nations.

The system of government where powers are shared between the...
1.The system of government where powers are shared between the National and State Government with different powers and functions exercised by both
a) federal system b) confederate system c) unitary system d) oligarchy 2. Presidential nominations are confirmed by the?
a) senate b) house of representative c) unite state supreme court d) cabinet


The shared governance system between the state and federal governments is referred to as federalism. Because each has both or exclusive concurrent rights, it is simpler to comprehend how well the states and territories negotiate a balance of power.

What is federal system?

The U.S. Constitution gives Congress, the President, and the Federal courts, in that order, control over the three separate branches that make up the Federal Government: legislative, executive, and judicial. A federal system of government is one in which state and municipal governments as well as the national (federal) government share authority. The federal system, or federalism, was founded by the United States Constitution.

Who uses federal system and why was the federal system created?

Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Germany, India, Iraq, Malaysia, Mexico, Micronesia, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, and the United States are examples of federations or federal provinces or states.

The Founders outlined various justifications for founding a federalist government, among them the desire to avoid tyranny and strike a balance between order and liberty. to encourage more political engagement and to use the states as "laboratories" for innovative policies.

To know more about Federal System visit:


is referred to as "energy possessed by an object as a result of its MOTION".
Group of answer choice?


Kinetic energy is the energy that a moving object possesses. Hence, the correct answer is kinetic energy.

What is kinetic energy and what are some examples?

The kinetic energy of an item is the energy it has as a result of its motion. It is defined as the amount of effort necessary to accelerate a given mass from rest to a particular velocity. After obtaining kinetic energy during acceleration, the body stores it until its speed changes. The body performs the same amount of work when slowing down to rest from its present rate.

A biker, for example, utilizes chemical energy created by meals to propel a bicycle at a certain speed. This speed can be maintained on a level surface with no further effort, except to overcome air resistance and friction.

To learn more about Kinetic energy, click


which culture group spread across eurasia in the 13th century and became the world’s largest empire?


The Mongol invasions and successes occurred during the thirteenth and fourteenth hundreds years, making history's biggest adjacent realm: the Mongol Domain (1206-1368), which by 1300 covered enormous pieces of Eurasia.

Genghis Khan laid out the Mongol Realm in 1206. Starting from the Mongol heartland in focal Asia's Steppe, it extended from the Pacific Sea in the east to the Danube Stream and the Persian Bay shores in the west by the late thirteenth hundred years.

It was the best coterminous land realm in worldwide history at its level, with a domain of very nearly 9 million square miles (23 million square kilometers).

The principal attack (1205-09) was made against the Tangut realm of Hsi Hsia (Xi Xia), a Chinese outskirts state in the northwest, and brought about the leader of Xi Xia swearing fealty.

Learn more about Eurasia:


how did the conflict between the British and Colonists lead to create division among colonists


Answer: British attempts to limit western expansion by colonists and the inadvertent provocation of a major Indian war further angered the British subjects living in the American colonies. These disputes ultimately spurred colonial rebellion, which eventually developed into a full-scale war for independence.

What is the main purpose of a speech introduction?


The speech's start makes it clear why the audience should pay attention to the rest of it. Get the audience's attention and convey the topic clearly in an effective introduction.

A speech's opening and closing sentences are crucial. Even if the middle of the speech is a jumble or the speaker becomes nervous, the audience will still remember the major points. So learn these parts if nothing else! It establishes credibility, humanises the subject, and summarises the key ideas. Since they establish the stage and must be consistent with the speech's content, introductions should be written last. Both the logical and psychological orientations provide the listener with indications for what to listen to as well as a roadmap for the speech that lies ahead. This will make it easier for the audience to move from the speech's introduction to its major ideas.

learn more about speech introduction here:


After the end of the last ice age, human beings on the Americas were isolated from the rest of the human population until a reunion began by

a Spanish-sponsored explorer in the Caribbean
English explorers in North America
Portuguese explorers in modern-day Brazil
a Dutch explorer on the northern coast of South America



a Spanish-sponsored explorer in the Caribbean



A Spanish-sponsored explorer in the Caribbean


I took this exam

3. compare and contrast the democratic and republican parties of the late 1800s in terms of: (a) their leadership, (b) their position on issues, (c) the constituencies to whom they appealed.


According to question, While Democratic-Republicans felt that state governments should be more powerful than the federal government, Federalists fought for a strong central government.

The early Democratic Party was known as the "party of the common man," and it opposed banks and high tariffs while supporting state and individual liberties. The Second Party System was in place during its formative years, from 1832 to the middle of the 1850s, and was presided over by Presidents James K. Polk.

The Federalists opposed state taxes. It was backed by Democratic-Republicans. A powerful central government was what the Federalists favored. Democratic-Republican politicians favored robust state governments.

To know more about republican parties visit :


what is the word that describes america's new relationship with the soviet union, as fostered by nixon and kissinger?


The word that describes america's new relationship with the soviet union, as fostered by nixon and kissinger - Detente

Detente is the verbal de-escalation of tense relationships, particularly political ones. Around 1912, when France and Germany attempted but failed to defuse tensions, the term "diplomacy" first appeared.

The phrase is frequently used to describe a time when Cold War geopolitical tensions between the USSR and the US generally eased. It started in 1969 as a cornerstone of US President Richard Nixon's foreign policy in an effort to prevent nuclear escalation. The Nixon administration encouraged more communication with the Soviet Union, including summit meetings on a regular basis, discussions about arms control, and other bilateral agreements. The term "detente" roughly translates to "relaxation of tension" in Russian.

For more info about 'Detente' click on below link -


Match the following New Deal Reform programs (17E)

Question 4 options:

Provided workers with Unemployment benefits and old age pensions.

Insured bank deposits so people would not lose their savings if a bank failed

Built 21 dams to provide electricity for parts of the South

Created to watch over the stock market, prevent fraud, and stop another stock market collapse.

Tennessee Valley Authority

Securities and Exchange Commission

Social Security Act

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation


1. Tennessee Valley Authority built 21 dams to provide electricity for parts of the South

What was the Social Security Act's principal objective?

Franklin D. Roosevelt, the president of the United States, signed the Social Security Act of 1935 into law after it was passed by the 74th US Congress. Roosevelt's domestic New Deal policy included the statute. An act to promote the general welfare by establishing a system of Federal old-age benefits and allowing the various States to make more suitable arrangements for the elderly, blind, dependent, and handicapped children, maternity and child welfare, public health, and their unemployment administration.

2. Securities and Exchange Commission created to watch over the stock market, prevent fraud, and stop another stock market collapse.

3. Social Security Act provided workers with Unemployment benefits and old age pensions

4. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation insured bank deposits so people would not lose their savings if a bank failed

To learn more about Social Security Act, visit:


What is the main flora in western europe? question 16 options:
a. vineyards and deep-rooted plants b. forests c. grasslands
d. olive trees


The most common type of flora all over Europe are forests and woodlands, then B is an appropriate answer.

What is the flora of Europe?Most of Europe's trees are similar to those in North America, but these are related by genus and are not members of the same species. The most common flora in Europe are Trifolium repens, Achillea millefolium, and Urtica dioica.The most popular forest in Europe is the Black Forest, Germany. Germany's Black Forest is perhaps western Europe's most famous forest. This stunning mountainous region in south-west Germany has it all dense evergreen forests, dramatic mountains, and quaint village.Forest is in Europe relatively can be classified as Subtropical Humid Forest, but some may be found on the northern coast of Turkey, north-eastern Spain and parts of central south-east Italy.

Learn more about Subtropical Humid Forest here:


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Find the true speed of the plane and its new direction by modeling the speeds and directions as vectors. a(n) is an individual who believes in lower taxes, less government regulation, and less government involvement in the economy. A company has evaluated several projects using net present value. All projects are similar in amount invested and risk. Rank the projects in the order they should be accepted. Drag statements on the right to match the left. NPV = $340 Third choice NPV = ($615) Not an acceptable project NPV = $62 D-a Second choice NPV = $2,067 First choice Analysis and Interpretation of Fiction : In this task, you will choose a short story. Then, select one aspect of that story and write an essay analyzing how it contributes to the meaning of the story.Before you can analyze how an aspect of a story contributes to its meaning, you must first decide what that meaning is. Since meaning in fiction is subjective, there is no right or wrong answer. Once you have determined what the story means to you, then you can look closely at all the elements that make up the story to determine how they contribute to the meaning. Since there is more than one way to interpret most short stories, it's all about how you support your thesis.Here are some guidelines to follow. When choosing a short story for this activity, you should base your decision on these considerations:Select a story that you feel strongly about. Whether you love it or hate it, you will find it easier and more enjoyable to analyze a story you feel passionate about.Select a story in which you find meaning. Some people easily find meaning in a particular story while others do not. Dont select a story just because it is well-known or critically acclaimed. Select it because it has meaning to you.Decide if you want to choose a well-known or a more obscure text.Decide what the meaning of the story is to you. What is the theme of the story? Is there more than one possible theme? If so, which one speaks most strongly to you?Decide which element you want to analyze by asking yourself these questions.What role do plot, structure, character, setting, dialogue, conflict, symbol, irony, tone, and point of view play in building meaning in the story?Is there one element that you think contributes to the theme more than others?Is there one element that particularly interests you? Hello how has your week been? disorders whose symptoms are primarily physical but whose development is greatly influenced by psychological factors are called: if the only two firms in an industry agree to fix the price at a given level, this is an example of: a price extortion. b collusion. c satisfying demand. d price discrimination. e price leadership. what were some of the terms included in the treaty of Versailles? check all that apply the following are caregories of the u.s. federal budget. which are the two largest categories of federal spending? welfare interest on the federal debt defense foreign aid social security health care in the second step of glycolysis, the cyclized form of glucose (now phosphorylated) is converted to a cyclized form of fructose. what is the purpose? group of answer choices In animals, what is the difference between reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning?