Select three education policies from the articles above under the control of federal, state, and local government (one federal, one state, one local) . Write a paragraph for each policy explaining why it should, or should not, be controlled at that level. Be sure to explain your reasoning. Use evidence from your lesson and the two articles to support your position.


Answer 1


Response 1

Thomas Jefferson made the Louisiana purchase. What now? After President jefferson

made the Louisiana Purchase, the U.S Congress " divides the Louisiana Purchase

into the Territory of Orleans and the district of Louisisana," as states Source 1. But

becoming a state is not easy. Louisiana must overcome many hardships before

becoming a state.

The first problem that Louisiana must resolve is the border dispution in between

Spanish Texas. Spain and the United States both border an area in between texas

and Louisiana. Tensions run high until they agree that the land will be neutral;

belonging to neither one of them. As states passage 1,"U.S and Spanish officers

agree that the disputed area between the Territory of Orleans and Spanish Texas is a

neutral ground and neither group would control it." This was the first hardship that

Louisiana overcame.

The last difficulty that Louisiana faced was Congress aproval to become a state.

This was important because with out Congressional approval, Louisianians would not

have the same rights and protection as citizens in the states. After petitions from the

inhabitants of Louisiana, Congress approves Louisiana Statehood. "Congress

approves the Statehood petition from the Territory of Orleans. This was a great

success for he Territory of Orleans and ended their quest for statehood.

In conclusion, Louisiana statehood was a proccess and a struggle that was

overcome. Although it faced Congressional dispute and high tensions from Spanish

Texas, Louisiana was a state in the end.

Score: 2

The response earns a score of 2. It accurately identifies two different challenges faced

by Louisiana as it became a state: “The first problem that Louisiana must resolve is the

border dispution in between Spanish Texas” and “The last difficulty that Louisiana faced

was Congress aproval to become a state.” The response provides complete and correct

explanations of why each challenge had to be overcome in order for Louisiana to be

admitted to the Union as a state.


Grade 8 Social Studies Practice Test

Answer Key

Response 2

As Louisiana became a state, it had to face numerous challenges in order to be

admitted to the Union as a state. Initially, Louisiana had to overcome the opposition of

Congress and people in the House of Representatives. Numerous debates over

Louisiana Statehood arose over accepting Louisiana as a state. They worried that the

United States would become too large, and weaken the power of the original states.

Fearing that by accepting too many states, there would be no limit to the boundaries

of the United States, many people opposed the acceptance of Louisiana. This

opposition had to be overcome in order for Louisiana to become a state, as Congress,

the House of Representatives, and the Senate all had to approve of Louisiana's

statehood petition for it to become a state. Finally, Congress approved Louisiana's

statehood petition in 1811. In addition, Louisiana still had another challenge to face.

Even though its petition had been approved by Congress, Lousiana still needed a

state constitution to become an official state. Each state in the United State needed

its own state constitution. Therefore, Louisama delegates wrote a state constitution

and sent it to Congress to be approved. Finally, in 1812, Congress and President

Madision approved Lousiana's constitution and Lousiana officially became a state.

Score: 2

The response earns a score of 2. It fully and accurately identifies two different

challenges faced by Louisiana as it became a state: “Louisiana had to overcome the

opposition of Congress and people in the House of Representatives” and “Even though

its petition had been approved by Congress, Lousiana still needed a state constitution to

become an official state.” The response includes accurate explanations of why each

challenge had to be overcome in order for Louisiana to be admitted to the Union as a



Related Questions

The map shows territories held by countries in 1914. Which imperial nation appears to have the most dominance in africa? turkey united kingdom france germany.


The United Kingdom appears to have the most dominance in Africa.

What is dominance?
is indeed the phenomenon in genetics where one allele (variant) of a gene on one copy of a chromosome obscures or overrides the impact of another allele (variant) of the same gene on either copy of a chromosome. Dominant refers to the first variant, and recessive to the second. A mutation in one of the genes, either new (de novo) as well as inherited, is what initially causes this condition of having two distinct variants of a single gene on each chromosome. Gene variants on non-sex chromosomes (having the capacity) as well as their associated traits are referred to as autosomal dominant as well as autosomal recessive, while those who are on sex chromosomes (allosomes) are referred to as X-linked dominant, X-linked recessive, or Y-linked; these have an inheritance as well as presentation pattern which depends on the sex of the child's parent.

To learn more about dominance

Answer: UK

Explanation:  It's correct!

The god who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time: the hand of force may destroy, but cannot disjoin them.” – Thomas Jefferson

Which of the following Enlightenment ideas does Thomas Jefferson support in this quote?

separation of powers
limited government
social contract
natural rights


The enlightenment idea Thomas Jefferson supported in this quote is natural rights. Thus the correct option is D.

What are Enlightenment ideas?

The Enlightenment encompassed a variety of viewpoints that were based on the importance of human pleasure, the search for the knowledge attained via reason and the proof of emotions, and values like liberty, progress, acceptance, and tolerance.

The term "natural rights" refers to the freedoms an individual had neither the government nor anyone else can take away since we were born. The first ten amendments to the US Constitution guarantee protection for natural rights throughout the country.

Therefore, option D is appropriate.

Learn more about natural rights, here:


The longest river in the world is the a. Amazon b. Ganges c. Mississippi d. Nile​





Answer:The Nile river

Explanation:It is the longest river because it is 4, 123 miles

What were some major reasons for the Reformation?


Money generating practices in the Roman Catholic Church, such as sales on indulgences. And the invention of mechanized printing press which allowed religious ideas widely.


Causes of Reformation 1.  At the start of the 16th  Century, many  Events led to the Protestant reformation   Clergy abuse  caused  people to begin criticizing the Catholic Church the greed and  Scandalous lives of the clergy had created a split between them and the Peasants 2. the major  causes  of the  Protestant  reformation  include that of Politcal economic  soical  and Religious  background.

When was WW2? please help fast! no need for super long answer


WW2 started on September 1, 1939, and lasted until September 2, 1945. World War 2 ended 75 years ago, with Germany unconditionally surrendering to the Allies in Reims, France, ending World War II and the Third Reich.

Describe the statement “Haiti wasn’t just black and white”:


When it overthrew French colonial rule and slavery in the early 19th century, Haiti became the first black-led republic in the world and the first independent Caribbean state.However, independence came at a terrible price.

The country declared its independence under Dessalines' leadership in 1804, changing its name to Haiti, which means "mountainous."After the United States, Haiti became the second independent country in the Western Hemisphere and the first free black republic in the world. It was also the first independent state in the Caribbean.

In the beginning, the Spanish established colonies in Haiti; however, after the 16th century, when Spain began to lose control over the seas, the French assumed primary control of the country.White planters in the South feared that the violence in Hati might inspire similar events in the United States and saw the revolution as a massive slave revolt.The official policy of Haiti was to grant citizenship to any black person who arrived there.

Learn about haiti:


What is the fewest number of electoral votes any state has? Why is this the smallest number any state can have?





The number of electoral college votes is the sum of the House of Representatives and the Senate members for that state. A state can only have 2 senate members, and the house is based on population so the minimum is 1 House Representative so the minimum. Currently, the district of columbia has the fewest electoral college votes with three.

What was the relationship between henry viii’s desire to divorce and the onset of the english reformation?.



Explanation: Henry's move to reform the church in England began with his desire to divorce Queen Catherine, who had not borne him any surviving male children.

What requirements does Article II of the Constitution establish for becoming president of the United States?


No Person shall be eligible to the Office of President unless he is a natural born Citizen or a Citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this Constitution; nor shall any Person be eligible to that Office unless he has attained the age of thirty-five years

Article II Executive Branch - On impeachment for, and conviction for, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors, the President, Vice President, and all civil officers of the United States shall be removed from office.

Article II describes how the President is elected, the scope of the President's powers and duties, and the process for removing one from office.

To know more about Article II of USA constitution here


How is Confucianism different from Buddhism?



Confucianism is an ethical and philosophical system, whereas Buddhism is a followed religion. Buddha and Confucius were Asian philosophers from the 6th century B.C, who sought ways to end people’s sufferings all around the world.


I learned this last year in AP World History class

HELP PLEASE IM FAILING HISTORY!!How did the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company control its workers?


Answer: Well with the help of company towns and company stores, the miners were kept entirely under company control. - By keep control they simply kept them busy with beautifying the town and the housing. I honestly took I wild guess, so this may not be entirely true

What were the compromises made in the Elizabethan settlement?


That queen Elizabeth died just in time for the king to take over and start helping them more and more and more intill it ends

Trace the development of the women's movement: How did these women demand progress? What were they primarily fighting for during the Progressive Era? Please write at least 3 to 5 complete sentences with evidence to support your answer.


The development of women's movement and the way the activists demanded progress is as follows.

The women’s rights movement started in the United States in mid-nineteenth century. The first goal was to secure the right to vote for women. The demands of the activists also included economic and educational equality, restrictive laws on marriage and property rights.

The Progressive Era is dated from 1890s to 1920s. It is an era in which many reforms were made to make society a better place to live in. Progressive era reformers fought to eliminate unethical and unfair business practices, reduce corruption and wash away the ill-effects of industrialization.

During the Progressive Era, workers and consumers gained strength to protect themselves from unfair treatment and the women achieved the right to vote.

To know more about Progressive Era here


In a republic, the leaders are
A. chosen by the monarchy
B. chosen by birth
C. elected by the people


C. elected by the people.


Ina republic, the leaders are elected by the people

Hope this helps you!

Which of the following is the best explains how Japan lived under isolation?
Japan continued to learn new technology through resources brought in by a
handful of approved traders
Japan was similar to China in that it fell behind the technology improvements
that happened in Europe
Japan encouraged its people to go to other civilizations and to return to share
the new knowledge



Which of the following best describes how Japan changed from an isolation society to a world power?

Which of the following best describes how Japan changed from an isolationist society to a world power? Japan's industrialization enabled it to build modern warships and weaponry.Japan's isolation came to an end in 1853 when Commodore Matthew Perry of the United States Navy, commanding a squadron of two steam ships and two sailing vessels, sailed into Tokyo harbor. He sought to force Japan to end their isolation and open their ports to trade with U.S merchant ships.It negotiated treaties that gave it influence over nearby nations. It had a large military force despite poor training and equipment. It did not have to fight the majority of US forces. It enjoyed popular support in US territories in the South Pacific.

need help its history


Answer: I think it's C

Explanation: Hope it helps

What are the major differences between the Greco-Persian war and the Peloponessian war in terms of participants, origins and results?


An outside power invaded during the Persian War; Despite being outnumbered, the Greeks had better discipline and strategies, enabling them to defeat a larger army.

The Peloponnesian War, on the other hand, was more like a civil war in that all of Greece had to choose between Sparta or Athens.

What was the primary distinction between the Greek and Persian empires?

The governments of Greece and Persia are two of the main differences between the two countries. Herodotus distinguishes between two primary types of government: a majority rules system like Athens, and a government like Persia.

What three differences exist between Persia and Greece?

The Persians avoided animal sacrifice, in contrast to the Greeks. The empire allowed religious freedom. Persia was ruled by kings and was a monarchy. However, due to the size of the empire, the king was unable to effectively rule on his own.

Learn more about Persian War here:


Just if you want points How old is the universe?


Around 13.7 billion years old

Why weren't the Confucianists threatened by Daoism? In Ancient china.


Answer: Confucianism deals with social matters, while Taoism concerns itself with the search for meaning. They share common beliefs about man, society, and the universe. They have lived with each other in China for well over 2,000 years.



Biography of Berry Gordy is Berry Gordy, also known as Berry Gordy, Jr., and he was born on November 28, 1929, Detroit, Michigan, U.S.).

What was the impact of Motown on civil rights movement?

Gordy’s main goal was to manufacture the ‘Sound of Young America’, no matter what colour. The label’s releases obtain popularity among both white and black Americans identical.

Motown artists love top spots in the ordinary chart, toured worldwide and start to define an era. It was the capacity to transcend racial boundaries that highlighted the label as so rebellious.

There were advanced Motown records that drew notice to the racial inequalities of America. The day of Martin Luther King’s homicide the Supremes execute ‘Somewhere’ on the Tonight Show.

Being this far removed from the humble origins of Tamla Motown makes it easy for us to perceive it as extremely significant to the Civil Rights Movement. Its black musicians defied stereotypes, the music transcended class frontline and from time to time the songs directly addressed social inequalities.

Gordy dropped out of his school, pursued a featherweight boxing career, joined US army, finally returned to Detroit to open a record store and produced recordings.Between Motown, he expand the majority of the great rhythm-and-blues (R&B) artist of the 1960s and ’70s. American businessman, creator of the Motown Record Corporation (1959), which flatter the most victorious Black-owned music company in the United States.

Early enough Gordy founded Motown, he was at the apex of Detroit’s Black music scene and had already locate Smokey Robinson.

Learn more about Berry Gordy here:


Pls help me with my history work I'm so stuck
Write it in your own words
1.Enslaved Black people should support the (Loyalist/Patriot) political cause, because…
2.Enslaved Black people should stay neutral in this conflict, because
3.Enslaved Black people would benefit the most from
4.Native people should support the (Loyalist/Patriot) political cause, because…
5..Native people should stay neutral in this conflict, because
6.Native people would benefit the most from
7.Colonists should support the (Loyalist/Patriot) political cause, because ....
8.Colonists should stay neutral in this conflict, because...
9.Colonists would benefit the most from…


Answer:1. The reason why they should support the loyalist/patriot political cause is that they are gaining freedom.

2. The reason why black people should stay neutral in this conflict is that what mattered most to them is freedom

3. The thing they would benefit most from while being enslaved is cotton.

4. they should because they will somehow maintain a neutral stance during the revolutionary war

5. Because the majority of them allied with Britain.

6. their benefits are general welfare-related benefits that are food stamps and healthcare coverage

7. the reason why is that farmers often chose the side that their landowner supported

8 Other colonists wished to remain neutral because they wanted no part in a war that could bring death and destruction to their families and homes.

9. The British colonies of North America, through most of their early history, enjoyed a relatively mild imperial regime that Edmund Burke





ight bet


yeah alright where

due also yesterday pls help


It’s bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

Why were potlatches held in Northwest Coastal society?



Potlatches were held in Northwestern Coastal societies because they were in need of redistribution and by doing so they were considered as a gift giving ceremony where they gave potlatches.


What is one reason Mecca is the main holy city of Islam?



The prophet Muhammad was born in this city in 570AD


It was where Prophet Muhammed ﷺ was said to receive his first revelations. He was born in Mecca and it’s where the Qiblah lies. It is where all Muslims go to do hajj or pilgrimage.

Regarding the Magna Carta, which statement is false?

A. The document required trial by a jury of one's peers.
B. King John was forced to sign the document.
C. The meeting of the English Barons and King John occurred at Runnymede.
D. The document assured all English citizens freedom of speech


The document assured all English citizens freedom of speech this statement is not correct regarding the Magna Carta.

What do you mean by Magna Carta?

The Magna Carta, which was published in June 1215, was the very first document into which the idea of the king and his government were expressed that they were subject to the law. As we all know that constitutional bodies are very much important to restrain anyone and thus by creating the law, it restrained the king from abusing his position of authority and also set various limits for the Royal power.

So, by this, Magna Carta safeguards the people like their liberties and assets against any oppressive king and Magna Carta was created by a group of barons in the 13th century. It addresses a variation of practical issues as well as particular grievances connected to the feudal society they lived in.

To learn more about the Magna Carta here:


Briefly explain ONE specific development in the
opposition to slavery in the period 1820 to 1860.


you may shorten this if you’d like. (p.s. if you can, please mark me brainliest, it would help a lot)


Throughout the 1820 to 1860, northern abolitionists dedicated themselves to exposing the brutality of slavery. Many did this by reaching out to the public. People such as William Lloyd Garrison and Harriet Beecher Stowe expanded the truth about slavery by writing "The Liberator" and "Uncle Tom's Cabin".

what does the commentator mean when he says that Istanbul feels like a city ΅where two worlds meet'?


The commentator mean when he says that Istanbul feels like a city ΅where two worlds meet because Istanbul Is a city with so much life that it's hard to find.

With wide streets, crowded squares, a skyline of towering mosques, and thousands of labyrinthine shops selling everything from hand-picked spices and teas, buttons and yarn to hundreds of different tobacco pipes, Istanbul It's a city with so much life that it's hard to find. Istanbul is Turkey's largest city. She lies on two peninsulas on either side of the Bosphorus, the strait between the Sea of ​​Marmara and the Black Sea. The last emperor died at the wall, and the head of the Byzantine church, the Patriarch, was captured.

The city was renamed Istanbul and once again he became one of the most important cities in the world. Now it became the capital of the Ottoman Empire and many churches were converted into mosques.

Learn about istanbul:


why was babur so negative, critical and judgmental about the people?




He was a fine fencer, good archer and superb horseman. As a physically strong man: He was a very strong man and could run on a rampart holding two men in his arms.

Although Babur was a compassionate and a tolerant sovereign, he could descend into the realm of the barbaric with ease. Babur was known to order human gladiator fights where he would often jump into the ring to polish off a hapless loser who died too slowly.

name three ways Indians resisted the division of their property


Answer: By 1835 the destitute Creeks began stealing livestock and crops from white settlers. Some eventually committed arson and murder in retaliation for their brutal treatment.

Explanation: The Secretary of War ordered the removal of the Creeks as a military necessity. By 1837, approximately 15,000 Creeks had migrated west. They had never signed a removal treaty.

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