Read the quote and determine whether you agree,then elaborate on what makes an effective writer


Answer 1

Agree, Writing is not an easy skill where you can scribble down your thoughts and produce a novel right away. Writing well takes time. Editing, evaluating, and correcting take time for good authors. When Courtenay says that these "are the absolute basics of writing," he is accurate.

What is a writer?

A writer is a person who expresses thoughts via written words using a variety of writing skills. Writers create a variety of literary works and creative writing, including novels, short stories, books, poems, plays, screenplays, teleplays, songs, and essays, in addition to various reports and news items that could be of interest to the general audience.

As a screenwriter or songwriter, for example, or as a standalone noun, "writer" often refers to the act of producing written text. The term "writer" is also used elsewhere in the arts and music. Some authors draw on oral traditions.

To learn more about the writer follow the link.


Your Question was incomplete but most probably your question was.

Read the quote and determine whether you agree,then elaborate on what makes an effective writer

“All effective writing is rewriting. There are very few geniuses who can transcribe what is in their head directly as a finished copy on the page. Culling, cutting, rethinking, juxtaposing and rearranging are the very basics of writing.” - Bryce Courtenay

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Aesop's Fable: "The Belly and the Members"
One fine day it occurred to the Members of the Body that they were doing all the work and the Belly was having all the food. So, they held a meeting, and after a long discussion, decided to strike work till the Belly consented to take its proper share of the work. So, for a day or two, the Hands refused to take the food, the Mouth refused to receive it, and the Teeth had no work to do. But after a day or two the Members began to find that they themselves were not in a very active condition. The Hands could hardly move, and the Mouth was all parched and dry, while the Legs were unable to support the rest. So thus, they found that even the Belly in its dull quiet way was doing necessary work for the Body, and that all must work together or the Body will go to pieces.
What is the theme of this fable?
A. The smallest among us has the greatest role.
B. When we target and victimize one individual, we weaken the group, and all its members.
C. Groups are destined to fail.
D. Everyone must do the same work in order for everyone to succeed.
What evidence supports your answer in question 1?
A. “The body was doing all the work and the Belly was having all the food.”
B. “But after a day or two the Members began to find that they themselves were not in a very active condition.
C. “(they) decided to strike work till the Belly consented to take its proper share of the work.”
D. "for a day or two, the Hands refused to take the food, the Mouth refused to receive it"


Answer: B and C

Explanation: Like our digestive system, we need everything to function in a group. Take a football team, for example. If the quarterback is ill, should you replace him with a kicker, and expect the game to run smoothly? That would not work at all.

As I said before, the connection is key! The belly is doing its share of work, the others just aren't seeing it, so “(they) decided to strike work till the Belly consented to take its proper share of the work.”

what is the" Exposition,Conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution" for the book " The Royal Diaries Elizabeth I Red Rose of the house of Tudor England,1544" by "Kathryn ,Lasky"


The order of the plot in the drama has been includes the exposition, rising action, as well as the climax, falling action, and resolution.

What is a drama plot?

This has been refers to the sequence of events where each condition affects the next one just through the principle of cause and effect. The" Exposition,Conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution" for the book " The Royal Diaries Elizabeth."

In the drama, the order of the plot has been expected to the move as from exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, to resolution.

Therefore, The order of the plot in the drama has been includes the exposition, rising action, as well as the climax, falling action, and resolution.

Learn more about resolution on:


Read the sentence.
I am reminded to feel grateful for my opportunities by considering the struggles of my grandparents.
Which revision edits the sentence for appropriate use of active voice?
A The struggles of my grandparents are what reminds me to feel grateful for my opportunities.
B I feel grateful for my opportunities when I consider the struggles of my grandparents.
C Gratitude for my opportunities is felt by me when I consider the struggles of my grandparents.
D Considering the struggles of my grandparents is what reminds me to feel grateful for my opportunities.


Answer: I think is possible to be C

Explanation:In C: ''Gratitude for my opportunities is felt by me'' edits the appropriate use of active voice.when edited,it becomes a passive voice.

What is the beauty of an open mind?


Being pragmatic and keeping an open mind go hand in hand. should internalize the notion that your position in the discussion is not decided until it is properly completed.

An open-minded individual perceives their world without a lens, being receptive to the thoughts and ideas of others while remaining impervious. In other words, they accept every situation, every person they encounter, every condition, and every experience for what it is, without adding their own bias or spin to it. No filters, no preconceived notions, no judgments. They typically investigate and enjoy those distinctions because they understand that they are a really good thing rather than a cause for hatred.

To know more about Open mind, refer to this link:


read the e-mail. in the interest of public safety, griffin avenue should have a traffic light installed. there have been many traffic accidents recently at griffin avenue and 32nd street. statistics show that overall traffic in the area has also increased. installing a traffic signal at roman avenue reduced accidents by ten percent, so it is likely that installing one at griffin avenue, which has similar conditions, will also result in fewer accidents. at your next council meeting, please consider my suggestion for making this intersection safer. what viewpoint is being expressed in the e-mail?


Due to the number of accidents, the writer feels that Griffin Avenue needs a traffic light. viewpoint is being expressed in the e-mail

What is the Avenue?

A street, especially one that is broad and tree-lined, is an avenue. Any method of doing something is an avenue. For instance, you might have just discovered this website as a new resource for word learning. The French verb Avenir, which means "to come to, or arrive," is where the word avenue originates. Simple street width is the first interpretation.

The term "viewpoint" refers to the author's position or stance on the subject or issue that they are explaining, debating, or fighting about. According to the author of the sample, a traffic signal on Griffin Avenue is

A must to prevent accidents. This is demonstrated by the supporting details the author offers to support this assertion and convince the readers of its veracity.

Therefore,  Thus option (A) is correct

Learn more about Avenue here:





Due to the number of accidents, the writer feels that Griffin Avenue needs a traffic light.

What is the purpose of Benjamin Franklin's "Rules and Maxims for Promoting Matrimonial Happiness"?
O To give women advice about how to be good wives
O To give men advice about how to be good husbands
O To teach men how to take care of their homes
O To teach women how to behave properly in public


We can see here that the purpose of Benjamin Franklin's "Rules and Maxims for Promoting Matrimonial Happiness" is:  A. To give women advice about how to be good wives.

Who is Benjamin Franklin?

Benjamin Franklin was actually known to be an American inventor, statesman, writer, scientist, printer, publisher and a political philosopher. He was known to be one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. He was among those who drafted and signed the United States of America's Declaration of Independence.

Benjamin Franklin was known to be a scientist who was a major figure during the American Enlightenment. He was an inventor who invented lightning rod, bifocals, etc. He was also writer who wrote the book,  "Rules and Maxims for Promoting Matrimonial Happiness". He wrote to give advice to women.

Learn more about Benjamin Franklin on


Why is BTS the biggest boy band in the world?


BTS aren't simply adept with social media; in the eyes of their followers, they are also K-pop pioneers. While K-pop singles are often not created by the band members

many BTS songs—especially those featuring J-Hope and erstwhile underground rappers Suga and RM—have one of the members listed as a writer or producer. One pre-pandemic estimate estimated the yearly economic effect of bts, a South Korean boyband, at $3.7bn a year, making them the most lucrative pop group ever They are the artists who have sold the most albums in South Korea. Since The Beatles, they achieved four US number one albums more quickly than any other group. They were initially identified in 2010, and their debut album was made available in 2013. "Adorable Representative M.C. for BTS" is how BTS followers refer to themselves.

To learn more about BTS please click on below link


Answer: Because they are

Explanation: They paved the way for kpop

Stan bts

How BTS influence your life?



It gave me a very strange K-pop obsession during Middle School, lol.


How do you use key words?


Keywords are the words and phrases that people type into search engines to find what they're looking for. For example, if you were looking to buy a new jacket, you might type something like “mens leather jacket” into Go-ogle.

Even though that phrase consists of more than one word, it's still a keyword. “Keyword” is also a term that's used to refer to the words and phrases that people enter into a search engine to find information that they're looking for. If a user's search keywords match the keywords on your site, your site will show up in the search results.

To know more about keywords click below:


Why is meiosis not genetically identical?


Meiosis is not gene-tically identical because of the recombi-nation of genes that occurred during pro-phase 1. Each daughter cell has half the num-ber of chromo-somes as compared to their parents (one copy of each chromo-some).

What is meiosis?

Meiosis is a pro-cess where a single cell divides twice to pro-duce four cells containing half the origi-nal amount of genetic inform-ation. These cells are our se-x cells – spe-rm in males, eggs in females.

During meiosis one cell div-ides twice to form four dau-ghter cells. These four daug-hter cells only have half the number of chromo-somes of the pa-rent cell – they are haploid.

To know more about meiosis click below:


The ________ effect describes the enhancement of long-term memory that comes from relating information to the self
a. self-consistency
b. self-enhancement
c. self-justification
d. self-reference


Answer: D, self-reference


The self-reference effect is a tendency for people to encode information differently depending on whether they are implicated in the information. When people are asked to remember information when it is related in some way to themselves, the recall rate can be improved.

How do you determine a words meaning in context?


To determine a word's meaning in context, it is important to look at the surrounding words and the overall context of the sentence or passage. Consider the word's part of speech and how it is used in the sentence, as well as the other words used in the sentence or passage. Additionally, consider the cultural context of the text and any cultural references that may be present. Finally, consult a dictionary to better understand the word's meaning if needed.

Which of the following sentences contains a bolded word that has a positive connotation?

Parisians protested vehemently against the pyramid's design.
The dog's pungent breath wafted up from the floor.
The trash can's acrid smell wafted into the open window.
Through the lens of Leah's camera, the world's vibrant colors shine through.


It can be inferred that the option from the sentences that contains a bolded word that has a positive connotation is: "Through the lens of Leah's camera, the world's vibrant colors shine through." (Option D).

What is a connotation?

In addition to its explicit or precise meaning, which is its denotation, a connotation is a generally accepted cultural or emotional association that every particular word or phrase possesses. A connotation is typically regarded as either good or negative in terms of the emotional connection it evokes.

A negative connotation is a negative sensation or emotion associated with a term. A positive connotation is a favorable sensation or emotion associated with a term. When a term has no positive or negative meaning, it is said to have a neutral connotation.

The words "vibrant colors" give off a positive connotation.

Learn more about positive connotations:

Answer: Vibrant


How do we determine the meaning of a word?


Context can clarify the situation in which a word is being used in writing.

In other words, you may determine a word's definition by looking at the sentence it appears in. To determine what the unknown word might imply, read the sentences before and following it.

There are several excellent ways to determine what words signify from context. There are other methods to determine a word's meaning outside knowing what part of speech it belongs to. Other hints to the meanings of terms that are unclear

Read the phrase in its entirety. Having a word that you don't recognize interrupt your reading might be really annoying. If you're taking a test or an interview, stop.

To learn more about recognize  please click on below link


Which strategy can help you write a comparative claim about the difference between a video news story and story that is mostly written text?.


Compare the specifics in the print piece to the choices the video makers made for what to display on screen.

A strategy describes how the approaches (goals) will be accomplished using the resources at hand. A strategy may be deliberate or take the form of a pattern of behavior as an organization competes or changes to fit its environment.Among the duties required are strategic planning and strategic thinking. A company's strategy refers to its long-term goals and the plan it has in place to reach those goals.Consider the decisions the video producers made on what to present on screen and contrast it with the specifics provided in the print piece. This may help in creating a comparative claim about the distinction between a video new story in a story that is mostly written text.

Thus this strategy can help you write a comparative claim about the difference between a video news story and story that is mostly written text.

Refer here to learn more about strategy:


What is an example of satire in a sentence?


Thus the squire learns to be a good landlord and becomes popular with his tenants, while the mother has a nice profit of eight shillings and is fit for work until she has another child. This is an example of irony.

A Modest Proposal' uses the technique of irony to make its point, which is the use of irony, humor, or exaggeration to criticize the ideas of others. Swift obviously doesn't sincerely want the people of Ireland to sell their children as food, but he's using an outrageous concept to convey a message.

A Modest Proposal" is an example of

Juvenalian satire. On the other hand,

Menippean satire is an ancient form of

satire. It was named after Menippus. It is a multifaceted, chaotic and often shapeless form of satire.

To know more about Irony visit:


Complete question: Which sentence from A Modest Proposal is the best example of satire Brainly?

who makes policies to protect the rights of the people regarding legal,.ethical, and societal issues in the media and information?​


The state should develop policies, enact laws, and implement mechanisms that are consistent with universal human rights standards.

What are the ethical concerns in the media and information industries?

It includes issues such as impartiality, objectivity, balance, bias, privacy, and the public interest in relation to news coverage. Stereotyping, taste and decency, obscenity, freedom of speech, advertising practises such as product placement, and legal issues such as defamation are also included.

What do legal, ethical, and societal issues in media and information mean?

-refers to the practise of modifying or altering computer software and hardware to achieve a goal that is thought to be outside of the creator's original goal.

What are the legal and ethical implications of Internet use?

Participants' privacy, confidentiality, and anonymity are all respected. The most frequently mentioned ethical concerns were participant privacy, confidentiality, and anonymity. These concerns apply to all types of internet research, not just those involving families and children.

learn more about rights of people visit:


How did Marshall McLuhan believe that the world will turn into a global village ?


Marshall McLuhan believes that the world will turn into a global village because television and other media technology will link people all over the world.

The term "global village" refers to the situation whereby the entire world is becoming more interconnected as a result of the spread of media technologies globally. In his works The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man (1962) and Understanding Media (1964), Canadian media theorist Marshall McLuhan introduced the phrase.

Nearly 30 years before the internet was invented, he made a forecast about the global village that centered on the idea of an interconnected culture bringing together new tribes of people from all over the world. McLuhan thought that the world was moving from an oral and written to an electronic age.

To learn more about Marshall McLuhan, visit the link below:


Who joined 7 In BTS?


Apr 24, 2020 — But who, in order, joined BTS? There is a reason why J-Hope, RM, Jin, Jungkook, V, Jimin, and Suga joined in the order that they did, after all.

7. JIMIN. His dance teacher suggested JIMIN for the Big Hit audition. In 2012, he joined Big Hit (he was 18 years old).

BTS: In his address to the Army, RM designated them as the group's "eighth member." Here are the comments made by Jin, Suga, J-Hope, Jimin, V, and Jungkook.

Rap Monster was the lone member of the original lineup and the first to join BTS. "Jimin, you got no jams," he famously quipped. Rap Monster, not Dance Monster, is who I am.

Even though his parents opposed his getting into music, he began performing while still in high school.

To learn more about joined please click on below link


What is trending song of BTS?


BTS initially topped the Hot 100 in 2020 with their remix of "Savage Love" with Jason Derulo, which they released for a week.

They then went on to top the chart twice more that year with the singles "Dynamite" and "Life Goes On."

Today is a "celebrate BTS" day for ARMYs all over the world as the K-pop group has finally released their much anticipated debut anthology album, "Proof." The seven-piece boy band released "Proof" along with the music video for their most recent single, "Yet To Come."

BTS, sometimes known as Beyond the Scene, is the full name of the South Korean K-pop band Bangtan Sonyeondan, commonly known as "Bulletproof Boy Scouts" or "Bangtan Boys."

To learn more about Savage Love please click on below link


What is the main message according to Marshall McLuhan?


Marshall McLuhan coined the expression "The medium is the message," which means that a medium's form becomes ingrained in the message, forming a mutually beneficial relationship in which the medium shapes how the message is understood.

The expression "the medium is the message," which is developed throughout the book, refers to how content and medium are entwined; as a result, the primary message or effect of something lies not in the information it conveys but in the manner in which it is presented. McLuhan asserts that the message of the medium is the "change of scale or pace or pattern that it introduces into human affairs" in his source text, applying the statement to a variety of technologies, mediums, and social and historical contexts.

To know more about Marshall McLuhan, refer to this link:


what is the term that dr. katt coined to explain that a presentational aid should add to the presentation by further clarifying the speaker's message?


Dr. Katt invented the phrase "audio aids" to describe how a presentational aid should enhance the presentation by making the speaker's message even clearer.

What is the purpose of a presentational aid?

Presentation tools help the audience grasp a speaker's arguments more clearly by emphasizing and defining them. Presentation aids can both highlight the speech's most important aspects and aid the listener in understanding complex ideas or procedures.

What is a presentation visual aid?

Visual elements, such as images, charts, and diagrams, enhance in understanding and memory retention of information presented orally. A speaker conveys information orally when providing a speech or presentation.

To know more about Presentation aid visit:


Why is it important to learn about Filipino culture and tradition?


Filipino values tell and affect how we work and stay. In addition to its intrinsic value, culture provides important social and economic benefits.

Studying and studying approximately exceptional cultures allows us apprehend why sure organizations of human beings see the arena the manner they do. If you are analyzing the Filipino language, it makes experience to benefit a deeper knowledge of the Filipino culture, as well. Filipino values tell and affect how we work and stay. Discover who we definitely are and discover possibilities to stay and work with us. If you need Filipinos to emerge as effective, there's no want to supplant Filipino values with western values. In addition to its intrinsic value, culture provides important social and economic benefits.

To learn more about language check the link below:


What are the factors that leads to premarital sex?


The factors that leads to premarital sex are influence of media, peer pressure, insatiable lust for money, cultural influence, sexual harassment, curiosity, poor school discipline, location of school, religious teachings and literacy.

Premarital sex is sexual activity that people engage in before they are married. Premarital sex is considered a sin in many religions and is also a moral issue that is taboo in many cultures.

Since the sexual revolution of the 1960s, it has been embraced by certain liberal movements, especially in the West. According to a 2014 Pew survey of global morality, premarital sex is viewed as particularly unacceptable in "Muslim-majority countries" such as Malaysia, Jordan, Pakistan and Egypt, respectively. More than 90% were negative, with people in Western European countries the most tolerant, and less than 10% in Spain, Germany and France.

Learn more about Premarital sex here:


Jenni wrote a conditional statement and its converse. Conditional: if two angles are alternate interior angles, then they are congruent. Converse: if two angles are congruent, then they are alternate interior angles. Did jenni write the converse statement properly? give a counterexample to dispute the validity of the converse statement. No; vertical angles yes; corresponding angles no; alternate exterior angles yes; alternate interior angles.



 yes; corresponding angles


flvs js got it right

When I was a kid, I took great pleasure in jumping on my bike and riding to the corner candy store about half a mile away. Although I had no knowledge of the part the bicycle had played as a vehicle of change for turn-of-the-20th-century women, I was acutely aware that it allowed this 1960s girl a unique measure of independence. On my bike, I could break free of the bonds that held me in my neighborhood to go buy Necco Wafers and candy necklaces and Atomic FireBalls. If I felt particularly adventurous, I could even ride a bit farther for a fresh ice-cream cone at Applegate Farm.

—Introduction to Wheels of Change,
Sue Macy

What is the central idea of this passage?

The bicycle provided a way for Sue Macy to buy candy from the local store.
The bicycle provided joy and independence for Sue Macy at a young age.
The bicycle provided a vehicle of change for the twentieth-century woman.
The bicycle provided exercise for young children in the writer’s neighborhood.



The central idea of this passage is that the bicycle provided joy and independence for Sue Macy at a young age.

What are the three writing guidelines to follow when writing a résumé?'


The three rules to remember when creating a resume are: 1. Write plainly and clearly. 2. Provide detailed figures and illustrations. 3. Make use of strong action verbs.

A curriculum vitae (CV), commonly known as a résumé or resume (or alternatively, resumé), is a document that a person creates and uses to highlight their educational history, professional experience, and accomplishments. Although there are many uses for resumes, they are most frequently employed to find new jobs.

A standard résumé includes a "summary" of essential educational background and work history. The résumé is typically one of the first things a prospective employer sees about the job seeker and is frequently used to screen candidates, along with a cover letter & occasionally an application for employment.

To know more about curriculum vitae:


this type of bias occurs when researchers fail to choose a representative sample of potential respondents.


Selection bias occurs when researchers fail to select a representative sample of potential respondents.

What is selection bias?Sampling bias or coverage error is the term for sampling. When a researcher collects data from the population and that data has no meaning or value, selection bias occurs. This occurred because the participants chosen for the sampling were not chosen fairly for both groups. Both the experimental and control groups are representative of the sampling or general population. These groups also represented one another. Both groups are the same. No one group should be given a higher ranking than another because this will distort the findings.Selection bias occurs when an error is made when the individuals or groups that participate in a study do not represent the entire group.

To learn more about selection bias refer to :


How does the narrator contribute to her mother's decision to return to puerto rico?.


The narrator in the story “How My Mother Gave Me the World” by Julia Alvarez plays a major role in her mother’s decision to return to Puerto Rico. The narrator is a daughter who has grown up in the United States, but she still has a strong connection to her Puerto Rican heritage.

She is determined to reconnect with her mother’s homeland and find a way to bridge the gap between her American and Puerto Rican identities.The narrator’s desire to learn more about her roots causes her to push her mother to return to Puerto Rico. She makes several attempts to persuade her mother to take a trip back to Puerto Rico, including offering to go with her and do all the research for the trip. She does her best to make the trip a reality, but her mother is hesitant to go.

She is afraid of what she might find when she returns and doesn’t want to confront the memories of her past.The narrator’s persistence eventually pays off, and her mother decides to return to Puerto Rico after all. The narrator’s enthusiasm and dedication to learning more about her heritage provide the push that her mother needs to make the journey. The narrator’s willingness to stand by her mother’s side throughout the trip is also a major factor in her mother’s decision to return.

Learn more about Puerto Rico at :


what is the timeline for implementing change according to the adkar model? prompt 13 answer for prompt 1 3 prompt 22 answer for prompt 2 2 prompt 31 answer for prompt 3 1 prompt 44 answer for prompt 4 4 prompt 55 answer for prompt 5 5


Based on the Adkar model, the process for achieving change involves pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance.

What does mean to put something into practice?

implementation; implementation; implementations carry out, complete are transitive verbs. Specifically: to offer tools or a form of expression for; to provide real effect to; and to assure actual fulfillment through specific actions.

What does it mean to be implemented?

When a plan is implemented, it is established or put into effect. If there's a rumor going around the office that everyone has to wear a hat with propellers, you'll undoubtedly be glad to hear that it hasn't been put into practice yet.

To know more about implementation visit:


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ice freezing exothermic or endothermic? New classical economists believe that an increase in deficit financing by the government willa. reduce government spending.b. increase consumption. c. reduce future taxes. d. increase savings. A group of researchers wants to develop an experiment to determine whether a new drug effectively treats high blood pressure. The researchers want to inject the drug in monkeys first to determine whether there are any potential serious side effects.Part A: What are some possible ethical issues to this type of testing? (5 points)Part B: While conducting the experiment, the researchers find that blood pressure levels return to normal, and they declare the drug is the cause of the change. Is this a good assumption? Explain. (5 points) (10 points) Please factor the following questions A figure skater is spinning slowly with arms outstretched. Shebrings her arms in close to her body and her moment of inertiadecreases by 1/2. Her angular speed increases by a factor ofA. 2B. 1C. 4D. square root of 2E. 1/2In the same situation if she decreases her moment of inertiaby a factor of 2, how does her angular speed change?A. Its reduced by a factor of 4B. Its reducded by a factor of 2C. It increases by a factor of 4D. It increases by a factor of 2E. It doesnt changeIs the relationship between angular speed and moment ofinertia inversely proportional, or does angular speed have todouble to compensate for any decrease in moment of inertia? I needhelp understanding the relationship between the two. I=2k/omegasquared, correct? The market adjusts to a new equilibrium price and quantity when: -3-10x=25+4x whats the answer How does the final sentence build on a key idea mentioned in the first paragraph?Then look at the answer that u chose.explain why your choice is correctStory "Terra cotta army protects first emperors tomb" jackson and vivica, two teenagers, are not ready to take the risk of an unwanted pregnancy but have unprotected sex. as per vivica's calculations, she is ovulating. what should vivica do to prevent an unintended pregnancy?multiple choiceimmediately consume plan b one-step pillsuse a cervical cap along with an effective spermicideimplant essureimmediately insert the paragard iud herself the task of framing a building has been estimated to take an average of 25 days with a standard deviation of 4 days. what duration should be used if there is to be a 90% confidence that the duration will not be exceeded? what is the probability that the duration will actually exceed 23 days? Determine the type of basic curve the set of parametric equations represents.x(t)=3cos(t)y(t)=3sin(t)Select the correct answer below:ellipsecirclehyperbolalineparabola Demand management might be defined as focused efforts to estimate and manage customers' demand, with the intention of using this information to shape operating decisions. the bending of a tip link protein leads to depolarization of the hair cell by allowing ions to diffuse across the membrane into the cell. t or f What effect will the declaration and distribution of a stock dividend have on net income and cash flows?a) increase net income, no effect on cash flowsb) no effect on net income, decrease cash flowsc) no effect on net income or cash flowsd) decrease net income, decrease cash flows suppose you are deciding whether to spend your tax rebate check on a new laptop or a new smartphone. you are dealing with the concept of 1.For a birthday party, Marissa bought three cartons of ice cream at $4.59 each and two packages of plasticbowls at $3.00 each. If food is not taxed and non-emergency grocery items are taxed at the rate of 5%, whatwas her total bill? How does sleep affect the muscular system? over the last few days, several employees in your enterprise reported seeing strange messages containing links in their company's im account. even though no one has clicked on the messages, they are spreading throughout the network. which type of malicious activity is this? What theme does the motif of time support? Features of hyperlink