A group of researchers wants to develop an experiment to determine whether a new drug effectively treats high blood pressure. The researchers want to inject the drug in monkeys first to determine whether there are any potential serious side effects.

Part A: What are some possible ethical issues to this type of testing? (5 points)

Part B: While conducting the experiment, the researchers find that blood pressure levels return to normal, and they declare the drug is the cause of the change. Is this a good assumption? Explain. (5 points) (10 points)


Answer 1

The possible ethical issues of testing are given below.

What is drug?

Any chemical that, when consumed, alters the physiology or psychology of an organism qualifies as a drug. Usually, foods and other substances that support nutrition are distinguished from drugs.


Possible ethical problems: Since animals are able to perceive their surroundings, they have the right to exist free from human interference.

Therefore, animal research should not be done by humans. It is wrong to use animals only as stools to advance scientific understanding.

The right for an animal to live a full life without pain or suffering should be equal to that of humans.

Part B:

For the following reason, this is a bad assumption.

It does not follow that just because a drug causes the blood pressure levels in monkeys to return to normal after consumption that the drug will do the same for humans. This is because how humans and monkeys react to drugs differ.

Furthermore, it's unclear whether the drug's return to normal blood pressure was caused by it or by some other confounding variables that the researcher neglected to take into account.

To know more about drug, click on the link



Related Questions

1. Each month, Billy earns $2000 for working the night shift at Amazon, before taxes and
retirement are taken out. If 8% of his paycheck goes to income taxes, and 10%
automatically goes into retirement, what is Billy's net pay each month?


The net pay of Billy after 8% taxes and 10% retirement policy is $1600.

What is the percentage?

A percentage is a value per hundredth. Percentages can be converted into decimals and fractions by dividing the percentage value by a hundred.

Given, From Billy's salary of $2000 8% of his paycheck goes to income taxes, and 10% automatically goes into retirement.

So, To obtain a net salary of Billy we'll subtract the percentage amount of 8% and 10% from the base of $2000.

Therefore, Net pay of Billy is {2000 - (8/100)×2000 - (10/100)×2000}.

= {2000 - 160 - 200}.

= (2000 - 360).

= $1640

learn more about percentages here :



Which is an equation of the line with a slope of 1/4 and a y intercept of -2


use y = mx + b

this is slope and y intercept

m is slope       b is y intercept

y = 1/4x -2

The theater was full when the movie began. Seventy-six people left
before the movie ended. One hundred twenty-four people remained.
How many people were in the theater when it was full?


The number of people were 200 in the theater when it was full.

What is a theater?

In architecture, a theatre, usually spelled theatre, is a structure or area where a play can be conducted in front of spectators. The term comes from the Greek theatron, which means "a place of seeing." The actual performance usually takes place on a stage in a theatre.

Given that, the theater was full when the movie began.

76 people leave the theater before end the movie. At the end of the movie, there is 124 people left.

Apply algebraical operation that is addition to find the required answer.

Therefore, the number of people that was present at the beginning of the movie is (76 + 124) = 200.

To learn more about arithmetic operation, click on below link:



Solve the following rational equation. Be sure to list the NPV’s and verify your solution(s).
[tex]\frac{2}{2x-6}-\frac{x}{x^2-9} =\frac{3}{x-3}[/tex]



NPV: ±3x = -2

Step-by-step explanation:

You want the solutions to the rational equation ...



We choose to rewrite the equation in the form f(x) = 0. We can start by subtracting the term on the right side (from both sides).

  [tex]\dfrac{2}{2x-6}-\dfrac{x}{x^2-9}-\dfrac{3}{x-3}=0\\\\\dfrac{2}{2(x-3)}-\dfrac{x}{(x-3)(x+3)}-\dfrac{3}{x-3}=0\\\\\\\dfrac{(x+3)-x-3(x+3)}{(x-3)(x+3)}=0\qquad\text{cancel 2 in first term; common denominator}\\\\\\\dfrac{-3x-6}{(x-3)(x+3)}=0\qquad\text{collect terms}[/tex]


The "not-possible values" will be values of x that make the denominator zero: x = ±3. The solution is ...

  [tex]-3(x+2)=0\qquad\text{numerator must be zero}\\\\\boxed{x=-2}\qquad\text{divide by -3, subtract 2}[/tex]


In the original equation, we have ...



Additional comment

We like to write the equation as a single fraction compared to zero so that any common factors can be cancelled from numerator and denominator. This helps prevent extraneous solutions. Here, there are none.

A plane took off from the runway. When the plane had flown 1000 m, it had covered a horizontal distance
of 800 m. Find the measure of the angle to the nearest degree at which the plane rose from the ground.



36.9 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

distance that the plane travels (hypotenuse) = 1000m

horizontal distance (adjacent) = 800m

cos(angle) = adjacent/hypotenuse

cos(angle) = 800/1000

angle = cos-1(800/1000)

angle = 36.9 degrees

Solve the area of the following shapes


1. 217 2. 624 3. 2961 4. Can’t tell

Find the Missing Side Lengths
Instructions: Use the ratio of a 45-45-90 triangle to solve for the variables. Leave your answers as radicals in simplest form.


The value of x is 13 units and the value of y is 13 units

The given triangle is right triangle

The ratio of the given triangle angles = 45-45-90 degrees

To find the length of the sides we have to use the trigonometric functions

sin θ = Opposite side / hypotenuse

cos θ = Adjacent side / hypotenuse

tan θ = Opposite side / adjacent side

Find the value of x

sin 45 = Opposite side / 13[tex]\sqrt{2}[/tex]

Opposite side = 13[tex]\sqrt{2}[/tex] × sin 45

= 13 units


cos 45 = Adjacent side / 13[tex]\sqrt{2}[/tex]

Adjacent side =  13[tex]\sqrt{2}[/tex] × cos 45

= 13 units

Therefore, the length of the side x and y is 13 units

Learn more about trigonometric functions here



Which ordered pairs lie on the graph of the exponential function f(x) = 3(2)2x ?

Select each correct answer.


​ (0,1) ​
​, , begin ordered pair 0 comma 1 end ordered pair, , ​

​ (3,192) ​
​, (3,192) , ​

​ (1,12)


The ordered pair (1, 12) lies on the graph of the exponential function f(x) = 3(2)2x. which is the correct answer would be option (A).

The graph of an exponential function of the form f(x) = abˣ is a curve that passes through the point (0, a), where a is the initial value of the function.

In the given equation, the initial value is 3, so the graph of f(x) passes through the point (0, 3).

To find other points on the graph of f(x), we can plug different values of x into the equation and solve for the corresponding value of y.

For example, if we plug x = 3 into the equation, we get:

f(3) = 3(2)² × 3

= 3(16)

= 48

Therefore, point (3, 48) does not lie on the graph of f(x).

Similarly, if we plug x = 1 into the equation, we get:

f(1) = 3(2)² × 1

= 3(4)

= 12

Thus, point (1, 12) lies on the graph of f(x).

Learn more about the graphs here:



The excel cable company has a monthly fee of $32 an additional charge of $8 for each premium channel. The best cable company has a monthly fee of $26 and an additional charge of $10 for each premium channel. The Horton family is deciding which of these 2 cable companies to subscribe to.

(A) For what number of premium channels will the total monthly subscription fee for the excel and best cable companies be the same?

The Horton family decides to subscribe to 2 premium channels for a period of one year.

(B) Which cable company should they subscribe to in order to spend less money, Excel or Best? Explain your reasoning.

(C) How much money will the Hortons save in one year by using the less expensive company?


The Horton family subscribes to 3 premium channels. The total monthly subscription fee for the excel cable company is 48 dollars. The Horton family will save 24 dollars in one year by using the less expensive company.

(A) To find the number of premium channels for which the total monthly subscription fee for the excel and best cable companies will be the same, we set these two expressions equal to each other and solve for x:

32 + 8x = 26 + 10x

8x - 10x = 26 - 32

-2x = -6

x = 3

Therefore, the Horton family subscribes to 3 premium channels.

(B) The total monthly subscription fee for the excel cable company is 32 + 8 × 2 = 48 dollars if the Horton family subscribes to 2 premium channels. The total monthly subscription fee for the best cable company is 26 + 10 × 2 = 46 dollars if the Horton family subscribes to 2 premium channels.

Since the total monthly subscription fee for the best cable company is less than the total monthly subscription fee for the excel cable company, the Horton family should subscribe to the best cable company in order to spend less money.

(C) If the Horton family subscribes to the best cable company for one year, they will save 48 - 46 = 2 dollars per month. Over the course of one year, they will save 2 × 12 = 24 dollars.

Therefore, the Horton family will save 24 dollars in one year by using the less expensive company.

To learn more about numerical expression click here :



Find the inverse of the following function pairs




Step-by-step explanation:

This is the only pair of functions where [tex]f(g(x))=g(f(x))=x[/tex].

A ceramic artist orders two types of clay. She must spend at least $100 to qualify for free shipping. Earthen red clay costs $0.75 per pound, and porcelain white clay costs $1.10 per pound. To summarize the situation, the artist writes the inequality: 0.75r+1.1w>100, where r is the number of pounds of earthen red clay, and w is the number of pounds of porcelain white clay.


The inequality to use to find the number of pounds for Earthen red clay and Porcelain white clay is:

0.75r + 1.1w ≥ 100

What is inequality?

It shows a relationship between two numbers or two expressions.

There are commonly used four inequalities:

Less than = <

Greater than = >

Less than and equal = ≤

Greater than and equal = ≥

We have,

A ceramic artist orders two types of clay.

Earthen red clay

Porcelain white clay

Amount to spend = $100 or more

Earthen red clay costs = $0.75 per pound

Porcelain white clay costs = $1.10 per pound.

The inequality to use to find the number of pounds for Earthen red clay and Porcelain white clay.

= 0.75r + 1.1w ≥ 100

where r is the number of pounds of earthen red clay, and w is the number of pounds of porcelain white clay.


The number of pounds for Earthen red clay and Porcelain white clay can be found using the inequality:

0.75r + 1.1w ≥ 100

Learn more about inequalities here:



f(x) = 5x-10 and g(x) = -x+4
Calculate f(-3)


The value of f(-3) if f(x) = 5x - 10 and g(x) = -x + 4 is -25.

What is the equation?

Equation: A statement that two variable or integer expressions are equal. In essence, equations are questions, and the motivation for the development of mathematics has been the systematic search for the answers to these questions.


f(x) = 5x - 10 and g(x) = -x+4

Calculate the  f(-3) by putting the value of x = -3 as shown below,

f(x) = 5(-3) - 10

f(x) = - 15 - 10

f(x) = -25

Therefore, the value of f(-3) if f(x) = 5x-10 and g(x) = -x+4 is -25.

To know more about equation:



2n = 10 help pls



Divide both sides by 2:

[tex]\dfrac{2n}{2} =\dfrac{10}{2}[/tex]

[tex]\fbox{n = 5}[/tex]

For the rational function f(x)=5-x/r2 +5+6, solve f(x) = 3.



To solve the equation f(x) = 3, we can set the expression for f(x) equal to 3 and then solve for x. In other words, we want to find the values of x that make the equation 5 - \frac{x}{r^2} + 5 + 6 = 3 true.

We can start by simplifying the left side of the equation by combining like terms. This gives us

5 - \frac{x}{r^2} + 5 + 6 = 5 + 5 - \frac{x}{r^2} + 6 = 10 - \frac{x}{r^2} + 6

Next, we set this expression equal to 3 and solve for x:

10 - \frac{x}{r^2} + 6 = 3 \quad \Rightarrow \quad 10 - 6 = 3 - \frac{x}{r^2} \quad \Rightarrow \quad \frac{x}{r^2} = 7

To solve for x, we can multiply both sides of the equation by r^2:

x = 7r^2

Therefore, the solutions to the equation f(x) = 3 are $x = 7r^2$. Note that this is a general solution, and it may not give all the possible values of $x$ that make the equation true. It's also possible that there are no solutions, depending on the value of $r$.

Chris needs to drive 24 miles to work. So far, he has driven 5.4 miles. How many more miles must he drive?



18.6 miles

Step-by-step explanation:

Subtract Distance traveled from total distance

Total distance: 24 miles

Distance Traveled: 5.4 miles

24 - 5.4 = 18.6

Well subtract 24-5.4 what I would do is first subtract 5 from 24 you would get 19 and then subtract . 4 from 19 an you should get 18.6 I believe

can someone help me with this


The composition function for the given situation is (c·r·b)(x) or (r·c·b)(x). Therefore, options B and F are the correct answers.

The given functions are c(x)=2x, b(x)=x+5 and r(x)=0.75x.

What is the composite function?

When the result of one function is used as the input for another, this is known as a composite function.

The most common kind of critical hit simply deals additional damage, most commonly dealing double the normal damage that would have been dealt, but many other formulas exist as well (such as ignoring defense of the target or always awarding the maximum possible damage).

A critical hit has the base damage x multiplied, next the damage reduction is applied to the critical hit. Bonus damage is not subject to damage reduction or critical hits, so this is applied last.

Here, Critical hit × Bonus × Damage reduction

That is, (c·r·b)(x) or (r·c·b)(x)

The composition function for the given situation is (c·r·b)(x) or (r·c·b)(x). Therefore, options B and F are the correct answers.

To learn more about the composite function visit:



graph this for free brain


The answer is x > 1.4 :)

what is the inverse function below.
(2, 0), (-1, 3), (-5, -4), (0, 6)}


In the broadest sense, inverse functions are those that "reverse" one another.

How to Find the Inverse of a Function?

Any function can be solved for by substituting one variable for another to discover the inverse of that function.

Below is an example to help you understand.

Find the inverse of h (x) = (4x + 3)/(2x + 5)


H (x) should be changed to Y.

h (x) = (4x+3)/(2x+5) y = (4x + 3)/(2x + 5)

Change the order of x and y.

⟹ x = (4y + 3)/ (2y + 5).

The following formula should be used to solve for y in the equation above:

⟹ x = (4y + 3)/ (2y + 5)

Divide both sides by (2y + 5)

⟹ x (2y + 5) = 4y + 3

Distribute the x evenly.

⟹ 2xy + 5x = 4y + 3

isolate y.

⟹ 2xy – 4y = 3 – 5x

⟹ y (2x – 4) = 3 – 5x

Divide through by 2x - 4 to obtain;

⟹ y = (3 – 5x)/ (2x – 4) (2x – 4)

Finally, swap out y for h - 1. (x).

⟹ h – 1 (x) = (3 – 5x)/ (2x – 4) (2x – 4).

To Learn more About  inverse functions refer to:



3. Lucas and Tucker each have a baseball card collection.
The number of cards in Lucas's collection can be represented by c.
The number of cards in Tucker's collection is 4 times the number in Lucas's collection.
The total number of cards in both collections is 205.
What is c, the number of baseball cards in Lucas's collection?
41 cards
51 cards
820 cards
164 cards


Answer: 51 cards

Explanation: Tucker has 4 times as much as Lucas has. The total number of cards is 205. So you have to do 205 divided by 4, giving you 51.25. Round that and you get 51.

*Not hundred percent sure this is correct*

What value of P makes this equation true




The answer is p = -6/3. This is the value of p that makes the original equation true.

Step-by-step explanation:

To solve this equation, we must first isolate the variable p on one side of the equation. To do this, we can use the properties of equality to add or subtract the same value from both sides of the equation.

First, we can subtract 2p from both sides of the equation to get rid of the 2p term on the left side. This gives us 0 = -3p - 6/4.

Next, we can add 6/4 to both sides of the equation to get rid of the constant term on the right side. This gives us 6/4 = -3p.

Finally, we can multiply both sides of the equation by -4/3 to get rid of the coefficient -3 on the right side. This gives us -6/3 = p.

Therefore, the value of p that makes the equation true is p = -6/3.

Shelby wants to buy a car and wants the best deal. Dealer #1 wants $100 down, and payments of $100 per month. Dealer #2 wants $10 down, and payments of $250 per month.



Dealer 1 is going to be the best deal due to after just 2 months Dealer 2 would be $510 and dealer 1 will be $200

I need help with this fast someone pls I’ll give tons of points



look it up

Step-by-step explanation:

Complete the chart for the given proof. GIVEN: the midpoint of AB <AX = <NY NX = BY PROVE: <X = <Y ​


Two-column proof

See missing statements and reasons below.

    Statement                                      Reason                                          

N is the midpoint of AB             GivenAN ≅ NB                                    Definition of a midpointAX ≅ NY                                     GivenBX ≅ BY                                     GivenΔAXN ≅ ΔNYB                           Side-side-side congruency∠X ≅ ∠Y                                      CPCTC


Suppose n represents a power of 10.

What is the value of n when 5 is rounded to the nearest power of 10?

Enter your answer in the box.


In the exponent, the value of n when 5 is rounded to the nearest power of 10 will be 100000.

How to illustrate the exponent?

The exponent is the number of times that a number is multiplied by itself. It should be noted that the power is an expression which shows the multiplication for the same number. For example, in 6⁴ , 4 is the exponent and 6⁴ is called 6 raise to the power of 4.

The value of n when 5 is rounded to the nearest power of 10 will be:

= 10^5

= 100000

The value is 10000.

Learn more about exponents on



A candy distributor needs to mix a 20% fat-content chocolate with a 60% fat-content chocolate to create 200 kilograms of a 22% fat-content chocolate. How many kilograms of each kind of chocolate must they use?

Answer: They must mix __ Kilograms of the 20% chocolate and __ Kilograms of the 60% chocolate.


Using a system of equations to solve the problem, the candy distributor must mix 190 Kilograms of the 20% chocolate and 10 Kilograms of the 60% chocolate to create 200 Kilograms of a 22% fat-content chocolate.

What is a system of equations?

A system of equations means two or more equations solved simultaneously.

They are known as simultaneous equations and can be solved graphically, by elimination, by substitution, or matrix.

The fat-content of one of the chocolate blend = 20%

The fat-content of the second chocolate blend = 60%

The expected mixture will have a fat-content = 22%

The total kilograms of the end mixture = 200 kilograms

Let the 20% fat-content chocolate = x

Let the 60% fat-content chocolate = y

x + y = 200 ... Equation 1

Solving for x, x = 200 - y

0.2x + 0.6y = 0.22(200)  ... Equation 2

By substitution in Equation 2:

0.2(200 - y) + 0.6y = 44

40 - 0.2y + 0.6y = 44

40 + 0.4y = 44

0.4y = 4

y = 10

x = 200 - y

x = 190 (200 - 10)

Based on the system of equations, 190 kilograms of the 20%-fat-content chocolate must be mixed with 10 kilograms of the 60% fat-content chocolate.

Learn more about simultaneous equations at https://brainly.com/question/13729904


What is the sum when you add seven-and-five-twelfths and three-and-seven-twelfths together? Make sure to show the answer in simplest terms




Step-by-step explanation:

help please! I dont understand! :(


The answer is B.

In order to figure this out, you take the ounces first and add them up. Ignore the pounds while doing this. You get 33 ounces. Than you want to figure out how many pounds that many ounces is. There’s 16 ounces in a pound. So you subtract 16 until you cannot anymore, in this case leaving us with 2 pounds and 1 ounce to add on. Than, you can add the pounds. Do not add the ounces to this as they were converted into that extra 2 pounds 1 ounce. When you’re adding the pounds, after doing that make sure you do not forget to add that extra 2 pounds 1 ounce you got from the ounces. This brings us to the answer of 152 lbs, 1 oz.

Hope this helped! It would be great if you could give brainlyest :)).

A conductor is mapping a trip and records the distance the train travels over certain time intervals?


The speed that the train travels is given as follows:

45 miles per hour.

How to obtain the train's velocity?

The train travels at a constant speed, hence the distance traveled by the train over time is modeled by the proportional relationship defined as follows:

d = vt.

In which the variables of the equation are defined as follows:

v is the train's velocity.t is the time.

Since the velocity is constant, it's equation is defined as follows:

v = d/t.

One point on the table is given as follows:


Hence the constant velocity of the train is calculated as follows:

v = 45/1 = 45 miles per hour.

Missing Information

The problem is given by the image shown at the end of the answer.

More can be learned about proportional relationships at https://brainly.com/question/10424180


In the data set shown below, what is the value of the quartiles?

{42, 43, 44, 44, 48, 49, 50}
Please Read The Numbers Carefully
A. Q1 = 43.5; Q2 = 44; Q3 = 49
B. Q1 = 43; Q2 = 44; Q3 = 48.5
C. Q1 = 43.5; Q2 = 44; Q3 = 48.5
D. Q1 = 43; Q2 = 44; Q3 = 49


C is the answer fs ong

What fraction is equal to 100%



Any fraction whose numerator is the same number as its denominator will equal 1, which is 100%. Hence, fraction [tex]\frac{5}{5}[/tex] is a fraction that equals 100%.



Step-by-step explanation:

To get a percentage out of a fraction, you divide the fraction and then move the decimal point two places to the right. [tex]\frac{5}{5} =1[/tex]  is also equal to 1.0

Move the decimal two places to the right and you get 100%

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