Raining cats and dogs is this a simple, metaphor or personification


Answer 1
personification i believe

Related Questions

John proctor characteristics pgs 19-24



im sorry


What happens to convince Jonas that
he has the Capacity to See Beyond?



The Giver tells Jonas that when he first noticed something different, he did not see color—he heard music. Jonas later sees all colors, and hears music. pretty much, the Capacity to See Beyond means the ability to see into the community's past, and receive their memories.


The Giver tells Jonas that when he first noticed something different, he did not see color—he heard music. Jonas later sees all colors, and hears music. Basically, the Capacity to See Beyond means the ability to see into the community's past, and receive their memories.


I Answered First !

The mangoose and the shake were the two
gredt flighters Describe
the fight​



The cobra and mongoose are considered to be the greatest enemies of the time because their food depends on each other means they are dependent on each other to get their food and that reason is enough for two to become enemies


The cobra and the mongoose got ready for a fight in a clearing beneath the Banyan tree. On seeing the mongoose, the cobra made a hissing sound and its forked tongue darted in and out while it raised its body six feet off the ground and spread the broad hood. The mongoose brushed its tail and the long hair on its spine stood up as it got ready for the fight. At first, the cobra tried to mesmerize the mongoose into making a false move by swaying from side to side very slowly. But the mongoose very cleverly avoided meeting the snake's eyes. It fixed its gaze at a point just below the cobra’s hood and moved forward to attack. With very quick movements the mongoose bit the cobra on the back and darted away to escape. The cobra tried to strike the mongoose but failed. A crow and a myna were watching this fight from a cactus tree. They hurled at the cobra the moment he struck, but ended up colliding heavily in mid-air. The mongoose then sprang aside and bit the cobra again. The crow and the myna also dived at the cobra but bumped into each other. The mongoose attacked the cobra for the third time. This time the cobra struck the crow when it tried to interfere again and it died. When the mongoose and cobra returned to fight, the cobra was tired and weak. The mongoose went near the cobra fearlessly and raising itself on its short legs, it snapped the snake by the snout. The cobra writhed and lashed about in a frightened manner. It even tried to coil itself about the mongoose but failed. The mongoose hung on to the snake's snout until it ceased to struggle. He then gripped the snake round the hood and dragged it into the bushes.

Hope this helps you. Do mark me as brainliest.

Answer this im to lazy




if you want it done do it your self because other people shouldn't do your work because your lazy so do it your self I went on Wikipedia and got you some information your welcome for the information but the answer I will not give because it is for you to use your own brain to figure it out your self and if your lazy get unlazy get of your bum and do it your self the people in the world are not your education so we don't have to do anything for at all again you welcome for the information my advise is that you learn to do it by your self I have failed many grades that put me at a lower level but in a few months after that I was at a high school level higher than my actual grade level and I was in sixth grade and now I am on a college level and right now I am in 8th grade because I put my potential to use and wasn't lazy like are right now.

Rewrite the following sentence to correct the misplaced modifier (borrowed): The borrowed student’s book lay on the desk.


Answer:The student's borrowed book lay on the desk :)


Write a brief dialogue that reflects how women generally prefer to communicate.


Answer: sound



As a female I would say I like to talk I don't know about other females but if I had a problem most likely I would like to talk and not beat around the bush if its like a problem that is easily solved. However if it's an argument that involves emotion it would have to depend on the problem.


why is artwork used in poems


So you can visually see what it’s talking about

4) The sentinels, facing the banks of the stream, might have been statues
to adom the bridge. What is the meaning of the word adorn as used in
this sentence from paragraph two?
to please
B) to equip
to furnish
to decorate


The way adorn is used in this sentence means to decorate the bridge.

What point does Swift want to make in the passage, and does he use satire effectively to make that point? Write a short argument to answer these questions. Be careful to include a clear claim and to respond to at least one counterclaim. Develop your argument with specific details from the passage.​


The point Swift wants to make in the passage is that the wealthy exploit the poor and make them poorer, and he uses satire as further explained below.

What is satire?

Satire is a criticism directed at society's problems and made through the use of humor, sarcasm, irony, and exaggeration. "A Modest Proposal" by Jonathan Swift is probably one of the most famous examples of satire in literature.

In the passage we are analyzing here, Swift uses satire to make the point that the wealthy, especially landlords and the clergy, are the ones exploiting the poor in Ireland and making them even poorer.

Some phrases of the passage that function as evidence to Swift's point are:

"Of teaching landlords to have at least one degree of mercy...""Of learning to love our country...""Of putting a spirit of honesty..."

The satire in the text consists especially of the use of sarcasm and irony. Swift pretends to blame the poor for their own misery at first, but then attacks the wealthy.

Learn more about satire here:



What does Mufatu finds the at the end of the trail (in call it courage)



He finds trails, and the sacrificial parts for eaters-of-men, charred bones. He concludes that there were sacrifices here.

I hope this helps a little bit and hope my answer is correct

people saw the tiger in the wood change voice into passive voice​


The tiger was seen in the wood by people.


the tiger was seen by the people

Read this sentence about Della from "The Gift of the Magi."

Once she faltered for a minute and stood still while a tear or two splashed on the worn red carpet.

What theme do Della’s actions in this sentence best suggest?


Read this sentence about Della from "The Gift of the Magi."

Once she faltered for a minute and stood still while a tear or two splashed on the worn red carpet.

What theme do Della's actions in this sentence best suggest?

Sacrifice is more important than true love.

Sacrifice for a loved one is not always easy.

Sacrifice is part of a life lived to the very fullest.

Sacrifice for a loved one does not always pay off


Sacrifice for a loved one is not always easy.


How does Ms. Thomas suggest that Bud could change Mr. Calloway’s mind?

buy him a new instrument

call him by his nickname

do well in school

help him carry his bass fiddle


I think it's (C)

What is a tornado?
a sensor that measures wind speed, temperature, pressure, and direction
a first-floor room without windows in the middle of a house
a person who studies winds and shares his or her findings with others
spinning wind that forms a funnel and can cause a lot of damage


Answer: D!!

spinning wind that forms a funnel and can cause a lot of damage

Spinning wind that forms a funnel and causes lots of damage

from Patrick Henry’s speech to the Virginia Convention

The sentence “Suffer not yourselves to be betrayed with a kiss” (paragraph 1) serves all the following purposes EXCEPT to
elevate the importance of the speaker’s cause
indicate a shift in point of view
remind the audience of British trickery
reiterate the idea presented in the previous sentence
disparage the current British actions

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



D im pretty sure! ..

11. The Saints and Strangers argued about how they would live in the New World. After much
discussion, they came together and signed the Mayflower Compact.
The Compact was
a container for makeup
a small item
a machine used for mashing corn
an agreement



an agreement.


The Mayflower compact was a document signed on a boat on the 11th of November, 1620 by forty-one (41) males of the one hundred and two (102) passengers on board while the boat was anchored in Provincetown Harbor (Cape Cod) due to the effect of turbulent storm. The document derived its name from the English ship known as Mayflower which was heading to Plymouth, Massachusetts due to storms and treacherous shoals rather than its original destination, which was the Colony of Virginia.

The Mayflower compact was a document which established a social contract and "rule of law" in order to make the pilgrims (saints) and non-pilgrims (strangers) remain loyal to King James 1, foster Christianity (Christian faith) and for the overall good of the colony.

Hence, the Saints and Strangers argued about how they would live in the New World. After much discussion, they came together and signed the Mayflower Compact.

Thus, the Compact was an agreement.

Please help me!!! It is from Wonder

Share your thoughts about this precept: "Be the person that can smile on the worst day"​



My perceptionn or thoughts on "Be the person that can smile on the worst day" is that be a person who can smile in any stuation even though that day isin't the best .  (This is my opinion on  what it means and I hope I could help :D )

even though Explanation:



I think this means be happy in the darkest moments because  Auggie is always happy even thought people make fun of hum for the way he eats and how he looks he doesn't take this to heart because he really doesn't care what they say

Q: Why do writers depart from the traditional use of conventions when writing?

A: Writers use unconventional writing to sound more like an expert.
B: Writers use unconventional writing to enhance the style and message of their writing.
C: Writers use unconventional writing because they do not know all the rules of conventions.
D: Writers use unconventional writing because it is faster and easier to write that way.



Writers use unconventional writing to enhance the style and message of their writing.




Writers use unconventional writing to sound more like an expert.

The fact that Eliza and George are being chased by constables as well as by bounty hunters reflects what theme in the
1. the North vs. the South
2. what is legal vs. what is morally right
3. men vs. women
4. false Christianity vs. true Christianity



what is legal vs. what is morally right


I just did the test

staying up late is a lot of fun. (fact or opinion)​


That is an opinion because other people might think it’s tiring.


In 3–5 sentences, use the information you have learned about theme to write a theme statement about a story or book you have read. Explain whether the theme from your book relates to any universal themes, and explain why or why not.




Please help Guys i really need the help (btw im FishHobby)





The narrator makes the claim that robbing trains is easy. What are two reasons he provides to support that claim?



I don't know  were is  the story


According to "The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain," Hughes believes that young African American artists should
cultivate public images that reflect mainstream society.
create art that is truthful and representative of their inner selves.
focus on themes and topics that are accessible to a select few.
O base their art on the beliefs of the general public.



B- create art that is truthful and representative of their innerselves


Help me please (: <3, 20 POINTS


Making an advert effective is when it’s written and designed to emotionally connect with its target audience, using number statistics instead of wording. Use specific words in your ads to attract potential customers :) x

Read this excerpt from Paragraph two of Poe's "The Black Cat" and answer the question.
“There is something in the unselfish and self-sacrificing love of a brute, which goes directly to the heart of
him who has had frequent occasion to test the paltry friendship and gossamer fidelity of mere Man.”
Which phrases from this excerpt support the narrator's distrust of human beings? Select all that apply.
-"unselfish and self-sacrificing"
-“love of a brute"
-"paltry friendship"
-"directly to the heart"
-“gossamer fidelity"
-"frequent occasion"




As we can see the question is basically asking for evidence that supports why the author has a distrust of human beings (Basically saying that the author cant trust humans, and can't rely on them for almost anything.)

So with that being said, we need to find text evidence that shows a negative perspective coming from the author. So we can go and cross off answer options  ("unselfish and self-sacrificing")  (: "frequent occasion")  and ("directly to the heart") bc two of those are positive opinions on humans, and one isn't close to being negative nor positive opinions towards humans.

Now let's take a look at LOB

"Love of a  Brute"

Basically saying that somebody is showing love-(affection, caring for) a wild animal-(a violent human).

We can use context clues to find out if this is negative or positive

Before "Love of a Brute," it says "There is something in the unselfish and self-sacrificing" using this we can see that it means "For a person to love a wild animal type of person-( a violent human) is unselfish on their part, because of how abysmal-(horrible) that brute-(violent human) is.

Now let's look at "paltry friendship"

This is basically saying that a human shows inconsequential-(Little importance towards something) feelings towards friendship with someone else.

Lastly, we can look at  "gossamer fidelity"

This means like a thin-(In this sentence it would mean "having little") loyalty-(being trust worthy, and faithful) towards someone.

With all this being said all answers that would apply to answering the question would be " "love of a brute",  "paltry friendship", and "gossamer fidelity".


Which sentence correctly uses punctuation to separate coordinating adjectives?

The excitable, energetic, puppy ran up to me in the park.

The, excitable energetic, puppy ran up to me in the park.

The excitable, energetic puppy ran up to me in the park.

The excitable energetic, puppy ran up to me, in the park.



I think the answer is  

"The excitable, energetic, puppy ran up to me in the park."


I am not 100% but i think that is the answer

i asked my mom and she thinks that is the answer too


"The excitable, energetic, puppy ran up to me in the park."


i took the test

10) In the excerpt below, select the transitional words and phrases.
First, do your research! While you might already have a destination in mind,
asking your friends and family for advice about places to go and things to do can
be very helpful. In addition to getting input from your family and friends, you
should utilize resources available on the internet, such as reviews written by
other travelers. Looking at photos of vacation spots can be a great way to get
ideas for choosing a destination, as well. It would also be helpful to begin
researching the anticipated costs of traveling, which leads to the next important
In addition
such as
for choosing
as well
which leads



In addition, first , as well , which leads.


Which would be the best way of describing the structure of Thoreau’s observations in "Civil Disobedience"?



A. He moves from a consideration of his surroundings to an evaluation of the state as a whole. is the answer! <3


Complete the sentences to
summarize the events in this part
of the story

Everyone knows that Veena has a
of ___running a large hair
styling business someday. She got her
start cutting her____
when she was a child. Now, the only
person's hair she hasn't cut is her own
because ____
prefers it


Everyone knows that Veena has a dream of running a large hair styling business someday. She got her to start cutting her doll's hair when she was a child. Now, the only person's hair she hasn't cut is her own because her mom prefers it long.

What is Story mean in literature?

In literature, a story may be defined as a description, either accurate or mythical that entertains the reader and expresses a moral at the end of it.

Therefore, all the blanks in the given story are filled appropriately.

To learn more about Story, refer to the link:



Are fidget spinners tools or toys


They're fidgets to focus

Fidget Spinners are all part of a much broader category of toys that therapists sometimes use as tools for their patients.

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