Question 4

In this Food Web Pyramid Which type of consumer gets only 10% of the energy stored in plants?
A. Herbivore
B. Carnivore
C. Omnivore
D. Secondary Consume


Answer 1


Herbivore, of course, I'm really sure that we all know exactly what a herbivore is, but as a refresher, a herbivore is like a vegetarian, they have a diet strictly based on plants. Carnivore's eat meat, not vegies, and an omnivore eats both, most humans are labeled as omnivores, except vegetarians. So your answer is Secondary Consume. This is because they only receive 10% in vegies, Primary Consume get 90%, Herbivores are Primary Consume's.

Related Questions

Pesticide resistance is increasing, Farmers in the US tost 7% of their crops to pests in the 1940s, over the 1980s and 1990s, the loss
was 13%, despite more pesticides being used. It is estimated that 500-1000 pests have developed a resistance to pesticides. Consider
the diagram showing the evolution of pesticide resistance. Select ALL of the statements that do NOT accurately describe the
mechanisms of pesticide resistance shown in the graphic.
A)Insects that are sensitive to the pesticide all die out after the first
application, leaving only the resistant insects in the population,
B)When insects are exposed to the pesticide, some will develop a mutationmaking it resistant. Only these insects survive in the next generation
C)The first generation has an insect with a gene responsible for resistance toa pesticide. This allows it to survive the pesticide application and reproduce
D)The insect with the pesticide resistance gene reproduces. Because these insects are more likely to survive pesticide application, insects with this
trait become more prominent in the population
E)As a population of insects is exposed to a pesticide, those susceptible to
the pesticide will die out of the population, leaving those with a resistance
to survive and reproduce, becoming more common in the population


The insect with the pesticide resistance gene reproduces, these insects are more likely to survive pesticide application  hence insects with this trait become more prominent in the population

What is a pesticide?

A pesticide refers to a chemical that is used to control the spread of pests in the farm.

The question is incomplete but I will help you the much I can. We know that organisms that have favorable traits live long enough to reproduce and pass on these favorable traits to the next generation. Therefore, the insect with the pesticide resistance gene reproduces. Because these insects are more likely to survive pesticide application, insects with this trait become more prominent in the population

Learn more about pesticide:

Help please someone please what is the answer



The answer is true.


Cuz that water be nasty.

Brainliest would be really really awesome!!!

The answer is true.

Explanation: why would you do that anyway

Question 2
• The rabbit in this food
web would be
considered a:
• A. Decomposer
•B. Producer
C Secondary
• D. Primary Consumer


secondary consumer. rabbits are secondary consumers because they come second on the food chain

if you anwer these ill give free brainly give all stars and heart it




Potential Explosions


Radioactive Waste


1st option


Nuclear Fission is not a good source of energy. This is by reason of only 0.7% of the uranium being captured. This is small even if one doesn't mention that only 40% of that 0.7% is converted into usable energy. There are also chances that the power plant could explode during conversion. All of this evidence points to the fact that Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Energy themselves should not be relied on.


Sun and Stars


Uranium and Plutonium

State the two reactants needed for photosynthesis


carbon dioxide and water 6CO2 + 6H2O

How does the integumentary and immune systems work together?
*summary and not too detailed*


They both work by being an immune system

Identify the statement that is TRUE:
A. A plant cell is prokaryotic because it has a cell wall.

B. A plant cell is eukaryotic because it lacks membrane-bound organelles

C. A bacteria cell is eukaryotic because it has a nucleus

D. An animal cell is eukaryotic because it has membrane-bound organelles and a nucleus​





An animal cell is eukaryotic because it has membrane-bound organelles and a nucleus

What is happening when an opaque object appears solid black?
A all light is being reflected
B all light is being absorbed
C all light is being refracted
D all light is being transmitted


B all light is being absorbed

Which of the following is made of cells?

1. ocean water

2. glass bowl

3.oak tree

4. cement sidewalk



oak tree are plants and made up of plant cells.

Compared to developing nations, developed nations have A higher health standards. B greater personal wealth. C lower health standards. D faster-growing populations.





In what cultures is it commonly acceptable for
pregnant women to drink raw milk and
eat unpasteurized cheeses during pregnancy?
Check all that apply.
European cultures
South Asian cultures
American cultures
Hispanic cultures



A. European Culture B. South Asian Cultures


Correct on Edge.

Even healthy people can be affected by high levels of ozone near the ground.
True or False


The answer would be true.

b. Earth's thermohaline circulation moves heat around the planet, as can be seen by the warmer
climate in England due to the Gulf Stream. (2 points)
True or false ?


The answer is to that question is false

Which of these planets would be most able to support a colony of humans?


Answer: Planet A: 76% Nitrogen, 23% Oxygen, 1% Other


To support humans, the planet outside the solar system must have a similar composition of atmosphere with the Earth. It must have nitrogen and oxygen as the most abundant gases in the atmosphere, and small amounts of other gases.

1- Which of the following is the best evidence that two birds belong to the same species?
A. The two birds eat the same food.
B. The two birds have common behaviors.
C. The two birds are the same size and color.
D. The two birds mate and produce fertile offspring.


I think it is B let me know if I’m wrong

.ما مصدر الأكسجين المتفاعل مع سكر الجلوكوز


يأتي الأكسجين الذي تستخدمه الحيوانات للتنفس الخلوي من النباتات وكائنات التمثيل الضوئي الأخرى. متفاعلات التنفس الخلوي في الحيوانات هي نتاج تلك الموجودة في النباتات ، لذلك كل شيء يعمل بشكل جيد.

(أنا لا أتحدث العربية ، لقد استخدمت ترجمة جوجل لذلك أعتذر عن أي أخطاء)

How many atoms are In 2C2S3



12.00 g C-12 = 1 mol C-12 atoms = 6.022 × 1023 atoms • The number of particles in 1 mole is called Avogadro's Number (6.0221421 x 1023).


The hormone that regulates water reabsorption by the kidneys Group of answer choices only increases water permeability in certain portions of the kidney tubules. increases water permeability throughout the kidney tubules. only decreases water permeability in certain portions of the kidney tubules. decreases water permeability throughout the kidney tubules.


Answer: increases water permeability in certain portions of the kidney tubules.


The proximal convoluted tubule is the site in nephron where selective reabsorption of water and electrolytes like sodium and potassium ions occurs. From there water and other substances are reabsorbed and reenter into the circulation. This cause an increase in blood pressure and blood volume. Only the cells of the proximal convoluted tubule are permeable for this reabsorption process and they are stimulated by a hormone named as aldosterone.

what is a genomic change based on definition?



Genome size can increase by duplication, insertion, or polyploidization. Recombination can lead to both DNA loss or gain. Genomes can also shrink because of deletions. ... It is beneficial to an organism to rid itself of non-essential genes because it makes replicating its DNA much faster and requires less energy.


The study of genes and their function. Genomics aims to understand the structure of the genome, including the mapping genes and sequencing the DNA

Help asap!!! PLEASE i need help !!


Pretty sure it’s all of the above

Which of the three components that plants need do we provide?



Plants, like all living organisms, have basic needs: a source of nutrition (food), water, space in which to live, air, and optimal temperatures in order to grow and reproduce. For most plants, these needs are summarized as light, air, water, and nutrients (known by the acronym LAWN).

Can you please watch and answer how you feel after? Its about the ocean it a trick the human mind plays. It will be in the comments! Erase spaces!


Watch what..............??


Sorry, what video? I don't see any video.


Anyways, the ocean is quite precious and there are many documentarys that show that. I love the marine life!

Which characteristic is common to grasslands, dry woodlands, and shrublands?
a) They rely on fire as part of their renewal.
b) They have the same terrain.
c) They have the same soil composition
d) They have the same amount of precipitation



They rely on fire as part of their renewal.


They rely on fire as part of their renewal. Which option describes the climate of temperate grasslands

They rely on fire as part of their renewal is common in grasslands, dry woodlands, and shrublands.

Grasslands, dry woodlands, and shrublands

Tropical Grassland, Savanna & Shrubland is dominated by grasses and shrubs, with or without scattered trees. Some occur in climates too dry for the forest; others depend on soil conditions or fire, or both, rather than climate. The structure is a single, major grass or shrub stratum, or a mix of the two, with trees typically <10% cover, rarely with bare ground.

Thus, we can conclude that grasslands, woodlands, and shrublands depend on fire they have these common characteristics.

You can learn more about grasslands here:


What is a nerve impulse?



A nerve impulse is the way nerve cells (neurons) communicate with one another.


Which feature of the cell is present only in photosynthetic organisms?
(A) mitochondrion
(B) central vacuole
(C) chloroplast
(D) cell membrane​





It gives the plant an element of chlorophyll which give it the green pigment or color

name the nitrogenous Waste excreted by the following organisms;desert mole marine fish and tilapia ​



Answer: Desert mole excretes concentrated urine with urea. Marine fish excretes urine with uric acid. Tilapia excretes dilute urine with amino acids.

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Desert mole excretes concentrated urine with urea. Marine fish excretes urine with uric acid. Tilapia excretes dilute urine with amino acids.

ThanksHope it helps

hello please help i’ll give brainliest





critical, bees spread pollon which fertilizes flowers which give other organisms food

Please help me with this!!



kidneys, bladder


your kidneys filter the blood and your bladder stores your urine.

Idek be gfhjvhjhhghhhgghjbvfyhvfgjbgyj

Please help me answer this question



35 Phyla


This is somewhat debated but the correct answer is 35 as this is the most agreed upon number and is closest to the alternate numbers

In Figure 30-4, which structure represents unsaturated fat? Which structure represents saturated fat? At room temperature, what state is each type of fat?
State whether each type of fat is associated with heart problems. Give an example of each type of fat.


The structure on the right is saturated while the structure on the left is unsaturated (presence of double bond). At room temperature the saturated fat will be solid and the unsaturated fat will be liquid.

High consumption levels of saturated fats are associated with heart problems. Consumption of high levels of saturated fats can raise your cholesterol levels and increase risk of heart disease.

Unsaturated fats are not associated with heart problems.

An example of saturated fat would be the fat found on red meat. An example of unsaturated fat would be the fat found in nuts, avocados, etc.
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