what does embraced mean?



Answer 1


directed is the meaning

Related Questions

Which of the following might have a clasp?
A) a safe
B) a refrigerator door
C) a bracelet
D) a scarf



A refrigerator door


They use handles, scarfs dont and neither bracelets. Safes use that rolling key code thing so it’s refrigerator

need help no links!!​


C. This is not the time in history for a change to take place in racial equality


Definitely A.


The process of elimination-

Choice B is far too off of Martin Luther King Jr's objective, so are the rest of the answer choices below that answer. Option B expresses that the speech was to encourage violent protests which is opposite of what Martin Luther King Jr and many other people wanted to this day. They wanted to peacefully protest and in the recent news you can see people are peacefully protesting to this day. The objective of the speech was to fight for freedom and encourage others to stand up for a change, which answer choice C says the complete opposite. Martin Luther King *Wanted* a change in society so he fought for it. The last choice barely makes any sense to me, commonly, it does not cost a banks worth of money to educate people of basic human rights.

Find the two adverbs in this sentence: Dustin is a very skillful volleyball player because he practices regularly.


Answer: skillful


practices and skillful !

Which excerpt is part of the exposition of "The Snow-Queen"?
o Kay and Gerda were looking at one of their picture books the clock in the great church-tower had just struck five,
when Kay exclaimed, “Oh! something has stung my heart, and I've got something in my eye!"
O In the winter they could not do this, but then they put hot pennies against the frozen window-panes, and made round
holes to look at each other through.
O His little sledge hung on fast, and it went on like the wind. Then he cried out, but nobody heard him. He was dreadfully
o "Look in the glass, Gerda! Just see how regular they are! They are much more interesting than real flowers. Each is
perfect; they are all made according to rule. If only they did not melt!"





When the imposter is sus

DING Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding

What are some controversial topics revolving around sexual violence ?


Well I know one controversial topic is that if you dress a certain way (like if you wear revealing clothing or whatever) your basically asking to get raped. Like EXCUSE ME???!! This makes me so mad. I mean think about it. Women are always taught to dress a certain way, don’t wear ponytails, don’t wear headphones while you run, and other ways on how to “not get raped.” But men are almost never taught to respect women and to control their bodies. We should be able to wear anything we want. I hope one day we can live in a world where gender doesn’t matter and where women can feel safe no matter what they wear or how they act. Hope this helps! :D


I mean Jenna above me is kinda right, but somewhat wrong.


      I do agree women should be able to wear whatever they want, but if you are wearing clothes that leave little for people to guess about, there is a chance you would get ra.ped. Why wear clothes that show so much, unless you are trying to show off your body, which in that case, isn't getting rap.ed your own fault? I'm not saying ra.pe is okay, but what was your reasoning to wearing clothes that show so much of your body? Also, how do you know men aren't taught to treat women with respect? They could have been taught, but just don't care about it.

Which of the following is one of Aristotle’s means of persuasion?

The language of a speech

The speed of delivery

The purpose of a speech

The audience’s expectations



purpose of a speech


the speech have facts

Warm-up Discussion: When we say, "I see", what do w
e mean? How many ways are there to see - or fail to s
ee - the world?



I see means we see it through our eyes and thoughts other ways to "see" are to ask other people

Me ayudan por favor gracias​



1. I don't like coffee.

2. He doesn't live in Paris.

3. They don't study from Spain.

4. John and Camilo don't go in a bank.

5. They don't stand up at eight o' clock.

6. We don't go to the cinema every Friday.

7. You don't read the newspaper every day.

8. He doesn't go to school in France.

9. Peter doesn't watch TV in the evening.

10. He doesn't have a shower in the morning.

HELP ENGLISH PLEASSE!!! Use a colon in a sentence about going somewhere


[tex]\huge{\textbf{\textsf{{\color{navy}{An}}{\purple{sw}}{\pink{er}} {\color{pink}{:}}}}}[/tex]

Colon cancer is a serious disease that can be deadly.

Thanks.Hope it helps.


Stop going to jungle:" I can't chase you".

What are key elements of the literature of the civil rights movement?



The Civil Rights Movement did not suddenly appear out of nowhere in the twentieth century. Efforts to improve the quality of life for African Americans are as old. The American civil rights movement, based mainly in African American churches and colleges of the South, involved marches, boycotts, and extensive efforts of civil disobedience, such as sit-ins, as well as voter education and voting drives. a federal court ruled that the laws in place to keep buses segregated were unconstitutional, and the U.S. Supreme Court eventually agreed. The Montgomery bus boycott was one of the first major movements that initiated social change during the civil rights movement. Civil rights movement literature performed the same expansion of the movement's temporal boundaries. It built on earlier literary protest traditions, namely, literary abolitionism, to perform its cultural work, and it also used the memory of past activism to create a protest ancestry for civil rights.

A. Read the text and write down E if the piece of information is explicit or write
down I if it is implicit.
1. The teacher congratulated Rosie.
2. Rosie stood on stage and delivered her speech.
3. Rosie was full of happiness.
4. Rosie was a hard-working and intelligent student.
5. The parents of Rosie promised to celebrate her success.





Rosie had to be congratulated since she is hardworking

Write a body paragraph for why police should wear body cameras and a reason to support your opinion.



Police officers should wear body cameras to protect not just themselves but also civilians. If police officers regularly wore cameras the state would be able to look the at the footage if something questionable ever happened. The state would be able to see if the officer was abusing his/her powers or if they were just acting in self-defense. Then, in most cases, the person at blame would be clear. Then, civilians could get justice for the family or if the officer was just acting in self-defense they would not be punished. In conclusion, police officers should wear body cameras for everyone's safety.

So many people like to claim events occur in a situation with a police officer that don’t actually occur, but they are trying to get the police officer in trouble. If police were to wear body cameras, they would have the proof that such events did not occur and that the assailant is lying about it. Another reason police should wear body cameras is in case there is a fugitive on the loose and they possibly see them in public, they could look back on the body camera footage to see if it’s the wanted fugitive they spotted.

Can I say u up to someone? " if I wanna know if he's awake or no"


say "Are you uppp" add some more p's bcz its cute but saying u up is good to

Which information would be most useful for her to add
next to the image?
The Amazon River is about 4,000 miles long and
goes throygh three countries: Peru, Brazil, and
• Bull sharks have been found swimming in the
Amazon River, thriving as much as 2.300 miles
Mangroves are trees and shrubs that thrive in
tropical swamps close to the Amazon River in
northern Brazil.
When the Amazon River floods during the rainy
season, it can increase to almost 25 miles wide.



C i think





is the black plague and the american plague the same plague?


no the american plague was in 1794 and black was 1346
No they were both discovered in different time periods

PLEASE HELP ME I'M BEING TIMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HURRY PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Which statement best explains Brutus’s motivation in this scene?

A. Brutus wants to assure Portia that he will confide in her as soon as he can safely do so.
B. Brutus wants to get Portia to join the conspiracy with him.
C. Brutus wants to ask the conspirators to explain things to Portia.
D. Brutus wants to introduce the conspirators to Portia.


Brutus’s motivation in this scene was when A. Brutus wants to assure Portia that he will confide in her as soon as he can safely do so.

What is motivation?

Motivation serves sas the term that describes the needs and desires found within the individuals.

From the excerpt, Brutus want to boast the morale of Portia, that was why he promised to always confide in her, and this motivated her.

learn more about motivation at;



The statement that best explains Brutus's motivation is "Brutus wants to assure Portita that he will confide in her as soon as he can safely do so. Therefore, option A is correct.

What is motivation?

Motivation refers to the underlying reasons or driving forces that lead individuals to behave in certain ways or to take certain actions. It is the internal or external factors that stimulate a person's desire and energy to achieve a goal, complete a task, or engage in a particular behavior.

There are many different types of motivation, including intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, and self-determination.

Motivation is a key factor in human behavior. It can have a significant impact on a person's level of engagement and success in achieving their goals. Therefore, option A is correct.

Learn more about motivation, here:



Please help me! Its due in an hour!



I don’t know which one because I don’t know what story you are reading but choose the best you you think (if that helps you)


I don’t know what story your reading

"It seems your central character has a really cool power: being able to hear what others are thinking,” Tom said.
“Actually, I think it was more of a jinx,” replied Ben. “Being able to hear what people are really thinking is one of those things you think would be great until you can do it.”
Which stage of the short story’s plot is discussed in this passage?
A. Rising Action
B. Setting
C. Conflict
D. Climax



you watch anime


why would someone want to be gayy? plz give me a real answer.



i.d.k bc they like someone and so they decide to be with them making them g.a.y


if you answer these question you can be the brainest


#8 A. Im sorry about Miz jewel.

for A, sympathy is an expression of pity or sorrow for someone else's misfortune. so who ever is saying this sentence about Mis jewel is showing pity for this other person.

5 D. Tiger did't cry because the difficult situation was that there was a girl for an unknown reason couldn't see her cry.

#6 C. she didnt want this other girl to see her cry. this is also the answer for...

6 Part 2 B

#7 D, E. for D, after not being able to express her emotions at the funeral, she might have went to her safe space in a familiar place to let  it all out.

For E, Funerals are very long events. So this saying of hours passed could show the waiting before and during the funeral.

I dont even know what book this is so I did my best man


Choose the best way to complete the sentence.
The speaker's lofty attitude made it clear that
A) she was well informed.
B) she was standing on a platform.
C) she believed in what she was saying.
D) she felt herself superior to her audience.


Answer:b answer is b Explanation: ) she was standing on a platform.

PLEASE HELP ME ASAP I'M BEING TIMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How does Brutus’s reason for giving his monologue compare to Antony’s reason for giving his?

A. Both Brutus and Antony explain that they are there to discuss why Caesar’s death is the best thing for all of Rome.

B. Brutus explains that he wants to talk about the consipirators’ faults, while Antony says that he wants to talk about Caesar’s faults.

C. Both Brutus and Antony say that they feel compelled to speak about Caesar because they both loved him dearly and regret that he is dead.

D. Brutus announces that he wants to explain that he killed Caesar because he loved Rome, while Antony says that he has come to bury Caesar.



Brutus announces that he wants to explain that he killed Caesar because he loved Rome, while Antony says that he has come to bury Caesar


edge 2021

The comparison between Brutus and Anthony's reasons was D. Brutus ... explain that he killed Caesar because he loved Rome, while Antony says ... come to bury Caesar.

What reasons did Brutus and Anthony have to give their monologues?

Brutus wanted to take the opportunity to explain to the people the reasons he had for killing Caesar so as to gain some support.

Anthony on the other hand, simply said that he had come to bury Caesar which was why he was allowed to speak.

Find out more on Mark Anthony's monologue at https://brainly.com/question/26549966.

What purpose does the prologue serve in the text of Romeo and Juliet?
A. It updates the audience on the current state of the feud.

B. it informs the audience of past and future events in the play.

C. It discusses the reasons behind why the two families hate each other

D. It outlines the themes of the play by describing them



I think in my own opinion its


What do you now wish adults would have told you when you were younger?
Sentence stem: “I now wish adults would have told me that . . . ” 4 to 5 sentences this is for a school assignment please


I’d write “ I wish now adults would have told me that life isn’t easy and not everybody has crystal clear staircases. You’ll have to suffer the pain of stepping on the nails that poke through. The splinters that make you feet hurt worse. The crooked steps that make you trip. Life isn’t easy..”

*This is inspired by a Poem that I have read*

The next question refers to Shedding Light on a Dark Day, by Robin Meriwether. The paragraphs have been numbered to help you identify them more easily.
Shedding Light on a Dark Day, by Robin Meriwether

On May 19, 1780, the skies over New England turned dark in the middle of the day. For more than two hundred years, New England's Dark Day had been shrouded in mystery. Some blamed volcanoes. Some suggested supernatural events. Some claimed it was a sign from the heavens. No one knew for certain what happened. Many thought the mystery would never be solved.

Researchers at the University of Missouri were fascinated by the case. They began examining trees in all surrounding areas. Fire damage in a Canadian forest finally revealed the truth. Scientists looked at burned tree rings and discovered that huge wildfires once raged in the mountains near Ontario. The savage flames created blankets of black smoke. The smoke traveled high into the atmosphere, darkening the New England skies hundreds of miles away.

How do paragraph one and paragraph two work together to present the author's ideas? (4 points)

(A)Paragraph one explains the cause of investigation. Paragraph two shows the results.
(B)Paragraph one offers a solution. Paragraph two explains a problem the solution creates.
(C)Paragraph one presents facts. Paragraph two presents additional facts on the same topic.
(D)Paragraph one and paragraph two do not have a clear connection to each other.



I think it's A


Why is the short story "Laura" by Saki considered high comedy?



In Laura by Saki we have the theme of freedom, reincarnation, conformity, acceptance, revenge, mortality and connection.



Give the other person brainiest


Hey, can anyone help me with something ill give you 50 points.



what do you need help with?


What is it?


Select the one adverb.
Sally is anxiously awaiting the result of her interview with the electronics company.
please help!​





To find - Select the one adverb.

Sally is anxiously awaiting the result of her interview with the electronics company.

Solution -

The adverb is - anxiously

Reason -

Adverb is a word that modifies a verb, adjective, determiner, clause, preposition, or even another adverb.

We use these words in sentences to tell when, where, and how an action is performed.

Adverbs also indicate the quality or degree of the action. It adds a descriptive quality to the sentence to make it more detailed and refined.

For example -

The statement is - ''Peter walked hurriedly''.


The adverb "hurriedly" modified the verb, giving readers a clearer understanding of how Peter "walked."

. Describe a time in your past that changed your life. It can be something big or small.



the day I realized that I can become anything that I want to be in like.



When my grandfather passed away.


He actually died from Corona and I've missed him so much ever since. He was already having heart issues before hand but I never thought that he would die so soon.

Describe a way of relaxing that you consider particularly effective and explain why relaxation is thought to be so important in today's world.(Descriptive essay)




because it  loosen up our stresses and problems.  

We wake up in the morning, we fresh up and do the morning duties. After that check in on time in the office by the travel and contineously working for morthan nine hours per day without any breaks for chill out. Unsurprisingly these routine stuffs are really lead to several diseases or harmful for health.

through relaxing for some extend we can lossen all our stress and me free and feel free as well.

so forth and extend ur answer by there points

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