Became unpopular because,despite promises to lower tariffs,he signed a bill that did not accomplish this


Answer 1


because of ate bookie the gathered that r you can use the best of my knowledge the best pa pa pa the gathered that I can think we can make that work tomorrow and will be back in the Philippines and I will

Related Questions

If you deposit $100 into the bank and there is a 20% reserve requirement, what does that mean?

A) the bank needs to hold 20% and can loan out the rest

B) the bank charges you 20% interest

C) you can always take back 20% of your money

D) the fed keeps 80% of the money and loans out 20%



I would guess A


A teacher surveyed her class to find out how many texts the students send in a week. She created this box plot to show the data.

What is the value of the upper quartile?








Describe where hitler's conquest in Europe were ?
No links plz


It started in Germany where he was originally from he wanted to kill all of the Jews in Germany then in Europe then the world
Yes it started in Germany

What was Uncle Tom's Cabin?



who is uncle Tom and where is his cabin

Answer:Uncle Tom's Cabin or  Life Among the Lowly is an anti-slavery novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe


Which of the following is NOT true about Jewish ghettos?

A. Jews were rounded up and forced to live in them.

B. They were breeding grounds for disease.

C. They were overcrowded

D. They were governed by Nazi officers.





they were breeding grounds for disease

Write three things that early civilizations in North America had in common.



trade, religious beliefs, and social patterns


Native Americans in North America had in common trade, religious beliefs, and social patterns (importance of family). in common with early civilizations..

49. (DOK 1) Cash crops in the 'Cotton Kingdom' were grown and harvested by​



They were grown and harvested by slaves, or enslaved people.

At its worst, what percentage of the value of the American economy had been lost during the Great Depression?
B. 34%
C. 57%
D. 73%


In the United States, where the Depression was generally worst, industrial production between 1929 and 1933 fell by nearly 47 percent, gross domestic product (GDP) declined by 30 percent, and unemployment reached more than 20 percent.




In 1933 American unemployment reached 25 percent, which is devastatingly high. One out of every four American workers--in the days before women fully entered the workforce--couldn't find a job. By July of 1932, the American economy had lost 89 percent of its value. The United States of America was one of the few economies still intact after World War I, so its economic depression would have a ripple effect on the rest of the world.

Why did the Slave Trade begin? Why did European Nations kidnap peoples from Africa?


The Atlantic slave trade, transatlantic slave trade, or Euro-American slave trade involved the transportation by slave traders of various enslaved African people, mainly to the Americas. The slave trade regularly used the triangular trade route and its Middle Passage, and existed from the 16th to the 19th centuries.[1] The vast majority of those who were enslaved and transported in the transatlantic slave trade were people from Central and West Africa, who had been sold by other West Africans, or by half-European "merchant princes" to Western European slave traders (with a small number being captured directly by the slave traders in coastal raids)

What powers does each of them have



how did the American Revolution impact other countries



The American Revolution had a tremendous effect on Europe. It not only served as an inspiration for France, but also demonstrated that the liberal political ideas of the Enlightenment were more than mere utterances of intellectuals.

hope i helped have a g day


The American Revolution had a tremendous effect on Europe. It not only served as an inspiration for France, but also demonstrated that the liberal political ideas of the Enlightenment were more than mere utterances of intellectuals.


Hopes this helps. Mark as brainlest plz!

. What impact did Christianity have on the Roman Empire?


try and use safari it should help!
In 380 CE, the emperor Theodosius issued the Edict of Thessalonica, which made Christianity, specifically Nicene Christianity, the official religion of the Roman Empire. Most other Christian sects were deemed heretical,

What message is the cartoonist trying to convey concerning HUAC?*
A. HUAC had the right to suspend citizens civil rights because it was looking for
communist influence in the U.S.
B. HUAC acted recklessly in attempting to find communist influence in
C. HUAC acted diligently and thoroughly to find communist influence in the USA





HUAC acted recklessly in attempting to find communist influence in the USA


C. HUAC acted diligently and thoroughly to find communist influence in the USA


The HUAC was created in 1938 to investigate alleged disloyalty and subversive activities on the part of private citizens, public employees, and those organizations suspected of having fascist or communist ties.

Hope this helps


How much of a company's stock do you need to own to have control over that company?
(Hint: Andrew Carnegie did this to gain his monopoly.)

A. 25%
B. 49%
C. 51%
D. 100%​


I Believe the Answer would be C


C. 51%


bc Andrew Carnegie was buying stocks for companys so get control of them.


Worker-to-Beneficiary Ratio 1960-2060
Background information: This graph shows the ratio of workers to benefit recipients. It was created by the Social Security Administration, and it predicts future numbers.

This graph shows that over time, the number of workers per beneficiary is

✔ shrinking

By 2060, the number of workers per beneficiary is projected to be

✔ 2.0




1: Shrinking

2: 2.0


credit: other guy :D

This graph demonstrates the declining ratio of employees to beneficiaries over time.

Who are workers?

The term "workers" refers to a person who is employed by an employer under a service agreement or for labor purposes exclusively (the principle).

This indicates that the person works for the principal either entirely or in part. Unless the following is true, anyone habitually employed under a contract for service is a worker.

An individual is deemed to be a worker employed by a labour hirer if the individual has been hired by the labour hirer under a contract for service to perform services for a third party, there is no agreement between the individual and the third party to perform work, and the individual performs all or part of the work personally.

If the labor hirer is a company and the person is not an executive officer of the company, they are considered to be workers.

Learn more about workers, from:


What industry was most influenced by the gold rush?
Natural gas





Because Rivers were dammed or became clogged with sediment, forests were logged to provide needed timber, and the land was torn up — all in pursuit of gold.

i need anyone that knows what to do for the test tribute to women who make a difference please if anyone can either tell me what im meant to do or just give me a few paragraph sentance that will get me a good grade please someone help


I know how to do the test tribute text me

Which two statements about the Cold War are true?

The United States and the Soviet Union both joined NATO to attempt to end the Cold War.
The United States and the Soviet Union both started fighting the Cold War prior to 1945.
The United States and the Soviet Union had different political and economic ideologies.
The United States and the Soviet Union fought a war in Japan for supremacy.
The United States and the Soviet Union never officially declared war against each other.


The United States and the Soviet Union had different political and economic ideologies.

The United States and the Soviet Union never officially declared war against each other.


Which choice names the Confederacy's first ironclad vessel, built on the hull of the Union ship, USS Merrimack?









It was the CSS Virginia that was the Confederacy's first ironclad vessel, built on the hull of the Union ship, USS Merrimack, although it turned out to not be terribly useful in wartime

A company's tells you how much money the company has left over after subtracting all expenses.
A. Net profit
B. Gross profit
C. Revenue
D. Cost of goods sold
Please select the best ansyver
from the choices provided
Mark this and retum
Save and Exit



I think it’s D





A company's COGS tells you how much money the company has left over after subtracting all expenses

i’ll give brainliest!!!! please answer all of these for my history


27. On April 30, 1975, Communist North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces captured the South Vietnamese capital of Saigon, forcing South Vietnam to surrender and bringing about an end to the Vietnam War. ... The agreement created a cease-fire between North and South Vietnam, but it did not end the conflict.


27. What happened was that the South ended up losing to the north and thus communism was spread all through Vietnam.

28. The good news was that the theory didn't work out to be right. Communism only spread through Laos and Cambodia after the war, but it didn't spread to other nations like Thailand and India.

29. He mostly resumed American relations with China, and this practice was called Détente.

30. What it showed us was that America, an arsenal of democracy, couldn't contain communism in a nation as small as Vietnam.

How did the Cold War impact US politics, foreign policy, and the economy?


Answer: um not sure jus tryin to get points sorry


What is the nature of relations between the U.S. and Japan today?



In recent years, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe enjoyed good relations with U.S. President Donald Trump, with several friendly meetings in the United States and Japan, and other international conferences. His successor, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga has enjoyed good relations with current U.S. President Joe Biden.

was wpa successful? why or why not?



Over its eight years of existence, the WPA put roughly 8.5 million Americans to work. Perhaps best known for its public works projects, the WPA also sponsored projects in the arts – the agency employed tens of thousands of actors, musicians, writers and other artists.


please help me with this question??


To compare and contrast means to discuss the similarities and differences of two or more things


Comparing and Contrasting is a rhetorical style that discusses the similarities and differences of two or more things, ideas, concepts, items, places, etc.


Hope that helps!

Who offer support to the South Vietnamese leader




President Eisenhower pledges support to Diem's government and military forces. Eisenhower wrote to South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem and promised direct assistance to his government.

There was evidence of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election



This question is technically an opinion but realistically it should be false?





Compromise of 1850 what happened and who was involved? And how did this divide the north and south



Senator Henry Clay introduced a series of resolutions on January 29, 1850, in an attempt to seek a compromise and avert a crisis between North and South. As part of the Compromise of 1850, the Fugitive Slave Act was amended and the slave trade in Washington, D.C., was abolished.

Select the correct answer. Which statement best reflects the definition of culture used in this lesson? A. Culture is what’s written in history books. B. Culture is something we inherit naturally at birth. C. Culture is learned from our families and traditions. D. Culture is what we learn by traveling to new places.



A) Culture is leaned from our families and traditions.


Hope I helped! Brainiest plz! Hope you make an 100%

How did agriculture improvements contribute to population shifts in Georgia in world war 2?



Advancements in agricultural technology lowered the demand for farm labor in rural areas, leading to a shift in the state's population to urban areas as people sought work in cities.

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