Question 1
What type of resource is found in abundance throughout sub-Saharan Africa?


Answer 1




Oil accounts for 43.5 percent of resource-rich sub-Saharan Africa wealth, substantially less than in resource-rich comparators outside Africa, and land accounts for about 35 percent. Metals and minerals account for 27 percent for Zambia, 26 percent for South Africa, and 14 percent for Botswana.

Answer 2
hey, just to let you know it’s oil...

Related Questions

Judging from the events of the late
1920s and early 1930s, how
important do you think public
confidence is to the health of the
economy? Explain.



1286 day on angnrjgnjkergnjrgnerjng


What European concept was Foreign to the Native Americans?
Kinship, trade, private land, or justice?



c.  private land



2. PART B: Which detail from the text best supports the
answer to Part A?
A "I don't hope anything for me. I don't hope for me
because I cannot even move from one place to
another because if I move, I fall down." (
Paragraph 9)
OB “A woman who called herself Zubaida – again to
protect her identity - answered by listing the things
she needs to do to survive in the camp: sell rice, find
a job, learn to speak Bangla" ( Paragraph 14)
O c "Hundreds of thousands have fled their homes in
waves. It is estimated that some 500,000 Rohingya
refugees live in Bangladesh alone." ( Paragraph 20)
OD "People hope their children can get a good
education or they can get a resettlement (to another
country) and build a new life, to get back to the
country they came from'" ( Paragraph 30)




Study this railroad map from 1926. Which of these BEST explains the distribution of railroad tracks in the state of Texas in 1926?

A) Most of the oil industry was located in the eastern portion of the state.

B) Railroad lines were needed to help move supplies when hurricanes hit the Gulf Coast.

C) Cattle ranchers demanded that tracks not be laid in areas that would stop their cattle drives.

D) West Texas saw few railroad lines because people there opposed the construction of railroad lines. Eliminate



Maybe D


Railroad tracks are the distribution of the railway lines inside and the outer side of the nation. The major oil industry was found on the eastern side explains the rail distribution.

What is the importance of the railways?

Railways are the distribution of rail lines across the state and were the major introduction and invention of human history. Texas is the state of the United States, and the railway commission of the state was set in 1891.

The introduction of the railways made transportation services like agricultural products and the industrial raw material supply in the state easy and convenient.

The transportation of the raw material in the eastern region of the state and back of the distribution of the product in the country was enabled due to the distribution of railroad tracks.

Therefore, option A) the oil industry was located in the East region of the state is the correct option.

Learn more about railroad tracks here:

what happened to the Armenians in 191





During the war, Kurds massacred thousands of Armenians and destroyed dozens of their villages. Russia's decisive victory forced the Ottoman Empire to cede parts of eastern Anatolia, the Balkans, and Cyprus.

I need help getting a general understanding of the info needed to answer the questions. Thanks in advance!

1. How did the populist and progressive movements bring about an overall more democratic culture in politics, gender roles, and the economy?
2. Why did the post-WWI years bring economic growth and cultural revival, as well as tension and conflict?
3. What factors led to a massive expansion in the size and scope of the federal government in the inter-war years? What new roles did the government take on?
4. How did conflicts in Europe and Asia in the first half of the 20th century lead to an expansion of America’s role in the world?
5. How did World War I and World War II bring change to the African American community and lay the groundwork for the future civil rights movement?



Number 1


Key Takeaways  

The roots of the liberalism with which we are familiar lie in the Progressive Era. For the Progressives, freedom is redefined as the fulfillment of human capacities, which becomes the primary task of the state. To some degree, modern conservatism owes its success to a recovery of and an effort to root itself in the Founders' constitutionalism.


1. How did the populist and progressive movements bring about an overall more democratic culture in politics, gender roles, and the economy? - the progressive movement made a more accountable government that improved america, like in womens rights, food and safety laws, and political corruption.

2. Why did the post-WWI years bring economic growth and cultural revival, as well as tension and conflict? - after WWII many younger people emerged in society.  there was a focus on politics, on womens rights to vote.  this led to conflicts about how morality and society took a downturn.  there was also a higher crime rate.  

3. What factors led to a massive expansion in the size and scope of the federal government in the inter-war years? What new roles did the government take on? - after WWI the president didnt help that much, he believed in lazzire fair, just see what would happen.  but after WWII the president and government helped more, they put programs to help people.

4. How did conflicts in Europe and Asia in the first half of the 20th century lead to an expansion of America’s role in the world? - as countries were taking over countries the united states wanted to help to preserve democracy.  it started by providing resources to allied countries to eventually joining the war ourselves.

5. How did World War I and World War II bring change to the African American community and lay the groundwork for the future civil rights movement? - as the wars went on, more and more african americans were joining he military, which led to more job opportunities back at home.  they were seen more as equal to everyone else, as they worked together. they got to show that they were the same as everyone else.


hope this helped bestie!!!!!1

Following world war ll the united Nations was empowered to Cary out which task?



Promoting cooperation among countries around the world


It was promoting cooperation with other countries

All of the following are true of the Treaty of Versaille, EXCEPT:

Reduced the German army
Allowed Germany to keep their colonies
Demanded Germany accept blame for the war
Forced Germany to pay war reparation



b . Allowed Germany to keep their colonies.


The Treaty of Versaille was signed in Paris on the 28th of June, 1919 between Germany and the Allied powers. This post-war agreement put certain claims and blamed Germany for the war, which was the First World War.

Some important points of the treaty were that it blamed Germany for the war and wanted it to accept the blame. Moreover, Germany was also forced to pay compensation for the damages of the war. It also led to the disarming of the German army, limiting it to maintain a certain amount of military access.

But one condition of the treaty that is false is that it allowed Germany to keep its colonies. This is false for the treaty required Germany to give up all the colonies as mandated by the League of Nations.

Thus, the correct answer is option b .

What type of power was held by Protestant church leaders?
The power of church leaders was limited by church members.
Church leaders made all decisions for congregations
The power of church leaders came directly from the king
Church leaders could not make rules for members of the congregation

Pls help 15 points pls help






The power of church leaders came directly from the king


Which of these goals of President Truman's "Fair Deal" were met?
O A. Starting a national health insurance program
O B. Getting rid of the Taft-Hartley Act
C. Expanding Social Segurity
O D. Providing federal aid to education


A. starting a national health insurance program

What is one problem that Chief Joseph has with the "good words" of others?



He does not trust people's words unless actions are taken. According to Chief Joseph, what is one thing that white men need to do to live in peace? They need to treat each other alike and with dignity.

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
Complete the paragraph about political parties during the era of Jacksonian democracy.
After the election of 1824, the Democratic-Republican Party split into two parties. The party led by Andrew Jackson was called the
, and the party led by John Quincy Adams was called the



OK so I just got done with my test and for the second part it is the National Republican party, the first answer I choose was wrong, I choose (whings) so I'm going to take an intellengant guess and say the first one is democracy party.


I got all 4 right but this one if yall need help with this test ill give you all the answers I usually get 100%.

The correct fills about the political parties in the above case are democracy party and the National Republican Party.

What are political parties?

A political party is defined as a designed group of persons, frequently arises with joint views, who come jointly to contest elections and contain power in the government.

The party matches on several projected programs and policies, with a scene to upgrading the corporate, promoting the interest of supporters.

After the election of 1824, the Democratic-Republican Party divided into two parties.

(1). Democracy party: This was leaded by Andrew Jackson.

(2). National Republican Party:  It was led by John Quincy Adams.

Therefore, the correct fills of the above case are democracy party and the National Republican Party.

Learn more about the political parties, refer to:

Benefits of International Trade
Use your knowledge about the advantages of international trade to complete each sentence.
International trade
v economic growth.
International trade
the specialization of goods.
International trade
v the types of goods and services available around the world.


encourages; encourages; increases


Use your knowledge about the advantages of international trade to complete each sentence.

International trade  

✔ encourages

economic growth.

International trade  

✔ encourages

the specialization of goods.

International trade  

✔ increases

the types of goods and services available around the world.


when did the Rms Oympic get scrapped


Answer: April 1935

In April 1935 the Olympic was retired from service. It was later sold for scrapping, and many of the fixtures and fittings were bought and put on display by various establishments, notably the White Swan Hotel in Alnwick, Northumberland, England. Britannic became a hospital ship and was sunk by a mine in the Mediterranean in 1916; though she was the largest ship sunk in the war, only 30 lives were lost. Olympic became an armed troopship and in 1918 sank a German submarine.


First president of the United states?


Answer: George Washington


On April 30, 1789, George Washington, standing on the balcony of Federal Hall on Wall Street in New York, took his oath of office as the first President of the United States.

What country has the highest population density? A: Burundi b. Kenya C. Rwanda D. Tanzania



C Rwanda


Good luck




good luck! I think this is right

How did money spent on the war industry affect the U.S. economy?


Answer: 350 billion


This is an image of sharecropping in Georgia in 1898 on a plantation, how does this
appear to differ from slavery prior to the 13th Amendment?






Which concept is reincarnation directly connected to in Hinduism?



Hindus believe that the soul passes through a cycle of successive lives (samsara) and its next incarnation is always dependent on how the previous life was lived (karma). In a lifetime people build up karma, both good and bad, based on their actions within that lifetime.



Which best explains the purpose of the Ninth Amendment? to ensure personal rights not stated to prevent independent choices to protect personal properties to define specific personal rights


     In the history of the United States, the constitution which serves as the binding document of the country has been amended 27 times.

    One of such amendments which is aimed at promoting personal rights is the ninth amendment.

The ninth amendment

       The ninth amendment to the constitution of the united states which is part of the bill of rights affirms the right of the people which are not specifically enumerated in the Constitution.


     The ninth amendment which was  proposed by congress in 1789 and later ratified  states thus "The enumeration in the constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people"


     The American founders thought it important to to include this because  future generations might argue that, because a certain right was not listed in the bill of rights, it did not exist.

     According to the question, the correct option is that the ninth amendment ensures personal rights which were not earlier stated or enumerated.

Learn more about the Bill of Rights at


(A.) To ensure personal rights not stated.


EDGE 2023

How could people of intellectual revolutionary times possibly deal with these revolutionary ideas and discoveries?​


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there is no further context or specific references we can comment on the following.

How could people of intellectual revolutionary times possibly deal with these revolutionary ideas and discoveries?​

These people were brilliant philosophers and thinkers that had a privileged mind and could come with different ideas that changed the course of human history.

When they postulated these ideas, they were not even considering the way these ideas were going to transcend the pass of time and the influence they were going to have in other nations and revolutionary movements.

Let's set the example of the brilliant thinkers during the European Enlightenment period. People like Voltaire, Baron de Montesquiou, Jean-Jaques Rosseau, John Locke, and Thomas Hobbes, postulated ideas about a new form of government, the division of powers, citizens rights, liberty, equity, and equality.

These new ideas had such a great impact on other politicians and independence movements such as the Revolutionary War of Independence in colonial America and years, later, the French Revolution.

Extermination camps were established at _, Chelmno, and Treblinka. The Jews at these camps were killed by _.

ANSWERS: Belzec, gas poisoning




Gas poisoning


Extermination camps were established at BELZEC, Chelmno, and Treblinka. The Jews at these camps were killed by GAS POISONING.

The Jewish people captured by the Nazis were taken to extermination camps in Poland and murdered through gas poisoning.

What The Meaning of communications



the imparting or exchanging of information or news.


i hope this helps

Why were the British so surprised by the colonists' reaction to the Stamp Act?



These taxes included the Stamp Act, passed in 1765, which required the use of special paper bearing an embossed tax stamp for all legal documents. ... They protested, saying that these taxes violated their rights as British citizens. The colonists started to resist by boycotting, or not buying, British goods.

Hope it will help you

Your well wisher ;-)

Why did President Harry S. Truman ask Congress for funds for Greece and Turkey?


Hiiiiooo so The main reason why Truman asked Congress for funds for Greece and Turkey was because these two countries were "threatened with Communist takeovers," since this took place during the Cold War. The Congress had given some free aid to Greece and Turkey to support their economies and their military force

What is the capitul of GA


atlanta is the capital of GA




Legal precedence refers to
innovations in the legal system.
court proceedings being open to the public.
court decisions used as examples to resolve similar situations.
a court case taken on by the U.S. Supreme Court.



A precedent is a principle or rule established in a previous legal case that is either binding on or persuasive without going to courts for a court or other tribunal when deciding subsequent cases with similar issues or facts. Common-law legal systems place great value on deciding cases according to ... In a legal context, this means that courts should abide by precedent and not ...


True or False: Women's rights was an international movement


True, many people from around the world did this
I think this is true not for sure though

2. How did Theodora improve the lives of women in the empire?"​


Answer: here’s my answer

Explanation:Theodora is remembered as one of the first rulers to recognize the rights of women, passing strict laws to prohibit the traffic in young girls and altering the divorce laws to give greater benefits to women. She spent much of her reign trying to mitigate the laws against the miaphysites.

What tribe was being forced off of their native lands in Georgia in what is known as the trail of tears



The Trail of Tears National Historic Trail commemorates the removal of the Cherokee and the paths that 17 Cherokee detachments followed westward.


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