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Anyone know what the genitive akkusative verb is??



Verbs which take the accusative

Ein Kaffee: Anna trinkt einen Kaffee. A coffee: Anna drinks a coffee.

Das Buch: Ich habe das Buch gelesen. The book: I have read the book.

Keine Wohnung: Wir kaufen keine Wohnung. No apartment: We are not buying an apartment.


The genitive case is used to show possession. You use the genitive to show who something belongs to. In English, we would use an apostrophe to indicate what belongs to someone or something, eg the school's headteacher. ... The 'of the' (ie the possession) is expressed in German using the genitive case.

Przekształć zdania na stronę bierną.
1. Der Mechaniker repariert das Auto.
2. Wir machen die Ordnung im Haus.
3. Die Gemäldegalerie kauft neue Bilder (Pl)
4. Die Mutter kocht heute das leckere Mittagessen.
5. Der Schüler schreibt einen Aufsatz.
6. Die Fabrik produziert moderne Maschinen.
7. Die Deutsche (Pl) trinken viel Bier.
8. Der Freund singt ein schönes Lied.
9. Monika macht die Hausaufgabe.
10. Ute macht eine Reise nach Paris.



down field eggnog Evita aloud bowel obstruction to get to the to pick a few weeks back I have been there done and I'm so excited about this and thought I had the chance you have studied and I was going through my and he is going well and have to do that and I'm so excited about this and thought I had the chance you have studied and I was going through my and he is going

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1) A)
2) B)
3) C)
4) C)
5) C)


how do I say Christmas in German​





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