Kari and Julie are practicing for basketball tryouts. Kari makes 3 less than twice as many baskets as Julie.
Part A Write an expression with two terms for the number of baskets that Kari makes. Explain how you found your expression.
Part B Write an expression with three terms for the number of baskets that Kari and Julie make in all. Explain how you found your expression.


Answer 1


X= 2y - 3  

Kari makes X tryouts. She also makes 3 less than twice as many as Julie which would be X= 2y - 3

Julie makes y tryouts and twice would be 2y.

Step-by-step explanation: hope this helps!!! :)

Answer 2


X= 2y - 3  

Kari makes X tryouts. She also makes 3 less than twice as many as Julie which would be X= 2y - 3

Julie makes y tryouts and twice would be 2y.

Step-by-step explanation:

Related Questions

find the distance between (3,7) and (-1,4)​




Step-by-step explanation:

To find the distance between two points, use the distance formula, [tex]d = \sqrt{(x_2-x_1)^2+(y_2-y_1)^2} \\[/tex]. The [tex]x_1[/tex] and [tex]y_1[/tex] represent the x and y values of one point, while the [tex]x_2[/tex] and [tex]y_2[/tex] represent the x and y values of another point. Thus, substitute the x and y values of the given points into the appropriate places of the formula and solve:

[tex]d = \sqrt{((-1)-(3))^2+((4)-(7))^2} \\d = \sqrt{(-1-3)^2+(4-7)^2} \\d = \sqrt{(-4)^2+(-3)^2} \\d = \sqrt{16 + 9 } \\d = \sqrt{25} \\d = 5[/tex]

Thus, the distance is 5 units.

Regina read his novel three nights in a row. Each night, he read for 3/4 of an hour. How many hours did regina read his novel altogether?​



Regina read for 2 1/4 hours or 2 hours and 15 minutes

Step-by-step explanation:

He read for 2 hours and 15 minutes

Angie has 3 pink bows, 1 blue bow, and 6 purple bows in a box. She will randomly choose 1 bow from the box.
What is the probability Angie will choose a purple bow?


6/10 bows are purple
6/10 = 60/100 or 60%

Estimate the solution to the system of equations.
You can use the interactive graph below to find the solution.

y = 2x - 2
Choose 1 answer:
-6 5 4 3 2
1 2 3 4 5 6



thi dhany kar rahe the aur man apane ghar men hi the jinhone apani bat ko lekar bhi

A certain town never has two sunny days in a row. Each day is classified as being either sunny, cloudy (but dry), or rainy. If it is sunny one day, then it is equally likely to be either cloudy or rainy the next day. If it is rainy or cloudy one day, then there is 60% of chance that it will be the same the next day, and if it changes then it is equally likely to be either of the other two possibilities. In the long run, how frequent are we observing a day for which it is rainy and the next two days are also rainy



In the long run if one day is rainy there is frequency of 2/5 that other two days will also be rainy.

Step-by-step explanation:

A matrix is formed to classify the weather conditions. It is given that if one day is sunny then there is likely chance that the next day will be cloudy, but if one day is rainy then there is 60% chance that next day will be same. To identify the possibility of next two days we create probability matrix;

Probability (P) = [tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}0&\frac{1}{2} &\frac{1}{2} \\\frac{1}{4} &\frac{1}{2} &\frac{1}{4} \\\frac{1}{4} &\frac{1}{4} &\frac{1}{2} \end{array}\right][/tex]

After solving for probability we get a fraction of 2/5

Given the balanced equation representing a reaction:

2H2 + O2 > 2H2O

The oxidation state of hydrogen in this reaction changes from

–1 to +1

–1 to +5

0 to +1

+5 to –1


Answer: The correct answer is A) -1 to +1

Machine A and machine B both make car parts.
Machine A makes 7 parts every 10 minutes.
Machine B makes M6 parts every 15 minutes,
On Monday
machine A makes parts for 12 hours
machine B makes parts for 10 hours
Work out the total number of parts made by the two machines on Monday


Machine A : 504
Machine B : 240?

Solve for n.
5 (n+11) = 5 • 9 + 5 • 11


5(n+11)= 45+55
Since We times first before adding
Subtract 55 from each side
Then divide

what is the answer of 5ax +8ax+6ax=?


All have ax included so add the numbers together.

5ax + 8ax + 6ax = 19ax

If it’s mere addition then the answer should be “19ax”.
Lmk if I ryt!!

Due to manufacturing error, three cans of regular soda were accidentally filled with diet soda and placed into a 24 pk. Suppose that two cans are randomly selected from the 24-pk.
a) Determine the probability that both contain diet soda.
b) Determine the probability that both contain regular soda.
c) Determine the probability that exactly one is diet and exactly one is regular.

I'm not knowledgeable about how to write this out to solve it? Please help? ​


Hope this helps you If you need any more help let me know in the comments

Most states and Canadian provinces have government-sponsored lotteries. Here is a simple lottery wager, from the Tri-State Pick 3 game that New Hampshire shares with Maine and Vermont. You choose a three-digit number; the state chooses a three-digit winning number at random and pays you $500 if your number is chosen. Because there are 1000 three-digit numbers, you have probability 1/1000 of winning. Taking X to be the amount your ticket pays you, the probability distribution of X is Payoff X Probability: $0.00 0.999 What is your average payoff from many tickets



For many(n) tickets, the average payoff is 0.5n, in which n is the number of tickets.

Step-by-step explanation:

1/1000 chance of winning.

This means that there is an 1/1000 probability of you earning $500.

1 - 1/1000 = 999/1000 chance of losing.

In this case, you earn nothing.

What is your average payoff from many tickets

[tex]A = \frac{500*1}{1000} + \frac{0*999}{1000} = \frac{500}{1000} = 0.5[/tex]

Your average payoff from a ticket is 0.5. So for many(n) tickets, the average payoff is 0.5n, in which n is the number of tickets.

In a class of 29 children, 15 like history and 21 like math. They all like at least one of
the two subjects.
What is the probability that a child chosen at random from the class likes math but
not history?




Step-by-step explanation:

The probability that a child chosen at random from the class likes math but not history is 14/29  or 0.4827.

It is given that the in a class of 29 children, 15 likes history and 21 like math.

It is required to find the probability that a child chosen at random from the class likes math but not history if they all like at least one of the two subjects.

What is the Venn diagram?

It is defined as the diagram that shows a logical relation between sets.

The Venn diagram consists of circles to show the logical relation.

We have:

Total students in a class = 29

First we have to find the number of students who likes both subject for this we have draw a Venn diagram shown in the picture.

From the Venn diagram number of students who likes both = 7

And number of students likes only math = 14

Hence, the probability will be:

[tex]p = \frac{14}{29}[/tex]   ( because total number of students is 29)

or P = 0.4827 or 48.27%

Thus, the probability that a child chosen at random from the class likes math but not history is 14/29  or 0.4827.

Learn more about the Venn diagram here:

can you guys explain this



basicly the -6 is the x and the 5 is the y

but the h is 7.8

Step-by-step explanation:

What is the equation of the line that passes through the point (-5, 3) and has a
slope of


Step by step explanation
Hope this helps
Leave a like and brainliest!

Juhi sells a washing machine for Rs 13500. She loses 20% in the bargain . What was the price at which she bought it


Required Answer :-

Concept :

➽ Let the cost price of the washing machine be a variable and apply the condition that the loss Juhi faced was 20% of the cost price, i.e., Rs. 13,500 is 80% of the cost price to form an equation. Solve the equation to get the answer.

Solution :

➽ The selling price of the washing machine after bargain = Rs 13, 500

➽ percentage of loss she had in the bargain = 20 %

let the price paid by juhi be x

➽ Now interpreting the statement in the question

in mathematical form we get :

[tex] \implies[/tex] loss = Rs 2 / 10 × 2

[tex] \implies[/tex] Loss = Rs 2 / 10 × x

➽ According to the simple marketing norm, if we subtract the loss from the buying price, we will be getting the selling price for which Juhi sold the washing machine.

Profit / loss = purchasing price - Selling price

Substituting the values the above equation, we get;

[tex] \implies[/tex] 2 x / 10 = x - 13500

[tex] \implies[/tex] 2 x / 10 = x - 13500 / 2

On cross-multiplication, we get;

2 x = 10 ( x - 13500 )

[tex] \implies[/tex] 2 x = 10 x - 13500

[tex] \implies[/tex] 8 x = 13500

∴ x = 13500 / 8 = 16875

∴ Hence the price that Juhi paid for buying the Washing machine was Rs. 16,875.

Additional information :

❑ Don’t get confused and take the 20% of the selling price while you solve, as you should be very clear that the percentage loss or profit are terms related to the actual pricing not to the price for which you crack the deal. The other way of thinking of this is that the selling price might vary from buyer to buyer depending on the bargain they put in, but the percentage should be defined from a fixed mark so that you can easily handle it. The reason that most products in the market have an MRP tag on it making it easier for all the sellers to handle their margins.

Given the points (8,9) and (2,7) find the slope M=




Step-by-step explanation:



2/6 is 1/3 when simplified

please could i have help with this i get 336m and its not one of the choices



a. 30 m

I hope it helps....



Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]18m^{2}[/tex]/m + 4m(3)

= [tex]30m^{2}[/tex]/m

= 30m

Hope it helps,

Please mark me as the brainliest

Thank you

Need some help with this :(
(Don’t answer if you don’t know)15 points


i agree with the person on top!

What is a the equation of the line passing through the point (2,-4) that is parallel to the line y=3x+2



Step-by-step explanation:

y+4 = 3(x-2)

Plz help solve this math problem



3 8/9

Can I get Brainliest?


3 8/9

Step-by-step explanation:

9 goes into 35 3 times with a remainder of 8

Which ratio is greater? 3 : 4 or 5:6​



5:6 is greater than 3:4.

What is (10x+30)+(7x+14) ?



17x + 44

Step-by-step explanation:

Start by combining like-terms: 10x + 7x = 17x ; 30 + 14 = 44

Left with: 17x + 44


Remove the parentheses

10x + 30 + 7x + 14

Add the like terms

17x + 44


17x + 44

Step-by-step explanation:

Please mark the Brainliest

Solve using the quadratic formula.
q2 + 69 + 9 = 0



the value of q = -3

Step-by-step explanation:

The computation of the equation is shown below:

Given that

q^2 + 6q + 9 = 0

q^2 + 3q+ 3q + 9

q(q + 3) + 3(q + 3)

(q+3) (q+3)

q = -3

Hence, after solving it the value of q = -3

Find the area of the circle below




Step-by-step explanation:

using the pie radius squared formula

pie radius squared=pie 3 squared

answer is 28.27433

same reason as the person above

Solve for x.
(Round to the nearest hundredth)



Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{x}{40} =sin 40\\x=40 sin 40 \approx 25.71[/tex]

Question 17 (3 points)
Paul is signing a lease for a two-bedroom apartment that rents for $725/month. How much will Paul pay to move in if
he must pay first and last month's rent and a $500 security deposit?



So If Paul needs to pay for 2 months of rent plus the 500$ in security deposit, then he has to pay 725+725+500=1950

Mason is working two summer jobs, making $20 per hour lifeguarding and making $10 per hour landscaping. In a given week, he can work no more than 13 total hours and must earn at least $170. If xx represents the number of hours lifeguarding and yy represents the number of hours landscaping, write and solve a system of inequalities graphically and determine one possible solution.



[tex]x = 4\\y = 9[/tex] hours

Step-by-step explanation:

Given -

x represents the number of hours lifeguarding and y represents the number of hours landscaping

[tex]x+ y = 13[/tex] -----Eq ( 1 )


[tex]20 * x + 10 * y = 170[/tex] -----Eq ( 2 )

Substituting the value of [tex]x = 13-y[/tex] in equation 2, we get -

[tex]20* (13 - y) + 10 y = 170[/tex]

[tex]260 - 20 y + 10 y = 170\\10y = 90\\y = 9[/tex]

[tex]x = 13-9 = 4[/tex]

Mickey’s Pizza charges $5 per Medium Pizza and a $4 delivery charge.
Make a table with the following information:
Pizzas: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5



Cost: 9, 14, 19, 24, 29
Equation: y=5x+4

Lamont's empty backpack weighs 2 1/2 pounds. He puts 4 notebooks in it that each weigh 15 ounces. How many pounds does Lamont's backpack weigh now?


The answer is 6.252 pounds.

2 1/2 as a decimal is 2.5, and 15 ounces is equal to 0.938 pounds. Since there are 4 notebooks, you multiply 0.938 by 4, which is 3.752. Now, you just add 2.5+3.752=6.252

At a dinner, the meal cost $22 and a sales tax of $1.87 was added to the bill. What is the tax rate for meals in this city


answer is 8.5% ......



Step-by-step explanation:

1.87/22 = 0.085 x 100 = 8.5%

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