
Answer 1


option 3

Step-by-step explanation:

the equation of a line in slope- intercept form is

y = mx + c ( m is the slope and c the y- intercept )

calculate m using the slope formula

m = [tex]\frac{y_{2}-y_{1} }{x_{2}-x_{1} }[/tex]

with (x₁, y₁ ) = (0, - 2) and (x₂, y₂ ) = (4, 0) ← 2 points on the line

m = [tex]\frac{0-(-2)}{4-0}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{0+2}{4}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{2}{4}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex]

the line crosses the y- axis at (0, - 2 ) ⇒ c = - 2

y = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] x - 2

Related Questions

this is a partially decoupled system. solve for v(t) first by separation of variables. then substitute into the second equation and solve for y(t). if c1 is the constant that is in the general solution for v(t), and c2 is the constant that appears when solving for y(t), what is the value of c2?


For the given partially decoupled system, dv/dt = -v , v(0) = -1 and dy/dt = v , y(0) = 100

The value of the constant that appears when solving for y(t) i.e, c₂ is 99..

We have given that

dv/dt = -v ; v(0) = -1

By separtion of variables ,

dv/v = - dt

=> ₋₁∫ᵛ dv/v = ₀∫ᵗ -1 dt

=> ₋₁[ ln(v) ]ᵛ = ₀[ -t]ᵗ

=> ln(v) - (-ln(-1)) = -t - 0

=> ln(v/-1) = - t

=> -v = e⁻ᵗ

=> v = - e⁻ᵗ

Now, dy/dt = v = - e⁻ᵗ

Integrating both sides y = 0 to 100 and t =0 to t

₀∫ʸ 1dy = ₀∫ᵗ - e⁻ᵗ dt

=> ₀[ y ]ʸ = - ₀[- e⁻ᵗ ]ᵗ

=> y - 100 = e⁻ᵗ - 1/e⁰ (since y(0)= 100) => y - 100 = e⁻ᵗ - 1

=> y = e⁻ᵗ - 1 + 100

=> y = e⁻ᵗ + 99

Which is general solution of dy/dt .

So, the constant that appears when solving for y(t), c₂ is 99.

To learn more about Separation of variables method, refer:


Complete question:

dy/dt =v, y(0) = 100 ; dv/dt = -v , v(0) = - 1 ..This is a partially decoupled system. Solve for v(t) first by separation of variables. Then substitute into the second equation and solve for y(t). If C1 is the constant that is in the general solution for v(t), and C2 is the constant that appears when solving for y(t), what is the value of C2?

Solve 65,254 ÷ 37 = _______
O1,763 6/37
O1,763 23/37




Step-by-step explanation:

Because i use calculator

what needs to be known to determine the critical values for an independent-samples t test?


In order to determine the critical values for an independent-samples T-test, the following information needs to be known:

The size of the sample (n)The significance level (alpha)The degrees of freedom (df)The type of t-test being conducted (one-tailed or two-tailed)

What needs to be known to determine the critical values for an independent-samples T test?

The critical values for an independent-samples t test are used to determine if the differences between two samples are statistically significant. In order to calculate the critical values, the size of the sample (n), the significance level (alpha), the degrees of freedom (df), and the type of t-test (one-tailed or two-tailed) must be known. The degrees of freedom are equal to the number of observations in the sample minus

The size of the sample is the total number of observations in the two samples. The significance level is the probability of making a type-I error (rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true). Finally, the type of t-test is used to determine if the test is one-tailed (testing for a difference in one direction) or two-tailed (testing for a difference in both directions). Once all of this information is known, the critical values can be calculated to determine if the differences between the two samples are statistically significant.

Learn more about Test:


A spinner is separated into nine equal sections, each with a different color. According to theoretical probability, how many times can we expect to land on each color, if we spin one hundred and eighty times?


We are expected to land on each color 20 times in 180 spins

What is probability?

Probability is a number that reflects the chance or likelihood that a particular event will occur. Probabilities can be expressed as proportions that range from 0 to 1, and they can also be expressed as percentages ranging from 0% to 100%

probability of landing any color on any given attempt is 1/9 or 0.11, since all colors are different,  the probability for each is the same.

if you multiply the probability by 180 you will find the amount of time you will expect to land on each color

Hence, 1/9 x 180 = 20times

Hence are expected to land on each color 20 times in 180 spins

Learn more about probability at:


a=−5 and y=5.



What do you need here Any help?

Which expression is equivalent to 8j+8j?




Step-by-step explanation:

Since 8j is equal to 8j, you can just add 8j+8j=16j

c. A circular puzzle is 20 inches in diameter. All of the pieces are about the same size. You want to know about how many pieces there are in the puzzle.​



There is no exact answer to this question as it depends on the complexity of the puzzle. Generally speaking, a puzzle with a diameter of 20 inches would contain between 1000 and 2000 pieces.

Step-by-step explanation:

Evaluate the expression for the given value of the variables.
0.7g - 2.7h
g= 17, h =2


The value of the expression  0.7g - 2.7h at g = 17 and h = 2 is 6.5.

What is a numerical expression?

A numerical expression is a mathematical statement written in the form of numbers and unknown variables. We can form numerical expressions from statements.

Given, A numerical expression 0.7g - 2.7h.

Now, The values of the expression at g = 17 and h = 2 can be obtained if we replace these numerical values of g and h.

∴ 0.7g - 2.7h.

= 0.7(17) - 2.7(2).

= 11.9 - 5.4.

= 6.5

learn more about numerical expressions here :


country x can produce 1,000 units of food and 2,000 units of clothes. country y can produce 1,000 units of food and 1,000 units of clothes. in order to maximize trade according to the principles of comparative advantage,


In order to maximize trade according to the principles of comparative advantage, the option most suitable from the following is

country Y should produce food and import clothes from country X.

What do you mean by statistics?

The science of statistics focuses on creating and researching strategies for gathering, analyzing, interpreting, and presenting empirical data.

What are the 4 basic elements of statistics?

The four components of a descriptive statistics problem are sample size, necessary variables, numerical summary tools, and conclusions.

What are the 5 main statistics?

The maximum and minimum values in the data set, the lower and upper quartiles, and the median make up a summary's five values. Minimum value, lower quartile (Q1), median value (Q2), upper quartile (Q3), and maximum value are all listed together in this sequence.

From the above explanation we get to know

the solution to the above question is B

country Y should produce food and import clothes from country X.

To learn more about statistics click the following link:-


Find the standard deviation given the following data set: 3, 5, 6, 6, 9, 1


By using the formula of standard deviation, it can be calculated that

Standard deviation = 2.52

What is standard deviation?

At first it is important to know about variance.

Variance is the sum of the square of deviation from mean divided by the number of observations

Square root of variance gives standard deviation.

Here the data set is

3, 5, 6, 6, 9, 1

Mean = [tex]\frac{3 + 5 + 6 + 6 + 9 + 1}{6} = \frac{30}{6}[/tex] = 5

Variance = [tex]\frac{(3 - 5)^2 + (5 - 5)^2+(6 - 5)^2 + (6 - 5)^2 + (9 - 5)^2 + (1 - 5)^2}{6}[/tex]

                = [tex]\frac{4 + 0 +1+1+16+16}{6}[/tex]

                = [tex]\frac{38}{6}[/tex]

                = 6.33

Standard deviation = [tex]\sqrt{6.33}[/tex]

                                = 2.52

To learn more about standard deviation, refer to the link-


Giovanni's family owns an Italian restaurant that sells pizzas and calzones for lunch. The table shows
the restaurant's lunch sales for a weekend.
How much does 1 calzone cost?
Number of Pizzas
Number of Calzones
Total Amount Sold


The cost of one calzone given the information in the table is $8.75 (first option).

What is the cost of one calzone?

The first step is to form a system of equation to represent the information in the question:

16p + 12c = 269 equation 1

20p + 8c = 275 equation 2


p =cost of pizzas bought

c = cost of calzones bought

The elimination method would be used to determine the cost of one calzone.

Multiply equation 1 by 5 and equation 2 by 4

80p + 60c = 1345 equation 3

80p + 32c = 1100 equation 4

Subtract equation 4 from equation 3

28c = 245

Divide both sides of the equation by 28

c = 245 / 28

c = $8.75

To learn more about system of equations, please check:


Which expression is equivalent to 2. 3 raised to the fifth power divided by 0. 9 raised to the fourth power, all raised to the third power?.


The equivalent expression is 2.3 raised to the fifteenth power divided by 0.9 raised to the twelfth power.

What analogous expressions are there?

Expressions that perform the same operations but differ in appearance are said to be equivalent.

There is the phrase;

{ (2. 3)^5/ (0. 9)^4 }^3

multiply by the denominator's inverse power.

(2. 3^5 × 0. 9^-4)^3

broaden the bracket

2.3 × 0. 9 ^5 +(-4) (-4)

{2.3 × 0. 9 ^ 1}^3

The phrase can be written as follows:

{ (2. 3)^5× 3/ (0. 9)^4× 3}

{ (2. 3)^15/ (0. 9)^4 }^12

Thus, 2.3 raised to the fifteenth power divided by 0.9 raised to the twelfth power is the equivalent formula.

Learn more about equivalent expressions here:


what percentage of women in the united states work and have a child under 6 years of age?


77.2 percent of mothers with children under age 6 work in the United states.

Mothers are less likely to work when their children are young than when they are older: In 2019, women with children under the age of six had a labor force participation rate of 66.4%, while those with children aged six to seventeen had a rate of 76.8%.

Among mothers with children under the age of three, married mothers were less involved than mothers of other marital situations — 62% versus 66%.

Working women confront child care challenges: According to a Center for American Progress poll, half of American families reported trouble getting child care.

Based on the amount of time and resources based on the amount of time based on the amount of time based on the length of time based on the length of time based on the length of time based on the duration of time based on the amount of time.

More over two-thirds of homemakers indicated they would "search for employment" if they could find more affordable child care. One-third of part-time parents stated they would work more hours if child care was available.

To learn more about percent visit:


Ms. Armstrong is a carpenter. She keeps her tools in a cube-shaped box in her truck. Ms. Armstrong's toolbox is 15 inches long on each side. What is the volume of her toolbox?.


The volume of Ms. Armstrong's toolbox is 3,375 cm³.

Cube: A cube is a three-dimensional object with six square faces that are equal. Each of the six square faces of the cube has the same dimensions.

The total number of cubic units that a cube occupies in a three-dimensional space is its volume. A cube is a three-dimensional shape with eight vertices, twelve edges, and six faces. As a result, the space enclosed by a cube's six faces is its volume.


Volume = side³

because Armstrong has a 15-inch toolbox side.

Volume = 15³

Volume = 3,375

hence, Ms. Armstrong's toolbox has a volume of 3,375 cm3.

To learn more about cubes visit:


The area of Circle X is what percent of the area of Circle Y



Answer:  B. 278%

Step-by-step explanation:

The area of the circle formula is area = pi times r^2

Let's find the area of Circle X.

3.14 times 5^2 = 78.5

Let's find the area of Circle Y

3.14 times 3^2 = 28.26

Now take 78.5 divided by 28.26, then times 100% = 277.7% or ground up to 278%

So the answer is B. 278%

Two triangles are shown on the coordinate grid.


The first one reflect across the x axis and 2 units up

I need help!!! I need to know what the graphed linear equation is???


The graphed linear equation will be [tex]y= 6+ (\frac{-3}{2}x )[/tex].

What is Graphed linear equation?

A linear equation with two variables has a line as its graph, which is why it is referred to as linear. Plotting the points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) and the line that connects them.


        [tex]Slope \ of\ line= \frac{(y_{2-} y_{1} )}{(x_{2-} x_{1} )} \\\\Slope \ of\ line = \frac{-6} {4} \\\\Slope \ of\ line = \frac{-3}{2}[/tex]

One point on the line is (0,6)

The equation of the line is,

         [tex]y-6= (\frac{-3}{2} )(x-0)\\\\y-6= (\frac{-3}{2} )(x)\\\\y= 6+ (\frac{-3}{2}x )[/tex]

The graphed linear equation will be [tex]y= 6+ (\frac{-3}{2}x )[/tex].

To know more about Graphed linear equation visit,


What are the 3 types of investors?


The three types of investors in a business are, active investors, pre-investors and passive investors.


       A person who is simply not involved in any kind of investments, are

       called as pre-investors. A pre-investor's financial world is primarily              

       based upon consumption by giving a little preference to savings or


Passive investors:

       It is a starting point of an individual's entering into the investment                

      world for an individual. When an individual graduates, and learn and

      gain knowledge about investments, he sub-divides his income into

      investments to expand his income further.

Active investors:

       Active investors are basically built upon the foundation of the

       passive investors. They take their investments into higher heights in

       order to handle their wealth as their business.

To learn more about investors:



a single-bay car wash with a poisson arrival rate and an exponential service time has cars arriving at an average of 8 minutes apart with an average service time of 4 minutes. what is the system utilization?


System utilization is 0.26 or 20%

What is System Utilization?

System utilization is the action of using something, i.e., making practical and effective use of it. Put simply; the term refers to the use of something or the process of using it effectively. In the supply chain industry, utilization may also refer to the percentage of available time that a machine, device, warehouse, or employee is actively is working.

We can also use the term for a fraction of the available time that a system is operating.

In a warehouse, space is essential, so warehouse space utilization measures the efficiency with which the warehouse uses its inventory storage capacity. Low values for this KPI may suggest that the warehouse is too large, inventory is being stored in improper places, demand forecasting is not accurate or that inventory replenishment processes are slow.

given that:

a single-bay car wash with a poission arrival rate and an exponential service time has cars arriving at an average of 8 minutes apart with an average service time of 4 minutes

System utilization(ρ) = λ(arrival rate)/μ(service rate)

arriving rate = 8min ⇒ λ = 4/hr

service rate = 4min ⇒ μ = 15/hr

System utilization(ρ) = λ/μ

System utilization(ρ) = 4/15 = 0.26

System utilization is 0.26 or 20%

To learn more about System utilization:


19. Use a unit multiplier to convert 965 centimeters to meters.


Answer: 965cm =9.65 meters

Step-by-step explanation:

when adding fractions with like denominators it is important for students to focus on which key idea?


the only factor that someone has to focus that unit is the same.

What is a fraction?

If the numerator is bigger, it is referred to as an improper fraction and can also be expressed as a mixed number, which is a whole-number quotient with a proper-fraction remainder.A fraction in mathematics is a number that is stated as a percentage, such as 1/2 or 2/3. The bottom number indicates all of the components that make up a single unit.

Any fraction can be expressed in decimal form by dividing it by its denominator. One or more digits may continue to repeat indefinitely or the result may come to a stop at some point.

when adding fractions with like denominators it is important for students to focus on which key idea that

Units are the same.

Hence the only factor that someone has to focus that unit is the same.

Learn more about Fraction, by the following link.


What is square example?


A square is any 2-dimensional shape that has all 4 sides equal and opposite sides parallel.

A square is typically identified when we see any shape which has 4 sides. These sides are equal to one another. The opposite sides are parallel. Another very important feature to be noted is that a square makes an angle of 90° with its adjacent sides.

If the angles are not 90°, then the shape is a rhombus and not a square.

A perfect example of a square is the game board of ludo. That is a perfect square. Another example is a handkerchief.

To know more about squares visit


2100 dollars is placed in an account with an annual interest rate of 6%. To the nearest tenth of a year, how long will it take for the account value to reach 9400 dollars.


It will take 57.9 years for the account value to reach 9400 dollars.

What does the term "simple interest" mean?

Simple interest is calculated based on a loan's principal or the initial deposit into a savings account. Simple interest doesn't compound, therefore a creditor will only charge interest on the principal sum, and a borrower will never be required to pay further interest on the interest that has already accrued.

The fact that

The equation for simple interest is:

A = P(1+rt)


The final investment value is A.

P is the initial investment's principal.

The interest rate is r.

There are t time periods.

We have a problem with this.

t = ?

P = $2100

A = $9400

r = 6% = 6/100 = 0.06

In the formula above, substitute

9400 = 2100 (1+t[0.06])

1 + 0.06t = 94/21

t = 94 - 21 / 21 * 0.06

t = 73/1.26

t = 57.9 years

Learn more about simple interest


The music club is selling tickets for an upcoming performance. They are also accepting donations. The table below shows the ticket sales and donations from the past 2 weeks. In each expression, t represents the price of a ticket to the show.


The answer to this Question based on donations is 40 and 85

What is a donation?

Giving things to poor and needy people is called donating things and this word thing can contain anything from money to household things etc

Here music club has made ticket sales and donations are collected but both are different amounts for 2 weeks

hence we can add them to get total expense

On adding ticket sales and donations for 2 weeks we get 23t + 50 + 17t + 35

= 40t + 85 where t represents price for one ticket

Hence our answer is just coefficients that are 40 and 85 respetively

To learn more about donation:


In any solution, the part in the greatest quantity or volume is called the ___________.


The solvent is the defined as a part of the solution that is in the greater quantity, and the  solute is the smaller portion of the solution.

The part broken up in a liquid to frame an answer is known as a solute. The solute fixation is a game changer in deciding if the arrangement is strong, fluid, or vaporous.

A solvent is normally a fluid that is utilized to break up a solute. A fluid breaks down different parts to produce an answer. Presently, particle creation is leaned toward by polar solvents like water yet not by nonpolar solvents like hydrocarbons. Water is a genuine illustration of a dissolvable.

The contrast among solute and dissolvable can be resolved in light of their definition, actual appearance (fundamentally a condition of issue:- strong, fluid, or gas structure), dissolvability, and limit.

To know more about solute, solvent, visit here:


(Complete question) is:

The __________ is defined as the part of the solution that is in the greater quantity, and the __________ is the smaller portion of the solution.

Two diagonals of rectangle are 3x+2cm and 2x +3cm Find the measurement of each diagonal.​


The measurement of each diagonal is 5 cm in the given rectangle.

The diagonals of a rectangle are the two line segments that connect opposite corners of the rectangle and divide the rectangle into four right triangles.

Two diagonals of the rectangle are 3x+2cm and 2x +3cm which is given in the question.

The diagonals of a rectangle are equal in length, so we can set the two given lengths equal to each other:

3x + 2 cm = 2x + 3 cm

Subtracting 2x and 3 from both sides gives us:

x = 1 cm

Substituting this value back into the original equations gives us:

3(1) + 2 cm = 2(1) + 3 cm

3 + 2 cm = 2 + 3 cm

5 cm = 5 cm

Therefore, each diagonal has a length of 5 cm.

Learn more about the rectangle here:


What is the slope of 1/3 and 3 5?


The slope of the two points, (1,3) and (-3,5) is -1/2 and can be calculated by the point-slope formula.

We know that the slope is a change in y divided by a change in x or we can say  "rise over run". The point-slope formula is given by-

(y2-y1) = m (x2-x1) ........where m is the slope.

Hence, we can manipulate it into m= (y2-y1) /(x2-x1) to find the slope of the given points.

let (1,3) = (x1,y1)

and (-3,5) = (x2,y2)

substituting these coordinates in the equation of the slope we get,

slope= (5-3) /(-3-1)

         = 2/-4

         = -1/2

Hence, the slope of the given two points (1,3) and (-3,5) is -1/2.

Read more about the point-slope formula:


The complete question is -

What is the slope of (1, 3) and (-3, 5)?

Aisha bought 15 apples and oranges for $9. 0. Each orange costs $0. 50, and each apple costs $0. 65. Let x represent the number of oranges and y represent the number of apples. Which system can be used to find the number of apples and oranges aisha bought? x + y = 15. 0. 5 x + 0. 65 y = 9. 00 x = y. 0. 5 x + 0. 65 y = 9. 00 x + y = 9. 0. 5 x + 0. 65 y = 15. 00 x = y. 0. 5 x + 0. 65 y = 15. 0.


The system of equation to calculate the number of apples and oranges is given by x + y = 15 and 0.5x + 0.65y = 9 .

The number of apples is x and the number of oranges is y .

Total number of fruits bought is 15.

Hence we can write the equation for the number of fruits as:

x + y = 15

This is our first equation of the system.

Now each apple costs $ 0.5 , cost of x apples = 0.5x

Now each orange costs $0.65 , cost of y apples = 0.65y

Total cost is 9 apples.

Hence total cost can be represented by 0.5x + 0.65y = 9

Therefore the system of equations to represent the above situation is given by:

x + y = 15

0.5x + 0.65y = 9 .

A system of equations, often known as a set of simultaneous equations or an equation system, is a finite type of linear problem for which common solutions have been identified.

A system of equations can be classified similarly to a single equation. In everyday life, equation systems are utilised to model problems when the unknown values can be represented as variables.

To learn more about system of equations visit:


At a sale, the price of a washing machine
was reduced by 12% to $440. What was the original price of the washing machine?




Step-by-step explanation:





/88.  /88


hopes this helps

Scarlet must build a rectangular pen for her peacock, Paulie. Scarlet has P feet of fencing.
Scarlet decides that the width of Paulie's pen will be a third of the length of his pen.
(a) Write an equation describing the relationship between P and the width of the pen, w.
(b) Solve the equation for w


The equation describing the relationship between P and the width of the pen, w is P = 1/3L².

Tbe equation for w is; w = 1/3(√3P)

What is the width of the rectangular pen?

Area of the pen = P square feetLength of the rectangular pen = LWidth of the rectangular pen = 1/3L

Area of a rectangular pen = Length × width

P = L × 1/3L

P = 1/3L²

L² = P ÷ 1/3

multiply by the reciprocal of 1/3

L² = P × 3/1

L² = 3P

Find the square root of both sides

L = √3P

To solve the equation for w

Width of the rectangular pen = 1/3L

w = 1/3(√3P)

In conclusion, the relationship between P and the width of the pen, w is P = 1/3L².

Read more on rectangular pen:


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