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Answer 1

Then translons the resulting image  units to the right is   y=0 5  units.

What is  line?

A line segment in geometry is a section of a straight line that is enclosed by two clearly defined end points and contains all of the points on the line that are inside those endpoints. The Euclidean distance between two ends of a line segment determines its length.

Reflect [tex]$\triangle P Q R$[/tex] across the line [tex]$y=0$[/tex]. we can get [tex]$\Delta P^{\prime} Q^{\prime} R^{\prime}$[/tex]. then translate [tex]$\Delta P^{\prime} Q^{\prime} R^{\prime}$[/tex] 5 units to the right. we can get s STU. So the answer is A. y=0 5  units.

A line has length but no breadth, making it a one-dimensional figure. A line is made up of a collection of points that may be stretched indefinitely in opposing directions. Two points in a two-dimensional plane determine it. Collinear points are two points that are located on the same line.

To learn more about line segment visit:


Helppppp!!!!!!! Please

Related Questions

please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



1x2=2 3x3x1=3

Step-by-step explanation:

Two swimming pools are being drained so that they can be repaired. The two equations below describe the depth of the two pools, d, as a function of time in hours, t.

d=5 - 1/4t. d=7 - 1/3t

Ted wants to know when the two pools will reach the same depth. He solves the system by equating the two equations for d and then solving for t. The solution he finds is t = 24, so he concludes that after 24 hours the pools will be the same depth. Is Ted’s conclusion reasonable? Why or why not?

A. Yes, Ted’s conclusion is reasonable. Setting the two equations equal and solving for t will solve for the time when the two pools are at the same depth.

B. Yes, Ted’s conclusion is reasonable. Substituting into both equations yields the same value for d, which is the depth of the pools.

C. No, Ted’s conclusion is not reasonable. Ted failed to take into account the limits on the domain and range of the two functions.

D. No, Ted’s conclusion is not reasonable. Ted made a math error when he was finding a common denominator when solving for t.


Yes, Ted’s conclusion is reasonable.

Setting the two equations equal and solving for t will solve for the time when the two pools are at the same depth.

Option A is the correct answer.

What is an equation?

An equation is a mathematical statement made up of two expressions connected by an equal sign.

We have,

d = 5 - (1/4)t ____(1)

d = 7 - (1/3)t ____(2)


The time at which the depth d is the same.

Make (1) and (2) equal.

5 - (1/4)t = 7 - (1/3)t

(1/3)t - (1/4)t = 7 - 5

(4t - 3t)/12 = 2

t = 2 x 12

t = 24


Yes, Ted’s conclusion is reasonable.

Learn more about equations here:


Hong had 8/9
of a spool of yarn. He used 2/5
of his yarn for a project. What fraction of the spool was used for the project?


Answer: 16/45 of the spool

Step-by-step explanation:

2/5 of 8/9

2/5 * 8/9 = 16/45 (multiply numerators, and multiply denominators)

Cannot be further simplified.



Step-by-step explanation:

Multiply both denominators to get a common denominator, in this case, it would be 45.



Shelby is walking through her favorite store and sees a shirt she likes being sold for $80.00. She then notices the store is having a 45% off sale on all items. Excited to purchase the shirt, she grabs it and goes to the cash register. As she’s taking out her wallet, she finds a coupon for 25% off (that is applied after the store’s sale). What is the final price of the shirt that Shelby pays after the two discounts?

a. $9.00
b. $33.00
c. $28.00
d. $52.00


first we go 45+25=70 so now 80-70=$10.00

Did you mess up one of the answer because I did it two ways and got 10.00?

Explain why it has no real solution



Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\sqrt{2x+1} = -4 -1[/tex]

[tex]\sqrt{2x-1} = -5[/tex]

the number under a square root is always 0 or a positive number, so it can’t be equal to a negative number

What is the value of x in |6|=x


Answer and Step-by-step explanation: I used demos and got (6,0) as my answer.

Good afternoon! I have a survey for you guys to take. I would appreciate it if you do, because I use it for my schoolwork.

Knowing that the Bacon Cheeseburger meal is about 1000 calories and that you are supposed to consume between 2000 and 3000 calories per day, would you still eat Jack in the Box? Thank you beforehand!

1. I would eat there often
2. I would eat there sometimes
3. I would eat there rarely
4. I would not eat there ever



Step-by-step explanation:

2, i would eat there sometimes!


3. I would eat there rarely.

Step-by-step explanation:

Please give brainliest!!!

f(x) = 2x² – 5
g(x) = 5x + 7
g(f(x)) = 10x² + [? ]



The missing term in the output of the function [tex]g(f(x))[/tex] is -18.


Step-by-step explanation:

Function Composition

In mathematics, function composition is a term that encompasses a relationship between two functions wherein the output of one function is used as the input for another function. This relationship combines two functions to form a single function, known as a composite function. For future reference, function composition may also be denoted by a small circle, see below:

[tex](g\circ f)(x)=g(f(x))[/tex]

In the given problem, we must evaluate the composite function [tex]g(f(x))[/tex] / [tex](g\circ f)(x)[/tex] to identify the unknown term.


With composite functions, we begin evaluating from the inside. To evaluate [tex]g(f(x))[/tex], we must substitute the output of the function [tex]f(x)[/tex] (given as the expression [tex]2x^2-5[/tex]) as the input ([tex]x[/tex]) for the function [tex]g(x)[/tex]:


Now, using [tex]f(x)[/tex] as the input ([tex]x[/tex]) for the function [tex]g(x)[/tex] (given as the expression [tex]5x+7[/tex]), we can substitute [tex]2x^2-5[/tex] into the output for the function [tex]g(x)[/tex]:

[tex]g(f(x))= 5(2x^2-5)+7[/tex]

From here, we can go ahead and distribute the 5:


Combine like terms:


With the composite function evaluated, we can identify our missing term as [tex]-18[/tex].

Question 1:

Joe and Sara are each running a 5k. In the age/ability group that Joe is running in, the average run time is 22:30 minutes/seconds with a standard deviation of 4 minutes. In the age/ability group that Sara is running in, the average run time is 31:15 minutes/seconds with a standard deviation of 6 minutes.

Joe's run time is 19:45. Sara's run time is 28:20. Compute the z-scores for each and thus make a claim about who ran a better race compared to their age/ability group.

Question 2:

Suppose a data set has a mean 50 and standard deviation 5. If the Z-score of a data value is -2, what is the actual score?


1. The z-scores are given as follows:

Joe: Z = -0.6875.Sara: Z = -0.49.

Due to the lower z-score, Joe had a better time.

2. The actual score is of 40.

What are z-scores?

The z-score of a measure X of a variable that has mean symbolized by [tex]\mu[/tex] and standard deviation symbolized by [tex]\sigma[/tex] is obtained by the rule presented as follows:

[tex]Z = \frac{X - \mu}{\sigma}[/tex]

The z-score represents how many standard deviations the measure X is above or below the mean of the distribution, depending if the obtained z-score is positive or negative.Using the z-score table, the p-value associated with the calculated z-score is found, and it represents the percentile of the measure X in the distribution.

Considering the mean and the standard deviation for his distribution, and also that 15 seconds = 0.25 minutes, the z-score for Joe is obtained as follows:

Z = (19.75 - 22.5)/4

Z = -0.6875.

For Sara, the z-score is calculated as follows:

Z = (28.33 - 31.25)/6

Z = -0.49.

Joe had a better time, as his lower z-score means that a lower percentage of runners spent less time than him, that is, a lower percentage of runners ran faster than him.

For item 2, the actual score is calculated as follows:

-2 = (X - 50)/5

X - 50 = -10

X = 40.

More can be learned about z-scores at


A tank has an intake valve and a release valve. The rate of follow through each valve is inversely proportional to the area of its cross-section. The cross-section area of the input can be described by the equation, f(x)= x^2+2x+1; The cross-section area of the release can be described by the equation, f(x)= x^2+4x+3. If the proportion constant is equal for the input and output, find x such that the volume of material in the tank remains constant.



x = - 1


The volume will remain constant if both input and output cross - sections are equal:

x² + 2x + 1 = x²+ 4x + 34x - 2x = 1 - 32x = - 2x = - 1

100 POINTS WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST What is the target percent change for Growth Domestic Product?
A. 2-3% growth per period
B. 1-5% growth per period
C. 3-6% growth per period



Step-by-step explanation:

Andrew buys 8 bottles of cranberry juice at the corner store for a total cost of $5.68. If each bottle costs the same amount, how much is 6 bottles of juice?


Divide $5.68 by 8 to find the slope/$ per bottle and then multiply by 6.
Slope/$ per bottle: .71cents
.71 x 6 = 4.26
Answer: $4.26

third-degree, with zeros of -3,-2, and 1, and y-intercept of -8


The polynomial y = (4 / 3) · x³ + (16 / 3) · x² + (4 / 3) · x - 8 is the cubic equation whose zeros are x₁ = -3, x₂ = - 2, x₃ = 1 and intercept is - 8.

How to derive a cubic equation associated with a given set of zeros and a intercept

Herein we must derive a cubic equation such that the zeros are x₁ = -3, x₂ = - 2, x₃ = 1 and its intercept is - 8. Cubic equations are polynomials of the form y = a · x³ + b · x² + c · x + d, where a, b, c, d are real coefficients.

If we know that (x₁, y₁) = (- 3, 0), (x₂, y₂) = (- 2, 0), (x₃, y₃) = (1, 0) and (x₄, y₄) = (0, - 8), then we solve the following system of linear equations to determine all real coeffcients by numerical methods:

- 27 · a + 9 · b - 3 · c + d = 0

- 8 · a + 4 · b - 2 · c + d = 0

a + b + c + d = 0

d = - 8

(a, b, c, d) = (4 / 3, 16 / 3, 4 / 3, - 8)

The cubic equation is y = (4 / 3) · x³ + (16 / 3) · x² + (4 / 3) · x - 8.

To learn more on cubic equations:


Find the measure of angle 2
a 50°
b 90°
c 140°
d 40°


Im pretty sure the answers A

Samson opened a bank account with 2.25% simple interest. The total amount of interest Samson will earn after 30 years is $812.50. How much did Samson deposit when he opened the account? Round if necessary.


Answer: The equation for simple interest is:

Future interest = Principal*(interest rate*number of years). Remember to write the interest rate of 1.25% as 0.0125 (rather than directly as 1.25)

812.50 = x(0.0125*20)

812.5 = x(0.25)

x = $3250

This means that Samson deposited $3250 when he opened the account.

Step-by-step explanation:

jonah and haley made brownies to bring as a class treat. some were plain and some had sprinkls the class ate 3/4 of one pan and 1/6 of another pan of plain brownies they ate 5/6 of one pan and 1/10 of another pan of brownies with sprinkles. if the brownies were the same sie dud the class eat more plain brownies or more brownies with sprinkles




Step-by-step explanation:

he class ate 3/41 = <<3/41=3/4>>3/4 of one pan of plain brownies

They also ate 1/61 = <<1/61=1/6>>1/6 of another pan of plain brownies

The total amount of plain brownies they ate is 3/4 + 1/6 = <<3/4+1/6=5/6>>5/6

The class ate 5/61 = <<5/61=5/6>>5/6 of one pan of brownies with sprinkles

They also ate 1/101 = <<1/101=1/10>>1/10 of another pan of brownies with sprinkles

The total amount of brownies with sprinkles they ate is 5/6 + 1/10 = 5/6 + 1/10 = 41/60

The class ate more plain brownies because 5/6 > 41/60. Answer: {5/6}.

Find the Area of the figure below, composed of a rectangle and two semicircles. Round to the nearest tenths place. Please hurry!!!


The area of the given figure is 68.6

Calculating the area of a figure

From the question, we are to determine the area of the given figure.

Area of the given figure = Area of the semicircle + Area of the rectangle + Area of the semicircle

Area of a semicircle = 1/2πr²

Where r is the radius

Area of a rectangle = Length × Width

From the given diagram,

The diameter of the semicircle is 4


Radius, r = 4/2 =

r = 2

Length of the rectangle is 14

and the width of the rectangle is 4


Area of the figure = 1/2π(2)² + 14 × 4 + 1/2π(2)²

Area of the figure = 1/2π×4 + 14 × 4 + 1/2π×4

Area of the figure = 2π + 56+ 2π

Area of the figure = 4π + 56

Area of the figure = 68.566

Area of the figure ≈ 68.6

Hence, the area is 68.6

Learn more on Calculating the area of a figure here:


What is the range of the data set below? * Data Set 13 44 54 2 25 17 7​


Answer: 52

Step-by-step explanation:

    To find the range of a data set, we subtract the smallest value from the largest value.

54 - 2 = 52

In triangle DEF, line DE is congruent with line FD and the measurement of angle F is 55. Find the measurement of angle E. (isosceles triangle)


Step-by-step explanation:

because it is an isoceles triangle (both legs are equally long), E and F are the side angles in the baseline.

and because both leg sides are equally long, also both side angles must be equally large


angle E = angle F = 55°.

The developer of the city park shown plans to put a decorative fence around the park. The budget allows for at least 399 feet of fencing but no more than 798 feet to be used.


The possible lengths of the side x + 30 are given as follows:

199.5 - x ≤ x + 30 ≤ 399 - x.

How to obtain the perimeter of a rectangle?

The perimeter of a rectangle of base b and height h is given by the equation presented as follows:

P = 2(b + h).

The dimensions in the triangle in this problem are given as follows:

x.x + 30.

The budget allows for at least 399 feet of fencing, hence:

2(x + x + 30) ≥ 399

x + x + 30 ≥ 199.5.

x + 30 ≥ 199.5 - x.

The budget allows for no more than 798 feet to be used, hence:

2(x + x + 30) ≤ 798

x + x + 30 ≤ 399

x + 30 ≤ 399 - x.

Then the range of values that can be assumed by the side with dimensions x + 30 is given as follows:

199.5 - x ≤ x + 30 ≤ 399 - x.

Missing Information

The park has a rectangular format, with dimensions x and x + 30.

It asks for the possible lengths of the side with dimensions x + 30.

More can be learned about the perimeter of a rectangle at


what is the slope of a line that is parallel to the line shown on the graph?





Step-by-step explanation:

A (0,2)

B (2,-4)

slope = (-4-2)/(2-0)



a parallel line has the same slope

and are right triangles. Find h. Use a proportion and show work.


In a triangle, The value of ''h'' will be;

⇒ h = 2.7 m

What is mean by proportion?

A proportion is a fraction of a total amount, in which two ratios are set equal to each other.

Given that;

The triangle is right triangle.

The values are,

AB = 6 m

BD = 12 m

BC = 0.9 m

DE = h m


Since, The triangle is right triangle.

Hence, By using definition of proportional we get;

⇒ AB / BC = AD / ED

Substitute all the values, we get;

⇒ 6/0.9 = (6 + 12) / h

⇒ 6 / 0.9 = 18 / h

⇒ h = 18 × 0.9 / 6

⇒ h = 2.7 m

Thus, The value of h = 2.7 m

Learn more about the proportion visit:


Order these number from least to greatest. 33 1/3%, 0.3125, 17/48


0.3125, 17/48, 33 1/3
(not sure if you meant to put 33 1/3% or just 33 1/3)

If n represents a power of 10, what is the value of n when 0.006 is rounded to the nearest power of 10?

Enter your answer in the box.



The value of n is [tex]10^{-3}[/tex]

What is log function?

The logarithm (log) function is a mathematical function used to determine the logarithm of a number. The logarithm of a number is the exponent to which a particular base must be raised in order to produce that number. For example, the logarithm of 8 with base 2 is equal to 3 because 2 to the third power is 8. In mathematics, the logarithm of a number can be expressed as logbX, where b is the base and X is the number.

Step-by-step explanation:

We can write -

0.006 = 6 x 10^-3

10ⁿ =  6 x 10^-3

[tex]10^{n+3}[/tex]  = 6

log([tex]10^{n+3}[/tex]) = log(6)

(n + 3) log 10 = log (6)

n +3 = log(6)/log(10)

n + 3 = 0.78

n = -3 + 0.78

n = -3 (approx.)

To learn more about power value refer to:


16. Model Real Life Your aunt and uncle
buy 2 personal watercrafts for $3,495
each. They make 10 equal payments
for the watercrafts. What is the amount
of each payment?


The amount of each payment is $699.

What is payment?

Payment refers to the exchange of something of value as a condition of a contract. While one party pays money and receives something else of value, the other party gets paid in return for delivering a good or service. Physical currency was once the most common form of payment, but nowadays most forms of payment use technology.

Given: Buy 2 personal watercrafts for $3,495 each.

So, the price for 2 watercrafts is, 2 x $3495 = $6990

They make 10 equal payments for the watercrafts.

So each payment is of $6990/10 = $699.

Hence, the amount of each payment is $699.

To know more about payment, click on the link


use the theorem in sec. 77, involving a single residue, to evaluate the integral of f (z) around the positively oriented circle |z|


The integral of f (z) around the positively oriented circle |z|

[tex]\int\limits^_ {} \,[/tex]f(z) dz = -8πi/3

What is integral?

In mathematics, an integral lends numerical values to functions to represent notions like volume, area, and displacement that result from combining infinitesimally small amounts of data. Integration is the action of locating integrals.

With the exception of the point where z = z, where f(z) is analytic within and on C, let C be the smooth, simple closed curve except at z =z , then ,

[tex]\int\limits^_ {} \,[/tex] f(z) dz = 2πi [ res f(z)] z = [tex]z_{1}[/tex]

here f(z) is singular at z = -1,

res  [tex]f(z)_{z = -1}[/tex] = [tex]\lim_{z\to \-1} z+1 f(z)_[/tex]

[tex]\lim_{z\to \-1}[/tex] [tex]z^{3}[/tex](1-3z)/(1+2[tex]z^{4}[/tex])

when z = -1 then f(z) = -4/3

Therefore [tex]\int\limits^_ {} \,[/tex]f(z) dz = 2πi (-4/3)

[tex]\int\limits^_ {} \,[/tex]f(z) dz = -8πi/3.

To know more about integral click the link:


let d be a positive integer. show that among any group of d 1 (not necessarily consecutive) integers there are two with exactly the same remainder when they are divided by d.


Among any group of d+1 integers there are two with exactly the same remainder when divided by d.

What are Positive Integers?

Positive integers are those bigger than 0 that don't contain any fractional portions. On the number line, these figures are located to the right of 0.

Is 0 a Positive Integer?

Since it is neither positive nor negative, 0 is not a positive integer. Positive integers are defined as numbers greater than 0 in mathematics.

The possible remainders after dividing an integer by d are 0, 1, 2,..., d-1.

The number of remainders that can be obtained is d, or |0, 1, 2,..., d-1|=d0,1,2,...,d-1=d.

According to the Pigeonhole Theory:

objects are the number of integers in d+1.

"holes" = "remainders" + "d"


According to the Pigeonhole Principle, there are always two d+1 integers in every group that have precisely the same residual after being divided by d.

To learn more about integers visit:

There are always two d+1 numbers in any group that have the exact same residual after division.

Examples of integers and what they are:

An integer, pronounced "IN-tuh-jer," is an entire number which can be positive, minus, even zero and is not a fraction. Integer examples include: -5, 1, 5, 8, 97, among 3,043. 1.43, 1 3/4, 3.14, and other values which aren't integers seem to be some examples.


The potential remainders after dividing an integer by d are 0, 1, 2,..., d-1.

The possible number of remainders is d, or I{0,1,2,.......d-1}I = d

By the Pigeonhole Principle:

Objects = umber of integers = d+1

Holes = number of remainders = d

[tex]\frac{d+1}{d} = 2[/tex]

According to the Pigeonhole Principle, there are always two d+1 numbers in every group that have precisely the same residual after being divided by d.

To know more about Integer visit:


Tommy does 28J of work to push the pencil over 4m. How much force did he use?



Given that,

Tommy does 28 joules of work for pushing up the pencil.And, the distance is 4 meter.

We know that

Work = Force × distance

So, the force = work ÷ distance

= 28 ÷ 4

= 7 newtons

Therefore we can conclude that the force that he used is 7 newtons.

A Consumer with a 10 years loan, will have to make 125 payments.
A. True
B. False




Step-by-step explanation:

Assuming monthly payments

  12 payments per year   X   10 years = 120 payments

what is 2/50 as a percentage’s




Step-by-step explanation:

2/50= 4/100
4/100= 0.04 or 4%

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