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Answer 1


It needs to relate to you but here's an example


Mixed conditionals are sentences that use two different times.

If I had slept earlier, I wouldn't have missed my appointment.

Both the 'if clause' and the 'main clause' have the same time: past.

But they have different tenses in the past.

Related Questions

21. Which of the following rhetorical techniques does the
author repeatedly use in the passage as a means to
engage the reader?
A. Forthright attacks on what he labels as readers'
misunderstanding of basic historical fact
Open-ended questions and appeals directed to
C. Direct quotations from past readers of his work
that capture their responses to his ideas
D. Descriptions of his own experiences as a citizen of
the Muscogee (Creek) Nation of Oklahoma


The following rhetorical techniques does the author repeatedly use in

the passage as a means to engage the reader.

Why, then, was this shot taken? is just one of the numerous questions the author poses throughout the section (lines 58-59).

What is rhetorical technique?

These queries encourage the reader to reflect on the subjects covered in the passage.Because the author does not criticize any mistake on the part of the reader, the response "Forthright attacks on what he characterizes as readers' misunderstanding of basic historical fact" is incorrect.We notice the author posing questions to the reader throughout the chapter, hence the proper response is "open-ended inquiries and appeals intended at readers."Because the author does not include direct quotations from his readers, the answer option "direct quotations from prior readers of his work that capture their responses to his ideas" is incorrect.

However, The response option "description of his own experiences as a Muscogee (Creek) Nation resident of Oklahoma" is incorrect since the author does not use this summary to draw the reader in.

To learn more about Rhetorical technique do follow


how does the arrangement of plot details, particularly in the rising and falling action, affect the dramatic situation in the text?


The arrangement of plot details in the rising and falling action are:

Rising Action

In rising action, there's called conflict which has two types, such as internal (character vs. self) and external (character vs. character; or character vs. society; or character vs. nature)

Climax ⇒ We can consider the climax as a three-fold phenomenon:

First, the main character receives new information.

Second, the main character accepts this information.

Third, how the main character acts on this information.

Falling action ⇒ Where the resolution begins. All the events and complications will start to fall into the right place.

Five Elements of Fiction

There are five elements of fiction that must be present in the story, such as setting, point of view, character, plot, and theme.

What is Plot?

One of the important elements of the story is plot. Plot is how the author arranges events to develop the basic idea of their story. There are five essential parts of plot, such as:

Exposiiton (introduction of the characters)Rising Action Climax Falling ActionResolution

Learn more about The Main Elements of Fiction at:  


What example of archaic
language is found in the
following line of Shakespeare's
"Shall I Compare Thee to a
Summer's Day"?
Nor lose possession of that
fair thou ow'st
A. thou ow'st
B. lose
C. fair
D. possession


Answer: A. thou ow'st

Explanation: The definition of archaic language is language that is considered today to be old-fashioned or outdated. Well lose, fair, and possession are words we commonly use today, thou ow'st is not.

Read the summary of the text and answer the question that follows.
Female sea turtles lay their eggs on sandy beaches. Sea turtles that hatch on
these beaches can be confused by bright lights from nearby buildings. If the
baby turtles go in the wrong direction, they are in danger of being captured
before reaching the ocean. It is so sad when sea turtles hatch and never
make it to the ocean.
Which sentence should NOT be included in a summary of paragraph 3? Why?



The last question


Its not good to include in a formal text

Where does victor go during lunch ?


Victor tries to find Theresa and he also bumps into her to get her attention

Go to the screen "mars mission landing sites," and and select opportunity landing site (2004). Explore all five zoom levels offered, making sure to read the captions at the tops of the screens. Based on the information provided, why was the landing site,called meridiani planum, chosen for the opportunity mission?.


Meridiani planum was chosen because it contains large amounts of minerals that could form water.

What was the opportunity mission?It was the project that allowed the launch of space probes on Mars.It was the project that intended to find signs of liquid water on Mars.

The constant research on Mars, and the possibility of this planet harboring living beings, needed to continue with more specific views and through devices that would support the atmosphere of Mars for a long time.

In this case, the Opportunity Mission was established to launch space probes on Mars in the year 2003, so that probes could roam the surface of the planet in search of clean water.

As previous research showed that Meridiani planum had a large number of minerals that could form water, it was the chosen place for the probes to land.

Learn more about Mars:


Is the blank a semi colon comma or neither



Explanation:Because he is adding on to the story

The blank will be better as a comma.

Underline the
Caleb dislikes fresh
tomatoes, yet he loves
tomato soup.



the conjunction is yet


A conjunction is a word used to connect clauses or sentences or to coordinate words in the same clause (e.g. and, but, if, yet etc ).

3. PART A: What is one important idea that is introduced and developed in the beginning of the speech?

O A. Leaders must learn from history in order to avoid the mistakes of our forebears.

O C. Governing is difficult work, but the citizen's work is more admirable.

O B. Constitutional principles must be upheld at all times.

OD. A representative government is strong and successful, but poor leadership may make it vulnerable.


An important idea that is introduced and developed at the beginning of this speech is "A representative government is strong and successful, but poor leadership may make it vulnerable."

What is this speech about?

In this speech, Calvin Coolidge focuses on explaining the importance of a strong government and what it is required to have a strong government.

What is the main idea in the first paragraph?

In the first paragraph, Calvin Coolidge talks about unity and the importance to work together to achieve welfare as this depends not only on the sucess of the government but on the success of every sector of society. This is pointed out in " A representative government is strong and successful, but poor leadership may make it vulnerable".

Based on the above the idea explained is "A representative government is strong and successful, but poor leadership may make it vulnerable."

Learn more about government in:


what are we Gonna Write on A English paper 1? ​


You might wish to include an introductory paragraph if your article is about a text with a lot of historical context that is relevant to your essay.

This paragraph might be added to an essay that you are writing if you want to start it off with a clever tale.

Be careful not to turn this into a thesis statement or formulate a strong supposition that might be regarded for an argument.

Topic: Describe the book or text you will be analysing and what it accomplishes. (As an illustration, Esperanza, a little girl living in the barrio, is followed throughout Sandra Cisneros' book The House on Mango Street.) The thesis statement should be placed here. (For instance, Esperanza's desire to leave the neighbourhood is a direct result of witnessing how other women's lives have turned out.) You can start your paper with statements such, "This essay will explore," or "The next pages will illustrate why/how."

3-Body Paragraphs  (Put at least three before the conclusion.)

Every paragraph should begin with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the section. It should be concise and easy to understand.

4. Supporting Evidence: In the centre of the paragraph, place one of the quotes you have gathered. Use quotation marks and the proper footnotes or parentheticals to properly cite essay.

5.Mini-conclusion: To end the paragraph and introduce the next, you should express a rephrased topic sentence. This might be accomplished by outlining the significance of your quote and introducing the subsequent subject.

4. Finality

Your suggestions should be formally concluded. Your thesis and the supporting subject phrases should be restated. (This doesn't imply that you should duplicate them word by word; if you want that A, you should rephrase them in a clear and simple way.) Make sure to include a line at the end that either begs more questions or essay.

Learn more about paragraph\



options for paper 1 essay include speeches, articles, personal essay, descriptive essays and short stories. for most essays (except for short stories) an introduction, 5-6 points/paragraphs and a conclusion should suffice.

Learn at brainly

4. Many ideas are passed from generation to generation. What can you tell about how the lottery has been
passed on overtime in the village? What theme or idea about tradition might be expressed in the contrast
between Mrs. Hutchinson's behavior in paragraphs 9 and 45 - 51?



Not all prizes are meant to be rewarded forever!


Hope this helps.

Read this excerpt from The Great Fire.

Despite this, Chief Marshal Williams had managed to get a thin circle of engines around the fire. He had five steamers at the scene now, plus three hose carts and a hook-and-ladder wagon, all of them pumping water into the fire at various locations. Spectators were asked to help and many responded by chopping up fences and sidewalks, hoping to deprive the fire of fuel.

What caused firefighters to ask spectators to help?

Firefighters wanted to go home to check on their own families.
There were not enough firefighters to do all of the necessary tasks.
Firefighters wanted more people to control the engines and steamers.
There were too many people standing around and watching the fire.


Firefighters wanted more people to control the engines and steamers.

On Sunday morning at one in the morning, a fire broke out in Thomas Farriner's bakery on Pudding Lane. It might have happened as a result of a spark from his oven landing close on a mound of fuel.

What led to The Great Fire's fire spreading so rapidly?The buildings were composed of wood, so the fire spread swiftly. The structures were constructed extremely closely together. Additionally, there had been a long, hot summer, and the wooden structures were quite dry. Strong wind was present.On Sunday morning at one in the morning, a fire broke out in Thomas Farriner's bakery on Pudding Lane. It might have happened as a result of a spark from his oven landing close on a mound of fuel. After a long, hot summer, London was extremely dry, which allowed the fire to spread quickly.The spread of the massive fire was facilitated by a number of critical errors that also prevented its extinguishment.

To learn more about The Great Fire refer to:



B: there was not enough firefighters to do all  of the necessary tasks.


Read the lines from Langston Hughes's poem "I, Too, Sing America."

I am the darker brother.
They send me to eat in the kitchen
When company comes,
But I laugh,
And eat well,
And grow strong.

In contrast to Walt Whitman's poem "I Hear America Singing," why does the speaker use the word "brother" in the first line of the stanza?

To indicate that he is someone’s brother.

To indicate that his family makes him eat in the kitchen.

To indicate that the arriving company is family.

To indicate that people belong to same metaphorical family.



D: to indicate that people belong to the same metaphorical family






translate into spanish .

This letter certifies that Mr. Hector Molina is currently working on a day to day basis as help on the installations of different types of flooring. Currently he is working and making $350.00 a week.



Esta carta certifica que el Sr. Héctor Molina actualmente trabaja día a día como ayudante en la instalación de diferentes tipos de pisos. Actualmente está trabajando y ganando $350.00 a la semana.

:) I'm learning

Translation of English → Spanish

Esta carta certifica que el Sr. Héctor Molina actualmente trabaja día a día como ayudante en la instalación de diferentes tipos de pisos. Actualmente está trabajando y ganando $350.00 a la semana.

In a three-paragraph essay, write about the importance of having freedom and how people are affected when their freedom is limited. You will have to include an introduction, body paragraph, and conclusion.

You cannot use “I” in this essay.


What we refer to as freedom of expression is a collection of rights protected by the First Amendment, including freedom of the press, petition, association, and assembly. This freedom is described as "the matrix, the necessary prerequisite of almost every other form of freedom" by the Supreme Court. It is necessary for the survival of other essential rights, such as the right to vote.

Along with the other liberties in the First Amendment, the right to free speech was established on December 15, 1791. Humans now have the fundamental right to speak freely and to express their opinions about any subject without interference from the government. It's crucial. because it enables social change and intellectual interaction. The decision by high school students in Des Moines, Iowa, to wear armbands as a form of protest against the Vietnam War is an illustration of this freedom. The headmaster claimed the armbands were dangerous and distracting, but the Supreme Court sided with the students, stating that the armbands were an expression of their right to free speech. According to Ai Weiwei, "Without freedom of expression there is no contemporary world, only a primitive one," which means that without this freedom, we would be deprived of our fundamental human right and live in a society that was under government control. Americans have the freedom to publish news and opinions without fear of governmental censorship because to the freedom of the press. This freedom is essential because it enables people to share information about various topics without the government imposing restrictions that would alert other people.

In conclusion, the freedom of the press, of expression, and of society are all crucial for the efficient operation of America. Humans have a fundamental right to freedom of expression, which allows them to speak out without interference from the government. The right to freedom of the press. Americans have the freedom to publish news and opinions without interference from the government. Humans also have the right to live their life as they like thanks to society's freedom. In the end, all of our liberties contribute to the security and tranquility of our nation.

What is freedom ?

Personal liberty is defined as: the freedom of the person to go and come as they like; equality before the courts; the security of private property; the freedom of thought and expression; and the freedom of conscience subject to the rights of others and the public.

To know about Freedom from the link


Which spanish-derived rhythmic feature is prominent in chilean folkloric genres such as tonada and cueca?.


Non-syncopation is spanish-derived rhythmic feature is prominent in chilean folkloric genres such as tonada and cueca.

What does syncopation mean?Synchopation is the process of emphasising ordinarily "weak" portions of the "beat." Additionally, this is the time to offset notes, phrases, or even whole phrases from the overall rhythm. Hope this was helpful. Knowing syncopation allows you to understand its opposite.When the syncopated note is distributed unevenly across the stressed and unstressed beats, syncopation is referred to as irregular. When there is only one accent displacement, syncopation is deemed to be simple.A syncopated 4/4 rhythm accentuates notes that aren't on each quarter note to produce an off-beat pulse. Rests and divided notes are used in syncopated rhythms to emphasise the offbeat.Syncopated rhythms or beats are those in music that are surprising or sound "wrong" in an intriguing sense. A syncopated beat typically places the emphasis in unexpected places. Syncopation occurs when your ear anticipates a weak beat but hears a strong or stressed one instead.

To learn more about syncopation refer :


Which selection best replaces the word denounce in the passage
below ?
Even hatred at times may elicit a response. You fight it. You
denounce it. You disarm it.
A. announce
B. condemn
C. exalt
D. deny


The correct answer choice is (B). The word "condemn" best replaces the word denounce in the given passage.

The given passage is the words spoken by Elie Wiesel in his famous speech - The Perils of Indifference. He delivered this speech on 12th of April 1999 at the White House. Elie Wiesel was an author and Nobel Prize Winner.

Elie Wiesel said, "The opposite of love is not hatred, it’s indifference. Even hatred at times may elicit a response. You fight it. You denounce it. You disarm it. Indifference elicits no response. Indifference is not a response. Indifference is not a beginning, it is an end."

To know more about The Perils of Indifference here


in fame is a fickle food what quality do the repeated sounds create



the tone is that it could change in a second


Question 7
The common phrase, "you only live once" is best supported with which of the following scenarios?
Kara was staring at the clock thinking about how slow time was moving.
B.Darren never wanted to go to the doctor and told himself, "Well, no one lives forever."
C.As Tiffany was climbing the mountain all she wanted to do was go home and be under her covers.
D.Though Addy was nervous, she walked to the edge of the high dive and plunged off of it.


As Tiffany was climbing the mountain all she wanted to do was go home and be under her covers. Yolo, also know an “You Only Live Once” is basically an excuse used by people who lack patience in them.

What is phrase ?

A phrase is a condensed group of words that people frequently use to express themselves. The English phrase "the extremely happy squirrel," for instance, is a noun phrase that also incorporates the adjective phrase "very happy." Phrases might be made up of only one word or an entire sentence.

Phrases are frequently examined as constituents or other syntactic structural units in theoretical linguistics. The term "phrase" has a different meaning when used in linguistics than it does in everyday speech.

A phrase is typically a collection of words with a common meaning or other importance, such as "all rights reserved," "economical with the truth," "kick the bucket," and similar expressions. It could be a figure of speech, a set expression, a saying or proverb, etc. These are known as phrasemes in linguistics.

“You only live once” is intended as encouragement.

To learn more about common phrase refer :


In a one-paragraph rhetorical essay, compare and contrast how Walt Whitman in “I Hear America Singing” and Langston Hughes in “I, too” both use rhetorical choices to achieve their purposes for each one of their texts. Explain whether you feel they were successful, or not.


What is the poem "I Hear America Singing" trying to say? The poem's theme is that each person has a special task that must be completed for both their personal dignity and the benefit of society as a whole. Every person matters and their contributions to American life should be recognized.

What does I, Too, Sing America by Langston Hughes mean?

Because of his skin tone, he felt like an unremembered American citizen, which is how the poem conveys that. Even though he is continuously being ignored and hidden away by the dominant people of society because he is African American, Hughes declares in the brief poem that he, too, is an American.

There are many other similarities between the two poems. The titles are the first and most evident similarities. I Hear America Singing and I, Too, Sing America are two songs that feature or are about America. The two poems by the poets discuss their perceptions of America at the period they lived.

Walt Whitman's "I Hear America Singing" and Langston Hughes' "I, Too" both focus on announcing one's national identity. The terms "Sing" and "America," which denote a sense of patriotism, appear in both compositions. By singing about their nation, Americans can display their patriotism.

Whitman's main goal was to examine, talk about, and celebrate his unique personality, originality, and self. Second, he wished to praise democracy and the achievements and possibilities of the United States of America.

To Learn more about "I Hear America Singing" refer to :


Why is it allowed to hunt dinosaurs with red paint in safari. Inc




The hunters are only allowed to shoot the dinosaurs that have red paint on them because the animals are going to die in the near future anyway


the answer is yes have a good day

Read the excerpt from "Annabel Lee," by Edgar Allan Poe.

It was many and many a year ago,
In a kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
By the name of Annabel Lee;
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
Than to love and be loved by me.

How does the rhythm of the excerpt support the theme of the poem?
The rhythm is consistent, and Poe celebrates the predictability of history.
The rhythm is consistent, and Poe celebrates the simplicity of young love.
The rhythm is unpredictable, and Poe warns readers to guard their hearts.
The rhythm is unpredictable, and Poe warns readers of nature’s strength.


The rhythm of the extract supports the topic of the poem since it is consistent, and Poe appreciates history's predictability. As a result, option one is correct.

What is the meaning of rhythm?

"A regular sequence of strong and weak components, or of opposing or contrasting conditions," according to the dictionary.

"Annabel Lee" is the final full poem written by American poet Edgar Allan Poe. It, like many of Poe's works, is about the death of a beautiful woman. The narrator, who had a crush on Annabel Lee when they were young, has a crush on her that even angels covet.

The extract's rhythm complements the content of the poem since it is constant, and Poe values history's predictability. Therefore, it can be concluded that, option one is the correct solution.

Learn more about rhythm here;


How does the American Southern Gothic short story differ most significantly from its
English counterpart?use complete sentences


Answer: Although inspired by Gothic literature, Southern Gothic does not dwell on suspense and the supernatural. Rather, there is a dark humor in the stories. It follows the idea of exposing the problems of society, but does so by developing complex characters.

Complete the sentences. Use the past simple or the past
form of the verbs in brackets.

I (have) a crash while I
to drive.
2 Sam
3 It
4 What
cancel the barbecue.
5 Emma
6 Ryan
(ski) in France.
7 Harry
(get) his first job while he
8 You obviously
(live) in London.
(rain), so we
(see) you in town?
(decide) to
(do) when I
(meet) Sally.
(not hear) the phone ringing because
(listen) to music in her bedroom.
(break) his arm while he
(work) as a chef when he
(not listen) when I



work work worked

break broke broken

How did Louie and the airmen deal with the sense of foreboding that loomed over them?


Two of Louie's comrades fly over Pearl Harbor during a practice run on January 8, 1943. Just offshore, their jet crashes, killing them. Sharks devour any who survive the collision. Overall, ten guys perish. Louie Zamperini feels unsteady. He has already lost scores of acquaintances within the first two months of his service, either as a result of combat or accidents. Mechanical failures and human mistake are particularly frequent—and devastating. Any downed crew is constantly in danger from sharks. Louie learns to steer clear of discussing death. He enrolls in classes on how to avoid being attacked by sharks. He turns to drink and music for solace.

What is the moral of the story Unbroken?

Even though you want to give up, keep going, remain strong, and keep going. Before you can earn the respect of others, you must first earn their respect. While others may respect you in return, you cannot expect respect from others until you respect yourself. DO NOT GIVE UP

To know about unbroken from the link


How was Billy Weaver from "The Landlady" overconfident? (WITH TEXT QUOTES)


The main character of the narrative, Billy Weaver, is a cheerful and naïve seventeen-year-old teenager. He is really interested in learning why, but the landlady is able to deceive and divert him from his quest for the truth.

Billy's naïve and trusting personality keeps him from detecting that things might not be as they appear, which ultimately allows the sweet-looking landlady to take advantage of poor Billy.

Although the story's cliffhanger doesn't specifically state what happens to Billy, it is inferred that the landlady poisons his tea so she may suffocate him as she does to her dogs. "But the air was deadly cold and the wind was like a flat blade of ice on his cheeks."

To know more about Text here


What do you think the last line, in particular, is saying about the setting of Romeo and Juliet?​


The last line, revealed that the setting of the ending of Romeo and Juliet was in a tomb.

What was the story about?

William Shakespeare's early tragedy Romeo and Juliet is about two young Italian star-crossed lovers whose deaths eventually reconcile their feuding families. It is a tragic love story in which the two main characters, Romeo and Juliet, are sworn enemies who fall in love. They are unable to be together due to ongoing family conflict, so they both died because they are unable to cope with being separated from one another.

The ending was when the Prince of Verona speaks this final line in Romeo and Juliet: "For never was a story of more woe Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.

Romeo returns to Verona at the end of Romeo and Juliet because he believes Juliet is dead. When he arrives at her tomb, she is lifeless, and in his grief, he poisons himself. As the Prince concludes the play, "For never was a story of more woe / Than this of Juliet and her Romeo," the two families are finally reconciled. The play's final scene features both Romeo and Juliet's transcendent reunion and the reconciliation of the feuding families.

Learn more about Romeo and Juliet on:


each of the following statement about signing english systems is true except a. they include fingerspelling . b. they follow the same word order as spoken english c. they result in more fluency than asl d. they are the type of manualism most often used in total communication


The correct statement is c) they result in more fluency than ASL. This hearing impairment happens once the internal ear or the particular hearing nerve itself becomes broken.

This loss typically happens once a number of the hair cells in the tube are broken at intervals. Sensorineural loss is the commonest variety of hearing impairments.

Fewer academic and job opportunities, thanks to impaired communication. Social withdrawal thanks to reduced access to services and difficulties in human action with others. A call for shallowness and confidence causes emotional issues.

To learn more about ASL, visit here.


The repetition of beginning sounds in words is


Answer: Alliteration

Explanation: because it's The repetition of a beginning consonant sound, usually in a line or verse or in a sentence.

Which actions by john d. Rockefeller, andrew carnegie, and other business tycoons would suggest that they were worthy of being called robber barons?.


Rockefeller and Carnegie in hand major corporations that monopolized their personal industries and fragmented all competition. The 2 were dominant in their businesses and believed within the Social Darwinism theory that solely the strongest survive.

Rockefeller usually bought different oil corporations to eliminate competition. This can be a method called integration. Carnegie additionally created a vertical integration, an inspiration initially enforced by Gustavus Swift.

Both tried to regulate competition to extend profits—they each practiced integration, the dominant of business production from setting out to finish. He bought railroad corporations and iron mines.

To learn more about robber barons, visit here


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