Use what you have learned to evaluate King’s style. Write a short paragraph in which you evaluate King’s use of one element of style to create an argument in "Letter from Birmingham Jail.” Make a claim about how an element helps King create tone, reveal perspective, and develop his larger message. Provide evidence from the text, and explain how the evidence supports the claim.


Answer 1

Martin Luther King Jr.'s 1963 letter "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" recounts a demonstration against his detention for engaging in nonviolent opposition to oppression.

Write a short paragraph about "Letter from Birmingham Jail.”?The letter by Martin Luther King Jr. encourages to readers to take a position against racial inequity in a convincing manner.Racist white supremacists and those who are victims make up the target audience.King demonstrates his credibility to readers by using several examples of ethos.He makes a formal introduction before drawing comparisons to historical characters.King effectively used pathos to arouse readers' emotions.He illustrates several forms of racism that are still practiced today and discusses what can happen if the system is not changed.King then utilizes logos to defend his behavior.He provides a number of justifications that clarify the true significance of just and unfair laws.This example of rhetorical analysis of MLK's "Letter From a Birmingham Jail" stands out from others due to the review of rhetorical arguments and King's ability to appeal to the masses.

To learn more about "Letter from Birmingham Jail.” refer


Related Questions

Use what you have learned to make a claim of your own. Write a short paragraph in which you evaluate King’s effectiveness in creating a unified, cohesive argument in "Letter from Birmingham Jail.” Discuss one strategy he uses to achieve unity and cohesion, and provide evidence from the text.


Martin Luther King Jr. wrote "Letter from Birmingham Jail." His activism for the civil rights of oppressed peoples continues to win him a lot of admirers. He simultaneously addressed two audiences in his letters. They belonged to the clerical class and were a marginalized group.

He employs to bring about unity

Martin Luther King Jr.'s well-known "Letter from Birmingham Jail" recounted his imprisonment as well as his thoughts on civil disobedience and the reasons he refused to obey unfair laws.

He was incarcerated because he protested the unjust laws enforcing racial segregation, and while in Birmingham's prison, he observed that black and white inmates were housed in separate areas of the facility.

He was imprisoned because he believed that a "unjust law was no law at all..." and should not be observed. He battled against prejudice and racial segregation.

To learn more about  'Letter from Birmingham Jail'



this is the actual answer


Throughout "Letter from Birmingham Jail,” King uses transitional elements to seamlessly connect ideas within paragraphs and link ideas from one paragraph to the next. For example, in the second paragraph, he defends his presence in Birmingham by citing his leadership of the SCLC and explaining that he was invited to the city. He begins the next paragraph with the transitional phrase "but more basically” to lead the audience to his next justification, a more fundamental one. He then combines parallel structure and repetition with another transitional phrase—"just as”—to introduce historical comparisons as evidence. Another transitional phrase—"like Paul”—indicates a final comparison in the last sentence.

Part 1 - Discuss the merits of performance appraisals/reviews. Cite examples (personal or observed) in which performance reviews helped or hurt job performance. What do's and dont's can you recommend to a leader responsible for evaluating their employees?

Part 2 - Discuss the merits of upward appraisals - if you were a supervisor, manager, or executive, would you want your performance review to include evaluations from those under you supervision? What value does feedback from the bottom up provide?

Part 3 - Discuss the concept of "caring confrontation" in the context of effective dicipline, employee development, work group morale, and job performance. Have you ever experienced a "caring confrontation," either as a leader or as a subordinate? Or have you experienced the opposite? Describe the situation and the outcome based on the approach that you experienced.


Part 1: Performance appraisals serve the chief purpose of:

Delivering course corrections as well as Getting feedback related to the job design, employee capacity, employee challenges andProvides an avenue to optimize the HRM process toward higher performance and effectiveness.

Part 2: Upward appraisals give employees a chance to speak. The key focus of this methodology is that is puts the spotlight on managers' performance. I believe that managers should not be afraid of being appraised by their subordinates. This is because the value of bottom-up feedback gives a balanced assessment of how managers are doing.

Part 3: Caring confrontation focuses on the problem, not the person. In a space where caring confrontation is practiced, the manager works together with the staff to provide solutions to problems, holds them accountable, and rewards their progress. In my experience, I believe that a caring confrontation is always better than an unhealthy confrontation because the former speaks to emotional intelligence and empathy.

What is Caring Confrontation?

"Caring confrontation" is characterized as a means for providing clients with new perspectives on themselves that they may not be aware of while maintaining the consideration for each person's inner experience that is necessary to a customer approach to treatment.

Caring confrontation forces you to 'think' rather than simply react emotionally.

Learn more  about Performance Appraisals:

Explain how the global spatial patterns of Hinduism differs from the global spatial pattern of universalizing religions such as Buddhism.


An analytical tool for calculating the distance between two or more physical locations or objects is a spatial pattern. The study of spatial pattern analysis, also known as spatial distribution, makes use of spatial patterns.

Explain about the global spatial pattern ?

Ethnic faiths haven't proliferated as much as universalizing religions, partly due to a shortage of missionaries. Ethnic faiths are occasionally replaced by universalizing religions like Christianity and Islam. After the Romans destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD, Jews dispersed all over the world, which led to the spread of Judaism.

Hinduism is an ethnic religion, to start. However, Islam is a religion that embraces everyone. While a universalizing religion seeks to appeal to all people, hence the word "universal," an ethnic religion focuses largely on appealing to one particular tribe.

An ethnic religion primarily appeals to one group of people, but a universalizing religion tries to be universal and appeal to everyone, wherever they may be in the world.

To learn more about global spatial pattern refer to:


Unit 4 Discussion 2 Graded Discussion Exit Discussion Topic Please post detailed answers to the following questions. Please use complete sentences. Does your family have any health habits that are influenced by their culture or international roots? How do you feel about them? Do you plan to continue these habits if you were to have a family of your own in the future? Write at least two paragraphs explaining your thoughts.


The impact of culture on health is considerable.It influences how people view their own health, how they view illness and death, how they think about what causes disease, how they promote their own health, how they feel and express their pain

What are the cultural influences on the family?The impact of culture on health is considerable.It influences how people view their own health, how they view illness and death, how they think about what causes disease, how they promote their own health, how they feel and express their pain and illness, where they go for help, and what kinds of treatments they choose. The social, economic, cultural, and physical surroundings in which we live have a significant impact on our health. This includes everything from where we work and live to our level of education and our availability to nutritious food and water. Here are some examples of sensible lifestyle changes to make:Maintain a Healthy Body Weight. Exercise Regularly.Increase Your Standing and Minimize Your Stationary Time.Avoid sugar. Opt for healthier fats. Consume more fruits and vegetables. Drink more water.Have a Restful Night's Sleep. Maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding conditions like diabetes, heart disease, asthma, and high blood pressure are both possible with an active, healthy lifestyle.It's crucial to maintain your family's health and happiness as well.

To learn more about health habits refer


8 Which BEST describes the average American diet? A. balanced according to US dietary guidelines B. low-energy diet that is high in protein C. energy-rich diet that is low in nutrients D. diet with an excess of potassium and calcium


The average American diet describes  balanced according to US dietary guidelines.A typical American adult would consume 2,100 calories per day, of which 16% would be protein.36% of this typical American diet's calories are from fat, 47% are from carbohydrates,

What does the typical American diet consist of?A typical American adult would consume 2,100 calories per day, of which 16% would be protein. 36% of this typical American diet's calories are from fat, 47% are from carbohydrates, and 22% are from added sugars. Of course, not all American diets are the same.It is frequently referred to as a "Western Diet" and is distinguished by eating a lot of processed foods, added sugars, refined carbs, refined fats, high-fat dairy products, and red meat. As a result, it frequently contains little in the way of a variety of healthful, minimally processed fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains.

To learn more about American diet refer to:


30. A contestant's final winnings on a game show are determined by a random sclection of a base amount and a
possible multiplier. For the base amount, the contestant randomly selects one of four cards, where two cards are
marked $1,000, one card is marked $2,000, and one card is marked $5,000. After choosing the card, the contestant
randomly selects one of five chips, where three chips are red and two chips are white. If the selected chip is red, the
contestant's final winnings are twice the value of the base amount. If the selected chip is white, the contestant's
final winnings are the value of the base amount. What is the probability that a contestant's final winnings are
exactly $2,000


The probability that a contestant's final winnings exactly $2,000 in one of the following two cases is 0.32.

How to find probability ?

Exactly $2000 final winnings is possible only in one of the following two cases

1) The chosen card is marked $1000 and then red chip is selected. Because red chip doubles contestant's $1000 base amount, and makes it $2000.  

Since two cards of the five cards are marked $1000, the probability of choosing $1000 marked card is 2/5Since three of five chips is red, the probability of choosing red chips is 3/5

Then the probability of both choosing $1000 marked card and red chip is:

2/5 × 3/5 = 6/25

2) The chosen card is marked $2000 and then white chip is selected. Because white chip makes the contestant's final winning remain the same as base amount, which is $2000

Since one card of the five cards are marked $2000, the probability of choosing $2000 marked card is 1/5Since two of five chips is white, the probability of choosing red chips is 2/5

Then the probability of both choosing $2000 marked card and white chip is:

1/5 × 2/5 = 2/25

The probability that a contestant's final winning is the sum of probabilities of these two cases:

6/25 x 2/25 = 8/25 = 0.32

To learn more about probability refer :


Unit 5 Discussion 1 Graded Discussion Exit Discussion Topic Please post detailed answers to the following questions. Please use complete sentences. Have you or someone you know ever had food poisoning? Discuss the symptoms you had. Did you have to seek out medical care or did your body fight off the pathogens on its own? Describe the signs that indicate a person needs to seek out medical help in the case of food poisoning.


Foodborne illness, also known as food poisoning, is caused by eating contaminated, spoiled, or toxic food. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea are the most common symptoms of food poisoning.

What is food poisoning ?

Eating infected, rotten, or poisoned food can result in foodborne illness, also known as food poisoning. Among the symptoms of food poisoning that patients often suffer are nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea.

Food poisoning is not uncommon, despite the fact that it is very uncomfortable. 48 million Americans suffer from food poisoning each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Trusted Source. 128,000 of the 48 million people are in hospitals.

Loperamide and Pepto-Bismol are two over-the-counter drugs that can help you control diarrhoea and reduce nauseous symptoms.The body uses vomiting and diarrhoea to get the toxin out of the system, so you should consult a doctor before using these drugs.Additionally, taking these drugs may make your condition appear worse than it is and make you put off getting professional help.

You may need intravenous (IV) fluid hydration in a hospital if your food poisoning is severe. In the severe cases of food poisoning, you might need to stay in the hospital for a longer period of time while you recuperate. Rarely, individuals with severe cases of C. botulinum may even need mechanical ventilation.

To learn more about food poisoning refer :


5 ....Exercise and diet works for all body types. A. True B. False


Answer: true

Explanation: they all get different result because each body is different due to metabolic rates and how physically active you are. Also how committed you are in your goals.

Write a paragraph in which you explain how Michael Bloomberg establishes ethos (authority) to support his argument about the City Landmark Preservation Commission's refusal to stop the development of a mosque and community center on Park Place, two blocks from the site of the World Trade Center. Consider not only Mayor Bloomberg's credentials, but the ethos he borrows from the city, the nation, and historical precedents to which he alludes.


In his 2013 State of the City Address, Mayor Bloomberg updated the city of New York on its progress thus far. Bloomberg feels that by raising people's morale and confidence, he may motivate greater change and attempts to make a difference. Bloomberg provides a list of projects that he aims to begin and complete. However, he emphasizes the significance of furthering education. He then discusses illicit firearms and preventative steps to keep them off the streets.

Bloomberg utilizes pathos to connect with the people and logos to promote his ethos in order to effectively convince the city of New York to take action. He employs several repeats of particular sentences to emphasize the significance of certain words. Finally, he invokes higher authority and employs the fear tactic.

What is Ethos?

Ethos is a Greek term that means "character" and is used to describe the guiding principles or values that define a community, nation, or ideology, as well as the balance of prudence and enthusiasm. The Greeks also used this term to describe music's ability to alter emotions, actions, and even morality.

Ethos is employed to demonstrate the writer's authority and credibility. When examining a piece of writing, the reader must determine if the writer is competent to remark on the subject matter.

Learn more about Ethos:

6 .Artemis volunteers in her school as a peer counselor. Recently, the school has been the site of several fights, resulting in the administration’s cancelling of upcoming events like the school dance. The fights aren’t based on one specific topic but range from issues with lockers to altercations over love interests. To help her classmates, which would be the BEST name for Artemis’s peer counseling session? A. Allowing Others In B. Identifying Goals C. Classifying Friendships D. Controlling Impulses


Controlling Impulses is the inability of some persons to restrain themselves from indulging in particular actions is referred to as having poor impulse control. Examples of common ones are stealing and gambling. hostile conduct with other people.

How do you restrain your impulsive actions?Learn to detect urges so that you don't react rashly.Put a name to that inclination.Determine the course of action that your emotion is prompting.Determine what you must do to put a halt to the impulsive behavior.Once your craving has subsided, approach the situation.

Controlling Impulses is the inability of some persons to restrain themselves from indulging in particular actions is referred to as having poor impulse control. Examples of common ones are stealing and gambling. hostile conduct with other people.

Children who have stronger impulse control are more independent, have more friends, expand their vocabulary, feel more self-assured, and make wiser decisions.

To learn more about stealing and gambling  refer to:


Need help finding the equation. getting 1-2sin(x) as derivative. Then plugging in pi/2 but don't know what to do from there.

Need it in this form. y-y1=m(x-x1)



y - pi/2 = -1(x - pi/2)


g'(x) = 1 -2sinx

g'(pi/2) = 1 - 2sin(pi/2) = 1 - 2(1) = -1

g(pi/2) = pi/2 + 2cos(pi/2) = pi/2

y - pi/2 = -1(x - pi/2)

8. Dairy products provide more calcium than other food items, like greens. A. True B. False


Answer: true





Dairy products provide 54% of calcium in our diets, while milk substitutes, fish and shellfish, dark green vegetables and lettuce all provide less than 3% of the calcium in the diet.

1954-1984, 1986-2001, 2002- 2015, and 2017-present
What major ideas about immigration did critics of immigration hold?


More than 86 million people have legally immigrated to the United States between 1954 and 2017. The legal regime under which they immigrated has changed radically over that time; the politics surrounding those changes have remained contentious, and past immigration policies inform the current political debate. Conflicting visions and piecemeal legislation have left the United States with an archaic and barely coherent immigration system with outdated policy objectives that is primarily controlled by the executive branch of government. We review the history of U.S. immigration policy, including the legal controversies that empowered Congress with its immigration plenary power and the historical policy decisions that still guide the U.S. immigration system, in order to contextualize the current political debate over immigration at the beginning of the Biden administration.

A subject with research material that’s more affected by timeliness than the other selections is
A. Literature
B. Performing Arts
C. History
D. Medicine


A subject with research material that’s more affected by timeliness than the other selections is history. The correct option is C.

What is history?

History is basically the study as well as recording of the past events or things. Prehistory refers to events that occurred prior to the invention of writing systems.

The term "history" refers to past events as well as their memory, discovery, collection, organization, presentation, and interpretation.

The time attribute is the most important feature of historical data, and it differs significantly from modern data.

Thus, the correct option is C.

For more details regarding history, visit:


lance-hefner specialty shoppes decided to use the dollar-value LIFO retail method to value its inventory.


The LIFO (Last-In-First-Out) technique of inventory valuation has been selected by Lance-Hefner Specialty Shops. This technique is frequently employed when the cost of goods sold (COGS) is rising as a result of inflation since it enables the business to include the most current and highest expenses in the COGS.

By doing this, the business may maintain its competitiveness in the market and avoid overstating its net income. The LIFO approach is predicated on the idea that inventory goods that have recently been acquired should be sold first. This strategy enables the business to record the most current and greater expenses, which is very useful when prices are rising.

By disclosing the higher cost of products sold, the corporation may use the LIFO approach to lower its taxable revenue, which lowers net income and, in turn, lowers tax obligations.

Learn more about the LIFO method here:

The correct question is-

What retail method did Lance-Hefner Specialty Shoppes decide to use to value its inventory?

A rewards member calls in asking about an advertisement for a product they saw on tv.
When you ask them about the product, they tell you they can't remember what it was
called. What do you do?
Ask for a description of the product and search the Internet for what they describe.
Find a team member that is more experienced than you and pass the call to them to help the
Tell the customer you can't help them with their questions without the name of the product.




What are abrupt repetitions that occur in changes frequently with no set pattern?

-Regular rhythm
-Staccato Rhythm
-Irregular Rhythm
-Progressive Rhythm


The correct answer is Option D.

Progressive rhythm is an artwork with repeating elements in a pattern that change size or color as they repeat.

What is progressive rhythm?A progressive rhythm repeats the patterns that viewers expect as they move through the piece, but with a slight variation each time. For example, progressive rhythm might begin with one key element and gradually add other elements as it moves the viewer to the "conclusion" or end of the piece. is when the piece's rhythm appears to increase or progress.Shapes series become larger or smaller as they repeat, reflecting progressive rhythm. Texture, colors, and values can also be used.Spirals and building blocks arranged from smallest to largest are two examples of progressive rhythm.

To learn more about progressive rhythm refer to :


What are the three components of an attitude? Give an example of an attitude and distinguish each of these three components for those components.


Attitudes are thought to have three components an affective component (feelings), a behavioral component (the effect of the attitude on behavior), and a cognitive component (belief and knowledge).

How do the three attitude-related elements interact with one another?

In essence, the emotive component is based on feelings, whereas the cognitive component is based on facts or knowledge. The behavioural element shows how our attitudes influence how we act or behave.

Three Elements of Attitude

Your ideas and beliefs about the topic make up the cognitive component.The affective component is how anything, someone, something, or some event makes you feel.The behavioral component is how your mindset affects your actions.

Up to three different factors, including cognitive, emotional, and behavioral

To learn more about Elements of Attitude refer to:


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