Plants gather the suns energy with light-absorbing molecules. What are these molecules called?.


Answer 1




The molecules that hold the pigments that capture light energy used in photosynthesis are called photosystems. There are actually two types of photosystems in the thylakoid membrane (PSI) (PSII).

Related Questions

Dna replication begins at a site called the origin of replication, forming a bubble, which is followed by a __________, where parental strands are unwound by __________.


DNA replication begins at a site called the origin of replication, forming a bubble, which is followed by a replication fork, where parental strands are unwound by helicase.

Initially, replication Forms a fork. The double-stranded molecule of DNA needs to be "unzipped" into two single strands before it can be copied.

Primer binding is step 2. The easiest part of replication is the leading strand.

Step 3 is elongation.

Step 4 is  The final step.

As it moves along the DNA, a DNA helicase unwinds and separates double-stranded DNA. By severing hydrogen bonds between DNA nucleotide pairs, it creates the replication fork.

For more information on DNA replication kindly visit to


which statement is correct regarding internal or external respiration? question 32 options: internal respiration occurs in the alveoli internal respiration occurs in the body's tissues external respiration occurs in the body's tissues external respiration involves the exchange of gases with the internal environment none of the statements are correct


The correct statement regarding respiration is that internal respiration occurs in body tissue.

Inhaling air into the lungs and exhaling it into the atmosphere are both parts of external respiration, usually referred to as breathing (exhalation). The cells and blood arteries exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide during internal respiration. Food is broken down into carbon dioxide and water by oxygen during internal respiration, which releases energy in the form of ATP. Internal respiration, which takes place inside of living cells, is also known as cellular respiration.

To learn more about internal respiration click here:


Parasites often play a role in maintaining the carrying capacity of an organism. Parasites are organisms that feed on or in an individual using the host organism’s resources while providing nothing in return. Parasites can best be described as which of the following?

A. producer
B. bio factor
C. abiotic factor
D. primary consumer


The correct answer is B. A parasite is a biotic factor.

What is a parasite really?

Parasite: an organism that depends on the host organism for its survival. It gets all its nutrients, food and shelter from the host, and sometimes, it even harms the host organism. It includes organisms like fungi, protozoas etc.

Parasites can also cause diseases in humans, examples of parasites that cause diseases are protozoa, ectoparasites, helminthes, etc.

Other examples are tapeworms, fleas and barnacles. Tapeworms are attached inside the intestines of animals like pugs, cows, etc.

Parasites get inside our bodies by the following ways:

Poor hygiene Weak immune system Visiting areas that have parasites Bad sanitationHiv/ aids

Therefore, parasites are biotic factors. They depend on hosts for survival.

Learn more about parasites here:

g in glycolysis, mutase catalyzes a more or less energetically neutral reaction that results in the transfer of a functional group from one position to another.


The interconversion of 2-phosphoglycerate and 3-phosphoglycerate, one of the final stages in the glycolytic process, is catalyzed by phosphoglycerate mutase (PGAM).

This glycolysis process, which produces a phosphoryl molecule with "high energy," provides necessary setup for the next, essentially glycolytic energetically neutral reaction. phosphoglycerate mutase catalyzes the transformation of 3PG into 2PG. Enzymes that catalyze chemical rearrangements, glycolysis particularly those involving the transfer of phosphoglycerate mutase from one hydroxyl group to another in the same molecule

learn more about phosphoglycerate mutase here:


Which particles orbit around the nucleus?



Negative Charged Particles which are Electrons.




What are electrons:

Electrons are particles charge of negatively electricity.

Want to learn more visit this link.

Taxes that are paid by individuals on all money earned, including investments, are


Taxes that are paid by homeowners to state and local governments are


Taxes that businesses are required to pay on their earnings throughout the course of a year are


1. direct
2. proportional
3. corporate


Taxes that are paid by individuals on all money earned, including investments, are income tax, option 2.

Taxes that are paid by homeowners to state and local governments are regressive tax, option 2.

Taxes that businesses are required to pay on their earnings throughout the course of a year are corporate tax, option 3.

Why are taxes paid?

Taxes are compulsory offerings levied on individuals by a government either locally, regionally or on a national level. Income taxes for example are a means that allow the government to generate revenues.

There are various forms of taxes including, progressive, corporate levied on businesses, regressive for home owners, income tax for individual earners, property tax, direct tax, etc.

Learn more on taxes here:


in general, autonomic tone of peripheral blood vessels increases when in general, autonomic tone of peripheral blood vessels increases when parasympathetic stimulation is increased. sympathetic stimulation is increased. parasympathetic stimulation is decreased. somatomotor stimulation is increased. sympathetic stimulation is decreased.


In general, the autonomic tone of peripheral blood vessels increases when sympathetic stimulation is increased and parasympathetic stimulation is decreased.

How does sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous stimulation affect blood vessels?

Sympathetic nervous stimulation refers to the stimulation of the autonomic nervous system during periods of intense activities known as the flight or flight response. The sympathetic nervous stimulation prepares the body for action by increasing heart rate, increasing respiratory rate, increasing blood pressure, etc.

Parasympathetic nervous stimulation refers to the stimulation of the autonomic nervous system during periods of rest. The parasympathetic nervous stimulation returns or keeps the body at rest by decreasing heart rate, decreasing respiratory rate, decreasing blood pressure, etc.

Learn more about sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous stimulation at:


In fruit flies, there are molecules in the egg that determine the future head and tail ends of the animal. What occurs when mrna from the head end of an embryo is injected into the tail end of an early embryo?.


Answer: Some head structures develop at the tail end; the head end develops normally.

Explanation: In fruit flies, there are molecules in the egg that determine the future head and tail ends of the animal. What occurs when mRNA from the head end of an embryo is injected into the tail end of an early embryo?

Suppose two monsters that are heterozygous for eye shape
are crossed. What is the likelihood that the offspring will have
three eyes? (Note: Two eyes are dominant to three eyes.)



then the percentage of offspring with recessive phenotype will be: Aa x Aa = AA Aa Aa aa, so recessive phenotypes would be 1/4 = 25%.


7. Cells obtain energy by either capturing light energy through photosynthesis or
by breaking down carbohydrates through cellular respiration. In both
photosynthesis and cellular respiration, the energy is ultimately derived from the
Sun in a
O A. reversible process.
O B. highly efficient process which involves no loss of heat to the environment.
C. one-way process.
O D. pathway that involves taking in heat from the environment at each step.


In both photosynthesis and cellular respiration, the energy is ultimately derived from the Sun is a one-way process. Option C.

The plant captures mild strength and releases oxygen, that is finally ate up in cell respiration. Thus, the sun is the final supply in each the reaction. The strength is in the long run derived from the sun; this method is usually termed as a one-manner method.

Photosynthetic cells contain chlorophyll and different mild-touchy pigments that seize sun strength. In the presence of carbon dioxide, such cells are capable of convert this sun strength into strength-wealthy natural molecules, inclusive of glucose.

Through the method of cell respiration, the strength in meals is transformed into strength that may be utilized by the body's cells. During cell respiration, glucose and oxygen are transformed into carbon dioxide and water, and the strength is transferred to ATP.

Learn more about photosynthesis here


how does new traits become common?


Individuals with adaptive traits—traits that give them some advantage—are more likely to survive and reproduce. These individuals then pass the adaptive traits on to their offspring. Over time, these advantageous traits become more common in the population

Answer:constant repeat of the traits


how many bones in human body?



206 bones in the adult human

if you select for two closely related species of bacteria on media and distinguish between them through sugar fermentation, which type of medium is this?


Specific species can develop on selective media, whereas differential media are used to separate one species from another.

What is fermentation explain?

fermentation is an aerobic chemical method that breaks away molecules like glucose. More specifically, fermentation is really the foaming that happens during the creation both beer and wine. a procedure that has been around for at least 10,000 years.

What happens during fermentation?

The breakdown of carbohydrates occurs by the enzyme of microbes during fermentation in the absence of air. Microbes like bacteria and fungi are able to produce enzymes that really can break down a variety of sugar molecules because they have special metabolic genes.

To know more about fermentation visit:


With the help of diagram explain how exchange of gases occurs in leaf of a plant.
Please I need it asap



The stomata will take in Carbon dioxide while the cell membrane will release oxygen


What role does the chicken play



Secondary Consumer


How is ATP is involved in making sugars in photosynthesis?



For plants, this is a particularly important source of ATP because ATP is also required for the first glucose synthesis process. Without a supply of ATP produced by photosynthetic processes, plants would be caught in a "catch-22" position where they would need to produce glucose in order to manufacture ATP.

How is pH measured?


The pH is the quantitative measurement of acidity or basicity of a solution. This can be measured using a pH meter or pH paper (photo shown below). Its scale is from 0 (most acidic) to 14 (most basic).


what is the effect energy is transferred through the circulation of heated molecules?


Kinetic energy is the energy that is transferred through the circulation of heated molecules.

What is the effect of the transfer of heat energy?

If two bodies at different temperatures are conducted together, energy is transferred i.e. heat flows from the hotter body to the colder. The effect of this transfer of energy normally, but not always, is an increase in the temperature of the colder body and a reduction in the temperature of the hotter body. This is called conduction and is a very effective method of heat transfer in metals. However, air conducts heat poorly.  Heat transfer is defined as the process in which the molecules are moved from a region of higher temperature to a lower temperature.

So we can conclude that Conduction is the transfer of heat energy from one matter to another or within a substance.

Learn more about heat transfer here:


Refer to the diagram below.

Which type of biomolecule is it?

A. Carbohydrates
B. Lipids
C. Nucleic Acids
D. Proteins


Carbonhydrates or A is the answer because it has sugars
carbohydrates should be correct

A(n) ___ worldview puts humans above the earth.

A. planetary-management and stewardship
B. none of these
C. planetary-management
D. environmental-wisdom
E. stewardship
F. all of these


Answer: C


The results of zajonc's study on cockroaches and social facilitation showed __________.


The results of zajonc's study on cockroaches and social facilitation showed

similar results in humans. This led to his theory of social facilitation.

Moreover, Social facilitation is a phenomenon in which people show increased levels of effort and performance when in the presence of others whether real, perceived, implied, or virtual compared to their level of effort and performance when alone.

In addition, social facilitation is thought to involve three factors, including physiological factors, cognitive factors, and affective factors, which are anxiety and self-presentation. A tendency to perform simple or well-rehearsed tasks better in the presence of others than alone. Social inhibition. The tendency to perform complex or difficult tasks worse in the presence of others is called social facilitation.

You can learn more about this at:


Recessive lethal alleles tend to be more common than dominant lethal alleles in part because.


Dominant lethal alleles are those that only need to be present in one copy in an organism to be fatal. These alleles are uncommon in populations because they usually kill an organism before it can pass on its lethal allele to its offspring.

Lethal alleles (also known as lethal genes or lethals) are alleles that cause the organism that carries them to die. They are typically caused by mutations in genes that are required for growth or development. Huntington's disease, a neurological disorder that reduces life expectancy, is one example of a disease caused by a dominant lethal allele.

Because Huntington's disease develops slowly, people who carry the allele can pass it on to their children. If both recessive alleles of this gene are present in the same person, it results in death. Because a certain level of protein output is maintained, recessive lethal alleles do not cause death in the heterozygous form.

To learn more about lethal alleles, here


Question 2 of 10
What is the likely effect of increasing the use of fossil fuels?
O A. Pollution levels and their effects will decrease.
B. Global warming will steadily decrease.
C. Biodiversity will decrease in most ecosystems.
D. Ecosystems will become more resilient.


It’s c because the other 3 things are good for the environment so it has to be the one that is bad

Which of these is a qualitative observation?A. The length of time during which something is measuredB. The amount of each type of chemical in a water sampleC. An outcome that proves a hypothesis is wrongD. The appearance of something stated in descriptive words


Observation is made either through qualitative or quantitative way. Using the five senses to be able to collect data is a research method using qualitative observation. It is based on the sensory organs of the researcher and considered as a subjective method of collecting data. Using numerical and statistical parameter in collecting data for a research is a quantitative observation. It is associated with the use of values that can be counted.

An outcome that proves a hypothesis is wrong is referred to as a failed hypothesis.

Answer - Option D. The appearance of something stated in descriptive words

Which of the following organisms is would you expect to be most abundant in the tall grass prairie ecosystem?


The animals that will be present abundantly in the tall grass prairie ecosystem are: (2) White-tailed deer and cottontail rabbits.

Ecosystem can be defined as the surroundings and the species together of an area.  Thus, every ecosystem has its own specific type of environmental conditions and also the plant and animal species. The examples of ecosystem are: rainforest, savanna, steppe, taiga, tundra, etc.

Prairies are a type of grasslands and are also an example of ecosystem. The prairies are long stretches of flat lands that contain grasses with very few trees. The prairies are abundant in the regions of North America.

The question is incomplete, the complete question is:

Which of the following organisms is would you expect to be most abundant in the tall grass prairie ecosystem?

Grasses and flowering plantsWhite-tailed deer and cottontail rabbitsBobcats and CoyotesHarriers and kestrels

To know more about prairies, here


do you support the lgbtg community


Answer: No


I hope it dies

when an action potential reaches the end of an axon, the depolarization causes what ionic movement in the presynaptic cell?


Where the potential of the cell is higher than the resting potential, this results in the inward flow or influx of sodium ions or cations. When the action potential peaks, the sodium channels shut while the outflow of potassium happens.

Neurotransmitters are used by neurons to communicate. Neurotransmitters are released by the action potential as it develops inside the cell and assists in the transmission of impulses from one neuron to another.

The permeability of the voltage gated ion channels, as well as the existence of the myelin sheath, are in an appropriate state. Once the action potential is set off, the neuron's depolarization (2) causes sodium channels to open, allowing sodium ions to enter the cell and creating a net positive charge in the neuron in comparison to the extracellular fluid.

Learn more about to action potential visit here;


Where do the electrons in the electron transport chain come from?

NAD+ and FAD
N A D superscript plus, and , F A D

uppercase A T P

uppercase N A D H, and , F A D H subscript 2

glucose and pyruvate


According to the research, the correct option is NADH and FADH2. The electrons in the electron transport chain come from NADH and FADH2.

What is the electron transport chain?

It is the series of oxidation-reduction reactions that releases ATP in prokaryotes attached to the plasma membrane and in eukaryotes it is found in the inner membranes of chloroplasts and mitochondria.

In this sense, this process is capable of using the reducing power of NADH or FADH2 with a high energy level to transfer protons to the interior of the thylakoid or mitochondria membrane.

Therefore, we can conclude that electrons are transferred from NADH and FADH2 along the electron transport chain, while energy is released in the form of ATP.

Learn more about electron transport chain here:


Which answer is not a mechanism for evolution?


Random mutation is not an mechanism of evolution .

Five important factors for evolution mechanism are Natural Selection, genetic drift, gene flow, mutations, and non random mating. Through these process members of a population differs greatly in their traits.

Natural selection is the most important mechanism of evolution, other evolutionary mechanisms can also change the frequencies of traits in populations. These include mutation, genetic drift and migration. Natural selection have 5 basic and major components These are Variation (individual have variation in appearance and behavior ), Inheritance( traits are continuously passed on from parent to offspring), Selection, Time and Adaptation.

To learn more about Natural selection  , here


Which of the following correctly describes how two systems of the human body interact to carry out life processes?
The excretory system takes fluids into the body, and the digestive system disposes of excess fluids.
The digestive system takes oxygen into the body, and the respiratory system distributes it.
The circulatory system takes fluids into the body, and the excretory system disposes of excess fluids.
The respiratory system takes oxygen into the body, and the circulatory system distributes it.




The respiratory system takes oxygen into the body,and the circulatory system distributes it

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