In what situation would the allelefrequency of a population NOT change?A. when individuals move into or out of an environmentB. when there is no evolutionC. when mutations create new allelesD. when individuals choose their mates


Answer 1


B. when there is no evolution


Related Questions

Use the following scenario to answer questions 30-33
Jane really likes basil. She decided to find a way to make the basil grow faster by designing an
experiment. Jane took eight basil seeds and planted them in 8 pots that all received equal
amounts of sun. Each day Jane gave each of the eight plants equal amounts of water. The eight
plants were divided into four groups, A-D. The two plants in Plant group A received only water.
Plants Group B, received a cup of Miracle-Gro solution mixed at 25% less than the
recommended concentration once a week in place of the water. Plants in group C, received
Miracle-Gro solution mixed exactly at the recommended concentration once a week in place of
water, and the two plants in group D, received a cup of Miracle-Gro solution mixed at 25% more
than the recommended concentration once a week in place of the water. After 30 days of
growth, Jane measured the height of each plant.
29 What is the independent variable in this experiment? (Hint: Recall that the independent
variable is the one that is different between groups)
30 What is the dependent variable in this experiment? (Hint: Recall that the dependent
variable is the one that is measured)
31 What is the control group in this experiment?
32 What variables were constant in the different groups?


The independent variable is the concentration of Miracle-Gro.

The dependent variable is the height of each plant group.

The control group in the experiment is group A.

The constant variables in the different groups are the amount of sunlight received, the growth period, seed variety, and humidity.

What is the plant growth experiment?

A factorial experiment includes the study of plant growth. Several factors (seed, water) that are set at various amounts and a response variable make up a factorial experiment (plant height). Numerous elements, including seed type, water content, soil type, amount of light, temperature, humidity, and others, have an impact on plant growth.

The variable that differs between groups is known as the independent variable.

The one being measured is the dependent variable.

The Control group is the one that does not receive the new treatment being looked on.  

To learn more about plant growth follow the link:


A niche is...A. the role an organism plays within an ecosystemB. the habitat that an organism lives inC. the areas where a species in is competition with anotherD. the food sources that one organism consumes


A niche of a species encompasses the physicial and environmental conditions that the species requires and, also, the interactions it has with other species. Therefore, the correct answer is A. the role an organism plays within an ecosystem

Base your answers to the questions on the data
table below and on your knowledge of biology.
The table below indicates the amount of oxygen
present at various water temperatures in a pond.

Which process performed by organisms produces
oxygen for the aquatic ecosystem?
A. respiration
B. replication
C. active transport
D. autotrophic nutrition


Based on the table, the process performed by organisms that produce oxygen for the aquatic ecosystem is autotrophic nutrition, which is photosynthesis (Option D).

What is the process of photosynthesis?

The process of photosynthesis refers to a type of energy and mass production observed in autotrophic organisms such as algae in aquatic ecosystems which is known to generate oxygen as a product of these reactions.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that the process of photosynthesis is able to generate oxygen during these types of chemical reactions in autotrophic organisms.

Learn more about the process of photosynthesis here:


will a diamond leave a streak on a streak plate? explain


a diamond will not leave a streak and a streak plate because diamonds are harder than the unglazed porcelain streak plate.

Which of the following is an Autotroph?A. TigerB. Primary consumerC. OaktreeD. Decomposer



C. Oaktree


Animals like the tiger must make their own food and these are termed heterotrophs.

Process of Oxidation of NADH to NAD+ during aerobic respiration.


NAD+ is regenerated when the electrons from NADH are given into the mithocondrial membrane, in the electron transport chain. These electrons are used to sustain the proton gradient, that allows the production of ATP.

Which is an example of an organ systemA.the compartments that make up the liver and control its function.B.the brain, spinal cord, and nerves working together for one purpose.C.the lining of the intestine.D.lungs taking in oxygen.


An organ system is a group of organs that work together to do a certain function in the organisms body. This can be seen in the alternative B, that represents the nervous system (the brain, spiral cord, and nerves working together for one purpose).

Is the enzyme for lactose being made with the repressor not in place?


The lactase is an enzyme in the small intestine that breaks lactose into simpler sugar forms (galactose and glucose) that can be absorbed to generate energy. That sugar is important for gene regulation because it is linked to the Lac operon, the repressor for this structure prevents the DNA transcription, if the repressor is not in place the operon works and the enzyme is produced, being the lac repressor innately active in the absent of lactose.

does earth has all elements needed for human survival​



Carbon is the element which has all living things.It has ability to form complex molecules.Carbon is made inside the ends of fusion cycle.

What is sustainability in biology


General category: Biology.

Sub-category: Ecology

Topic: Natural resources


The term sustainability describes how biological systems remain diverse and productive over time.


Sustainability refers to how biological systems remain productive over time. In particular, the term sustainability is described as the balance of a species with its resources in its specific environment. On the other hand, sustainable development is exercising the correct use of current resources without compromising those of future generations. Therefore, sustainable processes preserve, protect and conserve current and future natural resources.

We can conclude that the correct answer is:


Sustainability refers to how biological systems remain productive over time. In particular, the term sustainability is described as the balance of a species with its resources in its specific environment.

What is the smallest unit of study in the area ofBiology?A. organ systemsB. tissuesC. ecosystemsD. molecules


The smallest unit of study in the area of biology is molecules, because they are the units from which all the structures and components of the cell (the fundamental unit of life) are formed.

What structure of the leaf transports water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves?A. Cell wallB. ChloroplastC. PhloemD. Xylem


The correct answer is the letter D. XYLEM

Xylem is a main component of vascular tissue in plants that is responsible for transporting water and nutrients from roots to plants' leaves.

Which of the following is not a form of energy





Electric energy is the energy caused by the movement of the electric charges. The moving electric charges form the kinetic energy, thus electrical is the from of energy.

Thermal energy is the energy which usually comes from the heat.This heat is generated by the movement of tiny particles within an object. Thus, thermal energy is the form of energy.

Nuclear energy is the energy which comes from the splitting atoms in a reactor to heat water into steam and generate electricity. Thus, nuclear energy is the form of energy.

The magnets cannot be used to generate energy, as it is kind of a force which attracts a body from the another body, therefore the magnetic is not the form of energy.

The information below shows the different genotypes that were observed during the meiosis simulation and the number of copies of each genotype that were present at the end of all rounds of meiosis. Use this info to answer the below question:

EAD- 6
EaD- 19
Ead- 25
eAd- 19

Which genotype that were observed in one or more daughter cells was also present in the parental cell?
Which were ONLY in the daughter cell? Which were ONLY in the parental cell?


Ead-25 genotype that were observed in one or more daughter cells was also present in the parental cell.

EAD- 6 genotype were ONLY in the daughter cell.

What do you mean by genotypes?

An organism's genotype is its specific combination of alleles for a given gene. So, for example, in the pea plants above, the possible genotypes for the flower-color gene were red-red, red-white, and white-white. The phenotype is the physical manifestation of an organism's allelic combination.

Moreover, genotype, the genetic constitution of an organism. The genotype determines the hereditary potentials and limitations of an individual from embryonic formation through adulthood. Among organisms that reproduce sexually, an individual's genotype comprises the entire complex of genes inherited from both parents.

Hence, alleles of the same gene are either autosomal dominant or recessive. An autosomal dominant allele will always be preferentially expressed over a recessive allele. The subsequent combination of alleles that an individual possesses for a specific gene is their genotype.

Learn more about genotypes:


1. A student prepared three different red blood cell suspensions as follows:SuspensionContentsA red blood cells + normal blood serumB red blood cells + 10% salt solutionсred blood cells + distilled waterWhich suspension, when viewed under the microscope, would contain red blood cells that appear wrinkled and reduced in volume?O Suspension AO Suspension BSuspensionООO None of these suspensions


Suspension B will have cells that appear shrinked

All of the following are located in the cytoplasm except:a) chloroplastb) nucleolusc) rough endoplasmic reticulumd) mitochondriae) lysosome


All of the following are located in the cytoplasm except (b) nucleolus. The nucleolus is located inside the nucleus. It is concentrated with chromosomes giving its dark appearance.

Which diagnostic test evaluates the spinal cord using a radiopaque dye and an X-ray?
O myelogram
O brain scan
O encephalography
O PET scan


Answer: Myelogram


(01.03 LC)In order to measure the mass of water, it needs to bein a containerin spaceITon a surfacewarmed up



-In a container


The mass of a liquid can be measured by knowing the density and volume. The volume can be known if I put the liquid in a container whose volume is known or in a graduated container.

Alligators are large predators located throughout the southeast. They have large tails that act as rudders and webbed feet. These adaptations make alligators well suited for life in aA)swamp.B)forest.C)estuary.D)salt marsh.


Answer: A


Powerful tail used for swimming. Eyes and nostrils on the top of their head so they can remain submerged while breathing and keeping an eye out. A “third eyelid” called the nictitating membrane sweeps sideways across the eye to protect the eye during feeding and diving

Is protein synthesis important to the process of muscle cell relaxing? Explain.

1) No, protein synthesis is not important because the ions enter and exit cell passively via the cell membrane.

2) Yes, protein synthesis is important because the ions exit the cell via mediated transport passively.

3) Yes, protein synthesis is important because the ions exit the cell via mediated transport actively

(help need soon. thank u so much)


Asking whether protein synthesis is important to the process of muscle cell relaxing, the response will be option 3. Yes, protein synthesis is important because the ions exit the cell via mediated transport actively.

Why is protein synthesis important?

Protein synthesis is the activities through which cells make proteins. Protein synthesis is important purposely for the process of muscle relaxation so also muscle contraction. Considering muscle relaxing and contraction, particular ions are needed to be transported across the muscle cell membrane which can flow either from out to in or in to out.

Therefore, the correct answer is as given above.

learn more about Protein synthesis:


how you can determine if you are looking at a Zygomycetes, Ascomycetes, or Basidiomycetes. What structures would you be looking for? Are they Sexual? Asexual?


You are looking at fungi and the structure  Zygomycetes, Ascomycetes, or Basidiomycetes are used for sexual reproduction .

Zygomycota generally harvest spores inside sporangia. Ascomycota harvest spores inside asci while Basidiomycota produce spores on a platform called a basidium. The spores produced by Basidiomycota are generally made using sexual reproduction.

Zygomycota is having non-septate hyphae with numerous nuclei. Their hyphae blends during sexual reproduction to yield a zygospore in a zygosporangium. Ascomycota (sac fungi) form spores in sacs called asci during sexual reproduction. sexual reproduction is their common phenomenon of reproduction.

To learn more about fungi , here


A barracuda stalking a school of parrot fish is an example of(A) altruistic behavior.(B) cognitive behavior.(C) competitive behavior.(D) foraging behavior. I think it’s answer (C) but I just want to make sure!


Here we have a barracuda a predator fish and parrotfish as prey, now if we analyze each available option we can see that option A is not correct as there is no benefit for the parrotfish, option B is not correct either as predation is an instinctive behavior. Now with option C, we must be careful as in the first place predation leads to competition, however, in this case, there is no mention of other predator fish be another barracuda, or other species meanwhile option D, foraging behavior implies the consumption of food, seeking, selection and manipulation of it so in this particular case, stalking a school of fish falls under this category, therefore option D is the correct answer.

Congenital deafness in humans is due to the homozygous condition of either of the recessive genes d or e, or both of these genes. Both dominant D and E are necessary for normal hearing. Gene D/d affects the middle ear, while gene E/e affects the inner ear as indicated by E It does not matter how good the normal inner ear is: if there is something wrong in the middle ear, the individual is unable to hear. The same applies for the other gene. Give the phenotypic results of the following crosses: c) ddEE x DD eed) Dd EE x Dd ee


To make the punnet's square first we need to combine the allele to obtain the gametes possibilities. Then we make the cross to obtain the possible offspring

1 DdEE x 2 Ddee


1: DE / DE / dE / dE

2: De / De / de / de

Now we obtain the phenotypic ratios:

Given that dd/ee = deafness then:

4/16 of the offspring will have congenital deafness because of the genotype: ddEe specifically because of the dd alleles.

6 Before she leaves for school, Zari receives a text from her mom asking her to grab the chicken for tonight’s dinner out of the freezer to thaw. Where should Zari place the chicken so that it is ready when her mom gets home to start dinner? A. on the counter B. in a bowl of warm water C. in the refrigerator D. in the oven on low temp


Zari should place the chicken on the counter .

Zari should place the chicken on the counter because mom needs the chickens for dinner in night . Thawing means to go from frozen to liquid or soft usable form .

Thawing is needed for making the freeze materials into usable form that requires melting of ice and becoming soft .  People use to preserve chickens in the refrigerator for long and safe use . But , before cooking the chicken it is needed to be thawed so to melt the ice and in order that is should be cooked properly .

To learn more about Thawing , here


Use the internet to research advertising materials for electric cars. Draw inferences from the advertisements about the relationship between electric cars and fossil fuel use. Then, research credible sources to determine if the claims of the advertisements are accurate. As you are researching, think about whether there is any important or relevant information excluded from the advertisements. If so, what information is left out? If that information was included in advertisements, how would it alter a buyer's opinion of electric cars?



Electric vehicles (EVs) offer an opportunity to replace fossil fuels in the transport sector. Electrification of the transport sector can also bring benefits in terms of increased energy efficiency and reduced local pollution. However, there are genuine concerns about meeting the future energy demand for charging EV batteries with clean and renewable sources. More importantly, the issue of long-term sustainability of EVs is underscored by the supply risks of critical material resources used in the EV batteries. Extraction of some of these material resources are linked to significant environmental impacts as well as social and ethical issues.


4. There are several biomes that are not marked "diverse" or "non-diverse." How would you describe those biomes? (3 points)


Biomes are large areas characterized by its soil, climate, vegetacion, and wildlife. There are five major types of biomes: grassland, florest, tundra, desert, and aquatic, they still can be divided into more specific categories, such as marine (aquatic), rainflorest (florest), savanna (grassland/desert), and others. The diversity of these biomes can be based in the animails and plants of the biome, diverse biomes have a wide variety of species and are considered more livable with less environment pressure and challenges that make the area more conducive to higher diversity. The Topical florests are widely considered to have the greatest species diversity of the terrestrial biomes, with nice climate and food for the wildlife. The non-diverse biomes have extreme conditions that make them have lower diversity, for example, tundra and deserts have low diversity because of the climate and the condictions of soil and water.

What type of relationship
exists in microbiomes
between bacteria and
A. Predator/Prey
B. Competition
C. Mutualism this
D. Parasitism



c) Mutualism


Mutualism is the type of relationship which exists in microbiomes between bacteria and humans. Hence, option (c) is correct.

Mutualism is a type of relationship exists in microbiomes between bacteria and humans.

Option C is correct.

What is the connection between bacteria and people?

The human intestine and many of its symbionts have a mutually beneficial relationship in which the intestine supplies nutrients to the resident bacteria while the bacteria help with food digestion and nutrient absorption, produce vitamins like biotin and vitamin K, and control immune system activity.

What kind of connection exists between microbes and humans?

Individual variations in the microbiome influence host health, may be implicated in disease genesis, and affect drug metabolism, toxicity, and efficacy. Humans have established intimate symbiotic connections with a consortium of gut bacteria (microbiome).

To know more about Microbiomes visit:-


I need help with this practice problem solving *****Answer in your own words*****Give a general description of the plant species: Dandelions and


Dandelions can grow up to 12 inches. The petals of the flower are long spatula like. And the stem of the plant has a funnel for rain for the root.

On the pH scale, what is
considered acidic?
A. below 7 this
B. 7
C. above 7


A. below 7

On a pH scale, 7.0 is considered neutral, while values higher than 7.0 are basic, and values less than 7.0 are acidic.

The result of the following cross indicates the orange eyes are _____ black eyes.


The result of the following cross indicates that orange eyes would be recessive to black eyes.

According to Mendel, a cross between two people who are heterozygous for a dominant trait would result in offspring with a 3:1 phenotypic ratio, with the dominant trait making up around 75% of the phenotype and the recessive trait making up the remaining 25%.

The black eye color phenotype in this instance is 247, whereas the orange eye color phenotype is 86.

Calculating each trait's proportion

247/333 ×100%, or 74.1%, are black eyes.

Orange eye: (86/333 x 100%) = 25.8%

74.1:25.8 is approximately 3:1

It follows that black eyes are dominant and orange eyes are recessive.

Learn to know more about Cross on


The given question is incomplete. The complete question is:

The result of the following cross indicates the orange eyes are _____ black eyes. A cross between two aliens with black eyes. Their offspring have two phenotypes. 247 of them have black eyes, and 86 of them are orange-eyed. The total number of offspring is 333.

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