Part A
What does the word succinct mean in the paragraph?


Answer 1

Answer:  clear and short; expressing what needs to be said without the use of unnecessary words.

Related Questions

What is cooperating with the other party to find a mutually satisfactory solution called?


Cooperating with the other party to find a mutually satisfactory solution called collaboration.

Cooperating with the other party to understand their worries and communicating your own concerns in an effort to create a mutually beneficial solution is what it means to collaborate (win-win).Although there are several tactics we might employ in conflict situations, each of us has a tendency to choose particular tactics over others out of habit. We should employ the technique that is most suitable for that specific conflict circumstance in order to end a disagreement as successfully as possible. However, it's possible that we don't always employ that tactic.

Thus the answer is collaboration.

Refer here to learn more about collaboration:


Why do simons interactions with other character in lord of the flies relate to their loss of humanity?




it is b just took the test

What is the first thing that you do before performing the activity?


Warming up first is a good way to reduce the risk of injury and prepare the body and mind for exercise.

Get cosy. One should warm up before working out. One can improve your athletic performance and lessen the chance of injury by doing this. Additionally, it can help with flexibility and post-workout pain relief.

Additionally, dynamic flexibility exercises that target warming up the particular muscle areas that will be engaged during activity should be incorporated. After working out, it's important to cool down. Within the first ten minutes of exercise, the heart rate increases, boosting alertness and suppressing pain signals while also increasing the blood supply to the brain. Depending on the length and intensity of the exercise, the body then utilises a variety of energy systems.

To learn more about flexibility, tap here:


What core values say Im open-minded?


Openness is a strong value that promotes cooperation and opens doors. Make sure your team members see it as a visible activity.

Enthusiasm, sincerity, progressivism, empathy, sensitivity, conscientiousness, acceptance, pragmatism, observational, perceptive, and malleable qualities.

One must take a risk in order to be creative, adventurous, and open-minded. In essence, Fundamental Value #3 is a "put your neck out core value." Cardinal Group has remained active and challenged the industry's status quo since the beginning of the company's inception.

I believe that we are where we are because we never listened to anyone who told us "no!" or "that won't work," or "you're too young" or "you don't have enough experience," etc.

Learn more about to core values  visit here;


ethical choices are made based on moral principles and values while legal choices are made according to the law. True/false?


True. Ethical choices are made based on moral principles and values while legal choices are made according to the law.

Ethical choices are based on moral principles and values, whereas legal choices are based on the law. Trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and good citizenship are core character values that guide ethical decision-making. Ethical choices lead to ethical behaviors, which form the basis for good business practices.

An ethical choice fosters trust and thus demonstrates responsibility, fairness, and concern for an individual. To be ethical, one must show respect and responsibility.

While governmental laws govern legal choices, ethical choices are not always based on a legal basis. Legal choices are useful because they help people understand what they are and are not permitted to do, whereas ethical choices are primarily based on natural principles of right and wrong.

For more information on Ethical and legal choices, visit :


Does the House have the power to ratify amendments?


The amendment must then be ratified by three-fourths of the state legislatures or three-fourths of the ratification conventions called in each state.

What are the 2 ways to ratify an amendment?

Amendments must be approved by three-fourths of state legislatures or ratifying conventions in three-fourths of the states in order to be ratified.

How many amendments did the House approve?

The House of Representatives debated Madison's proposal that summer, and on August 24, the House passed 17 amendments to the constitution.

Who makes amendments to Constitution?

There are three methods for amending the Constitution: Parliamentary amendment by simple majority. Parliamentary amendment by special majority. Amendment requires a special majority in Parliament and the approval of at least half of the state legislatures.

Is it hard to ratify an amendment?

The amendment process is difficult and time-consuming: a proposed amendment must be approved by two-thirds of both houses of Congress, then ratified by three-fourths of the state legislatures. In the 1980s, the ERA Amendment failed to gain the necessary majority in state legislatures.

learn more about amendments visit:


What is the conceptual definition of academic achievement?


Academic accomplishment is generally understood to be the present state of a student's learning.

Academic accomplishment more explicitly refers to the proportion of pupils in a school whose learning currently meets or surpasses their grade-level benchmarks for ESSA accountability.Academic success is defined by performance results in intellectual disciplines covered in school, college, and university courses. Academic success is the most crucial need for both individual and society development since it is a measure of intellectual education.Academic performance/achievement is determined by continuous assessment or cumulative grade point average and indicates how well a student, instructor, or institution has met their short- or long-term educational goals (CGPA).The term "academic" is used to refer to activities that take place in schools, colleges, and universities, particularly those that focus more on study and critical thinking than on practical or technical abilities.

Thus this is the conceptual definition of academic achievement.

Refer here to learn more about academic achievement:\


How many MV BTS reached 1 billion?


BTS's track Butter officially reached 1 billion streams on Spotify on October 12th.

The 21st of May 2021 saw the release of this hit song. This is the group's second successful song as of late. Bangtan previously achieved 1 billion streams with the well-known song "Dynamite." With six singles that reached the top of the charts, BTS was ranked first. The boy band's "My Universe," which was published in September 2021, is included in it for the first decade of data Billboard has released this year. Drake, a Canadian musician and rapper with five songs on the chart, is one of the well-known performers on the list. An advertisement for Nike ran in November 2005.

To learn more about Canadian please click on below link


How does tan build a central idea of her story in the excerpt? tan discusses the form of language she uses with her family to support the idea that nonstandard english is only appropriate at home. tan describes a realization she makes while with her husband to support the idea that nonstandard forms of english are important forms of communication. tan compares the english of her childhood with the english of her adulthood to support the idea that adults should use standard english with children. tan relates a story about her husband to support the idea that people do not always understand each other, even when they speak the same language.


In the given excerpt from Mother Tongue, Tan describes a realization she makes while with her husband to support the idea that nonstandard forms of English are important forms of communication. (Option B)

Mother Tongue is nonfiction narrative essay by Amy Tan. It was originally delivered as a talk by Tan during the 1989 State of the Language Symposium. It was published by The Threepenny Review in 1990. The essay explores Tan relationship with the English language, her mother, and writing. In the given excerpt from the essay, Tan builds a central idea of her story through a realization that as she switches her English, her husband does not notice as it has become language of intimacy over their twenty years relationship, a different sort of English that relates to family talk. Hence, she realizes the idea that nonstandard forms of English are important forms of communication.

Note: The question is incomplete. The complete question probably is: Read the excerpt from Mother Tongue. “Just last week, I was walking down the street with my mother, and I again found myself conscious of the English I was using, the English I do use with her. We were talking about the price of new and used furniture and I heard myself saying this: “Not waste money that way.” My husband was with us as well, and he didn’t notice any switch in my English. And then I realized why. It’s because over the twenty years we’ve been together I’ve often used that same kind of English with him, and sometimes he even uses it with me. It has become our language of intimacy, a different sort of English that relates to family talk, the language I grew up with”. How does Tan build a central idea of her story in the excerpt? A) Tan discusses the form of language she uses with her family to support the idea that nonstandard English is only appropriate at home. B) Tan describes a realization she makes while with her husband to support the idea that nonstandard forms of English are important forms of communication. C) Tan compares the English of her childhood with the English of her adulthood to support the idea that adults should use standard English with children. D) Tan relates a story about her husband to support the idea that people do not always understand each other, even when they speak the same language.

Learn more about Mother Tongue:



its B


Tan describes a realization she makes while with her husband to support the idea that nonstandard forms of English are important forms of communication

What are the 5 elements of setting?


A novel's setting, which includes time, location, mood, and social and cultural background, helps it feel authentic and alive.

Setting, storyline, characters, conflict, and theme are the five essential components of a tale that are covered in this song. If you don't identify these five components whether analyzing a short story, novel, epic poetry, drama, or film, you aren't searching hard enough. A story's location may alter as the storyline progresses. The environment contains physical features like a beach or mountains, climatic conditions, and social or cultural elements like a school, theater, gathering place, club, etc. The components of time, location, and environment make up the three different sorts of settings (both physical and social). Every one of these kinds helps to

To learn more about Setting please click on below link


What is the theme of the story and how does the title suit the story?


In other words, the theme is the story's overarching message. In contrast to novels, which typically feature numerous topics, most short tales focus on just one. All of the story's elements—the characters, their relationships, and their goals and actions—illustrate the story's central topic.

It is common practice for authors to select titles for their stories and other published texts and works of art. A title can serve many purposes, including introducing the work to the reader, providing some background, providing a brief synopsis, and piquing the reader's interest.

A theme is a reoccurring notion, concept, or lesson that reflects the character's internal journey through the story's exterior plot and connects with the reader.

To know more about the theme and title of a story:


How serious is open heart?


Open heart surgery is a serious procedure that needs urgent post-operative care and constant observation. After the surgery, it's typical for a patient to have further treatment in the intensive care unit (ICU) for a few days.

Any procedure in which the chest is opened and the heart's muscles, valves, or arteries are operated on is considered open-heart surgery.

The most typical kind of adult cardiac surgery is coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)Trusted Source. A healthy artery or vein is grafted (connected) to a blocked coronary artery during this procedure. This enables the transplanted artery to "bypass" the obstructed artery and supply the heart with new blood.

Traditional heart surgery is another name for open-heart surgery. Many modern cardiac treatments may now be carried out using only tiny incisions rather than large ones. Therefore, it may be deceptive to refer to open heart surgery as such.

learn more about open-heart to visit this link


The passage below (lines 130-137) mainly suggests that the narrator, Hà, .

I don’t know where to sit
any more than
I know how to eat
the pink sausage
snuggled inside bread
shaped like a corncob,
smeared with sauces
yellow and red.



This is an excerpt from Thanhha Lai's poem "inside out and back again". This is a poem about a Vietnamese immigrant girl who doesn't know where she belongs.


She does not understand English, and no one speaks Vietnamese. It is a poem that expresses the feelings of a young girl.

This stanza depicts a scene from the cafeteria in which she enters for the first time and is unsure where she belongs because there are two divisions. One side was made up of white students, while the other was made up of black students. She has brown skin and sees no place for herself. She then describes her meal and contrasts its colors with those of Vietnam.

you can be arrested for not stopping when the vehicle performing a stop is a marked law enforcement vehicle. True/False ?


You can be arrested for not stopping when the vehicle performing a stop is marked as a law enforcement vehicle. Answer – True.

What are Traffic rules?Traffic signs including stop signs, speed limit signs, and no entry signs should all be clearly understood by drivers. Government does not create traffic laws or traffic signals to make money. It is done to keep us safe.The traffic laws, which include driving at a reasonable speed, staying out of banned areas, and slowing down your car when you need to, help us gain experience. It lessens the likelihood of accidents. "Slow and steady wins the race," goes a proverb. You can only find time for your family and the larger national service when you are safe. So drive carefully and arrive at your destination without incident.

To learn more about Traffic rules refer to:


Can you peel potatoes ahead of time for potato salad?


Yes you can just be careful when you do it is special

What is the general meaning of the poem?


A poem is a piece of literature in which the words are deliberately chosen for their beauty & sound, and they are structured in lines that are frequently short and rhyme. Synonyms include verse, lyric, song, and rhyme.

The information the poet conveys to the reader is what is meant by a poem's meaning. Poetry, sometimes known as poetry, is a kind of literature that evokes meanings in addition to or instead of a prosaic ostensible meaning by using the aesthetic and frequently rhythmic aspects of language, including such phonaesthetics, sound symbolism, & metre. A poem is indeed a literary work that a poet creates by adhering to this idea. Poetry has a rich and varied history that has changed in different ways across the world.

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determine whether each example below is correct as is, or includes a sentence fragment or a run-on sentence that needs to be fixed. have you ever seen the lights downtown during the holidays they are amazing. a. sentence fragment b. run-on sentence c. correct as is


Answer: b run-on-sentence


cause I tried it

What are the 4 types of literature?


There are four main categories of literature: poetry, theatre, fiction, & creative nonfiction.

Any body of written work can be deemed literature, but the term is sometimes used more precisely to refer to writings that are expressly regarded as works of art, particularly prose fiction, drama, & poetry. The concept has been broadened to encompass oral literature in recent centuries, most of which has been recorded. In addition to functioning as a means of conserving information and providing enjoyment, literature may also serve social, psychological, spiritual, or political purposes.

Works in numerous non-fiction genres, like biography, diaries, memoir, correspondence, and the essay, can also be considered literature as an art form. Non-fictional books, essays, or other written material about a particular subject are included in literature, according to its broad definition.

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What images does the word Kristallnacht, or its English translation, “night of broken glass,” bring to mind? What words and phrases do the three narrators of the selection—Alfons, Helen, and the author—use that help you form mental pictures of the events happening across Germany on the night of November 9, 1938? Use specific details from the excerpt to support your response.


Scenes of broken windows, theft, and an atmosphere of chaos and devastation.

What was Kristallnacht?

The Nazi Party's Sturmabteilung paramilitary forces and common citizens all around Nazi Germany carried out the massacre against Jews known as Kristallnacht or the Night of Broken Glass, also known as the November Massacre, on November 9–10, 1938. Without intervening, the German specialists just watched. As attackers destroyed buildings with sledgehammers, Ewish houses, medical clinics, and schools were thoroughly searched. In Germany, Austria, and the Sudetenland, rioters destroyed 267 places of worship. Almost 7,000 Jewish organizations suffered injury or were destroyed. Thirty thousand Jewish men were taken prisoner and sent to the execution camps. No event in the history of German Jews between the years of 1933 and 1945, according to English antiquarian Martin Gilbert, has ever been as well reported as it was at the time, and the accounts of foreign columnists working in Germany have garnered widespread attention.

Scenes of broken windows, theft, and an atmosphere of chaos and devastation.

To know more about Kristallnacht, visit:


What are the main events in chapter 9 of Animal Farm?


Napoleon, the father of all 31 piglets born to the four sows, orders the construction of a classroom for their instruction.

The supplies for the animals are gradually being decreased but the pigs' weight continues to increase. Napoleon is chosen as the next president when Animal Farm is finally declared a republic.Napoleon and Pilkington exchange toasts. The pigs have discovered methods to make the animals in Animal Farm work harder and on less food than any other set of farm animals in the nation, and Mr. Pilkington says he looks forward to implementing these innovations on his own farm.However, despite being obese and intoxicated, the pigs appear to be doing perfectly fine. Boxer loses his balance after exerting himself too much; it appears that he is ready to resign. He is taken to the "hospital" by the pigs, who actually mean the glue factory when they say hospital.

Thus these are the main events in chapter 9 of animal farm.

Refer here to learn more about chapter 9:


What is another name for split ends?


Basic split ends, sometimes referred to as classic split ends, are the most typical kind of splits.

These occur when the cortical cells of the hair, which are still mainly kept together, start to separate from one another. Basic split ends develop as a result of strain, friction, dryness, and dehydration. Exactly what do "split ends" mean? Damaged hair results in split ends when the tips of the hair shaft start to split and fray. A hair that has split into two or more pieces will be visible. Checking your hair is the easiest way to determine if you have them. Many people believe that split ends are only an issue for the hair tips, yet this type of hair damage can happen anywhere.

To learn more about cortical cells please click on below link


although this civilization lacked a written language, they developed a method of keeping track of data. this method known as quipu, was a set of knotted strings using color and knots to define categories and numbers. which civilization developed this method of record keeping?


Quipu was developed by the Incas Civilization.

Quipu was developed by the Incas. A quipu is a system that was used by the Incas and some other ancient Andean societies. Quipu is still used in moments. They use the quipu to be suitable to keep records or indeed to communicate information.

It's a data logging system used in South America. In the Incas language, quipu means knots. The whole system was grounded on a decimal positional system, with the largest numeric used being,10,000.

The Incas civilization is known for creating the largest conglomerate. occasionally appertained to as “ talking knots, ” they served as a jotting system.

To know more about Civilization,


what aspect of mise-en-scene does keaton use in the short comedic scenes through the locales be used during his voyage back to the south on the train?


Setting Keaton employs a certain aspect of mise-en-scene for the brief humorous bits set in various locations while riding the train back to the south.

Where do we use voyage?

In English, the word "voyage" refers to a long journey, even if in French it simply means "travel." Although the word "voyage" is frequently used in a literal sense to denote a protracted and thrilling travel or a trip involving sailing, such as a vacation, it can also have a figurative meaning.

What language is the text in Voyage?

Between 1987 and 1988, despite being fully sung in French, the song broke over the language problem on the pop charts and became a massive international hit, peaking at number one in more than 10 different European nations. The journey itself is meaningful as well. It stands for the changes taking place in Fenella's life.

To know more about Voyage visit:


Why does Hamlet allude to Hecuba?


This makes reference to two characters from the Roman epic poetry The Aeneid: Hecuba, the queen of Troy, and Priam's wife. Scene 2 of Act 3. I would like a someone like that.

Hecuba, Queen of Troy, whose tragedy came to define the genre in sixteenth-century Europe, is the figure that haunts Hamlet's brain as he muses on the charged power of the tragic theater. Hecuba offers a female Hamlet, a grieving mourner who craves vengeance.

The Hecuba sequence is probably one of the play's most crucial scenes, one could say. Hamlet devised a scheme to implicate Claudius in the murder of King Hamlet by staging a play that depicts the crime. This concept is motivated by the intensely emotive and potent

To learn more about devised  please click on below link


Why do we need to use or edit content?


We must use and edit the content of the

Wikis, both so that it is updated based

on the new discoveries, and so that the

information is not obsolete, leading to the

closure of said portal.

Wikis are a powerful tool to support learning across the curriculum and an essential component in developing digital citizenship. First and foremost, wikis enable true collaboration given that the pages within them may be jointly authored by groups of children. Unlike blogs and forums where the author’s posts may not be edited by others, the whole purpose of a wiki is for the initial post to be edited, improved and updated by successive authors.

Wikis lend themselves to activities that require children to present data and information through electronic means. Working collaboratively, they may easily present information in a variety of formats combing text. Images and media. The wiki is an ideal tool for collecting and analyzing information in the first place and developing the presentation as more contributions are made. This is enhanced as each stage in editing the wiki is invariably recorded in the audit trail enabling teachers and children to readily track progress, to restore and reinstate previous versions. This brings confidence to the editing process for all concerned. The audit trail also records who has authored specific versions.

To know more about Wikis visit:


Why do you think Dad continued to ask Billy how he liked the town?

a. They will be moving there.
b. Dad had never been there.
c. Dad heard all about it from Grandpa.
d. Dad wanted Mom to hear about it.


They claimed they wanted to relocate to a town so they could provide their kids a better schooling and give them more social opportunities Dad continued to ask Billy how he liked the town.

Billy visits the city to what end?

Billy brings some maize into town one morning so that Grandfather can use the mill from his shop to grind it into meal.

In lieu of what Billy requested, what did Pappa give him?

He claims that he wanted 2 coonhounds at the age of ten years old. He cannot have them, according to his Papa and Mama, since they are too pricey. Papa buys Billy three tiny steel traps to try to make him a little happier. Billy is ecstatic.

To know more abour Billy visit:


Which external conflict in One Hundred Years of Solitude is never resolved?
1. the feud between the Buendia and the Moscote family
2. the hatred between Fernanda and Petra Cotes
3. the emotional rift between Rebeca and Amaranta
4. the tension between Arcadio and the town of Macondo
5. the political rivalry between Liberals and Conservatives


The external conflict in One Hundred Years of Solitude that is never resolved is the emotional rift between Rebeca and Amaranta. Hence, Option C is correct.

What is the meaning of external conflict?

Characters in an external war are at odds with forces that are external to them. As a character strives to accomplish their aims, these outside factors obstruct their motivations and add tension.

Conflict that occurs outside of a person's control, usually between that person and nature, another person or people, or an occasion or circumstance.

The battle between two nations and ideas is the most evident example of external conflict. It represents character vs. character in this sense. The common goal of all soldiers is to survive. But they obstruct each other's attempts to survive.

Therefore, Option C is correct.

Learn more about external conflict from here:


in his speech, keenan underscored how aids was a widespread problem, offering the following points. which organizational pattern has he used?


In his address, keenan emphasized how pervasive the issue of widespread, making the following points. He has employed a "spatial" organizational pattern.

What exactly is a widespread issue?

An extensive phenomenon happens across an extensive region or to an extensive degree. Collins COBUILD's dictionary for esl students. A lot of people are paying attention to the election. Trade partners had dispersed far. There was a lot of opposition to the idea.

What exactly do the words "common" mean?

Wide spread, diffuse, or widespread presence. Interest in elections is widespread and dispersed geographically. Something which is widespread occurs over a wide region or to a significant degree.

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How do you maintain a good performance?


Take breaks, reduce stress, prioritize self-care, seek feedback, reconsider inefficient work practices, establish professional connections, practice information sharing, and encourage the development of new abilities.

Our performance should be improved on a regular basis. Not only for ourselves, but also for each of our teammates, we should be working hard to succeed.

The following suggestions will assist us in enhancing workplace performance by fostering a more productive environment that thrives on ongoing learning and progress.

In order to perform well, one should:

Set realistic expectations

Set milestones and goals

Organize, plan, and prioritize

Avoid distractions

Do one thing at a time

Don't leave things undone

Read something new every day

Communicate well

Acknowledge weak points and improve

Use the appropriate tools

Stay healthy

To know more about performance, visit:


creosote inc. operates a plant—a "major source"—that emits hazardous air pollutants for which the environmental protection agency has set maximum levels of emission. the plant does not use equipment to reduce its emissions. under the clean air act, this is most likely:_________


The answer to the question is Under the clean air act, this is most likely a violation. The act of violating someone or something is called a violation.

Additionally, it is the act of carrying out a prohibited action. Examples of infractions include verb He was taken into custody for breaking his parole. The business breached the privacy of its clients. Unknown invader assaulted her.Any action or omission that deprives the person served of any of his or her legal rights as stated in the law, in these regulations, or in any applicable Department Regulations constitutes a violation of human rights.Speeding is the most frequent form of driving infraction, claims Digital Journal. In actuality, 60 percent of all traffic infractions are caused by speeding. Sometimes you could find yourself exceeding the speed limit because you're attempting to keep up with traffic or are in a rush to get someplace.

Thus the answer is violation.

Refer here to learn more about violation:


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